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Days Of Our Lives


DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Ciara Is Raped By Chase!

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Photo: Twiter Harlee Marie/NBC

NBC’s Days of our Lives gave its viewers another shocker at the end of Wednesday’s episode when Chase Jennings (Jonathan McClendon) rapes Ciara Brady (Vivian Jovanni).  The set up occurs since Chase has fallen under the influence of a vengeful Andre DiMera (Thaao Penghlis).  At the Salem Inn over a meal, Chase informs Andre he never felt part of Hope’s (Kristian Alfonso) family and has a dark side to him like his father Aiden (Daniel Cosgrove).  Andre urges him to not supress his darker instincts.  When Andre brings up Chase’s feelings for Ciara, the teenager tells him he feels he has blown it with her.  Andre says he thinks Ciara is into him, and that women like a strong, take charge kind of guy.

At Horton Town Square, Chase finally resurfaces. Hope and Ciara have been very oncerned about his whearabouts. Ciara convinces the guard Hope has watching her to let her take Chase back to Jennifer’s (Melissa Reeves) with her.  Once at Jennifer’s, Ciara holds Chase’s hand and apologizes for their argument.  Next, Chase professes his love for Ciara, but she pulls away.  Ciara  relates to him that he is like a brother to her.  Chase pushes the issue and tells Ciara he thinks she feels the same way he does and he moves in for a kiss.  They actually start to kiss, but Ciara pushes him away and puts on the brakes. She tells Chase, she is not ready for this.  Chase is sure she is and just not admitting it.  He pushes her down to the sofa and tells her this is what they both want!  He next covers her mouth with his hand as Ciara starts to cry.   The episode fades to black.

Jovanni told Soap Opera Digest about her DAYS rape scene: “When Albert (Alarr, co-executive producer) and Josh (Griffith, co-head writer) told me that Ciara was going to be raped, I was nervous at first, but also very grateful to be getting the opportunity to explore this complex and layered storyline.”

So, what did you think about DAYS decision to have Ciara raped by Chase? Are you upset that DAYS chose to bring a rape into this storyline? What do you think will happen next? Will Ciara keep her rape a secret from Hope and everyone else? Will she confide in Theo (Kyler Pettis), who truly loves her? Share your thoughts on this game-changing moment in the comment section below.

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“Oh My God”

tell me this isn’t so…. tainting the SORAS teen set

he’s my favorite of the newbie SORAS. I was waiting for Daniel Cosgrove to come back and get what’s his…. his son

argh! is this the set up… of Daniel Cosgrove returning… ??? as a ghost… giving a shock treatment / lobotomy / nutted up Chase a familial visit…

which would be extremely sad to me… seeing Chase go home… with his ghost dad as they reunite and leave the show

not what I had in mind… nor for Ciara Alice to be raped… REALLY Days Production ? the actor who portrays Ciera is propped so much and so often… that knowing this is happening to her character… may dull her senses and may provide reason enough to watch her acting now…. just saying !

this is going to be difficult

Patrick they are pulling all the drains to the plug..standing in the hottest shower…and enjoying the heat. .viewers be damned. .teen rape. .crazy Hope..visions and transplanted visions of how not to go wrong ..and DAYS gone bye of James E Reilly. .as in Lilliput. .we’re doomed

Yup. When you’re right, you’re right, dav.

Who is Ciara? Who is Chase?

This God awful show.

What I heard is Ciara, is going to get hooked on drugs and will be a hooker. Also she will be cutting herself. God please help us, this storyline will be dark and depressing. I will not watch anymore of this wacko show.

As much as I advocate for the final four there comes a time when the network deliberately tries the patience and loyalty of its daytime viewers. .I have a kitchen sink. .I don’t need one thrown at me. .I don’t want to sit through yet another painful decline..I don’t want to sit on pins and needles until next February or March awaiting your strutting peacock decision. .and I certainly don’t want to see another island of supposed dead people negating months of a powerful story. .and performances. .GET IT TOGETHER. .GET IT RIGHT. .AND STOP THE DAMNED MADNESS

Yup Daniel is returning I saw where is already taping so it could be say later spring when he comes back.Funny just awhile ago Chase and Ciara were little kids now this ugh.

I think this rape is a big mistake–“like father like son”–no, no, no–a bad mistake.
Haven’t Chase and Ciara been through enough already? This taints a promising rebirth of Days.
And while I’m at it, why did STEVE HAVE SEX WITH THE CRAZY ONE? Another bad mistake.
Hope Days doesn’t start to crumble like GH and the Tony Geary Luke/Fluke/52nd anniversary show that destroyed the legacy character of Luke and the romantic love story of Laura and Luke–to say nothing of making the whole Spencer family VICTIMS instead of SURVIVORS of their family’s history of violence and alcoholism.

this just doesn’t follow… even after the fact that Chase… who explained he doesn’t know why he did the things he did… apologized to Theo for the bullying

because Ciara wouldn’t acknowledge or return Chase feelings…. ??? he did this because he’s ???

1. a screwed up kid… with no parents
2. jealous of Theo
3. under the spell of Andre
4. ????

most of the fans – POSTS – are having a difficult time as it is… accepting the newbie SORAS

they go and do this ????

this came out of nowhere… i’m dissapointed

I agree with you, Patrick. I’m disappointed as well.

I am SOOOO torn about this development. My first thought was WHY WHY WHY? Why did they do it? Why more violence against women? Why more rape? Why are they making the show so dark? Ciara just lost her father. Why are they giving this heavy material to VERY green actors who are just beginning to gel with the audience? All I could think was why. But then…..

This could be a chance for DAYS to tell a VERY relevant story about teenage rape, where the rapist is not some violent thug, but rather a VERY troubled hormonal kid. It is a chance for him not to be cast as a villain!! Now let me clarify that I am not condoning or supporting rape. But let’s face it…we were all teenagers…..we all knew people at parties, and had friends where things went too far. I am not saying it is right, I am saying it is a chance, if written correctly, to show a young troubled kid and how he can get help, and get psychiatric help and still have a future and a life. I really think these young actors are drastically improving in these roles, even Ciara. She’s relaxing her rigid posture, and having light playful moments with Hope where you can really feel their mother daughter bond. I want these kids to stick around, and even though DAYS chose a very dark, depressing road for their characters, I am on board.

