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Matthew Atkinson Returns to The Bold and the Beautiful and Previews a Major Change in Thomas’ Life that “Shocks” Everyone

Photo: JPI

This Friday, June 21st, marks the first on-screen appearance of Matthew Atkinson (Thomas Forrester) on The Bold and the Beautiful since March of this year. In story, Thomas packed up and headed to Paris with his son, Douglas in tow, after Hope (Annika Noelle) turned down his marriage proposal for the second time.

Viewers have waited anxiously for his come back pondering, that when Thomas returns, would he go right back to pursuing Hope? What would be his demeanor after timeParis? Well, we are about to find out.

However, Hope now seems to be somewhat becoming obsessed with Finn (Tanner Novlan), Steffy’s (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) husband, and has developed feelings for him. Might Thomas’ return to Los Angeles have him finding Hope and Finn in a comprising situation?

Photo: JPI

Speaking with Soap Opera Digest on his imminent return, Atkinson shared on the Finn/Hope potential pairing, “From Thomas’ point of view, he knows nothing about it, and so maybe that helps my point of view.”

Teasing what to look for when Thomas returns to the canvas, Atkinson dropped, “Thomas has had one particular very large change in his life since he left town. And when he comes back, it is something that shocks everyone.” What would “shock” the family and everyone who knows him? Could it be that Thomas got engaged or married to another women, while he was in Europe?

Photo: JPI

Atkinson weighed-in on the fan response and support for those viewers missing him on-screen during his time away from the show, expressing, “I just never expected the response that I’ve gotten and we’ve gotten from the fans, especially (with) Thomas leaving. I can’t speak for all the fans, but there’s a wealth of people that are either really, really upset that Thomas is gone for a period or really sad. (They) reach out and they’re like, ‘Hey, when are you back? When are you back? When are you back?’ That just speaks to their care for this character.'”

So, what do you think will be the shocking change in Thomas’ life that is revealed when he returns to Los Angeles? Comment below.

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I expect Thomas got married while away off screen

I don’t think so…It depend how long he will have been absent. It will not be realistic to come back married after 2 months…He was heartbroken and he said to Hope that he will always loving her. I don’t think this is something it can going anywhere easily.

Previews say he is engaged

Maybe not marriage, but a girlfriend leading to a potential marriage. On a side note, you know Shelia is going to push Hope and Finn together to get back at Steffie. I wonder if Finn will take the bait. I am wondering what the point was in bringing back Ivy. She was with Liam for all of what seemed like 5 minutes and left. I guess they were leaving things open for a Steffie, Finn, Liam extravaganza. We will soon find out.

YAY he is back! This actor and character are why I started watching this show. Maybe he comes back with Ivy. Hope (no pun intended) that a Thomas/Hope reunion happens down the road. The current mess on screen is hard to watch and makes no sense, it’s a sadly written plot story making charmless Hope/Finn look like idiots with this Sheila story.

I believe he would come and help Steffy . She trying to run everything. Maybe Thomas will keep Hope busy from Finn. Also help with the Forester Business. If Steffy keep messing with Sheila she going to act out on Steffy. A person can take so much. Writers do your job.

I saw a picture yesterday with Hope and Fin naked on her sofa, this hints what will be happening. Hope needs to concentrate on her job not someone else’s husband!!

Thomas will admit that he is bisexual. He will tell hope that he loves Finn


This is 2024 – not 1954. Time to embrace people’s differences.

Sara…now that’s funny…lol

Very funny, ha,ha!

Now that would be a serious surprise!!! Letsssssss Gooooo!!!


NG..Writers, get your S___ together!!

Actually, the writers making a character gay/bi on show that deals with LA fashion would show the writers finally have it together.

Maybe he’s gay??

HA! That would turn everything upside down! Ridge and Steffy would flip their wigs!!

Yeah…ESPECIALLY Steffy…lol

That would be a good thing, we need gay characters on daytime it is 2024!

No he is not gay come with something better

I’m to am sick of that story line. I hope that he is married to a nice woman.


