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THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL Preview: Thomas Returns and He’s Engaged, Leaving Hope Stunned


If you caught the end of the Friday, June 21st episode of The Bold and the Beautiful, after having a headache, and thinking of Thomas (Matthew Atkinson), Hope (Annika Noelle) is in for a real surprise when Douglas (Henry Joseph Samiri) is at her office door and runs into her arms.  An overjoyed Hope, then sees Thomas walk into the room saying, “Hello, Hope.”

At that moment is seems that Hope is very happy to see her former lover. However, in the previews for next week’s episode (which came at the conclusion of Friday’s airshow), it is revealed that Thomas is engaged to none other than Paris Buckingham (Diamond White), which sends Hope reeling.

What will be the upshot of this? Is Thomas engaged to Paris in ‘hope’s’ of making Hope jealous? Did he truly move on with the romantic part of his life with “Paris” while in Paris?

Photo: JPI

Will Hope run to Finn (Tanner Novlan) and have sex with him after realizing she can’t have Thomas? Why is she having headaches? So many questions.

What did you think of the reveal in the previews for next week’s B&B (see below in full), that Thomas is apparently engaged to Paris? Weigh-in via the comment section below.

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So B&B is once again trying to make “Paris” happen… why? I thought she had fallen into the character closet after languishing with no story for months. It would have been much more interesting if Thomas returned from abroad engaged… to Diana Carter, Sheila’s daughter. Imagine the drama – two of Sheila’s kids in relationships with two Forrester siblings. B&B fails once again. What else is new?

Problem with that is – Diana is Thomas’ biological aunt! Both Diana and Ridge were fathered by Massimo Marone.


Sure, but how many times has B&B (and every soap, for that matter) retconned paternity for storyline purposes? We still don’t know for certain that Finn is really Sheila’s son (no DNA test was ever done) and Luna’s paternity is still very much up in the air (I don’t believe Bill is really her father). They could easily rewrite history for Diana to be fathered by another of Sheila’s paramours (hell, why not Eric? A secret daughter he never knew about that ties him to Sheila). It could be done, if B&B got creative instead of going the boring route.

That would be a good story line

I just want to start off by saying that I think Henry Joseph Samiri is fantastic. I love his scenes with Annika Noelle. They just gel so well together. When Douglas ran into Hope’s arms, I could not stop my tears.With that being said, I just don’t know what Hope expected from Thomas. She said no to his proposal twice. Did she think he was going to sit and twiddle his thumbs and wait for her. Although Thomas will forever have his craziness behind him, I loved the chemistry between Thomas and Hope. I guess her days of sex at the drop of a hat are over. Paris is an interesting surprise. But then again, they were good friends once upon a time. He did have her live with him( platonically) for a little bit while she was briefly homeless. They are obviously more than friends now. You know Steffie will be thrilled because Paris is anybody but Hope. Things can get really interesting really fast. And on a side note what is with Poppy and Deacon’s new bus boy. I think his name is Tom. The looks they kept giving each other. What is going on there? Shelia looked pretty comfortable waving that knife in front of him.

Poppy and Deacon ?? Do you mean Deacon and Sheila?

I am talking about Tom. (Clint Howard). He spilled water on Poppy and the way they kept looking at each other, it seemed like they knew each other.

No I mean Tom. The homeless man who showed Finn and Deacon the warehouse where Shelia’s body was, and who also officiated Deacon and Shelia’s wedding ceremony. He is now working as a bus boy/delivery driver at Deacon’s restaurant. Bill and Poppy came in and while they were waiting for their server, Tom came over with a pitcher of water, and while he was pouring, he knocked Poppy’s glass over and spilled water on her lap. While he was cleaning it up, Poppy and Tom kept looking at each other as if they knew one another. I wonder if he is the giver of the infamous “mints”.

Does everybody know that Tom is played by Ron Howard’s brother?

No I don’t mean Deacon and Shelia. I mean the character being played by Clint Howard. Deacon recently hired him as a delivery driver/busboy. Bill and Poppy were in the restaurant the other day and said bus boy was pouring water for Poppy. While doing so,he knocked the glass over and while he was cleaning it he and Poppy kept giving each other looks as if they knew each other. I was wondering if he is or was the supplier of the mystery mints.

