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General Hospital


GENERAL HOSPITAL: Emotional Friends & Loved Ones Speak At Sabrina's Funeral Service!



Friday’s episode of General Hospital saw friends and loved ones of murdered nurse Sabrina Santiago (Teresa Castillo) share their memories about her life and times at the funeral service led by Doctor/Preist Griffin Munro (Matt Cohen).

When Griffin asks if anyone has some kind words to share about Sabrina, it is none other than Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) who is the first speak to those gathered.  Lucy reminds everyone that it was Sabrina’s tenacity that resurrected the Nurses’ Ball, along with Sabrina’s best friend, Felix (Marc Anthony Samuel).  Then, Felix is next to speak to tell everyone about Sabrina, but he is afraid to do so because it will have to come to an end, because her life was cut short. He is in tears.  An injured Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) also pulls herself together to show up at the service to say goodbye to her friend.  Liz told Franco (Roger Howarth) earlier, that she has lossed all her good friends: Emily, Nikolas and now Sabrina, and she feels alone. When Liz speaks in the church she says she will try to live by the lessons Sabrina taught her.

Next, it’s a devastated Michael’s (Chad Duell) turn to speak.  He is overcome when speaking of how Sabrina got him through a rough time and helped him care for baby Avery.   When Michael struggles to continue, his mother Carly (Laura Wright) gets up and tells the attendees how Sabrina encourared her son to make peace with the Corinthos family (When Michael he was so bitter after A.J.’s murder).  Michael says he is so grateful to have loved Sabrina.


But it was Epiphany as played by Sonya Eddy, who not only grieved and shed tears for the loss of her friend, Sabrina, but sang, “You’re Not Alone” the signature song from the Nurses’ Ball as the proper send-off for Sabrina.  As everyone in the church pews looked on, it was shocking when Tracy (Jane Elliot) grabbed Sabrina’s murderer, Paul Horsnby’s (Richard Burgi) hand during Epiphany’s rendition.  Horsnby looks stunned.

After the funeral service is over, Tracy thanks Griffin for presiding over it, and sees that Paul is still inside looking at Sabrina’s picture.  He relives the moment he killed her and says he is ‘sorry’ and apologizes to her!  When Tracy walks in and says, “What are you sorry for?”  Paul blurts out, “I killed her!”  And the episode fades to black!

So, were you touched by Sabrina’s funeral service?  If so, which one of the mourners that spoke or sang delivered your favorite moment?   And what about Paul blurting out that he killed Sabrina?   Will he do some fancy doubletalk when Tracy confronts him about what he just said?  Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

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Monica should smell Paul’s cologne and know he is the killer…Monica is able to text this to Tracy as Paul confronts her…realizing the police know, a frantic and desperate Paul kidnaps Monica and hides out at the closed General Hospital for several days,,,Paul ties up Monica in her office as she begs him to let her go…Paul attempts to kill Monica who has fainted but the ghost of Alan Quartermain appears frightening Paul who flees…Monica awakens and sees Alan’s ghost realizing he protected her… Monica uses her cell phone to contact police telling them she is trapped in the hospital with the killer Paul just as her phone dies…Paul heads back to Monica’s office to finish her but the ghosts of all his murder victims appear from all the areas where Paul had murdered them…Paul is loosing his mind and seems to age ten years as the ghosts congregate around him…Paul near breakdown begs the ghost to disappear but as they move menacingly toward him a desperate fall turns quickly..and he crashes through a window falling ten floors to his death….later, Monica tells a disbelieving Tracy it was Alan’s spirit who had saved her life…alone in Monica’s office, Tracy finds a handkerchief with the initials A.Q. and realizes her brother’s spirit indeed saved Monica’s life…a tear streams down Tracy’s smiling face as we her her quietly say, ‘Oh. Alan!’ then she leaves the room-we see Alan watching…the end!

that should read Paul turns…

Was Lucas and Brad even at the funeral….where is Alice?

Lucas and Brad are still on their honeymoon.

Lucas is too ashamed of having a father such as Julian, to show up. And, of course, Brad supports his husband.
What really sets me a-kilter is how The halo-wearing Sonny condemns Julian and THE KILLER as murderers. Wow!!!!
As evidenced by Julian, today….he and his ‘mob-squad’ roosters prey on those weaker than they. Well, Julian has found his perfect adversary in one female: Nina. Don’t mess with Red— er, Nina.

You should be a writer on the show. Sounds good.

I vote for Jim as GH’s head writer.

Come on Jim, you know as well as I, this is a soap, they never get the text, the phone is off or no reception!

It was an emotional episode. I thought Carly getting up to say something was a little bizarre considering how she had downplayed Sabrina’s character to MIchael. I thought she was just going to stand by MIchael for emotional support.


Yeah well, sigh, unfortunately it probably gained her points with Michael. Thought she’d at least get his wrath a bit longer which would give him reason to bond with his Q side again.

it sickens me.. the obvious overture… lauded Chad Duell

to emote

argh… little does he know… I know he knows… that
without Bryan Craig…

the Corinthos have nothing to stand on

this is going to be FUN

ram that ; Writers

get with the program… the Corinthos are walking egg shell…

no drama

It reminded of Casey’s grave..
Every month a grave speech .. that drove me crazy.

Too sad that Teresa was brought back to be murdered, let go

((I haven’t laughed once, not once, not even a chuckle since J&S, and that is sadder than the funeral.

The funeral was interminable!

Well, I laugh every time I see Big Head Hornsby lurking everywhere with s syringe in his hand. He’s in hospital rooms, hospital corridors, hospital stairwells, the Quartermiane house….he’s everywhere and no one seems to notice. I think Paul thinks he is the invisible man.

