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Former GH and B&B Star, Antonio Sabato Jr. Claims He's Blacklisted By Hollywood Directors Since RNC Speech!

Photo: Twitter/RNC

Photo: Twitter/RNC

Actor Antonio Sabato Jr., the once adored Jagger Cates of General Hospital, spoke with Variety about his recent appearance as as a speaker at the Republic National Convention in support of their presidential nominee, Donald Trump.

Following his speech at the RNC, Sabato claims that he’s been bullied endlessly in the days following. Not only online, but by Hollywood directors who have blacklisted him.

In a statement Antonio related:  “I think this country allows you freedom of speech. Anybody should be allowed to say whatever they want. When you’re in my business, you can’t talk about (conservative)politics. You just can’t. You’re attacked viciously in a way that I’ve never been attacked before. On Twitter, there’s been name calling, and celebrities attacking me. That’s fine. I see it, but I don’t read it. I block them and delete them and move on. There’s so much negativity you can be taken into that. But I’ve also heard from celebrities:  ‘If he can do it, I want to speak my mind too.’ They are fed up with the way this country has been running and by all these lies.”

Sabato, who is known also for his role as Dante on B&B, Dancing with the Stars, his own reality series, and more added: “I’ve had fantastic directors who have said officially to my agents and managers they will never hire me again. They will never even see me for projects. That’s unfair. It’s just like Communism.”

What do you think about the Hollywood backlash, according to Sabato, since he publicly shared his political views? Share your thoughts on his comments below!


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Stay strong Antonio, don’t let anyone silence you. I started supporting Antonio and follow him on Twitter since he spoke his mind. I support Trump also.

I agree with you, Antonio is a washed up ex soap star. I used to love Antonio, but now he is cray cray lol.

Donald Trump is a racist pig, he will not be President of The United States. Hillary will win, she deserves to win. Antonio your 15 minutes of fame, is over my dear.

What has Trump said or done that is is racist? You call him racist but never say how.

Hillary couldn’t beat Obama in 2008. Trump beat 16 opponents. Trump will win.

And your 15 minutes of fame hasn’t even started!

Mr Trump is a hot head and a big fat liar. Antonio Sabato JR acting career is over. Antonio can move back to Italy, as far as I am concerned.

Hillary supporters are lemmings. She said she would raise taxes for the middle class and they all clapped lol.

Sure, everyone is allowed to speak their mind. But when you speak it in public, in front of millions, you better own it, and be ready for the consequences. He was probably hoping to generate some new offers, but it backfired.

Trump is a bully and a fraud. He is not fit, too be in the White House. Go Hillary and kick Donald Trumps ass. Antonio your speech was terrible, and putting down Mr. Obama was not right. You and Kimberlin Brown are nuts.

Hillary keeps killing all that oppose her. They just found someone from the DNC who was set to speak against her dead with his throat crushed. It’s why she’s called Killary. 30+ of her enemies are dead.

Obama, who released terrorists to wreak more havoc in the world and caused race wars. Of course you’d support the candidate who’s campaign is funded by countries that deny women equal rights and throw gays off rooftops.

Gary you rock my friend, lmao. I love your comments. I agree with you, Kimberlin Brown and Antonio Sabato are full of crap and really really crazy people.

Does anybody on here have a brain? Everybody has conveiently forgotten about the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandel, her screwed up views on abortion, and the fact that that people around her keep dying. I don’t have anything to substantiate this, but I bet Bernie Sanders only gave Hillary Clinton his endorsement because he was afraid that she was going to have him killed. Does anybody find it remotely suspicious how people around Hillary have died recently or is everybody just burying their heads in the sand to support their “democratic” candidate? Give me a break. It makes me want to puke in my mouth.

It is SO nice to hear some real truth talk about this finally!! It would be nice also if people would finally wake up and realize that these people are ALL criminals. There is no Left and there is no Right. They are working towards a common goal. It is a smoke screen to keep the public divided and oppressed. Just ask Joan Rivers what happens when you speak truth about those in power. And seriously folks…in what universe could Donald Trump be considered conservative in ANY way?? He lives a lavish, outlandish lifestyle and he got there not by being honest and kind. This is the most absurd, ridiculous mock election the U.S. has EVER had!!

Todd you need to take your meds lol Your comments are full of bs. Hillary is a honest working women. she cares about people, Donald is a clown and a bigot.

Poor poor celebrity Antonio……sticks and stones…..I like him as an actor but he has no clue what it’s like to me working class in America……All celebrities need to use their fame for charity causes since WE made them famous in the first place.

Yes, Blake, excellent question! What exactly has Mr. Trump done that makes him racist??? Prior to his candidacy, I never heard one word said against him on this matter despite his long-standing status as a public figure. Even though he created and ran many brick-and-mortar businesses through the years, no allegations of this sort were ever implied in his employment of others. What about all those performers who were featured at his casinos and resorts…plus all the celebs who enjoyed his hospitality and generosity for decades on end? There were most certainly quite a few non-caucasians in that mix! Additionally, he owned beauty pageants in which many minorities participated and even repeatedly won, not to mention his “Apprentice” show presented a broad cross-section of individuals. Moreover, his private clubs were often the first in their respective areas to open their memberships to people of all races, creeds and orientations….None of this behavior indicates someone who is a racist (or bigot.) And yet the meme continues….and is most often repeated by those politicians who regularly enjoyed the gifts of Trump largesse to their campaigns, no less. Does that mean that all along they were perfectly okay with him being this “purported racist” that they maintain he is, but they chose to overlook it back then because he was contributing to them and their party???? Just once I would love to see this query posed to a Dem, any Dem, but particularly the “pantsuited one” who apparently was so unoffended by DJT’s “racist tendencies” that she and her loving spouse attended the man’s wedding some years ago!

