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Y&R's Joshua Morrow Talks On Steve Burton Exit, Justin Hartley, Nick and Chelsea & Baby Sully!

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CBS Daytime is currently celebrating 30 years as the number one daytime network with a fantastic and unique exhibit honoring the network’s five current shows, (Y&R, B&B, The Talk, The Price is Right and Let’s Make a Deal) as well as iconic series from the network line-up’s past including: As the World Turns and Guiding Light.  It’s all on display at the Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills.  The exhibit is available to the public through November 27th.

At the exhibit opening, many of your favorite soap stars were in attendance, and On-Air On-Soaps had the opportunity to speak with many of them, including this dude, Y&R stalwart, Joshua Morrow (Nick Newman).  Attending the festivities with his beautiful wife, Tobe, Morrow weighed-in on some of the latest developments in Genoa City, including: the announcement by his good buddy, Steve Burton (Dylan McAvoy) that he has made the decision to exit the show, the departure of Justin Hartley (Ex-Adam Newman) who has gone to star on the hit NBC series, This Is Us, and the opportunity that presents for Joshua to work more closely with Melissa Claire Egan (Chelsea). And, oh, yes!  The baby Sully drama, which from a recent report from TV Insiderwill begin to unravel in a major way come November.

If there’s anyone you would want to be part of Team CBS Daytime and Team Y&R, it’s MVP Morrow.  Here’s what he shared!

What do you think of this CBS Daytime exhibit?  There is so much outstanding memorabilia and blasts from the past, including images of you!

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JOSHUA:   It’s incredible!  It’s a walk down our network’s memory lane, and I have been with the show almost 23 years now.  My wife had the greatest time looking at all the old pictures.  It’s cool to know that you are a part of this much history and tradition.

I know you are very close with Steve Burton.  How were you when you found out he made the decision to leave Y&R?

JOSHUA:  It’s like a “top twenty” worst day of my life.  I said to him, “What are you doing?”   But, I get it.  I wish him the best.   But it’s never over in daytime, so we’ll see.  Steve is my home boy.  We have such great story coming up with the dynamic of the relationship between Dylan and Nick.   You will see.

Now, you are working much more closely with Melissa Claire Egan!  How has it been getting the opportunity to share scenes with her in what looks to all to be an upcoming major romantic story for Nick with Chelsea?  Oh, the ramifications!

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JOSHUA:   Well … I love her!  I have been wanting a story with her on-screen, because she is spectacular, and she is even more spectacular off-screen as a person.   To me, we all want to come in, do our work. and do a good job.  If they make it fun, and they make it exciting, I see the crazy potential, not just because Melissa is beautiful and talented, but because of the story for their families, with the baby, and even with Justin Hartley leaving at the time he did.  It created another amazing arc to tell.  Sally Sussman is back as our head writer, and I am really looking forward to what she is going to do with the show.

Speaking of Justin Hartley, many fans absolutely loved the scenes between Nick and Adam when Nick visits Adam in prison prior to his “death”.  It’s there that Adam asks his brother to look after his wife and son.  I received, and saw via social media, so much positive feedback for your performances!

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JOSHUA:  I remember reading them and I thought the writers did a perfect job.  They did such a great job at setting the story where Nick doesn’t like, or respect his brother very much.  But once Justin Hartley came in, they started writing him with more of a heart.   Nick could see more of the good in him.  I love the way it unfolded.   Nick took some blame, because Adam asked him for help and he wouldn’t do it.  But, Nick would do anything for his brother now.  I am very excited about what is coming up.   This is as happy as I have been on the show in awhile.

Have you caught Justin on his hit NBC series This Is Us?

JOSHUA:  Of course!  Anytime any of the people we have had in the cast leave, I am going to follow them and watch them.  This Is Us is a great show.  I am very envious.  Could they have literally written a part that fits more perfectly in this world than that for Justin?  He deserves it.  People don’t know that much about him, but Justin is a great guy. He has a lot of character.  You talk to him and you can tell he is a good dude and I really like and respect him.

Should we expect to see you in upcoming scenes with Sharon Case (Sharon)? This baby Sully drama is set to explode!