Right, Harry????? What dumb-arse goes surreptitiously( or so he thinks) up the stairs with a syringe in his hand for anyone, who comes upon him, to see?? Really?!?!?!. Oh, for the love of Goofy!! For what audience do these writers think they are writing? It’s like: DUH!?!?

Maybe he falls on that syringe during a struggle proving he is the killer…

@Jimh( leave it to beaver).
Ooohhhh, Jimmy…great prediction…. Sweet irony!!! Good one!!

After the agony of losing Sabrina ,can we please not have to endure the agony of this storyline for much longer.

Sabrina should not have been taken off the canvas this way. I never liked how she came out of nowhere and was put on frontburner as a Carlivati pet, followed by uninspired Ugly Betty Blossoms into beauty. However, the actress Theresa Castillo could actually act, and made the role work, and I came to love her friendship with Felix, Epiphany, and everyone at the hospital, and she and Carlos were great onscreen. When they weren’t trying to force her into romances with Patrick or Michael she really shined in her friendships, with Tracy, Liz, the whole hospital. She was one of the few genuinely nice characters, even if she did poison Ava once, the good outweighed the bad. 4 years and another writer later, she is killed off. She was a smart, kind, and strong woman of color, and they just throw her away when they could’ve just had her leave town, instead they shoehorn her into this tacky murder mystery that no one cares about and her killer is another fine actor that I’d rather not see go, because he had so much mileage to him if used properly, but now we have two characters thrown under the bus to give a storyline no one asked for some kind of legitimacy, or ‘weight’, or ‘higher stakes.’ and the story looks all the worse for it and should’ve ended months ago. All this funeral showed is what is glaringly missing on the show, more legacy, and entertaining stories and current issues, and the mob needs to go. If they are keeping the mob alive so that Sonny can have something to do, they are limiting the show, the fans, and the actor. The Jeromes have been shown to have jobs outside of the mob, and were kicked out several times, so why not Sonny? Well, back to Sabrina, I realized I missed Felix something fierce, and he needs to be on contract again. I felt the worst for him because he knew her the longest and the best. I wish her great luck in all her future endeavors.

Felix should be gossipy nurse not bland Amy…

Agree wholeheartedly

Nice post Dante ! Truly a gifted actress could have done more. Mis step by GH.

i’m going to recap this; because it stings ; more like hurt

I read the latest SOD issue… and their was J & S rationalizing… led me to believe her character death was needed to “add” depth to their writing

BS !


having Paul commit these hateful crimes isn’t enough?

Theresa Castillo.. added layer , color, intrigue… on such a whitewashed mess of all over the place makes no sense just their DULL

get it ?

GH is squandering potential… for MIX

Morgan / Sabrina / Paul / Nicholas .. these 4 characters were all over the canvas

what a joke of a show

J and S along for the ride… Frank Valentini as Executive Producer… for another year plus to dig deeper their mess

at the end of that synopsis ; article… they mentioned briefly that JVP was going to be driven…

we shall see

an impassioned plea for color… for like minded.. for diverse mind

for REAL

for dancing

J & S : “you two really blew it “

I guess this means that when the Nurse’s Ball returns her face will be right next to Robin’s, and I can see why long time fans would be upset by that, but if you get murdered at a hospital you work at you deserve to be immortalized forever in the halls of those hospitals and all of their functions. I hope they show more of Lucy, Felix, and Epiphany. They are the ones that deserve the airtime, NOT Finn and Haytchel, who is this writer’s Sabrina. Whenever GH gets the writers they deserve, everyone will see for themselves who the pets were, because their parts will be miraculously reduced, or they will be gone altogether. I know GH has an inflated cast, but there are so many places they could ‘trim the fat.’ Why couldn’t Nathan West have been pushed down the steps so they can recast him with someone that can act and isn’t an obvious hair model. I see Nik has left, and Morgan as well, and also wish Claudette, Haytchel,and her mother would go, unless they plan on recasting Jeff Webber, which would really help to see his explanation to Liz for giving her such a b$%ch of a sister. I just hope that they are hiring wisely in the future so that we can see characters old and new that serve a purpose, are written with respect for their character, so that the next time some murder mystery comes around they will hopefully resist the itch to ‘go there’ again.

They will also name a hospital wing after her and the whole nurses ball will be all about Sabrina and not its real purpose…

Maybe Emma will dress as ‘Sabrina the Teenage Witch’ this Halloween!

I know that you guys really hate her (Teresa) timmm & jimh, but if you’ve noticed 99.999% of us loved her benevolent persona…a story with all antongonists…smdh…wth!!!

Vimoda?…whoever poster you are…the actress is a nice lovely person inside and out-i do note hate her…i just never took to her character that was forced too front and center while most players on the show were put on the backburner or not shown at all…

JIm, I wouldnt waste your time answering to the “Pot Stirrers” who have suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I have followed you for some time on this site and I have NEVER heard you say you hate anyone! Same with me, I didnt like the character of Sabrina but that doesnt mean I “Hate” Teresa. Its ridiculous! Jim, you know who I hate? Every which one of those bastards who were responsible for 911. Period!

The Claudette stor is so lame –and unconvincing.

Oh I would love to see Nathan fall down the steps and when he gets up and dusts himself off, it’s Michael Muhney, you know an actor!

i do hate murderers ,rapists, anyone who deliberately hurts someone especially a child ,and spiders…oh, and this years political race-lol

You have to know that on Monday’s episode Tracy will ask Paul what he means and he’ll snap out of it and say something to the effect of he didn’t stop the killer in time.

The funeral was lovely, but IMHO, it just never should have come to this.

