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GENERAL HOSPITAL: Alexis Mourns Gregory Then Has a Showdown With Ava


On the Wednesday, May 29th episode of General Hospital, Alexis was having quite the emotional and trying day played to perfection by two-time Daytime Emmy winner, Nancy Lee Grahn.

In story, Finn (Michael Easton) stops by to see Alexis, who is reeling from the news of Gregory’s (Gregory Harrison) death. Wanting to talk about Gregory and to be there for Finn, Alexis listens to what happened when Finn found Gregory passed away in his bed. He then admits he drank a third of a bottle of bourbon sent as a gift from the Cerullos as part of Chase (Josh Swickard) and Brook Lynn’s (Amanda Setton) nuptial celebration.

Alexis says it makes sense that he drank, as he just went through a tragic loss and so he had a reason to break his sobriety. He says it doesn’t excuse what he did. Alexis tries to help Finn forgive himself. He knows she suffered a loss and is mourning Gregory, too.  She admits she wanted to drink, but she has not had one. She thinks it might be a two-a-day meeting kind of thing for them for a while. Finn says, he won’t drink again. She says, “For now.” They remain there for each other through their struggles.


Later, Diane (Carolyn Hennesy) comes by and Alexis apologizes to her for not being able to attend the reading of Gregory’s will, but she has a feeling he made her literary executor. Diane sort of confirms it. Alexis says she on her way to visit Ava (Maura West).  She regrets now, not being at Chase and Brook Lynn’s wedding, as she never thought that would be Gregory’s last day on earth.


Armed with what Fergus Bryne (Lane Davies) told her, Alexis heads to Ava’s gallery and accuses Ava of hiring Fergus to get her disbarred. Ava smugly admits she was very happy to watch her life implode after what she did to her late brother, Julian and how she threw him away.


At that point, Ava clearly tells Alexis she blames her for Julian’s death and that Alexis committed perjury and she has no one else to blame but herself. Alexis fires back that Ava will regret filing that complaint that helped get her disbarred.

It seems like more and more people have a reason to be angry and want payback against Ava? Could it be that Ava will be murdered? Are the rumors floating around that Maura West could be exiting the show possibly true, or is this all just a tease? What did you think of Nancy Lee Grahn’s performance in this episode? Share your thoughts and theories via the comment section below.

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This has been great material from Patrick Mulcahey and Elizabeth Korte. I’m sure he quit because he couldn’t deal with all the frustrated head writers on these forums.

I doubt he quit. I think most likely he was responsible for turning GH characters upside-down overnight which didn’t go over well. Anna and Laura seemed possessed; Laura went from a loving, loyal, friend who always looked at Sonny with affection and respect with her eyes of compassion she bestows on everyone but her own son, Nikolas, to raging resentment. She was completely rude and cold to Sonny in the blink of her once-friendly, warm, eyes. Anna, likewise, went from commiserating with Sonny & sharing deep, personal, feelings about the regrets in their lives as she accepted his 24/7 security guard to watch over her, to “I must lock this man up if it’s the last thing I do.” Joss didn’t want to be a doctor anymore, Willow didnt want to be a nurse, Nina didn’t want to own the hotel, Dante rethought being a cop, Dex became a cop, and Drew is suddenly running for office. It was like the whole town was possessed…

Most of us felt like we were watching another show. Familiar faces masking strangers. With that said, after the initial shock wore off and we adjusted to Upside-down World, the show has been, to me, better than it has been in over a decade. I do have a few things I can still point out as maddening, but for the most part it is so vastly improved; the writing so good, the dialogue poignant, the banter witty…and it’s a shame that he didn’t ease into his changes which probably resulted in a hailstorm of too many complaints that reached Valentini; or maybe showed in the ratings. That’s my take. Not sure if I’m correct but that’s what seems likely to me. I wish Valentini would reverse the firing if it was indeed his decision to let Mulcahey go.

Alrighty then.

