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Days Of Our Lives

DAYS PREVIEW Paul To Will: "Tell Me You Don't Want This To Happen?"


Next week on NBC’s Days of our Livesm the action picks up in Paul’s (Christopher Sean) hotel room as Will (Guy Wilson) continues to try to get his story on the pro athlete!

From this week’s DAYS promo, it looks like Paul is coming on very strong to Will and the two begin to make-out! Is Sonny (Freddie Smith) not far behind? Will he walk in on his husband and his ex?

Paul says to Will as they lock eyes, “Tell me you don’t want this to happen?”

So DAYS fans, tell us what you want to happen?  Do you want Paul and Will to have sex? Do you want Paul and Sonny to reunite? Do you want WilSon to remain together?

Watch the promo after the jump and then weigh-in!

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I’m going to really enjoy this triangle. Y&R has all the straight triangles it’s refreshing to see “Days” do something that has never been done before on daytime.

I agree 100%. Days is getting better slowly. Hopefully this story will bring them back.

I don’t want Paul to completely “strike out” with Sonny.

General Hospital had a boring triangle between Brad, Lucas and Felix.

But THIS storyline isn’t boring – it’s complicated. Sonny feels that Will isn’t there for him when he needs support (and frankly he isn’t) and Will feels that his career should often come first (no pun intended) – so maybe, they were both a little too young to jump into a Marriage thing especially when, in our society, like it or not, guys have to go out and earn a living – I’m not saying that women DON’T have to, nowadays everyone has to work it seems. Paul is lonely too, his baseball career may be over, his crying scenes are realistic. I feel sorry for him – and it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Will Paul get to “first base” with Will? Will Sonny cry foul ball? Is it really Will’s turn at Bat for a new romance? Stop groaning I’m only kidding…..add your own Baseball cliché here___________________________.

GH’s triangle was too stereotypical. I found that one nauseating too-with 3 actors on recurring status-see them one day, not to be seen for 3-4 weeks. The storyline just gets lost in the shuffle with the influx of new characters.

I hope they get it on every which way but Sunday but I sincerely hope they don’t make this story some cliche. I mean geez, let’s be serious only 3 gays in Salem? We need a closet case to come out. I am all for Paul and Will together. Make it interesting. Have Paul with Sonny and Will and have each one not know. I am so down for that. Go DAYS! We need you to have a good story again.

I am excited to see Will and Sonny finally getting significant airtime. I just hope that the writers make this story interesting and compelling. But I want WilSon to be the end result. I hate cheating storylines but if that is what it takes to get their marriage back on track then so be it.

There’s at least 4!! Don’t forget the bellhop!

at the end of yesterday’ ep : (Monday)

“wasn’t it heartbreaking to see Sonny asleep on the couch, when Will walked in”

this could very well be a break it story

Sonny and Paul are magnetic

apologies to Guy Wilson : ALL my will for this epic storyline came with your portrayal… and now that Paul and Sonny potential.

the storyline that nuWILL is all gung ho for his career… his writing has taken over… his marriage …. neglecting Arianna and Gabs…. it’s too obvious ??? a curt overture ??? he suddenly neglects his husband

it’s all reeling with potent

I want Will and Sonny

but with the lesser passionate couple being Will and Sonny
I see fireworks with Paul and Sonny

it it was Chandler Massey I’d say go take a hike ?

tour de force

I dont care one way are the other Iits messed up dont like seeing the gay parts that is rediculous.reaf, an the others are who l look to see an if the storyline not write l dont look at all, the writers are looking for away to make right but they dont have a clue they are making the out of comic books

i removed Days from my DVR because their stories are infantile. Daniel railing on Nicole because she dropped of an orchid in Selena’s room?!?! OMG! give me a break! The writing is so bad and boring.