Your so right Shay but some even want her because she’s the first woman to run. If she does win you know they’ll want Trump in 4 years but the damage she’ll do in that time is horrible. Look at the people who died going to court to testify against her.

Mr. Sabato Jr. has once again proved that most liberals in Hollywood, like the rest of America, are tolerant of your political views but only the ones that agree with theirs.

So not true. It goes both ways. My brother and sister and their children and spouses are all conservative Tea Party people. They are horrible to me and my family because we are not. Ever since President Obama was elected, they have come out of the woodwork to become evil people to those who don’t think like them. As far as Antonio Sabato is concerned, he said some pretty awful and untrue things in an interview at the convention. It is one thing to express your views, but quite different when you tell lies. IF he is being blackballed, it is probably because of the lies. There are plenty of Republicans working in Hollywood, but they express their views without the vicious lying.

Antonio was barely on the D list before the RNC.

So true…lol

You can say what you want but free speech ain’t free. There are consequences for your words, especially when you align yourself with a candidate who’s said some awful things himself. To think he wouldn’t be or shouldn’t be met with resistance is naive and silly.

Well said. Karen would be disappointed in her man. I know, I know, she’s fictional. But still….

Yes, Harry, I agree–SO disappointed!

Agreed. Sabato doesn’t get that he did exercise his right to “free speech.” No one stopped him. He got up & said what he wanted to say. But, that doesn’t entitle him to a job or a meeting, especially in a business where there are hundreds of handsome, talented actors of all ages just begging to be employed for one acting job.

How ironic that he is complaining about being treated the very way he wanted to treat others of a different faith. I might add that directors saying they don’t want to work with Sabato is a far cry from life under “communism.” Anyone who remembers how the USSR & Cuba treated their dissidents knows they weren’t given the courtesy of being informed. Many artists were thrown into jail for years as being enemies of the state; no heads up beforehand. Sabato needs to stop painting himself as a martyr when he has continues to reap all the benefits that American democracy affords him, which apparently includes public whining & not recognizing that he is responsible for his own situation. Who wants to work with a bigot if there are other hot, non-bigoted options available?

Great points–and why doesn’t Sabato “name names” instead of talking in generalities? UMMMMM!

Thank you, Kansas Guest. At last a voice of reason and sanity!

I applaud Antonio for having the courage of his convictions.

Leftist Hollywood is intolerant in the extreme.

So are a lot of commenters on this site.

I also applaud his freedom to speak but he is NO victim. HE HAS wealth and means.

It’s a shame Mr. Sabato Jr. has been bullied for supporting a man who runs his campaign on a platform of bullying.

Exactly Kristen! He doesn’t seem upset when Trump moans about a fixed election 3 months before it happens, or for throwing a woman and her baby out of one his speeches. That, Antonio is ok with. But when people opt not to hire him because he’s nuts, Antonio doesn’t get it. I lauged when someone at work asked who Antonio Sabato is, and they responded, ” I think he’s an underwear model.”

I wasn’t hot on the idea of Antonio or Kimberlin speaking at the RNC because I do enjoy seeing the stuff they put out but like Antonio said, there is freedom of speech. If he went back to play Jagger or if Kimberlin went back to play Sheila, I would tune in. What they had to say has nothing to do with the characters they played and I am also not big on politics either.

Are they any Hollywood producers who even know who he is. Sorry Antonio, you’re a D-list actor. I doubt he’s being blacklisted and it’s simply a matter of they don’t now him or if they don’t wouldn’t hire him before his speech.

sorry for the misspellings – geesh. Are there….and they don’t know…

LOL I give up — not enough coffee today. Let’s try this again before the grammar police arrest me 🙂

Are there any Hollywood producers who even know who he is. Sorry Antonio, you’re a D-list actor. I doubt he’s being blacklisted. They probably never heard of him and if they did, they wouldn’t have hired him BEFORE his speech.

I definitely got your meaning Debbie and have to agree. Antonio was popular on GH in the 90s because he was a hot young guy who looked good without a shirt. He was cute; but, I was not blown away with his acting. Time does march on for all of us.

They were probably looking for an excuse and he wemt and gave them one

he stated that he was not concerned about vocally supporting trump in liberal-leaning hollywood and didn’t care if that caused people to judge him – “so be it” he said ………
so why is he whining about being blacklisted by hollywood directors??????

because his five minutes of fame are over

I am extremely proud of Antonio and God will bless him for standing up this is so wrong on every level

He is correct – we have freedom of speech and should be able to say what we think and endorse who we believe in. It is interesting that after endorsing Trump, he has felt a backlash. Trump is not my candidate because I don’t find him qualified to be President of the United States. I’m glad there are smart people in Hollywood who are not influenced by money. I like this actor, just hope he doesn’t start talking to chairs.

He may have “heard” from his critics…other soap actors and fans who disagree with him but I seriously doubt an actor who hasn’t appeared in anything but Dancing a with The Stars and his home improvement show has suddenly been blacklisted by Hollywood. he wasn’t on the list to begin with.

NO! you are blacklisted because you have no talent! get over yourself

I agree with you Tony, Amen my friend. Antonio is crazy, just like Donald Trump.

This is not said to be mean at all but seriously, no one has hired Mr Sabato Jr. because he isn’t that good of an actor. It has nothing to do with his politics. He made a poor choice to speak at the RNC in support of this candidate (who will remain nameless) but I seriously doubt he is being blacklisted because of that alone. How about he just admits that his time in Hollywood is over not because he is a Republican but because his talent is overrated. Mr Sabato Jr made a living on his looks. He can’t be surprised that now that he is more mature (as we all become) people want to hire him less. Once you expose your body as the primary focal point of your talent then you run the risk of not being taken seriously as an actor. I am certain it didn’t benefit him to lend support to such a polarizing political figure but his crying that he has been blacklisted because of it is a sign that he is not suited to be in the limelight. I hope he invested his earnings well so that he can relax and live well on what he did make in the past.

