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DWTS All-Stars Results: GH's Kelly Monaco & Val Chmerkovskiy are SAFE! Bristol Palin Is Finally Sent Packing!



It took a few weeks but finally America had enough of Bristol Palin’s attempt to compete with her much more competent competitors!  On last night’s Dancing with the Stars All-Stars Results Show, Bristol Palin and her dance partner, Mark Ballas were finally voted off the show after landing in the bottom three with Kristie Alley and Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Apolo Anton Ohno and Karina Smirnoff!

As far as General Hospital’s Kelly Monaco (Sam) and her partner Val Chmerkovskiy they remained safe and will dance again next week as they continue their quest for the Mirror Ball Trophy!

Of note was that next week there will be a team competition as the top of the leaderboard couples, Gilles Marini and Peta Murgatroyd and Shawn Johnson and Derek Hough, picked couples they wanted to be on their dance team.  Marini immediately chose first, Kelly and Val!

Were you happy that Bristol and Mark were sent home? What do you think of Kelly and Val’s chances of winning the competition?  Let us know!

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I don’t care who went home as long as Kelly is Safe. Keep VOING for TEAM VALLY!!!!

I agree…no more JaSam now ValKel lol….But I love jason & sam & GH but Val & Kelly so much more.

Kelly and Val deserve to be there until the end and win!!! No other couple has as much passion and presentation as they do. Their chemistry together is as if they have been dancing together since childhood. It doens’t take a judge who has a degree in dance or just has dance professionally to see just that and if they don’t see that, well then what a shame. They share one great passion together and that is the word called, DANCE!!! They have technique, grace, showmanship, presentation and passion! They feel from the heart down to their feet each others next move and step and that is dancing. Go team Kelly and Val!!! All us PA., are cheering you on!!! Hopefully, all of your fans were able to vote for you for the judges weren’t on your side the past two week and look when Paula was a judge, listen to their comments that evening. Hopefully, Hurricane Sandy didn’t effect your fans voting!!! Good luck!!!

I was voting for Kelly the whole season until now. I think the way Val oggles her is disrespectful. He is very creepy. Love Kelly on GH but I think her partner is being very obvious and should really show some more respect and restraint for a lady and she should be expecting that behavior.

Good morning. I got post message in regards of my post a few weeks ago and here it is.
Michael Fairman On-Air On-Soaps: Your comment on the post DWTS All-Stars Results: GH’s Kelly Monaco & Val Chmerkovskiy are SAFE! Bristol Palin Is Finally Sent Packing! has a new reply

Here is your original comment:
Kelly and Val deserve to be there until the end and win!!! No other couple has as much passion and presentation as they do. Their chemistry together is as if they have been dancing together since childhood. It doens’t take a judge who has a degree in dance or just has dance professionally to see just that and if they don’t see that, well then what a shame. They share one great passion together and that is the word called, DANCE!!! They have technique, grace, showmanship, presentation and passion! They feel from the heart down to their feet each others next move and step and that is dancing. Go team Kelly and Val!!! All us PA., are cheering you on!!! Hopefully, all of your fans were able to vote for you for the judges weren’t on your side the past two week and look when Paula was a judge, listen to their comments that evening. Hopefully, Hurricane Sandy didn’t effect your fans voting!!! Good luck!!!

Here is the new reply:
I was voting for Kelly the whole season until now. I think the way Val oggles her is disrespectful. He is very creepy. Love Kelly on GH but I think her partner is being very obvious and should really show some more respect and restraint for a lady and she should be expecting that behavior.

You can see more information for the comment on this post here:

Kelly looked like Bell from Beauty And The Beast, simply lovely and charming.

Watch the show last night and I think you will have a change of heart for they were outstanding and it showed just how Kelly can dance any dance given to her and Val and Louie were fantastic (all three deserved 3/10’s)!!! She is what the show DWTS is about she has improved each week and can dance to anything with all the qualitites that it takes to win the trophy! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!!! GO TEAM KELLY AND VAL, FROM YOU FAN HERE IN GOOD OLD PA.!!!

lorilai445, Kelly nor Val are vulgar (nasty) dancers. They are true blue dancers. I’m 50 years old and went to college for dance. I didn’t graduate (one of my biggest mistakes in life); however, I know a dancer when I see one and she is one. She performs with grace, passion and captures the audiences there and on the t.v., as if they are the one dancing the part. She dances with pure heart and soul. Val just brings it out in her. Don’t judge her for then you need to judge the other dancers and even the judges for watch their comments and movements of them interrupting the dance.