JOSHUA:  Undoubtedly!  They have been hanging on to the baby Sully story for awhile and when it unfolds, it’s good.  Obviously, any chance I get to work with Sharon Case is fun.

So, what do you think will happen in scenes between Dylan and Nick?  Did you love the Adam and Nick scenes discussed between Joshua and Justin Hartley?  Are you rooting for Chelsea and Nick to get together? What do you think of the overall sentiments shared by Joshua? Comment below!

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Although I get why they would want to put Chelsea and Nick together– but honestly, both Adam and Nick were with Sharon, both Adam and Nick slept with Sage–now Adam and Nick share Chelsea—hoping new writers will go a different way–there are getting as bad as B&B for passing ex’s around and keeping them all in the family

Im hoping they put Nick and Chelsea together!
They can really communicate with each other!
it seems like they are really beginning to trust each
other! Isn’t that a start? Lori

Yup, Mary. Absolutely.
Plus, don’t forget Chelsea and Dylan were also together!! ALL IN THE FAMILY. Ewwww!!
But, after all that; I still think Nick and Sharon belong together.
As I said, when we learned Steve was leaving, the story will be such that the Sully travesty will come to light, and Dylan, brokenhearted, will take off for parts unknown.

I have never taken to Chelsea. Hmmmm, why? One simple reason. She has another child whom she seems to have forgotten. Yes, she gave him to Billy and Victoria. I don’t care what the circumstance, I would fight tooth and nail to get my child back. She has the right….go to court or something. Stupid story.
She goes through her splendid life; a slice of paradise just landing on her guttersnipe lap, without giving Johnny another thought.
Oh, WOW…what am I grumbling about? It’s fiction. LOL.
One more thing. Joshua Morrow is soooo beautiful. The older he gets, the better looking he gets. He has a million dollar, sunshiny smile that can make any girl’s head spin.

Love the show. And yes, handsome Joshua Morrow has a twin! My son looks like him, flashy smile & all.

Well I know exactly why I don’t like Chelsea– the character came onto the scene as a two bit day player might to cause trouble for Billy and Victoria– and somehow in a year’s time when to being front and center to almost ever major story line since then- while legacy characters or at least characters that have more history are left to languish in back burner status for years

And you want to talked about mothers forgetting their kids– how about Victoria- she hasn’t mentioned Reed in so long- no wonder JT got custody– it like her first born doesn’t count since she has “Johnny and Kate”— Of course this is the writers fault because in the past they did make an attempt to include Reed in the conversation– but that was a long time ago– so lets hope the new writers remember Vicky’s other son–and bring JT, Mac Reed and the baby Mac had that no one ever said whether it was a boy or a girl

Hey Celia,
As much as they have hurt each other over the years, there of course has also
been tons of happy times for Nick and Sharon, and created a family together,
too, and neither of them seem right with anyone else. So I hope they get back
together. Somehow. With the baby reveal coming, not sure how that will happen,
The Chelsea and Johnny thing in my opinion is so bizarre! But I guess Chelsea
was written to be the perfect adoptive parent’s dream, with never a worry that
the birth mom will interfere, or threaten to try to get her child back! Chelsea was
still a sketchy character back then and this I think was the start to her becoming
redeemable, and to show she has feelings, etc etc. But she never has scenes
where she even thinks about Johnny!

Hi, Nanci and Mary SF,
Exactly….bizarre is the right word, here, Nanci.
I don’t exactly know what these writers are thinking. No, wait; I do know. ‘They’ expect us to forget that Chelsea is Johnny’s bio mother, just as Chelsea forgot this colossal fact.
Even mothers that give their babies up for adoption never forget….and most re-connect.
The writers depict Chelsea as the coldest and most egocentric excuse for a woman ever. Where is the softness; the virtual feelings of longing so intrinsic to a woman/mother? How can she love one son over the other? Makes no sense. Wake up and get your son back, Chelsea. At least, get visitation rights.
It isn’t fair for Connor or Johnny growing up not sharing their lives at all…have some play-dates, or something.
Mary—-LOL…speaking of forgetfulness? I sometimes forget about Reed….TPTB’s fault. Never is he mentioned. At least have some scenes where Victoria communicates with her son, on the phone or FACETIME? LOL.
And, since you mentioned Mac….you cannot believe how much I want her back. But, the original—–Ashley Bashioum. I loved her sonmuch….and, she connected with both JT and Billy ( David Tom).
I don’t know, Mary….maybe because I was so young myself; a teen, where young love made a lasting impression/impact on me?
But, sometimes I am overwhelmed with nostalgia, and wish I could turn back time to “once upon a time” in Genoa City.

