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General Hospital


GH’s Steve Burton Asks Fan Factions To Stop Inciting Bashing And Hatred

Photo Credit: JPI Studios

Photo Credit: JPI StudiosAs we know, sometimes the Twitterverse can get very ugly.  And over the last month, passionate fan bases of General Hospital have let their voices be heard.  However, some have taken it to a level that has been negative towards the actors who are portraying a storyline, or popular fan bases insulting each other.

Stemming from the big reveal that Steve Burton is the true Jason Morgan, and Billy Miller is now playing his twin brother, Drew, with the love of both men’s life, Sam (Kelly Monaco) caught in the middle, there has been an escalation in bashing on social media that has had all three actors have asking the fans to please be kind to their co-workers, and to each other, and to stop the hatred.

Steve Burton took to his Twitter account and said: “Please stop. There is no ill will with @kellymonaco1 or . We are a team of actors telling a story. We are a team delivering the story we are given. No hate. No fan wars. We we one.”

Meanwhile over Thanksgiving, Kelly Monaco posted:  “Hey @GeneralHospital fans, maybe you didn’t hear us. We #choosekindness. #billymiller and I appreciate any support but not at the expense of our costars. #killywithkindness #HappyThanksgiving #letsallplaynice #gh

So, can we all just enjoy the ride of this rollercoaster of a storyline. and respect the fantastic talents of all three actors involved, and if we have a difference of opinion, and it’s not the way we want a pairing or reveal to go, express ourselves in a way that does not hurt anyone’s feelings? Let us know your thoughts on this in the comment section below.


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It’s pathetic how some people act. First they think the actors really are the characters. “I can’t believe X did that. I hate X.” Well X is a character and the actor is playing a role. And a writer is writing things. There’s nothing wrong with liking a show and rooting on a storyline but some people truly can’t separate real life from a tv show

Still happy to have GH to still watch .Been a fan for 50 years therfore not upset about storylines. Glad Steve Burton is back.

I too have watched for close to 50 years, am glad Steve is back but love ALL the actors. They are ACTING and people need to remember that. Keep up the good work GH, you are all loved!

I have been watching since earlysixties… only one I watch.. I am so happy to see Steve Return.
Hating all the bad vibes from fans but I love the show and this storyline.


I love every actor on my soap I have been a fan of general hospital for years love everyone

Me too…

I grew up watching “The Stories/ Soap Opera’s” with my mother. It is unbelievable to know that some take entertainment as truth. I am a fan of Steve

Why can’t fans just watch the show and keep the hatred to themselves. We are very lucky to still have a show to watch. I grew up watching Several that are gone now. I am thankful for the shows left. I am an old woman now and these shows are a connection to my past and give me comfort watching them.

See, that’s just the thing, Julie ( with all due respect)…..I find no hatred. ….not on these sites, anyway….As for myself, I never use the word ‘hate’….such a harsh, inhuman concept for me. Yes, admittedly, many do use the word….but, from what I’ve read so far, the loathing is directed towards the characters—the part the actors/actresses play.
I am somewhat baffled here. Is the “hatred” of which you speak on Twitter? I do not see any here. ….glad I’m not on Twitter. It must be, …..I see many names I do not recognize.
In that case, I will keep anything which does not pertain to tweets to myself.
It is a sad state we live in if people cannot separate character from actor.

I agree with you exactly! Please people … Get rid of the hate and enjoy the show please!

I just wish they would have let Billy Miller be the Real Jason Morgan for the kids’ sake. That way Sam would’ve had her 2 kids, and then Jake also would be the full brother. Now they have it where Sam has Danny and Jake with Steve Burton, and Scout with Billy Miller.

Jake is Elizabeth’s son

I kinda agree with you but gotta keep things interesting at the same time which they have definitely succeeded at. Also Jake is Jason and Elizabeth’s son but yes I feel bad for everyone involved especially the kids it will be difficult for them to understand. No matter who Sam finally decides to be with in the end, the other man with have to be okay with the other brother still being a part of their lives because she now has a child by each brother.

I agree

Elizabeth has Jake, not Sam.

I personally have been watching since 1979. There should be no shock at the outcome of who turned out to be Jason Morgan; however, Billy a huge asset to GH and I’ve enjoyed his time on the show. Here’s hoping for great story lines for all of them for as long as we are lucky to have them all. The chemistry between Steve, Billy, and Kelly cannot be ignored.

Jake is Elizabeth and Jason’s son.

But honestly Diana, that’s the problem. Read what you wrote – “for the kids’ sake” GH is a soap opera. Kids all have different parents. Look at Sonny’s kids. Look at Alexis’ kids. Look at Liz’s kids. Who cares who is the parent of Danny, Jake, and Scout. They’re characters, they’re not real people.

Sam only has Danny with Jason. Jake is Elizabeth’s and Jason’s.

I agree, this is insanity. How on earth does such a thing happen? That is, how does the merger between fiction and reality occur in the frontal lobes of the brain? Is this a psychological disorder of some kind?
I figure these new sub soap groups are casualties of the equally absurd Liaison vs Jasam wars. Perhaps the insanity will subside when Jason and Drew bond as brothers. Billy Miller is coming alive and finding his footing with his Drew character. His old spark is back. If any of you Killy or JaSam fans are reading this, just relax and have some fun! Soap operas are served up as a great plate of escapism from our problems. Let it be as such for you.

Agree !!!

Oh my gosh, it’s a show/soap opera, NOT REAL LIFE! The children on the “soap opera” have actual parents in
Their real life.

“How on earth does such a thing happen? That is, how does the merger between fiction and reality occur in the frontal lobes of the brain? Is this a psychological disorder of some kind?”

You know what Harry, there are rabid fans out there who blur the lines. Everyone knows those fans are out there, and what they are capable of.

I can appreciate Steve’s tweet for people to stop. I find Kelly’s tweet a little less convincing or maybe just a little too late. Unfortunately, a lot of actors play up to these rabid fans and I’ve seen her do that and blur the lines between fiction and reality; sending out pictures of her and Billy, hashtagging their squish name Killy, which is their real names, not the character’s names, using hand singles, and frankly suggesting a personal relationship that may or may not exist.

This personal relationship that Kelly and Billy may or may not have is a source of a lot of the contention among Killy fans; they think they are together in real life and that Steve is now disrupting their personal and professional lives by coming back. Kelly on social media, in interviews, at events, has played to these people and kept them guessing. It’s been a way to keep them interested and engaged and now we see the results.