Am I the only one wondering….Are Kelly & Val a little more than Dance partners….Love the chemistry.

I’m definitely wondering the same thing! That passion before, during and after the dance looked very, very real :))

It’s all part of the act people. Kelly’s boyfriend is sitting in the audience.

he was in the audience but he was not smiling at all…………..ijs

I read that Kelly still has a bf and she and Val are just dance partners. They care for each, but apparently that’s it.

It does seem like more, but I guess things get intense when you spend that much time together.

My husband commented on Val’s affectionate behavior toward Kelly the first night of the show. Now he is convinced that there is more between them after this week and the after show interview we saw online. I can’t begin to comment on Kelly’s relationship with Heath, but there is an obvious mutual attraction between her and Val. It is too intense not to be real. They are making DWTS much more interesting to watch.

they brought that question up on my local news after DWTS was on… one gal said she thinks they’re acting on a cue from the Hunger Games… like they’ll get more votes if it looks like they’re a real couple.

I don’t know, but he seemed to behaving a little creepy close to her on the first couple of shows – almost like she was being polite but kinda like ‘hey, you’re a little too close to me,move’

I am glad hat Kelly and Val are safe, and that Bristol has left

Glad Bristol went home. She should have gone home the first week – she’s no match for the talent that is out there. Sorry but Kirstie & Maks s/b next.

oh i agree – most with the Bristol deal. I don’t think she should have been on at all – she was not a champion dancer by any means, even if she got to stay on (too long) on the first competition.. I can think of so many other people that have been on and would have loved to see Brandy have a 2nd chance at the mirror ball… She was so much better than Bristol and it was terrible-the look on her face – when she heard that she was getting booted off and Bristol got to stay! that was just plain wrong!

Kristie is doing a great job, but I’m sure she’s in the running for leaving soon too.

You’re right, she shouldn’t have been on there in the 1st place. It is Dancing with the “Stars” so I think they should stick to that. Bristol is barely even a reality “star” oh well, she’s gone. They should have had Lisa Rinna back again; hey, she did good after all. Anyone but Bristol! At least it’s a competition now 🙂

To use (tongue in cheek) the misused term : Why all the “haters” so concerned about Bristol Palin?Root for the one you want and leave Bristol Palin alone.There is one daytime actress (who was in the audience last night)you makes the most vulgar,rude,crude,vitriolic comments about Bristol Palin and her mother.Why the bitterness and rudeness?Why not just root for and vote for Kelly and keep a civil attitude toward others.It is most unattractive otherwise

should read above in line 3 “who makes the most…”

I just want to say how much I agree with you! Don’t get personal with Bristol. Just like we’re not getting personal with Kelly. We’re rooting for Kelly because a) she’s from the soap community; and b) we like her dancing. And if you happen to be a fan from GH too, all the better. So why make it anything more for Bristol? It’s a dancing competition, not a personality competition.

And with regards to the “daytime actress” you speak of, amazing how she tweets disgusting, hateful and rude comments all the time about republicans and those who vote for them, yet soap journalists NEVER write about it. She gets off on account of free speech, but a certain DAYS actress does not? Way to be balanced and fair. I’m not trying to open a can of worms, and I’m not even saying I agree with the latter actress but the hypocrisy by Daytime Confidential, Soap City, Soap Central, Nelson Branco, yes even Michael Fairman (who was better than posting the story last summer) actors and fans alike is enough to make me want to rip my hair out.

They say there’s no media bias. YEAH RIGHT!

Sorry, rant over.

Not judging, not a hater, but I think out of all dances she was the worst and was almost sorry to watch at times. Fan base is great, but let the dances win not a popularity contest.

Yes you are .No she wasn’t and yes it is.

Thank god you’re not a PROFESSIONAL judge like the rest of them.

I agree (with Chris). Dancing with the stars, is to be judged on your dancing skills. I think they’re putting to much credit to being able to stay on by viewer votes, which you can vote by each phone number, and each email account you have. I think the judges rating should be what they go by and if they have a tie, then use viewer votes and maybe we only get 1 vote.

It’s just crazy when someone who doesn’t do well gets to stay and the really good dancers (participants) don’t get to stay. It’s not the “stay to dance if you get enough people to vote for you, even if you can’t dance as well as everyone else and the judges rate you low” show!

I couldn’t agree more. That “actress who shall not be named” (NLG) is pretty disgusting at times with her comments.

I just happen to be a Republican and I believe everyone has a right to choose their beliefs. I don’t force my opinion on anyone…I don’t need some “actress” telling me everything that is wrong with Republicans or putting down everyone who is a Republican.

You are correct.

