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Days Of Our Lives


Peter Reckell Opens Up On What Led To His Decision To Exit Days of Our Lives!



Six months after finishing his run as legendary soap icon, Bo Brady, Peter Reckell opened up about his thoughts to Soap Opera Digest in a fantastic new interview in the latest issue (1/23/21013) on newsstands now on what went down behind-the-scenes that led to his decision to depart Days of our Lives leaving many fans heartbroken.

Reckell answers some burning questions including: were he is at with his decision to leave Salem, if he might ever consider returning, and what was the root cause of his exit from daytime.   Here is an an interesting excerpt below:

Reckell on the reason he left DAYS:  “Not having storyline, not being able to do anything artistic there was my issue… I just want the people who support me to know the real reason why I’m not there.”

So soapers what do you think about Peter’s statement on his decision to leave?  Should DAYS do everything they can to court Peter to get him back on the Salem canvas as Bo?  How do you feel Bo’s storyline has been over the last several years?  Weigh-in!

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They need to bring back Bo, Jack (Patch had him deepcover for the ISA), Patch (for Kayla – and he’s a pawn again!!) and….JOHN!!! Where are all the men in Salem??!! Nothing at all against the actors/actresses, but if Days thinks that Nick and Gabi or Daniel and Jennifer or Sami and who-even-cares-anymore have the makings of a supercouple, they are sorely mistaken. There is no history and/or no chemistry between them. TPTB are looking for instant gratification when it comes to a ratings boost and they’ve clearly forgotten what made Days “DAYS!!” – the long, slow-burn romance & adventures that supercouples went on. J&M didn’t even kiss for what – a year? Bo & Hope danced around their feelings for a long time too. Mr. Corday needs to take a step back and build the show up with veterans as well as the younger set and put them into character-driven umbrella-type storylines. With all due respect, the writing team previous to the current one seemed to have been on their way to doing just that…their mistake was trying to change EJ’s father and killing off the Phoenix. Those problems have been corrected…I’d love to see those storlines picked up again. The gold coin? Alice -vs- Stefano? John & Marlena together, Bo & Hope together… Come on Corday, you wanna know how it’s done? This is it!!

ratings were awful with these stories that’s why they did stop it. Get real, that being said Bo and PR deserve better writing, that’s for sure.

Peter Reckell is comin back to Days in late January early February. He is acting right now as we speak and he will make his return then. I read this on Soapnet. He left the show originally to spend more time with his family. And he really did not have any kind of a story line. So he exited. However, if he didn’t come back, I would like to see Hope hook up with Rafe!! That would be an interesting storyline. Ciara is really acting out and being a little brat, because she misses her daddy, that’s why she is doing all these bad things.

I need to make a correction in my previous comment on 12/31/2013. I had used Peter Reckell by accident instead of Drake Hogestyn coming back. I was thinking of Bo at that moment. Please excuse the error. I have been a DOOL fan since 1970.

they need to get Bo Brady back on Days Of Our Lives and Bo needs to be back there as Bo and Hope


Here! Here! That says it all. I’ve been watching for 45 years….clearly veteran couples from Tom and ice, Doug and Julie, John and Maena, and especially Bo and Hope keep one’s interest for years. Old romance that’s ever new with the adventuring couples and their shenanigans, yet always with the stability and comfort of home, family, and Salem. Plus a common villain and the girl(s) you love to hate! Magic! But it takes all the characters that have built Salem to keep it there.

I have watched days of our lives for 30 years but no longer do so. Days has took all the good actors off and bringing on the young crowd. When they took Bo OFF THE SHOW THAT WAS IT FOR ME. Bo was a great actor and I enjoyed watching him. You brought Marlana and John back and now John is now MIA. Days I have a lot of my friends that have stopped watching Days. the writers need to stop destroying the show or it will go off the air. You need to meet BO’s demands and bring him back!!!!!!!! No One can replace him !!!!!!!!!

Bo is a hottie, and needs to be on there, but his and Hope’s script had become boring. I used to love watching Bo and Hope, but their relationship had become stale, and needed to be spiced up with some outings on the Fancy Face and romance! If not with Hope….someone! He’s too handsome to be on a show without romance!!! He deserved something written in other than detective/police work! That stuff gets so boring day after day. He needs to come home for Christmas! As for John…I used to LOVE watching John, but it got to where he couldn’t talk without making one eye squint lol! And while I’m on a role….Jennifer Horton needs to change clothes sometime! I know they’re probably all taped in the same day or week, but she wears the same dress day after day. How long does it take to unzip and change into something different for a different day? Very unrealistic. Also, I’m SICK of seeing her whining and crying about EVERYTHING! Yeah…..bring BO back with some pizazz and romance, not an explosion or police work! Give him a whole new occupation! Loved Bo! 🙂 Ok…I’m finished. Thanks!

I agree with you Ms.White bo and hope was the only reason I stayed watching days.There love story from the very beginning got me hook,there chemistry was unbelievable because they made it look so real and personal.All of those love scenes made me think they was married in real life.They are my Number 1 couple of all time and Josh and Reva are 2.If bo doesn’t come right now PLEASE let him reunite with hope before the show goes off the air which I think will be soon because I have also stop watching because Brady and his Fancy Face are not together and that really sucks.Step up writers and bring Bo back.

They need to stop taking off all the good people and get a story line back on the show. I have been watching Days for many years and hate the way it is going right now. Bo needs to come back, he and Hope are an item. They never should have lost Jack as he and Jen were an item. Lets get this straightened out and get all your viewers back. If you want to get rid of anyone, let Kristine off. Try your hardest to keep Sami on……

I agree bring Bo back and Patch.These actors make the story line.I do like Rafe but Hope belongs with Bo….

Atleast he didn’t pull a Steve Burton…!