I think he’s Luna’s real daddy. Probably someone she conned with money.

Looks more like a Granddaddy!

He is Ron Howard’s brother…

Got it, finally! I thought you meant the conversation with Tom and Sheila, when he accused her of not having normal behavior. The old man has nerve, I must say but if he knew very much about Sheila, hed know better to srsy away from her, especially after her waving that knife at him. As for Poppy, they definitely share a secret, which should be very interesting, when it comes out.Im not sure if he’s her mint supplier, or he wouldn’t have been living on the streets when Deacon and Finn met him, looking for Shelia. Bet the old guy is wishing he’d never helped them now!

The old guy is Ron Howard’s brother.
You know from Happy Days?

OMG, so he’s Ron Howard’s brother, I knew this before he started on B&B. Does that make him some big celebrity or what ? . I remember when he was Opie’s little brother that played a neighborhood kid on Andy Griffith.

Thomas and Hope belong together! What’s the rush to get married? It never works rushing into things just because! Ppl in real life live together happily without marriage all the time. Hopefully Paris is in on part of Thomas’s “plan” to maybe make Hope jealous.. which is not necessary, little does he know. Thomas and Paris have nothing in common other than being friends!
Is Tom Poppys father? Or her scam partner?

I pray Hope was dreaming again! I so wanted them together!

Don’t get me wrong Happy. I was all for Thomas and Hope. Their chemistry was fantastic. I just wish Thomas could abide by Hope’s wishes and wait things out with her. Why Paris of all people. I know they have a friendship. But I don’t remember it being anything more than platonic. You know she going to wind up in bed with Finn. She can’t be anymore obvious about it the way she is throwing herself at him. But Paris That is definitely one for the record books.

Yes come on b&b don’t do this put
Thomas and hope back together

I agree 100%!! Put Thomas & Hope back together & let Hope NOT get involved with Finn, her new STEPBROTHER!!! Did
Brooke forget to refer to him as that instead of continuously saying “Steffy’s HUSBAND, where the wrong person is going to overhear that conversation???

Technically, Finn is Hope’s stepsisters husband and Thomas is Hope’s Stepbrother.
Also I thought Ridge had a nerve getting into Hope and Brooke’s mother- daughter conversation and giving them the third degree, because he thought it involved HIS precious daughter! What a jerk! These people are always into each other’s business, the minute there are two people together and another person enters the room. It’s very annoying.

Violet…I agree. To me, it’s beyond annoying. And here’s what I find EVEN MORE ANNOYING about it: The door is usually wide open for ANYONE to walk in. Truly sickening.

Paris bye bye

That busboy is Luna’s Father…

Hope not!!

In real life…that Busboy is Ron Howards(from Happy Days) brother

Hey…I-F Steffy will be ‘thrilled’ that it’ll be Paris and not Hope…then I’m all for it. I mean…ANYTHING that will make that MOTORMOUTH Steffy SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! And yes…I (also) think that Henry Joseph Samiri is fantastic.

Not so shocked. Of course, it’s someone already practically family! Imagine if he had a whirlwind romance with someone new, without shirt tail family ties or who has dated close family and friends.what that could do to change Thomas, upend family, mess with business. But who wants that?!?

Stop w the Ron’s brother stuff ok we all know please stop

Tired of the same old garbage!

With Sheila knows about hope feeling for Finn things is going to get interesting.crazy Sheila is going to try to use hope to break up steffy and Finn marriage. people stop with Thomas and hope they don’t belong together and they never going to happen.

Hope is a spoiled Logan who needs to be taught s lesson; and Steffy, even more so!

Paris is about to be left at the altar once again because Thomas loves Hope and always will. But of course nothing can ever be simple in soap world.

Could Tom be Poppy and Li’s dad? They definitely know each other and can’t admit it in public.

I was also thinking that Tom could be Poppy’s dad, but definitely NIT Luna’a dad! But how would that explain the paternity test that Li herself performed??

How can anyone but Bill be Lunas father? Poppy’s sister administered the DNA Test, stayed there and waited for the results.

Unless she messed with the test somehow before it was opened. What I dont understand is why would Li even want Bill to be Poppy’s dad? She couldn’t brlieve the results when she read them, UNLESS, she already knew it was someone else.

