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Behind-The-Scenes of the Final Cast Photo of One Life to Live – Watch the Video!



As On-Air On-Soaps discussed in its latest Michael’s Blog;  Leaving Llanview: My Final Visit with the Cast of One Life to Live, during the final press day, the actors and actresses, creatives, and behind the scenes personnel gathered on the set for the last cast photo of the series 43-year-run on ABC.

With series creator, Agnes Nixon flanked by Erika Slezak, Robert S. Woods and Jerry verDorn, and the current cast of the show surrounding them, the photographer took a series of images that would be the final cast photo for One Life to Live’s historic run.

After the jump, watch some of the special moments from the gathering, as the cast looking “mighty fine”, said its farewell as captured on camera in this video clip! Then, let us know your thoughts after watching this heart-tugging scene.  But I am sure you would join us in telling them, “A toast to all of you in Llanview! Thank you for all the years of entertainment and some of the greatest drama ever seen in the genre.  We salute you!”

[slidepress gallery=’behind-the-scenes-video-clip-of-oltl-cast-photo-shoot’]

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Thanks for posting this. This was touching. If you are planning to attend the Loving Lanview event please post videos for the fans who were not able to attend.

Hey what is the loving llanview event??????????????

Here it is. Check it out.

Heartbreaking…..totally heartbreaking. Been watching since the summer of 1976 and I still can’t believe that on Friday we will say good bye to Lan View. I do not believe in good bye….I’ll be seeing you don’t know how don’t know when….but in the mean time I’ll be missing you. THANK YOU to the wonderful cast….you have made the years enjoyable and those years I will cherish forever and always! Your simply the BEST!

Great to see the cast together one last time (for now)I was a little disappointed that Patrick Gibbons wasn’t there.Sam was a big part of the show over the past year.


i can’t say anything right now but there are tears streaming down my face …………….

Good-Bye OLTL. I’ve been watching since 1970, hardly missing an episode. You are all my favorite characters/actors. I will miss you terribly. I’m only sorry I never got to see any of you at any fan functions. Good luck to you all in all of your future endeavors. I can’t believe it’s almost over. Two more days.

I love these actors and I’m going to miss OLTL terribly. ABC has made such a huge mistake.

I hope they make the cast AND crew photo available….

I would love to have a poster of these photos

Thank you for all the wonderful storylines. I started watching this show the first day it aired and I feel like I am losing part of my family. I want to wish all the cast members and crew good luck and happiness in 2012. Maybe one day we will all gather around our TV sets again to enjoy the magic of OLTL …<3 <3 <3

Wow, Linda! That’s so amazing that you’ve been watching from the beginning! I feel honored and privileged to have watched since 1993… wish I could have seen it from the beginning, like you!

Truly there are no words that will suffice in expressing how sad I am!
Thank you to cast & crew! You’ll never truly understand the impact OLTL has had on us, the audience. Here’s to wishing you the best of luck in all your future endeavors! BRAVO!

That was so Beautiful !!!! I’m just so saddened & heartbroken , Is it silly of me to be this way ? I’m just loss for words. I’m just so SAD about this whole mess. Thank you all at OLTL Cast & Crew & Writers for all the memories you have given me over the 30 years I’ve been watching !!! You are my second family and always will be !! OLTL will live on forever for me. Thank you also Michael for all you do for the SOAPS !!!


Its not silly to feel that way , I do too. I have been so sad for the last two weeks terribly. We have been watching it for such a long time. I have been watching it for 27 years and yes they are part of our family…

Nope, not silly. I have been really sad since Nov. 23. I had so looked forward to the show moving online or wherever. This is such an unnecessary loss for so many. Can’t imagine what Monday afternoon will be like without this show to enjoy & be excited about every day. Life will go on, but life will not be as sweet, without One Life to Live.

