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GH's Nancy Lee Grahn Breaks Silence On Social Media With Special Message!

Photo Credit: Kathy Hutchins

Ever since the 67th Primetime Emmy Awards, General Hospital fans and those of Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis), have not heard a peep out of the Daytime Emmy Award winning actress on social media.  Following the now unfortunate Twitter firestorm that put Nancy at the epicenter of a mainstream media frenzy for her comments/tweets on How to Get Away with Murder’s Viola Davis Lead Actress win acceptance speech, she took some time away to assess what she tweeted and the reaction she got in return.

On Sunday, Nancy took to her official facebook page with the following message to her friends and fans:  “Dear friends,  if you’ve been looking for me on milk cartons, under rocks, or hiding out with Waldo, you wouldn’t have found me. I may have been absent here, but I’ve been fully present, and alert in my life. With the internet off, I’ve been reflecting, reading, writing, having enlightening discourse, and extraordinary meetings with people I never thought I’d have the honor to meet, let alone converse with. My silence in the media was self imposed and correct. I can’t tweet and listen at the same time. Being quiet and listening has allowed me to absorb meaningful lessons and gain insights that continue to have immeasurable value to me.  To be sure, what you believe you know about me has remained to be so. In fact, my commitment to equal rights, fairness, and justice for the disenfranchised has grown even stronger.

My intention now is to continue to stay tapped in, tuned in, and turned on to learning more. As these lessons unfold with greater clarity, I will humbly and happily share them with you, as I allow myself and my experiences to be used for greater understanding and greater good. I’m excited about what’s to come.

In the meantime, while I’m quite serious about my purpose right now, my sense of humor is alive and well. I will continue to find the funny in funny things, celebrate my beloved General Hospital, and rant about policy and issues that dehumanize others, as well a media that does the same. My goal, and it is a lofty one, is to try not to be snarky, mean spirited, or pile on any individual. Not even reality stars, bureaucrats, or politicians. They are all, after all, human beings.

As a work in progress, who hopes to continually change for the better, I want to thank my supporters and my critics, as evolving is impossible without both.  Now let’s go have some fun this week. Stay tuned.  xoxo, Me”

What do you think of Nancy’s message on facebook?  Do you come to understand that she reflected on her actions, but still maintains she will fight for the disenfranchised, equal rights, and speak her mind, while perhaps, as she says “evolving” in the way she goes about it?  Share your thoughts on Nancy’s post in the comment section below!

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1. “…To be sure, what you believe you know about me has remained to be so. ”



Do I now … like … Alexis


NLG… is evolving… and telling us to have fun

I’d like to have sex with William DeVry

give me a break Nanc’ : lay low and not dig and pore over; “…reality stars, bureaucrats, or politicians. They are all, after all, human beings ”

what’s left

Love Nancy but she needs to do more than take a 30-day break from Facebook and Twitter. She needs to get help for her drinking problem.

I know. I was once in her place and haven’t had a drop of liquor in three years and life is so much better without it.

Lol…because an outspoken, intelligent woman speaks her mind, perhaps without fear of repercussion because she believes in what she’s saying…she has a problem with alcohol? Did she slur her written words?

How about tone down your extreme liberal views. It affects fans opinions & therefore viewership of GH & your paycheck.


I’m ready for Hillary! NLG as VP!

@Chris…there are plenty of actors, musicians, politicians who say things to piss someone off. Hasn’t ended their careers or lowered their record sales. I doubt Nancy’s views will effect GH. A spud if anyone was ridiculous enough to blow what she said out of proportion…that! S their problem. He or she needs to sit back, take a look at what the woman meant…and/or accept her apologies for some particulars which came out in a hasty, unfortunate way, and by that I mean the part about whether Viola Davis had ever faced rejection in her career due to race. No one know that but thane actress herself. Other than that, I’m sorry for the backlash Nancy had to take…

I can keep this short, which she should do in making an apology, if she ever does. This message is full of self. Nothing new here, move along.

Exactly, Sue K. Just more of the usual self-important, self-indulgent psychobabble we’ve come to expect from NLG.

Darlings she just can’t stay out of the sewer called Twitter .

This is true, k/kay! It’s like some sort of sick obsession or addiction. Whilst I do occasionally read a few select intelligent individuals’ tweets, I generally fail to see the point of this particular all-encompassing phenomenon. As Cate Blanchett recently so succinctly put it, “I cannot for the life of me work out why adults are participating in that $#!+. ” Perhaps the term “adults” is the operative word……since there appears to be precious little mature activity going on there most of the time.