No 1 I am in total agreement with you and everything Peter stated. John/Marlena, where is the love and passion of yesteryear? Kayla without Patch is just so WRONG. Hope needs Bo (Peter, and not a replacement actor). Bring back the ISA, get John, Patch, Shane and Bo doing what they do best. Shane and Kim, are so loved and missed. Victor and Maggie should have more airtime, Would love to see Jack comeback from the dead and reclaim his love ( folks this Salem, they do come back from the dead). I am really getting tired of the Sami,Rafe, EJ trangle. No matter which one she picks it will end up in disaster. The writers today do not have a clue how to write good sound story lines and really do not care what the long time viewers want. It is time for Gabi and Nick to leave Salem. Put the younger actors into filler spots and bring back our Veterans. They are the ones who have made Days the great show it once was and could be again. Bottom line, if Corday wants to see the ratings rise then he must dump the current writers and bring in a team ready to write for the fans and not their selfish egos, bring back our veterans with decent stories full intelligent, intriguing, danger filled, mystery surrounding story lines and of course strawberries and cream for J&M. It really angers me the way the Drake is being treated AGAIN along with all the veterans. I expect to see Peter (Bo) comeback late spring early summer and bring Shawn, Belle and Clare with him or at least that is my hope.

You are spot on!

It is so sad. I didn’t know Peter was leaving the show I thought he was just on an extended vacation. I was horrified when I found out he left the show. What are the Days people thinking and doing???? I’ve been watching the show since 1973. I like having some of the young story lines for the younger generation but these characters aren’t carrying the show. I would think this is obvious by now.

It could not had been said better, please bring the old cast back.
a regular for at least 1973.

i agree one hundred percent the veterans made the show they are Days why people watched so many years, keep going down the path you’re going and it will be death for Days of Our Lives. All the writer’s seem to be focused on are Stephano and EJ. How many times has Stephano came back from the dead? i am sick of the Stephano story line it’s old and boring. There’s nothing attractive about him and the bedroom scenes with him is disgusting!!!!! please!!!!!!! Get BO back John, Kim, Shane , Steve don’t let Will leave the show he is a wonderful actor. And get Daniele a Woman i am tired of hearing Jennifer whine she’s not a child Abigail is more of a woman than her mother. Your portraying Jennifer as immature and whinny i love her as and actress but please give her a part to show her at her potential she’s fading fast due to the scripts you’re giving her. let her get hot and wild for Goodness sake.

I would like to see Marlena back with Roman, They were so good together.

B Brady coming the show just might save the show. Sami is leaving amd she is a lead actress. Bring Back the Hortons and Bradys. Get rid of Gabi and Rafe . And Nick Will and Sonnie boring. put some strenght in the storyline. How about BO BRADY and his son Shawn D and Belle and their family
Bring back the veterans. This is what we want to see! Ypu are taking away the entire reason we watch DOOL!!!!!!!!!

who knows..he could come back as the new Ridge Forrester..or far more interesting perspective as Stavros Cassadine ! ha.

I think the powers that be at Days made a major mistake allowing Peter to leave or forcing him off. This guy is a legacy character and his story along with Hope’s could have been increased simply by aging the kids so they have more generational stories or giving them more “earthbound” stories that increase their Q rating and the shows viewer ratings. Time in and time out, the powers at days believe all their stories have to be centrally located with Stefano or a DiMera as the evil that needs to be brought down and that’s not the case.

As for Steve Burton, I am CERTAIN that with Peter that if the Bold and the Beautiful offered him the character of RIDGE he would have jumped ship immediately to join that soap. Steve left GH for his family and to relocate to Tennesse. It had nothing to do with anything more than being accommodated. Plus, after 20 years of doing the same old thing day in and day out … his wardrobe for the last 10 years or so was cartoonish – Black Tshirt, Jeans and black reboks with a leather jacket added in on cold months.

I miss seeing characters leave shows and then seeing the actors pop up on other soaps. That was a huge draw for me to discover Y&R when Peter Bergman left AMC and showed up there. Or even Beverly McKinsley when she left Another World as Iris and went to “TEXAS” and then left that world to go to GUIDING LIGHT.

He’ll be back by Spring!

probably. Hope can’t parade around Salem alone forever!

Oh she won’t, because where there is a way to include him, there is a Rafe.

I can understand Peter’s reasons for leaving, but, boy, Bo needs to come back to Salem! Hope running around and getting into everybody’s business is not very entertaining. Fancyface needs her hubby!

Agree!!! Hope giving advice is not the Hope I love! Kristian Alfonso deserves SO much more than that!

You are quite right about that . I sure miss Peter and hope he gets back to Days very soon!


The problem that DAYS incurred by not “killing off” Bo, that also exists on B&B with Ridge and GH with both Robin and Jason is that the characters were not killed off. Sure, it’s an old soap opera trick to kill off a character, no body is found and then the loved ones move on until a wedding is about to happen or a power struggle needs to be decided with the presumed dead person entering into the scene all dramatic!

It’s a soap staple where either the original actor returns or a new actor takes over.

Why these soaps opted not to do it is beyond me. First of all, in each case the departed actor/character was part of a pair. The pair were super couples. Now they are super singles. In the case of B&B and GH, Brooke is lamenting her love for Ridge as Sam is missing Jason… she is the only one in PC who believes he is alive… as is Patrick with Robin. In all three cases, as with Bo, we, the fans, know they are out there and so DO NOT WANT TO SEE the other halves move on because we want them to wait for the other person to return to complete the couple again.

GH should never have led us to believe that Jason’s body was never found and then had Sam believe he is alive because she feels it. A body should have been found but burned (warehouse should have burned down) just so the fans can move on. Fans LOVE Robin as a character but bringing her back every month without a reunion with Patrick is just a cruel joke on devoted fans. No actress or character matched with Patrick will have the energy we want them to have while we know Robin is being held by any number of past villians. It’s just ridiculous.