No Maryanne, It is no silly at all. I think all of us are grieving the loss of our show. I started watching OLTL with my mom, when I was a child. I remember Nancy Pinkerton as the first “EVIL” Dorian and Tommy Lee Jones as Mark Toland. Do you guys remember the Siegels, The Halls and the Craigs? This show is rich in history and I can’t believe it is over. Love ya Llanview.

it n really sad to see this show to end wish soapnet will still carry it or have another network pick it up like amw did

Loved that they took pic of the cast and crew,i will forever be heartbroken

The whole cast looks great.. I am going to miss this show so much.

ABC you should be ashamed of yourself….I truly hope the shows you chose to take OLTL and All My Childrens place totally flops….Why do we need another food show….ugh!!!! Very big mistake!

I’m chocked up with emotions….
My sincere THANK YOU goes to Agnes Nixon, All the Actors & Actresses over the year’s and Studio Crew, for their devotion, commitment and hard work on *One Life to Live* in giving generations a world of entertainment for 44 years. (and me personally 22yrs)

I proudly *Stand With Agnes Nixon*
Love & best wishes to you ALL

One life to live thanks for all the great years of being on the air. I am going to miss ya so much. You are my favorite soap opra. So much great talent on one life to live. Great actresses and actors. Roger Hayworth I wish you the best in everything you do,Rosco Born you are such an amazing actor. I hope I have your name write (Mitch). Roger and Rosco are my favorite male actors and also Trever St John. Erica (Vicky) Cassie(Blair) (Dorian) and Christen (Star) (Tea) I wish ya the best. Ya are some amazing laddies. Words can not decribe how I am going to miss ya coming into my living room everyday at 2pm. I hope to see some of you on another soap opra or on another show. I love ya, Ya be safe. I will be watching until the very end. Take care.

I’m glad they put a cowboy hat on the chair for Phil Carey. It is to bad the did nothing to represent the original clint during the picture. And yes they should have put the the actor that played Sam in the picture.

Thanks Michael!!!

One afternoon in July 1968, I was at my friend Rose’s house in Lawrence Park, PA where I grew up. Rose’s mom told us there was a brand new story beginning in a few minutes and did we want to watch it with her? We said yes. Watching that first episode of OLTL is one of my “Kodak” moments. The image of Rose’s squeaky-clean living room, the black and white portable tv, the beige walls, and brown-tweed sofa is burned in my brain. We were introduced to the Lord family, and I was hooked.

I couldn’t watch during the school year because VCRs hadn’t been invented yet, but I watched during school breaks and summer vacations. I married after graduating from high school and had my three children closely together. While they were small, I’d put them in for their naps after lunch, and it was a welcome break to watch my stories while they slept.

I began working after my youngest entered school. I worked evenings so I was still able to follow OLTL. When I went to college, I worked full time, pursued an honors degree in English writing (won a full summer scholarship to Oxford), and had three active children to raise. During those years, I taped my story. Did I see every episode? No, I didn’t.

After graduating I won a Teaching Assistantship and began working on my Masters. I worked part-time, went to school and taught full-time. I continued to record OLTL. When my brain was fried from reading rhetorical theory or literary criticism articles or couldn’t write another word for the countless papers due each week, I’d stop, watch my story, then return to my work refreshed.

After earning my Masters, I began teaching English at the university level. I watch OLTL everyday. It’s on while I critic student drafts, grade papers, and read journals.

I’m not sharing this because I think I’m special. I don’t. I’m writing about my accomplishments to try to break the stereotype that the only people who watch the soaps are bored, uneducated, unemployed, fat housewives who have nothing better to do. Millions of us are educated, hard-working people who just happen to love daytime drama.

The majority of soap fans lead stressful, busy lives. They turn to the stories because they can let go of their problems and immerse themselves in pure, stress-free entertainment. This genre provides a constant in their chaotic lives, particularly now when so many people have lost their jobs, are worried about losing their jobs, and/or facing foreclosure on their homes.

As I write this, tears are streaming down my face because I feel I’m losing my friends. Over the decades, many friends have come and gone from Llanview, PA. The Wolecks and Vegas come to mind, but the show introduced many other new friends over the years.