This Is So RIDICULOUS!! WHYYYYY Bold & Beautiful??? This Story Line Sucks!! This Should Have BEEN A HEALING TIME For Thomas & Hope. Very DISAPPOINTED… I’m Gnna Start Watching Another Soap Opera On Different Channel

I agree! I bet Hopes gonna be sick and now it’s gonna become Thomas vs Finn to be Hopes new man when she recovers. Paris has never had chemistry with any of the men they tried pairing her with! I wish they’d have left her in Paris! So ridiculous


Of hope is pregnant with Thomas’s baby…then that would make me very happy. She needs to leave Finn alone. As hateful as stephie is….Finn seems to be too good and honest of a man to cheat!

Well, if Hope is pregnant, it sure took long enough for any symptoms to show up and I believe these headaches are just an excuse for Finn to get closer to her, personally and professionally for a romantic SL between these two.. Thomas and Steffy who??

I would want Thomas to end up with Hope and Paris to end up with Zende.
But the journey could be fun, the turns and twist will be exciting.

Can’t wait for the angsty road to a Thomas/Hope reunion! Just that small scene you can see the chemistry radiates! Think it will be a long drawn out road. Sheila will push Hope and Finn together because she will find out and use the Liam/Steffy kiss. Hope will also be upset with Steffy because of Thomas and Paris. Cant’t say that I’ve missed Liam on my screen, but would rather it be Thomas/Hope and Steffy/Liam over Dr Wooden aka boring.


Thomas. Matthew Atkinson

Hope,getting like her mom.Finn,needs to step up and be a man,back off from Hope, he’s going to ruin his family. When Steffy, find out about Finn,and Hope, that will be the end of their marriage Hope, needs to try and get back with Thomas

I stopped watching for a while. Did Finn and Hope have sex?

No, but they practically did in her imagination, which is probably due to an impending Brain Tumor, which Dr. FINN will treat, I’m sure.

Would that really be a bad thing if Finn was lucky enough to be rid of Steffy? It’s not enough that she runs Forrester, with Brooke’s help now, ha,ha, but she thinks she has to run her husband’s life too, tells him who he can see and who he cant, she’s the same bitch her grandmother was.

This is just a major guessing game right now. If Thomas loves Hope as much as he claimed, he would not in a few short months fall in love with someone else, and I really believe that Finn will diagnose Hope’s headaches as a Brain Tumor, operable,I hope and that it will explain her crazy, sexual behavior as well. Hopefully, Finn will recognize what a bitch he’s married to and dump her ass, before she ruins hus whole life.

I agree Violet. Steffie is a big bitch. She definitely wears the pants in that house. She was like that with Liam as well. I don’t know who is the bigger whimp. Finn or Liam. I am all for Finn dumping her as well. On a side note, I thought there was going to be more of Ivy and Liam than a five minute glass of wine and Steffie chiming in with her two cents worth of comments. That was some big comeback.

I find Liam to be WAY MORE ANNOYING than Finn!!!!! Oh…and you are SO RIGHT ON…to me, Finn deserves WAY BETTER than Steffy!!!!! Steffy…another one who annoys me to no end. Make. It. Stop.

I think the biggest thing that people don’t like is his waffling nature and for me it’s his blindness where Steffy comes in, to him she can do no wrong.

Violet…this is true. Yep.

I think its disgusting. .obviously he dudnt care for hope the way he said he did

Are you kidding? Of course hope s better off without Thomas! and finn as well there will be other possibilities. She is going to have focus on the line for the time being.

Agree! And she needs to get on social media and find some new blood! Or how about another designer from a rival fashion house? Just someone who is not linked to Forrester! Really this show gets sooo incestuous…

There is no Incestuous things going on. People do not even know what the word means, evidently
Look it up in a dictionary, where it will be explained better.

Just when we thought we were rid of boring Paris!

Lol! Yes! Send Paris BACK to PARIS, 1-way ticket back, ALONE!!!

I’m hoping Thomas is just pulling a stunt to make hope jealous and they finally get back together. Paris needs to get back with he ex.



I think Thomas can have Paris. I pray he never ends up with Hope cause He knew about her baby and never told her, but wanted her to care for his son. Then he used his son to manipulate Hope and Liam.
He is responsible for Emma’s death. He’s a killer.,and very dangerous when he can’t have his way.
He called CPS pretending to be Brook ( Hopes Mother ) He’s a dirty crook.Hope needs to be with Finn go get him girl. Take him from steffy she took her man / husband whenever she payback time now.

