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General Hospital


Rebecca Budig Chats On Her Departure From GH, Michael Easton, And Her Emotional Final Scenes!

Photo Credit: JPI Stuidios

One of daytime’s most popular actresses, Rebecca Budig, has left the building and General Hospital.  Fans of Budig’s were shocked and saddened to learn the news that she had been let go by the ABC daytime drama series, just when it seemed like her storyline with Michael Easton (Finn) was becoming more and more intriguing, while making “Fayden” a new favorite on-screen duo.

Rebecca, who became soap-famous with her roles as Greenlee Smythe on All My Children and Michelle Bauer on Guiding Light, returned to the soaps in 2015 in the newly created role of Hayden Barnes on GH.  Through her time in Port Charles, viewers and Budig would learn more about her back-story as it was filled in by the writers.

On emotional episodes over the past few weeks, Hayden’s ex returned to Port Charles attempting to extort money from her, while holding a horrible secret over her head.

Last Friday, Hayden walked out on her relationship with Finn just as they were set to wed.  Those moments signaled Budig’s exit from the show.  However, in true soap opera fashion, the door has been left open for the character to return, but will she?

On-Air On-Soaps sat down with Rebecca following Michael Easton and Roger Howarth’s (Franco) General Hospital Fan Club Weekend gathering to get her thoughts on her departure.  Budig had made a very special appearance, which had the fans in attendance all abuzz and overjoyed.  Here’s what Rebecca shared in our candid conversation.

You delivered some powerhouse performances in your final weeks on General Hospital.  The episode in which Hayden learned her ex-husband is out of jail and wanting payback was riveting.  How was that to play? 


REBECCA:  I had 103 pages that day in the script.  Matt Corboy was the actor I was working with who played Jared, Hayden’s (aka Rachel Berlin) ex-husband. Matt is a phenomenal actor, and had never done daytime soaps before.  I went to his dressing room, and he said, “I have 57 pages to learn!”  I said, “I have 103!  So, let’s work on this.” (Laughs)  He is like, “Oh, my God!  How am I going to do this?”  I replied, “We are going to run the lines, and we are going to know them, and then we are going to go out on set and do them!  It will be awesome!”  He was finally like, “O.K!” (Laughs)  We got through it, and he was great.

When you saw in the script that Hayden had hit a little girl while driving, were you shocked?

REBECCA:  Yeah, at first.  However, I totally believe it was something she could have done.  It was painful to think that she did that.  So, I connected with it, and it resonated with me.  Thank God!  It was heartbreaking.

It was great to see Hayden crumble, because Hayden doesn’t usually allow herself to go there.  For the audience, it was nice to get to see you have the opportunity to show your acting chops, and play deep, emotional despair.  Viewers don’t often get to see you do that kind of work with the characters you have played on daytime. 


REBECCA:  With Hayden there just wasn’t a lot written like that, and it was not the fault of the writers.  It was just I came on during the writer change, and so it’s been kind of difficult. In the story, she finds out she ruined this kid’s life.  Heavy stuff.

Those were some meaty scenes, as well as your final scenes with Michael Easton.

REBECCA:  Listen, everything they wrote after I found out I was leaving was amazing.  Not that it wasn’t before … but I actually loved what they wrote too, for Finn and Hayden.  Maybe I loved that, because it was true for me.  I was terrified to have a baby in my real life.  I had waited so long until I was older to have a kid, and it’s life-changing.  I really loved that in the relationship between Finn and Hayden, because to me it was very honest.  I loved that they were characters that were a bit awkward and weird, because people are like that.  In soaps, it’s rare that they write something like that, and so I really love that they wrote our relationship in that way.

Photo Credit: JPI Studios

You and Michael Easton had developed a special on-screen relationship, and had worked to get it to a place that left the audience rooting for Hayden and Finn as a couple and wanting more.  Many fans feel that they invested in the love story only to have it abruptly yanked from them with Hayden’s exit.  When the news broke you were leaving the show, you received this outpouring of support on social media.  There was this outcry to “Bring Rebecca back.”   When you saw that, how did it make you feel? 