Hope not! Missed Thomas glad he is back

Do you know why girls dye their hair pink ?

The reason may surprise you…

I don’t even know who Thomas is anymore. Do the writers? If I were Thomas, I’d run and not look back. How he ever forgave his father for the flung with young Caroline, I don’t know. If he so loved Hope and she left Liam, then why is the bond so fragile? Why is Hope so revered? She is as bad as the rest of them.


The headaches she’s having will explain her behavior

The headaches are soley to get a “massage” from Finn. Soooo lame especially as that was already part of how she started falling for Thomas

OH GOD YES! I think as a younger girl, teenager, & younger woman Hope had a big hang-up about sex due 2 her mother’s lack of a hang up & morales when it came 2 sex, who used her feminine wiles 2 manipulate & control all men so she could get who & what she wanted & when! Hope didn’t really seem 2 really get in to enjoying sex until she got with Thomas who brought out her lust & desires & now that it’s “all on the table” Hope is now “Feeling her Wheaties” so 2 speak & she’s not holding back on her romantic, lustful, feelings anymore where B4 she always kept them in check! Now she wants Finn & Finn has no backbone 2 stand up 4 himself, Steffy, or what is right will succumb 2 Hope desires & will sleep with her! I always thought Hope was just like her mother & now she’ll prove me right in all aspects! As 4 Thomas I hope he comes back married 2 a talented, smart, gorgeous, vibrant, kind, loving, amazing woman who loves & adores him & Douglas & that it throws Hope in 2 a tail spin & that she just spins out of control instead of Steffy 4 once!

Hang on a sec. Why would Thomas have a problem with Ridge for *marrying*, not having a fling with, young Carolyn? She was with Rick, not Thomas. And it’s Ridge who should not forgive Thomas for sleeping with a drugged and very much married Carolyn, which led to the birth of Douglas. Then again, like father like son.

I hated that SL back then, especially Ridge and Caroline’s fake marriage , when I think she .was still married to Ric, they really did a number on him, btw. Then the Caroline, Thomas and Ridge “threesome”, and who’s the baby daddy? I didn’t like the whole thing with Ridge and the very young Caroline, everyone turned out a loser except for little baby Douglas, whom I’ve always believed is Ridge’s child, not Thomas.

Thank you. I think that character is as bad as her mama and I can’t stand the Brooke character. I’ve been waiting a long time to say that. I can’t understand how Brooke and Hope act like they are so innocent and always come out on top.

Thank you!!!!!

Maybe a new boyfriend

Noooo not gay! I’m about to stop watching it ALL! tired of that!

First of all, this is a show about fashion in Los Angeles. Anyone who doesn’t think there’s a large contingent of LGBT people in this location/industry is out of touch. The fact that B&B has ignored this for so long is something reflects negatively on the Bells.

There’s plenty of shows from the 1960s we can suggest if one can’t handle seeing a more full representation of love in the world.

I agree. No gay, lesbian bisexuality. Please.

He will start a new fashion line that puts Hope out on a limb begging for him to come back to her, cause Finn will show that he is no fool, and sleeping with Hope will cause chaos that he doesn’t want or need and he loves Steffy, y’all let someone on the show have scruples and not trash like Brooke, whose demons are still wrecking lives, she slept with every man who thought yes and they are coming back in spades, Brooke is praying that Hope makes better decisions than she did.

I agree, Brookes been quiet wayyyy to long, time for her to start long. So fasten your seatbelts!!! Imagine Thomas designing the bedroom line for Brooke , of course he’s gonna want her to model it for him!!!! The plot thickens!! Holy cow!!!

He comes back gay


Brad likes to “SHOCK” people, but I don’t think he’s that bold and daring. I’ll be tuning in tomorrow.

I don’t know about getting married but he probably does have some new woman with him, upsetting Brookes plans to reunite Thomas and Hope, as she figures, Hope will put her attention back on Thomas and forget about Finn. Thanks to Brookes big mouth , telling Deacon about their daughter having “the hots” for Finn and Sheila overhearing it all, we know , she’ll be working her whiles in getting Hope and Finn together.