Beyond all the misery, let’s get Belle and Shawn and Phillip and Chloe on the Dance Committee and plan some last blasts. Or school trips. Let’s let these kids have some normal teen stuff happen in ther lives like the Class of 02 did.

“…I am SOOOO torn about this development. ”

I really do try and plug for; and prod this show… onward and upward


Luke and Laura
Kayla and Jack

argh! I’m upset about this

@Lew S. well said post

gavel – This is what Corday believes the audience wants? Dang! –

stumped; off; and thrown for a loop

So, this is the new DAYS? Numerous murders, funerals and now rape. This is what Corday believes the audience wants? Dang! Where is the love and romance and is there ONE happy couple on this show? Don’t see how this helps the story.

hi Lew S..
Of course it is the drama people want..
The numbers are up, Days was on the chopping block and has risen out of the ashes, so it is evident people do not, no longer, care for love in the afternoon they are looking for intriguing high gripping drama..
What was good in the 80’s of couples, now in the new media era in 2016/21st century..
Love in the afternoon is not making it, and it’s killing GH, wait for it … lol

Hey Su, I am a 21st century guy, but I don’t find rape entertaining. There are so many directiy they could have taken Ciara and Chase and they chose this? I know soaps have to offer intrigue and high drama and a bit of whimsy, but DAYS has been down right depressing! GH will get it together and hope DAYS will too. Remember, the renewal is only for a year. Good to get a post from you!

They DO care for love in the afternoon. That’s the whole point. And they do care for family–and Days had begun to give us this again; thus the rise in ratings, BUT the Steve debacle (sleeping with the other woman) and Chase raping Ciara is NOT exemplifying the above. I PREDICT A DOWNHILL SLIDE.
ps And Hope and Rafe killing Stephano and covering it up ? Another big no-no.
Shades of General Hospital! Days, trust me, you do NOT want to go down that road. See where it got GH. “A word to the wise is sufficent.” Or should be!

I so agree with you. Bring back the good old days

i’m all for the drama. i don’t need badly played romance. i don’t need patch and kayla in a ridiculous closet being “cute.” give me something that you can’t miss. DAYS of the past 6 months is exactly what has me not fast forwarding things again.

Days of OUR Lives – really ?

i’d much rather watch Jennifer Horton NUT UP

That’ll happen, Patrick. Jennifer will plunge into darkness where she will have visions of Jack. Eventually, Jack in live form will save her from the depths of insanity!

I was hoping jj would walk in and shoot the bastard…..

“…Share your thoughts on this game-changing moment ”

this has altered all that “is” DAYS of OUR Lives

I realize this happens
I realize this has happened in Salem

where are you ( head writers) drawing the line ?

neither of these actors have melded with; the cast ; the audience ; their characters ?!?!

it’s taken me this long… to start giving the SORAS teens a chance… as in not minding them … for this to happen… just shocks and sucks the life right out of them

I’m clearly surprised and thrown by this

Days needs to fire all the writers, hire Ron ex GH. Celebrity Dirty Laundry reported this rape storyline on Days. We need Anna Dimera Back on Days. Calliope Jones, Eugene, Carrie and Austin. oh Vivian and Ivan, they were entertaining. madam Madam Vivian. Rehire Louise Sorel. Days is a big mess now.

I am with you there I would love to see Louise Sorel back and Ivan now she can make you laugh .I guess Days feels like it needs more action then just walking through the park or talking. By the way what is this thing going on now with Brady? I dont mind action but rape ,no way.

I’ve been reading a lot of “love letters” about DOOL as well as complaints about funerals and such. For someone who had never watched Days I was thinking of giving it a try. But the rape just changed that. Who needs it? It’s sure not entertainment for me.

This storyline feels so unnecessary and borders on offensive, as the writing and acting talent is not there to tell it with the honesty and nuanced sensitivity that is required to make a story about a virgin teenager forcibly raped by her step-brother something that would remotely be must-see TV. Also, we’ve no investment in these versions of the characters and the actors are still finding their way–so it’s not horrifying and heartbreaking the way a story this sensitive should be. (Vivian Jovanni was pretty terrible in the Valentine’s Day episode and while I’m hopeful she’ll get there, she’s not there now.)

And, for goodness sake, the show is so dark and depressing, I don’t know how much longer I can keep watching. If I didn’t know the show was in trouble, I would stop, but I’m not going to do that to my show. I will turn it off for the rest of the week, though. I can’t handle it.

Will was murdered (I watched him grow from a child!), Paige, who is Eve’s daughter/Shane’s granddaughter/JJ’s girlfriend was murdered, Ben turned psycho, Marlena was attacked, Chad and a pregnant Abby were imprisoned, assaulted and nearly burned alive, Shawn and Belle are falling apart, Patch and Kayla are soon going to be, Daniel was killed, Eric and Jennifer have addictions, Nicole is moping around, Hope and Rafe are criminals, and now we have two rapes in as many weeks–Patch forced via blackmail and a child forced physically. I just don’t want to watch this. It makes me sad to do it and I just pray it will get better when new writers start and the shooting schedule is normalized. That said, I would be gutted so deeply if the show was canceled, so I have to keep watching, but this is so terrible.

I definitely need to take a few days off. I can’t handle all this darkness.

Ita. One horrific tragedy after another after another. It gets kind of sick. What’s next? Let’s see they haven’t done cannibalism or extended torture. Maybe victor will axe Maggie and baby Tate to death? Goodbye days. It’s sad.

BreckRoy, thank you for your astute analysis…

This storyline is indeed offensive: (1) rape, in and of itself, is offensive; and (2) these characters are virtually brother and sister. So there should be no “love,” no “sex,” no violence. This is sad really…

You have outlined many of the recent violent storylines DOOL has showcased. Is it trying to give GH a run for its money on which soap can be darker?


To me, this so-called storyline is OFFENSIVE PERIOD!!!!! When will soaps (and also primetime) learn that rape has NO BUSINESS AT ALL being in the entertainment industry?!?!?!?!?! Some people may and might call it ‘pushing the envelope’. I call it degradation and humiliation. BEYOND SENSELESS!!!!!!!

Take care, Brother.


Another thing: I find rape scenes in movies to be a real TURN-OFF!!!!! As far as I’m concerned, rape scenes in movies R-U-I-N a movie!!!!! Bottom Line Here (well, for me, anyway): Rape doesn’t belong anywhere in the entertainment industry. AT ALL!!!!!!

Take care, Brother.