I have heard that Patrick wasn’t responsible for those badly- written plot driven stories of which you speak. From what I understand, Patrick was relegated to writing dialogue and Elizabeth Korte was allowed to change his stories without consulting him. Korte was all about making Jason’s return all about Carly while Patrick wanted it be about Jason reacquainting himself with his family. In fact, Patrick wanted Jason to return still being Jason Morgan but harboring Jason Quartermaine’s memories. He apparently was shot down every time he tried to make improvements. Frank and by extension, Korte, (whose nickname on Twitter is Metro Korte) are responsible for the poor writing which have resulted in plummeting ratings. I was looking forward to seeing the results of Patrick’s excellent storytelling skills but he wasn’t given a chance. Insult to injury is that many viewers are blaming him for the lousy storytelling which he had nothing to do with.

Good observations (as usual) Harry. Jason’s return has been rather lackluster (almost like a dinner conversation, Jason’s back, please pass the potatoes).

Patrick’s fine writing was evident in some of the wedding scenes as well as Gregory’s passing (both lacking Carly’s presence).

I’ve seen Metro Korte. Also the Head Wrighter.

As for Laura being Heather’s chief advocate- that’s just plain nuts. Genie needs a better storyline (and hopefully gets it when she returns from her summer break). Maybe one of her adult kids gets out of prison, finally finds himself or wakes up from her multi year coma.

While we are long overdue for a good whodunnit, not sure they’re going there. They’ve been mentioning Connie for quite a bit recently. Whatever became of the recording of Ava’s confession? If I recall correctly, Paul (during his character assassination – oops I meant serial killer phase) said he destroyed the recording. Now, if that somehow turns up after 10 years, justice might actually be served. That said, Ava’s a great character played by an outstanding actress. Unless she wants to depart, she should remain on the show.

Thank you, Steve. Head Wrighter? Ha!! Yes, Laura championing Heather is infuriating. I’m old enough to remember when Heather escaped from an asylum to terrorize Nurse Anne Logan. This was decades before the hip
replacement surgery. Even Heather’s own mother knew her daughter was a bad seed.

You misunderstood part of what I said Harry. If he’s not to blame for all the upside-down world changes, so be it. That’s the only reason I can see for letting either one of them go. The other stuff has been great which is why I think Valentini should reverse his decision. I definitely don’t want to go back to the Van Etten writing; the endless Carly, the endless Nina as punching bag of the decade, and the absurdity of Willow wanting nothing to do with her, or the never-ending Carly’s arse being kissed and “loved dearly by all” after everything she did to Nina. I also don’t want a return to who-dies-next-by-what-deadly-disease. I think they’ve done enough fatal diseases for the next three hundred years….

I thought the wedding was beautiful, I loved Lois’s father, I’m loving the return of the Alexis/Diane witty banter, and I think it’s great that other characters have had story…glad to see Maxi and Spinelli reunied and Sasha and Cody moving forward. The Tracy/Gregory what-could’ve/should’ve been” was incredibly well-written, but it’s the last writing team that excelled in utter stupidity to write Gregory Harrison’s character to have a fatal disease, on the heels (to top it off) of Britt’s fatal disease, on the heels on Franco’s second brain tumor, brain dead babies, spina bifida, leukemia, Ocar’s brain tumor and other love-in-the-afternoon escapism delights (said with sarcasm). So my point was if it WAS Patrick turning everything upside down overnight that’s a shame because after the whiplash many of us suffered, the show has vastly improved and if he’s responsible for that too I hate to see him go. I can’t fathom why he would have been let go if it wasn’t for the ratings drop which seems to have been because of the too-soon, all-at-once, changes.

No matter how you cut it, Jason’s return has been a big failure. I love having Steve back, but he’s barely on and his scenes consist of brief conversations with Anna. I’d rather him have come back as Jason Quartermaine (the family NEEDS to return to the Quartermaines with the actors they have left: Wally Kurth, Steve Burton, Jane Elliott and they should bring back if they can Sean Kanan (I assume he’s still on Y&R but I’d love him back), Robert Palmer Watkins as Dillon, but I digress.