MB, thank you for your response. I honestly didn’t know that about Kelly Monaco on Twitter. Interesting and a little vexing. I
I recall watching Susan Lucci being interviewed By Regis Philbin wayyyyy back in the early 80s. She spoke of the time she was in a grocery store and a woman slapped her across the face and called her a home wrecker. This was way before social media was a thing. Then when Finola Hughes arrived in Port Charles as Anna Devane to serve as Robert Scorpio’s new love interest, the actress received death threats in the mail from rabid Holly and Robert Scorpio fans. This was also before the Internet brought us Twitter and Facebook.
So what I guess I am trying to say is that we can’t blame Twitter for this interesting psychological phenomenon. But what I think Twitter does do is it does away with impulse control issues and the poster (the Twitterer?) can hide behind a mask of anonymity which emboldens them. I am sure there is more to it than that but I am at a lost as to how to explain it because I simply don’t understand it.

Get real, this is not real life and these characters are given a script to follow. Have fun with it and whatever happens, it never stays the same for long. Happiness on a soap is short lived.

I would agree 100%the fans take this to a different level it got so bad I left a Gh community ,because the fans are brutal

I don’t understand why people get so upset. it isn’t real life. I wonder if the ppl who write mean tweets are that rude in life or if it is their way of venting. I am just thankful GH is still on.

Happiness results in characters getting written off! LOL

Fans need to grow the &@$@!( Up!!!!!!! Seriously??!?!? Things are so bad that A TORS have to ask fans to tone it down?! That makes me embarrassed to be a fan!!! To put this into a historical/modern perspective, I remember reading as a child that Eileen Fulton said when she played Lisa as a total bitch on As The Workd Turns, not only did little old
Ladies swat her in supermarkets, but she used to get actual death threats. Fast forward 40 years, and thanks to social media, things are worse, not better!! People who cannot distinguish between television and reality should NOT be allowed to own a television!! In his hypersensitive era when adults are preaching down to kids about bullying, dim-witted adults are some of the biggest and most dangerous bullies around!! This is absurd and ludicrous that performers should have to call out to fans to stop the hate!! I think any fan reading this needs to take a good long look at themselves and decide if they are a fan or a fanatic!! Writing thoughtful, impassioned letters on this or other board is one thing….I do that myself! But “inciting hate” means that the actors are actually worried or fearful about what some fans could or would do!! That means people have crossed the line!!!

Those writing negative comments about a fictional storyline likely watch so much trashy reality TV that they don’t recognize a fictional TV show when they see one. It’s a sad statement about our present day society.

As a long term observer of human behavior, I knew Twitter was going to be more trouble than it was worth, when they first rolled it out. There’s a reason the Devil still does not have a Twitter account. Or Facebook either, for that matter.

And as far as the hatred from the fan bases…. not sure where it’s coming from. Jason & Drew seem to be in a “better place” with each other, and will likely be working together to solve the mysteries of their mutual “lost years”. Sam seems genuinely conflicted – and who the Hell wouldn’t be, in her position?

Chill out, Tweeters…. isn’t my old friend JC’s birthday coming up soon? You know, peace on earth and all that crap, right??


No, but what the predatory capitalists have done to it certainly is.

BTW, JC wasn’t born on December 25. If I told you what his actual birthday was, you would never believe me, as this particular date took on an entirely different meaning about 16 years ago. Or 44 years ago, if you live in Chile.

Chill! It’s all good. A figure of speech not an insult. Be calm…

Oh no, You know things have gotten crazy when Satan and Christ are putting up their dukes online. (I know, I know, they’re kidding around).

True, Satan. Christmas is all about money….its true meaning gets lost in the fray: CAPITALISM.
It is tradition more than anything else. But, there are those of us who believe and follow tradition, at the same time.
We celebrate the birth (albeit Christ was born, if I remember correctly, in June, when all the merchants gathered from hither and yon, to sell and trade their wares)…. All the inns were taken…the reason why Mary and Joseph could not find ….. learned this in “Religions of the World” course I took as a post-graduate.
To make a long story short, December 25 was chosen as Christ’s birth to replace the Roman pagan celebration “Saturnalia”…..calendrical-wise, it was very convenient.
Nonetheless, this minor ‘adjustment’ does not minimize the magnitude of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
I am sure the crap is directed toward the capitalistic ‘hoopla’ and not the Man who died for us.
Protect our soul……no blasphemy here, right?…. Oops….forgot for a minute…..You are Satan.
Merry Christmas!!

….Mary and Joseph could not find shelter…..( to finish the sentence).

Satan talks about hatred coming from fans of GH and all then turns around and makes an insulting remark about Christmas…well, to Hell with Satan!!!!!!!!!

Hi, Jimmy,
I can see how Satan’s comment may be misconstrued, but, in his defense ( I am not a Satan worshipper, DOUBLE LOL), I do not think Satan meant to insult Christmas, that is, the birth of Christ… I stated, he is right about Devember 25th not being Jesus’ true Birth Day.
He was just pointing out that Christmas has become a multi-billion dollar business. When we think of Christmas, we think of its meaning last, or some of us, not st all…we do not observe it as a Holy, Blessed day……we all stress out about gifts and baking and cooking…..and, of course, lining the pockets and filling the coffers of giant companies…..Capitalism.
He was just making a point.
It’s all good, my friend…luv-ya!!

You need to grow up too and stop referring to yourself as satan. While you may well be one of his ambassadors on earth, you aren’t him. It’s not funny, it’s not cute, it’s not appreciated, it’s just annoying and stupid. You are an attention seeker who has a need to rile up groups of people en masse. Besides the stupid self-satan references, you are a good writer with some very valid points of view regarding soaps that many people agree with. Cut the stupid satan schtick and write your letters!

We must all develop a sense of humor, Jovin….I love satire. LOL.
I do appreciate how some may find the moniker offensive, though…..I bet Satan is a really nice guy….
Merry Christmas.

I always figured Satan would have a wicked sense of humor.

Great acting by all. Either choice wil be great.

“And all that crap,” On that you lost me to ff. Not needed on any site I read..

Look, this has been a passionate story and fans do get emotional over it. They get invested emotionally. It’s never okay to spread hatred or speak negatively about the artists portraying these characters. We can speak up about the storyline and express our opinions about it. The jury is still out as far as I’m concerned about the way this story is being written. I have my own opinion about how I would like the outcome to be. It truly ripped my heart out when Jason was written off. Then, my heart was healing over how he was brought back . Now, Jason isn’t Jason but Drew. The real Jason returns. Sam is caught between a rock and hard place. You can see how this story could tear at your heartstrings if you’re as passionate about soaps as I am. We must always remember that it’s just a soap and the artists portraying these characters are not them in real life. It’s just a gig. They’re doing their job and I must say, quite well.