Oh Celia, don’t get me started on how great looking JM has become. When he was younger he didn’t do much for me. But now, he is simply breathtaking. And all his hair styles mostly work for him, which is rare. And I agree about the yuck factor of this Newman inbreeding. You really have to suspend your disbelief, don’t you?

Hiya, Soaphound,
Agreed, Joshua’s looks are perfect. And, as Kay said, his acting could reach the rafters with the right storyline.
He seems to be a filler right now….just drifting like Ashley.
Another point that bothers me about the way the writers are writing Nick is this hollow feeling he projects about Christian. And, so he should!! But, he never talks about Sage.
I do understand the ‘what ifs’, ‘ wonder who he’d look like’, and the feelings of loss. I also understand that being close to ‘Sully’ resuscitated the feelings ; but when one thinks of his dead child, his wife and the mother of said child should resurface contemporaneously, in my opinion.
I think Nick’s memories of Christian are introduced for the sole purpose to herald the the truth about the baby.
TPTB want the focus on the discovery. Perhaps this is the storyline for Nick…..finally!!

We go together ba ba ba dabba ding dong! I agree, Nick and Sharon. Never liked HELLshea! I would be okay if she left johnny with Vicky BUT Chelsea NEVER visits him or asks about him! And yes, Josh has gone from a 6 or 7 to a 9! Handsome and filled with personality!

LOL….Don’t forget ‘The Edsels’ ” RAMA LAMA DING DONG… HaHa.
I have always had a ‘thing’ for Nick. But, I am not sure, at what point or whom/what, threw Shaton over the edge. The Grace affair?
The timbre of their relation took a different direction after that.


That’s all? It’s not that’s all. Sharon’s actions have changed the facade of everyone’s life.
The discovery will destroy Dylan!!!! How is that not a big deal? Nick has been suffering for months, albeit Christian is not really his.
But, he doesn’t know that! To him, the loss translates to real pain.
I love Sharon, too. But, what she did is criminal. We just can’t toss it and say, “Oh, well”!!
Sharon should not get a pass. The only way she could is if she is still sick….that is, mentally not capable of rational thought.
I hope Sharon’s mental issues will be treated with kid gloves this time around. Don’t just lock her up and create more useless drama for her.
And, if Sharon ends up in that institution again, with Patty there? Well, that will be a disaster; asking for trouble.
And, I am so sick of that same old song.

I agree Sharon has always been treated so unfairly, she has done many bad things but usually because she was backed into a corner. Think about it she was raped gave up her baby found her child to only lose her not only her then her Nick cheats on her with Phyllis and has summer she gets pregnant with Faith Adam takes the baby tells her she died gives her baby to Ashley she gets taken advantage of by Adam and Victor who then decides to hate her Nikki always hated her thought she was not good enough for her son like she should talk Victor hires cassys twin that she did not know she had to drive her crazy then some doctor who hates nick targets her and there you have the sully story and no one ever gives her a break I love Sharon she is a great actress and the character deserves some happiness bring back MM as adam put them together they were great

I agree quit with the son ,daddy ,bro sleeping with each other’s women are even use to be women it’s discussing put some new people in the scenes to be with these tramps cause that’s exactly what the story lines are making them out to be.