REBECCA:  When I saw that, all I felt was very humbled by it, and incredibly flattered. It felt really nice that people cared so much about me as an actress.  There are no words to really describe it.  For a longtime, I really didn’t know how people felt.  For a longtime I don’t think people really bought Hayden.  They didn’t really love her, and I get it.  I was struggling with it too, by the way.   We were all struggling with it.   We were all going, “Who is she?   What is she doing here?  (Laughs)  Why is she on the show?” (Laughs) Even for me, it was hard to find a hook into this character.  Slowly, I found a hook for her, especially with those scenes they wrote when I was leaving. I really started to find a hook in her, and so it was the best feeling in the world to feel like people cared, and that they loved us, and it was so nice.  The message that Michael Easton wrote and posted on his Facebook page after learning the news of my exit was just beyond.  It was almost like a love letter.  It was the sweetest thing I think anyone has ever written about me, ever in my life. 

When all was said and done, how was it working with Michael Easton? 

Photo Credit: JPI Studios

REBECCA:  Besides, him being the ugliest and most difficult actor to work with? (Laughs) When I found out I was leaving from Frank Valentini (EP, General Hospital), I didn’t want to tell anybody at first, because I just wanted to go to work and not have to worry about anyone.  Then I said, “I am going to tell Michael.”  He is like my dance partner.  I went down to the dressing room and told him.  Michael was very surprised to hear my news.  He took me to lunch, and bought me a drink … or two (laughs).  Michael Easton has changed my life.  Our friendship has inspired me to do things in my life, and he is a really great guy.  You don’t come around people like that very often.

Would you say working with Jane Elliot was another highlight of your time on GH, and the relationship that developed between Tracy and Hayden?

REBECCA:   I love Jane, and I just saw her.  She has been nothing but supportive after finding out I was exiting the show. 

Photo Credit: JPI Studios

There were rumors popping up during General Hospital Fan Club Weekend that you are heading over to Days of our Lives.   What was your response to that with the fans?

REBECCA:   I had fans coming up to me going, “I know you can’t say anything, but ….”   I replied, “I swear on my daughter, and that is my life.  I am not going to DAYS.”  No one has called me. 

What did you think of the writing of the final scenes between Finn and Hayden? 

REBECCA:  Kate Hall wrote those final scenes between Michael Easton and me, and I have ties to her, because her dad, Peter Simon, played my father on Guiding Light.  I just think Kate is really good and really talented.  Those final scenes were really real.  I texted Kate and I said, “Did you write those scenes?  She said, “Yeah”, and I said, “I knew you did.”   She is such a good writer.

Photo Credit: JPI Studios

We all hope lightning in a bottle strikes twice for us in our lives.  With your leading men on the soaps on All My Children, did you ever imagine it could happen again for you in your daytime career? 

REBECCA:  It was a great time in my life working on All My Children.  I never thought I would connect with another actor like I did with Michael, like I did with Josh Duhamel (Ex-Leo, AMC), or Cameron Mathison (Ryan, AMC).  It’s very rare when this kind of magic happens, and it’s a bummer when it ends.

So, what did you think of the final scenes between Rebecca Budig and Michael Easton as Hayden and Finn? What are your thoughts on Hayden leaving the canvas and Budig being written-off? W0uld you like to see Rebecca return to the GH canvas sooner than later? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Such heartfelt, gracious words for her onscreen “dance partner”, co-stars, fans, and the show. Rebecca added talent and class to GH. Will miss her. Looking forward to seeing what’s next for her.
Thank you, Michael.

I agree. Rebecca is definitely a class act!

Rebecca is a class act exactly in the way that Michael is. I truly hope that Frank Valentini is going to right this wrong and is already planning on re-hiring Rebecca. It is completely illogical that GH would ignore the loyal viewers’ pleas to bring Rebecca back, as well as the thousands of names on a petition for her. I am so hoping this is not the end of Fayden.

She was awsome, I am really going to miss her. Wish she wasnt going off.

Not a big fan of Hayden but why dump her and bring in a newbie

My thoughts exactly. And, I note that she has chosen her words very carefully about leaving. Hmmmml.

I would guess because Rebecca’s salary was the issue, nothing to do with actual story.

She had a four year contract. She was in year one.

The actors took a pile of c**p and turned it into gold, which is business as usual on GH. As much as I wanted to invest in this “story”, it was 100% contrived and inorganic. When Hayden said, “Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about what I did to that girl”, all I could think was, “except for all the days that you’ve ever been on screen and haven’t thought about it”. File this one under “wasted opportunity”, as the real story here should have been about the family tie with Liz. I just don’t understand what this writing staff doesn’t get about letting a story play out organically and in a way in which the fans would so obviously wish to see. Sadly, this character was poorly drawn from the start; brought on without a through-line, tossed about willy-nilly and ultimately squandered. The same can be said of Valentin, Nina, Ava and others, all portrayed by heavy hitter actors who have to overcome sloppy story telling to make their mark. It’s to their credit that they manage to do so. GH has the best cast on daytime and that’s what keeps me watching as I tolerate the insult to my intelligence and sense of aesthetics that is the writing. Long live GH!