I am grieving, yes grieving over the loss of Vicki, Clint, Dorian, David, Blair, Todd, Rex, Gigi, Shane, Renee, Nora, Bo, Star, Jack, Sam, Jessica, Natalie, Roxy, Lindsey, Tea, and John.

I am grieving, and I am angry with ABC for canceling this program. I’ve read many articles about the cancellations. ABC is a company and like all companies, they want to make huge profits. I understand that soaps are expensive to produce, and I understand that replacing them with talk shows is cheaper. What I don’t understand is the sponsors acceptance of this logic. Many people will not watch the replacements, and most who might watch certainly won’t bother to record them to watch in the evenings or on weekends. Where does this leave the sponsors? Why would Penneys, Maybelline, Kraft, etc. buy advertising for programs that people don’t watch? Can someone explain this to me because I do not understand?

I completley agree with everything you have said! I haven’t watched since the very first episode because I was not born yet, but I have been watching since I was born as every generation in my family has watched. I grew up watching both OLTL and AMC and like you would watch during summer vacation and breaks from school. I started recording when I was in high school. I was 15 and finally got a vcr to go with the tv in my bedroom. I haven’t missed one episode since. All through high school, college, working while putting myself through college I took my breaks by watching the soaps. Then I became a mom and I currently stay at home to raise my two boys. When my first was born, this was the time I fed him his bottle and put him down for his nap. As he got older he started to watch a little with me and began to understand that mommy’s soaps are All My Children and One Life To Live. I had hopes when I had my other son a few months ago that the same would happen with him. I was hopeful to pass them on to a 4th generation to watch.

They have been my escape and I agree that soap fans do watch soaps to escape from all the everyday stress of their lives. Soap fans don’t want talk shows or reality tv! Why would we want reality tv when we watch soaps to escape from reality?! I know that I will not be watching any show that replaces my beloved shows and I also don’t want to buy anything from any of the companies that will sponsor them!

Nora, Like you I started watching from the very first episode. My friend Dolores and I would rush home from school to watch our soaps. I have watched for 44 years. I went to college, raised a family, held a job and even when I was “just a housewife” I was never bored cause I had my stories. They were always something to look forward too and “time for me”. I am heart-broken to lose them and also, SO angry with ABC for their lack of regard for the fans that made their daytime programs a hit for so many years. Soaps are as American as apple pie and baseball. There will never be another show that has the longevity these soaps have had. No, no one will be rushing home or recording The Chew or The Revolution to watch later. No one will care if they miss these shows…that’s if the even make it a year, which I doubt they will. How sad that the network cares more for money than for the people who have made them what they are. They have killed the genre and broken the hearts of so many.

We will forever miss you all at OLTL. Thank you all for ALL the joy you have brought us for so many, many years.


Thats all I have to say

Nora, you have said so well what so many of us are feeling. When I worked at a grocery store, during lunch a group of us would gather and we would discuss Erika and Jackson from AMC and Asa, Clint and Vicki from OLTL……we would give our viewpoints on the various storylines and try to guess what would happen next…. Fridays would always leave you hanging and waiting for Monday…I seriously doubt anyone will be sitting on the edge of their chairs for The Chew or Revolution and whatever failing replacment program ABC comes up with after taking away our other families. They have totally destroyed daytime TV. I have loss another family member and I am so sad. These soaps are what got so many of us through our own problems and dramas in our lives. For a few hours every day we could forget “us” and get so immersed in our “other families” which helped us to continue on. For over 40 years this has been a part of my life …..and sadly now its gone. Please put together some DVDs to showcase One Life and All My Children…….Bless you Agnes Nixon for your vision and your story telling. To the whole cast and crew and everyone connected with One Life to Live…..thank you, thank you and thank you again for all the wonderful memories. I will miss you all.

I feel like I’m losing my Family members..ABC your making a HUGE MISTAKE….OLTL you will be Missed!!!!!

P.S. after OLTL airs Friday I WILL NOT watch ABC,DISNEY, ESPN…..

mighty fine looking cast. Best wishes to you all… Maybe we’ll get a movie or a book out of you all to tell us how it all ends….