Sue K. To many of us Nancy shouldn’t have apologized at all, except maybe to Viola Davis for assuming what she did or didn’t experience in her own career, before she became the mega star, with many awards and recognition, that she is. Other than that, I got what Nancy was saying and agreed with her.

She was all wrong for her tweet and now she’s trying to make up for it , too late, I don’t care what she has to say now. The best thing to do is not say anything but too many have to tweet mess every time then regret it.

Great PR but some things can’t be unsaid. Anyone with common sense would have known better than to post the rant she did.

I admit she is a great actress and enjoyed her on GH but after the comments she made every time she’s on screen I’m distracted by the reminder of her ignorant and insensitive post.

With the current bloated cast I’d be fine if ABC decided their wasn’t room on the canvas for her.

I really like and respect Nancy as a person and as a performer. I know her heart is in the right place. Based on her message, I think she has adopted a very common mindset in this age of social media, and that is: nothing is a real or valuable experience until you share it on the internet. It is indeed possible to fight for equal rights, fairness and justice without sharing or advertising one’s efforts. Mother Theresa might have had less time to perform good works if she was concerned about posting them on social media as part of the experience. I understand that Nancy might find it useful to use her celebrity to rally fans and supporters to her causes and that’s a valid use of the medium. However I don’t thing that the lessons one learns necessarily need to be happily and humble shared with the rest of the world, and may indeed even be more valuable if they are not. The best way to change the world is to change yourself and inspire those around you, in your immediate sphere. The discourse and proselytizing by celebrities which takes place on the internet mainly amounts to little and can sometimes be treacherous and divisive, as Nancy has learned. Finally, I am not unaware of the irony of sharing this view on an internet forum. Long live GH!

No, she still doesn’t get it. I heard nary an apology in there only self-promotion and self-serving manipulation. What is so hard with just saying,” I am sorry”?
How bout this, Nancy? “I screwed up and utilized a startlingly lack of tone deafness and sensitivity. Moreover, I demonstrated an abject case of jealousy due to the fact that I relegated to playing an intelligent and educated woman of certain age who is stuck in arrested development, I let my bitterness over take my judgement and sense of righteousness in a heated moment, and for that, I am very sorry.”
If you need a ghost writer, come find me, Nancy.

You nailed it, Harry!!!! As for NLG….way too little, waaaaay tooooo late!

I don’t get it, you are mad that she took so long to apologize, but yet you don’t plan to accept her apology anyway? Every now and then people like you need to step down from that high horse and breath some air down here.

Stefaniem76, she didn’t actually apologize.

Stefaniem76…agree. Not only that, but as I’ve said on this page and previous posts, I don’t think she owed anyone an apology…other than to Viola Davis for commenting on whether or not Viola had ever faced rejection based on race. .,.Love Nancy and her views and what her intended message was really about.

That was a very nice & heartfelt message from Nancy. I adore her & love that she speaks her mind. Looking forward to her return to Twitter.

I agree with you totally. NLG is one person that has put a smile on my face for more years than I’d like to admit. So so happy to see her back.

Agree with you both. Although I feel bad she was bullied into saying anything. Ironic that a woman who seems to always stand up for the underdog got hit so hard from many of the people she’s rallied for. Apology to Viola on a personal note for her assumptions about her was all that was needed. Love Nancy…love Alexis…

NLG went to the positive and was very honest about what she has learned and the steps she has taken to change. I enjoy her tweets, humor, performance, and determination to put her fame to use for the greater good.
Some of the criticism here in the comments is the exact opposite of what she is going to try to do.
How ironic.
jmo Labels and intolerance by fans who judge is useless.
Welcome back Nancy.

I see all this bashing of Nancy. Sorry I also read the tweet and saw nothing wrong with it. She’s a human with feelings. I cried and was so in suppport of Viola….Good for her speech as well.

Great post, Steve. Agree…

Thanks Rebecca 1

I love Nancy Lee Grahn. I love her candor and honesty and her way of trying to appease those who will never be appeased. She said nothing wrong in her original tweet. I stand behind any one who is honest enough to be themselves…I hate people who make mountains out of molehills. Rock on NLG…you are amazing

Agree, Mateo!