Do we know for sure it was Korte who turned all the characters upside down and unrecognizable? I was until recently on X quite often and kept up with who thought what, but for various reasons I decided to take a break from the toxicity.

Boy, the writers have given Ava all sorts of villain storylines this year, haven’t they? Next, we’ll find out she’s running Pikeman. I guess I don’t mind. At least they’re utilizing Maura instead of bringing on more new people. However, didn’t Ava distance herself from Julian just before he died? I don’t recall her being terribly upset nor surprised when he died. Maybe I’m mistaken.

The way Ava’s making so many enemies overnight makes me wonder if I should expect her arrival in Hell shortly. I know Julian would be OK with that. He could use an ally against his other sister, Olivia.

GH hasn’t done an actual “murder mystery” in a while, unless you count that “Hook” dragonshit… and that wasn’t so much a mystery as it was a travesty. Especially now that they’re trying to explain it all away as the result of a bad hip replacement.

I am a Maura fan, hence ATWT but not an Ava fan, so hope she’s gone in the near future, mostly for what’s she’s done to Sonny, hindering friends and family from finding out what’s really going on with him. Bad enough that Laura is all for forgiving Heather her many crimes, as you refer to, but she’s turned on Sonny for what and why, I can’t even remember.

Laura’s supposedly upset with Sonny because he beat the unholy shit out of Cyrus in a church. And then sent Dex to the hospital to finish the job… but called it off at the last second.

Now if Cyrus was an ordinary guy and had been a loving brother to Laura her entire life, this would be understandable. But Laura’s actual introduction to Cyrus was being shot at by his thugs when he announced his arrival in Port Charles with several hit attempts at the same time. And of course he also was behind the Floatiing Rib bombing that put her daughter in a coma, where she remains to this day.

And going back further, Sonny was literally standing right next to Laura when she visited Frank Smith in prison and told him to leave her famiily alone. And of course, Sonny & Luke finally took down Frank Smith together soon after that. Then there’s the family connections – both with Lulu & Dante’s marriage, as well as both of them being related to Spencer Cassadine. So for Laura to suddenly throw all that out the window is very much 666% out of character.

Meanwhile, Laura is trying to free Heather Weber, who has been a threat to society for 40 years, long before she had her hip replacement surgery. I hate hating Laura but she’s become both unrecognizable and insufferable.

Thanks for the info, my 90+ memory is turning to mush! Last night I Googled Heather, paragraph after paragraph since 1976 when she supposedly appeared on GH, trying somehow to justify. Laura’s out of character behavior. First of all, I didn’t read a damn thing about Heather having a hip operation and I did forget that Lulu is where she is thanks to Laura’s brother Cyrus, but I guess she has.Good thing Laura is married to a shrink if she starts having legitimate memory problems, I’ve noticed a puzzled look on her face these days, notably after talking to Curtis about Heather.

I’m thinking it could lead to a who- done-it? storyline as well. That doesn’t mean Ava necessarily has to die. After all, JR recovered from his gun shot wounds after the “ Who-shot-JR?”storyline was resolved.

Ava was about to kill Julian; she knew Sonny was after him because of the bomb he planted (which Cyrus forced him to plant) and Julian went to Ava for help. Instead, she told him that Sonny would hunt him down wherever he went and make her life miserable in the process, so she pointed a gun at him. Julian was pleading with her to just let him go, leave the country, but she wasn’t having it. Just at that moment Sonny walked in and Julian jumped into the water, and he later wound up somewhere where Sonny and Jason found him, Sonny ultimately killing him.

Sonny didn’t kill Julian. He and Jason were actually trying to SAVE Julian, though not entirely for altruistic reasons – they wanted him alive to testify against Cyrus the Virus about the bombing.