That was really sweet to see. Makes me both happy and sad. These people should not be losing their jobs. But at least the show is going off while they had great stories still.

So sad to see them all together for the last time!

I am sure the video would have been great if I could have see it. I heard it but the video part o f it didn’t work. I am going to miss OLTL. I have been watching from the beginning and I feel like a part of my family is dying. Best wishes to all the fine actors from OLTL

I am very disappointed that this show is ending we all there has to be away to keep it.There are all those reality shows that I don’t know who watches,, there are other networks , One life to live I am so sorry to see you all go ….Hope you all fine bigger and better things,,, I am going to miss you .. Make a new Show Life lives on in Llandview…or just Llandveiw

Thank you for the many hours of soap opera enjoyment. The cast and storylines of OLTL have been superb. I will miss the show . The cast picture was a rea; treat/

ABC is robbing the general public of what they want. I no longer trust them, even if they are moving characters to GH, it is only so they don’t lose THAT audience. I cannot bring myself to watch, sorry. No Erika, no Robert Woods, no Hilary…no me!

Everyone, let’s call a news conference! Pass this on. We could post a day and meet outside nyc studios, say the end of January for people have to travel. Pass it on. Occupy Our Lives Soaps !

pass and re-post this on

abc SUCKS ,but you still should watch gh,are you kidding me.think about it ,we want the ratings to go to general hospital or that will get axed to .we want to save the soaps not help abc kill them. dont watch abc ,just watch general hospital.we are trying to prove abc WRONG,that none of the saops should have been let doing what you saying you are going to do will help abc wipe out another soap, one soap gone was bad ,2 was insane ,3 thats war .One life to live was my favorite and bringing some citizens of landview to port charles keeps the soap alive ,THATS WHAT WE WANT.I want oltl back ,tomrrow will be a very bad day, no, one life to live at 2 oclock,What the hell am i going to do ?other then non stop bashing of abc,the family long as your under far as abc is concerned Im dead.

That was so beautiful!

So sad 🙁 Agnes Nixon looks so sad I don’t even think she smiled. Twice in a few months to say Good-Bye to what she has created has to take a toll

What a beautiful shot of the cast and crew… OL has been a part of my life since 1969 and I can’t imagine it no longer being on. Thank you for the many wonderful years of entertainment…You will be missed…


How sad, but the crew & cast are a class act. Made me tear up! You suck ABC powers that be, what a HUGE mistake!

Like many here,I ‘m speechless and yet sadden that such a wonderful program has to come to an end. I have enjoyed and so use to watching you all that I had to rethink the times when making doctor appointments, forgetting you no longer will be around.

To each of you, to those who are newly experience and those who spent the last 43 yeas on OLTL….all I can say is, God bless each of you and your families. May God direct and lead you to the right new acting jobs. May any new parts be a blessing from God. And through the many paths we walk upon take to a much better place one day.

You have inspired millions of people. You have entertain them with your truest dignity. We are sadden you have to leave ….but unfortunately things have to come to an end even if we hate it and refuse to accept it.

You will be greatly missed, not only as characters of a show, but as your fans as an actor/actress, and as individuals for who you truly are..

So, at this moment, I salute you …& applaud.

…and to the crew, bravo!!!!

…and yes, ABC, you made the biggest mistake by shutting down our soaps. You should be so ashamed of yourselves. for unemploying so many, and for undoubtedly ending shows that are truly admired by millions.

Safe hugs to each of you!

I feel like I am losing a part of my FAMILY. I am devastated ABC is taking OLTL off. I have been a loyal FAN for 35 yrs. When I worked all day I would tape OLTL and GH to watch when I got home from work. I cannot express how UN Happy I am with ABC. I will MISS you all soooo much. XXXXX’s

Like viewing a family album. Best wishes to all people of LLanview PA
TV at it’s finest!
I will miss each of you, daily.