You beat me to it, but you expressed my feelings almost exactly. The versions of these characters we are seeing right now are brand new – the audience is still trying to get used to them. They’ve been on the show about four – maybe five – months. You don’t throw brand new characters with ‘green’ talent into a heavy story like this and expect the audience to want to go along for the ride. And considering the kind of writing we are seeing lately – this cartoon and now a mess of a story with Ava, the Hope/Rafe personality transplant, the numbing boringness that is John and his umpteenth backstory, the already tedious Brady/Daniel’s heart eye-roller – I don’t have any faith that the story will be sensitive or of any depth or complexity at all.

I thought I was crazy earlier in the episode, because it seemed to me that Andre was leading Chase into forcing himself on Ciara – but I thought, no, clearly I’m reading this wrong, what show would have one character trying to get a teenager to rape another teenager? It’s disgusting so, clearly, I was wrong. BUT I WASN’T. And I was kind of sick at heart that the show would go there with this story, with this set up, with this writing team and these characters/actors. Nothing about that scenario makes me want to see any more of this story.

TV Shows have made me feel happy, sad, angry – a lot of different emotions. But only DAys has made me feel extremely disappointed and saddened by a decision they have made in the writing, where I thought “this is wrong, this is truly wrong”. The first was the death of Will. The second, was this rape. Both under the pen of the new writing team that is supposed to be bringing the show to new heights. All they are doing for me is pushing me closer and closer to turning this show off.


“…You don’t throw brand new characters with ‘green’ talent into a heavy story like this and expect the audience to want to go along for the ride ”

I really appreciate your stating this

if ever their is an injustice … in this world… that shouldn’t go unnoticed … and should reach people.. it’s rape

add in the new thread of a shake up in the headwriting team… Josh Griffith OUT and Dena Higley remains, at the helm?

I’m flustered and in disbelief that this storyline is even addressed… judging and assessing how story follow through since the Griffith and Higley started , last August, 2015.

i’ll close with your last sentence:

“…I don’t have any faith that the story will be sensitive or of any depth or complexity at all ”

DAYS needs to keep the focus on the veterans and cast with experience… till the Newbie SORAS TEENS took with the audience

Why,Every time I fall I love With A character like chase. You have and do something really stupid. Why can’t I can’t be messed up without Doing stopping totally ridiculous.A lot of young People. That their life has been screwed up.Sentenced to stupid Acts.


Ciara, Chase, Theo, Claire, Joey

it’s taken so long…. and I mean… a long time.. to even get an ounce or smidgen of.. OK… I can live with these characters…. in small doses…it’s doable

I’ll manage.

BUT… like you… @Mary… my favorite one… was Chase… watching him be the most realistic of teen angst hurt confusion

heck… lost… without his Dad Chase and mother… he may have killed, accidentally

that being said… I was so… looking forward… to ex-Aiden… even as a new character.. even as Peter Blake… still take responsibility for his son, Chase

and the two of them … as father and son… take ownership in the DiMera Manse

Ta-da ! I sure had it all sown up and bow tied… for my serial


I wanted to see a happy reunion with Chase and Aiden… ! ? ! ?

this way… one of the teens would have been out of the woods… and steady

You are being too kind BreckRoy. Vivian Jovanni was really BAD in the Valentine’s Day episode. I turned off the television.

I do agree with you. Days has become way too dark a show.

I fast forwarded through her scenes. Just couldn’t stand it. She cannot act!!!!!

^ My sentiments exactly, BreckRoy. This is not the Days we were once again promised…. I remember being skeptical when Corday made his new set of promises last fall about the show being restored to it’s core for the 50th anniversary, beloved vets like Stephen Nichols being brought back etc etc. I was cautiously optimistic and excited by some of the cast’s tweets about how much we were going to love what was coming and how it felt like old times when they were taping all this. Well, I haven’t loved one second of it, really. This latest ”reboot” has been a HUGE disappointment. This show is completely devoid of rhyme or reason these days. Not to mention, ROMANCE with core couples.

I’ve been disappointed too, I must admit. We heard Ken make promises before. I feel he’s really failed. The character of Hope has been destroyed as well.


you said it all. If this is love in the afternoon, someone needs a trip to the unemployment office. Rape, ? Blackmail rape .patch was raped no matter what you say. When Sammy went with her rapist, EJ I shut the show off.Looks like Hope killed the wrong De mera. This show has just too many scum bags lately. Anton brainwashes everyone.?

I agree. It seems as if the writers believe the most vile stories are the ONLY way to capture an audience. The story lines just go from 0 to 1000 within a day. Then when the story line does slow down the viewers are stuck with a bunch of filler episodes and no action. It’s just odd. I watch DOOL, Y&R, and GH so I understand there are many ups and downs on soaps, but this on DOOL is just plain inconsistent writing.

Ava didn’t rape Steve, he consented to have sex with her so that she could free her fiancee Kalyla!


I am so disappointed ! Chase was a character i liked . It’s not that often that you see a young soap character struggling with the death of both of his parents , one who was a psycho who tried to murder his stepmom . Wished his struggles , vulnerability were shown more . I would liked to have seen Chase struggle with the idea that he might end up psycho and evil as his dad and have Hope and others reassure him over that but he would still think in a paranoid sort of way that the Salemites are weary of him . This story is appaling !! I am rather stunned by how dark Days has become both on the screen with the darker lighting and in terms of story : too much violence , grief and pain … This show needs to be refocused around family , love , romance , emotion , socially relevant stories , In my opinion Days is going to loose big in the ratings … Chase should be the hero , the survivor , the good guy trying to overcome a difficult situation not his father’s copycat . Stupid , inexcusable writing ! Can’t believe how awful all 3 other soaps have become ! Why have all of our soaps become so unwatchable ??

You can’t get much more socially relevant than teen rape, nicholas.

Let this storyline be a warning to teens. Let it warn teens and their parents how volatile a step-sibling/child can be. Show the adults to not be so wrapped up in their own little world that they overlook something.

This storyline is SO STUPID!!! It never should have been written let alone considered in the first place! Chase is one of the best teens in the teen scene! He shouldn’t have been ruined for a storyline that NO ONE wants to watch! It’s completely unfair and it came out of no where! Just like the storyline for Aiden came out of thin air and made NO SENSE! With AIDENS return I was hoping for Aiden to reunite with Hope BUT also with chase! And for days to fix the mess they caused! But now they’re also ruining chase!? Chase is needed in the teen scene! Without him it’s basically borderline incest! Team Chase! Team Aiden! Team Jennings! Team HAIDEN! Team HOPE&AIDEN! Team HAIDEN family! #LetThisBeADream

All I have to say is, “Where did all the good soap writers go?”