With Bo and Ridge, these characters have left the canvas but have not died so to see Hope meet a man and fall in love will be cheating. To see Brooke met a man and sleep with him (thankfully she only kissed Bill) would be showing the character as not maturing after all these years of jumping from one love to another and then back to Ridge.

Honestly, with Bo he should have discovered evidence on Stefano right before he left the show on his boat and as he is sailing out from the pier with Hope and, maybe Roman waving BYE, his boat should have exploded and we are left to think he is dead. Hope grieve and then move on and then down the line either Reckell or someone else returns. His return would be that much more dramatic!

The same with Brooke. She should be seen leaving for Paris to confront Ridge about all of his daliances and failing her over the years and ordering him to choose. If he can’t forgive her than Brooke should be a strong woman and be seen saying “THAN I DON”T NEED YOU” and then return to LA a single woman. Now all we have is her mopping around and becoming attracted to her sister’s husband… which is GROSS!

I would love to see Bo back and doing what he does best—-being Bo Brady.

It seemed like the character of Bo had become written with no real purpose over the past couple of years. Stale storylines and a lacking challenge for the actors has stalled this show a bit. Fresh talent is always welcome in any show but the days that just focus on all the young new actors are tough to watch.
Days could benefit from GH’s lead these days. They are doing a great job blending old and new actors in story lines that cross over and keep moving.
Mr. Reckell should find new acting challenges that his fans can all enjoy. That’s what I’d love to see.

I agree. They should balance the new talent with the veteran talent. Bo should always have a place and story on the show.

Well said.

I agree! The writers are trying to get a younger viewer, but that isnt going to happen. The older viewers are the ones that will keep Days alive. I loved the old story lines that were full of mischief and romance and evil doers. Bring back some of the older actors and get some really good story lines and cliff hangers goin again like in the good old Days.

I already knew that Peter has left the door open for a return-glad he addressed it publicly, and he needs to return. But, for now, Ghost Bo MUST be addressed, one way or another-it’s just uncomfortable…

yeah, like why wasn’t he at the wedding with his wife.

It’s basically what he said before: that there is no story for him. He had a lot of story when he was younger and now it’s someone else’s turn. Wish he were still on Days, but I understand and support his decision. I do wish Days would either write Bo off or recast. Having him in the bathroom, basement, whatever is ridick.

You are right, it’s SOMEONE else’s turn! I will say he helped make the show (what’s left of it). What it is today. The shoe can’t revolve around Bo and Hope anymore, but it damn sure should be featuring their offspring front and center. Shawn, Chelsea and maybe even JT should be their. But on the flipside, we can’t cater to all the “legacy” characters because then everyone is related.

Peter Reckell is sorely missed on DAYS. I completely blame the writing team for their disastrous storylines the last couple of years. Bo & Hope deserve better than this and watching Peter onscreen is more exciting than Daniel-Chad-Cameron-Rafe-Brady put together!!! Bring back Peter with storyline — a GOOD storyline!!!

Ditto to that one . Bring him back and give him a good storyline – one that he could sink his teeth in and enjoy.

Bo, Shane, Kim, Steve yes bring them all back. Have been watching since 1966. But now I watch once a wk and can keep up. No story lines, no real romance, slow story lines. there are alot of older viewers and always about the young is BORING and NOT interesting. Get rid of the new writers and bring back the old. AND Nick is creepy….glad when he is gone gone gone………And Brady has got to be the stupidest man on earth…give him some brains and do it soon……..

It’s Bruce Evans and Gary Tomlin who need the blame. They’re the ones coming up with the stories and Bruce is the one who wouldn’t let Marlene and Darrell write the stories they wanted. Days would be a much better show if Evans took a step back and Tomlin left.

I agree. I think Marlene and Darrell were doing a fine job before the new regime took over; after all they did write Will’s storyline!

The writing on Days is awful, exactly what Peter implies – there is no artistry to the storylines, no depth, no richness of content. There is no Bill Bell or Doug Marland writing the show. The show needs that sort of creative genius.

Lots of fluff definitely. Every once in awhile they do something right (Will’s story).

Come back Peter, god knows Kristian need you.

I think the writers have been trying to make Rafe the new Bo. It’s just not working. Bo was a special character with a special actor. Rafe & Daniel are on all the time and I hate their stories. I wish the show would just concentrate on the core families: Bradys, Hortons, Dimeras, & Kiriakis.

I think what they are doing with peter Rickle is ashame he is a great actor why are you firing all the good actors I don”t think days will last if everyone is fired who has been there for years we don”t need more deaths we need family story lines too many people have lost people with cancer this will be hard for alot of people, bring back peter rickle beau and hope should finally be together as a family you unfortunately will lose alot of viewers

I think Peter should go play Ridge on B&B I think that would be amazing!!

Would only be interested in Bo with Carly. Hobo is boring.

I like what he said about Bo not having a good storyline, the writers ignoring the wants of the viewers and how they made his character behave ‘Un-Bo like’. Peter and his character deserve more than what he was given

I have hated Bo and Hope’s storyline since the time Bo moved Carly into their home. Listening to some of Peter’s comments during fan fest about letting the writers know how we feel about the story lines was a big clue to how he felt as well. I hated to see him leave. I stopped watching the show and keep track on Days Cafe.

GENERAL HOSPITAL is on fire using all of its veterans. Yesterday’s episode consisted of almost exclusively characters who had their heydays in the 80s and 90s and it was truly compelling television. And ratings are going up, which is absolutely the right direction. They are making it affordable by doing short-term returns, using many of the vets on recurring, and even the younger people in their own stories are heavily woven in with their parents on the show, who are the aforementioned vets. Some deals, like Tony Geary’s give him more freedom for less money, and other actors don’t have 3-day a week guarantees but are still heavily featured in plannable stretches. Many actors love their shows and will come back if asked. But both the actors and the fans have to be respected. Ratings will follow and in the right direction. DAYS, take notes and make it happen!