Excited they finally got rid of Palin – yes, she should of gone home Week #1. Val & Kelly have their work cut out for them, they should be in top 4! The top 4 are all pretty even!

I don’t know Pamela Anderson’s dancing was rather sad for an All Star season, so I think it was fitting she went home first. But if we are talking about skill level, then yes,Palin should have gone home second, not Joey and Kristie Alley should have gone home before Drew or Helio.

It is painful to watch Kirstie Alley

Way past her time to go!

oh, i bet it must be a left-wing conspiracy ordained by those pesky left-wingers so jealous of bristol’s beautiful, competent, intelligent mum.

Well,you think it’s a right wing plot that kept her on the show for 4 weeks.Right?

i wouldn’t call it a plot as such. it’s another word i’m thinking of, there, but decency forbids me from saying it 🙂

it wasn’t just these 4 weeks, but also the season she was on for many weeks…. too many for many people wanting the best Dancers to stay on as long as they could.

One of the very worst contestants in the history of the show was kept on by audience votes by idiots who watched and,inexplicably liked,her totally phony,totally repulsive reality show.

Kate Gosselin that is.

What is w/ all the hatred that still exists from the left leaning mainstream media against the Palins? That family has to be mocked by liberals that run the mainstream media. Many horrid dancers on DWTS have lasted longer than they should have but the media obsesses against Bristol’s dancing. Heck hollywood has to even mock Trigg’s special needs! A child w/ special needs has to be BULLIED all bec his family is republican and conservative and therefore hated by lefty loons. Does the viper’s nest of liberalism that is hollywood find nothing sacred? the Palins are from Alaska and hollywood automatically thinks that geography makes them above and superior to the Palins. hollywood is against bullying but would gladly use bullying tactics against anyone they disagree w/ politically. take Brad Pitt’s mother as a prime example. She writes abt being against the left’s god Obama and for the traditional definition of marriage. Those are her opinions and she’s entitled to them. She then gets death threats and people tell her that gays made her son the A lister he is. Where is the civility? What happened to agreeing to disagree? What happened to cherishing diversity? The most significant kind of diversity is that of opinions! If hollywood’s A list had their own A list then Brad Pitt would be on that list. He could have issued a statement disagreeing w/ his mother’s political opinions but condemning the hateful death threats against her. But he remained silent. That tells you everything you need to know abt Hollywood. When an A lister like Brad Pitt does not even have the guts to trash the bullying tactics of lunatic hollywood lefties towards his own mother then that means everyone has to toe the line. This is exactly why the Palins are hated. They are openly for the raditional defintion of marriage. People can disagree w/ them. People can agree w/ them. But they are entitled to their opinions and beliefs. And it burns hollywood that the Palins are traditional and conservative and thus they have to be ridiculed and bullied by “tolerant” hollywood.

ditto bc

Amen great post! Sarah Palin is not the reason this country is going downhill so fast I do not think she had a thing to do with the 5.1 trillion debt in the last 3 years? Did she? Nice to know dg their are still a few people out here that are not brain dead to what is going on. I have family that I sure did not intend for them not to have the some advantages I have had in life. Thanks again!

The same advantages not some. Sorry need to proofread. Lol!

16 trillion dollars national debt. Millions unemployed. Millions living under the poverty line. Millions on food stamps. Millions on U6 unemployment meaning people who have stopped looking for work. An Obama administration not operating w/ a budget. Green energy boondoggles going under while a war on coal and mining is waged. But what does the corrupt mainstream media like anderson cooper of CNN and MSNBC’s rachel MADdow and Tingles McLegthrill Chris Matthews continue to do? Why they keep bashing conservatives and republicans and they keep shilling for the democrats. Romney and the republicans have to battle the democrats and the liberal loons from the mainstream media that are completely biased! The fourth estate’s credibility has crumbled and yet the level of manipulation from the major networks and cable mainstream media is perplexing! The Romney campaign is talking abt the economy and foreign policy while they keep blabbering abt Sesame Street and keep being condescending to women w/ this binders silliness. Liberals are such idiots w/c explains the number of hollywood actors that are liberal. hollywood is already becoming less profitable and their strident rhetoric and talking down to their audience should expand the backlash against hollywood.

Thank you Jules.Well said.