They are all into the shock and awe with nothing substantive.

When the new writers took over, Josh Griffith tweeted several times about how the show was going to have so much “romance”. So far, all we’ve had are multiple murders [and from what I hear, another one is coming], Now they’re adding rape to the mix?? What’s next – Bubonic Plague?

I’d prefer to not see a rape storyline at all, but if it has to be done, I wish they would have picked someone on the show who can actually act. WoodenCiara is just awful; she can’t act her way out of a paper bag. Yes, she can cry on cue but her delivery is so monotone & she barely moves her mouth. She’s just horrible & I think it’s a huge mistake to give her such an important storyline & to keep putting her in the forefront.

If this is how the “new” DOOL is going to be for the next two years then I say better to end it right now.

This is a very disturbing turn of events. I have two responses. First, rape is a horrible, violent and disgusting crime. There has been so much violence against women on the show already – the murders of Serena and Paige, the attack on Marlena, and the kidnapping of Abigail and Ciara. Enough already.

Secondly, I don’t know that these two young actors are up to the task of telling this very complex story.

I’m going to wait and see how this storyline goes. One of the greatest soap storylines Josh Griffith, along with Michael Malone did was the rape of Marty Saybrooke on OLTL. I hope this brings out Vivian Jovanni’s talents the same way Susan Haskell played her story.

The rape Marty Saybrooke was a riveting story expertly portrayed by Susan Haskell. Susan was doing a terrific job with the character before the rape. Based on what I’ve observed, Susan Haskell is light-years ahead of Vivian Jovanni in acting ability.

I think that TPTB will regret this. I’m willing to give the younger actors a chance but they are far from ready for this heavy of a storyline. Plus there was very little build up and suspense. Just shock value.

And the sad decline of DOOL continues……….

This soap is going off the rails. I mean come on. First you up age the characters mid story as if that wasn’t awkward enough. Then they kill of Chase’s father only to bring Bo back and to then have him die. Now this!?! I mean come on DOOL’s. This has to top the worst of the writing decisions (many outlined above by others). While I’ve loved this show for years (since HS), I think it’s about time to drop this sinking ship.

DOOL has survived because of love and romance and doing whats right. It should be Bos ghost that comes back and makes sure justice is done and all is righted

I think he’s been hypnotised.

If Hope doesn’t throw Chase out for good, she is off her rocker.

Please let hope kill chase, fire the gun again hope. Lol. Your good with that. Also let hope fire bullets at Andre Dimera. Now its time to stop watching Days. I will stick to Y&R and The Talk.

Really,DAYS??? Two rapes in two weeks?In essence,what Ava did to Steve was rape.A big difference being that they aren’t kids,and Nichols and Braun have the acting skills to handle this story line.No one wants this brutal story line.Why???

Bad idea. A rape story never gets me to tune in. I won’t be watching.

That is so, so, bad; it’s ridiculous. How did this unassuming, quiet , respectful kid turn into a monster? What is going on? So dumb and weird.
For once, give us a story that is memorable in a good way. I am still in Ben-mode….haven’t recovered/awakened from that nightmare yet.
Now this? Not to mention that Chad is turning into Stefano ll. Bah!

Oh, my goodness, Victor. Really? Ciara will be cutting herself? I know that this may not be important to some, but the kids are home from school, this week. I had all my nieces and nephews over, almost every day.
My older nieces ( 11 and 9 ) love Days and I was at a loss for words when they asked me what was wrong with Ciara. Obviously I FF many scenes when they’re around, so they did not see anything too graphic….but cutting? The PTB should be a little more cautious. I realize they are not beholden to the viewer’s age, but, this is the younger group with whom we are dealing.
The youngest fans will ask questions about this younger cast. They actually only care about the adults peripherally. I am amazed by this info. Sad!!

If they want to know whats wrong with Ciara just tell them the truth: bad acting…lol

Oh, my Jimmy. Lol. These kids have no idea, no concept what making love, having sex , or what rape is. My sister-in-law and sister would not be too happy if I gave thrir daughters lessons in sex education. LOL.
My point is, no sooner these kids were SORASED, tragedy strikes in more ways than one. It is neverending with this soap. I don’t want to put a damper on the fact that Chandler is coming or anything; which should bring a happy light to the show; but, I’m beginning to think he will probably appear as a ghost or play someone else. I miss Will snd Sonny.
Bad acting is right, to a certain point, Jimmy. I never went through that kind of nightmare, thank goodness, but I think Ciara is doing and acting exactly as a rape victim would. The secrecy, the shame, the fear, the mental anguish and confusion…..all normal feelings. Later.

Clearing a bit of confusion here. My brother and his wife have a daughter; and my sister has a daughter with her husband , as well. Lol.

You know you are right about Ciara…the secrecy, the shame, the fear, mental anguish and confusion…it happened to me as a child-changed me forever…i did did not get help until i was in my 30s and to this day only one other living person in my family knows about it…counseling sure helped…just regret not mustering up enough courage to get help sooner but like most victims of this horrible crime the shame can be overwhelming…

I was hoping they would be interrupted. I think it is so wrong. When Lauren played Ciara, Ciara was a different character. She has changed so much and not for the better. This is a majorly wrong decision and I don’t like it.

Considering Ciara was kidnapped as a child and is the daughter of two cops, wouldn’t she know some self-defense? I also think she should not have allowed the kiss to go on so long. That was so soap opera. And the minute Chase started getting close and with his lips, she should have moved away. This decision is bad. Bring back romance. Bring back Julie and Doug and give them real story!!!! Maybe Hope will send Ciara off to in-patient counseling. I think Hope should tell Chase he killed his mother. That would really send him over the edge. And if Chase has an aunt, why hasn’t she come forward? Why hasn’t child services come along since Chase hasn’t been adopted or some formal living arrangement with Hope. Bring some light back to Days. Please.

And stop having everyone having convos in the square in the winter wearing next to nothing.

Ciara needs to be recast, but at this point, I’d love for Chase, Ciara, Joey, Claire, and Theo to all leave town.

Awww, I like Theo. The rest can leave, but add Belle to that group. I am not a violent person, but I want to smack Belle and Hope to moon.