Yes I’m loving the storyline

Money used to be the root of all evil….but in today’s world it seems be social media is the root of all evil….

Ya got that right! Totally out of control!

But its not money that is the root of all evil….its LOVE of money that is the root of all evil.

Totally. It gives the ignorant a platform to blast their hatred and negativity. I am so happy I am not on social media. I think it really dumbs people down, if not carefully monitored.


It is a very sad state when actors need to remind viewers that they are workers, portraying characters, telling fictional stories. The amount unbridled hateful rage and vitriol being unleashed in this country is shameful. How far down the road to de-civilization we are headed?

I applaud the actors for taking the high road and appealing for civil behavior.

I agree that there is too much rage in this country. It is pathetic when people dont realize the soaps are fiction and the actors are playing characters. If you dont like a particular actor dont obsess about it over the media.

Everyone needs to understand the actors r playing a part they r so good they make us feel they r real.
Quit the hate enjoy them enjoy the actor parts they play what they r given. I look at all the actors and think they r wonderful in the parts they r playing. Come on people lighten up its a show.

Wow. I didn’t know this. Crazy.
Everyone is so rightfully angry these days, but this is TV. Calm down.
Steve Burton on GH is so right. Billy Miller on GH is so right.
We need more Billy Miller in a hot tub. Where’s Ron Carlivati when we need him!?!?

What’s new? Isn’t this indicative of the Guza fanbase who TPTB have been courting with their Two Jasons/Two Carlys/and Sonny storyline?

Then we have the Julexis fanbase rooting for the TV poster couple for domestic abuse with opposition from anyone and everyone who has ever watched the show and has a brain.

We have a war between OLTL fans and GH fans that is still ongoing today.

All of these are incited by TPTB and fans need to get smart and stop taking the bait. They love that you are taking so much of your time to make them more buzzworthy on social media, perhaps raising their ratings that way as well.

The actors are caught in the middle and TPTB don’t care. Apparently their fans don’t care either. Then again, these are exactly the type fans TPTB want. As Guza and Phelps said, they trained you.

@GHIsDead…..Since I basically sat out the Guza era and its “all mob, all the time” concept, I was not so familiar with its accompanying fanwars until I came to this website…to say it was quite an eye-opener is a total understatement, although I still cannot claim to get that fired up about which of the (now) four characters of Sam, Drew, Jason and Liz end up with whom….I’m just enjoying their respective journeys back to whomever! On the other hand, being someone who is truly appalled by your aforementioned “poster couple,” I sincerely thank you for the characterization you have so charitably afforded those of us who find genuine offense in this relationship! The petty brouhahas kicked up over the defense of this cheap, revolting duo has really been beyond the pale and are guaranteed to continue since the GH showrunners seemingly insist upon putting this unpalatable pairing back into their all-too-predictable trainwreck mode! How very touching and romantic….NOT!!!!!

Their fanbase has been doing this for years, the only difference is they’re now doing it to each other.

That being said, we could all do better. It’s easy to say things online you wouldn’t dream of saying in real life. I’ll personally continue to try to do better….❤️

I agree. I will point toward Brian Frons for not nipping another round of JaSam when those fans starting acting nasty and evil toward BH in 2006 and no2 it’s even more rabid/insane toward SBu, KeMo and BM.

Jeez—the way I’m reading this is that there are a bunch of people who really are infantile. This story has me looking at everything from both angles and I really like siding with both characters and having to wait until the next episode to see what happens next. Why go down to being hateful to each other over a freakin’ story???

Hey, James,
Right? Anyway, back to the Jason/Drew saga, LOL………Has Jason sought Dr “Andre” for selfish reasons? If Drew’s memories can be ‘reinstated’ , the field would be left wide open– to chase Sam, that is.
In doing so, there would be the chance for Drew to remember another woman in his life ( Kim or someone else?) he loved passionately, and voila’, bye-bye Sam?
I am not as vested in Sam’s relationships as other fans……not a long-time watcher. This story could go either way. I really don’t care. But, gee….poor Billy!!

Oh Celia, I agree. Speaking of which, did you see that buddinsky Carly on Monday trying to undermine Drew & Sam under the guise of love? “Oh, poor Jason, no one has thought about what he’s lost. Everyone just feels sorry for Drew”. IS SHE FOR REAL? She and Sonny and Spinelli and Diane and Robin all turned their backs on Drew the SECOND Jason turned up. The only one on Drew’s side is Sam. Carly and Sonny are the very definition of snakes in the grass, no loyalty, no compassion except for Saint Jason. On the flip side, how cute are Billy M. and Oscar together?!

Hello, there…
…’buddinsky’?? Had a good laugh. Ain’t gonna say notin’ else….we were all ( those who say ‘tootie’ about the Magnificent Seven….including Michael) put in our respective places.
However, when we ‘deface’ appearance, I can understand how that can rub off on the actors.
…… as I said to Timmm, the same goes for the fans—poster against poster—that’s never acceptable.
I don’t get it…are we all to venerate Sonny and Carly? Just because? Nothing against the actors, but if we cannot express an opinion, then what? I am not into the Stepford-wife meme…..nor am I a fan of Big Brother….it’s not 1984….HaHa.
I will never accept the Sonny and Carly law; nor the Julian and Alexis law; nor the -holier-than-thou, defrocked priest—he should talk!!

“Buddinsky”? Hilarious, love that word. I watched Carol Brunette’s 50th Anniversary special last night and the word was used in describing the woman Harvey Korman played. Great word, let’s not lose it!

Steve is a MAN! He has the guts to confront the haters! Having opinions is why we are here, agree or disagree. But what the man said is true, these are actors acting out what is written for OUR entertainment value and their compensation and love of the art. We can root for couples but dont be cruel. Steve is a good guy. Most any soap star is fan friendly and charitable. Think about your words before you type them, they are entertainers, real people with real feelings. God bless Steve, Kelly and Billy!

Love Jason and Dtew!!! Always have wanted Jason with SSam…..Maybe Drew will remember how he felt for Kim…i am hoping that’s what’s gonna happen…Sam and Jason will always be soulmates…u just can’t change that..i don’t think Sam could ever be really happy and content knowing the love of her life is alive and back in town!