Well said.


How exactly, is him not getting hired “Just like Communism”? It’s a great buzz word that makes people react, but it really should apply in some way.

I mean, I can’t recall anything he had been acting in before his speech, so it isn’t exactly like anything is different after his speech. But I guess now he has a ‘reason’ (other than his acting ability) to blame his lack of work on and try and get people riled up.

GMAB! He lying just like Trump. What directors have blacklisted him? He’s been a has been for years & his politics had nothing to do with it. Being a Republican hasn’t stopped Patricia Heaton from working.
Antonio’s last gigs were emcee at Chippendales & trying to find “love” on a VH1 reality show.
More to the point—I have no sympathy for anyone supporting a xenophobic,racist,bigoted,misogynistic homophobe. Crawl back under your rock,Antonio.

You are correct. Antonio was not on any director’s list to hire BEFORE his speech. Now he has found a “excuse” to blame. The “liberal directors” are to blame that he doesn’t get hired. GMAB, too.
Peace to him but, he needs to find work in another field other than acting. His time is passed.

Cry me a river. Make me believe. Wind me up and wind me down. Make your little head spin ’round and round!


Yes, we have Freedom of Speech. We also have the freedom to not hire anybody who we don’t want to, especially when that person gets involved in extremely controversial issues. I, for one, will never watch anything he does again. Or that Kimberlin Brown.

“We also have the freedom to not hire anybody who we don’t want to”

Oh please. If it ever got out that a conservative in Hollywood refused to hire a gay actor, my guess is you wouldn’t hesitate to call them a bigot or a homophobe.

Blacklisted? Really? Talk about melodramatic. Using that term is insulting to the hundreds of Americans who were denied work and/or credit for their work (including Oscars), were hassled for YEARS (not two weeks), and had their lives permanently upended due to Senator McCarthy and his cohorts. Mr. Sabato needs to watch TRUMBO or read actress Lee Grant’s fine autobiography on the subject. Better yet, read Lillian Hellman’s SCOUNDREL TIME for a true picture of blacklisting. As an adult American we are free to express our opinions. But the adult part means accepting the consequences of statements that were clearly meant to cause controversy and put the speaker back in the public eye.

Way to go, Sopahound! 🙂

His career was only so/so before. It is not the first time an actor has blamed politics on a flailing career. Actors who succeed are going to succeed no matter what. This has been debated before. There are a lot of activists who still have great careers. That includes actors who are openly R’s. True there are more D’s in that world. He was never that big any way. Now he will say his politics are the reason. I don’t think so.

I doubt there were many knocking down his doors to hire him to begin with.

And he didn’t just express conservative opinions – he veered off into dangerous nutcase conspiracy stuff.

Sabato might want to remember that as he is free to say what he wants, employers are free to hire who they wish, and avoid people like him.

That’s also the American way.

He can work in Kimberlin Brown’s avocado fields!

Lol good one. Kimberlin Brown is Crazy, like Sheila Carter. Antonio and Kimberlin Brown should just go away.

Are Trump supporters crazy too for not getting behind the candidate who’s campaign is funded by countries that deny women equal rights and throw gays off roofs?

Yep, I had a feeling this was going to happen. Not that Hollywood has blacklisted him, no, but that he would CLAIM to have been blacklisted. He’s not exactly lighting up the screen with appearances (television appearances here and there and random ‘no name movies’).

Conservative and somewhat mainstream actors such has Patricia Heaton for example, are doing just fine. Whenever a second-rate actor such as Sabato comes out as Conservative they tend to claim they’ve been blacklisted in Hollywood. If he was burning up the job market with popular roles he wouldn’t be saying he was now blacklisted. It’s only because he’s looking for an excuse for her direct to video roles.

Good luck with speaking your mind. It may very well be called freedom of speech but you can’t use it, unless your talking very liberal and for whatever party they may want. The way I see it you do have two choices 1- get some celebrities talking along side of you. 2- wait till November, hope for the best and if it happens you’ll be back acting again and if the election goes the other way, it will be more of the same ole s- – -, and when we turn out like France you can say told ya so!

Nikki, this is not about liberals vs conservatives. All bets are off when it comes to Mr Trump. If this were McCain, Romney or Paul Ryan, you would not see this type of collective acrimony. This compels one to look at the source of all this acrimony and what you have is a man who has made racist, horrible statements. He has mocked and mimicked a disabled man. He has made misogynistic and ignorant and bigoted statements. I don’t feel he represents the Republican party and I certainly don’t feel he represents America.

I do see your point Harry but I also read as well as researched a lot of things H.C. has lied about to different news outlets. A lot of people are voting for a lesser of two evils & some are voting for a woman in a pant suit. I’m more interested in who can run the country! D.T. was highly put down for the way he handled Khizr Khan story. If you go on his twitter he is a supporter of H.C. Donald has already said his son was a hero but this father will not light up & H.C. is behind it. If you go on Ronald Wolchesky twitter, he also lost a son and he states H.C. is a lier & she has also lied to the public. H.C. after research I realize she lied under oath about her emails. Neither one should get a star but in my heart of hearts I think D.T. is more capable. Hope you don’t hate me for this my friend.

Right on!