I don’t watch this show but I tell you Hollywood bitches about violence against women but they can’t get enough of it. Ugh!!!

Yeah! The irony, right, Kay? You speak the truth.

Was hoping for more fun teen stories to counter the darkness of recent months. Not to mention tome to really bond with these new actors and SORAS’d chracters. Seeing kids be kids for a awhile before we might have taken this storyline step. Not sure I like the hypnosis mind control plot. It seems so 1980s. With so much drama in our world, I would like to see something a little more relevant on the canvas.

Too much…Darkness Of Our Lives…now will Ciara become pregnant…will Theo step in and claim to be the father to help Ciara keep her secret once she confides in him…when the truth comes out…will Chase be brutally attacked by someone-one of Andre’s thugs cause Chase was going to tell about his connection to Andre-Theo will be framed and sent to jail while Chase lays in a coma…then Theo is brutally attacked in jail to keep the gloom and doom coming…we need some brighter days ahead.

Good stuff, Jimmy.

This is a hot mess! Chase and Joey pining for each other would’ve been a far better story option than this travesty!

Please no I did like Chase now they blew it for me. OMG this is not ok. I feel grossed out please tell me it didnt happen please . Please tell me he stops!!!! please and runs away.

I usually try to be positive about the show, with the exception of extremely bad storylines and less-than-capable actors. But, I think the recent storylines are “jumping the shark.” I have expressed how thrilled I was with the shows we were seeing when the new writing team came onboard and everything revolving around the 50th anniversary shows. Now, it seems the writers are obsessed with writing characters into a corner.

First, please stop bringing back DEAD characters, even as ghosts. If you want the fans to not miss these characters, stop reminding us that they were once a great part of show and now, gone forever. If the writers knew Shawn Christian was not going to renew his contract (obviously they did since they stopped writing for his character), why didn’t they create a storyline that would have simply had Daniel leave town. It is easier for fans to deal with Daniel and Nicole not having a happy ending instead of the character dying and giving his heart to Brady. It makes you wonder if Shawn decides to come back, will Daniel really not be dead?

Next, if Daniel Cosgrove was so well-liked with the show, why not write his character in a different direction instead of seeing him become an attempted murderer? Now, three months after killing him, we read he too is coming back to the show. I am not sure for how long, but why couldn’t the writers simply have Aiden not understand Hope’s feelings for Bo and tell her that he couldn’t always live in Bo’s shadow? I always thought he could have been great with Jennifer or Nicole. Instead, the show lost a well-liked, well-respected actor just for Bo to come back and then die within weeks.

The next issue is Hope killing Stefano in cold blood. Stefano has been a legacy character for more than 30 years. Why could we not see a two-week build-up to a “who done it” murder instead of watching the show’s leading lady shoot him in cold blood and then watch Rafe dispose of the body in a condemned building? It seems this storyline is writing both characters into a corner with too much redemption that will need to take place. Is this why we have JJ. Shawn and Lani new to the police department to take Hope and Rafe’s places?

Did someone think it sounded like a good idea to bring Ava back to the show and within weeks, watch her have sexy scenes with a juvenile, hit Kayla over the head (missing in action for two weeks???) and then make Steve sleep with her just to find out their child is dead? I am not a soap writer, but that does NOT sound like an entertaining storyline.

Now, after trying to grow accustomed to all of these new young characters, we have to watch a 16-year-old girl get raped by her step-brother? This is NOT entertainment, especially when this is such a heavy storyline and the actors are not seasoned enough to carry it.

All of these storylines are happening at a time when others characters are NOT working, whether it be recasts or bad casting decisions. Martha Madison’s Belle is one of the most annoying on the show. The character is unrecognizable. Belle was always the sweetheart of the show. Now, she walks around looking mad and miserable about Shawn, Phillip and Claire.

Where was the goodbye scenes with Eve? Did she leave town? Did she tell Theresa and Eduardo that she needed to go visit Shane? Speaking of, I liked A Martinez on “Santa Barbara.” But so far, he looks like a brooding bore, sitting around Horton Town Square listening to other’s conversations. Five months after joining the show, give us something to root for (or against).

I know times have changed, but please stop throwing characters in bed together before the audience has time to accept them as a new couple? The Phillip and Belle bedroom scenes in Las Vegas was nothing more than a romp in the hay. Is this the writers’ idea of more romance on the show?

I am thrilled the show received another contract extension, but at the same time, it is harboring near unwatchable. It is frustrating to know how great the show was THREE months ago and now, I go days without watching it at all because I have no interest in too many new characters. With the renewal, please take a hard look at the show and start weeding out the actors that fans are not no interest. Andre is a cartoon villian, with no redeeming qualities and the teen cast is overwhelmingly unpoular with the audience. Bite the bullet and realize what is working versus not working.

I am looking forward to seeing Jordi and Marie Wilson join the cast. Cheers to better “Days” ahead.

Here’s an example of what DAYS could have done to engage viewers. Once Chad and Abigail emerged from captivity and Ben was in jail, they could have developed their story of recovery as young love that overcomes all odds. Inspiring romance. But no. Instantly, Chad is hypnotized to hate Abby. Then he moves the family into the evil mansion–there’s got to be more with that than a set shortage. Absurd. .

The romantic possibilities for Steve and Kayla have been squashed. And as everyone has mentioned ad infinitum, Sonny and Will’s story ended in violence.

Idont think it right to put a rape in ther I love it how it was

Is Ciara going to be on-screen even more now? I can’t take her bad acting as it is. If this storyline gives her more screentime, it will really be bad for viewers.

You’re so right Mo. On Thursday’s episode, I guess Ciara was supposed to be hurt, shocked, terrified, horrified and confused by what Chase did to her. With the current actress, I just didn’t feel it. She’s too stiff. She appears to be reading her lines. She has no facial, vocal or body expression. She doesn’t make the character live.

That’s true. Ciara is displaying what a rape victim does go through, as I said above. But, she is doing it without heart….very mechanical. The movements are there, but no emotion. That is what’s missing, which is why we cannot connect with her emotionally. And, everyone is right …..she does not hit the spot, as an actress.