I absolutely agree with you 100%. I dont watch DOOL any more, haven’t in ages…. But they need to learn from GH . Veterans are the way to go.

I could do without Lucy screeching but love seeing old favorites back onscreen, just wish some would go (Britt!)

I love Peter Reckell – he’s an artist who understands and appreciates his audience. Something the folks at DOOL should understand as well.

Miss you Bo – come home soon =)

I’m not completely buying his sole reason for leaving was story related. Everyone wants to be appreciated and know their contribution to their workplace valued. The characters of Bo and Hope made Days –Days for a longtime. The powers that be made tons of money from them and now that these characters have aged- no longer in the demo Days wants they are tossed aside and left to languished to back burner status.

Then to add insult to injury they ask him to take a pay cut. I think by taking a stand he thought Days would cave and give him some reason to stay, but instead they said- see ya don’t let the door hit you on your way out. It was a lousy way to go and I hope they do work out their “creative differences” so PR can come back. But if not– then him and Ronn Moss should form a club– former leading soap men who got the worse send off by their show ever. He deserved better.

In all honesty there wasn’t any story for him, they completely mishandled the Carly/Bo/Hope triangle and then they hired Lisa Rinna back but didn’t wanna risk fan outcry by putting Billie with Bo… be honest Lisa Rinna’s Billie wasn’t that great him anyways, she sizzled with RKK’s Bo. They need to recast Bo’s daughter Chelsea, and bring them both back with a PURPOSE. I know its difficult to find stories for everyone so I can understand the “artistic” reasoning. If he doesn’t wanna do DAYS, he could to Bold and Beautiful as a recast Ridge Forrester.

What I miss is when Days of Our Lives used to go on location and have a big epic storyline for the Ratings Sweeps. New Orleans,Miami and Mexico come to mind. Bo & Hope, Marlena & Roman or Marlena and John on the run after Stefano or Toscano.

With the money those location shots cost nowadays- they are no longer worth the investment for the number of people still watching. It is a shame- but I don’t think we will be seeing that kind of stuff on Days any time soon.

Peter and Kristian were offered a huge opportunity at storyline potential in late 2009. It’s a shame one half of the duo could not overcome her ego to allow it to play out. The arrival of Carly was not going to see the end of Bope. If anything she could have given them new life. What a shame Kristian actively worked against that opportunity.

I don’t blame him or leaving. There is only so much Salem style cops ‘n robbers anyone could be expected to take.

He’s an actor of exceptional talent. This show hid him inside a supercouple and arguably forcible dumbed down his talents to facilitate that working.

I hope he only goes back if he had a commitment to a genuinely challenging story for himself. I can’t see that happening.

Yeah! Crystal REALLY needed to get her ego and demons in check so that storyline could have been a better storyline! Look, go check the numbers already. The percentage of fans that wanted CARBO didn’t come close to the diehard Bo and Hope fans! I’m a Jack and Jen raving f an and I even saw that one a mile away! Can we please move on from the CC blame game already!

Gee I recall saying wait for Peter to talk and when he does you completely miss a big point he was making. You really just keep showing how little you understand or know about a man you say you are a fan of. I know Peter very well and he would be appalled by your comments. He thinks the world of Kristian.

What proof is there that Kristian tried to stop Bo & Carly other than what CC claims as the truth in her so-called book? If Kristian really had that power, then how is it that Bo & Carly were a couple for the entire year of 2010?
And really? laying blame that Kristian’s the reason Peter had no stories? Please. Peter had the start of a storyline when Bo & Hope were investigating the bank statements. Then the story took a complete 180 & the pieces started not fitting together. Are you going to say that she didn’t want that story either, so it had to be changed?
How was Peter hid in a supercouple? If it weren’t for Bo & Hope’s popularity, Peter probably wouldn’t have been on the show for close to as long as he has been. And what an insult to say that his talents were dumbed down. You really think that little of Peter as to say that?

It’s a shame you have such a low opinion of Peter olddoolfan that you thought he had been “hidden” inside a supercouple and forced to dumb down his talents. Some of Peter’s best work is on Days of Our Lives. I can think of several storylines where Peter shone as an actor, losing Roman, finding out he was Victor’s son, Hope’s “death”, Bo and Shawn fighting scenes, Bo and Chelsea fighting scenes, the death of Zack, the pancreas storyline and many, many more. As far as being hidden in a supercouple, whether you like it not, Bo and Hope were, are and will always be a much loved supercouple. That’s a fact. Both actors have been given storylines on their own and together. Peter has had many solo storylines but Hope is, and I quote Peter “Bo’s soulmate”, so of course she would feature into the storylines in some way. It’s clear you don’t like the character or the actress but I’m amused by your blind hatred. You’ve failed to see Peter for the amazing actor that he is. He has been outstanding in Days of Our Lives and been given many great storylines.

I am looking forward to buying the mag and reading the whole thing. I appreicate his comments, they’re clearly very genuine and heartfelt. I think he’s exactly on point with eveyrthing he has said in these excerpts, and it’s actors like him that make me proud to be a soap opera fan and to truly care about this genre. I could not think any more highly of him and support his decision to leave, heartbroken though legacy Days fans like me are. Thank you, Pete.

Bravo Peter.

Soaps are dying because the writers have their own agenda…couples….storylines they want to push meanwhile destroying the characters to get there. If they paid more attention to viewers and what they want I think a good written show would come along with it…but alas.

So true, need the vetran’s back……no good story lines any more….nick is a creep and his “wife” is almost as dumb as Brady…….writers get a life….swear that it takes a story years to get to the point….tired tired tired ……

He’s right, and he comes across as a class act he really does.