@Harry….Whilst you may have a point about the “collective acrimony” directed toward DJT…he is essentially having to run against not just his direct opponent, but the current occupant of the office, the mainstream media and half of his own party who are piling up the venom against him, what needs to be remembered is that this man handily won his own primary the old-fashioned way….he earned the most votes of any GOP primary winner not just in this cycle, but in history, and he did so with very little ground game or any of the traditional political machinations common to present-day electoral success…..hoards of people came out to support him simply because they wanted to, and for a whole variety of reasons. That fact seems to be largely ignored by those who look down on him and his candidacy….he has captured the public’s mood and imagination for whatever explanation(s) you care to choose, and whether you agree with him or not, many do, and their opinions are no less valid than any others….if you believe in democracy. As for the vitriol aimed at previous GOP presidential candidates???? There has always been an immense bias against them in news coverage, displays of debate favoritism and other such considerations….it may not have been quite as obviously blatant as this year’s examples, but it’s omnipresent and continues even after an election if a Republican wins office….the hypocrisy never ends. Oh, and yes, contrary to your assertion, Mitt Romney had more than his own share of unwarranted malice aimed at him during the 2012 campaign…Despite being one of the most profoundly decent and personally upstanding men to ever seek the presidency, his impressive business record, deeply-held religion, and even his close-knit family, were grossly maligned, to the extreme extent that his lovely wife’s equestrian therapy for her MS was roundly mocked.

Lol, Harry. The point that was made to you regarding Mitt Romney? Even HE won’t endorse Trump! (Called him a racist, etc….).

;;;;;In a statement Antonio related: “I think this country allows you freedom of speech. Anybody should be allowed to say whatever they want.;;;;;;;;;;

Yes, you can say anything you want to say… but that doesn’t give you respect for saying it..
you have freedom to speak it and people have the right to hate you and disrespect for saying it .. LOL
((it was a dangerous decision to run your mouth, yup.. silicene can be golden lol


So freedom of speech for me but not for thee. You’re only tolerant of speech you agree with. Hypocrite.

Bah ha ha ha! I am roaring with ribald laughter here. Let me get this straight–this ass clown has not had any work in film or TV for a long long time. Two minutes ago he makes an endorsement speech for Donald Trump ( I am going to refrain from lambasting this man because it’s just too easy) and suddenly this is the reason why he’s not getting any work? I mean, maybe, just maybe, he’s not getting any work because this former Calvin Klein model cannot act his way out of a hat.
Nice try there, Antonio, but no one is buying it.

Wonder what’s happening to Kimberly Brown.

I hope her avocado farm is making a mint!

Well said, Harry!

Good on you, Harry! Another good one! 🙂

Amen – Harry!

Maybe he also has some swampland in Fla! 🙂

He is entitled to his opinion and to support whoever he wants. Hire him or don’t based on his talents and abilities; not who he is backing for President. He’s the same man he was the day before his speech at the RNC. I feel sorry for him and hope he can weather this storm. Grow up people!! Hollywood sucks.

“He’s the same man he was before his speech at the RNC.”
Yes he is, Gloria and here lies the problem–the man has no talent and it’s easier to blame outside sources or come up with some wild conspiracy theory then take a good solid look at one’s self in the mirror.

I’m not defending his talent, just his right to state his opinion. It’s possible he is fabricating this backlash he’s getting, but I read yesterday that Bradley Cooper (who has plenty of talent) is expressing the same sort of negativity for being seen at the DNC during Obama’s speech. I maintain what I said that Hollywood sucks. I don’t like how they use their exposure at events like award ceremonies to turn an acceptance speech into a political rant.

Unfortunately Gloria celebrities feed into the public’s demand or approval. Celebrities ask for money to fund their creative projects and fans donate. Celebrities endorse products and fans buy them. Celebrities get behind causes and fans become more passionate. Celebrities endorse a politician and fans cheer them. Speeches at awards shows? Same stuff… And now Anthony is trying to get fan support so he can get back on the A list of which he couldn’t have been taken off because he was never on.

Love him, loved his speech.

Oh please, even if it were true that’d be the only list he”s been on in the last 20 years!

HA! GOOD one!

I didn’t hear what Antonio Sabato said during the RNC but I plan to find it online. Everybody has a right to their own opinion. That’s freedom of speech. As long as it isn’t hate speech, I believe each person has a constitutional right to state it. That aside, I’m not a Trump supporter, am a far left Democratqinabbs and am terrified about what will happen to this country if by some slim chance he wina

Oh please, where exactly was he working before the speech? That’s what I thought. Trying to pull a Victoria Rowell. Calling BS on this one.

I haven’t heard yet what Antonio Sabato said during the RNC but I plan to find it online. Given the Denocrat’s response and hearing the statements most Trump supporters have said in favor of electing Trump for President, I’m pretty certain I will disagree and be amazed by some/most of his comments. However, everybody has a right to their own opinion. That’s freedom of speech, our first amendment.?As long as it isn’t hate speech, I believe each person has a constitutional right to state it. That aside, I’m not a Trump supporter, I am a far left Democrat and am terrified about what will happen to this country if by some slim chance Trump wins.

Putting Trump aside, I don’t think it is fair to blacklist an actor for stating his personal political views just because they conflict with the entertainment industry. You can’t fire a person at work just because they voice an opinion you don’t agree with, right? This is the same thing just on a much larger scale. He has a right to voice what he believes in, whether you agree with him or not, without fear of repercussions such as hate tweets or being denied to continue in his chosen career.

Sigh–Rachel there is no blacklist. Antonio has not been hired for anything in well over ten years because he lacks talent. He made this speech 2 minutes ago.


Harry I believe there is a black list. I don’t know about this guy if he’s on it or not but look at Michael Muhney. I loved this guy’s acting on Y&R and ever since whatever went on I haven’t seen him on a single show.