When I think back over the character of Sabrina’s time on the show, I can’t help but wonder how absolutely brutal this has been for some poor soul who has been facing a lot of hard times like she did. Sabrina started as the “ugly duckling turned into a swan” storyline, fell in love with a man who’s wife was secretly still alive, lost her first born, gave up on love to run away with her second baby’s criminal father who was murdered, lost her nursing job, and then just as her life was starting to come back together it was snuffed out.

For some, Sabrina was the inspiration of triumphing over adversity; to keep on keeping on. In killing off this character, the writers may have polarized viewers and give some weight to an ill-conceived story for a few days but they’ve none little else. This character’s death was wasted for a few measly days’ worth of scripts, while her potential to continue to inspire for years to come was squandered. I don’t really see any future story coming due to Sabrina’s death, as the writers have shipped Teddy off to PR with his Uncle Joe. (And why would Joe return without Teddy??? Will that be another fan favorite back for a wasted opportunity? Only time will tell.) We will probably get a repeat of Michael fighting with one or more of his parents and then he will fall into the arms of Nell ~ that was evident the moment they laid eyes on each other.

I’m sad that the writers haven’t demonstrated the ability to write consistently and yet have had their contracts renewed. They do great every other three shows, but those in between are disappointing. I love GH and want them to do better. Unfortunately, after this travesty (killing off Sabrina) it’s going to take a lot of good writing to get me to like their material again.

i told my sister the same about Paul…

i wasnt a Sabrina fan but the explicitness of her murder was way overboard and disturbing just like Will on Days and Frankie on AW years ago…

That’s exactly what I thought when Paul “confessed” to the murder. He will cower and back-up with an excuse; exactly as you suggest, Rodd.
Yes, the service was beautiful. I cried because whoever cried, such as Epiphany and Felix, ….well, those were real tears…I am assuming they felt ‘sorry’ to see Teresa go. Good show!! Too sad not to see Sabrina’s sunny smile again.

Oh, you will see Sabrina’s sunny smile…her portrait at the memorial service will be hung on that GH wall right next to Steve Hardy…anyone in a gloomy mood passing by the portrait will feel that beautiful smile shine upon them-they will suddenly feel all warmness and good…they will all go all Julie Andrews on us dancing and sing, ‘The Halls of GH are alive with Sabs beautiful smile!’-lol

Boy, they got rid of baby Teddy at warped speed–guess that means Joe is gone–sigh!

No. not one bit. Shows have to stop killing characters just to get rid of them. Sabrina could have easily received word she’d family needs her or been approached to take a job out of town OR even just walked into her kitchen never to be seen agin until 2 or 3 years or more when they could bring her back.

The hospital killer story is stupid and without merit.

Yes, stupid–the killer story1

I agree Paul. They need to stop killing characters off to get rid of them. They should send them off somewhere instead.

While not a huge fan of the character, I thought it was quite odd the only “flashback” was of the murder scene. I know they did the touching Felix flashback the other day, but since they were paying TeCa by using the murder scene, why not throw in a flashback or two?

Time will tell if the writers place Sabrina with the rarely mentioned dead (AJ) or those mentioned numerously (Connie).

Sabrina was on GH for two New York minutes and they dedicate almost the entire show to her funeral? Moreover, she barely was on since the Disney on Ice fairy tale wedding crashed and burned. AJ was legacy character, we watched him grow up and he’s given no service?
Everything about Sappy has been handled badly and that includes her funeral. She was an unimportant character and I will not miss her even a little bit.

” I will miss her ”

I danced to her

cooked tortillas for her and “Joe” or “Michael” it didn’t matter he was on… I dished he caught complete

diverse dish


@Harry…..Thank you for not mincing words! I blessedly skipped the official Sabs Sobfest, but it sounded every bit as puke-inducing as I would have expected from this production team. As you so correctly pointed out, the showrunners couldn’t even wait for legacy character AJ’s body to cool before they excitedly stashed him—with as little fanfare as possible—in the Q crypt so Ava and Sonny could lewdly desecrate his final resting place, yet, all the stops were pulled out for this nobody from nowhere who was nothing special. The only fitting aspect to this entire St. Sabs scenario was that her big (and long-awaited) send-off was in the same location as your very aptly termed “wedding interruptus,” which is when this pretty much worthless miss should have been quickly and painlessly dispatched from the GH canvas, having served her only dubious purpose as an instrument of torture for Dr. Partrick Drake and the many Scrubs fans who loathed her interloping “Ugly Betty” for moving in on Robin’s man, friends and family. Needless to say, I shall not miss this beyond annoying character either.

I missed the beginning of the service so I thought the priest in vestments sitting there in the corner not saying a word was a bit odd since Griffin was running the service– also the purple sash is for Lent and Advent– not for funerals, you would think there would be one Catholic on the show that would point out that error. I give them credit for at least having it done in a church set– most soap memorial services are either outside or in some bar/restaurant —-

— and that is why they killed Sabrina– you cannot have a serial killer story without at least one B or A list character getting killed. You cannot have one serial killer story without at least one memorial service to manipulate viewers into caring about this story line—at first I thought they were going to kill off Monica, but I think the outrage from long time fans would have been too great– so they picked Sabrina– she there long enough that we should care about her, but not long enough to get fans in an uproar– plus her character was happy and that is dangerous on any soap, if you are an actor on a soap and your character is telling everyone how happy they are and life is perfect– chances are the character will be killed off by the end of the week–

As for my favorite moment– the song at the end– with just the one singer singing it the song was bearable– if everyone in the church had started to sing it, I would have barf– but keeping it classy worked.

That is so true about happy soap characters…i remember on AW when Jim and Mary Mathews, the show’s patriarch and matriarch going to St. Croix or wherever and saying something like how much they love each other and the next scene Mary died from heart failure if i recall…of course the actress was fired so they killed her off!!!

