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Days Of Our Lives

CONFIRMED: Kassie DePaiva Joins Days Of Our Lives As Eve Donovan!

Photo Credit: Sue Coflin/Max Photos

Photo Credit: Sue Coflin/Max Photos

It’s official! After all the rumors that have been circulating, One Life to Live favorite Kassie DePaiva (Ex-Blair) is coming to Days of our Lives as the recast Eve Donovan, the role once played by Charlotte Ross.   Even though there had been discussions between DAYS and Ross for her to reprise her role, in the end it’s DePaiva who lands the plum the part!

In a statement from DAYS,  Greg Meng the series co-executive producer said, “We are excited to welcome Kassie to the Days family.  Stay tuned to find out how the return of Eve Donovan shakes things up in Salem!”

DAYS went on to say:  the twice Daytime Emmy-nominated star brings a fresh dynamic to Salem society as we explore the many facets of the Donovan family like never before.

So what do you think of Kassie DePaiva playing the role of Eve Donovan?  Let us know!

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OMG! You are so kidding. Sorry, but I think she’s too old. Or maybe I’m just in time warp. Either way, enough. I’d rather have Charlotte Ross back. I’m just not happy with all these newbies coming on, even if they play existing characters.

So is Kassie moving to CA or will she carpool with Thorsten?

And does this mean Kim and Shane are returning? For more than a meal at the publ?

Mo I agree with you, I love kassie, but she is too old for this character. They should have brought back charlotte ross back. big mistake days producers. they should have cast kassie as kristen dimera or anna dimera. oh well, I will give kassie a chance. I still love her acting, great actress.

Have not watched Days in years but Leann Hunley is the only Anna Dimera and Charlotte Ross the only Eve. Hey Days why do you not spend some of that money to get Peter Reckell/Bo Brady back. The best looking woman on the show KA/Hope and she can’t get a story from what I read !

I am so over Days when Ej slept with Abigail. Just one bad choice after another with the director. Show has went down hill.

That was a major misstep. I am trying to stick in there. Another misstep was firing Chandler and replacing him with Guy. I am just no loving Guy as Will.

I just don’t see Kassie as Eve. She did a great job as Blair and I think she’s a great actress, but she’s TOO OLD!

Not a fan of her or Teresa . Those roles can go. I love the new Will. It’s Sammy’s last year so the Abigail thing had to happen. I loved the old Eve. But honestly the role didn’t need to be brought back. I never missed an Episode and now with Eve back and Jack gone. Then Daniel and Jennifer breaking up and I loved Nicole and Eric together if only she told the truth. So many things done wrong. Eve and Teresa can go. Miss Belle and Sean too.

Kassie is only 5 years older then Charlotte…….that’s not that much lol Kassie is a wonderful actress and she will do great in this part I think 🙂

She looks older.


As much as I love Kassie… I think this is a miscast. Kassie is six years younger than her supposed father Charles Shaughnessy. I understand it is the world of soaps to try to have actors play roles different from their own age…but really I just don’t buy this one.

Theres only about 9 years( I think) between Charles & Charlotte. She gave an interview once saying it was weird having a “father” who was about the same age.

I agree about the age difference, but Kassie is a great addition. I am still having a hard time that Sami is a grandmother and Kate/Marlena are great-grandmothers.

Kate and Marlena…while still written like they are in their 30’s….and thanks to mega plastic surgery…are in fact in their 60’s. It is no stretch of any imagination that they are great grandmothers. But this Eve thing is just not going to play well. First of all, Eve was a disgusting loathesome character when Charlotte played her. It was not believable then that Shane could have fathered her when he was alrready established as a super spy. Eve was always a few years younger than Jennifer…and Missy’s youthful looks will not help this transition. It will look absolutely absurd when the time comes for Eve to start calling Shane daddy. I so wish the show will rethink this decision. They certainly have lead time. All that said however, lets not any of us forget….Kassie is a tall Southern blue eyed blonde…and she replaced a short black haired Asian as Blair and went on to be one of the most popular and enduring characters for 20 years. Probably if anyone can pull it off…its her.

Well Sami did have Will when the character was around 16, and Will is now in his early twenties, so being a grandmother in her thirties is possible.