Wow.. I am surprised by all of the negative comments… I am liking Days and the unpredictable(ness) of it. Rape is bad and not in favor of it, but it is happening out there daily in the world. This story could be good for many to see out there in the world. Remember everyone … .WE are in 2016… Soaps need to evolve and create intriguing storylines… Days is doing this and doing a good job.. Sure it has been dark lately,, but it will lighten up a bit eventually. I can only watch so much lovey dovey storyline…. Give it some time and have some faith in the new writers… You all have a choice to turn it off and not watch, but it sounds like you all will be watching to see ho this story plays out….

this – has, to be – a case of “totally” took me by surprise ! No?

and /or a case of just had it… the last straw… all our mindset

took in and adjusted to the fact that a serial killer wreaked havoc

Rape… with two minors…. a child

that’s a big deal to not overlook and shake your viewing pleasure ? argh!

I didn’t have a chance to watch all of Thursday ep’…. it still looks like this in fact occurred…

I’m so hoping… that this is still a case of Chase just running away from his emotion(s) or lack therof

Rape … is right their,…. at the core and epicenter of brutality at it’s worst… even surpasses murder. so.. this is a relevant social issue that needs to be addressed and revived.

I will be tuning in to DAYS

Patrick.. I am a little upset with your comment of “Viewing Pleasure” I don’t think you need to be attacking me and judging me due to my comments. Your can have you opinion, but don’t make your comment sounds like I am seeing pleasure in someone being rape??!! It is soap drama and all I am saying is that there should be made awareness of rape and I am glad that Days is taking on this topic to make people aware of it.

Try to be a little more sensitive on here on attacking people’s comments. That is not cool!!

I re read your post and Looks like was mistaken.. I apologize. I wish this website could let you delete your post if you make a mistake!!! No way to delete it, if you make a mistake and post it!!

Thanks Patrick for your comment!

Hi Tim…

watching daytime serial 5 days a week… one expects that it’s going to be just that…its, a required, on obsession, a habit… a viewing pleasure, for me near 4 decades.

I am glad that you took the stance that this issue… that will never… go away… is of relevancy…. Rape is the most heinous crime… and should… get the electric chair… with no choice of life sentence.

LOL… I SO wish we could go back and make corrections.. I do a lot of that… with my grammar

Totally agree with you Tim. Obviously I don’t condone it, but rape has been a big part of Days of our Lives history. Laura in the 60s (or was it 70s?), Kayla by Jack in the 80s, Sami in the 90s and again in the 00s and now Ciara in the 10s. Even Sami’s friend Jamie was sexually abused by her father in the 90s. I get that things have been pretty grim with the murders, but overall, for me having watched for almost 20 years, what’s happened over the last six months has been a hell of a lot more interesting than other times in the shows history. I’d much rather watch something that happens every day (as awful as it is) in real life than everybody happy and in love like many people seem to want to see. That’s great and all but it’s really not that entertaining. The faster pace is working for me too – I got sick of watching five minutes of an episode and those character having the same conversation over 36 minutes. At least at the moment characters come in halfway through an episode so there’s a bit of movement.

Maybe, tim S. While you are so right about bringing soaps up to par with the 21st Century, people’s feelings about what’s good and bad in this world haven’t changed that much. This is a discussion, so, we will get a myriad of opinions, thoughts, feelings and sometime, remarks with which we do not appreciate.
Yes, putting what goes on around us to the forefront on TV, Daytime or otherwise, is all fine and good….but, firstly choose the right protagonist; one who can take us with her and within her. I got nothing from Ciara/Vivian.
Not only that, there has been too much turmoil and devastation lately with Days. We need a break to regroup. That’s all. My opinion.

Daytime Drama! Days of our lives Is a DAY TIME DRAMA. PERIOD
I’M afraid to watch this episode because it’s Co and Hope’s daughter but if the scene makes me cry and feel something they continue to be on a roll. The other day I when Theresa was consoling Nicole I felt so sad (and started to cry) keep it up

I get what you are saying: I caught up and watched Wed. ep

we do not know how far things progressed… oy! this thread is really throwing people in a tailspin… me with; OK

this is a daytime serial we know; share socially conscious relevant topical subject matter…. I get that as well


there’s a lot of intensity in ALL of Wednesday ep

this being just one part of ;

Steve / Kayla / Joey / Ava :

Kayla and Steve talk to Roman about pressing charges against Ava
Steve telling Kayla about Joey walking in on him and Ava… (they didn’t go all the way.. (which is how I’m hoping Chase and Ciara stops)

Hope and Rafe talk to Roman… and Hope and Rafe set their plan in motion… to set up Andre for the murder of Stefano… who has Bo gun with fingerprints

Belle finds out Claire knows the truth about Belle having all this money…. all the money Andre is trying to get back… from Sami
woah! Belle herself… is ready to slap her own daughter.. Marlena are you their?
LOL.. Claire goes to the police station and tells her cop… that Belle has Stefano money !?!? what will Shawn D. do with that info

Chad , I think… finally believes Andre.. when Andre has been trying to convince Chad that Hope and Rafe are in cahoots framing and murdered Stefano.

ps: I am believing in the friendship between Nicole and Theresa. which… trust me.. has me cheering from the sidelines… Jenn Lilly is back on track… and I Must admit…so IS Arianne Zucker’ Nicole… that February 14th episode.. had better be the last we see of Dr. godlike Daniel Jonas… ENOUGH! move on, Nicole !

I realize a lot of us faithful viewers are older.. and have grown up with (lol) Steve and Kayla… I just took it for granted.. that the majority of posts… would LOVE… as I LOVE LOVE LOVE Steve and Kayla… but.. that just doesn’t seem to be the case… it seems pretty evenly split…

so… for the necessary evil of counteracting this happy couple… I am LOVING Tamara Braun’ Ava.. I think she has the right amount of fire… with Steve. there’s a simmering past rekindle that’s passionate

AND… knowing that Daniel Cosgrove is coming back…. he’s perfect chemistry and foible and lots of feminine wile… for Mary Beth Evans’ Kayla to REEL

just saying; lots of potential… for this foursome… Steve, Kayla, Ava, and ex-Aiden


Days is offering lots of drama

I have to go back to my past posts… once again… I’m going to prop two of the most intriguing characters and favorite couple

Ava ; Andre ; and Chad and Abs ! Bravo performances

I do NOT like what they are doing to Chad and Abby. They have one warm interlude after he found the baby–and it’s been arm’s length. Why don’t TPTB go with a great love story and great chemistry? Stopping just when the story was getting good? UH-HUH–a dirty trick to play on the viewers. Even if the actress playing Abby is leaving down the road, they can have a GREAT love story–and the character of Abby can be replaced on down the road. Not cool, writers–and, most importantly, not keeping longtime viewers who had tuned out and were beginning to tune in again.