I agree with you, Mary SF. I would like to see a slowly developing reconnection for Nick and Sharon, something romantic and exciting. See her struggle with her mental illness and demons and past and have him be there for her – perhaps see his struggles with it – and have it cap off with a wedding like we used to see on daytime. Maybe it would be an event tied in to other new stories. Nick and Sharon are a legacy couple. Sharon needs to come into her own again as she did with Nick back in the day. It would be a solid story as she/they work to dismiss doubts about herself. Let’s stop the B&B-type go-rounds and build something lasting.

I so agree with you Iakovos 100%.

Nick and Chelsea =YUCK

I agree. I don’t like them together, either.
And Chelsea being flirty at times with him doesnt ring true to me.
Not yet, anyway. Adam, her greatest love, and her whole world
(except for Connor) has not even been gone that long, jeez!

Please allow Nick to be with Chelsea, would be a great combination, they are both very likable characters. Sharon is a great actress, but too many mistakes with her. Too many bad memories. She has been with Nick in the past. Chelsea, is a good match and they can raise Christian together.

Oh, my God

there’s no better time than now

had it not been for Joshua Morrow… off screen presence… Nick would be dead

his character is long gone… all Nick fails at … is romance and care about

Nick fails at all his relationships

which… in hindsight.. is nothing more than to prop his Newman character.. for naught

he’s certainly not know for anything other than, right? his legalese and standing by Newman Enterprises… is LOL

Nick is the weakest Newman

I’ll get their… I’m standing by Amelia Heinle… who continually is dumped on the most

Victor and Nikki… gag me.. are propped for their longevity… LOL.. yet I know.. they are sick of each other… as actors… it’s a phony declaration they must


the Newman family has withstood – ALL – the Abbott REEL.

who cares at this jointure

who cares that old crusty Newman wields … what ? staying power.. stamina

in bed

roaring laughter

this family is a joke outside of it’s #1 status

I’ve lauded and continually prop .. Nikki and Victoria.. folks.. honestly

at the expense of downgrading the women @Newman

Nicholas Newman does nothing… he’s vacant… he’s dismissal… weak stature

Nikki easily has the same traits… just gone

how easy it is for Victor to lord over… who cares if he’s something from nothing… sounds like a trump nymphet

alas… Victoria picks herself up and walks the walk

* who cares at this jointure – juncture

LOL.. when smell-o-vision… gets

Newman stank will be right up front

listen; unfortunately.. Y&R has no vision

the sublime characters of : Gabriel, Sage, and Connie played by the uber talent Sally Kellerman…

what a waste and stink

Newman Waste

let me make this admonish… it’s all about behind the scenes production – value(s)

now that the characters of Adam and Dylan are long gone

is this ??? Nicholas is stepping up to the plate

I don’t think so… just lame press

That should read: kudos, Patrick…
And, I agree about Victoria. But, I have reservations about your estimation of Nick. Yes, you are right by defining him as being laid-back. But, standing up to his father, does take a stiff backbone. I guess it depends on how one looks at it.
Nick has come a long way ….he got out of his father’s brainwashing, his tyranny. Can we agree with that?? LOL
I think Nick does have a lot of growing up to do when it comes to dealing with women, though. That’s where the weakness of which you speak lies. Later.

Why do you bother watching? You’re bashing the Characters soviet’s easy to see you’re not enjoying the Show!

In order to critique a show…one must first watch the show. Pretty straightforward order of operations.

Well put, Dylan. I love Patrick’s style of putting his point across.
I have given up trying to instill what you just said into certain minds. It’s futile, as the concept simply isn’t grasped.
The point of these settings is to give opinions—good or bad—agree or not agree.
As you say, we must watch the show in order to give an opinion ( critique).
Kusos, Patrick!!!!

But asi have said before, I don’t think Nick will have much love for Chelsea or Sharon once the real truth about Sully comes out. Remember, Sully/Christian is really Adam’s baby. Chelsea is doing all this cutesy flirting with Nick while keeping the truth hidden. Nick has the potential of be hurt by both Sharon and Chelsea, not to mention Mariah who has been Sharon’s mouthpiece this whole time. But Sharon will also be shocked when she finds out Sully’s true paternity. And in the end where will tha leave Sully since both his parents are deceased. Things can get real interesting real fast. Only time will tell. PS Victor might get involved since the baby is yet another Newman heir. Bella Maddy and Charlie are the only kids on the show who aren’t

Christian is Sage & Bingham’s son- the REAL Adam has been out of the loop since Bingham showed up claiming to be Adam. Sage kept Bingham’s secret (that’s what the letter was about). Bingham was involved with his Grandmother’s death, not Adam. Where has Adam been all this time? That’s what November sweeps are all about!!