On TV real age doesn’t matter. 30 yr olds play parents to 20somethings playing teens. LOL I seem to remember Cassie is 10 years older than both Todds (Victor). I do love her too on OLTL but I have to agree with everyone. (Even though I have no idea who any of these people are.) I tried to watch DOOL and it was so bad (sorry) I wanted to hang myself with the TV cable, so it doesn’t matter to me. What’s the status of OLTL? Or is it time to put up the RIP? I am happy for her as she is very talented, I hope the have her sing. 😉

Blair was always supposed to be several years older than Todd though, so Kassie being older than RH and TSJ worked out fine.

I am crushed about this. I was so excited about Charlotte Ross returning. At a loss for words, actually. One role I dreaded about being recast. I am especially devastated because Charlotte was tweeting with DAYS fans recently and seemed very excited about the prospect of returning. I now know how the Peter Reckell fans felt when Robert Kelker Kelly stepped into the role. It really hurts! I respect Kassie’s acting, but Charlotte just touched my soul as Eve. I don’t want to let her go.

It looks like Charlotte wasn’t offered enough money. I AM DEVISTATED!!! Cassie looks about 7 years older than Charlotte! She is not Charlotte! She is not Eve!

I dreamed of the day that Charlotte would come back as Eve! CHARLOTTE OR NO EVE!!!

It was fun while it lasted.

Kassie is spelled with a K, not a C. It could have easily started with a C!!!

Had nothing to do with money…she had 3 other projects lined up.


I am excited to see her take on the role and maybe give Theresa a wake up call but I am embarrassed to say when I heard the news I was wondering ;exactly how old is Shane?

I think they knew that Ali Sweeney was leaving so they needed to bring a similar type character/actress to the show. I say they need to bring on Vincent Irizarry as Peter Blake too and maybe even Jack too!

I am glad to see kassie come onto days. I love onelife to live and glad she is coming. she is a great actress and she can sing too. that has to be a plus. hopefully we will be able to see a lot of music on there now. I loved when they used to have that with Melissa.

Charlotte Ross is also a singer.

The recast Melissa was a singer, but was a recast mistake. Lisa Trusell was the one and only Melissa for me. She was a dancer.

Guess Ill be checking into Salem after I give Genoa City the heave hoe!

She’s Eve? I was hoping 4 Charlotte Ross!!! Mixed feelings here!!!Hopefully, she’s still Jordans momma!!! Theresa will now have her half sister to worry about!!!

She is a little to old to be Shane’s daughter…ill have to wait and see if she can pull it off!!!

I’m crushed along with…..

It crossed my mind… had so hoped….
that the new pairing… sisters: Charlotte Ross and Jen Lilly… as Eve and Theresa Brady-donovan

would have catapulted to the forefront…. to replace…. the other brady girls… Sami and Carrie

I know, right?

i think this is going to be a loaded mix

i too think she’s a lil’ old

Charlotte ross and jenn lilly had the sex appeal thru the roof…. add in Kimberly… and Shane… and I’d have lost it….too happy if this had transpired

Maybe they’ll bring Charlotte back in 2015 as the new Sami…even if she is older than Greg V. who plays her twin bro Eric? After all, Josh Taylor played Chris for years and came back as Roman!!!

A bit mixed here too. I loved Charlotte Ross as Eve and was hopeful for her return. KDP is one of my all time fave soap stars so I’m excited to have her on my screen again, just was hoping she would be related to Jordan too. I guess we’ll see. But I am totally LOVING Days right now.

Congrats to KDP and look forward to seeing you in Salem.

It is beginning to look more and more plausible that Eve will be Jordan’s mother. I think they invested so much into this story, so certain they were going get CR to come back that when it fell apart they had to recast — too late to drop the story since they tape and write so far in advance. I never watched ABC shows, until last year I began watching GH, so I have no idea who this lady is, – and a lot newer Days fans don’t even know CR, so I think this isn’t ideal, but just by looks, she could pass as Jordan’s mother. Looking forward to the story, but like you mixed feelings over losing CR in the role.

Wow congrats kassie, so happy for her. I wanted kassie to play kristen dimera. so maybe eileen davidson might come come back as kristen, in the near future. Kassie is a wonderful actress.

I had to wait and see some fan response

I too feel deflated – let down

and a fan be damned…. If i don’t know how good Charlotte Ross could have been as Eve…. with Theresa, Kimberly, and Shane…. this would have been the perfect family to catapult the brady-donovan tribe

just loaded with femme fatale and the uber himself hottie Shane.