I finally watched the episode and I’ll say I was tuned in from start to finish. I love drama that throws characters into new territory and is saying something about society. I felt steve “giving it” to Ava with forceful made sense in a way that was earned. She got what she wanted didn’t she. Andre I’d a revelation. After all Stefano and his family have done to Hope and her family I don’t feel it the least bit skeptical of Hope’s Motivation to kill. These kinds of story bits make me question my own moral code etc and that’s exciting to me. I think this rape storyline with Ciara is sad on a few levels(she just lost her father and her mother is fighting for her life) so this I can only imagine how terrible she is feeling.


This makes me believe they should go back to a different taping schedule. Had they been able to do so, this story would NEVER have happened because they would have listened to the viewers constant complaints about SORASing Ciara. Chase is not needed. He should have gone into foster care when his father died.

This is just disgusting and so unnecessary. They need to get rid of Chase ASAP and send Ciara to boarding school or something and recast her with a better actress. They are blowing it big time with RJ too.

Don’t understand why Josh Griffith has decided to go down such a bleak path with DAYS. It was on such a progressive uptick, but now, it’s DAYS MAYHEM all the time. I thinks this rape might have crossed the line.

The little rapist needs to die. No cover up or excuses. Kill the kid off.

Yeah, over this show. I just deleted all my unwatched DVR episodes and cancelled recording it. Not watching anymore of this garbage. Wish the show had been cancelled.

I concur with everybody. DAYS has become a disgusting joke! Every other week there is a murder, a death, a rape, somebody high on alcohol or drugs .. WHERE is the ROMANCE, the ADVENTURE I used to love about DAYS?! Why not give Patch&Kayla a great adventure where they can work together as a team instead of this sordid Ava story? Why is “Daniel’s heart” a main character? We can’t get rid of this guy!!! .. And why in the name of all that’s holy, did Chase rape Ciara?! They were so cute when they were little (about 6 months ago). Whose bright idea WAS this?! I can only hope, as someone above mentioned, maybe Andre brainwashed Chase (and Aiden, too!).

Food for thought (literally and figuratively), maddie:

Andre has been feeding Chase, so it’s possible the food was drugged. If there’s a silver lining, it will be when Theo eventually comes to Ciara’s rescue.

I find rape to be disturbing, but some good can come from the storyline, including a reminder to the audience how quick things can turn.

Right now, DAYS is showing how ugly rape can be, which in this instance is of a girl by her friend/stepbrother. If Ciara and Chase were on B&B, they’d be having consensual sex! Between the two, I’m happy to be watching rape instead of incest.

Oh yes 4Ever, I am fully aware of how bad B&B is with the incest, but DAYS has had some pretty bad storylines of brothers & sisters “intermingling” with the same people, I especially hated Kayla & Shane. But going back even further, Bill/Laura/Mickey and Addie/Doug/Julie. This kind of behavior in real life is reserved for trailer trash. But on a soap it’s par for the course. I do hope Chase was drugged or otherwise brainwashed, keeping my fingers crossed ..

Chase was a character with potential, well played by a very good young actor. Days is going down the wrong path.

Maybe, but Jack Deveraux raped his wife and stayed around for another 20 odd years. You never know how they’ll write it next.

Yes, DOWN THE WRONG PATH, definitely!
And the young man IS a good actor.

Chase is just like his father.

And a dangerous myth to perpetuate, in my opinion.

This is horrible and just stupid, just because the previous shocker stories got viewers doesn’t mean all of them will. Want to shock us? Write some really great and clever stories!!!

This reminds me of when Guiding Light made Fletcher Reade’s son, Ben (played by Matt Bomer) a prostitute serial killer.

Rape will always be an issue, and for a soap to explore it, takes guts. Rapes, as disturbing and violent as they can be, make for compelling and emotional storylines for all of the characters involved. Some of Daytime’s best storylines centered around them such as Luke raping Laura on GH, Marty’s gang rape on OLTL, and Sami being raped by Alan on DAYS. As morally reprehensible as it is, the drama that comes from it makes for an emotional roller coaster and pushes the actors to places, we as an audience haven’t seen yet.

I agreed it brings out drama.

When Luke raped Laura, he was originally supposed to die in a mob hit and leave the show. BUT, the story was played with depth and with angst by the two actors Genie Francis and (once) great actor Tony Geary (when he was “hungry” and wanting to act and to gain recognition).

I didnt see what happened ,but Chase I thought he was going to be one of the good guys boy was I ever wrong,but then again look who his dad was,He will be coming back.Waiting to see how his dad will handle this.Hey maybe Andre is really Aideen ,lol just a thought well it has been done before. Now for myself if they want to keep bringing back old characters I would love to see Vivian and Lurch there,whatever.

While for the most part I am enjoying this film-noir version of Salem town, I think this storyline is a mistake. It is too much for a group of characters that are still establishing themselves with the audience.

I stopped watching Days years ago because it just became too ridiculous, but I see not much has changed. How many female characters been raped now?

Laura, Julie, Marlena, Liz, Kimberly, Kayla, Sami (twice), Jamie, Billie, Stephanie, Jennifer, Maggie, Jan, Adrienne, Nicole. Melissa, Hope, Carrie, Chelsea and countless others have been attacked.

And it’s NEVER written well. It’s just a tool to quickly arc a character into another story. It’s foul and obscene, and a crutch DAYS has used for far too long. Now they’re raping men (Eric, Steve) and it’s not being handled any better. In fact, it’s worse.

Done. Done with all of it.