Well said, Mr. Media and I couldn’t agree more. Frank Valentini had said that “Hayden’s story had come to a natural end”? With Hayden’s tie to Elizabeth and the Webbers, as well as the future baby with Finn, her story on GH was just beginning. There was nothing “natural” about her end.

@Mister Media….Couldn’t agree with UUUUUUUUUUUU more.
Sophomoric writing at best & that’s on a good day!!! These 2 head
writers R by far the Worst of the lot…It must be quite disheartening
for some of the BEST ACTORS in daytime television to realize..this
is as good as their going to get.. Then again everyone needs to put
food on the table.

It’s very rare when two actors have as much chemistry as Rebecca Budig and Michael Easton have both on and off of the screen. I think GH really made a big mistake letting Rebecca Budig go

Rebecca delivered an emmy worthy performance with those final scenes, as did Michael. We fans are beyond unhappy that this has happened. Thanks Mr. Fairman for giving her the press we fans need to bolster our efforts to get her back to GH. Nothing would make a million fans happier then to see #Fayden back together.

I agree with wanting Rebecca back! However, I felt the final scenes did nothing for giving fans closure. I honestly had no idea Rebecca was leaving. So, as I viewed the scenes, I was expecting that Finn was eventually going to find Hayden. I didn’t take their disagreement and Hayden leaving with a “let me know when you figure it out” as the end of their story. So disappointed in this decision by GH!

Since I did now that Aug 11 was her last airdate, I felt she delivered a powerful exit performance. I agree, this s/l was woefully thrown together & completely out of character for Hayden, Finn & also Curtis. It was a shoddy exit arc which I feel was slapped together to provide her exit. There was definitely no closure. Many fans r constantly tweeting our displeasure at her firing. She is expected on screen 1 more time, not sure when though. Fingers crossed that she and baby Finn will be back to PC.

Forgot to mention what undeniable chemistry Rebecca and Michael have. It shows in every scene they are in. We love you Rebecca. #Fayden Army will not stop

Finn and Hayden such naturals what a wonderful touch to their relationship a pregnancy II was crushed about the exit of Rebecca (Hayden). I heard a rumor that Rebecca, could be returning that would be so exciting, some rumors some rumors come true. How exciting that would be.


who do we need to knock some sense into and bring back Rebecca? i know its something they are going to want to do, lets just hope Rebecca isn’t doing dool or Yr, BB, goodness grief this was one stupid move by Gh, the other one being bringing back Steve Burton and not Christopher Tyler.

Aria, please call the GH Comment Line (323) 671-4583. It’s not too late to fight for Rebecca’s return. I also agree about Tyler. I am very sad that GH would not give in to his contract demands, causing him to accept an offer at DOOL.

Excellent question aria raised.Letting Rebecca go was a huge mistake and disappointment. So much lost potential with a storyline that could include her growing closer to Liz. Further development of her relationship with Finn. All that’s been trashed to bring in Steve Burton and now a female actress newbie. No thanks, GH, I have no interest in either of those two.

I think the writers need a kick. They have thrown away a great opportunity to top the ratings. It could of come close to Luke and Laura. Now no one will top that memory. But, it would of come really close. The ratings, the fans would of watched country wide!!!! Dumb dumb dumb writers!!!!

“…I think the writers need a kick. ”

I copied that they need a bitch slap. just saying….

when the focus is so much Corinthos’ ….. dag! it’s gotten to the point that I am sick of seeing “Sonny ” hogging all the screen time. SO OVER HIM

Michael Easton is no where near the actor Tony Geary was!

@Timmm…BIBLE ‼️‼️‼️

I totally understand what you’re saying however, no one can be an equal to Luke and Laura. Duke and Anna, Robert and Anna and Frisco and Felicia are close but definitely not equal.

That’s true, Connie, but your aforementioned supercouples still rate far superior to the GH pairings of convenience to which we are currently subjected!

As a (former) viewer I as well never found that “hook” with Hayden but I love the actress. I don’t think Hayden was ever needed. I’m hoping that one day RB can return but as someone else. Emily, Sarah Webber, someone who is already connected to the history of the show.