By the way the obnoxious,potty-mouthed,vile,vulgar,vicious,graceless actress I referred to above is Nancy Lee Grahn.

nancy grahn is the WORST! she’s soap’s answer to ellen barkin. Didn’t nancy mock Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech? The bashing against iconic Clint from lunatic liberals were that he’s senile and old and should shut up and is like someone’s drunk uncle and other more vile tweets. Yet Clint’s empty chair routine was fantastic and resonant. He clearly was vindicated bec obama was an empty chair at the denver presidential debate. president teleprompter loves bashing the 1% yet hobnobs w/ hollywood elite who are part of the 1%! but hollywood is that stupid. they’re being bashed to their faces and they still can’t get it while they’d vote against themselves! low information voter jay z is only voting for obama bec he’s black. Yet the mainstream media says nothing. If any celebrity mentioned that they’re only voting for Romney bec he’s white then the liberal media would scream racism! Public distrust against the mainstream media hacks is at its highest now. But hollywood can never be racist right? They’re “tolerant” remember? Despite all the racism from their tv shows and films hollywood still thinks they’re liberals and therefore not racist. The public is finally pushing back against hollywood’s propaganda.

dwts is supposed to be dancing with the “stars” – now my question is what is bristol a star of? bristol should never have been on the first time because she does not come from any category of stardom………….
it’s a shame mark had to endure all the whining & crying – she even had the nerve to try to throw mark under the bus by saying he never supported her or tried to help her…….mark did the best he could with what little talent bristol came to the table with……………………
am i glad she’s gone – absolutely!

Oh, the poor Palins being bullied by everyone else. If they can’t handle it maybe they should try to stay out of the limelight. When did telling the truth turn into bullying ? Bristol is not a good dancer! I watch Dwts to be entertained and someone unable to Dance is not entertaing no matter WHO they are related to. But since you bring it up since quitting as Governor of Alaska Ms Palin is not above using any means possible including her daughter to remain relevant in mainstream media/political arena. If you quit a job you don’t hang around to give others advice.
If anything the teabaggers are bullying everyone else by enabeling the Palins to remain on TV…

It’s bad enough you are ignorant (if not stupid) but you harm your argument by adding vulgarity to it.
You couldn’t possibly believe that Sarah Palin’s relevance and influence in the political arena are in any way enhanced by the fact that her daughter is on a light entertainment television program .Could you?
As a matter of fact I would venture to guess that Sarah Palin would be happier if her daughter had not appeared on the show the second time around.The producers of the show obviously thought Bristol’s inclusion in the cast would be good for buzz and for ratings.And don;t forget it was they (the network and the producers) who dubbed Bristol a “Dancing with the Stars All-Star” and hired her for the show (yes,it;s a job)not her mother or the tea party or some right-wing conspiracy.

I hope when Kirstie is eliminated you use the same headline, just sub “Kirstie Alley” for “Bristol Palin”.

General Hospital

Lane Davies Joins the Cast of General Hospital Setting up a ‘Santa Barbara’ Reunion with Nancy Lee Grahn

Some very intriguing casting news out of General Hospital. The ABC daytime drama has cast former Santa Barbara favorite, Lane Davies (ex-Mason Capwell), in the role of Fergus Byrne, an attorney who crosses paths with Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn).

According to TV Insider, Davies will make debut the week of May 22nd.  As soap fans know, together with the aforementioned Grahn, they created the Santa Barbara supercouple of Mason and Julia Wainwright. Davies portrayed Mason Capwell family from 1984 through 1989.

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time in Port Charles for Lane. From 2002-2004 he played Dr. Cameron Lewis and also shared on-screen story with Grahn.  At that time Davies, played Xander Smith’s father.

Photo: NBC

GH fans are wondering about the last name of Davies new character, “Bryne”. If you recall, Alexis got herself involved with therapist Dr. Neil Bryne, who died when Harmony broke into Alexis‘ house and killed Neil by injecting him with opioids.


Taking to her Instagram, Grahn shared her excitement at the upcoming on-screen reunion with Davies, “It never gets old. We do 😂…. but it doesn’t 😍. Lookin’ forward to another romp.”

So, what do you think about Lane Davies returning to GH to play an attorney in Alexis’ orbit? Share your thoughts via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Nikolas Gets an Earful from Ava About Sonny and His Meds; Nina and Drew Can’t Seem to Resist Each Other

Ava (Maura West) seems to feel she has a confidante in a jailed Nikolas (Adam Huss) on the Monday, April 29th episode of General Hospital. In story, Ava heads to Pentonville to visit her ex-husband before he is set to get transferred out of state.

When discussing her living relationship with Sonny (Maurice Benard), which Nikolas already knew about, Ava says she is happy about how her relationship with Sonny has been evolving, Nikolas ask if she’s in love with Sonny. Ava denies it, but goes on to say how great it is for her daughter, Avery to be living with both her parents, who are on the same side and not at odds.