4 words to sum up the real problem here, Gary Tomlin & Galen Gering. Galen is not Peter. Rafe is not Bo, and he will never be Bo. Having Rafe teleport into the safehouse on GT’s first day writing, solving Bo’s case and again getting plopped between EJ and Sami, with no explation how the heck Rafe got there, further insured I will never accept the Rafe character. Not as top cop, not with Sami, and sure as hell not with Hope. The character can’t even exist without plopping him into situations where he doesn’t belong, propping him up by having all of Salem worship at a Rafe alter, and having Sami drag the dead weight that is the Rafe character along with her wherever she goes for five years now. Enough is enough. If Rafe was a well conceived character, played by a good actor, like Bo wa when he was brought in, and could carry his own weight, it would be different. But he’s none of those things. I can’t even watch him.

I argee I don’t care for Galen garing he thinks he is like Bo he is not Peter Reckell! I argee with daisy! I don’t needd to see Sami and all her men! barf Let me see bo and Hope and John and Marlena

I have to wonder why he would do the interview now so long after leaving. What was interesting to me was that in the interview he commented about stories not being finished and Peter told fans that Bo was written out of character from end of 2009 onwards which was all Tomlin, so I’m confused with the shout out to Tomlin unless Peter is now wanting to come back and thinks Tomlin’s in charge. Hopefully if he does come back they will write Bo true to form because Peter has always made it clear how much that upset him.

maybe he’s craving a little attention? 😉

More time for Bope, less time for the 30 something crowd. Tired of Sami and her men! Let’s see some Bope action!

BRING PETER RECKELL BACK!!….He’s so good at what he does and, agreeably, needs to be brought back to the forefront in an interesting and challenging storyline that, we as fans, would appreciate and embrace. He’s sorely missed…. New characters are always ok, but the charm of DOOL is the continuity and history of two families and many of the original characters that remain. Days is not the same without Peter Reckell. Salem and “Hope” without “Bo” isn’t working….Please listen to your fans!!!

Peter is not doing his fans a favor by leaving the show. Bo has had some amazing storylines in the past few years – emmy worthy infact. So it is hard for me to believe that he wasn’t given good material when he was. Was the showing revolving around his character – NO but that doesn’t mean that his character wasn’t important. You can do just so many Bo and Hope break up and make up storylines. You can just do so many Hope gets kidnapped and Bo rescues her storylines. You can just do so many Bo cheats on Hope storylines. How many times do Bo and Hope have to remarry?

The fans want Bope so it is very limiting for the actors. If Bo is paired with someone else all heck breaks loose. So with that in mind it was probably a good thing Peter left.

Hmmm….could the new characters he is talking about be the Hernandez gang? That bunch of ilk has hogged all of the screen time since Rafe was introduced.

It’s a shame that Days writers can’t write for their favourites (Rafe, Sami, Dan etc) and still honour the show’s history of supercouples. Bo and Hope, Jack and Jen, Marlena and John are the reason many 40 + yr olds are watching. Younger viewers are not going to just stumble upon daytime soaps – traditionally they are introduced to them by their mothers and grandmothers. Alienating the older generation is going to rob the show of new, younger viewers. Keep the supercouples together (and that means bringing Jack and Bo back )and play musical beds with the newer characters.

And to top it off, the few younger viewers they have gained are not impressed with the show either!

Peter Reckell NEEDS to come back to Days!!!!! The show is not the same without Bo Brady!!!
We need better writers too!

Have never liked rafe, not a fan when he was on passions. Bring back both, patch and Shane. If they put hope with rafe I’m done. Need a break from sami as well!

I argee with Peter Reckell! He is the Best Bo Brady ever! I don’t care for all the new charactrs of the show. They need a good writer and not the one they have right know! I think that John and Bo need to work together to bring down Stefano ! Bring back our vets! ken Corday is Killing days because of these new characters all the die-hard audience knows the VETS like the back of there hands! I really don’t care to see will and sonny in bed I MEAN NO OFFENSIVE to anyone. it ‘s just I want to see bo and Hope and John and Marlena and Carrie and Stefano and Kristen. I don’t want to see Daniel and the favor of the month! I grew up with days who you root for the Supercouples and who fight to stay together! I think my favorite scene was with Bo back in 91 with Drake when John told Bo that Marlena was alive and when they ost zack that was heartbreaking! Come back Peter you are missed!

I don’t think Rafe is the new Bo, or is trying to be. He is a great character who is, like many others, wasted on Sami. Rafe is consistently dragged out of a great potential storyline (like the ISA story from last summer) to take up airtime with Sami. EJ is de-villified to be with Sami, until he screws up again. Lucas has no storyline because he is done with Sami. If anyone is the problem with DAYS, it is Sami Brady, the women who hogs the airtime with boring, repeated, trashy storylines that ruin both her character and the men involved in her love life. The new characters he is referring to, I think, are Cameron and and likely the new ones being brought into the show later this year. They have very little airtime or backstory. It would be interesting to learn more about these characters while still having our vets on with ore airtime, but we are instead stuck with Dannifer and Sami’s love life! This is why I read the DAYS recaps rather than watching the show. Now that it was renewed through summer 2014, there is no harm in boycotting the soap when there is nothing I am interested in.

They need to showcase their core families Hortons Bradys Dimeras Kiriakas They most definitely need their vets and more importantly their Super Couples!! Shane and Kim are so missed Steve and Kayla Bo and Hope John n Marlena Jack n Jennifer there should be a triangle with Victor Maggie and Caroline !! Hello?? The 80s were their best years don’t fix what ain’t broke Gary isn’t writing for Passions anymore it got cancelled for a reason!! WAKE UP KEN AND NBC!!

Though I’m not (in the least) a BOPE fan, I really, really miss Peter as Bo. He’s a fantastic character – with a lot of potential. I think I’d like to see him with Billie again and maybe a little on the wild side. I used to love his interaction with “Junior” and believe it or not, could see them as friends. Here’s hoping TPTB come to their senses and bring him back.