100% Agree Rebecca 1 And Mateo and Rebecca honestly what did she say except really going on about what Viola said which was that there wasn’t enough black strong female characters on TV. HOw can there be so much hate against Nacny who A- female. 2- White. 3- so many people commenting aren’t even Bllack. I’m not and how can any of us comment? Really did I miss something.? Go back and look at emmy tweet I did. Where does it tallk GH, or stories or anything. IT DOESN’T. Ths si truly alarming to me. Sorry but every single person commenting that bashed Nancy owes her 1 hell of an apology period unless you’re black woman working in the enterttainmenrt field. IF you’re not than shame. really.

I personally don’t think she did anything wrong. She expressed an opinion, that’s all. She was raked over the coals for no reason.

Agree, Rebecca Zertuche!

Agree Rebecca Z

While well written, that statement is disingenous and interestingly misplaced. The words are smooth enough to capture me into reading until the end, despite the fact that I believe NLG only feigns remorse. What she feels is regret and fear of job safety. Finally, what PR strategy is being used to have this apology posted at a different social media site? That reeks of guilt and condescension. The apology should be posted on Twitter, which is where her unraveling began.

posting an apology on Twitter would be redundant, because she did that already. NLG also posted this update on Twitter where the number of characters is limited. She linked to this post on Facebook from Twitter.
Go ahead and rage, label, judge all you want. but you might want to consider the facts.

What I will not do is have an argument/disparage someone for a difference of opinion. I wrote what I believe as my response to NLG’s fb post–which was linked on Twitter. NLG can work through the 140 character limit quite well and chose another option. I was careful not to attack. I have enjoyed her work on GH, however I was disappointed that the Twitter rant she unleashed and continued felt venomous and unwarranted. My opinions and response remain. This ends our discourse.

Her annoying tweets made me not like Alexis, a character I had loved for years. I had to unfollow her, but it was too late. I only see NLG when I see Alexis. I FF through all of her scenes.

I really think that it is better not to speak about politics or religion or anything controversial to people you don’t know —NLG does that regularly. She insults a lot of people a lot of time. I doubt that will change. Personally I thought it was just dumb to say Viola Davis had never faced discrimination.
the thing is no one, but especially people in the public, like politicans and actors, do not have to utter aloud every thought that penetrates their consiousness. It is really better not to…of course that does not mean giving up her own opinions or not supporting what she believes in…it does not need to be advertised. imho
Truth is NLG is not angelina jolie and most people could give a crap what she thinks (if they even care what Angelina thinks and a lot don’t) . Twitter should be used to promote her show, and career and professional things. Email to friends personal.
If I were her boss that is what I suggest to all my employees re. twitter and social media. but I know that is probably not the opiinion of most people who like to express all their thoughts on everything as if anyone cared.

Donna I respectfully disagree, the very very first tweet she did was that night and praised and backed Viola and never said she didn’t face discrimination. IO didn’t see any tweets or look out for any after that night. I even deliberately hit liked retweeted and backed her I again don’t know what followed later but I promise and guarnatee that the original tweet backed Viola Davis.

My god Nancy, you didnt murder anyone! Its over, move on! I forgot all about it. One of the fine lines in life is saying what you feel and hopefully not offending people! If its the truth, suck it up, if its a a bunch of BS, be ready to answer your critics! One of the problems in life is EVERYBODY wins and DONT offend ANYONE! Let it go people! Knuckle up! Nancy, knock some sense into the most dense mobster ever, JULIAN! ITS LEO!

Well said Timmm!

I believe Nancy is sincere and this is what she could express at this time. Oh, that I could offer correction to each of you who’ve commented here for every misstep you’ve made in your lives. And, Fairman, I think you could have posted Nancy’s words w/o polling and trolling for comments.

Still self absorbed…

Like Nancy, I am a liberal. However, I just cringe every time she gets on her soapbox and spouts. Actors should act!

OK– the Civil War–
The American population in 1860 was about 31 million people, about one-tenth the size it is today. If the war were fought today, the number of Civil war deaths would total 6.2 million.” wow huh!

And- the death numbers would increase figuring in the elderly, women and children.
The age of soldiers dead= 20 and 24 year olds..
More died in the Civil War then the combined deaths of the-
WWII 318,000
WWI 115,000
Vietnam 56,227
and the
Korean War
A lot of blood shed for our right to have freedom;
Freedom of speech and expression is the most basic of all freedoms granted to the citizens of America.
We might not like what is said be we love the right to express our speech.
Nancy’s right to speak in whichever direction is freedom of speech 🙂
ehhh just wanted to mention that 🙂


It seems some people only like “Freedom of speech” when it is something they want to hear. Nancy gave an opinion. If Viola was offended, let her and Nancy hash it out! Paging, e-mails and now texting, once its out there, ITS OUT THERE! Stand by your words and dont cower if someone questions what is in your heart! Like I said earlier, Nancy didnt kill anyone! Look at all the thugs in the NFL who beat women and children and are given 2nd and 3rd chances. Rock on Nancy!