Well said, Mary. I thought the speeches were en pointe, as I said above. I was so moved….maybe because I loved Sabrina/Teresa., and am disappointed to see her go.
Again GH, as a whole, takes too many liberties. If this was supposed to have been a Catholic service; it would have been a High Mass in full ‘priestly’ regalia…….not sitting in the sidelines like an altar boy…….absolutely sacrilegious, and offensive.
The Funebral Mass is a MUST in the RC faith. I know I keep overstating this fact, but I am passionate about my faith, and will not apologize. They should have left it alone and just let it happen behind the scenes and congregate at the Quartermaine’s, or something, after the fact. Pathetic.

Lighten up, folks. There are far worse things going on with the writing and plots of this legendary program than Sabrina meeting an untimely demise. Though she was by far not the most irritating character on GH…fill in the blanks with whoever you feel this is, but Kiki out distances them all in my estimation…these particular writers are committing heinous acts on a near daily basis with their particular version of storytelling.

These two really need to go. ABC: shred those new contracts and find some writers that know how to actually write. GH and its loyal audience deserve better!

Yeah, Sabrina used to be on an island but it is littered with misfits now! Take your pick, Claudette, Nathan, Kiki, Jordan, Andre, Curtis and don’t forget Creapo! (Wake up Liz!)

And sadly, these new writers just resigned!

One of several funny comments you made today….

Marc Anthony Samuel has really delivered in the aftermath of Sabrina’s murder. Poor Felix – he has an off-camera relationship, he’s been back-burnered forever and his sister evaporated into thin air.

The writing lately has been so perfunctory it’s as if it’s only done to give the best cast in daytime something to do while they appear on screen. Individual scenes can be great but the overall stories are lackluster. Long live GH!

J&S near destroyed Y&R..
Y&R fell to its’ lowest ratings, a viewer loss as never before.
They are horrible writers. (the over a year Music Box story)
Most of what they write makes no sense.. The serial killer story makes little sense, has no intruge, no twists and turns, not one intense moment, absolutely void of climatic drama.

Their couples are terrible. NO romance, no nothing. The couples are empty.

J&S are without a doubt the worst soap writers, ever.
They are totally wrong for GH ..
GH is being destroyed.
If, they were to be fired there is not another soap that would take them in; fact.

(( when Y&R fired them for taking down Y&R to its lowest ratings then why would ABC take them in? A huge mistake. And. GH is suffering under J&S.. I am suffering under J&S..

Since J&S, I have not had one laugh, not one, not even a chuckle and that in itself is sad.
I have not had one, not one, WOW moment.
I have never FF any soap at anytime as I am FF through GH, constantly. And that is bad, very bad.

Point being They do not care to save GH they are letting them dig the hole I expect them to cancel in 2017. The closing of General Hospital now we can call it General Mobsters with MB reading cue cards the star.

J&S have both been writers for numerous cancelled soaps in their final years have they not? Maybe ABC specifically hired them for that reason.

Anna gets back into P.C. and teams up with Franco to go after Paul. Anna feels that Paul manipulated her and Franco wants payback for what happened to Liz. Paul is in the chapel hiding out. With a kidnapped Monica. He is talking to his daughter Susan on the phone confessing everything he has done and how he did it out of love for her. He tells her he still has more thing to do and it will be all over and he will be joining her. He then starts to explain to Monica that years earlier Susan had been treated at GH and given dyrisafal by mistake. She ended up partially paralyzed from it. Monica had been chief of staff at the time, so he has blamed her for Susan’s medical problems. As he is about to kill her Anna and Franco rush in. Paul puts the needle to Monica’s neck and tells and to drop her gun. Anna puts the gun on the floor and kicks it in Francis direction. Monica goes limp in Paul’s arms. Franco dives for the gun pulling the trigger and shooting Paul. Franco gets up and is standing over Paul ready to shoot him for hurting Elizabeth, when Anna comes up and takes the gun away from him. PCPD comes in and carts off Paul. Jason comes in and helps Monica, as he does, she explains that she would not be there if not for Franco. Jason walks over to Franco and tells him that even though he did save his mother, they will never be friends.

Riddle me this, Sabs who was on the show for four years gets a funeral with other character attending and a song and Nicholas Cassadine, a twenty year character doesn’t get a funeral? Another reason folks, another reason!

And Liz seemed more upset over Sabs death instead of Nik’s. She was once innlove with him. They were intimate. I mean she held his boot and went on a rampage against Hayden?!?!

I think everyone downplayed Nik’s second death, because they thought TC was returning to the show.

Yes. Its lazy writing. I will say that MAYBE they thought Nick was coming back on canvas and why waste their time but its a story and it should have been told to lead the fans into mourning over the character even if we know he isnt dead. Its called acting!

J&S wanted to give us a bowl of emotions. for us to feel blue and weepy sad..
they wanted us to feel the pain, the emotions.
I felt it, I felt emotionally total disgust.

Well, JELLY failed!

Great observation, Timmmy. And, rightly so!!!! …..Didn’t really thing about it. Do you think Tyler left on bad terms? Would I have the temerity to whisper…….TPTB ‘socked’ it to him?

Thanks Cee. I think Tyler thought he was irreplaceable and they said otherwise. Nick Stabile was great and I’m sure he works cheaper. Having said that, I wanted Tyler back. He worked at ABC for almost twenty years, he deserved a pay raise and a nice new lengthy contract. And we dont know any of the details. What if Rebecca Budig who has been on the show for two years and a FOF’s [Friend of Franks!] is making more? If I were Tyler I would pound my fist on the desk and say NO!