I had hoped that Kassie would have come on as Jordan’ mother.. or another horton or brady…

be that as it may…. I fully support DAYS

Kassie would have been MUCH better as Jordan’s mother! The age thing would have worked much better than … Theres’s sister??? Love Kassie, but she looks her age and really shouldn’t be playing that much under her age.

kassie is a great actress. but this is a big big mistake, she is miscast. kassie should have been a recast, for kristen dimera. That would have been much better. I will still watch days of our lives, its the best soap out there. I will give kassie, a chance. who knows? kassie could surprise us, with eve donovan. Now bring erika slezak as the new caroline brady. peggy needs to retire now. Erika would be great, as the new caroline brady.

darned ??? I wonder if TPTB offered Charlotte Ross something… and it wasn’t to her liking?

Welcome to Days Kassie DePaiva!

Good question. I was excited at the prospect of CR returning as Eve, but happy KDP is back in action.

CR had other commitments and couldn’t do the show.

I’ll be looking forward to seeing how this plays out on screen.

Despite thinking Kassie is tremendous, my first thought was she was too old for Eve. But, then I looked up Charlotte Ross and found she is 46. And, Kassie can pull off younger so it might well work.

you’re right…. it’s jarring us some

she’s a great actress… with talent

we want perfection and Charlotte Ross was wanted!

once the news ebbs a little…. Kassie definitely pulls off younger

Charlotte tweeted that she had to decline her “fave role” due to other projects.

Thanks for the update. A little disappointing, but KDP is very good IMO.

I don’t know why people are complaining about Kassie being to old for the role,she is only 6 years older than Ross.

Because Charles S. who played Eves poppa was born in 1955, kassie 1961 and Charlotte in 1968. Charlotte may be 13 years younger than her onscreen father but Kassie is only 6 years…rather too close but this has happen before on soaps including Days…Susan Hayes(Julie) was six or 7 years older than the actor who played her son David back in the 1970s…it worked, however, so im going to wait and see if Kassie can pull it off too!!!

I love the Eve character, & I love Charlotte Ross. Im so sad its not her coming back, with Sami leaving Days could use Ross. I like Casie, she’s the next best thing, but Ross would have been so much better.

Love Kassie, but this is going to be a hard sell, at least for me. I remember Eve very well and I don’t see KDP in the role. Sorry. But like other former Prospect Park actors who were left high and dry when the shows were cancelled, she has a right to try other soaps and make a living, so I wish her well. I’ll give her a chance because she’s a terrific actress, and because I’m glad that she’s not waiting around for the GH team to make her an offer to play some new character and do to her what they’ve done to KA, RH and ME. But it’s another odd recast choice done by a soap IMO and it will take me awhile to accept it.

gosh darn it! I’m Pissed!

Charlotte Ross’ Eve with her equal, daring, sultry, tigress… Theresa would have suited me to a T

add in the equally spitfire Kimberly
and dashing dear big daddy Shane….

and this would have been the #1 family on DAYS

I don’t know her acting… Kassie DePaiva’

so… it’s a 4 month wait

I don’t think I can ever accept this!!! I may have to change my username.

If they couldnt get Charlotte back…they shouldve waited until she was available or not bring the character back at all…maybe Kassie will be ok…ill wait and see!

You’ve got to be kidding! Kassie is ok but Charlotte is Eve!! I did like Kassie as Chelsea Reardom on Guiding light tho so maybe it will work out

KDP was awesome as Blair Cramer on OLTL. She was my favorite character on my favorite soap for years.

I love Kassie. I think she can pull it off. It’s been like 23 years since Charlotte Ross was Eve. Can’t wait to watch!

i love Kassie Depaiva,but i don,t see her in this role,maybe she should,ve done what the other soap stars did n get herself in a web soap opera ,those soaps r pretty good ,even better than some of the soaps that are on T.V.,right now

Kassie is a fantastic actress and there is no doubt she will blow the ratings off the chart. But then I am saddened to know Blair is gone, I wish it would of been OLTL being brought back. But I will support Kassie and watch Days along with GH, Y&R and B&B. Long may I soaps live. Amen 🙂

Agree with you 100% Debbie..Saddened by seeing our beloved “Blair” going somewhere else, but at the same time I am so happy for Kassie to move on and come to a show that I have become hooked on the last couple of years because it has been so damn good and so well written/acted/produced/directed..I am not familiar with the character that she is playing or the actress she is replacing, and I been reading alot of “age” complaints here, but trust me DOOL fans, you got your self a lovely and scene stealing powerhouse of an actress aboard and the ratings of this show will increase because of her big fan base.