I hate how Nicole is written…she has no family in Salem and everytime she starts a relationship she’s kicked in to a corner over something so stupid as checking on Serena…and they got a really good actor playing Paul so they put him in a bounce house having him bounce to So nny and then to Will and then probably back to Sonny…if they intend to break up Son and Wil does it have to be they are cheating on each other with the same guy…i used to watch 5 days a week and now its only a couple of times…this is Days 50th and i hope to see better DAYS or there wont be a 51st and id hate to see it cancelled…jmho!!!

I mean REALLY – I agree with you, if I were Nicole I would be on the first bus out of Salem – the whole town can’t stand her, I feel sorry for her even though she has the brain of a turnip. It’s ridiculous how sanctimonious Daniel gets – so Nicole went to redhead’s room – okay, not nice – get over it already.

The Orchid incident was not just a drop off. It was Nicole invading Serena’s privacy after the B & E with the help of the bellboy. She was there to dig up dirt on Serena.

Anyway, what does your post about Nicole have to do with the topic at hand…Will, Sonny and Paul? Do you have a comment regarding them?

I’m not sure you ever had DAYS on your DVR.

I couldn’t care less what you believe or don’t believe. I can comment on any subject on any post I choose and you can’t do a thing about it. I saw the scene and I don’t need you to explain it to me further. Like I said Days’ writing has gone down hill and it still sucks.

I removed DAYS from my DVR recordings, as well-for a while. But, I needed something on in the background while doing stuff around the house, so I am recording it again. I fast forward through nuWill (who I find utterly nauseating), most of Sonny’s scenes, and Paul (who I find almost as nauseating as nuWill), and Melanie (who runs around town acting like a 16 year old, not an adult woman who has been married and pregnant at one time).
I am sick and tired of Eric berating Nicole every chance that he gets; and Serena joining in on the tag team on-slaught of Nicole.

I think what Nicole get she gets she brings it on herself
But l do think eric is over doing the Nicole thing:maybe if she just left town.things will get a little more crazy then it is but at lese she wont be there.let abby out put chad in jailhouse. Iet rafe break stafino down.

Same as you, I’m no longer recording DAYS .. at least not until the 50th anniversary festivities begin. The storylines are, at worst offensive, and at best, boring.

No, no, no, no, no. I knew that Paul was no good. Will should have his head examined for throwing away his perfectly good marriage to a nice guy like Sonny.

I agree. I want Wilson left alone, albeit I agree with Mateo that there should be a little intrigue going on….I DO hate cheaters though. If only Chandler were back, I could really get into this storyline. I am still not ‘getting’ nuWill, and I really do not like Paul….he is too snaky and sneaky, for my taste. DAYS is getting more and more insipid.
As usual, jimh’s post makes the most sense.

I agree 1,000%, CeeCee-I posted a similiar comment about nuWill and Paul. Both nauseate me! I fast forward when they are on, as well as, Theresa and Melanie. I love Victor, always enjoy Maggie, Marlena, and I am looking for to when Kristen returns!

If everyone in town was Happy and content…..there wouldn’t be any show. Will and Sonny by the way are just as boring as any str8 couple – and everyone has temptations –

Well, Gary…boredom comes with nuWill.
Please do not make generalizations….my husband was my first and only boyfriend, at 16. I married him straight out of college, that was seven years ago. I have never been tempted to stray….and neither has he. You either have a cheating heart or you don’t…, you assume much of other people. You must have been really hurt, romantically. Sorry, but do jot bunch other people in the same category.

I love Victor as well. He is the only miscreant I get a kick out of, and whom I appreciate. Stefano and Victor Newman should take a page from his book. Happy New Year…later.


i want paul with sonny 🙂 they have best chemistry and great actors 🙂 the best 🙂 i love them together 🙂

Ugh i can’t stand Paul & Sonny but i’m loving Paul and Will 🙂 What a kiss!

Want it to happen with the real Will not the imposter we have been suffering with the last year. Second choice would be Paul and Derek.

You should maybe think about getting a life … Chandler left ( and thank god because i couldn’t stand him! ) so move on or just stop watching the show!