Nikki, according to IMDB (the international movie database) Michael Muhney has been working on films since leaving “Young and the Restless.” It’s very likely that he has decided to concentrate on going after movie roles, which means you wouldn’t be seeing him on television.

Thank You for letting me know. He’s on twitter but from the little I’ve read I thought he only had a Christmas movie by Halmart last year. I thought for sure another soap would have picked him up. I thought he was an amazing actor. As for Antonio I don’t remember seeing him in B & B or G.H.

I think you were very brave, and I have much respect for you.
I am amazed everyday the bias of the liberals.
Sorry that it would effect your career that is just wrong.

This is typical of those in power that misuse their platforms and positions to manipulate agendas. They are equally a part of the establishment. I may not agree with Mr Sabato politically, but he still has the right to his opinion. This political season has made me look at how unable Americans are to “Agree to Disagree”. I’m truly disappointed at the levels of disrespect being shown to one another for a difference of opinion. I look forward to the end of this election and pray for a third party candidate.

So much for freedom of speech…

Um, he used his freedom of speech when he spoke up for Trump and made disparaging remarks about the current president. And Hollywood folks are using their freedom of speech when they tell him he’s not right for the role they are casting. See, the thing about freedom of speech is A) it doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences for what you say; and B) everyone gets to have freedom of speech — even the people who disagree with what you say.

Wow! I wish he understood how freedom of speech really works. You CAN say anything you like, but SO can everyone else. Otherwise, it wouldn’t truly be freedom of speech. And you are responsible for what you say and can be judged for it. Just the way it is. Stop complaining. You have freedom of speech, and you have just experienced it in action. Now be careful what you say in future if you don’t want to be held accountable for the words that tumble so carelessly from your mouth. True freedom. Nothing communistic about it!

A few points on Mr. Sabato’s statement.

1. The concept of free speech has nothing to do with this. The government didn’t arrest or persecute you for speaking your mind. That’s what free speech is.

2. Anybody IS allowed to say what he or she wants; however, that does not free the person from the consequences. Just as Antonio Sabato can publicly support whichever candidates he wants, Hollywood directors can hire people they would like to work with. That’s their freedom.

3. As he has been in showbiz for decades and seems to be aware of the liberal bias in his industry, then he really can’t act shocked or hurt that there might be repercussions to his actions. If he isn’t so committed to his ideals and speaking out that he isn’t ready to face the consequences, then he should have stayed quiet. We all have the freedom to keep our opinions to ourselves if they will negatively impact us.

4. It’s not “unfair” for directors not to see you. It’s showbiz. It’s equally unfair that thousands of talented actors never even get a foot in the door. Again, that’s showbiz.

5. “It’s just like Communism.” Um, no, actually it’s nothing like Communism.

He was brave to speak out, but he should really think things through better before issuing half-cocked statements. Good luck to him in the future.

I think he only spoke at the RNC so he’d have an excuse for his tanked career. Directors weren’t interested in utilizing his bad acting skills before the speech.

Yes freedom of speech but when you stick up for a racist, it does make a difference he should know better and kept his mouth shut and besides when was the last time he was hired for a decent project?

Exactly Ava!

I think he’s using the situation to try and get work. Yes, everyone is entitled to speak their mind in the US. He said some really stupid, untrue and hateful things about our president while he was exercising his constitutional right and is now whining when others do the same.

He’s really not a great actor either so maybe that’s why he can’t get work? Have the offers really dried up since the RNC? I can’t imagine Hollywood was banging down his door before. If so, would he really resort to Chippendales?

I will be happy not to see him again. He really is an exceptional idiot.

Oh man I thought we had finally gotten back to discussing soaps again? Here we go again how is this news he has not been on a soap opera in years. Just leave him alone and suggestion AS close your Twitter account !

Yes you have exercised your free speech moron. You have also endorsed a racist, dangerous populist who sounds more like the fascists we defeated in wars. Your exercise of free speech also tells us a lot about your own values and leaders in the entertainment industry are exercising their freedom by not wanting to associate with someone that esposues such sick values.

I wonder if Scott baio feels blacklisted too since Charles in charge lol

Entire scenario is so calculated. Washed up former hunk asked to speak at RNC (in hopes of reviving his stalled career). Speech and entire convention rates as epic fail. There was no interest in Mr. Sabato and his career prior to the speech. NOW he claims he is being blacklisted?! Prove it…

He not only shared his political view but he was so negative towards president Obama, that’s what I think got him to this point. Kimberly brown wasn’t negative she made her argument for her support got trump without bashing anyone on the other side. And if she did then it wasn’t as hateful as sabato came across, just saying , I could be wrong still there’s no place for ” hatred”.

Right on Antonio!

He’s still extraordinarily handsome…and still extraordinarily clueless. It’s such a shame that such an inviting piece of eye candy can be so off-putting with the nonsense coming from his mouth. Sigh.

He is not very talented so I doubt he is being blacklisted. But it is a good excuse for him somthat he feels better about himself. He needs to get over himself.

Trump used him.
It was his ‘name’ that Trump needed to show he isn’t racist and that people with the name of Sabato love him !!
( just like his ”black guy” .. sigh
His speech did Trump and his supporters very well, but it took his own self crashing down..

Trump used him–he tried to hire Clint Eastwood’s chair but he was busy chairing some other event.

No way he can “make Trump’s day”!

Both D.Trump as well as H.Clinton are using what they can get . Go on twitter Khuzr Khan is being used by Clinton.