ABC made a biggest mistake ever. I have been watching since 1991 then stopped watching it but I watched it again in 1996. I love that show so much. It won’t be the same ever again.It was the best show ever. I will be disappointed that the show will be gone ait will not be the same ever again. Love that show so much.

I do really miss that show so much. It won’t be the same no more. It was a heart broken and sad to see that show been cancelled. It is so sad to let them go. I have been watching it for a long time. I think I started watching it since 1990 then I stopped watching it since 1995. I began watch it again. I remember all the plot of the show. That show One life to Live is a wonderful show I ever I watch. I will be terribly miss that show. I will be missing the show so much. I will be disappointed that the show will be gone. It is the best show ever. It will make me sad to see the finale will be gone. It is one of favorite show ever.

Thanks for that picture. My heart is breaking as the time nears. I’ve watched since 1972 & so this IS my family who will be missed more than words can say. I’ve been lucky enough to meet a large majority of these actors & actresses & these are memories & photos I’ll treasure forever. Goodbye OLTL!!

Reading all the comments above, made me cry because I feel the same as everyone else. I, too, have watched OLTL since day one. As someone else said, did I see every episode, no. But over the years there are very few that I missed. Of all the ABC soaps, OLTL was always my favorite. I remember Vinnie Wolek, Tony Lord, Jennie, Brad, Karen, and so many more that have gone. As I said….I’ve watched forever. Now I couldn’t be more sad….or cry more or harder….if I lost my whole family. This is devastating to me. I’ve been crying since last week’s shows. I cry when I read articles about OLTL. This is the show that has made me laugh and cry and sympathize and always treated social issues with class and true information. And it’s made me wink at the tv so many times over the years at references to the past that only longtime viewers would pick up on.

I’m thrilled beyond words that Kassie, Roger (welcome back. oh how I’ve missed you!), Kristen and Michael will be moving to Port Charles. My only hope/wish now is that there will be more to follow.

Good luck and God Bless the whole cast, and all the crew and writers. May this door closing be the opening of a window for you.

Ms. Nixon THANK YOU!! Thank you for filling the last 33 years of my life with fun, drama, angst, tears, smiles, applause and a family that I will NEVER forget.
Ms. Slezak – thank you for Victoria Lord Buchanan (as she will only be known to me as!)
Mr. Woods – thank you for Bo Buchanan and for making it nearly IMPOSSIBLE for me to find a decent man that measure up to Bo!
Ms. Smith – thank you for Nora Hanen Gannon Buchanan! An inspiration for me to be as strong as I could be and make it OUT of a really bad situation my life had become stuck in.
Mr. VerDorn – thank you for Clint Buchanan! Although Clint Ritchie will always be dear to my heart – you breathed a new life into Clint and took him to places we never imagined.
Thank you to the entire cast and crew over the past 43 years for your dedication, your devotion, your love of your craft that gave us some of the best (and worst) hours of our lives!
I am writing this with tears streaming down my face as I feel as if I am eulogizing a dear dear deparated friend, but in a way, I guess I am. I love One Life to Live. It was more than “a TV show” or “A soap” it was it’s own living being. And that is because of all of you that it lived.
May God bless you all in all you do and keep you safe. Until we meet again.
PS – Please keep watch over them all Mr. Carey – I’m sure Asa would’ve pulled that 12 guage on Brian Frons faster than he could say, “You’re outta the will!”

Here’s what you do when you don’t find the rainbow’s end
This time
Here’s where you go when it looks like the rain won’t end
Don’t cry

There’s always tomorrow, where you can have a second chance
And after tomorrow, all that you have to remember

Here’s what you do when you think nobody cares
For you
Look in my eyes and see there’s an answer there
It’s true

We’ll find tomorrow, a place for us, I know because…
Time only knows
How long forever’s going to last
And we don’t even need to ask

Let’s live today
And find someone to share it with
‘Cause we only have one life to live

Don’t cry

I’ll give you tomorrow
Let me be the one you share it with
And each day that follows
‘Cause we only have one life to live

Karen: This was lovely. It brought tears that are strolling down my eyes as I type this. I like how you addressed the longstanding Player’s….. in perfect order. U even added a touch of Humor and added Ole Asa in…., which he belongs. LOL I ONLY wish you wouldn’t have forgotten Dorian. I’m heartbroken that she isn’t in the final cast picture. I hope they picture shop her and place her in. She was certainly a dedicated player of the cast and beloved and thanked by Erika Slezak each time she won that Emmy. Thank you for ending your post with the appropiate ending of OLTL. Maybe you could throw a line of credit to Robin Strasser as a P.S.