Some people have become very touchy and love to start a fuss about every little thing, for attention.
Perhaps America is becoming a pampering nation lol ..

Kinda sounds like she got her hands slapped by the Big Wigs!

I’m amazed how people think there perfect and has never said the wrong thing in life! The one who bitch about it are the guilty one…


I love and adore Nancy Lee Grahn! She misspoke and I for one, forgive her. She is a champion for women’s rights, equal rights, and I know 100% there is not a racist bone in her body! Her advocacy backs it up. Give her a break, she is someone who is changing the world for the better!

General Hospital

John J. York Back at General Hospital

On Friday, May 10th, General Hospital fans received some wonderful images and news. John J. York who has played the beloved Mac Scorpio on the ABC daytime drama series is back at work and taping all-new episodes of the show.

“Mac is back!” read the General Hospital social media post hashtag. John is pictured with longtime leading lady, Kristina Wagner and in other pics with Wagner, along with his TV son, Josh Kelly.  York has played the younger brother of Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) since 1991.

Previously, York announced he was taking time off from GH to undergo treatment for myelodysplastic syndromes and multiple smoldering myeloma (two blood and bone marrow disorders). This included chemo treatments, finding a blood doner match for  blood stem cell transplant and more.


Late in 2023, York shared an update on his health on social media. At that time, John expressed, “(Things) are actually going along very well. I’m still in the middle stages of everything.” He added, “I’m feeling really good. Hopefully, hopefully, things go the way they are, maybe be back on the show late spring, early summer.

York’s return pics were greeted with wonderful excitement from his GH co-stars on the Instagram post, including  co-stars Finola Hughes (Anna) and Cameron Mathison (Drew).

Michael Fairman TV is wishing John well, and thrilled to see he is back at work.

Share your thoughts as “Mac is Back” to General Hospital via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

(INTERVIEW) William deVry Talks on His Roles in Hallmark’s ‘A Whitewater Romance’, New Film ‘Pocket of Hope’ and His Time on the Soaps

For soap favorite, William deVry life-after-daytime has been reinvigorating, filled with new projects and new directions. This Saturday, May 11th he can be seen in the latest rom-com from Hallmark, A Whitewater Romance (8pm ET/PT) starring Cindy Busby as Maya and Ben Hollingsworth as Matt who play intense business rivals, and featuring Will as Jim Burdett, set against the backdrop of the outdoors and Canada.

In addition, Wil has been busy prepping other projects in which he is executive producing and starring including: Colt & McQueen and Christmas in Bordeaux, and producing and starring in a very dramatic departure for deVry, as the lead in the new true-life story feature film, Pocket of Hope.

Michael Fairman TV chatted with Wil to get the lowdown on his latest and upcoming roles, his expanding career aspirations, and to get his reflections on his three main soap roles: Julian Jerome on General Hospital, Storm Logan on The Bold and the Beautiful and Michael Cambias on All My Children. Read on for what deVry has been up to of late and his reflections of the past.


In A Whitewater Romance, you play the character of Jim Burdett, tell me about him?

WIL: My character runs this whitewater rafting company and the deal is that there’s a corporate retreat that is organized at my company. Jim is sort of old school. He’s been running the company for quite a lot of years. Jim’s not social media savvy. In the story, Maya and Matt get there, and they end up obviously enjoying themselves at this corporate bonding retreat. They discover that Jim was going to close down the company. He stayed open specifically to accommodate this corporate retreat. And then, of course, Cindy Busby’s character, and Ben Hollingsworth character do this little online thing for Jim and get business booming. Before he knows it, the entire summer is booked with clients and they basically saved his company. It’s a feel-good movie with beautiful, stunning locations.

And, are you a good guy in this?

WIL: It’s almost like, wait!  Will is playing good guy? It’s funny because our director, Jason Bourque knows I’ve been playing bad guys for so long. Even the Christmas movie that I did with Terry Hatcher, Christmas at the Chalet, I went through such an arc. My character was so focused in his business and kind of unhappy because he was living his life for other people, and you don’t really realize that you might be slightly unhappy because you don’t take time to do inventory for yourself. In A Whitewater Romance, Jason had this idea that I was this really kind of ‘happy-go-lucky’ guy. And by the second day of shooting, he goes, “I think maybe Jim is a former military …” We both laughed because it was a subtle joke, because you know, I can be a little bit serious.