Attention People! I couldn’t agree more that Peter Reckell is terribly missed! I have watched Days Of Our Lives since I was eight years old.In many ways Salem was like my second home & the people on the show were an extended family! Bo & Hope are one of the Greatest Super Couples of all times! I think they could still have many great stories ahead of them! They are still very popular & obviously both are not to bad on the eyes either.I don’t blame Peter for leaving,being asked to take a decrease in pay is insane! I Love Days Of Our Lives,they need to respect the Integrity of the characters that made the show the success that it is today! I think the show needs to listen to What The Fans Want! Bo & Hope have a love that transcends thought time! As a reviewer myself it is rare to see a Soap Couple that after twenty five years still have the greatest chemistry! They reach out & you believe in them! I hope the show realizes how deeply the fans care about the characters & their story lines! I hope that Days is Smart Enough To Get Him Back! Hello We Miss Peter Reckell aka Bo Brady! The worst part is watching Hope without Bo it’s not right! I am just saying! Peter thank you from all of us for all the years of joy! Days Get It Together Dudes!

The show is a complete and utter disaster. Corday preaches about how the show is about family, romance, tradition, and legacy characters, but the show is nothing but. They are making a mockery out of their fans and their cast members, who have been there for years. I will list the problems I see in Salem, and what I think they should do to create a better soap for all us fans of 47 years.

I agree with Bo about bringing the newer characters in, and giving them all the storylines. One of the biggest, outrageous new characters who took many storylines, and had many connections was the creation of Melanie Jonas. She was involved in every storyline in Salem, she had almost seven men running after her, and she ended up being related to Max, Trent, Maggie, Daniel etc. She also recieved the longest goodbye I have ever seen on Days. She was given a week of goodbyes, and Bo was given one day. This is just not fair to fans or the veteran actors. There was no reason for a new character like Melanie to receive so much more, than characters like Bo.
Here are my recommendations for the show:

1.They need to bring back the romance and the characters that the fans love to see. First is through the supercouples:

1.Bo and Hope (bring back Peter)
2.Kim and Shane (bring their protrayers back)
3.Jack and Jennifer (bring back Jack)
4.Kayla and Steve (bring back Steve Nichols- he was fired from Y and R)
5.John and Marlena (keep them and give them a good storyline)
6.Tony and Anna (bring back Thaao and Leann)

2.The above five couples are ten actors that respresent the supercouple era, and are all fan favourites. They should be given front burner storylines, and the newer characters should be fit around them, or younger cast.

3.Storylines now they need to be dumped:

1.Danifer- worst couple ever on Days, Jennifer has never grieved for Jack, and Jennifer character has been completely ruined from her nosiness, to her being all upset about how Parker is going to affect her life. She is not even the same Jennifer from the past.

2.Nicole losing her baby for the second time made many fans angry. The writers need to make the baby alive. More on that later. Although, Ari pulled in some amazing acting nods, that should give her an Emmy win.

3.Gabi and Nick’s courtship and marriage is a big crock. Gabi’s character is, and has always been a waste of time. She is not a fan favourite, no Hernandez’s are, and she needs to go. Nick can stay, but more on that later. Nick needs to stop bring a bigot too. Days needs to stop putting her in a front burning storyline.

4.Rafe/Sami/EJ triangle- The writers need to end this triangle for good. I don’t even care who she picks.

Next, Days needs to bring back Stefano DiMera and re-unite him with Kate. State is a well-loved couple. They need to re-instate the DiMera family all together, and show the mansion more. Everyone loves Stefano, Kate, Kristen, Tony, Anna, and EJ. They are core to the show, and making this work.

They should make Nicole’s baby alive, and have Stefano have it with him. EJ should be involved with the scheme with the baby, and have done it as revenge to Nicole for keeping the baby from him. This would be an amazing storyline, along with bringing Tony back from the dead to fight his father to make the DiMera family name good. I can see Tony and EJ going to battle over DiMera Enterprises! EJ needs to be a bad boy again too!

Days’ needs to keep Chloe on the show, and re-unite her with Daniel. They should raise Parker together, but bring back Philip as JKJ and Stephanie as Shelley Hening. They could have a twist here with the paternity up in the air, like Stephanie actually lied about the paternity because she is back with Philip, and was jealous of how time he was spending with Parker and Chloe. The whole paternity secret could be a lie! Good storytelling here is key.

I would like to see Gabi leave the show, and give custody of her baby to Will and Sonny. Wilson is a great addition to the show. It would be great to see them raise the baby together.

Nick can stay on the show, and be re-united with Chelsea.

Days’ needs to can the following characters: Abe, Roman, Chad, Gabi, Cameron, Lucas, Billie, and any new characters they are thinking of hiring. None of these characters are any use to the show anymore.

As far as the younger cast, they have Wilson, Abby and should be back Max for her, and Nick should be re-united with Chelsea.

For the 30’s set: they have Philip, Stephanie, EJ, Rafe, Sami, Daniel, Chloe, Nicole, Eric, Brady, Kristen, and should bring back Belle, Shawn D., and Claire to add in the mix. Bristen, Danole are good couples, and they ca switch it up with the different characters. Nicole could be linked to EJ, Rafe, or Eric. Sami could be EJ or Rafe. This is a great set of characters for the 30’s set, that would bring a lot of drama, and a lot of fun!


Older Actors to Stay: Maggie, Victor, Caroline, Doug, Julie (all on re-curring basis)

Veterans: Jack, Jennifer, Shane, Kim, Tony, Anna, Kate, Stefano, John, Marlena, Bo, Hope (supercouples!), they could keep Abe and put him with Maxine (love her!)