Wow, Kathie!!!!!! You are waking up dormant facts, here. How clever are you?? I love this!!
It makes so much sense. So, ‘Adam’ was Gabe all along? Chloe incinerated Gabe?
Yes, where has Adam been? Some kind of prison? Dungeon?
Sage knew? What a shock this could be, if it goes that way.
I just wonder if Chloe has Gabe somewhere, though. If both Gabe and Adam are alive? Woah!!!! Picture that!!! And, they both show up to town at the same time? LOL.

Exactly my thoughts, Kathie. Really hoping it plays out with my all time fave, the wildly talented MM.

Adam=Michael Muhney=ratings through the roof!

Not me. Sharon is crazy and needs to be put somewhere she can get real help

Nick and Sharon! One of the best couples in daytime. I’m going to miss Justin (Adam). He was so good as Adam.
Chelsa with the new guy (Victoria’s new bf) Victoria and Billy together. Jack and Phyllis together.

What is going to Nick when Adam comes baxk. You do know he is coming back in about 3 to 4 months. Not that I don’t like Nick but Chelsea and Adam just belong together. But Nick and Sharon can hook back up, happy families all around.

I agree! Chelsea and Adam do belong together!!
Is Adam really coming back! I hope so!

Looking forward to more Nick and Chelsea and SSM writing for them.

Can Nick just keep it in his pants for a change? I swear that dude just keeps sleeping with the same women over and over again. Nick and Sharon are good together but they don’t belong together. Their time has come and gone. I mean Sharon has done the whole Newman clan. Adam, Nick, Dylan. Let’s have her do Abby and Victoria for good measure. We’ll just have the writers say she is having a mid life crisis. Or maybe the bi-polar disorder made her extra free and frisky??? Nick needs to broaden his horizons. You know after Chelsea comes Chloe and then Mariah. We have to keep this all in the family I guess. Perhaps Nick could go after Esther. Esther needs a good man. Or maybe Kevin and Nick have a fling and they realize that both of them have been wasting time with their current mates. Let’s get this show nice and spicy….LOL…..

HaHaHa!!!! Love it, Mateo.
I had that ‘spicy’ thought about Ashley and Phyllis. Soooo much tension between these two. Hmmmm.
Most soaps ‘keep’ it in the family, LOL. That’s one feature about these ‘novellas’ that strongly disgust me.
I wish TPTB would stray from that concept. I suppose there aren’t enough characters; thus, ‘they’ must recycle?

Ashley needs a man any man

I agree Mateo. Good scenarios. Like you said poor Nick is so desperate for love, he’ll take what he can take how and when he can. I to think the Sharon ship has sailed. As desperate as he seems to be these days, will he be desperate enough to take either Sharon or Chelsea once the truth comes out about Sully. That is if Chelsea tells what she knows. And getting back to Sharon and the Newman men, don’t forget she also had a tussle with big daddy Victor as well

@Mateo – I completely agree that Nick and Sharon are good together but they don’t belong together. Their time has come and gone. I mean Sharon has done the whole Newman clan……

Nick belongs with Sharon.Adam with Chelsea, Victoria with Billy , Victoria new guy belongs with Abby. Stitch should be with Ashley.Victor with Nichole,Jack with Phyllis. Neil a new woman.Snowflake with a new guy.

Chelsea should remain single until Adam returns. Chelsea is doing right by Johnny not to interfere in his life with Victoria and Billy. It will hard to replace Justin Hartley, he was the perfect Adam. Phyllis’ teplacement Is great. Y&R didn’t fair as well with Billy’s replacement. Sharon and Nick will always reunite, as well Phyllis and Jack. Sully should not end up in Victor’s care.