Photo: Willdevry

How was it to work with Ben and Cindy?

WIL: Great. Cindy being a lead, they set an example for everybody. Cindy is so low key and very friendly, and basically the trailer door is open if you want to discuss anything. Ben was also a producer on this. He might have had a little more stress on him than just sort of acting. But honestly, you couldn’t tell. Both of them had a good sense of humor. I would work with either one of them in a heartbeat again.

You have some exciting news to share; as you are about to be the lead in a new film?

WIL: Yes, I’m the lead in a new film called Pocket of Hope. It’s based on the true story of Chad Gaines, and I am playing Chad. It’s a beautiful movie. It’s in the present day with Chad talking with his daughter. He’s always been reluctant to share his past with her, and because there was a lot of trauma involved, he didn’t really want to put her through that. She’s no longer a young lady and so he feels now is the time to share that. There are a lot of strong flashbacks in the movie. It goes back between the past and the present, which I think is really engaging. The budget is well over a million dollars. We start filming at the end of May in Los Angeles, and then we will go on location in August to shoot the remaining scenes.


How do you feel about tackling a dramatic role such as this with tough subject matter?

WIL: It’s a heavy-duty role. There’s a lot of responsibility. I’ve prepared my whole life for these kinds of roles. It’s really exciting to play a true life individual, who has a story to tell. I think it’s a great honor for me and for the director/producer David Kohner Zuckerman, as well. David is wanting to do Chad’s story justice. We’ve got a good team for this. Robert Altman Jr’s, Cora Atlman, is playing my daughter. When you find a troupe that you like to work with and you can collaborate with, you stick together. So, we have David, as I mentioned and also Deran Sarafian, who is consulting on the project. Deran and I have been working on my other project together, Colt & McQueen. We are the luckiest people in the business right now to be working with Deran. He has had a lot of successful pilots that he’s done for Fox, ABC, and NBC and also Marvel and Netflix shows. He was also a producer on House for Fox.

Photo: Willdevry

In Colt & McQueen, you play a former LAPD detective, right?

WIL: Correct. He was basically dishonorably discharged for something that he didn’t do. He is going be trying to clear his name of any wrongdoings. However, in order to make a living, he sort of does these unsanctioned assignments for the captain of the LAPD, who is also on his way out. He’s a good guy. Kin Shriner (Scott, GH) is in it and he kind of plays a man of the streets who goes by “The Professor.” Rebecca Staab (Elizabeth, Port Charles, et al) is in it, and she plays the character with the code name “Leather Jacket” within the LAPD system. We go into production on it in July.

You’re doing your own projects now. That must be liberating in some ways and harder in others.

WIL: I just said, “Look, if I’m going to stay in this business, I have to have some control over my career now as opposed to just auditioning blindly.” That can be a frustrating process. I am learning a lot because I’ve never produced before or executive produced, but the effort is there, and the will to do so is there.

Photo: RStaabIG

Speaking of projects, you have another one you are working on, a romantic comedy called Christmas in Bordeaux. What is the theme of that one?

WIL: It’s a tale of family traditions, renewed passions, for love and life and spiritual and cultural awakenings. Finding value in the time we have left. And of course, a happy ending for all involved.

As an actor, when you finally get to the point where you get to act you probably really enjoy that. It’s just the challenges of all the things it takes to get there that can be daunting for a performer.

WIL: As an actor, you have to be so good and so comfortable and embrace the rejection. The rejection has to feed you. It can’t defeat you. However, I kind of do take everything personally. If a casting director doesn’t want to bring me in for something that’s their prerogative. I don’t really get angry about it, but I take it personally because I kind of feel like, they should bring me. I can’t just sit back and accept my fate based on other people’s ideas of what I’m capable of or not capable of. Sometimes my resume is a benefit, and sometimes it’s a detriment. It’s up to me to change the narrative.

Photo: JPI

What would you want to say to the GH fans who had been so supportive of you through the years?

WIL: It blows me away how loyal they are, and their passion. I want them to be of aware that. I’m excited to work for myself, and if that doesn’t work out, I am very comfortable going on to do something else with my life. Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis, GH) and I had talked about it at one point, and how she absolutely loves the business. I have other things that interest me and move me. I hope every single fan of Julian Jerome comes along on this journey with me.

Photo: JPI

Looking back, do you think your best role on the soaps was Michael Cambias on All My Children?