I agree and thank you for how beautifully you stated what so many are feeling.

I too have watched OLTL since high school days, 40 years ago. I remember fondly Vicki and Meredith and Dr. Joyce Brothers. Joe Reilly, Karen Wolek, Vinnie and Wanda Wolek, Mark Toland (Tommy Lee Jones) and of course Dorian Lord. I could go on and on. It’s shameful that the network couldn’t work this out and find a way to continue scripted daytime television. Both AMC and OLTL shold have had a place on network TV but greed won in the end. My best wishes to the cast and crew, I’ll miss you.

How nice to be able to see this and see everyone interacting with each other. Agnes, Erika and Kassie all looked like it was very hard to put on a happy face. I have watched this show since it began with the original “ikki Vicki” and am so happy to have been able to see Erika carry on this role-fab actress! I have enjoyed every single show and actor/actresses and truly feel honored to have been able to watch the best soap opera ever made! OLTL will forever be in my heart! The best of everything to all of you-you all deserve it so very much!

As many of us I will not be watching the replacement shows for all my children and especially one life to live. the new shows are all of the same old excessivness this country is being lend into. How many self improvement and food shows do we need in this day and age when so many people can barely put bread on their tables let alone indulge in your self pleasing greed. One live to live took us out of the problems of these times, and escape the harsh realities in our lives. These new show are a slap in the face to all the poor souls just tring to surive.I pray they all fail I know I will not be tunning in. God help us all! One Life To Live you will surely be missed I love all of the actor on this show they are the best!!!

I loved the video of the final cast photo shoot. I am so sad to see my last Soap go off the air, first AMC and now OLTL. It is getting so close to the last day and I am starting to get sad & mad all at the same time, lol. They both are my family of sorts over the years of watching them over my last 40 years. Goodbye & R.I.P AMC & OLTL. But I can say that I was happy to hear about Blair, Todd, Star & John going to GH which I usually do not watch but sad to hear that Jack, Sam, Natalie, & Liam will not be Joining them. Which I do not understand why are Jack & Sam not gonna exist anymore? And why put John & Nattie back together at the end if they are not gonna be a family??? I love you all & I am gonna miss u all so much.

I am so sad it is the last week. I was sad about AMC and now OLTL. I unwind after work watching soaps. Definite void. Have started taping Young and the Restless and General Hospital. ABC is no longer on my friend list.

I have watched One Life 40 years,named my son Clint ,after Clint Ritchie,Im so mad,Im losing my family,shame on you ABC,wished so much another network would pick up the show ,this week I can’t stop crying!,i will not watch ABC again Ill always treasure my issue of episodes with Asa and Renee on the cover,25 years ago,miss you all so much,I hope to see some of my family on other shows ,but breaking this show up is hard on me,,love you guys<3<3<3

So nice to see the whole cast together for one last time. I have been watching OLTL for 30 years…I will miss it dearly. Good luck to all the cast and crew, and thank you sooo much for all the wonderful, entertaining shows!!

Best of luck to the cast and crew of OLTL! You will be missed terribly. I have watched this show since the mid 70’s, you have been a huge part of my life. Thanks for the memories!