Yes Chandler did leave, and thank goodness he did, so he wouldn’t have to suffer through this horrible writing this past year. Would have been easier to care about the Will character though if he was replaced with an actual actor and not what we have been suffering through this last year. Guy has no chemistry and can’t act with any actor on this show, the Paul character has Chemistry with the actor playing Sonny, should put Paul with Sonny, then maybe this story line might be interesting.

Get real. Why is it that every time someone makes a comment about missing past actors, some know-it-all poster becomes insulting by saying….”…just stop watching the show.” Give me a break. Why stop watching? To appease you? Find a hobby instead of picking on people.
I happen to agree with Mike. nuWill is terrible, both as an actor and looks. So there! What are you going to do about it? This site is to express opinions, which is exactly what I and Mike did, ……not to insult fellow-posters.

Will definitely needs to be recast with a good actor.

It’s not that his acting isn’t great (NuWill) it’s just that…..I don’t know, there doesn’t seem to be believable chemistry between this Will and the actor portraying Sonny. I guess they can’t “create or manufacture” chemistry- it’s either there or it isn’t. Yet there IS chemistry between this new actor playing Paul and other players….it’s strange.

I agree, nuWill is an imposter and I have never felt any type of “connection” between the actor and the character. I groan when he is on-air. We all have our favorite actors, storylines, etc.

If they have one or both of the “Wilson” pair cheat, then it indicates that homosexual marriages are no better than heterosexual ones. While this is true, it would be nice to see this story rise above adultery. A kiss is bad enough, but where this is headed, is horrible.

Just for the record, I am not gay nor am I a man. I am a heterosexual female, married with two children. I guess what I am getting at is this story, if it goes the way many are thinking (an affair) would be a slap in the face for all those LGBT supporters of marriage equality.

Furthermore, I do not care for the stories wherein two heterosexual people fall into bed after just meeting or hardly knowing one another nor do I care for the extramarital affair stories that are so prevalent in soaps today. I understand that being happy equates to boredom on soaps, but then these writers need to find new ways to make these couples interesting.

I want Will & Paul & Sonny to happen. Modern twist to open relationships.

Modern relationships can accept a new definition of love and sexual liaisons. As long as all parties agree three does not have to be a crowd. And infidelities may not be the end of the road but just a bump on the super-highway of a long loving life.

If Will does cheat, doesn’t that make him a hippocrite? Remember how he turned on Sami when she cheated on Rafe when they were married? How about how he turned on EJ when he cheated on.Sami with Abigail? Are they turning Will into a version of his mother?

I know that I wanted more drama for WilSon. Now that it’s here, I kinda want the happy couple back.

forget will or sonny, paul and derrick!!!
the way derrick smiles and teases at paul everytime he comes to pauls hotel room!!!
derrick excudes more sex appeal and him and paul have more sparks in their thirty second scenes than 10 min with lame wooden dry reporter wannabe will or club cafe owner sonny!!
the point of an ellicit affair is to be hot and steamy !!! hot and steamy with sonny and will, yea right !!! i d rather watch water boil.

Is Derrick the bellboy that brought Paul champagne? Because that guy is really hot and I think he should definitely be in the mix. Hell, can we have the actor playing Derrick as a Will recast?

Exactly my point, damien.

Put your wedding ring back on Will. Meeting in his hotel room was never a good idea IMO. What’s next? Inviting Derek to join in the fun?

I prefer Paul with Sonny, but Will sleeping with Paul would make good story between Sonny and Will. I really want Sonny and Paul as a couple though, they are so much better. I really wish another actor was playing Will.