Guys, listen! This is a tv show. These are working actors doing a job portraying characters for our entertainment. This behaviour is ludicrous and silly. These aren’t real people. What happens in this storyline is not going to affect your life. When did our line of reality blur? This is dangerous behaviour

Carol Anne, you’re singing to the choir. Fortunately, I don’t see anyone who regular posts on Michael Fairman’s blog engaging in this insanity.
I think most of them are out there in Twitter land.

Come on people. These are ACTORS. They are playing the parts that they are given. This is how they get paid by having a Job. By the way I Love me some Steve Burton.

Yes…..I like Steve….but Billy is my guy. I think the ‘brothers’ will find their way back to the womb, per se…..start over. They will become best friends.
The only way, as I said, for a happy ending would be when/if Drew remembers his true love from the past.
Sam and Jason will get back together and all will be well in PC again? Doubt it. Not with Sonny lurking and looming like the Angel of Death ….ball and chain holding the town hostage. LOL.

Right! Steve Burton it’s just a soap opera. There is no need to be mean. I’m just glad your back! Waiting patiently for your happy ending.

Thank you, Renee…..took the words right out of my mind. Actors, in general are in the public eye….under a constant microscope. I stop short at name calling, not just to the actors, but to the fans as well….this is where the hypocrisy rests….some posters on the GH sites get away wirh horrific name-calling of fellow posters…..those posts should not appear in print. Fans have feelings as much as the actors do….or PEOPLE in higher places….
Steve has impressed me….I have become fond of his personae, as Dylan and Jason. However, he must realize that people DO do this …..some people are very cruel….it’s one thing to stomp on a character….very different to do so on an actor. However, some of these actors/actresses should use a modicum of pudor, in dress, speech, ‘tude ( unless it’s acting) and general appearance, if they do not want to hear negativity…..otherwise they are in the wrong business.
Again, the hypocrisy runs rampant…. it’s okay to call “OTHERS” atrocious names… long as they are not from Tinseltown. I I like Steve……but, we must all use a little caution when speaking our minds. I, for one, do not exculpate myself, albeit I do have a civil tongue in my mouth…
Happy Holidays to one and all… to be merry….

I love the show, love the story line love the actor’s. I was excited to have the real Jason *Steve Burton) back. I like Drews character, and I’m hoping he ends up with Oscars Mom. I prefer Jason n Sam. I’ve watched the show from day one, and just love Jason and Sam together. But I’m not gonna bash anyone over the story line. You are all wonderful actors and do a phenomenal job, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all…❤

I think they’re doing a awesome job. Keep up the good work. Sending nothing but love and good vibes.

I agree, Timm. All the actors from Y&R said Burton is a stand up buy and that he is also absolutely hilarious.

My dear Harry, belated Christmas wishes to you, as well! (And a Happy New Year….let’s hope 2018 is magnificent for us both, if that is humanly possible given our, um, divergent views on certain matters! LOL….) But having said that, I’ve never given up on the people who I most admire and enjoy here at MFSoaps simply due to a difference of opinion, even BIG ones…it would be a pretty dull world–and website—if we simply parroted each others’ thoughts all the time! And you, “Mr. Lime,” with your sparkling wit and dry humor are at the top of that list!!! (Along with Addison and Osgood, et al….and the endlessly delightful Phyllis Fontaine DeMarco, whoever “she” is!!! I’ve treasured all of your entertaining posts over this past year! And yes, I did receive your additional message in my personal inbox!) In fact, there have been numerous occasions upon which I’ve responded to your clever quips and spot-on observations in a similarly cheeky manner over these many months and my sentiments just never made it online, but believe me, the intent to trade thoughts with you has remained throughout! (Just wanted you to know….) At any rate, I’m very glad that the magic of this holiday season has lifted your spirits….it’s is ever so nice to have our lovely and hilarious “Harry” back on these threads where he belongs! Later, my forever GH friend!!!

Amen, Timmmbo! I think Steve, Billy and Kelly are all hitting it out of the park with their given storyline, plus the sensitive and mature manner in which their characters are handling their gut-wrenching situation as it pertains to their collective “family” also should give the audience much food for thought. All three are acting like adults for the sake of the children and it has been a beautiful thing to behold, as has been GH, which in and of itself is a true miracle! Many of us were convinced such a revival of its fortunes was never to be in the cards, so to once again be able to look forward to each new episode—along with the return of many fan favorites (finally!)—is a real cause for celebration, not condemnation of pet couplings from the past that may or may not come to fruition this time around!

Soap Characters Matter!

And dont forget the Dolphins!


I see the hate in one of the GH groups I am in. The hate is for BM as Drew. They did like BM until SB decided to come back.That’s when the hate started. GH mess up this S/L if they knew SB could return then they should of never recast the part. I accepted BM as Jason to then find out he is Drew. So I can see where the hate coming from on both sides. I don’t like this Twin S/L. Looks like a copy of the Twin S/L from OLTL. (Todd & Victor). GH had to know fans wouldn’t take this well at all. SB left went to Y&R & then decides to come back & we have to welcome him back as Jason. After BM was doing a great job as Jason. Anyone can see why there’s so much hate now.

glad steve is back the one and only JASON MORGAN

So happy how fast this story is moving all the actors …happy Jason is back…

Love having Steve back and the storyline is riveting. The writers will eventually bring the twins close and it will be epic. As a fan, what have the writers done to Sam? She is NOT this sappy a&(ed wimp they are writing her to be now. Please give her the back bone and toughness the fans all love about her. That’s what I care the most about, not what man she chooses, although I would like to see her with Jason, eventually.

I agree with the actors! I have read some of the comments on FB and twitter and people are mean! My Grammy use to be a huge fan of GH and I started watching with her about 40years ago… Have I liked every storyline? No! Did I like all the characters? No! We all need to remember that GH is a television show! It is NOT real life! Steve Burton does not work work for Maurice Benhard in the mob! Kelly Monaco is not a CEO of a media company and her “dead” husband didn’t come back from the grave! Please try to remember that. If you don’t like a story line, remind yourself that it will probably change in a few weeks. The ACTORS are just following a SCRIPT that was written by the writers for GH!please be kind to each other, Love each other and please STOP BEING HATEFUL!!!!!!!

Steve Burton is such a class act. I really like Billy Miller. I think he is a great actor, very much like Steve Burton, and just as charismatic and handsome. Honestly, I would like to see the brothers come together and unite-as friends. I am not a fan of Sam, I never have been, but I am able to separate Sam Morgan from Kelly Monaco. My dislike of the character does not flow into hatred for the actress. Some people are just ignorant and hateful!