Your post is kind of crazy, but you know what? , I agree with it!

There whole affair is incestuous even if they are not technically blood relatives. Every time they got physical I wanted to throw a nerf ball at the tv.

I don’t watch it anymore this thing with Hope and Thomas they are made for each other. The Logan women have slept and been marry to all men in family and now Hope is try to take Finn
Why couldn’t they just left Hope and Thomas alone

Come on! Paris couldn’t commit to Zende but is able to commit to an older man with a shady history and a kid! And not just any man, but a man who almost married her sister?!? And whom he dumped at the altar? It would have been hotter if the writers introduced a new French love match who does not know Thomas’s history…

I did not want Hope with Thomas. He is gross. Paris can have him.

Hope is a nutcase herself, looks like part of her screwy behavior may be physical, but she still doesn’t operate on all cylinders.

Voilet…yep. To me, at times, Hope comes off as somewhat whiny. But, then again, look at who her mother is aka Brooke. Yikes.

Hope needs to stay away from Finn. She divorced Liam because he loves Steffy but so does Finn so what makes her think things would be different with Finn? Hope is acting more and more like her mother every day. Maybe she should get back together with Wyatt.

Why not bring someone new for Thomas ? Bring someone for Paris what happened to her boyfriend she went to Paris with ?But whatever don’t let the Sluts from the valley Come out on top And that also includes Katie

This soap really sucks and if Hope & Finn get together I’m never watching it again. I’m so sick of the Forrester / Logan rivalary when it comes to men


WHY? She’s had so many chances. Was Thomas just supposed to hang around, waiting for her to say, yes, I’ll marry you! Sure he got plenty if sex, but he wanted her as his wife, not just a sex machine. I don’t care for Paris, but it looks like she’s giving him and Douglas unconditional love which they deserve.

Rumor is Paris has finished filming! This show is a mess

Please explain your comnent.. she just got back, how and why has she finished filming?

Thomas, finally, free of the narcissist !!! Love Paris. She truly sets Thomas’ happiness as a priority, unlike ” it’s all about me “, Hope !! If Hope hooks up with Finn, medical issue or not, it will continue to fall flat. There is NO CHEMISTRY !! B & B went from hot, hot, Thomas and Hope and ruined it. Finn has no sex appeal !!!!

General Hospital

‘General Hospital’s’ Sonny Tells Ava She’s Moving Out, Now Will Her Plan Backfire?

This week on General Hospital, Sonny (Maurice Benard) informs Ava (Maura West) that she’s moving out of his penthouse. In the newly released promo from the ABC soap opera, you can tell that the mobster catches his unsuspecting roomie off guard.

Whatever Ava has been plotting has now hit a major bump in the road, if she can’t keep tabs on Sonny so closely. She has constantly been a fly on the wall to all his interactions, while knowing he is not getting the proper full dosage of his meds to keep check his bipolar disorder.

Seems like Sonny may want the penthouse all to himself to also spend some time with Natalia (Eva LaRue) as the two have been enjoying each others company. And on the Friday, June 28th episode, teasers share that “Sonny and Natalia get closer.”


In other moments in the promo, Carly (Laura Wright) is upset after learning that Jason (Steve Burton) put two and a half years of his life on hold, and stayed away from his family, just to protect her after incriminating evidence surfaced on her.

Last week, Sam (Kelly Monaco) revealed to Carly that there is tape of her time leading the Corinthos organization and a meeting with the five families. So, what’s a girl to do? Visit Brennan (Charles Mesure) in jail.

Meanwhile, Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) and Anna (Finola Hughes) are playing a game of cat and mouse over his involvement with Pikeman, and Finn (Michael Easton) confronts Tracy (Jane Elliot) as to where his daughter, Violet (Jophielle Love) is after his drinking binge.

Watch the full promo below. Then let us know, what do you think Ava’s actual plot against Sonny is? Do you think Valentin is truly the head of Pikeman? What is Carly trying to do now that she knows that Jason did all of this for her? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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Days Of Our Lives

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Preview: What Will Diana Tell Leo? Is John Really His Father?