30’s set: Daniel, Chloe, Stephanie, Philip, Belle, Shawn D., Sami, EJ, Rafe, Kristen, and Brady

younger set: Will, Sonny, Abby, Max, Chelsea, and Nick

That’s around 35 cast members. A mix of heroes, supervillians, vets, supercouples, and they are who the fans want to see. Now, the writers need to write good storylines for this cast, and make it about romance, family ties, family wars, revenge, scandal, affairs, and friendships. I think if they did this, Days would attract more viewers, and people would tune in.

Lastly, Lucas should stay, and the only new character to be casted should be his fiancee Autumn. Thanks.

And if they did everything you suggested, there would be posts stating the show is filled with vets, they would be mad that the characters you would ditch would be gone, and Days was just rehashing the past because they have run out of new stories to tell.

My point is everyone would like the show to be written the way they want it, and have the characters they would like to see, but an equal number of people who hate whatever you or anyone can come up with. So I stop wishing for the show to be the show I would write and I started to enjoy the show that was there and I found it a lot more bearable that way.

Just remember, be careful for what you wish for just might get it— Days from the 80’s and 90’s seen as repeats when the present day Days eventually gets cancelled

Good post, Sarah!!

I totally agree with all that Sarah has said! Great post from you Sarah!
I hope everyone reads your post because it is covering all the show and it all makes sense!. Too bad Corday doesn’t have the brains that you do Sarah!

Like to see more storylines with more involved plots-some investigation and intrigue that keeps you guessing and involved. Bo and Hope would be good at that.

I agree that writters can reach a happy medium with the veteran characters
As well as with the younger group, with a few exceptions. John is soooo boring with his monotonef acting. And thou I have no problem with gsy relationships, it turns my stomach upside down to watch it. If gonna have it im dtoryline, leave it suggestive (like Will &Grace). Bring Bo back and hire nrew writters who know how to tell a love story.

Let Peter Reckell come back and go after the DiMeras
We need this kind of story line.who better
To go after them then Bo. Lets get back to the
Days when watching was exciting!! And bring
Bo back

Bring him back

At this point I just want Steve Patch Back. Bo with HIm would be icing on the cake But I think Patch’s story has not been told fully.

1) Steve has never had the opportunity to raise his own child.
2) Kayla’s explanation made little sense. He took a job with the ISA and that means he chose the ISA over her??? She supported her brothers in such jobs and Steve is not the type to take a little office job and she always knew that about him and loved him for his spirit!
3) Steve has more facets that most soap men from heroics to vulnerability, flaws, music, laughter and wit to immense drama and sadness.

Bring on a Patch, Days could use it. Tomlin is wrong to keep denying favorites just to promote a failed Passions. Tomlin may be the problem on Days.

well said JT

DAYS and TPTB should do whatever they need to do to get PR back to DAYS!!! There is a big gap w/o him!!

I am going to miss “Bo” I grew up with him on Days!! Good luck!!

BRING HIM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!


Ken Corday:
Please bring Peter Reckell back to Days! The show is not the same without Bo. As a 30 year fan of the show, I have barely been watching lately since he has left. I can’t stand Nick and Gabby, etc. so am no longer interested in watching. I watched because of Bo and Hope. Peter and Kristian are both talented actors and have a chemistry that cannot be compared. The show was such a hit because of the characters like Bo and Hope, Kayla and Steve, Kim and Shane, John and Marlena, and Jack and Jen. These are the characters that the 40+ aged fans want to see, we care about them, and have invested many years of our own time watching them, addicted to the show, never wanting to miss an episode! Now, I am going weeks, months actually without watching. Bo needs to come back soon! It would be great if he brought Patch or Shawn, Belle, and Claire back with him. I care more about Shawn and Belle than I ever will about Nick and Gabby. There is no chemistry there. Peter Reckell deserves a great storyline, come on writers get creative! He is a wonderful actor. The scenes at Zach’s graveside where Bo is angry and hysterical with grief were so heartbreaking and believable that I cried the whole time. He was excellent during his pop Shawn’s death on the plane, and during his pancreatic illness storyline. Kristian did an excellent job during Princess Gina, and nightime Hope. Watching them both is what keeps me glued to Days! Give them both the respect they deserve. The 80’s stories were the best, but it can be good again! Please listen to us fans of Bope!

Breaking News

‘Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit For Stand Up To Cancer’ Live Virtual Event Announced; Featuring Soap Opera Notables and Moving Tributes

Stand Up to Cancer in collaboration with Alan Locher and Michael Fairman, will come together for a a three-hour livestream benefit, Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story.

Several stars from from daytime drama television past and present are scheduled to participate for an evening of stories of emotional on- and off-screen experiences with cancer, and moving tributes to beloved daytime favorites who lost their battle plus musical performances.

Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story, streams live on Thursday, May 16, from 8 to 11 p.m. ET/5 to 8 pm PT simultaneously on and YouTube channels The Locher Room and Michael Fairman Channel.

Photos: CBS and JPI

Tune-in for cancer survivorship stories with General Hospital’s Cameron Mathison and The Young and the Restless’ Colleen Zenk, who will reflect on the impact of publicly sharing their diagnoses; 2024 Daytime Emmy nominee Eric Braeden, who shares his cancer journey as well his memories of beloved The Young and the Restless co-star Meg Bennett, who passed from cancer April 11; and more.

Moving tributes to soap stars who’ve lost their cancer battles, including: Daytime icon Jackie Zeman, who played nurse Bobbie Spencer on General Hospital for 45 years, shared by daughters Cassidy MacLeod and Lacey Gorden, a tribute to Elizabeth Hubbard who played the iconic Lucinda Walsh on As the World Turns and Dr. Althea Davis on The Doctors, as shared by her on-screen daughter Martha Byrne and real-life son Jeremy Bennett, two-time Emmy Award-winner Jerry verDorn (Guiding Light  One Life to Live), shared by widow Beth verDorn and his on-screen wife on Guiding Light, friend and co-star Liz Keife, the iconic Andrea Evans, who played Tina Lord Roberts on One Life to Live, shared by her husband Stephen G. Rodriguez and daughter Kylie Rodriguez and Kamar de los Reyes shared by his One Life to Live co-stars Michael Easton (General Hospital) Trevor St. John (The Young and the Restless).