Chelsea should, at least, attempt to see Johnny and have the two little brothers get to know each other.
I know it’s a soap, Carol. But, let’s face it….and I have said this ad nauseam, soaps mimic life. Many a time, in such situations, when ‘ Johnny’ , for example, grows up, he will be very resentful to both Victoria and Chelsea for keeping this from him. The same applies to Connor.
There should be a few scenes where such a development takes place, until such time as the boys understand the concept of what the circumstances.
It is the right and moral thing to do, for the boys’ sake.

I love love love Nick as most do.Im really missing Adam.I have watched YR since the first day .I was 18 when it started I am 61 now.Why don’t they bring Snapper back .That make a real impact.Look how far that goes back.It would open up all kinds of storylines .I wish I could write just one story line.oh well such is life I’m just the janitor.

Yea. What about the Brooks

Tina, Ashley and Phyllis was a joke??

I have always loved Nick and Sharon together for I remember the story line with them right at the beginning…Forever Nick and Sharon…I hated when Nick was with Phyllis, oh remember Nick and Grace? Bad Nick, lol…Nick has never really been happy after Sharon. To me, Nick and Sharon are like Victor and Nikki, they are meant to be together forever…Yes, I know there has been major hurdles along the way but they can find their way back together. Remember, it’s all about chemistry with character’s and excellent writing and that is where Sally and Kay come in.

Does anyone else ever shake their heads at the fact that every woman is in high heels. Even supposedly doing housework! Common. Let’s make it a little more realistic!

Yes, Janice. I commented on this very fact months ago….Sharon was dusting in 6-inch heels.
Every woman on soaps lounges in high heels.
LOL. When I’m out, I can’t wait to get home and take my heels off and put by cotton footsies and ‘ house clothes’ on.

I’ll be glad when the baby Sully story starts to unfold…. I think they should let Sharon get what she deserves… What she shouldn’t get is a slap in the wrist…The writer’s even let Victor go to prison, so it just don’t seem right that she would get out of this with some type of punishment…and as far as the Nick and Chelsea hook up.. I don’t like it, especially if they’re bringing Adam back…. Y&R this story of spousal exchanging has to be put to bed (literally)! You have played that storyline out… Time for some different kind of stories… As far as the upcoming storyline for Dylan and Nick ahmmmmm. I really don’t know what to say.. I’m sure it’ll be bittersweet. Especially with Dylan thinking that he’s been raising a child that’s not his…. It’s terrible!!! Because Dylan has already played this role before, and as hurtful as that was, they still made him repeat the same story over again… Which to me is cheesy!! He deserved a better story than this one… I wish they would’ve let Avery character stayed on the show, knowing if he ever hooked up with Sharon’s character it was going to be a terrible outcome…but with that been said, I don’t want him back on GH, and I don’t want him to get killed off Y&R either… Leave the door open for his character and Avery’s.. then maybe they will come back together as a couple.. Now there’s a great comeback story Y&R… And last but not least the prison visit between Nick and Adam… I thought that was a very emotional scene. It was the first time you saw Nick and Adam bond as brothers, I think it was Epic!

The brother boinking, sister swapping, family love triangles were novel and shocking and scandalous back in the early days of soaps but got SERIOUSLY played out in the 80’s and 90’s. It is the laziest way to write and create artificial tension. We all get that soaps are not real…but they need to have a core basis of truth to emotionay invest in. Personally…if a woman had slept with my brother and father…I wouldnt touch her with a 10 foot pole. Thats why the recent Billy Phyllis affair was so unpleasant to watch. It made them look like vulgar dirty sleazebags. Just the mind of schlock Pratt has always written. I hope with Sussman and Alden returning, there will be no more of this. Like…a doctor Ben sleeping with both mother and daughter. Gross!!!!!!!!