Rebecca is such an amazing actor and the chemistry between her and Michael was magical. It is hard for some of us to grasp that there are people on the canvas that do not bring much to the table while Rebecca and Michael keep us interested, intrigued and invested in the storyline. The best thing ABC could do is get through the new stuff and then let “Finn” do a search for “Hayden” and his baby and bring them home. Fingers crossed!

General Hospital (Frank, Nathan, writers, etc) made the BIGGEST mistake in letting Rebecca go. They had a goldmine of an actress and HUGE potential with her character, Hayden. It’s too bad they could not pull themselves away form the fixation on Sonny, et al, to really do justice to Rebecca’s character.

The scenes the writers gave Hayden & Finn in the last few weeks is what they should have been writing all along. In fact, it is those kind of scenes, the emotional investment, the story pacing – that moves things along – that is sorely missing from GH right now and is a significant factor in its poor ratings. I wish the ABC network and TPTB on GH would take a look at the feedback and fanfare that “Fayden” have received in the past month or so and realize they need to retool and refocus on the relationships and characters in this show. Give it some depth!

They also need to bring Rebecca back to GH. She was an outstanding screen partner for Michael Easton (one of his best in his career) and they have just thrown it away. There is also so much story to tell with Hayden’s familial connection to Elizabeth and the entire Weber family. I pray that Frank, Nathan, the GH writers and ABC can rectify this HUGE error in judgement before it’s too late.

I think they all know we, the majority of the fans, are not happy with Rebecca Budig’s exit from the show. So how do I feel as a fan??? ANGRY!

Since the door has been left open for a Hayden return, I hope it happens soon.

u’m very disappointed the Rebecca was let go….
shame on RC or whomever..

Hopefully, TPTB will bring back Hayden !!! There is so much more of her story to be told and Budig is an amazing actress !!! Thrilled that Ms Jones (Parker) is back !! Can’t wait for her and Kristina’s story to unfold. !!!!!!!!

Love her and her role. The writing team needs to bring her back. Who really cares about Payton and sonnys daughter. Can’t even remember her name.

Thanks for this interview Michael. What a great actress and I was very sad that GH let her go. I would love if GH would bring her back. I didn’t like Hayden at first but she really grew on me. I loved the chemistry of Rebecca and Michael had on screen. I hope to see her soon on my screen and would love her to return on GH.

Very upset that Hayden is leaving just when she got a good SL – becoming friends with her sister, romantically involved with Finn and starting a family, etc. Really wanted Curtis’s wedding gift be to “take care of Jared”! Hopefully, she comes to her senses and returns to Finn (ie TPTB wake up and bring her back!) soon.
If it’s a money thing would rather Steve Burton not come back, Jordan leave, Stella leave, Franco not come back, Nathan move to Portland and stay there with Maxie, etc.

I enjoyed this actress and her portrayal of Hayden. I will definitely miss her presence on the show.

SHE, doesn’t sound like she’s “leaving”.

perhaps, after all… because she was hired by Frank Valentini… this is the best way to assuage the audience and or production… that a little stint of a vacation will lessen the blow that she was even given a 4 year contract… while so many others are FIGHTING for 1 year contract.

I am a little surprised that all the blow back of her firing .. whilst all the time prior, all the backlash of her being a prop… and YES I seriously will still go their… that she was given every opportunity to blend in and meld with the whole cast. and YET even SOD printed that the pairing of Hayden and Finn were the isolated pairing that just couldn’t find a way to be a part of the cast, as it were.

like I have with Alexis… I will with Hayden…. given the lesser of ??? two evils… I will accept and be mindful of their characters… that it’s at least a distraction from : get this , the dullard Corinthos’. so be it… I do not buy FINN and Hayden… but will tolerate them at the expense of less Carly and Sonny . less Jason and Sam; less Michael and Nelle; less Finn and Franco.

this was all of her in a nutshell… : nicely done

“…It was great to see Hayden crumble, because Hayden doesn’t usually allow herself to go there.  For the audience, it was nice to get to see you have the opportunity to show your acting chops, and play deep, emotional despair.  Viewers don’t often get to see you do that kind of work with the characters you have played on daytime. ”

I will say when she did not show up for her wedding… my heart started racing… as Liz raced up the stairs. and returned with her engagement ring. she’s gone. well done by the production team.

I will be clear… it’s more for just her character , Hayden… come back with the baby… and be a part of Liz life. and Curtis; hopefully, by then… Hamilton Finn will have moved on. he’s just not their.