I would like to say it is a sadden time to see this soap to come to a farewell. i started watching this soap when i was 9 with my grandmother. yall became a part of our family . we shed tears and we laughed at some of the scenes . but yall came in our house every day as clock work. never missed espoide .if i wasnt able to see it on the giving days i taped it and watched later. but i grew up sharing each special moment with everyone there. i am so upset about losing my show . hoping that in some given way it could be saved. hopefully some where months ahead maybe there will be a way for it to come back and the cast that is there now will come back cuz as Agnes Nixon always said Ya’ll are All My Children. even if yall are from One Live To Life. i just dislike this having to come to end but i am hoping some way yall come back . miss yall. i will not be tuning in to watch the replacement in the time slot. of yalls hour of 1pm to 2pm

I’ve watched One Life to Live since 1993. I was 13 years old at the time and didn’t have any idea of who I was or what I wanted to be. I’ve changed a lot since then and have had many ups and downs. I feel honored and privileged to have spent 18 years with the citizens of Llanview. They feel like my second family and aside from my family, have been the most consistent thing that I have had. There will be a void when it is gone, but I know that I’ll look back and cherish the one hour a day that I got to spend with such interesting and complex characters. Thank you OLTL!!

I’ve been watching OLTL for 30+ years! It’s my 2nd family! I will miss all of the actors, story lines, the whole show! Shame on you ABC for taking off these shows that are special to so many people! I will NOT watch The Chew, Revoluation, whatever it’s called! I hope ABC realizes it’s mistake once these new shows tank & BRING BACK OUR SOAPS!!!

Lets….Everyone, let’s call a news conference! Pass this on. We could post a day and meet outside nyc studios, say the end of January for people have to travel. Pass it on. Occupy Our Lives Soaps !

Pass and Re-post this on

Bittersweet moments indeed. OLTL has been part of my life for 30 year. It’s been with me in good times & in bad. It was always a comfort to come home to. I love it & I will cry my eyes out once it finally ends 🙁 Long live the Manning’s!

General Hospital

Nicholas Chavez Confirms Exit From General Hospital

On Friday May 3rd, it was confirmed by Nicholas Chavez that he has indeed left his role as Spencer Cassadine on General Hospital.

Taking to his account on X, Chavez shared some heartfelt goodbyes to the cast, the creatives and the fans of the ABC daytime drama series. This comes after months of speculation and reports that Chavez is not returning to his Daytime Emmy-winning role.

Chavez left the soap to go film his leading role in Ryan Murphy’s Netflix limited series, Monsters: The The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, and in story on GH, Spencer went overboard on a boat, when he was drugged by Esme (Avery Pohl) on the Seine River in France. His body and Esme’s thus far have never been found.

Photo: ABC

In his heartfelt message on X, Nicholas expressed, “I’m so appreciative of the opportunity that GH gave me, and I wouldn’t be as busy as I am professionally if it weren’t for the talented producers, writers, directors and fellow actors. Frank Valentini is a mentor and a friend, and we’ve had some pretty extensive conversations about my future on the show.”

Photo: ABC

Sharing his thoughts on if the would ever come back to GH, Chavez added, “While there are no current plans for me to return, we are still talking very openly about future possibilities for Spencer in Port Charles.”

Finally, Nicholas shared,”Beyond the people I’ve already mentioned, I want to take some time to thank and honor the GH fan base… especially the Sprina fans… who must be THE most loyal and kind fan base in the universe of entertainment. Words fail to show the depth of my gratitude, thank you, I love you all very, very much.”

Photo: ABC

Nicholas took over the role of Spencer previously played by Nicolas Bechtel, in July of 2021, and his last episode aired on January 31st, 2024.  In April, reports surfaced that the actor was not returning to GH after all.

What do you think about Nicholas Chavez farewell message? Are you sad that he has confirmed his exit from GH, or were you expecting it? Comment below.

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Steve Kent Exits Sony; Will Serve as Y&R’s Executive in Charge of Production

While as previously reported, Steve Kent is out in his role as  Senior EVP of Programming at Sony Pictures Television, where he oversaw both Days of our Lives and The Young and the Restless, now comes word that he is going to continue at the top-rated soap opera.