This week on Days of our Lives, Judith Chapman is back for a one-day stint as Diana Colville when her son, Leo (Greg Rikaart) visits her in prison.

In story, Diana was sent to the slammer, for back in 2019 she tried to murder Marlena (Deidre Hall), and at the time she admitted (or claims) she falsified the DNA tests that originally proved the John Black (Drake Hogestyn) was Leo’s father. Leo turned his back on his mother and has not seen or spoken to her again.

However, recently Leo has visited Marlena as his shrink to try to get to the bottom of why he is the way he is. Upon Marlena’s suggestion, she advises him to see his mother.

Photo: JPI

Speaking with Soap Opera Digest on her upcoming key scenes, Chapman expressed, “Diana was not happy about him going to Marlena for help and Leo is like, ‘Yeah, Mom, I’m figuring this out because you messed me up so much in my life.'”

Judith teased,“She (Diana) stays in control so she’s not breaking down but her facade definitely cracks. By the time we finished the scenes, everybody who was in earshot started applauding. I thought it was just a token, ‘Oh, welcome back, Judith,’ but it was because Greg and I apparently knocked it out of the park. The director came out, threw her hands up and was like, ‘You did it, you did it!’ Greg and I hugged and just clung to each other for 15, 20 seconds.”

Make sure to tune-in to the Tuesday, June 25th of the Peacock streaming soap opera to see the showdown between Leo and Diana.

So, do you think Leo is John’s biological son after all? Do you think Diana will reveal something else that will help Leo figure out why he does the things he does? Are you excited to see Judith and Greg in scenes again, after years as Y&R mother and son, Gloria and Kevin, and then on Days as Diana and Leo?

Check out our recent Daytime Emmy Red Carpet interview with Greg below. Then, let us know your theories in the comment section.


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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL Preview: After Tracy Takes Incriminating Photos of Finn; It All Points to Him Losing Custody of Violet

It’s clear that General Hospital is headed towards really taking Finn (Michael Easton) all the way down to the depths of despair, when his family and friends, while trying to do the right thing and protect his daughter, Violet (Jophielle Love), from any harm, are also setting the guy up for a real punch to the gut.

Thus far, Finn started drinking heavily after his father Gregory passed away in the middle of the night. Now, it looks like his daughter will be taken away from him.

In story on the Friday’s June 19th episode, after Finn cuts his hand accidentally on broken glass, he ends up passing out on the floor from excessive drinking. Violet comes upon her dad, and ends up calling Tracy (Jane Elli0t). When Tracy shows up, she calls the paramedics, who inform her that the issue with Finn is he drank too much.


Once Violet goes over to Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) and Chase’s (Josh Swickard), Tracy goes back to Finn’s and takes photos on her phone of Finn passed out, a bottle of booze, the glass and the entire scenario.

So, between Brook Lynn, Chase and Tracy, it looks like Finn will not stand a chance at keeping custody of Violet, unless one of them sticks up for the good doc? In true soap-fashion, it would seem most likely, a court will grant temporary custody to Brook Lynn and Chase, setting up some kind of emotional full custody battle down the line? Stay tuned.


Teasers for the week of June 24-28 on GH indicate the following:


Tracy issues an ultimatum. Chase and Brook Lynn seek legal advice. Carly plots a bold move. Molly and TJ have a heart-to-heart. Ava gets an earful.

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024

Jason and Elizabeth discuss their son. Carly opens up to Brennan. Anna makes a discovery. Valentin makes a proposal. Finn suffers a setback.



Trina delivers bad news. Ava is on the warpath. Mac visits Cody. Alexis makes a revelation. Gio is alarmed. 

THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 

Chase supports Finn. Jason and Danny bond. Dante voices his concerns to Sam. Dex surprises Josslyn.

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024

Carly and Jason clash. Sonny and Natalia get closer. Ava seeks out Laura. Brook Lynn and Chase make a big decision. Blaze has some tough questions for Kristina.

So, what did you think of Tracy taking photos of Finn passed out drunk? Are you on Tracy, Brook Lynn and Chase’s side, or do you think Finn will sober up when he realizes Violet will be taken from him? Share your theories via the comment section below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Michael Easton as Finn

General Hospital

Airdates: 5-20/24-2024