Great… NOT!!!!!!

I hope Thomas comes back to set Steffy. Straight she is to bossy, and she don’t see nothing she did in the past. I want someone to set the record straight for her. Thomas on the other hand is a different story, he trying to be good, he have a dark side they never brought out completely. We will see what the next storyline brings us.

For some reason, I keep seeing “Brooke” & Thomas ending up together. Yep, He’s gonna be so heartbroken still , over Hope, & Brooke will find it in her heart to reach out & embrace him & console him, which will lead to sparks lighting up. Andddd which will lead to MORE drama after JUST becoming part of the ForesterTeam. Oh how the stomachs will turn . One saga after another!! We shall see.

He comes back with his own fashion company and line.

Maybe Thomas is coming back to release Hope from being Douglas mom. ?
Douglas will be some crazy kid not wanting a Mom. Maybe Thomas will give Douglas to Steffy and Finn? That would work with getting more chaos going. Putting a wedge in the Forrester vs. Logan’s again. Finn would be against it and would be trouble there and he would see how vengeance Steffy really is and leave her & take Hayes with him!!! Of course, Hope would be more than happy to watch Hayes when Finn is at the hospital… Bringing them closer together.

I think he may come back engaged to someone that use to work there .

That don’t should like thomas the love of his life is hope

Breaking News

Michele Val Jean Gives Update on New CBS Soap ‘The Gates’, “People are Boarding and Taking Seats!” Who Might Be in the Cast?

Excitement continues to build for the launch of the first new network soap opera in 25 years, as The Gates gets set for its January 2025 debut. As previously announced, longtime soap opera writer, Michele Van Jean created the series and will server as writer, showrunner, and as one of the EP’s of the new CBS soap.

While speculation runs high as to who is joining Michele’s team behind the scenes and who will be in the cast, on Saturday, she shared a message on x with an update expressing “The train is in the station, people are boarding and taking seats! #ittakesavillagetobuildaworld #excited #TheGates

That post certainly piqued soap opera fans minds, all waiting to hear who could be in the cast? Will it be actors from the world of soaps previously? Will a previous TV and film star be featured as one of the leads? What we do now is The Gates is centered around a wealthy Black family who lives in a luxurious gated community.

Photo: CBS

One fan commented to Val Jean: “In addition to all of the great Black daytime vets (Debbi Morgan, Darnell Williams, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Victoria Rowell, etc.), I *really* hope you pick up both Micheal Easton & Trevor St. John. I’d love to see them on The Gates!”

Behind the scenes Val Jean is joined by Sheila Ducksworth, Leon Russell, Derrick Johnson and Kimberly Doebereiner who also serve as executive producers. The Gates was developed through a joint venture between CBS Studios and the NAACP. The series will be produced by CBS Studios/NAACP venture in partnership with P&G Studios, which is a division of Procter & Gamble.

As for Val Jean, she is well-known for her work as a writer for both The Bold and the Beautiful and General Hospital and she has won multiple Daytime Emmy and WGA Awards.

So, who would you love to see cast in ‘The Gates]? Not much is known publicly about the characters within the upcoming new soap, but serve as our armchair casting quarterback in the comment section below and let us know which actors you would love to see it it.

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What if There Was A Crossover Romance Between Y&R’s Nick and B&B’s Steffy? Joshua Morrow Weighs-In

We all know that The Young and the Restless’ Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) has had his share of the ladies in Genoa City over his three decades on the canvas as played by Joshua Morrow. The actor just celebrated on June 21st, his 30th anniversary with the show as iconic Y&R couple, Victor (Eric Braeden) and Nikki’s (Melody Thomas Scott) son.

This week, The Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless announced yet another crossover story between the two sister soaps, when it was revealed that Michael Damian and Lauralee Bell were taping scenes for episodes that will air in August on B&B when Danny and Christine visit Los Angeles and the ‘Brooke’s Bedroom’ line relaunch soiree.