Nick Stabile may have been great but he wasn’t Nikolas Cassadine, any more than Jacob Young was ever Lucky Spencer. It’s fairly apparent that FV was planning on trimming the contract budget by getting rid of William DeVry (Julian) …. then when the show lost 100,000 viewers in the demo in one week by having destroyed Julexis, the writers turned around on a dime and decided to make Paul the hospital killer so they could write off Richard Burghi. But then, when the unversal response was “WTF, why get rid of one of the better actors on the show?” FV took the easy way out and told TC, who was already off contract, that “sorry, we just don’t have the funds to bring you back.”

The guy can’t think strategically to save his soul. After all, this was the man who couldn’t figure out how to abide by the contract he signed with Prospect Park for the duration of a year. Just amazes me that the man keeps his job.

Truly does.

Surprise! Not. There should have been a funeral for Jason/SBu and Nik/TC with full montage of their 20 plus year history. Don’t get me started on the crap that was done for AJ’s funeral where Sonny and Ava had sex on his grave. The blatant disrespect for veteran GH characters has been appalling under this current regime.

Missy, thats ONE of my points to “Sonny Haters” I bring up. Sonny is not a good guy BUT neither is AVA! What they did to AJ’s grave was despicable! I dont know how Monica can even begin to stomach Sonny! He has reeked havoc on her family for years! And this version of Jason, it started out okay but it just lost its momentum very quickly. Billy Miller’s Jason should have been back as a Q. He and Monica actually are kind of sweet together in what very little scenes they share.

@Timmm….I just hope they FINALLY bury the “Sabs Theme Song” along with her character. Whilst Epiphany is a fabulously talented performer, she deserves to be more than a “one-hit wonder!” Give this woman a more varied repertoire….please!!!!!

FV’s bloated cast means we can’t see too much of GH characters that were around years before he came on the show. Felix and Taylor could have been Piph’s nephew and niece that come to town to stay with the older woman after their mother dies or how about any number of health related issues that could plague the woman?

I, too, am so tired of that stupid song that Sabrina sang on this show. Ugh!

Hi Shay, did not get your reply. Sad.

Makes sense, Timmmy. From a financial, seniority, and fan-base point of view; it would only be right.
As you know, I am not a ‘veteran’ watcher of GH (LOL–pardon the pun); so, Tyler and I never got ‘close’, per se. Plus, I was never a fan.
I hope Nick S does take his place. Ava is the personification of Saccubus, I know; but, man-oh-man—-those two set ‘the set’ ( again, pardon the pun; just happens, inadvertently) on ‘fiyah’!!!!
As long as Nick doesn’ t continue to be dark; I am soooo fine with the idea. But, Ava’s influence may turn him into incubus. LOL.
But, for those fans, such as yourself, whose fealty was with Tyler….yeah; sure, I get it.
Sigh!!! Billy Miller as Jason. Such a sore spot for me. My heart aches!!!
And, yes. I agree with you wholeheartedly, Timmmy. He should have ‘snapped’ out of it as a Quartermaine……I saw the connection , the affinity and the ease between him and Monica immediately!!

Nick and Emily were great but I was never a HUGE fan of Nick. He is a Cassadine so he was interesting most times.

BM sucks as Jason BUT it might not be all his fault. He might have been told something else in the beginning and they switched things up. He seems so bored and his character is a pill.

C, I still relate to Justin being Adam. Never been a fan of Chelsea but HE did maker her tolerable. One more episode of “This is Us” and I am probably out! A couple fellow posters explained the twist to me which was cool BUT I watch TV to be entertained not to try and solve a puzzle! I said before I had watched LOST for a couple seasons and then they started hopping forward and reverse and I said, that is it! Too much work!

Boy, Jack couldnt be right or have the upper hand for ONE week and they have him cowering to Paul, Dylan and Billy because he is a suspect! And how rude was it for Victor to offer Jack a drink, last week? To me that is being socially irresponsible as a show! I cannot wait for the new writers to clean up this mess!

Stitch is a wet sock on a cold winter day!

Bye Luv!

I empathize any soap writer for certainly by reading comments it is impossible to make fans happy. People are constantly saying the cast is too bloated and get rid of people and focus on the core cast members. So they get rid of a character whose actor’s contract is up and has only been on the show 4 years and not even related to any core family and nothing but complaints. I liked Sabrina and the actress, but her time was up.

Exactly Mika, well said! Comment after comment on here for months, years in some cases, about how bloated the GH cast is, they kill off a character that never caught on in my opinion, and very few people will miss, and now people are complaining about that. Talk about complaining for the sake of complaining. That seems to be the specialty of some of the people that post here.

Sorry but that even sounds like a complaint-lol

For the record, Dan, I’m not complaining about this development one bit….I’m applauding it and calling it what it is….a very good start! (My only question is what took so darn long?????)

Totally disagree really loved her!!!

I agree with you 100%. I think if GH is looking to trim its cast, Sabrina (and Joe, for that matter) would have been on the list of characters to get rid of. I think the problem that most viewers have is how they handled her exit. Not only was her murder brutal, but she didn’t have to be killed at all. Many fans wanted Sabrina to run away with Carlos back when he was still alive. But instead, they brought her back seemingly just to kill her off. While I’m not a fan of that move, I don’t mind that she’s gone because I regarded her as a dead weight character.