According to Deadline, Kent’s Senior EVP Programming role is being eliminated and Kent’s responsibilities will be taken up by other members of the SPT production team going forward. Kent will now be the executive in charge of production on The Young and the Restless, as his sole show.

Steve had been overseeing both DAYS and Y&R since 2007. along with being in charge of development and production of original local language productions including OutlanderNikola and more.

Photo: JPI

Before coming to Sony in 1996 as Vice-President of Production for then-Columbia TriStar Television, he was the supervising producer on Santa Barbara from 1984 to 1993. Throughout his tenure, he picked up three Daytime Emmys.

Photo: JPI

No word on who will handle Days of our Lives from the Sony side or if its as noted being divied up between the SPT production team which absorbs Kent’s duties.

So, what do you think about Steve joining The Young and the Restless as its executive in charge of production? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Richard Simmons Recalls His Time On General Hospital and Meeting Tony Geary, Genie Francis, Rick Springfield and More

Fitness Guru, Richard Simmons has been recently sharing many stories about his time in Hollywood and his career on his X account as he reflects on his life and prepares his biopic.

In a string of posts, containing moments from his time on General Hospital, and meeting many of who would be his co-stars in Port Charles, Simmons opened up about how he landed on the soap in its hey day.

Simmons began by explaining that after an appearing on an ABC local morning show with Regis Philbin, he got a call two days later about GH, and things took off from there.

Photo: JPI

Richard expressed, “I met with the most powerful woman in daytime television. Gloria Monty. I also met with the head writer Pat Falken Smith. These ladies were very smart. They told me their idea. I would teach exercise classes in a disco for all the ladies on the show.” He added, “A week before taping the show the studio asked me if I could drive over and do some promotional photos. In my car I brought with me six jogging suits….My make up…some towels and five pound weights. I still could not believe I was going to be on a soap. lol.”

When he got to GH’s studio, Simmons shared, “The first person that I met was Genie Francis (Laura). Her father was Ivor Francis an actor who had been on Broadway and many TV shows. Genie was so young and innocent looking. I clicked immediately with her.

Photo: ABC

“The second person I was introduced to was Anthony Geary (Luke),” recalled Richard. “Some people called him Tony. ..but I did not. He was an actor’s actor. Mr G had curly hair like me. When he was not acting he was sitting in his dressing room learning all of his lines.  His door was always closed. One day when it was open. I asked if I could come in and sit and talk. This man won 8 daytime Emmys for playing Luke.”

“Now what can I say about Jane Elliot (Tracy)? She had an aristocratic face,” says Simmons. “One moment her character was very nice then she was the queen of mean. She allowed me to come into her room and chat while she was putting on makeup.”

Photo: JPI

Then, Richard recalled the late, great Stuart Damon (ex-Alan) and Jackie Zeman (ex-Bobbie). “I then met Prince Charming. Stuart Damon. He had been in a lot of TV shows and played Prince Charming on a special about Cinderella. Jackie Zeman was so cute. She had a pixie face.”

Simmons recalled when Rick Springfield joined the cast as Noah Drake, sharing, “While he was on the show his father passed away in Australia. I went to the news stand and bought him a bunch of magazines to read on the plane. How many times have you sung Jessie’s Girl and Don’t Talk to Strangers? When he came back from Australia he resumed his role.”


Noting his humble beginnings on GH running the aerobic classes at the Campus Disco, Richard recalled, “My first scene was in Luke’s Disco. All the nurses and other actresses were there dancing with me. I had never memorized lines before. So much was going on in my head. At the end of my scene, I heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor and everyone froze. It was Ms Monty and she was talking to me. ‘Richard the television is this big . You are talking like you are on a screen in a movie theater…bring your voice down.’ So I did.”

What do you think about the sentiments shared by Richard Simmons on his reflections on his time on General Hospital? Check out this OG GH scene with Richard leading the exercise class at the Campus Disco with some beloved Port Charles notables. Then, comment below.

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Video Du Jour

Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Power Performance

Eileen Davidson as Ashley

The Young and the Restless

Airdate: 4-12-2024