well said, Omar.

have to echo: “… you got your self a lovely and scene stealing powerhouse of an actress aboard and the ratings of this show will increase”


“…has been so damn good and so well written/acted/produced/directed..”

couldn’t agree more

There is only a 5 year age difference between Kip and cr

Great news- she is a good actor. Charlotte no longer looks like the young Eve we all remember. Plus- have you seen Charles S recently? He DEF looks old enough to play Kassie’s dad.

very true…. judging from Shane and Kimberly’ return… just this past couple months ago.

so… after all the hoopla…

Whew! this will be a big deal for DAYS

I so hope… that DOOL features returns of Shane and Kimberly… like they do Doug and Julie…. it’s a MUST!

Love Kassie DePaiva and those who do not know her will, too! As for this age problem, Charlotte Ross is 46 and that makes her 12 years Charles Shaughnessy’s junior. DePaiva is 52 and looks younger. Just last year, Eileen Davidson was tramping around as Kristen DiMera. In daytime, age is relative and the years between generations shrinks as everyone SORA’s or returns after their stints in boardsing schools or rehab! One post noted it has been 23 years since Charlotte Ross was on DAYS as Eve. History can be adjusted.

I think KDP is a miscast as Eve Donovan. I wish Wendy Muniz was available. To bad she is on that awful prime time show Betrayal. Wendy would be bad a$$ as Eve Donovan. I just can’t imagine Kassie in scenes with Shane Donovan and Kim Brady.

She was SSSSOOO good….. on Guiding Light!

I was looking forward to seeing KDP in a new role but this seems like a total miscast. I have a feeling we’re all just going to see Blair scenes instead of Eve.

Even though KDP looks good for her age I don’t know why she always has to play someone 10 years younger. Eve is suppose to be the same age as Jennifer. It’s going to look really weird.

well…. Kassie DePaiva’ – “Eve” will still look younger than Melissa Reeves’ Jennifer.

Melissa Reeves is 46 to Kassie’s 52 (and looks a lot younger, always has, which is probably why she gets cast in younger roles). Why would that be such a stretch?

I can see other reasons to object to the recast, but Kassie’s age does not seem to me to be a particularly legitimate issue. Charlotte Ross is also 46; furthermore, Charles Shaughnessy is 58–making him technically too young to be the father, in actual age, of either actress.

I wish Kassie were coming on as someone else. She’s already saddled with so much resistance from Charlotte Ross fans that I doubt she’ll even be given a real chance, which is a shame. (I could see it more, I suppose, if CR had been fired to make way for KDP, or if she was willing and available and they went with hiring KDP instead, but Charlotte said herself she’s got too many other things going on and could not come back.)

Kassie looks young and beautiful. Melissa on the other hand is not only a horrible actress but looks older than Kassie. I think they need to worry about recasting Jennifer to keep up with Kassie!!

This is a really good recast in theory. I look forward to seeing her onscreen. I would love to see Frankie return and maybe an interesting love triangle between Eve, Frankie and Jennifer.

Congrats Cassie! I always hoped you would take on the role of OLTL matriarch once the great Ms. Slezak retired. With that not possible I am happy for your new path. I never watched DOOL but will go to see you. Once again Congratulations!

Congrats Kassie , now All we need is Erika Slezak and Robin S on TV again

KDP not only replaced an Asian actress as Blair, she made that role hers. I have no doubts she can do the same with the Eve character and I hope FV & RC see what a big mistake they made
not hiring her@GH. She could have helped them make Franco acceptable which he isn’t to the majority of the fans despite how much they like RH. So fellow KDP fans lets show GH what they’re missing by helping Days get high ratings especially when Kassie arrives. Days has been must see tv lately. I wish her the best of luck.

This is a complete and utter miscast. Not much else to say. Its strange that Kassie is experiencing the same thing as Roger Howarth. Out of all the characters they could have chlsen for him to play, they made the worst possible choice in having him be Franco. And same hong with Kassie. There was an instance several years ago where Beth Ehlers was promoted and hailed as the new Liza Colby on AMC. But that decision was changed. I sincerely hope that the powers that be read fan forums like this and realize that while hiring Kassie is awesome, hiring her as this particular character is a HUGE mistake.

Another perspective about actors ages & parts….in The Manchurian Candidate, Angela Lansbury played Laurence Harvey’s mother and there was only a 3 year age difference between them.

Fantastic news. Kassie will be a great Eve Donovan.