Clint Eastwood has already said he is voting D. Trump. It’s on twitter/news/you tube

General Hospital

(INTERVIEW) Adam Huss Talks on His Latest GH Return, Maura West, Nicholas Chavez, and Being a Swiftie

This week, General Hospital fans were in for a surprise appearance when Adam Huss reappeared as Nikolas Cassadine while serving jail time in Pentonville. He also had a very intriguing visitor, his ex, Ava Jerome (Maura West)!

In the key scenes, Ava seemingly tells Nikolas, who can do nothing about the situation, how she is getting closer to Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and within his inner-sanctum, much to Nikolas’ chagrin. For Huss, those scenes were difficult to shoot, because in real-life he has just lost his beloved grandmother, but he soldiered through and delivered an effective performance.

Adam has had quite the adventure as GH’s dark prince of the Cassadine clan. Having first subbed for former Nikolas, Marcus Coloma, a few times and over a few years time, then taking over the role and being instrumental in moving story forward, but yet not always physically on the canvas. Since taking over the role, Huss has put his own spin on Nikolas, while delivering some top-notch performances. Look no further than in scenes with the exited Nicholas Chavez (Spencer), the aforementioned West, GH icon Genie Francis (Laura), or the twins that the play Baby Ace (Joey Clay, who shares the role with twin brother Jay) to name but a few.

Michael Fairman TV chatted with Adam to get his thoughts on: Nikolas’ emotional state now, where he thinks the storyline may head in the future, his co-stars, reflecting on what the late Tyler Christopher (ex-Nikolas) brought to the role, and yes, some banter with us about Taylor Swift!  Check out what Adam had to say below.


Nikolas is kind of the gift that keeps on giving, as you keep popping back up on GH. Just when you think the show literally has written him off, he makes a return. Look no further than on Monday’s April 29th episode when he gets a visit from Ava while in prison.

ADAM: Listen, I’ve really fallen in love with playing the character. I’ve stated that I’m super passionate about it. I really like that the more I delve into his backstory, I learn about the layers of who he is. Watching Tyler Christopher’s (ex-Nikolas) work, because he really originated that character, I become even more enthusiastic about it. I have so much respect for this medium as it is. I’m a fan of TV and film. I am coming in to the story sometimes not knowing where Nikolas may be mentally. So, it’s been nice to be guided once you’re on set. You can’t come in with just your ideas and you have to be open to the collaboration. It’s been a challenge, but a lot of fun.

In the scenes that just aired opposite Maura West, it seemed you could tell that Nikolas still cared for Ava.

ADAM: I thought that was a happy surprise. I am so fond of Maura as a person. I could say that we’ve mutually grown closer each time I come in and play the part. I don’t think Ava knew what she was going to really get when she came to see Nikolas. When he saw her, I think he was just taken with her. It was interesting. There was one moment when she’s talking about Sonny. I felt as if Nikolas didn’t want to hear this, but I was advised by our director, Allison Reames Smith and Frank Valentini (EP, GH), “Remember, Nikolas hasn’t seen her in months and this is really exciting for him to be sitting across from her. ” So that really fed the motivation.


Nikolas gets an earful from Ava, and he is left with her secret, which is the dose of medication in Sonny’s (Maurice Benard) pills are causing him to act erratic. Ava kind of admitted to Nikolas what was going on and what she was planning.

ADAM: She did, and you’re right. I think she told him because it was safe, and in her mind he’s not going anywhere.

However, Nikolas isn’t always on the up and up, either.

ADAM:  No, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants. This is all speculation, but maybe to get her away from Sonny he uses the information she shared. I think Nikolas is thinking that he doesn’t want to see her get hurt, and, “I cannot lose another person right now. I lost my newborn son,” in that, he is not going to raise him. And even bigger, he lost his son Spencer who he believes is gone. So, imagine then losing the love of his life. Their last interactions around New Year’s Eve showed that he still had feelings for her.

Photo: ABC

So, when you first met Maura, what was your reaction to this daytime dynamo?

ADAM: From day one, she was so lovely to me. I tested with her. I got to know her in that moment. She was just so welcoming and wanted me to succeed. Then, when I did fill in for Marcus Coloma, the first time, she and Ken Shriner (Scott) were super lovely. It was like, “You’re my scene partner today. You are Nikolas today. Let’s have fun.” Each time I came in to work, I got the same thing, if not more – more trust, more openness and kindness. Then, as you’re aware, my grandma passed right before these most recent scenes. Maura was so lovely about it. We were running lines, but she just wanted to stop and talk about it for a second. I almost didn’t want to come to work. I just wanted to get home. Maura really got me focused. It was something you wanted to get off your chest with somebody. Then we filmed, and she called me after, and just made sure I was doing alright. I said to Maura, “You are a class act, you know that. Thank you so much.”  I am so glad I didn’t have to miss the funeral and I still got to film at General Hospital, which my grandma loved to watch me on.


Now. did you have any context when you started that your on-screen mother was Genie Francis (Laura)?

ADAM: I did. In the nineties, when I was on Long Island in college and working as a DJ in the summers, I just remember seeing soap opera magazine covers. I’d see that triangle between Nikolas, Lucky and Elizabeth. So, I very much knew of the world that those people were part of. I knew how big the Luke (Tony Geary) and Laura wedding was and all of that. I definitely knew the legacy I was coming into. When I read these sides for the role, I was like, “I think this is Nikolas Cassadine!” Later, when I was on the show, and doing scenes with Genie, where Laura was warning Nikolas about making up with Spencer, she said, “You’re doing wonderful work.” To hear that from her was a big sigh of relief for me. I love connecting with actors in the eyes. I know when things are cooking when you almost feel like magnets in your eyes with another actor, because you’re drawing that emotion through them. The eyes are the windows of the soul, right? I felt that with Genie, Maura and Nicholas Chavez, too. You feel that magnet pull and it’s so beautiful.