I do NOT like the teen storyline at ALL. Nor do I like most of the young actors in these roles. They- especially the actors portraying Theo, Chase, and Bell’s daughter are almost completely devoid of talent. The worst of all I thought, has been Vivian. I truly couldn’t stand her scenes with Hope or any of the teens. However, and I hate to admit it, but she has demonstrated some acting potential in today’s reactive scenes. Plus, unlike Days from years ago, circa Kayla and Jack when the violent scenes lasted much longer on camera, at least the Ciara and Chase scene was brief yesterday. I truly hope that Corday uses this as a teachable moment and is responsible and has Ciara go to a hospital before showering and presses charges immediately. If not then the storyline is just gratuitous and deeply insulting to long time Days fans who have grown up loving these characters.
One another topic- has anyone noticed that Mary Beth Evans has been proving time after time, scene after scene, all year long that she has morphed into a truly exceptional actress after all these years? I used to think she was good, and of course beautiful beyond words, but her consistent acting talent in such a cherished character is blowing me away every time she’s on camera. Years ago I used to think that Nichols was the better actor- and he is still good- but Evans is the one to watch. Plus their chemistry, unlike some veteran couples, is still palppatable and as presently authentic as it was so many years ago. Clearly they genuinely like one another, and knowing that makes their scenes fun to watch.
Finally- get rid of the Daniel’s heart storyline. It’s silly and dull. Please bring back Chandker Massey- just write a Dallas type shower scene and we’ll all collectively forget the whole Wilson mistake.And for the love of that hourglass please please please bring on Deidre Hall in a real story. John or no John. Love interest new or old- I do not care. I just miss Deidre Hall so so much. She’s such a wonderful actress and I used to love watching her act. Sometimes I think that Corday just forgets or doesn’t understand that we watch Days primarily for the characters we have grown attached to all these years and the actors that we fall in love with who portray these characters.

Days Of Our Lives

Peacock Raising Subscription Prices $2 Dollars a Month This Summer; Includes Days of our Lives

As the Paris Summer Olympics are a few months away, the Peacock streaming service has revealed its plan for a two dollar summer price hike on its subscription plans, beginning in July for its content which will include Days of our Lives.

According to Deadline, in July, look for the monthly price for Peacock Premium to increase to $7.99. Premium Plus, which offers limited advertising, download capability and live local programming, will now be $13.99, while  Annual plans will go up to $79.99 for Premium and $139.99 for Premium Plus.

This price hike will effect new customers starting on July 18th, while existing subscribers will notice the price change on their next billing date on or before August 17th.

Photo: JPI

This marks the second price change in two years for the streaming service, the previous one being in 2023, which was the first since the service launched back in 2020.  The Summer Olympics in Paris which will be on NBC and Peacock run from July 26 to August 11.

The bright spot for Days of our Lives fans, is that unlike if the show was still on network television and NBC, the show would be preempted for two weeks, but with it being on Peacock it will continue with all-new episodes without interruption.

Photo: Peacock

At the recent Days of our Lives 15K episode celebration, Michael Sluchan the EVP, Current Scripted Programming & Limited Series for NBC/Peacock shared that the soap opera is doing extremely well for the streaming service, and they were very happy with its performance.

If you want to join Peacock now, there is still some time to get in on the current rates to watch DAYS and all of the programming and series it offers.

So, what do you think about the Peacock streaming service next price hike? Comment below.

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Days Of Our Lives

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Preview: EJ is on the Warpath After Finding Out Sloan’s Baby Is Not Hers!

This week on Days of our Lives, storylines look to be heating up, in particular, will we finally get to the root of Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) and Melinda’s (Tina Hunag) baby switch plot, making Nicole (Arianne Zucker) believe her baby died, when all along the little one has been living with Sloan and Eric (Greg Vaughan) as baby Jude?

Looking at the latest promo for the Peacock streaming soap opera, EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) is hot on the trail of Sloan after learning some intel from Leo (Greg Rikaart). However, EJ still is unaware that he is not the true baby-daddy, but Eric is. Meanwhile, Eric and Nicole look to be working together again when she gets a job at the Spectator and he is the photographer.

Elsewhere, Konstantin (John Kapelos) activates the “Pawn”, but what will he have him do for him next? Chanel (Raven Bowens) is sick with radiation poisoning thanks to the exposure from her mother, Paulina (Jackée Harry) and watch out when John and Marlena (Deidre Hall) find out that Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) is going to marry Konstantin!

Photo: JPI

Here are a few teasers to look forward to this week on DAYS:

Monday, April 29

Tripp and Wendy say their goodbyes to family and friends.

Tuesday, April 30

With John under his control, Konstantin orders him to do his bidding.

Wednesday, May 1

EJ decides he will make Paulina pay for disrespecting him.

Photo: JPI

Thursday, May 2

Sloan tells Leo he’s cut off from her money.

Photo: JPI

Friday, May 3

Leo tells EJ a life-changing secret.

Maggie tells a wary Marlena and John that she is engaged to be married.

Check out the latest promo for Days of our Lives below, where an irate EJ goes after Sloan  Then let us know, what do you hope happens next? How will EJ get what he believes is his baby with Nicole, back? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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Days Of Our Lives

Serena Scott Thomas to Days of our Lives, But What Role Will She Play?

Look who’s coming to Salem next? In a tease on their official Instagram account, Days of our Lives has revealed that Serena Scott Thomas has been on set and will debut in an upcoming role, leaving many fans guessing just who might she play.

The English actress and documentary producer has previously starred in Diana, Her Story as Diane Prince of Wales, Dr. Molly Warmflash in the James Bond  film The World Is Not Enough, and played the villainess ‘Watcher” in Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, and Bruce Willis’ wife in the film, Hostages among others.

Serena is the younger sister of Kristen Scott Thomas, best known for her Oscar-nominated role in The English Patient. Several DAYS fans are already weighing in that Serena will play Konstantine’s (John Kaeplos) wife.

Photo: DAYS IG

However, NannyKat 63 may have it all figured out the best, when she posted, that not only will “Serena play Kostantine’s wife,” but the character “had an affair with Victor Kiriakis and got pregnant.” Thus, making Xander (Paul Telfer) her son. She went on to theorize, “Perhaps, And John and Steve will find her in the nick of time… and she’ll enter in time to stop the wedding of Maggie to him. Xander will find out his true identity then. The baby was given to Victor’s brother to be raised in Scotland.”

Photo: JPI

Sounds plausible to us! Another guess came from donnamoore_23 who said, “Ya’ll think he could be Bobberette ‘s mom or sister or .. SOMETHING to do with his story .. someone who can back up what trauma he went through to be so sick? 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I think y’all are right could be Katerina.”

Photo: JPI

Two DAYS stars, Tamara Braun (Ava) and Linsey Godfrey (Sarah) also shared comments on Serena Scott Thomas’ upcoming appearance on DAYS. Godfrey simply said, “YES!!!! while Braun add her guess, expressing, “Ava’s mum. Oh wait, her mom was killed by her dad. Or was she? 🤔”

So, what do you think? What role will Serena Scott Thomas play on Days of our Lives? Share your theories in the comment section below.


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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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