WIL: I think with Michael Cambias that All My Children destroyed the character. I sat down with the executive producer at the time, Jean Dadario Burke, and she said, “You’ll be here as long as you want. We did a focus group and you’ve got a 96% approval rating. That’s through the roof.” Two days later, I was called back into her office as they had fired the head writer. I was told Megan McTavish was coming back and they were going to make my character irredeemable, which as everybody knows, Michael Cambias went on to do horrible things to Erica Kane’s (Susan Lucci) family and then he was off the show.

Photo: JPI

Then, you went on to portray Storm Logan on The Bold and the Beautiful and the heartbreaking suicide storyline which saved Katie’s (Heather Tom) life, but cost Storm his.

WIL: Storm had a lot of potential. When you’re going through such a beautiful, heart-wrenching, horrific story like that, I wanted to give the audience a lot of credit. Soaps have a smart audience. I wanted them to go on the journey with me. I didn’t want to ruin it for them by playing the problem. I didn’t want to create the drama before it was time to pay the price, if you know what I mean. I allowed it to play out on-screen without any foreshadowing. I think that’s why it worked and that’s why it broke everybody’s heart, and I think that’s why it won a Daytime Emmy for Best Drama Series. Brad Bell (executive producer and head writer, B&B) trusted me with a vehicle that ended up being the Ferrari for that year. I’m eternally grateful to him.

Photo: JPI

Do you ever check out General Hospital nowadays to see how your old castmates are doing and what is happening in Port Charles?

WIL:  I like to check in. I like to see what Kin Shriner (Scott) is up to, and I like to see who’s showing up and who’s going. I like to see Maura West (Ava) who is such a terrific actress and who played my on-screen sister. We had such a good working relationship and I hope she is on the show forever.  I was happy with my eight years on the show. I knew for 18 months it was time for me to leave. I knew in my heart the character was done. Frank Valentini (executive producer, GH) was thrilled with how I left the show. Those six and a half years on General Hospital were a lot of fun. I really loved going to work.

So, will you be watching William deVry in ‘A Whitewater Romance’ this weekend on Hallmark? What do you think about his upcoming projects and roles? Miss him on daytime? Comment below.


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General Hospital

GH’s Kin Shriner Remembers Jackie Zeman on the One-Year Anniversary of Her Passing

Today on May 9th, marked the one-year anniversary of the death of Jackie Zeman, who for 45 years played the iconic nurse Bobbie Spencer on General Hospital.

Jackie passed away at 70-years-old from cancer and leaves behind her two daughters, Cassidy and Lacey, and all of her enduring fans, and of course. her GH co-stars and dear friends.

Perhaps, her dearest friend was Jackie’s longtime co-star Kin Shriner (Scott) where for years they shared stories on-screen as Bobbie and Scott, and off-screen developed and cultivated an unbreakable bond.

Photo: ABC

Michael Fairman TV spoke exclusively to Kin Shriner to get his thoughts and his memories of Jackie on what is for him and many, a sad and heartbreaking day.

Kin expressed: “It does not seem like a year. I think of Jackie every day and every day. I am approached often as an ambassador to the old days. Every day somebody talks about the heyday of General Hospital bringing up Bobby, Scotty, Luke, and Laura. And it always saddens me because I know that Jackie would still want to know that the fans still love that period of time and we miss her, and I miss that. I don’t get to come in and have a scene with her again, ever. So, it’s all sad and I can’t believe that it’s a year.

When asked what does he think Jackie’s legacy is, now reflecting on her passing a year later, Kin shared, “Her legacy is that It she changed daytime television in the seventies. She was the catalyst that came into General Hospital and created Bobbie Spencer from the wrong side of the tracks, the fiery firecracker woman that she was.”

Photo: ABC

Shriner added on their deep connection, “Jackie brought it all to the screen and she brought it to real life. She raised two great kids, and was a spitfire of a woman and someone that I enjoyed being around from the day we met to the day she died, I was in her life, and she was in my life. We went through a lot together, you know, ups and downs, and it’s just sad that she’s not here anymore.”

Share your thoughts to Kin’s words on the loss of Jackie Zeman via the comment section below, and also your thoughts that is has already been a year since we lost this daytime icon.

Coming up, make sure to watch Kin and many other stars from the soaps on the Michael Fairman Channel’s very special livestream event Daytime Stands Up  in conjunction with The Locher Room and Stand Up To Cancer on Thursday May 16th from 8 pm ET/5 pm PT.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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