I think society in general is too “hung up” on age. It seems to me she is in the general age range of the character and if the Producers didn’t think she could pull it off they wouldn’t have hired her. To my eyes, at 52 she looks closer to 42 so it’s no big deal. As for her former role as Blair on ONE LIFE TO LIVE, if the show ever resurfaces, as some say it may, she could always reprise that role if asked. Unfortunately, not that I have any “inside scoop”, it seems doubtful that OLTL could return although Prospect Park never officially Cancelled it – only time will tell what that show’s ultimate fate will be.

A total MISCAST sorry but they should have waited for Charlotte to be available, I am doubtful of Kassie pulling off being Eve and what is with the rumour of her being Jordan’s mother? Shane has a grown grandchild he knows nothing about? Come on Days do this right or leave my fave Days family The Donovan’s ALONE! My only silver lining is that we might get to see more of Shane AND Kim but I would be worried about what they would do to them also…UGH # DaysFail

Charlotte Ross! Thank you! She was Eve Donovan, and she was fabulous at it! There is no one else far as I am concerned.

I am looking forward to seeing what kassie does with the role and i love charlotte as well and am excited to see her on nashville. TPTB did approach cr first but she had other commitments. I cannot wait to watch kassie on days i have missed seeing her daytime. This is great news to me

I think it is nice that Days is making room for actors from cancelled soaps. Sorry things did not work out with Ms. Ross, but it is a nice opportunity for Ms. DePaiva.

cool love her

I’ll tune back in now! BUT they really need to recast Jennifer! She’s going to look even worse of an actress next to Kassie!!!!

Having lived through the soap opera SORAS with our son Carmen LoPorto as Jack Manning on OLTL, the fans were very upset also but over time they all adjusted to the change. I am sure that Kassie will do a wonderful job portraying Eve. She is an extremely talented actress and beautiful inside and out. Good luck Kassie…. Lynn and Carmen LoPorto

I think this is great I love Cassie and she will bring added depth to the character. GREAT news!

Isn’t Eve just Shane’s daughter? I thought he had a daughter when he met Kim.. I am probably wrong but I thought Eve caused a lot of trouble between Kim and Shane..

Yes and she sure did!

Boo. Sorry, I like her and all, but there was no one like the original, and I cannot think of her name right now, but she was Eve.

Would have preferred Charlotte Ross to come back. At least they would have been able to show old story lines. Not happy about their decision to bring in someone new.

I’ve been watching DOOL since the beginning and we’ll remember Charlotte Ross’ s Eve. I am not liking Kassie DePaiva’s portrayal no matter what her age. She’s not coming across as natural and is really spoiling DOOL for me. I may not be able to watch on the days she is “on”. I’ve never seen her on any other soap so I can’t speak to how well she portrayed other characters but this is NOT a good fit for her or the show”

Kris, I agree with your statements about DePaiva. No chemistry with the actress that plays Paige. I fast forward through DePaiva’s scenes.

I agree. I have seen Kassie in the magazines but never watched her acting. I think she looks too old to play Eve, and also too tall. At age 53 or whatever she is, that would lead one to believe that Shane is in his mid seventies. If Charlotte Ross was not available, what about Tori Spelling? She would have been age appropriate and the right height.

She is definitely not at all suitable to play Eve as Charlotte Ross was a petite little doll…It’s hard to believe her as Eve…change please….

I believe Eve deserve a change. Cant wait to here her sing.

Three actors that dool could do without are: eve donavan, serena (a newcomer) and melanie jonas. They are really boring. I forward thru their scenes whenever they are on!

Days Of Our Lives

Days of our Lives Announces Date for ‘Day of Days 2024’ in Celebration of its Upcoming 60th Season

The 2024 edition of the in-person, popular live fan event, Day of Days has been confirmed for another year and has its date for the special gathering. Circle Saturday November 2nd at the Peacock Theatre in downtown Los Angeles for the place to be.

In celebration of the series’ upcoming 60th season, the complimentary fan event will offer Days of our Lives fans the opportunity to meet their favorite cast members in person, participate in autograph signings and photograph opportunities featuring backdrops from the series and much more throughout the day.

For the first time ever, in conjunction with Sony Pictures Consumer Products, the event will have celebratory merchandise for sale on site. The cast line-up to be in attendance is still to be confirmed. Hosting the Q&A and outdoor festivities will be Dishin’ Days, Tony Moore.