I think they know they messed up when they killed Sabrina. Especially with all of the fan backlash they are receiving because of it. The unnecessary 3 days it took to kill her-ridiculous! She could have been reduced to a recurring character. I don’t know what Amy and Felix are but they could have gotten rid of them instead of TeCa. What was the point of bringing her back just to kill her?!?! I think they know they messed up because they’re trying to give her a big send off to appease the fans, but it was just a mistake. Will Joe leave for good now, as well? Why bring him back as a new character? There’s no forethought with these writers. They lack the ability to think 3 or 4 steps down the road. They have no concept of consequences. Sabrina’s death was pointless-without meaning. And GH writers need to deal with the fact that sometimes the fans are going to figure out your weak writing plots. We all know the white haired doctor was originally the killer and fans figured it out, so now we have to suffer through this nonsensical roller-coaster of a storyline that needs to end, like yesterday. Soap fans are smart so instead of constantly insulting our ability to grasp the obvious, step up your writing game!!! It’s so simple. Do. Better. Write. Better. Fans. Deserve. Better.

I agree, Letemeatc8ke.
Perhaps, ‘Joe” was brought in specifically to take Teddy away. A baby, at his point, would have been too much of an incumbrance. More important storylines need to be wrapped up, or explored.
I doubt any of us was expectantly waiting for a ridiculous custody court-battle.
So, in a fashion; there was a bit of order in the game-plan.
However, the question as to why was Sabrina brought back just to kill her???? Is this story not over? Will teddy come back in a few months as a teen? LOL.

Silly Letemeatc8ke…….. writing isn’t important! What’s important is the Frank has an opportunity to hire all his friends at the subjugation of all else that is entailed in the production of and long term health of the show!

Elizabeth, you’re so right. I don’t know where I get these ideas from. How selfish of me not to put Frank first. I’m a bad bad girl 🙁

Sabrina Santiago (Teresa Castillo) was a great character that was played with emotion by a fine actress. She reminded me so much of the Nola character from GL days – hoping for a brighter future with a nice guy. Shame on GH for letting her go so violently. Who cares whether she had any relatives on the canvas? Sometimes it is just nice to have good friends at work. GH could use a lot more of that! The former scenes of Sabrina showed just why she was fun and was someone to root for. Instead, we are left with a serial killer roaming the halls. Can we get better writers please?

This could easily be repaired if they wanted too. Sabrina’s body whisked away quick. Joe takes baby away very fast and with a smile which was odd. Like I mentioned before, this could be a storyline of the decade. Joe is really Carlos. They switched lives when Sabrina was being held in Puerto Rico. But Sonny and Michael saved her first. Carlos in the meantime is working on his revenge against Carlos and Sonny. He’s the one that found Sabrina first and injected her with a serum to lower heart rate to appear she was dead. Sabrina is hiding out with her baby but is extremely mad at Carlos and don’t want anything to do with him. Carlos finally tells her the truth that her mother is alive…….Lily Corinthos who has just arrived in PC to wreck havoc on Sonny who is her biological dad.

As I’ve posted before, I’m probably in the minority here, but Sabrina’s death wasn’t much of a loss for me. Sure, she was a good character and Teresa Castillo is a good actress, but I would have much rather seen Sabrina die as opposed to Elizabeth or Monica. She’s not a core character, and her absence for the past few months (due to TC’s paternity leave), was barely noticeable, because she didn’t bring much to the show.

However, the way they handled her exit was appalling. First of all, it was clear that Joe still had feelings for her, yet we didn’t get to see his initial reaction to finding out about her death because it was handled off screen. And are we REALLY supposed to believe that he whisked Teddy off without attending the funeral and saying goodbye?

All of the goodbye speeches lacked the emotional impact that a funeral is supposed to hold. Michael’s speech was cut off by Carly, Felix’s speech felt unfinished, and who were those three random extras in the back of the church? Epiphany’s song was nice, but it would have been better had it been accompanied by a montage of scenes that each character shared with Sabrina (Sabrina and Epiphany singing at the Nurses Ball, Michael and Sabrina taking care of Avery/Teddy, Felix and Sabrina laughing, etc.).

And I agree with a previous comment regarding Nikolas’ funeral being held off screen and everyone having a very minimal reaction to it. Regardless of if they thought Tyler Christopher was returning at the time, it still should have carried much more weight.

This just further shows how incompetent and lackluster GH’s writing team is. DAYS seems to go through an overhaul every few years, why can’t GH? But of course that won’t happen now since Jean and Shelly’s contracts have been renewed, for what ungodly reason, I don’t know. It doesn’t take a soap genius to see the hack job they did on Y&R during their tenure, and the disaster GH is turning in to with their writing.

Sabrina’s exit is OK with me as well. If the sparsely attended funeral was any indication, it’s pretty clear that Sabrina’s potential was limited over the past 2 years to the Quartermaines & the hospital because of her frequent absences. If they’d wanted to really develop the character, they could have with creative costuming & good writing. Look at how much Tony Geary’s frequent absences impacted the writing for his character of Luke Spencer – NEVER! The guy racked up multiple Emmies for his powerhouse storylines, and was gone 2 months of every year IIRC.

Also, look at how much Rebecca Herbst has been featured over the past 2 decades while expanding her family. Her character of Elizabeth seems to always have an “A” storyline every single year. I’ll be honest though. Knowing that a serial killer was on the loose, & GH’s budget needed to be trimmed, I was really hoping Elizabeth would be the one offed because THAT would have been heartbreaking and emotionally wrenching for almost every major GH character. Now, we’re left with the ridiculous spectacle of Franko acting like he knows Elizabeth better than all of her family & friends, even though he’s been interested in her for all of 3 months. Grrrr…..

Elizabeth hasn’t had family or friends for years now. Her sister Sarah hasn’t been on for decades, Nic is gone (temporarily), Gran (Audrey) is gone, Steven Weber is gone, Emily is gone, Jason dumped her…so…Franco’s been an anchor. In “real life” there are people who marry after a few months and stand the test of time…and others who are together for years before even getting engaged, decide to marry…and divorce. So, I find his feelings and sensitivity toward her credible.