I don’t understand cowards hiding behind twitter to spew their hate. Any misgivings I’ve had about GH over the years (and there has been a lot–notably how much I cannot stand the Sonny character) is directed at the show, quality of writing, and the characters, not the actors or any individuals working on the show.

While I’m glad Steve IS Jason I think Everyone involved in this storyline are doing a FABULOUS JOB!!! Share the Love people——‘‘tis The season!!!!

I love that Steve Burton (the real Jason) is back. I watched Jason and Sam on the docks on Tuesday’s episode. The chemistry between them sizzled. It’s a testament to the acting skills of Steve Burton and Kelly
Monaco. The only others that have that chemistry are Carly and Sonny.
Great work – GH is rocking with this storyline.
I’m hating what they are doing to the Alexis character – making her a victim of physical abuse. Hook him up with Cassandra…they deserve each other.

I love all you guys, and I think that all of you are very talented. So don’t let some of the things some people say that is negative get to you, can’t please everyone, you’ll doing your job and I think all of you are good at it. Now even though I love Drew, I think that Sam and Jason should get back together because they are really good together and they have been through so much together, they are soul mates and a ride and die couple and I would love for them to make it work. And Drew have a past and when he get his memory back, he’s gonna realize that he has his own soul mate just waiting on him to return. Love all you guys keep up the GOOD WORK.

I absolutely love General Hospital. I also love the storyline. I’m always glued to the TV when it’s on. People need to understand that it’s fiction. Drew and Jason make great viewing. Sam is outstanding. All the other characters grab my attention. If the cast acted the way some fans wish they would act I think it would be boring.
General Hospital writers are brilliant. They write the unexpected.
Keep up the great , intriguing story. I LOVE YOU ALL


It only takes a few and I really feel sorry for the actor’s involved. I will say I don’t like a character and the actor playing them but it is very rare for me. I think it’s just that soaps are on daily and most is due to writing and some the acting.

Seriously—things got so out of hand that it was necessary for the actors to come out and ask people to behave themselves?

Come on, folks! I know people can get very passionate about the soaps, but this kind of thing is wa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-y over the top.

Congrats to Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco for stepping up and trying to inject some sanity. (Didn’t Kelly Monaco and Becky Herbst have to do something similar a year or two ago, when Sam and Liz were rivals for thought-he-was-Jason’s affections?)

People need to . . . grow up.

(I must say: I have never once regretted my decision that Twitter was something I could not be bothered with.)

Hi Michael (not Fairman)

Yes; I believe you’re correct. Kelly and Becky had to address their fans…each side warring with the other. Insanity….

Just an add: Billy Miller also posted to stop the madness. He and Kelly did a cute lil video snippet together to tell fans to back off.

Everyone’s fighting with everyone. There’s not a day that goes by that you don’t read about actors arguing with each other, too. Matt Damon is currently in the hot seat for an interview he gave on the “me too” movement.

I’d say with sarcasm human nature at its finest but we’ve never been that “fine.” People have been fighting and warring, large and small, from the beginning of time. Which is why many of us prefer our pets! 😉

I, too, would like the bashing to stop. These people are actors, paid to do a job. But I would like to see a friendship or brotherly bond between the twins…regardless of who wins Sam’s heart!

I have been watching GH for over 60 years. Started watching with my grandmother when I was old enough to watch TV

Hi Debbie, I too began watching with my grandma from the beginning! As all have said it’s tv & they’re actors who play what is written for that day! In my opinion if your feelings for certain actors are that strong just maybe it’s because they are all excellent actors who make each of their Characters who they are!!! Bottom line is they are excellent actors who make the characters believable!!!!

Merry Christmas & Happy New year to all my GH family & their families also!!!!

Me too. Grew up watching soaps as a little girl with my aunt after school. Gh, amc, oltl, doctors, y&r, and others. I miss the meet and greats with the actors. I was so upset when Steve Burton left. There is only one stone cold. But was so happy to hear Billy Miller was going to play Jason. Watched him on amc, and y&r. Their loss our gain. But now with both of them on gh. Yay. We have never had disrespectful fans so let’s not start now.

I, too, would like the bashing to stop. These are paid actors that are doing their job…quite well, I might add! I would also like a brotherly bond to develop between the twins, regardless of who wins Sam’s heart.

If a fictional story on a fictional tv show has people so very upset and mean towards other maybe they should switch the channel to the real world to see how much better things are in “Port Charles” then they are every where in actual life.
I too have watched this show for just about the length of time its been on starting at age 10 when home from school recovering from a serious car accident…mom and I started watching it together and even after she passed away I kept up with it for her. The characters are not always likeable but the actors who portray them are great! There is one actor on there now to whom I will always be grateful to his father as it was a song of his fathers my oldest brother kept singing to himself while a POW in Vietnam for 3 years along with two other songs to keep his mind clear. Thank you Mr. Stuart.

So glad to see Steve Burton back!

I always like Thumper’s words. If you can’t say something nice don’t say nothing at all…..GH and actor’s will always be #1 for me. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and wishes for the HAPPIEST NEW YEAR

Ya, now actors know what it is like to be slammed by social media for just doing their job. Sort of like our President who gets lied about and slammed. Not fun is it.

The actors actually DO their job. The sentient Cheeto does nothing but play on Twitter all day.

LOL…you were too kind.

Thats just it, great point, this whole world needs a time out and needs to refocus! There is so much finger pointing. Let people do their jobs and IF anyone can do better, step up!

Thank you, Steve, for saying something. You’re all wonderful actors just doing a job and providing us fans entertainment. We may not like a particular character or something a character does, but that doesn’t mean we need to bash the actor playing the role. Regardless of entertainment purposes, General Hospital is a business. Every decision in every character is a business decision, though some people don’t understand that or seem to forget that. I remember the days when Bobbie Spencer repeatedly tried to break up Scotty and Laura. Fans hated her! Now they love her and Jackie Zeman. Same with Luke, and Tony Geary. I’m glad you’re back. You, Billy and Kelly are doing fantastic work!

Hi there! First of all I want to say that I’ve been watching your show 28 years since I was 15! I wasn’t aware of all the comments but keep doing your awesome work! I love it! Ignore them and have a merry Christmas and a happy new year too!!!

I love Steve Burton I’m so glad he is back as the real Jason Thank you for coming back.