Photo: ABC

I’m going over your gut-wrenching scenes in my head. There was obviously when Spencer hands baby Ace  to Nikolas, and then the baby is so taken with you, and the scenes where Spencer tells Nikolas how much he loved him as a young boy and vice-versa.

ADAM: The three scenes you just mentioned are highlights for me in shooting the show thus far. Those moments felt so authentic to me. As soon as Spencer got Ace in my arms, I just would melt, and it made me emotional just to hold him. And then, he really took to me. His mom was like,”I think you kind of remind him of his father,” because there is a similar energy. He’s just a great little actor and a great little empath. The moment with him laying his head on my chest was so emotional. In the one scene with Nicholas Chavez, he’s supposed to not hand me Ace till the end, but as soon as we started the scene, the baby reached out to me with this smile. Nick is like, “OK, here you go.” We sort of had to improv around it a little bit, but it was amazing.


However, then there is the scene where Spencer cries about how Nikolas meant everything to him, too.

ADAM: I think Nikolas went to Spencer with the intention of like, “I’m taking this baby no matter what. And if I have to get through my son, I’m going, too.” There was so much power in the words that those writers chose especially when Spencer goes, “You were my whole world” as a child. Nikolas was saying how I loved him fiercely as a kid. I was watching a lot of those scenes between Nicolas Bechtel (ex-Spencer) and Tyler Christopher. That kid was such a dynamo, too, and he was so cute. Their bond stuck with me.


You are one busy actor. I check in on your Instagram and you are either in one town or the other shooting a horror film or other projects.

ADAM: Not just horror films, there’s a mix of Hallmark, too. I’m super excited about an indie film I did called Pieces of Lilo. It’s about an estranged father and son. In it, my father gets sick and I get stuck basically taking care of him. And then he passes and when I’m burying him, all these memories start flooding back. It’s this sort of flashback of basically trauma and how this trauma affected, my character, Jerry, in the present day. I fought for this part and I got it. We just wrapped in March. I’m excited about that. Next week, I am off to Long Island to do a rom-com called The Wedding Bell.

Don’t you also have a role in an upcoming Melrose Place-type streaming soap?

ADAM: Oh yes. I wish it was the Melrose Place reboot! I did work with Daphne Zuniga on a Lifetime movie, though. She was awesome, and we’re friends, so who knows? It’s called The BLVD and I’ve taped it already. There’s supposedly five more episodes they’re going to shoot soon. So, we finished the pilot and I play one of the one of the clients of the PR firm. It’s all about  cutthroat PR in Hollywood.

Photo: JPI

I know the fans really enjoy you in the part of Nikolas. However, the worst thing in soaps, I think, for any actor is having to replace a very well-known actor in a part; whether they’re good, bad, or indifferent. People just don’t like change. As a recast, you have to kind of go through that difficult part of waiting to be accepted by the audience. They often say how they don’t like the actor and then somewhere along the way, they are like “Oh! I love him in the part.” How has it been for you to ride that wave of, you’re not Tyler Christopher, you’re not Marcus Coloma, but now it’s you playing Nikolas?

ADAM: I get it. You want your original person to be the person, and sometimes they just can’t, and in soap operas, it’s more common. I also know it’s always polarizing. There were days in the beginning where I was like, “Oh, my God! Look at all these wonderful comments.”  Then it’s, “Oh, my God.” and as you’re scrolling, you see “I’m a hideous monster” to these people. I think you just have to have a very healthy perspective. Thankfully, I do have tools in my life to secure my foundation of who I am. And sure, on those vulnerable days or those ambiguous days where you don’t know your future at work, it could weigh on you. You could think of every, “Oh, my God! Everybody hates me.” I am so glad and grateful that people have come around. You’re not going to please everybody. It’s just the nature of what we live in now. I will say, the warm embrace and the acceptance, and people who have really come around, has moved me and then they’re feeling the same way about my performances. When I say I’m humbled by it, I’m blown away, it’s true.  I used to get annoyed at Taylor Swift when she would always say that. I’m like, “All right, honey, you’re selling millions of copies. Accept it.” But it is humbling, because you know how critical people can be, and for it to really start to change overtime, helps me every time I hear it.

Photo: DisneyPlus

Speaking of Taylor Swift, are you a Swiftie?

ADAM: I am a Swiftie, sure. I didn’t go to Taylor’s concert. I wanted to. But then, when my friend showed me The Eras Tour on Disney Plus, I was like, “That was amazing. That was like the best time.” I’d have a smile on my face for three and a half hours if I was at her concert. So, yes.

Did you listen to Taylor’s new album, Tortured Poets Department yet?

ADAM: Yes. I’ve been bouncing around in there. There are a lot of songs.

It’s a lot of songs. It took me a little bit to warm up to it. And now, just like in true Taylor Swift fashion, I’m like, “You know what? This track or that track is really good.”

ADAM: Yeah, at first they all sound the same for a minute.

So I wonder, how does Taylor Swift manage to suck us in all the time? 

ADAM: I know. I think it works whenever someone’s just raw and honest. Taylor gets a lot of flak for talking about her exes and stuff in her songs, but that’s her life experience. We feel that and we resonate with that, especially younger girls, or anyone really, can relate to these like breakups and this heartache. I think that’s where she gets you.


Hopefully soon, it’d be nice to see Nikolas not in prison orange. So, he gets out of jail and where does he go then?