Hope so too. Not a fan of this pairing

The actress playing Nina could go. I am sure she is taking up a lot of salary and there is not need or story for her. More viewers favor Hayden/Finn over Nina/Valentin. If it is a salary thing, then get rid of non star actors, Nelle, Jordan, Olivia, the list could go on.

From your lips, amcknots! I detest Nina, and she doesn’t fit in anywhere.
She has no chemistry with the wonderfully mysterious Valentin but guess who does?
Yes, Anna! Anna and Valentin could be GH’s next supercouple–why waste this intensely gifted actor on that drip Nina?
And it’s sad that Michael Eastman finally finds an actress with whom he enjoys a great chemistry and they get rid of her. It makes no sense.

Stafford is a big friend of Franks she is not leaving I hate the show so I gave up soaps are a business and when you start making decisions based on personal emotions you lose

You are right, K/Kay.

Absolutely, k/kay! That’s the sad truth as to why GH is failing big time…this soap has been a refuge for FOF’s for far too long…’s not about whom is best for the show or the storylines, but maintaining the spotlight for those favored chosen few of his who have been granted a prime place on the canvas whether their characters warrant such privileges…or NOT!

She absolutely must come back. Talent like hers is rare. Chemistry like she has with Michael Easton is extremely rare. Believing GH is too savvy to let that go for good.

Have always liked Ms. Budig and credit to her for playing this role with grace, talent, and class. To be honest, I just never cared for Hayden and her story. Hayden is one of the many (of late) characters that have landed in Port Charles with tenuous/incredible ties to legacy families and characters and histories. And I understand well that is part of soaps, I would rather see things happen with the core group I have come to know and love through decades. It just seems it takes so long for these new characters to connect or find their place anymore. Isn’t there a long-term bible that charts the way? And if there is, why isn’t it sacred?

After being in a corporaterate office for most of my career, I have foundd it rare that people are supportive of each other. It seems very competitive to “climb the ladder.” I was told years ago that you never step on anyone to move up. You let your work speak for itselff and you let your kindness and being a team player shine through.

This interview reminded me of those words. It seems Rebecca is an epic team player. I love that she has/had such great relationshipsips with Josh, Cameron, Jane and Michael. I would love to see Rebecca come to DOOL as a Horton (Sarah?) or go to B&B as a new love interest for Ridge.

The best of luck to Rebecca and cheers to a successful future.

I am a LONG-TIME fan of Rebecca’s and know just how talented an actress she is. I too think it’s GH’s loss for getting rid of her character. With that said, I actually would LOVE to see her land a prime time role or maybe another movie role! As much as I love soaps and loved watching her on the soaps, I think Rebecca deserves and has earned the chance to be on a prime time series. She is just as talented and in some cases is more so than any of the actresses in prime time right now. For the life of me, I don’t understand why it hasn’t happened already. I wish her all the best, wherever she ends up, but I sure hope to hell that someone in prime time casting has the good sense to snap her up! Hello, Shonda Rhimes….??

I hate how they wrote Hayden out. Hayden and Finn are one of the very few good couples who respect each other. Rebecca needs to come back sooner, Not later!!!

Pleas find and bring her back for Fin

Hayden will be miss! Love the character started off shaky but she played the role well. Her work with Easton was well written. I do believe she will be back! #NoDays

I am going to miss her. She is a staple to Daytime! Why they decided to do this is beyond my understanding. She is my Michelle, My Greenlee, Now my Hayden. General Hospital has made a big mistake.

I’ve already told everyone how pissed i am over this so I don’t mind saying it again. This is a stupid move and GH better wake up and see what they did to a story that was working with alot of people. Having Hayden around meant we got to see alot of Elizabeth who is another favorite of mine. We could have had Jeff Webber back. Hayden was the kind of character that could have had so many ties to Port Charles just for being there. I know there’s more to this than what anyone’s saying.

Bring Hayden back ASAP

This will probably seem like I’m writing a book here, but I’ve been wanting a way to express how I, and so many fans of Rebecca Budig feel, so here it is.

Rebecca’s performance in her latest story has been top notch! I am just blown away by her talent! She has been acting her heart out, and I think it’s a huge mistake she was let go! While I do sometimes get frustrated with this story, and feel it was out of character for Hayden to do some of the things she has done, after reading this interview, I now have a better understanding why Rebecca was drawn to this story about having a baby, and all the fears that go with it, and how she believed it was possible for Hayden to make the mistakes she’s made in her past. I only wish Hayden, could have, had the recent part of her story, (where she’s blackmailed by Jared for accidentally hitting that little girl), a little sooner. That would have been a better way to introduce it, instead of waiting until her exit, (that shouldn’t even be happening).