As for the scarcity of the funeral, I thought it was rather packed for today’s GH budget. More so than Julian’s trial of the century.

As for killing a GH vet, most of us are already annoyed that we don’t get to see them enough and want more back. Elizabeth/ Rebecca Herbst is one of the most popular actresses on GH with many Liz fans. The long run of losing Liz permanently for a limited storyline is not worth it.

I’m a Sabrina fan but I agree, Her impact on the show was limited due to her absences, but you can’t compare Tony Geary’s absences or Rebecca Herbst on canvas or off with Teresa’s…of course their presence was felt on the show regardless if they were physically absent because they’re legacy characters with a following for decades. I think Sabrina, as well as the other new characters were hired when budgets were slashing and the writers were trying to figure out how to deal with the loss of OLTL and AMC, a soap audience and acting community that was reeling from the sudden “loss” and probably the next-in-line demise of GH. So they scrambled to build an audience by bringing on a few lost characters from OLTL…perhaps trying to grow the numbers thinking OLTLers who didn’t watch GH before (though many did) would increase ratings and 20/30- something characters like Sabrina, Brad, Felix…but they just got lost in the shuffle and became second tier. And still, many of us loved them but still there limited appearances and lack of ongoing stories stunted them.

I think Sabrina was sacrificed because they had to evoke sympathy but couldn’t afford (politically with the fans) to lose another vet. They had to murder someone who we knew…not just strangers in a bed. Her death is the catalyst to Paul’s guilt, Nell’s circling Michael, what I’d hoped would be Michael’s falling out with Carly…

By the way, I detest Nell. She’s a complete stranger zeroing in on Michael in the midst of his grief…just injecting (no pun intended) herself into his house, his private moment with Sabrina’s son…obviously part of her plan but it’s angering me rather than piquing my interest.

Poor Carly.

If she had killed Sabrina herself, Michael would have forgiven her in a heartbeat. Just ask Sonny…

OMG having a serious gh withdrawal right now, but I can’t…

General Hospital

John J. York Back at General Hospital

On Friday, May 10th, General Hospital fans received some wonderful images and news. John J. York who has played the beloved Mac Scorpio on the ABC daytime drama series is back at work and taping all-new episodes of the show.

“Mac is back!” read the General Hospital social media post hashtag. John is pictured with longtime leading lady, Kristina Wagner and in other pics with Wagner, along with his TV son, Josh Kelly.  York has played the younger brother of Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) since 1991.

Previously, York announced he was taking time off from GH to undergo treatment for myelodysplastic syndromes and multiple smoldering myeloma (two blood and bone marrow disorders). This included chemo treatments, finding a blood doner match for  blood stem cell transplant and more.


Late in 2023, York shared an update on his health on social media. At that time, John expressed, “(Things) are actually going along very well. I’m still in the middle stages of everything.” He added, “I’m feeling really good. Hopefully, hopefully, things go the way they are, maybe be back on the show late spring, early summer.

York’s return pics were greeted with wonderful excitement from his GH co-stars on the Instagram post, including  co-stars Finola Hughes (Anna) and Cameron Mathison (Drew).

Michael Fairman TV is wishing John well, and thrilled to see he is back at work.

Share your thoughts as “Mac is Back” to General Hospital via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

(INTERVIEW) William deVry Talks on His Roles in Hallmark’s ‘A Whitewater Romance’, New Film ‘Pocket of Hope’ and His Time on the Soaps

For soap favorite, William deVry life-after-daytime has been reinvigorating, filled with new projects and new directions. This Saturday, May 11th he can be seen in the latest rom-com from Hallmark, A Whitewater Romance (8pm ET/PT) starring Cindy Busby as Maya and Ben Hollingsworth as Matt who play intense business rivals, and featuring Will as Jim Burdett, set against the backdrop of the outdoors and Canada.

In addition, Wil has been busy prepping other projects in which he is executive producing and starring including: Colt & McQueen and Christmas in Bordeaux, and producing and starring in a very dramatic departure for deVry, as the lead in the new true-life story feature film, Pocket of Hope.

Michael Fairman TV chatted with Wil to get the lowdown on his latest and upcoming roles, his expanding career aspirations, and to get his reflections on his three main soap roles: Julian Jerome on General Hospital, Storm Logan on The Bold and the Beautiful and Michael Cambias on All My Children. Read on for what deVry has been up to of late and his reflections of the past.


In A Whitewater Romance, you play the character of Jim Burdett, tell me about him?

WIL: My character runs this whitewater rafting company and the deal is that there’s a corporate retreat that is organized at my company. Jim is sort of old school. He’s been running the company for quite a lot of years. Jim’s not social media savvy. In the story, Maya and Matt get there, and they end up obviously enjoying themselves at this corporate bonding retreat. They discover that Jim was going to close down the company. He stayed open specifically to accommodate this corporate retreat. And then, of course, Cindy Busby’s character, and Ben Hollingsworth character do this little online thing for Jim and get business booming. Before he knows it, the entire summer is booked with clients and they basically saved his company. It’s a feel-good movie with beautiful, stunning locations.

And, are you a good guy in this?

WIL: It’s almost like, wait!  Will is playing good guy? It’s funny because our director, Jason Bourque knows I’ve been playing bad guys for so long. Even the Christmas movie that I did with Terry Hatcher, Christmas at the Chalet, I went through such an arc. My character was so focused in his business and kind of unhappy because he was living his life for other people, and you don’t really realize that you might be slightly unhappy because you don’t take time to do inventory for yourself. In A Whitewater Romance, Jason had this idea that I was this really kind of ‘happy-go-lucky’ guy. And by the second day of shooting, he goes, “I think maybe Jim is a former military …” We both laughed because it was a subtle joke, because you know, I can be a little bit serious.