By the time Sonny & Jason found Julian on the bridge, he was already bleeding out from being shot up by Cyrus’s thugs at the bus station. He died on the bridge just before it collapsed, sending Sonny downstream to Tricky Dick Nixon Falls.

As I recall yes, Julian was already injured but Sonny was holding a gun on him. He told Julian that he had to rat out Cyrus, but Julian figured Cyrus would kill him if he tried. I think he and Sonny were arguing, Julian reached for the gun and it went off, then yes, they both went tumbling down…But he did hold a gun on him and was going to end him if Julian didn’t give up Cyrus and sacrifice himself. As for Ava, she was ready to kill Julian. That was hideous…

Good performances from Nancy and Maura, as always from them, they’re two of the best to ever do it.

But isn’t this a re-writing of history? Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t seem to remember Ava shedding too many tears when Julian died. Now we’re supposed to believe that she’s been harboring this hatred and blame for Alexis the whole time, and she’s been plotting revenge behind the scenes the entire time. It’s certainly a believable story, it’s just not the way I recall things playing out when they originally happened.

I’ll say this, if this writing of Ava into a corner that has been going on is leading to her getting offed, and Maura West leaving the show, I will be extremly angry and disappointed. She’s my favorite actress on GH along with Genie Francis. That would be a huge, huge, huge mistake by GH and ABC. Maura is so beloved by the fans, in case they don’t realize it. There would be a major backlash. It’s just speculation at this point, but I sincerely hope that’s not happening.

Yes, Dan, I don’t remember Ava being upset when Julian died either. I think she was very preoccupied with Nikolas during that time. I keep thinking she also distanced herself from Julian around that time.

Because of Nikolas being Lulu’s brother and Julian’s blowing up The Floating Rib, Ava turned away from Julian. Wasn’t he one of many who fell from the parapet at Windermere and survived (albeit temporarily)?

After Julian died, I thought Ava should’ve given Charlie’s to Felicia as gesture for her brother destroying Felicia’s place of business. Instead, Sonny strong armed Ava to sell it to him (who gave it to an MIA Phyllis).

If a Devil remembers correctly the only person who ever actually died falling from the parapet at Wyndemere was Katherine Bell. And even she had to do it twice. Julian, Ava, Nikolas, Esme and probably 666 others have fallen from the castle at least once, some more than that, and have all survived. Katherine probably only died because she was needed back in Salem.

Now that you mention it, it is ironic that Ava turned her back on her brother Julian for his part in the Floating Rib bombing, while Laura seems all too willing to forgive and forget her brother Cyrus the Virus who actually ordered Julian to plant that bomb. Even while Lulu remains a vegetable all these years later.

Rumors are flying that Maura West, is leaving General Hospital. The new writers will be cleaning house including Maura. I hope this is not true. Maura has been on General Hospital for 11 years. She is a wonderful actress.

I think maybe 11 years is enough for someone who only causes misery to those around her, including herself. Poor little Avery will suffer more than anyone until her father gets his s— together. Of course Carly will step up and Avery will be with her other family.

Of course because Carly is everybody’s favorite mother, everybody’s favorite friend and every man’s favorite crush.

I was only stating the obvious and has nothing to do with Carly’s popularity. If something happens to Ava and Sonny is unable to care for Avery, due to his condition, where else would she go, seriously, do you have a better answer than your first sarcastic one?

Hi Violet. My sarcasm was not directed at you but at the Carly centric writing. It seems you are taking it personally.

Sorry Harry, I misunderstood. I am not a Carly fan but now that you bring it up, I can’t see her being any worse than Nina certainly, and Anna and Laura most recently, worst of all , being Ava. Wonder why the writers have decided to sabotage Anna and Laura, Ava’s always been a wild card, sometimes worse than others. I can’t keep up with it all, drives me nuts!

I can’t wait to see who Alexis defends first after getting her law license back. What would be ideal would be someone her daughter Molly is prosecuting, Sonny perhaps and poor Christina loving all of them.