I have to admit the story itself, is very good, on the edge of your seat material, and, everyone involved has been doing an incredible job, especially, Michael and Rebecca. They were given some really great dialogue, and they ran with it perfectly! Their last scene together, is what really pulled me in. They were so on point with their reactions, their anger, sadness, everything! They have amazing chemistry with each other, and obviously a very special bond as friends, and it shows so much in their work! If we are lucky enough to get Rebecca back, I truly hope Fayden’s love story will continue. I love several soap couples on GH right now, but Fayden touches my heart the most. I want to see them rise above all of this sorrow about Hayden’s past. I want them to be able to open up to each other as they usually do, and work together to rebuild their relationship. I don’t like seeing Hayden so insecure about Reiko. Hayden is not the same person she was in the past, and she’s much stronger than that now. There has been so much character growth and I don’t want that completely ruined. I want Finn and Hayden to have the chance to raise their baby together, and eventually get married when the time is right. I fully understand soap couples need to have some kind of conflict, and truth be told that doesn’t bother me, because it would be boring if everything was sunshine and roses. What I don’t understand is why Finn and Hayden has never really had the chance to really explore their relationship. They’ve had everything thrown at them, and now it has to end? I’m sorry but most of us don’t understand or accept this, and trust me, there are a lot of us! LOL. I believe Fayden’s story isn’t and shouldn’t be over!

I also want to see Curtis and Hayden continue to be best friends. I love their friendship! I want Liz and Hayden to continue to bond as sisters. They were starting to get closer with each other, and it was just ripped away! GH needs to bring in their father, Jeff Webber, something that should’ve been done early on. Jeff and Hayden needed to have a chance to get to know each other, and Liz needs more family in her life as well. This would have been a great way to further tie Hayden into her sister’s life. There is just so much story left to tell for Hayden and it’s not too late to make all of this happen.

Now I agree, in the beginning it was hard for Hayden to fit in, but so much has changed since then. her character has evolved beautifully, and we’ve all seen this sensitive, vulnerable side of Hayden that intrigues us, and leaves us wanting more, yet she’s still savvy, and has that edge to her that I’ve always loved! Rebecca has really brought her character to life and we love both Hayden, and Rebecca. We will continue to fight to get her back on GH, and trust me, there are so many of us that want her back! I think all of the petitions and outcries of thousands of fans, say it all…Rebecca is an outstanding actress, and worth the fight!

Michael, Once again I get the impression you dislike Becky Herbst and or her character Elizabeth. You do an exit interview and fail to ask Rebecca about what went down at GH regarding making Hayden & Elizabeth sisters.
We learned they were related 1 year ago yet GH never brought back Jeff Webber to deal with this. We never even learned if he was even told. Then we never saw Elizabeth & Hayden growing close until right before she exits. Instead of playing the beat GH went from 0 to 60 so their sudden closeness rang hollow.. I would have loved to hear her thoughts on this gigantic mistake. On GH we were subjected ad nauseum to mind-numbing talk about Morgan’s death while this story & others were squandered
Once again GH makes a bad decision. Instead of keeping Hayden they keep the God awful unneeded Nelle, Nina, and Amy. They have zero ties to GH & should’ve been gone long ago.

Whilst I am personally pleased to see the character of Hayden exiting the GH canvas, your point about “awful, unneeded” other ones is spot-on. That’s been the major problem with this soap for the past few years…too many newbies and nonsensical players that have nothing to do with much of anyone or anything that came before…’s gotten to the extreme of the ridiculous with all the useless people that are populating Port Charles! Both Nina and Amy definitely lead that list, along with a whole slew of filler cast mates who have no earthy reason for being there….the showrunners just keep introducing new faces in hopes a few will stick, perhaps with some revisionist histories added to them at a later date for good measure as a means to try and justify their existence, but it really never works. Hayden is a prime example of this practice…her fate was sealed with many viewers long before they finally let her go, because RB was simply another in a long line of big name soap gets that the producers desired and they moved heaven and earth to attempt to carve a niche in the canvas for her, yet once again, failed miserably with their force-feeding efforts. A real housecleaning is sorely due for this show, although thus far, it would seem that TPTB still have no idea who should be going, who should stay and why….they are clueless!