My mom and the rest of the family were split mostly for Steve. You guys are all amazing at telling stories from the writers to actors to everyone who works there. I hope people can start to act like grown ups. I’ve been watching over 30 years and my mom over

Thanks for all the good times p.s. I got my fingers crossed for Sam and Jason and Drew and Kim

As an avid watcher of GH, I am disappointed that fans would bash the actors. This is a story. The actors are perfect. I love therm all. The chemistry is phenomenal. Let’s not read more into it. Steve, Kelly and Billy—- love you…. Don’t let the haters win! If yuou would personally reply to me I would greatly appreciate it!!!!

I just feel it is time to move on with the story line people r just getting bored with the whole sam jason drew make the decision who she going to be with and move on give drew back his memory he is not going

You are so right, T….and so is Steve. But, as humans and avid fans we lose focus and sight……I am one of the culprits.
The same thing should apply when certain posters bash/attack other posters, as you well know, my dear Timmmy…..the actors/actresses are not the only people who should be respected…….so should we, the fans, the loyal fans.
I think this should apply to all….yeah, even the President….
I will try my best not to step on actors’/characters’ feelings. But, it is soooo hard not to ‘bruise’ Sonny—-not Maurice—Sonny, the infinite paragon of all things decent and good. How’s that?? Ciao, baby!!
Thank God I do not tweet or have a Facebook account. So futile.

C…a lot of us know the show isnt real nor are the characters…but we seem to complain about them as if they are real and that shows how well a soap involves the viewers and thats what they were meant to be and do…a second world outside our own…where we for an hour or more five days a week can go so we can step away from our real lives and problems and get involved on the ‘real lives’ of our second family-soap characters-and try to fix their lives and solve their problems to make us feel better in bad times when we cant solve our own problems and we need that escape to our Wonderland known as the soap opera-and thats what soaps allow us to do-help us forget our problems at least for a few hours a day…there is no other genre that lets us do that and thats why i always love soaps

Exactly, Jimmy!!!!!! We do become attached to certain characters, thus we champion them. I love Billy Miller, but I must cofess I did say on a number of occasions, I have a hard time understanding him when he speaks…..same goes for Kelly. Sometimes between the two of them, I have to strain my neck closer to the set to understand their( what seems to sound like) mumbling.
It does not mean I h*te them.
I do not loathe Maurice, either, but Sonny represents the most degenerate worm on earth. I can’t say that??
Yes, for some it is an escape from reality….But, I like my reality…happy with it. I watch soaps because I grew up watching them…..Erasing them from my life would be likened to erasing part of what makes me who/what I am. I know people who ridicule soap fans—I don’t get it….LOL.
Nevertheless, there are those posters who take up residence within the environs of make believe towns of Never-Never-Land because they “have an agenda”, as Shay said.
And, yes….soaps can be a soothing balm just as you describe it. You are such a sentimentalist, Jimmy…..I love you for your gentle heart. Enjoy the Holidays…..
Ten days of battling with a hoarde of kids….my own, nephews and nieces galore…..
Just kidding!! Looking forward to it. LOL.

@Jimh….As always, you’ve provided perspective in your own charming and inimitable fashion! Of course, soaps can offer us refuge from the daily trials and tribulations of life, but most of us have the ability to separate fact from fiction and fantasy from reality once an episode ends….we recognize what’s make-believe and don’t get overly- invested in matters regarding people who don’t actually exist! Just as when we gather here to share and compare our thoughts on the latest happenings in soapville, it’s intended to be a pleasant, momentary break from our own unique human experiences, yet when it’s taken too seriously or becomes an obsession so that one cannot even freely express opinions without fear of serious reprisals from those who vehemently take issue with our thoughts, then what should be a fun and felicitous exercise becomes an unnecessarily unpleasant outing for the majority of posters who comment in good faith and out of true affection for those we’ve come to consider as friends…Oddly, it seems the holiday season brings out the worst of these tendencies for some, even though it only serves to make me appreciate and acknowledge those individuals who make my life nicer all year round—be it in my own personal sphere or here online, which leads me right back to you, Jimmy! You always make the visits to MFSoaps worthwhile and special….and your posts never fail to delight and inspire! I sincerely hope that this Christmas brings you the joy and peace you deserve and that 2018 will prove to be both happy and healthy for you and your loved ones! Oh, and just so you know, I shall be looking forward to another new year chock full of your incomparable “Jimhisms!”

Tell me about it, CeeCee! Like yourself, I totally eschew the social media madness, but just the wholly-unacceptable antics we’ve both experienced here are enough to tell you that some individuals have absolutely no shame or scruples when it comes to the insidious means they will employ to advance their own agendas, and it should never be allowed to go that far. Personally speaking, I’ve too often—and extremely recently—literally had words put in my mouth that I’ve never scripted and been assigned thoughts and emotions which did not emanate from my own heart and mind by certain persons seeking to viciously inflict hurt feelings upon and create discord with other posters who I’ve genuinely come to admire and regard as friends. Whilst one always hopes that most of our regulars here can take such incidents with a grain of salt and simply consider the source, when there is an influx of new contributors, it does make one wonder what they must think of all these offensive goings-on. I just hope they can discern the truth and realize that most of us follow the basic rules of mutual kindness and respect, and that when those are given, they are likewise returned in spades! Which leads me to wish not only you—but the fortunately vast majority of lovely folks who frequent these threads—a Most Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

I hope you are right in suggesting that most, on these sites, have the ‘vision’ to consider the source. I will not generilize, my Shay….not when we all know from whence the mendacity and constant jabs come….. the many faces of…uhmmm Eve…..who takes liberties by using this venue as a vehicle to vent his/her own issues, posting under different names…both male and female.
Admittedly, it is wrong to ‘cut down’ actors, but I find nothing wrong with discussing the disgusting and untoward behavior of some of the characters. CHARACTER is key-word here.
So, the irony is so thick — the good side of this is, we have a life and nonentities are just that, amica bella….a speck in the universe. I love my soaps, Shay….as much as anyone else, as much as you. Part of my life….I always make room. Michael Fairman facilitaes our coming together…it should be a happy place. ‘Tis unfortunate there is some discord.
I will stick to the storylines, the plot, and my opinions on such. But, how can we be expected to be passive about Sonny’s wrongdoing? The unrealistic turn of some events?…etcetera, etcetera, etcetera
I read Harry’s comment about someone getting sooo way out of line on Twitter? Racism? I cannot tolerate that, and if her account was truncated, then it was the right thing to do. Some people have no filter….I always blame their upbringing….children grow up with distorted ideals and rules set by the adults in ther lives.
I thank God for my parents and grandparents for their open-mindedness—I grew up accepting and tolerating all peoples. I am no better than the next person. I was always taught to be respectful, but to ‘hit’ back when ‘stricken’….stand up for myself, verbally but politely.
What is going on, everywhere, makes me wonder about tomorrow.