It’s a DAYTIME GAYtime first! The triangle around Sonny, Will and Paul is interesting, one of the more compelling plots on DAYS.
I THINK we should call it GAYS OF OUR LIVES.
(ok don’t get mad I’m only kidding) Daniel getting so angry at Nicole was a little over the top and stupid, he knows how she is. What’s up with that hotel Clerk, is he hot on Paul’s trail or what – at least, this storyline is somewhat realistic. Guys have wandering eyes, gay or straight. Of course, I can’t see Paul being that enthralled by Will, but whatever….you know, any port in a storm. To each his own –
did anyone think it was funny when the Hotel clerk answered the always Pious and sanctimonious Saint Eric when Eric said “I am a friend of Melanie’s” and the hotel clerk said…..”lucky her!”…..I thought that was so funny, thought it was a throw away line that he could have said with more conviction.

the three amigos ! (daniel, eric, brady) are at it again

let’s bash Nicole because we can and the audience won’t know; let’s humiliate Nicole because she doesn’t care enough about HERself

it’s been their done that so often : so many times !

if there was a debbie downer vote on said poster : I”D win… with relish !

I can’t stand “daniel”

YES ! with guile : I can’t stand his acting…. he ruins every part of the effort or lack of : DAYS production TEAM reel

Arianne Zucker, the actor, doesn’t deserve this lack of drive .

she should have been heralded leading lady once Alison Sweeney left

come on : the writing : she’s telling Daniel… about perfect Serena… she’s even a profession journalist and Nicole more or less is a wanna be…

selling herself less than

plot point… here comes the story ! what is serena hiding, and Nicole hand the gumption and uncanny instinct to feel her out

the three amigos are written so lame…. yikes ! what a shame

Eric needs to get laid
Brady needs to find someone his own age… it’s too cutesy smoochy
Daniel …. devoid of any thing interesting

Wow, Patrick. You came right out with your perception of Daniel, Eric and Brady. You are usually more subtle than that. To be admired, for sure. More power to you……I agree with every word you said. I cannot stand these three guys. Eric, so worried about putting a dent on his halo. Daniel, who has suddenly emerged as the best thing sinceJesus Christ and Brady, the reformed drug-addicted, alcoholic, who cleaned up without professional help, but doesn’t know which foot to put out first.

I do believe that, we as the viewers, appreciate good acting when we see it. We are not stupid. You are so on the money concerning Nicole. She is the one and only protagonist who has made the longest and best strides to becoming a better person. Why is it that everyone else gets a pass and she does not? Melanie, for instance……I was so happy to hear she was back on the canvas….but, what’s up with her? I am not liking this “new” Melanie…..awful adaptation. When I get no clue as to where a character is going, I lose interest. If there were a bit of juicy mystery surrounding her return,then, perhaps my interest would be piqued. Oh, yes, she stormed into town surreptitiously trying to avoid people who were after her. What a bust !!
The same could be said for Serena…..what a disappointment; both of them.
I wonder if Eric and she go to church every day, get on their knees, pray to the Lord together, thanking Him for making them so self-righteous….and, oh, yeah, for their oh, so shiny and gorgeous halo, with little smiley faces on them.

I’m not going to lie

the hunk factor just stratosphere with Paul Narita
and is a welcome layer to lacked passion nuWILL and no fault of Sonny

this is thee opportunity for Guy Wilson to feature his act

if it doesn’t pan out…. DAYS production tried
(recast if need be)

If I was a producer and watching dailys…. there’s NO question

Paul and Sonny have that it factor

I can’t believe they are both straight

having said all this

it’s still a relevant, vibrant, and viable interest story that reach on so many level

I am once again…. looking forward to DAYS, that much more so

Yesterday’s Days ep was so boring I didn’t even watch the whole thing. Any storyline Guy Wilson is in will be a fail because he is not good in the role of Will.

I think Paul is a great addition to the Will and Sonny relationship! I think he and Sonny have spicy chemistry. However, the scenes between Paul and Will were surprisingly hot as well…. love this storyline!!!

A snake is a snake is a snake, I don’t care if you’re gay or straight. He is a baddie. Only untrustworthy weasels do that. What is Paul’s angle? I know he has one. I don’t want Sonny and Will to split up, albeit he is a complete snore.