The show conveniently forgot that Sonny is Molly’s uncle and that’s a conflict of interest.

Maybe Molly’s just following her father’s example? When Ric Lansing was DA he never saw a problem with trying to prosecute his own brother. Of course he never succeeded in doing so.

General Hospital

Michael Easton Gets Candid About His Final General Hospital Storyline, “I Felt Like I Left Everything Out There.”

Soap operas tend to give actors and the characters they play, a meaty story right before they write them off, leaving the audience wondering, why didn’t they do something sooner? In the case of Michael Easton, his run as Hamilton Finn came to its conclusion when General Hospital decided to have Finn enter rehab after his old addiction reared its head and he couldn’t stop himself from drinking.

Last week in his final scenes, Michael along with Jophielle Love (Violet) delivered Michael Fairman TV’s Power Performances of the Week, but as Easton told Soap Opera Digest, getting to the place of where he had to go in Finn’s psyche was a challenge and to try to wrap it up in a neat package before his exit.

Finn’s exit story, at first, featured him taking a sip of booze seemingly out of nowhere at Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding reception. That was followed by the death of his father, Gregory, which then escalated to Finn drinking heavily. From there, he gets in a fight with Elizabeth and for all intent and purposes breaks up with her, gets upset that the hospital is coming down on him, when he saved GH from going under and then has his Tracy take photos of him, after he cuts himself by accident and passes out drunk, so that she along with Brook Lynn and Chase, can get a restraining order against Finn from seeing his daughter, Violet and more.

Photo: ABC

In his final episode, Finn must say goodbye to his daughter which was a massive tearjerker, before his brother, Chase drives him to rehab. Now, Easton is sharing his reactions, and sentiments on leaving GH and how he had to portray, and the choices he made, to tell his exit storyline.

Michael expressed, “You get hurt a little bit and you get wounded a little bit, and part of your head’s going, ‘Well, just do it (i.e., do the work without putting much effort into it)’ — and then I ended up investing more ) in my performance), to make it even better for them. I really wanted to make it work, so my thinking was, (Finn’s descent) had to go beyond alcoholism. Addiction and things like that, I kind of know a lot about that, but to get where I needed to go (with the character), it had to be almost a complete emotional break.”


He added,  “You just get down to the raw forms of your emotions, you know? Everything has to be the truth, all the words had to be truthful. It just became about committing to it; you had to cleanse yourself of any feelings you had and just invest and commit yourself. So it was raw for me, and it was humbling, but it also felt good. I felt like I left everything out there.”

Easton also revealed that it took a few days for him to shake-off the emotional toll it took for him after he was finished taping, but when he went home, he received hugs from his children, Lilah Bell and Jack, and that the hugs were something he needed.

So, what did you think about Finn’s exit storyline?  Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL Preview: Ava Is About to Get Down and Dirty …. Sonny Beware!

This week on General Hospital, look for Ava Jerome (Maura West) to fight back and down and dirty, after Sonny (Maurice Benard) kicked her out of the penthouse and threatened to take full custody of their daughter, Avery.  In story, Ava already knows Sonny is not taking the full dosage of his meds. Will she tamper with the pills to make Sonny go off the rails and look completely incompetent to raise a chills.

In the latest official teasers for the show, by week’s end, Dante (Dominic Zamprogna) is trying to talk Sonny down. Meanwhile, Trina (Tabyana Ali) has voiced to Josslyn (Eden McCoy) that after her last interaction with Ava, the gallery owner seemed very intense. Trina was fearful that Ava might try to do something to Sonny in retribution for being shown the front door.

Also, Kristina (Kate Mansi) is wanting to build in protections from the court, from any split in TJ (Tajh Bellow) and Molly’s (Kristen Vaganos) relationship, so that she might be able to keep the child, which is causing alarm from Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) and Blaze (Jacqueline Grace Lopez).  Meanwhile, Blaze is left reeling by recent developments.