I reciprocate your tidings, Shaybelle…Merry Christmas and a very Healthy New Year—whatch those aperitifs….LOL.

Meowrry Christmas Sweet Shay!

hi, again, Shay,
PS….Happy Birthday, mon amie magnifique!!

I soooooooo agree Shay and Celia! We certainly DO know from whence all the trouble emanates…and the many faces of Eve. Believe me, many know…not just those with unfamiliar names that pop up out of the blue to bash along with you. See now, if the Eve you’re insinuating was truly “Eve” then there’d be a lot of bashing the other way around. But there isn’t, is there?


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!

Great points, Celia! I echo your sentiments on the Sonny and Carly fiasco that has sadly endured on GH far too long… I will be a critic of that omnipresent storyline as long as I am present!

And, like you, I am not on FaceBook or Twitter (although years ago, I was briefly on FB). I don’t criticize those who enjoy FB; I am sure it serves a great purpose for many…

But it’s not for me, and I witnessed the insensitivity and destructiveness that have permeated social media. I have seen the loss of privacy, hurt feelings, dysfunction, and political chaos that have become almost synonymous with FB.

I wish all the best to you, dear Friend Celia, and your loved ones in the holiday season! 🙂

Thank you, James—your word is gospel to me….I respect you that much.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours, as well.
Later, my friend. …..probably next yerar?? LOL.

I know, we all feel as if these characters are “Ours!” We want want is best for them, good or bad. Sadly, this bleeds into the real world everyday! I do at times read twitter and Facebook but I rarely participate in it. Its to easy to bully online and its gut wrenching what can be said! I like social media for the info that can be useful. Warm wishes to you and your family, Merry Christmas!

Yes, my Timmmy…you are as wise as James… never speak unnecessarily—not without making a point.
All my love for the best Holiday Season to you and yours, my love……

And a likewise Meowy Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Sir Timmmbo, aka, the “coolest cat” on this website! (And the nicest, too!) Hope Santa brings you lots of catnip and all other sorts of wonderful!

@CeeCee….Wishing you, my “December Sister from Another Mister” a “Happy Birthday,” as well! I already celebrated mine the first week of this month, but I hope yours shall be just as special and joyous an occasion! Sounds like you have your work cut out for you over these next few weeks…may you and yours enjoy a most blessed and peaceful holiday season to cap off this amazing year! (#Thank you, President Trump!) And here’s to 2018 being an even better one! Ciao for now, mia amica!

Thank you, Shay…… for some reason, my house is like a magnet….they all gravitate in this direction… LOL. I love!!!!….I am a pushover, that’s why.
I wish the best of health and a joyous Chirsmas, and “prosperous” New year to all……
…….may these sites last forever…..thanks, Mr. Fairman…blessings !!

Merry Christmas to everyone. It’s nice we’re all kind of getting along again.

I was thinking of what a genius DR Seuss was. Because no matter how bad things get, no matter what Grinches are out there trying to ruin your Christmas, Christmas still comes. That’s the miracle of Christmas and the miracle of humanity. It (Christmas) always comes through. Yes, Virgina, there is a Santa Clause.
I really hope 2018 proves to be a better year. Speaking for myself, 2017 was a horrid year. It can only get better from here.

I remember Steve, Audrey, Jessica and the Webber’s! I am a long time fan! Amazing how time has flown by and other have taken over the reign of carrying the torch moving GH forward! Awesome cast!

I remember like it was yesterday day the pioneers of GH– Dr. Hardy, Jessica, Audrey, the Webber’s…! Can’t believe how time has flown by. GH is still going strong with amazing actresses, actors and storylines! To b on television this long, they r doing an awesome job and always keep their viewers entertained!

I agree! LOL

hey Kelly I could care less I am a fan of GH ,but do not say the fans it is not all of us you owe us an apology.

I don’t understand this juvenile behavior. I’ve watched GH since it began over 50yrs ago and storylines have always been convoluted, and not only on GH, I’ve also seen Wally Kurth and other GH soap actors I won’t name, on other soaps while scrolling thru channels. They’re actors playing roles…not the actual characters they play. This is nuts!

Steve and the rest of the GH crew. I agree with you all. I love the show and all this haterd needs to stop. I’ve been a fan for a very long time and people need to realize that it’s only a TV show. Not real life. Sincerely Ginny.

I agree, let the actors act instead of having to worry about hate tweets…I too enjoy being able to watch the soap opera since they took my others beloved soaps off the air, All my children and one life to live

Its just a story people are rude… If you don’t like the story line then stop watching general hospital…

I think Steve Burton, Kelly Monaco and Billy Miller appreciate their fans sticking up for them and their characters but their job is to entertain people and not to incite hatred or even threats.So if Kelly, Steve and Billy start to feel like they are inciting hatred it could cause them to maybe not be so open with fans going forward.

I absolutely agree with Steve Burton! No need to get upset over story lines that they have been given! They are just doing their job! I’m amazed of how wonderful these actors play their characters! They are who make the show exist! Love you all! Keep up the good work!

It makes me sad that there people out there so full of nastiness. This a storyline and a good one. There is no need for angry nasty words. I have been watching this soap since I was in high school many years ago. Lots of changes and storyline have come and gone. And do not recall angry fans. So please stop there is enough ugliness in this country let’s not ruin something fun to watch. Respect all on the show. Thank you

I also love all the actors and actresses on his show General Hospital. I’m a huge fan of Steve and Billy Miller I love them both equally.

I have always loved Steve as Jason and was saddened when he left to persue other things. I am so happy he is back. I absolutely loved It when I heard billy was coming. He is a fantastic actor whether he is Jason or drew. I.T doesn’t matter. I have my preference as to who I think kelly should be with but to be mean and disrespectful towards these actors is horrible. They put out every day for us to enjoy and this is how we repay them? Let’s enjoy the show and when it’s over go on with our lives. I’m just happy we still have general hospital left to watch. For what it’s worth, I love all of you on GH and have for many many years.