Photo: MEastonFacebook

Poignant reflections from actors who have portrayed breast cancer survivors, including Sharon Case and Eileen Davidson from The Young and the Restless; Erika Slezak from One Life to Live; Tina Sloan and Kim Zimmer from Guiding Light and more.

Additional talent slated to participate in the virtual benefit include (*subject to change): Eddie and Kristen Alderson (One Life to Live); Elia Cantu (Days of Our Lives); The Day Players, Featuring Days of Our Lives castmates Carson Boatman, Brandon Barash, Wally Kurth (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee), Eric Martsolf (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee); Kassie DePaiva (One Life to Live); Don Diamont (The Bold and the Beautiful); Linsey Godfrey (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, Days of Our Lives); Leo Howard (Days of Our Lives); Lesli Kay (The Bold and  the Beautiful); Eden McCoy (General Hospital); Kin Shriner (General Hospital); Michelle Stafford (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, The Young and the Restless).


“Daytime television invites viewers into the private lives of characters, often bringing important issues like cancer screenings into living rooms and around water coolers. Soaps debuted the first cancer storyline in 1962 – years before the topic was discussed in the mainstream, and it left an indelible impact: a whole generation of women who scheduled a potentially life-saving Pap smear for the first time,” said Daytime Stands Up host Alan Locher. “For so many viewers, this brought the issue front and center,” added co-host Michael Fairman. “Today, it’s become almost impossible to avoid; but there is hope with cancer research, thanks to organizations like Stand Up To Cancer.”

SU2C Co-Founder Sue Schwartz, SU2C President and CEO Julian Adams, Ph.D., and SU2C Health Equity Committee Member Elizabeth Jaffee, M.D., will also participate to speak to the importance of early detection, exciting scientific breakthroughs, and the ongoing work yet to be done to make screenings and treatment equitable for all.

“This year, an estimated 2 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer, presenting an opportunity for the public to stand with us and rise to the occasion,” said Adams. “We’re thankful to Alan Locher, Michael Fairman and our friends from the daytime television community, who will raise critical funding to honor those we’ve lost – and to propel new scientific breakthroughs for current and future patients. Everyone has a story, and we’re grateful to all of you for sharing yours.”

For over 15 years, SU2C has leveraged its relationship with the entertainment community – which includes more than 1,100 celebrity ambassadors – to generate public donations, increase awareness and fund cutting-edge cancer research. SU2C research has contributed to the development of more than 10 scientific breakthroughs that have significantly impacted the field and provided new treatment options for breast, colorectal, lung, melanoma, pancreatic, pediatric and prostate cancers.

Photo: SUTC

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Days Of Our Lives

Deidre Hall to Guest Star on Season 3 of Comedy Series ‘Hacks’

Days of our Lives star Deidre Hall (Marlena) is set to play a version of herself on third season of Hacks. Look for Hall this month in an episode titled “The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular,” to air on May 23 on Max.

Not only will Hall appear in the episode, but so too, will Back to the Future and Taxi star, Christopher Lloyd.

According to, Deidre will play “a fictional version of herself, who just so happens to be the mom of Paul W. Downs’ Jimmy.”

Photo: JPI

Hacks co-creator and Downs’ wife, Lucia Aniello shared on Hall’s casting, “It made sense to us that Jimmy’s late father, a big-time manager, would have been married to an actress. When the idea for Deidre Hall came up, it just felt right.”

As for Lloyd, he will portray, reclusive writer Larry Arbuckle, who is to have had a rather famous grandfather. In the episode, Hall and Lloyd’s character intersect, which leads to onscreen sparks.

Photo: AP

“We had written some things that were flirty, but the chemistry was palpable,” says co-creator and series star, Downs shared. Hacks stars Jean Smart as comedy legend Deborah Vance.

Photo: Max

Season 3 of Hacks debuts on Thursday night May 2nd on Max 9 pm ET/6 pm PT.

So, will you be watching Deidre Hall guest starring on Hacks? Comment below.

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Days Of Our Lives

Peacock Raising Subscription Prices $2 Dollars a Month This Summer; Includes Days of our Lives

As the Paris Summer Olympics are a few months away, the Peacock streaming service has revealed its plan for a two dollar summer price hike on its subscription plans, beginning in July for its content which will include Days of our Lives.

According to Deadline, in July, look for the monthly price for Peacock Premium to increase to $7.99. Premium Plus, which offers limited advertising, download capability and live local programming, will now be $13.99, while  Annual plans will go up to $79.99 for Premium and $139.99 for Premium Plus.

This price hike will effect new customers starting on July 18th, while existing subscribers will notice the price change on their next billing date on or before August 17th.

Photo: JPI

This marks the second price change in two years for the streaming service, the previous one being in 2023, which was the first since the service launched back in 2020.  The Summer Olympics in Paris which will be on NBC and Peacock run from July 26 to August 11.

The bright spot for Days of our Lives fans, is that unlike if the show was still on network television and NBC, the show would be preempted for two weeks, but with it being on Peacock it will continue with all-new episodes without interruption.

Photo: Peacock

At the recent Days of our Lives 15K episode celebration, Michael Sluchan the EVP, Current Scripted Programming & Limited Series for NBC/Peacock shared that the soap opera is doing extremely well for the streaming service, and they were very happy with its performance.

If you want to join Peacock now, there is still some time to get in on the current rates to watch DAYS and all of the programming and series it offers.

So, what do you think about the Peacock streaming service next price hike? Comment below.

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Video Du Jour

Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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