Nikolas believes that Ava loves being in Sonny’s inner sanctum and the power that comes with it. Ava fires back that she spent years looking in from the outside and that everyone despised her. When Nikolas brings up Nina (Cynthia Watros), she says Nina never really could understand the true type of man that Sonny is.


Then, Ava launches in on Carly (Laura Wright), and how she would love to stick it to her, for all the times she blocked Ava from seeing her child and Carly’s attitude towards her. Then, Ava admits to Nikolas that she knows that Sonny has a watered-down version of his bipolar medication, which is making him more vulnerable and she’s capitalizing on it for her own gain. She says she needs to figure out who is responsible, but Nikolas voices concern for Ava’s plan and that if Sonny ever found out she knew about it and did nothing, he would be on the warpath against her. Ava promises she knows what she’s doing. When she says goodbye to Nikolas, he looks upset and sad, as he still seemingly cares for Ava.


Meanwhile in Drew’s (Cameron Mathison) office, Nina walks in complaining about Carly giving her a hard time about maintenance in her office. Nina wants payback for Jason (Steve Burton) buying Carly the hotel, but Drew is not up for playing games with her.  She says they both want revenge on Jason and Carly, which Drew denies. Next thing you know, Nina grabs Drew and kisses him. Although, it seems he might walk out the door and away from her, he locks it, and the two proceed to have round 2 of their hate-sex.


Elsewhere, Anna tells Jason about her shooting Charlotte and her concern about Valentin’s (James Patrick Stuart) involvement with Pikeman. Meanwhile, Valentin visits Jack Brennan (Charles Mesure) in Pentonville, where threats are laid out to make Sonny look like the guilty party in eliminating Jason, while Anna is the line of fire, if she doesn’t keep her nose out of Pikeman business, which worries Valentin, who doesn’t want Anna getting hurt in any of this.

So, what do you think about Ava’s plans? Did you like seeing Nikolas back on the canvas? Are you all for a Drew/Nina continued affair? Will Anna get caught in the crossfire only to be saved by Valentin? Share your thoughts and theories via the comment section below.

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Breaking News

Haley Pullos Receives 90-Day Jail Sentence Following DUI Charge And Wrong-Way Car Crash

Former General Hospital actress, Haley Pullos (ex-Molly Lansing-Davis) is going to be doing time in jail, exactly one-year after her arrest from a hit and run wrong-way car collision.

The crash resulted in bodily harm and damages to the other driver, and now Pullos who pleaded “no contest” to the charges and will serve 90 days in jail. She was taken in custody on Monday, April 29th, after the ruling.

According to Haley’s attorney, Mark Daniel Melnick, the 25-year-old actress struck a plea deal and after her three months in jail will be sentenced on July 29th. As part of that sentencing, she must serve five years probation, 200 hours of community service and pay $8,260 in restitution to Courteney Wilder, the other driver in the crash and her driver’s license is revoked for a year.


According to TMZ, the plea deal for Pullos has the “no contest” to one DUI, while the judge dropped the felony DUI causing bodily injury and misdemeanor hit and run charges.

Melnick said in a statement to PEOPLE, “Haley is very grateful to the court for a minimum sentence and for recognizing her remorse and the strides she has made in her sobriety.”

Pullos had played the daughter of Alexis Davis (played by Nancy Lee Grahn) on the ABC soap opera since 2009, but after her car crash and DUI she was replaced by three different actresses until the show finally settled on the current Molly, Kristen Vaganos.

Photo: Pasadena PD

Back in April 29 of 2023, and at the scene of the crash, the police found edibles and mini-bottles of tequila in Pullos’ vehicle and that she was intoxicated. As it turned out, this was to be the second hit and run in the evening for Pullos who had an earlier collision with another car.

The courts decision follows a year-long legal battle with Haley’s pleas changing throughout it, ranging from “not guilty” to “no contest”. She sought treatment for her drinking at a rehab following the crash.

Nancy Lee Grahn, who portrayed Pullos’ on-screen mom took to X on Monday night, April 29th and shared on the sentence and the specific jail, Haley will be serving time: “As Haley’s TV mom I can tell some truths about her as I’ve loved her since she was little girl. She made a HUGE mistake, knows it, owns it & has spent the last yr doing EVERYTHING imaginable to take responsibility 4 it. It’s not that I oppose jail. It’s that I oppose this jail.” The jail in question by Grahn is the L.A. county jail.

So, what do you think about Haley Pullos serving a 90-days jail sentence, and the other rulings that will be part of her sentencing? Comment below.

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