Exactly- I too am hoping the new writers will write a real romance story– I am so sick of hook ups, when the sex comes first– and then the relationship– if you want to call it that is an afterthought— I know a real epic love story takes time to write, but honestly what passes for “love” on the soaps today, is little more than lust run amuck– got nothing against lust in the right doses and stories, but geez soaps bread and butter were always romance stories– can’t we get back to that, and leave the sordid sleazy bed hopping between relatives behind us– fingers crossed we will get our wish

Ahhh, Dylan…..I have been singing this song forever. The fact is all soaps share this….as I said, All In The Family.
I think that I and my sisters, are the odd birds of our generation to feel this way…..’sleeping around’ indiscriminately is a no-no. ….no ifs, buts about it. Respecting one’s body means something to some of us…but it has become passe’.
My younger sister is a freshman in College….I hope she keeps her head on straight.
However, I do think that we hear about more today because women ‘burned’ their bras….you know; what’s good for the goose? Women did not, I don’t think, talk about their indiscretions as freely as today because they would have been shunned.
Today, if a girls of 18 is a virgin, she’s actually scorned.
But, the mixing of fluids with fathers-in-law; mothers-in-law….sharing one’s brother’s wife and vice versa is a disgusting fact on soaps, for me; no matter which way we turn it.
My 20-year old brother moved in with his ‘new girlfriend’ ( off campus) two weeks after meeting. So, there you go.
Supposedly, they are just ‘roomies’. LOL. But, it is what it is. C’est la vie aujourd’hui.

And, Stitch also slept with Victoria, abby’s sister. I wonder if they compare notes?

I agree with everyone on the lust vs romance and incestuous sleeping around. Maybe the last is partly because they don’t have to keep hiring new actors to be love interests. And even if I want Laura and Kevin together, maybe they could have had more than a few conversations with a lunch or dinner thrown in before they hit the sack. At least it looks like there are “starting over” again and even talking about Helena’s mystery gift to Laura.

Been watching a long time. I just enjoy the soaps

Please SSM & KA stop the madness we have used SC to prop Nick’s romances Avery, Sage and now Chelsea the woman whose husband has been dead two months. They have so much clean up work from Pratt’s throwing anything against the wall and see if it will stick style of writing.

Now on a positive note JM is more then a pretty face if you give him the material the storyline of Cassie’s death he and Case both literally knocked it out of the balll park never cried like I did then and I believe Kay Alden penned that storyline so now that she is back let’s give JM some meaty story enough with the bedroom shirtless scenes he can be so much more.

I think Joshua is a natural. His acting is never forced…..seems as if he was born into it, Kay.

Josh is such a fine gentleman. He seems heartbroken to have lost his bro, Steve. He said how excited he is about what is coming up, thank god, lets get back the Y&R we know and love! See ya Stitch!

l really don’t want chelsea and nick together .as it want work. as he loves sharon and will never love chelsea,, she will be hurt badly by him ,, and then dylan will leave sharon and nick will have a chance to be with sharon again ,. l just hope that justin hartley,, will come back before,, chelsea gets hurt by nick ,. sorry about that,, but l don’t want them together..

Chelsea and Nick do not work for me, on any level ~ though I enjoy both of them as actors. I am waiting for the ‘baby Sully / Adam’s son’ reveal!

Let me be an old pain , I still don’t think Adam hit Dee Dee, and am not clear who is Scully’s father.

I need a bit of a breather as things move on with new writers. In the interim the most exciting thing was to see a very cute kid brushing his teeth in an interesting bathroom.

Days Of Our Lives

Deidre Hall to Guest Star on Season 3 of Comedy Series ‘Hacks’

Days of our Lives star Deidre Hall (Marlena) is set to play a version of herself on third season of Hacks. Look for Hall this month in an episode titled “The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular,” to air on May 23 on Max.

Not only will Hall appear in the episode, but so too, will Back to the Future and Taxi star, Christopher Lloyd.

According to, Deidre will play “a fictional version of herself, who just so happens to be the mom of Paul W. Downs’ Jimmy.”

Photo: JPI

Hacks co-creator and Downs’ wife, Lucia Aniello shared on Hall’s casting, “It made sense to us that Jimmy’s late father, a big-time manager, would have been married to an actress. When the idea for Deidre Hall came up, it just felt right.”

As for Lloyd, he will portray, reclusive writer Larry Arbuckle, who is to have had a rather famous grandfather. In the episode, Hall and Lloyd’s character intersect, which leads to onscreen sparks.