This storyline is interesting. I’d prefer that Sonny hook up with Paul rather than Will because I dislike NuWill. I wish the producers would recast this role with an actor who possesses a bit of charm that Chandler Massey had.

I don’t think the current actor portraying Will is terrible – it’s just that he doesn’t seem to have much natural chemistry with the character of Sonny…..or anybody else on the show –

Breaking News

‘Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit For Stand Up To Cancer’ Live Virtual Event Announced; Featuring Soap Opera Notables and Moving Tributes

Stand Up to Cancer in collaboration with Alan Locher and Michael Fairman, will come together for a a three-hour livestream benefit, Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story.

Several stars from from daytime drama television past and present are scheduled to participate for an evening of stories of emotional on- and off-screen experiences with cancer, and moving tributes to beloved daytime favorites who lost their battle plus musical performances.

Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story, streams live on Thursday, May 16, from 8 to 11 p.m. ET/5 to 8 pm PT simultaneously on and YouTube channels The Locher Room and Michael Fairman Channel.

Photos: CBS and JPI

Tune-in for cancer survivorship stories with General Hospital’s Cameron Mathison and The Young and the Restless’ Colleen Zenk, who will reflect on the impact of publicly sharing their diagnoses; 2024 Daytime Emmy nominee Eric Braeden, who shares his cancer journey as well his memories of beloved The Young and the Restless co-star Meg Bennett, who passed from cancer April 11; and more.

Moving tributes to soap stars who’ve lost their cancer battles, including: Daytime icon Jackie Zeman, who played nurse Bobbie Spencer on General Hospital for 45 years, shared by daughters Cassidy MacLeod and Lacey Gorden, a tribute to Elizabeth Hubbard who played the iconic Lucinda Walsh on As the World Turns and Dr. Althea Davis on The Doctors, as shared by her on-screen daughter Martha Byrne and real-life son Jeremy Bennett, two-time Emmy Award-winner Jerry verDorn (Guiding Light  One Life to Live), shared by widow Beth verDorn and his on-screen wife on Guiding Light, friend and co-star Liz Keife, the iconic Andrea Evans, who played Tina Lord Roberts on One Life to Live, shared by her husband Stephen G. Rodriguez and daughter Kylie Rodriguez and Kamar de los Reyes shared by his One Life to Live co-stars Michael Easton (General Hospital) Trevor St. John (The Young and the Restless).

Photo: MEastonFacebook

Poignant reflections from actors who have portrayed breast cancer survivors, including Sharon Case and Eileen Davidson from The Young and the Restless; Erika Slezak from One Life to Live; Tina Sloan and Kim Zimmer from Guiding Light and more.

Additional talent slated to participate in the virtual benefit include (*subject to change): Eddie and Kristen Alderson (One Life to Live); Elia Cantu (Days of Our Lives); The Day Players, Featuring Days of Our Lives castmates Carson Boatman, Brandon Barash, Wally Kurth (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee), Eric Martsolf (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee); Kassie DePaiva (One Life to Live); Don Diamont (The Bold and the Beautiful); Linsey Godfrey (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, Days of Our Lives); Leo Howard (Days of Our Lives); Lesli Kay (The Bold and  the Beautiful); Eden McCoy (General Hospital); Kin Shriner (General Hospital); Michelle Stafford (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, The Young and the Restless).


“Daytime television invites viewers into the private lives of characters, often bringing important issues like cancer screenings into living rooms and around water coolers. Soaps debuted the first cancer storyline in 1962 – years before the topic was discussed in the mainstream, and it left an indelible impact: a whole generation of women who scheduled a potentially life-saving Pap smear for the first time,” said Daytime Stands Up host Alan Locher. “For so many viewers, this brought the issue front and center,” added co-host Michael Fairman. “Today, it’s become almost impossible to avoid; but there is hope with cancer research, thanks to organizations like Stand Up To Cancer.”