General Hospital

Lane Davies Joins the Cast of General Hospital Setting up a ‘Santa Barbara’ Reunion with Nancy Lee Grahn

Some very intriguing casting news out of General Hospital. The ABC daytime drama has cast former Santa Barbara favorite, Lane Davies (ex-Mason Capwell), in the role of Fergus Byrne, an attorney who crosses paths with Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn).

According to TV Insider, Davies will make debut the week of May 22nd.  As soap fans know, together with the aforementioned Grahn, they created the Santa Barbara supercouple of Mason and Julia Wainwright. Davies portrayed Mason Capwell family from 1984 through 1989.

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time in Port Charles for Lane. From 2002-2004 he played Dr. Cameron Lewis and also shared on-screen story with Grahn.  At that time Davies, played Xander Smith’s father.

Photo: NBC

GH fans are wondering about the last name of Davies new character, “Bryne”. If you recall, Alexis got herself involved with therapist Dr. Neil Bryne, who died when Harmony broke into Alexis‘ house and killed Neil by injecting him with opioids.


Taking to her Instagram, Grahn shared her excitement at the upcoming on-screen reunion with Davies, “It never gets old. We do 😂…. but it doesn’t 😍. Lookin’ forward to another romp.”

So, what do you think about Lane Davies returning to GH to play an attorney in Alexis’ orbit? Share your thoughts via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Nikolas Gets an Earful from Ava About Sonny and His Meds; Nina and Drew Can’t Seem to Resist Each Other

Ava (Maura West) seems to feel she has a confidante in a jailed Nikolas (Adam Huss) on the Monday, April 29th episode of General Hospital. In story, Ava heads to Pentonville to visit her ex-husband before he is set to get transferred out of state.

When discussing her living relationship with Sonny (Maurice Benard), which Nikolas already knew about, Ava says she is happy about how her relationship with Sonny has been evolving, Nikolas ask if she’s in love with Sonny. Ava denies it, but goes on to say how great it is for her daughter, Avery to be living with both her parents, who are on the same side and not at odds.

Nikolas believes that Ava loves being in Sonny’s inner sanctum and the power that comes with it. Ava fires back that she spent years looking in from the outside and that everyone despised her. When Nikolas brings up Nina (Cynthia Watros), she says Nina never really could understand the true type of man that Sonny is.


Then, Ava launches in on Carly (Laura Wright), and how she would love to stick it to her, for all the times she blocked Ava from seeing her child and Carly’s attitude towards her. Then, Ava admits to Nikolas that she knows that Sonny has a watered-down version of his bipolar medication, which is making him more vulnerable and she’s capitalizing on it for her own gain. She says she needs to figure out who is responsible, but Nikolas voices concern for Ava’s plan and that if Sonny ever found out she knew about it and did nothing, he would be on the warpath against her. Ava promises she knows what she’s doing. When she says goodbye to Nikolas, he looks upset and sad, as he still seemingly cares for Ava.


Meanwhile in Drew’s (Cameron Mathison) office, Nina walks in complaining about Carly giving her a hard time about maintenance in her office. Nina wants payback for Jason (Steve Burton) buying Carly the hotel, but Drew is not up for playing games with her.  She says they both want revenge on Jason and Carly, which Drew denies. Next thing you know, Nina grabs Drew and kisses him. Although, it seems he might walk out the door and away from her, he locks it, and the two proceed to have round 2 of their hate-sex.


Elsewhere, Anna tells Jason about her shooting Charlotte and her concern about Valentin’s (James Patrick Stuart) involvement with Pikeman. Meanwhile, Valentin visits Jack Brennan (Charles Mesure) in Pentonville, where threats are laid out to make Sonny look like the guilty party in eliminating Jason, while Anna is the line of fire, if she doesn’t keep her nose out of Pikeman business, which worries Valentin, who doesn’t want Anna getting hurt in any of this.

So, what do you think about Ava’s plans? Did you like seeing Nikolas back on the canvas? Are you all for a Drew/Nina continued affair? Will Anna get caught in the crossfire only to be saved by Valentin? Share your thoughts and theories via the comment section below.

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Breaking News

Haley Pullos Receives 90-Day Jail Sentence Following DUI Charge And Wrong-Way Car Crash

Former General Hospital actress, Haley Pullos (ex-Molly Lansing-Davis) is going to be doing time in jail, exactly one-year after her arrest from a hit and run wrong-way car collision.

The crash resulted in bodily harm and damages to the other driver, and now Pullos who pleaded “no contest” to the charges and will serve 90 days in jail. She was taken in custody on Monday, April 29th, after the ruling.

According to Haley’s attorney, Mark Daniel Melnick, the 25-year-old actress struck a plea deal and after her three months in jail will be sentenced on July 29th. As part of that sentencing, she must serve five years probation, 200 hours of community service and pay $8,260 in restitution to Courteney Wilder, the other driver in the crash and her driver’s license is revoked for a year.


According to TMZ, the plea deal for Pullos has the “no contest” to one DUI, while the judge dropped the felony DUI causing bodily injury and misdemeanor hit and run charges.

Melnick said in a statement to PEOPLE, “Haley is very grateful to the court for a minimum sentence and for recognizing her remorse and the strides she has made in her sobriety.”

Pullos had played the daughter of Alexis Davis (played by Nancy Lee Grahn) on the ABC soap opera since 2009, but after her car crash and DUI she was replaced by three different actresses until the show finally settled on the current Molly, Kristen Vaganos.

Photo: Pasadena PD

Back in April 29 of 2023, and at the scene of the crash, the police found edibles and mini-bottles of tequila in Pullos’ vehicle and that she was intoxicated. As it turned out, this was to be the second hit and run in the evening for Pullos who had an earlier collision with another car.

The courts decision follows a year-long legal battle with Haley’s pleas changing throughout it, ranging from “not guilty” to “no contest”. She sought treatment for her drinking at a rehab following the crash.

Nancy Lee Grahn, who portrayed Pullos’ on-screen mom took to X on Monday night, April 29th and shared on the sentence and the specific jail, Haley will be serving time: “As Haley’s TV mom I can tell some truths about her as I’ve loved her since she was little girl. She made a HUGE mistake, knows it, owns it & has spent the last yr doing EVERYTHING imaginable to take responsibility 4 it. It’s not that I oppose jail. It’s that I oppose this jail.” The jail in question by Grahn is the L.A. county jail.

So, what do you think about Haley Pullos serving a 90-days jail sentence, and the other rulings that will be part of her sentencing? Comment below.

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Video Du Jour

Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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