Photo: AP

“We had written some things that were flirty, but the chemistry was palpable,” says co-creator and series star, Downs shared. Hacks stars Jean Smart as comedy legend Deborah Vance.

Photo: Max

Season 3 of Hacks debuts on Thursday night May 2nd on Max 9 pm ET/6 pm PT.

So, will you be watching Deidre Hall guest starring on Hacks? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Lane Davies Joins the Cast of General Hospital Setting up a ‘Santa Barbara’ Reunion with Nancy Lee Grahn

Some very intriguing casting news out of General Hospital. The ABC daytime drama has cast former Santa Barbara favorite, Lane Davies (ex-Mason Capwell), in the role of Fergus Byrne, an attorney who crosses paths with Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn).

According to TV Insider, Davies will make debut the week of May 22nd.  As soap fans know, together with the aforementioned Grahn, they created the Santa Barbara supercouple of Mason and Julia Wainwright. Davies portrayed Mason Capwell family from 1984 through 1989.

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time in Port Charles for Lane. From 2002-2004 he played Dr. Cameron Lewis and also shared on-screen story with Grahn.  At that time Davies, played Xander Smith’s father.

Photo: NBC

GH fans are wondering about the last name of Davies new character, “Bryne”. If you recall, Alexis got herself involved with therapist Dr. Neil Bryne, who died when Harmony broke into Alexis‘ house and killed Neil by injecting him with opioids.


Taking to her Instagram, Grahn shared her excitement at the upcoming on-screen reunion with Davies, “It never gets old. We do 😂…. but it doesn’t 😍. Lookin’ forward to another romp.”

So, what do you think about Lane Davies returning to GH to play an attorney in Alexis’ orbit? Share your thoughts via the comment section below.

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One Life to Live Alum Jonathan Groff Receives 2024 Tony Award Nomination for Leading Actor in a Musical

Nominations were announced on Tuesday for the 77th annual Tony Awards by previous winners, Renée Elise Goldsberry (ex-Evangeline Williamson, One Life to Live) and Jesse Tyler Ferguson.

When the dust settled it was Stereophonic (which is loosely based on the story of Fleetwood Mac) and Hell’s Kitchen (Alicia Keys musical) that both scored 13 Tony nominations to lead the pack.

However, Stephen Sondheim’s Merrily We Roll Along made quite the comeback and is nominated for several awards including Best Revival of a Musical and for one of its stars, Jonathan Groff (ex-Henry Mackler, One Life to Live).


Groff is nominated for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical and will go up against Brody Grant — The Outsiders, Dorian Harewood —The Notebook, Brian d’Arcy James — Days of Wine and Roses and Eddie Redmayne — Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club.

In addition to his previous Tony nod for his role in Hamilton, Jonathan was nominated for a Lead Actor in a Musical for his role as Melchior Gabor in the original production of  Spring Awakening.

Jonathan co-stars in the revival of Merrily We Roll Along “Harry Potter” star Daniel Radcliffe and previous Tony winner Lindsay Mendez.

Back in 2019, Groff visited Live with Kelly and Ryan and discussed his debut on One Life while working at night on Broadway in Spring Awakening.

He shared on his experience on the soap, “I do remember my first day because I was doing Spring Awakening on Broadway at the time, and One Life to Live was my first time ever being on TV.  So I got this offer, and I was like, ‘Yes, I would love to be in a soap opera,’ and we finished Spring Awakening at 11:00 p.m. and I woke up the next morning at 4:0 a.m. to walk uptown to go to do One Life to Live, and I called my agent and left a message, and I said ‘You have to get me out of this, I can’t wake up at 4 o’clock in the morning!'” You can watch the clip below.

The 77th annual Tony Awards will air live on CBS and stream on Paramount+ on Sunday, June 16, with Tony and Oscar winner Ariana DeBose returning to host for the third time.

So, rooting for Jonathan to take home his long-awaited Tony Award after several decades in the theater? Do you remember him as part of teen scene on OLTL? Comment below.


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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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