SU2C Co-Founder Sue Schwartz, SU2C President and CEO Julian Adams, Ph.D., and SU2C Health Equity Committee Member Elizabeth Jaffee, M.D., will also participate to speak to the importance of early detection, exciting scientific breakthroughs, and the ongoing work yet to be done to make screenings and treatment equitable for all.

“This year, an estimated 2 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer, presenting an opportunity for the public to stand with us and rise to the occasion,” said Adams. “We’re thankful to Alan Locher, Michael Fairman and our friends from the daytime television community, who will raise critical funding to honor those we’ve lost – and to propel new scientific breakthroughs for current and future patients. Everyone has a story, and we’re grateful to all of you for sharing yours.”

For over 15 years, SU2C has leveraged its relationship with the entertainment community – which includes more than 1,100 celebrity ambassadors – to generate public donations, increase awareness and fund cutting-edge cancer research. SU2C research has contributed to the development of more than 10 scientific breakthroughs that have significantly impacted the field and provided new treatment options for breast, colorectal, lung, melanoma, pancreatic, pediatric and prostate cancers.

Photo: SUTC

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Days Of Our Lives

Deidre Hall to Guest Star on Season 3 of Comedy Series ‘Hacks’

Days of our Lives star Deidre Hall (Marlena) is set to play a version of herself on third season of Hacks. Look for Hall this month in an episode titled “The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular,” to air on May 23 on Max.

Not only will Hall appear in the episode, but so too, will Back to the Future and Taxi star, Christopher Lloyd.

According to, Deidre will play “a fictional version of herself, who just so happens to be the mom of Paul W. Downs’ Jimmy.”

Photo: JPI

Hacks co-creator and Downs’ wife, Lucia Aniello shared on Hall’s casting, “It made sense to us that Jimmy’s late father, a big-time manager, would have been married to an actress. When the idea for Deidre Hall came up, it just felt right.”

As for Lloyd, he will portray, reclusive writer Larry Arbuckle, who is to have had a rather famous grandfather. In the episode, Hall and Lloyd’s character intersect, which leads to onscreen sparks.

Photo: AP

“We had written some things that were flirty, but the chemistry was palpable,” says co-creator and series star, Downs shared. Hacks stars Jean Smart as comedy legend Deborah Vance.

Photo: Max

Season 3 of Hacks debuts on Thursday night May 2nd on Max 9 pm ET/6 pm PT.

So, will you be watching Deidre Hall guest starring on Hacks? Comment below.

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Days Of Our Lives

Peacock Raising Subscription Prices $2 Dollars a Month This Summer; Includes Days of our Lives

As the Paris Summer Olympics are a few months away, the Peacock streaming service has revealed its plan for a two dollar summer price hike on its subscription plans, beginning in July for its content which will include Days of our Lives.

According to Deadline, in July, look for the monthly price for Peacock Premium to increase to $7.99. Premium Plus, which offers limited advertising, download capability and live local programming, will now be $13.99, while  Annual plans will go up to $79.99 for Premium and $139.99 for Premium Plus.

This price hike will effect new customers starting on July 18th, while existing subscribers will notice the price change on their next billing date on or before August 17th.

Photo: JPI

This marks the second price change in two years for the streaming service, the previous one being in 2023, which was the first since the service launched back in 2020.  The Summer Olympics in Paris which will be on NBC and Peacock run from July 26 to August 11.

The bright spot for Days of our Lives fans, is that unlike if the show was still on network television and NBC, the show would be preempted for two weeks, but with it being on Peacock it will continue with all-new episodes without interruption.

Photo: Peacock

At the recent Days of our Lives 15K episode celebration, Michael Sluchan the EVP, Current Scripted Programming & Limited Series for NBC/Peacock shared that the soap opera is doing extremely well for the streaming service, and they were very happy with its performance.

If you want to join Peacock now, there is still some time to get in on the current rates to watch DAYS and all of the programming and series it offers.

So, what do you think about the Peacock streaming service next price hike? Comment below.

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Video Du Jour

Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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