Photo: ABC

Take a look at what’s about to go down in Port Charles below.

MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024

Ava plays dirty. Josslyn comforts Trina. Nina does some eavesdropping. Alexis makes a big move. Jordan shares intel with Drew.


Ava tries to cover her tracks.  Blaze is crushed. Sonny meets with Diane. Kristina and Alexis have a heart to heart. Natalia is in the hot seat.


Alexis is confrontational. Josslyn gets upsetting news. Natalia confides in Sonny. Sasha provides perspective. Maxie steps up for a friend.

THURSDAY, JULY 4, 2024: #15254 / (ORIGINAL AIR DATE: 7/7/23)

Tracy won’t take no for an answer. Liz and Portia catch up. TJ and Molly cleae the air. Kristina makes a bold suggestion. A shot rings out at the Metro Court pool!

FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2024

Dante tries to talk Sonny down. Kristina unleashes her anger. Maxie and Brook Lynn strategize. Trina and Josslyn move into their new home. Nina updates Drew.

So, what do you think Ava will do to Sonny and how will she cover her tracks? Share your theories via the comment section below, and what do you think about Kristina’s growing attachment to the baby she is carrying for TJ and her sister Molly? Weigh-in, but first check out this week’s ABC promo for GH, where Port Charles is “rocked by scandal”.


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General Hospital

Michael Easton and Jophielle Love Share Heartfelt Messages Following Airing of Last ‘General Hospital’ Scenes Together

There wasn’t a dry eye in the house after General Hospital viewers watched the Thursday June 27th episode. In it, Finn (Michael Easton) comes to say goodbye to his daughter Violet (Jophielle Love), who is now in the temporary custody of his brother Chase (Josh Swickard), before he heads out to rehab.

The episode also would be Michael Easton’s last with the ABC soap opera as Finn was written-off the canvas. Fans of the soap, watched the heartbreaking Finn and Violet scenes, and following its airing, both Love and Easton shared touching posts on their Instagram accounts accompanied by photos.

Easton shared, “This is the hardest goodbye of all for me. The first picture was taken right after Violet and Finn’s last goodbye. After they said cut, Jophielle Love and I immediately found each other and we hung on like we didn’t want it to end. The last video was taken between scenes on the very first day we met and I remember it like yesterday. Jophielle you are pure magic and you are going to do amazing things in this life. Go forward with rainbows in your heart and know that I will never forget you.”

Photo: MEastonIG

Love (through the writing by her mom) shared: “How do I say good bye ? Michael and Jophielle have been working together on General Hospital for 5 years now ! Over 100 episodes… Today’s scenes were an absolute heartbreak . Jophielle doesn’t lose sight of the possibility of her parents coming back into her GH life … This scene was way too familiar from one she experienced on her first few months on set as her tv mother went through what felt like the same door … saying good bye … and never returning to this day! Poor Violet lost everyone… Jophielle was genuinely very sad … Her chemistry with Michael on set was amazing from day one , as she always insisted to fix his hair before each take as a five years old. Now she is 10 … and … tears were pouring down. It was a very very hard day on set and everyone was tearing up … She managed to get through it all like a pro , …. It was … very emotional and also amazing. Like a grown up scene.”

Photo JLoveIG

In a personal note from Love’s mother it read, “Michael … I speak as a mom today who has been there on set every step of the way , being so thankful for you and for Rebecca Budig’s incredible love and instant connection with Jophielle. There is something to be said about tv families… and even more on a show like General Hospital, where these families have such a real bound as they are part of a long lasting legacy … Like Jophielle does … I really hope you get to come back …. Never say never … we love you Michael and we thank you for everything. See you soon 😘”

Photo: ABC

What did you think of the touching posts and sentiments from Michael and Jophielle and her mom? Share your thoughts in the comment section, but in case you missed it, grab the hankies and watch the emotional goodbye between Finn and Violet below.


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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Michael Easton as Finn

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