Photo: JPI

Approaching its 60th season, the daytime soap celebrates both legacy mainstays and new faces. Recently, DAYS made Daytime Emmy Awards history with Dick Van Dyke’s win for his guest star appearance as Timothy Robicheaux. Viewers can also catch up on episodes streaming now only on Peacock. Days of our Lives is produced by Corday Productions Inc. in association with Sony Pictures Television. 

Photo: JPI

With the announcement on Tuesday, several DAYS cast members took part in an social media video to let fans know of the event including: Eric Martsolf, Paul Telfer, Carson Boatman, Elia Cantu, Dan Feuerriegel, Rob Scott Wilson, Abigail Klein, Martha Madison and more. You can check it out below.

So, are you looking forward to Day of Days 2024? Comment below.


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Days Of Our Lives

Arianne Zucker Wraps Role in Upcoming Feature Film

Days of our Lives fans are counting down to just how Nicole’s story come to its conclusion on the Peacock streaming soap opera, knowing that her portrayer, Arianne Zucker, is exiting the show on-screen on the July 29th episode. In the meantime, the actress had been busy shooting a new project.

Arianne revealed on social media that she just completed filming a role in the upcoming horror film, Memec. According to IMDb, Memec’s story is centered around how a struggling impressionist and a contract for fame take center stage, as the battle for a good man’s soul takes the spotlight.

In Memec, Zucker plays the role of “The Madam” and she shared some stunning photos from the set via her Instagram. Accompanying the post Arianne said, “Amazing time filming on Memec the Film. I feel so fortunate to have played this delicious character! I could not have asked to be part of a better cast and crew! Thank you for making feel at home! ❤️ Can’t wait to see it!” @polahaha #memecfilm #vantriloquist #scarymovieseason

Photo: AZuckerIU

Memec also has another Days of our Lives connection to it. The film’s director Kristoffer Poloha, who also stars in the film, is married to none other than Julianne Morris (ex-Greta Von Amberg). In addition, the cast of Memec includes Saturday Night Live alum, Chris Parnell. The official film Instagram account, posted a day ago, “Something Has Begun” with a movie slate which definitely has a horror-film vibe.

Photo: JPI

CurrentZucker is embroiled in a lawsuit against her former employer, Corday Productions over claims of sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation, negligent hiring and supervision, and wrongful termination.

Looking forward to seeing Arianne in her role in “Memec” the movie, once it completes production and gets a release date? Any more thoughts on how Nicole exits the canvas since Zucker herself revealed the character is not being killed-off? Comment below.


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Days Of Our Lives

Steve Burton Departs Days of our Lives as Harris Says Goodbye to Ava & Heads Off to Find Megan Hathaway

Monday’s June 24th episode of Days of our Lives marked the final episode of Steve Burton as Harris Michaels. Back at Christmastime in December of 2023, the popular actor finished his time on the soap, and then announced he had wrapped his run on the Peacock series.

Next, in early January of 2024, during the conclusion of General Hospital’s 60th anniversary special, Burton revealed he is back on the ABC soap in his signature soap role of Jason Morgan. Previously, Burton was let go from the show for not complying with the Covid-19 vaccine mandate in November of 2021.

Steve’s Days of our Lives journey began back in 1988 when he first appeared as the character of Harris Michaels. Next, DAYS brought back the character in the summer of 2022 for the limited series Days of our Lives: Beyond Salem 2.  Then, he joined the mothership in March of 2023.

Photo: JPI

In storyHarris comes to tell Ava that he is heading out of Salem because Hope needs him to follow up on a lead on the treacherous Megan Hathaway (Miranda Wilson). Ava questions why he has to be the one to go. Harris explains that Hope (Kristian Alfonso) has to stay by Bo’s (Peter Reckell) side and can’t leave him, so he is going to try to track down Megan, after all, she nearly destroyed his life.


Harris tells Ava there are a lot of trust issues between them, and that he will always care for her. The two hit the sheets one final time, before Harris makes his exit. Tamara Braun told Soap Opera Digest on the final moments between Ava and Harris, “You hold on as tight as you can before you let go. You try to feel everything real, good and intimate, and you cry and you say good-bye. It’s sad.”

If you recall, Steve dropped this video below after he finished taping his last scenes at Burbank Studios where DAYS is taped.

Did you enjoy Steve Burton’s time on Days of our Lives as Harris Michaels? Did you like the pairing of Ava and Harris? Share your thoughts via the comment section.

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Video Du Jour

Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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