ADAM: I don’t want him on the run because that’s the whole reason he came to prison, you know, to reform himself. So, for me, that was a nice sign of like, “Hey, maybe the reformation comes and you finally get to be free.” Maybe Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) gets her law degree back and then she’ll help him get out. Wyndemere’s gone. It’s out of his hands. I think it’s a good time for him to start a different life and for us to see Nikolas in different stories. Let’s see a different person trying to put his family back together and falling in love again. If it’s Ava, wonderful, would love that. I’d love to see a really great, big epic love story like he had in the past. I try to infuse that when Nikolas is sitting across from Ava. The last thing I want to say is, I wish I was there at GH more, too. However, I really trust in the process and the writers, and the way things unfold. So, I’m hoping that it all leads to a beautiful place.

What did you think about the scenes this week on GH between Ava and Nikolas? Do you hope Adam Huss is back on-screen sooner than later? What are some of your favorite scenes with him thus far? Comment below, but ICYMI, below are the touching scenes between Spencer, Ace and Nikolas that GH fans are still buzzing about.

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General Hospital

Nicholas Chavez Confirms Exit From General Hospital

On Friday May 3rd, it was confirmed by Nicholas Chavez that he has indeed left his role as Spencer Cassadine on General Hospital.

Taking to his account on X, Chavez shared some heartfelt goodbyes to the cast, the creatives and the fans of the ABC daytime drama series. This comes after months of speculation and reports that Chavez is not returning to his Daytime Emmy-winning role.

Chavez left the soap to go film his leading role in Ryan Murphy’s Netflix limited series, Monsters: The The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, and in story on GH, Spencer went overboard on a boat, when he was drugged by Esme (Avery Pohl) on the Seine River in France. His body and Esme’s thus far have never been found.

Photo: ABC

In his heartfelt message on X, Nicholas expressed, “I’m so appreciative of the opportunity that GH gave me, and I wouldn’t be as busy as I am professionally if it weren’t for the talented producers, writers, directors and fellow actors. Frank Valentini is a mentor and a friend, and we’ve had some pretty extensive conversations about my future on the show.”

Photo: ABC

Sharing his thoughts on if the would ever come back to GH, Chavez added, “While there are no current plans for me to return, we are still talking very openly about future possibilities for Spencer in Port Charles.”

Finally, Nicholas shared,”Beyond the people I’ve already mentioned, I want to take some time to thank and honor the GH fan base… especially the Sprina fans… who must be THE most loyal and kind fan base in the universe of entertainment. Words fail to show the depth of my gratitude, thank you, I love you all very, very much.”

Photo: ABC

Nicholas took over the role of Spencer previously played by Nicolas Bechtel, in July of 2021, and his last episode aired on January 31st, 2024.  In April, reports surfaced that the actor was not returning to GH after all.

What do you think about Nicholas Chavez farewell message? Are you sad that he has confirmed his exit from GH, or were you expecting it? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Richard Simmons Recalls His Time On General Hospital and Meeting Tony Geary, Genie Francis, Rick Springfield and More

Fitness Guru, Richard Simmons has been recently sharing many stories about his time in Hollywood and his career on his X account as he reflects on his life and prepares his biopic.

In a string of posts, containing moments from his time on General Hospital, and meeting many of who would be his co-stars in Port Charles, Simmons opened up about how he landed on the soap in its hey day.

Simmons began by explaining that after an appearing on an ABC local morning show with Regis Philbin, he got a call two days later about GH, and things took off from there.

Photo: JPI

Richard expressed, “I met with the most powerful woman in daytime television. Gloria Monty. I also met with the head writer Pat Falken Smith. These ladies were very smart. They told me their idea. I would teach exercise classes in a disco for all the ladies on the show.” He added, “A week before taping the show the studio asked me if I could drive over and do some promotional photos. In my car I brought with me six jogging suits….My make up…some towels and five pound weights. I still could not believe I was going to be on a soap. lol.”

When he got to GH’s studio, Simmons shared, “The first person that I met was Genie Francis (Laura). Her father was Ivor Francis an actor who had been on Broadway and many TV shows. Genie was so young and innocent looking. I clicked immediately with her.

Photo: ABC

“The second person I was introduced to was Anthony Geary (Luke),” recalled Richard. “Some people called him Tony. ..but I did not. He was an actor’s actor. Mr G had curly hair like me. When he was not acting he was sitting in his dressing room learning all of his lines.  His door was always closed. One day when it was open. I asked if I could come in and sit and talk. This man won 8 daytime Emmys for playing Luke.”

“Now what can I say about Jane Elliot (Tracy)? She had an aristocratic face,” says Simmons. “One moment her character was very nice then she was the queen of mean. She allowed me to come into her room and chat while she was putting on makeup.”

Photo: JPI

Then, Richard recalled the late, great Stuart Damon (ex-Alan) and Jackie Zeman (ex-Bobbie). “I then met Prince Charming. Stuart Damon. He had been in a lot of TV shows and played Prince Charming on a special about Cinderella. Jackie Zeman was so cute. She had a pixie face.”

Simmons recalled when Rick Springfield joined the cast as Noah Drake, sharing, “While he was on the show his father passed away in Australia. I went to the news stand and bought him a bunch of magazines to read on the plane. How many times have you sung Jessie’s Girl and Don’t Talk to Strangers? When he came back from Australia he resumed his role.”


Noting his humble beginnings on GH running the aerobic classes at the Campus Disco, Richard recalled, “My first scene was in Luke’s Disco. All the nurses and other actresses were there dancing with me. I had never memorized lines before. So much was going on in my head. At the end of my scene, I heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor and everyone froze. It was Ms Monty and she was talking to me. ‘Richard the television is this big . You are talking like you are on a screen in a movie theater…bring your voice down.’ So I did.”

What do you think about the sentiments shared by Richard Simmons on his reflections on his time on General Hospital? Check out this OG GH scene with Richard leading the exercise class at the Campus Disco with some beloved Port Charles notables. Then, comment below.

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