When speaking with, Morrow teased one of the things he would still like the opportunity to do during his soap-run and involving who. Joshua suggested, “What I want to do is have a triangle that involves a cross-show couple. That would be pretty awesome if we connected the two shows with a pairing that was messy and in a triangle.”

Photo: JPI

Next, when prompted who would be the lady at The Bold and the Beautiful he could see Nick hanging out with, it was a no-brainer for him,  Morrow revealed, “Obviously, my choice for that would be Jacqueline MacInnes Wood. She’s a very beautiful woman and obviously very, very talented. What man wouldn’t want to work with her? So that’s the storyline that I want to tell.”

Since Morrow suggested it would be a triangle involving a woman from Genoa City and Steffy from B&B, the question would be, who would also be the woman in the triangle from Y&R? Food for thought!

Photo: JPI

Currently on Y&R, Nick is single, and on B&B, it’s extremely obvious that soon Hope (Annika Noelle) and Steffy’s husband Finn (Tanner Novlan), will hit the sheets, unless Steffy hits the sheets with her ex, Liam (Scott Clifton), first, or both will happen in subsequent order.

Now let us know, what would you think of a Nick and Steffy romance storyline over two shows? If Nick was involved in a romantic triangle involving Steffy, which woman on the Y&R canvas, should be the other woman? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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General Hospital

Michael Easton and Jophielle Love Share Heartfelt Messages Following Airing of Last ‘General Hospital’ Scenes Together

There wasn’t a dry eye in the house after General Hospital viewers watched the Thursday June 27th episode. In it, Finn (Michael Easton) comes to say goodbye to his daughter Violet (Jophielle Love), who is now in the temporary custody of his brother Chase (Josh Swickard), before he heads out to rehab.

The episode also would be Michael Easton’s last with the ABC soap opera as Finn was written-off the canvas. Fans of the soap, watched the heartbreaking Finn and Violet scenes, and following its airing, both Love and Easton shared touching posts on their Instagram accounts accompanied by photos.

Easton shared, “This is the hardest goodbye of all for me. The first picture was taken right after Violet and Finn’s last goodbye. After they said cut, Jophielle Love and I immediately found each other and we hung on like we didn’t want it to end. The last video was taken between scenes on the very first day we met and I remember it like yesterday. Jophielle you are pure magic and you are going to do amazing things in this life. Go forward with rainbows in your heart and know that I will never forget you.”

Photo: MEastonIG

Love (through the writing by her mom) shared: “How do I say good bye ? Michael and Jophielle have been working together on General Hospital for 5 years now ! Over 100 episodes… Today’s scenes were an absolute heartbreak . Jophielle doesn’t lose sight of the possibility of her parents coming back into her GH life … This scene was way too familiar from one she experienced on her first few months on set as her tv mother went through what felt like the same door … saying good bye … and never returning to this day! Poor Violet lost everyone… Jophielle was genuinely very sad … Her chemistry with Michael on set was amazing from day one , as she always insisted to fix his hair before each take as a five years old. Now she is 10 … and … tears were pouring down. It was a very very hard day on set and everyone was tearing up … She managed to get through it all like a pro , …. It was … very emotional and also amazing. Like a grown up scene.”

Photo JLoveIG

In a personal note from Love’s mother it read, “Michael … I speak as a mom today who has been there on set every step of the way , being so thankful for you and for Rebecca Budig’s incredible love and instant connection with Jophielle. There is something to be said about tv families… and even more on a show like General Hospital, where these families have such a real bound as they are part of a long lasting legacy … Like Jophielle does … I really hope you get to come back …. Never say never … we love you Michael and we thank you for everything. See you soon 😘”

Photo: ABC

What did you think of the touching posts and sentiments from Michael and Jophielle and her mom? Share your thoughts in the comment section, but in case you missed it, grab the hankies and watch the emotional goodbye between Finn and Violet below.


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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Michael Easton as Finn

General Hospital

Airdates: 5-20/24-2024