As a long time viewer, I love General Hospital!!! It’s the best! The show has turned many directions over the years, some great, others not. I have to say releasing Rebecca ( Hayden) was not a great move. We are finally getting a real and excellently acted storyline and it is dropped. ☹️ I just don’t get how you couldn’t see an incredible path for her and Fin and her and Elizabeth, and on and on. Please bring Rebecca back. It’s a waste if you don’t. Bring back #Hayden.

I haven’t watched the show in a week plus. I was never really invested in Rachel/Hayden or Rebecca as an actress, so I’m not sure what happened during her exit. I tuned in a little yesterday while home, and I heard that she left her engagement ring behind and is nowhere to be found. What a stupid exit storyline-very poorly written. Now, more “newbies” are arriving in Port Charles. Why? It seems as though Rebecca was honest in her interview and had the same frustrations with the character as some of the viewers did.

Seems like a nice lady. I preferred she be with Nicholas. Plus, Spencer bonded with Hayden since his mom was never in his life. What I see here is a classic story brewing where she will be off for a bit, Finn will dedicate his life finding her, Hayden will return next year with little Finny! Everyone is happy.

I think it’s really a terrible thing that they wrote her off GH. I don’t care who they needed the money to bring on ~ if that’s the real reason. RB is a very strong actress and her character and ME’s character were just hitting their stride; there was so much more story to tell; that i wanted to see explored. it all feels so abrupt, so I’m not a happy camper about this. On the bright side, however, I am glad they left the door open for her return. I hope that happens sooner rather than later.

I think they should bring Rebecca Budig back as Hayden!! Her story line was finally growing and everyone was connecting with her. I loved Hayden/Finn!!! They are having a baby!! No way can that storyline just disappear!! The fans are too invested into this couple’s life now, the story cannot end like this. Even Elizabeth and Hayden are acting like sisters now so that has a storyline also!! Please bring Hayden back!!! Rebecca Budig is a great actress, don’t lose her!!

bring her back she is a good actress while others on the show take off every other month

Hayden was not killed-off , so great hopes for her, and baby, return…

Please bring her back!!!! I really wanted to see her and Finn’s journey continue. Loved them together.

I. hope you she is comes back to to want any. gh. and I.finn before. the baby. is. bborn

I would love for Rebecca Budig to come back!!! She is one of my all time favorites. I was and still am so sad that they let her go. I keep hoping that the powers that be listen to the fans and bring back “Hayden”

they need to bring back hayden they wrote amazing story for her finn and roxy its a huge injustice to loyal viewers that she has been wrote off bring her back

General Hospital

Lane Davies Joins the Cast of General Hospital Setting up a ‘Santa Barbara’ Reunion with Nancy Lee Grahn

Some very intriguing casting news out of General Hospital. The ABC daytime drama has cast former Santa Barbara favorite, Lane Davies (ex-Mason Capwell), in the role of Fergus Byrne, an attorney who crosses paths with Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn).

According to TV Insider, Davies will make debut the week of May 22nd.  As soap fans know, together with the aforementioned Grahn, they created the Santa Barbara supercouple of Mason and Julia Wainwright. Davies portrayed Mason Capwell family from 1984 through 1989.

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time in Port Charles for Lane. From 2002-2004 he played Dr. Cameron Lewis and also shared on-screen story with Grahn.  At that time Davies, played Xander Smith’s father.

Photo: NBC

GH fans are wondering about the last name of Davies new character, “Bryne”. If you recall, Alexis got herself involved with therapist Dr. Neil Bryne, who died when Harmony broke into Alexis‘ house and killed Neil by injecting him with opioids.


Taking to her Instagram, Grahn shared her excitement at the upcoming on-screen reunion with Davies, “It never gets old. We do 😂…. but it doesn’t 😍. Lookin’ forward to another romp.”

So, what do you think about Lane Davies returning to GH to play an attorney in Alexis’ orbit? Share your thoughts via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Nikolas Gets an Earful from Ava About Sonny and His Meds; Nina and Drew Can’t Seem to Resist Each Other

Ava (Maura West) seems to feel she has a confidante in a jailed Nikolas (Adam Huss) on the Monday, April 29th episode of General Hospital. In story, Ava heads to Pentonville to visit her ex-husband before he is set to get transferred out of state.

When discussing her living relationship with Sonny (Maurice Benard), which Nikolas already knew about, Ava says she is happy about how her relationship with Sonny has been evolving, Nikolas ask if she’s in love with Sonny. Ava denies it, but goes on to say how great it is for her daughter, Avery to be living with both her parents, who are on the same side and not at odds.

Nikolas believes that Ava loves being in Sonny’s inner sanctum and the power that comes with it. Ava fires back that she spent years looking in from the outside and that everyone despised her. When Nikolas brings up Nina (Cynthia Watros), she says Nina never really could understand the true type of man that Sonny is.


Then, Ava launches in on Carly (Laura Wright), and how she would love to stick it to her, for all the times she blocked Ava from seeing her child and Carly’s attitude towards her. Then, Ava admits to Nikolas that she knows that Sonny has a watered-down version of his bipolar medication, which is making him more vulnerable and she’s capitalizing on it for her own gain. She says she needs to figure out who is responsible, but Nikolas voices concern for Ava’s plan and that if Sonny ever found out she knew about it and did nothing, he would be on the warpath against her. Ava promises she knows what she’s doing. When she says goodbye to Nikolas, he looks upset and sad, as he still seemingly cares for Ava.


Meanwhile in Drew’s (Cameron Mathison) office, Nina walks in complaining about Carly giving her a hard time about maintenance in her office. Nina wants payback for Jason (Steve Burton) buying Carly the hotel, but Drew is not up for playing games with her.  She says they both want revenge on Jason and Carly, which Drew denies. Next thing you know, Nina grabs Drew and kisses him. Although, it seems he might walk out the door and away from her, he locks it, and the two proceed to have round 2 of their hate-sex.


Elsewhere, Anna tells Jason about her shooting Charlotte and her concern about Valentin’s (James Patrick Stuart) involvement with Pikeman. Meanwhile, Valentin visits Jack Brennan (Charles Mesure) in Pentonville, where threats are laid out to make Sonny look like the guilty party in eliminating Jason, while Anna is the line of fire, if she doesn’t keep her nose out of Pikeman business, which worries Valentin, who doesn’t want Anna getting hurt in any of this.

So, what do you think about Ava’s plans? Did you like seeing Nikolas back on the canvas? Are you all for a Drew/Nina continued affair? Will Anna get caught in the crossfire only to be saved by Valentin? Share your thoughts and theories via the comment section below.

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Breaking News

Haley Pullos Receives 90-Day Jail Sentence Following DUI Charge And Wrong-Way Car Crash

Former General Hospital actress, Haley Pullos (ex-Molly Lansing-Davis) is going to be doing time in jail, exactly one-year after her arrest from a hit and run wrong-way car collision.

The crash resulted in bodily harm and damages to the other driver, and now Pullos who pleaded “no contest” to the charges and will serve 90 days in jail. She was taken in custody on Monday, April 29th, after the ruling.

According to Haley’s attorney, Mark Daniel Melnick, the 25-year-old actress struck a plea deal and after her three months in jail will be sentenced on July 29th. As part of that sentencing, she must serve five years probation, 200 hours of community service and pay $8,260 in restitution to Courteney Wilder, the other driver in the crash and her driver’s license is revoked for a year.


According to TMZ, the plea deal for Pullos has the “no contest” to one DUI, while the judge dropped the felony DUI causing bodily injury and misdemeanor hit and run charges.

Melnick said in a statement to PEOPLE, “Haley is very grateful to the court for a minimum sentence and for recognizing her remorse and the strides she has made in her sobriety.”

Pullos had played the daughter of Alexis Davis (played by Nancy Lee Grahn) on the ABC soap opera since 2009, but after her car crash and DUI she was replaced by three different actresses until the show finally settled on the current Molly, Kristen Vaganos.

Photo: Pasadena PD

Back in April 29 of 2023, and at the scene of the crash, the police found edibles and mini-bottles of tequila in Pullos’ vehicle and that she was intoxicated. As it turned out, this was to be the second hit and run in the evening for Pullos who had an earlier collision with another car.

The courts decision follows a year-long legal battle with Haley’s pleas changing throughout it, ranging from “not guilty” to “no contest”. She sought treatment for her drinking at a rehab following the crash.

Nancy Lee Grahn, who portrayed Pullos’ on-screen mom took to X on Monday night, April 29th and shared on the sentence and the specific jail, Haley will be serving time: “As Haley’s TV mom I can tell some truths about her as I’ve loved her since she was little girl. She made a HUGE mistake, knows it, owns it & has spent the last yr doing EVERYTHING imaginable to take responsibility 4 it. It’s not that I oppose jail. It’s that I oppose this jail.” The jail in question by Grahn is the L.A. county jail.

So, what do you think about Haley Pullos serving a 90-days jail sentence, and the other rulings that will be part of her sentencing? Comment below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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The Young and the Restless

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