Photo: Willdevry

How was it to work with Ben and Cindy?

WIL: Great. Cindy being a lead, they set an example for everybody. Cindy is so low key and very friendly, and basically the trailer door is open if you want to discuss anything. Ben was also a producer on this. He might have had a little more stress on him than just sort of acting. But honestly, you couldn’t tell. Both of them had a good sense of humor. I would work with either one of them in a heartbeat again.

You have some exciting news to share; as you are about to be the lead in a new film?

WIL: Yes, I’m the lead in a new film called Pocket of Hope. It’s based on the true story of Chad Gaines, and I am playing Chad. It’s a beautiful movie. It’s in the present day with Chad talking with his daughter. He’s always been reluctant to share his past with her, and because there was a lot of trauma involved, he didn’t really want to put her through that. She’s no longer a young lady and so he feels now is the time to share that. There are a lot of strong flashbacks in the movie. It goes back between the past and the present, which I think is really engaging. The budget is well over a million dollars. We start filming at the end of May in Los Angeles, and then we will go on location in August to shoot the remaining scenes.


How do you feel about tackling a dramatic role such as this with tough subject matter?

WIL: It’s a heavy-duty role. There’s a lot of responsibility. I’ve prepared my whole life for these kinds of roles. It’s really exciting to play a true life individual, who has a story to tell. I think it’s a great honor for me and for the director/producer David Kohner Zuckerman, as well. David is wanting to do Chad’s story justice. We’ve got a good team for this. Robert Altman Jr’s, Cora Atlman, is playing my daughter. When you find a troupe that you like to work with and you can collaborate with, you stick together. So, we have David, as I mentioned and also Deran Sarafian, who is consulting on the project. Deran and I have been working on my other project together, Colt & McQueen. We are the luckiest people in the business right now to be working with Deran. He has had a lot of successful pilots that he’s done for Fox, ABC, and NBC and also Marvel and Netflix shows. He was also a producer on House for Fox.

Photo: Willdevry

In Colt & McQueen, you play a former LAPD detective, right?

WIL: Correct. He was basically dishonorably discharged for something that he didn’t do. He is going be trying to clear his name of any wrongdoings. However, in order to make a living, he sort of does these unsanctioned assignments for the captain of the LAPD, who is also on his way out. He’s a good guy. Kin Shriner (Scott, GH) is in it and he kind of plays a man of the streets who goes by “The Professor.” Rebecca Staab (Elizabeth, Port Charles, et al) is in it, and she plays the character with the code name “Leather Jacket” within the LAPD system. We go into production on it in July.

You’re doing your own projects now. That must be liberating in some ways and harder in others.

WIL: I just said, “Look, if I’m going to stay in this business, I have to have some control over my career now as opposed to just auditioning blindly.” That can be a frustrating process. I am learning a lot because I’ve never produced before or executive produced, but the effort is there, and the will to do so is there.

Photo: RStaabIG

Speaking of projects, you have another one you are working on, a romantic comedy called Christmas in Bordeaux. What is the theme of that one?

WIL: It’s a tale of family traditions, renewed passions, for love and life and spiritual and cultural awakenings. Finding value in the time we have left. And of course, a happy ending for all involved.

As an actor, when you finally get to the point where you get to act you probably really enjoy that. It’s just the challenges of all the things it takes to get there that can be daunting for a performer.

WIL: As an actor, you have to be so good and so comfortable and embrace the rejection. The rejection has to feed you. It can’t defeat you. However, I kind of do take everything personally. If a casting director doesn’t want to bring me in for something that’s their prerogative. I don’t really get angry about it, but I take it personally because I kind of feel like, they should bring me. I can’t just sit back and accept my fate based on other people’s ideas of what I’m capable of or not capable of. Sometimes my resume is a benefit, and sometimes it’s a detriment. It’s up to me to change the narrative.

Photo: JPI

What would you want to say to the GH fans who had been so supportive of you through the years?

WIL: It blows me away how loyal they are, and their passion. I want them to be of aware that. I’m excited to work for myself, and if that doesn’t work out, I am very comfortable going on to do something else with my life. Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis, GH) and I had talked about it at one point, and how she absolutely loves the business. I have other things that interest me and move me. I hope every single fan of Julian Jerome comes along on this journey with me.

Photo: JPI

Looking back, do you think your best role on the soaps was Michael Cambias on All My Children?

WIL: I think with Michael Cambias that All My Children destroyed the character. I sat down with the executive producer at the time, Jean Dadario Burke, and she said, “You’ll be here as long as you want. We did a focus group and you’ve got a 96% approval rating. That’s through the roof.” Two days later, I was called back into her office as they had fired the head writer. I was told Megan McTavish was coming back and they were going to make my character irredeemable, which as everybody knows, Michael Cambias went on to do horrible things to Erica Kane’s (Susan Lucci) family and then he was off the show.

Photo: JPI

Then, you went on to portray Storm Logan on The Bold and the Beautiful and the heartbreaking suicide storyline which saved Katie’s (Heather Tom) life, but cost Storm his.

WIL: Storm had a lot of potential. When you’re going through such a beautiful, heart-wrenching, horrific story like that, I wanted to give the audience a lot of credit. Soaps have a smart audience. I wanted them to go on the journey with me. I didn’t want to ruin it for them by playing the problem. I didn’t want to create the drama before it was time to pay the price, if you know what I mean. I allowed it to play out on-screen without any foreshadowing. I think that’s why it worked and that’s why it broke everybody’s heart, and I think that’s why it won a Daytime Emmy for Best Drama Series. Brad Bell (executive producer and head writer, B&B) trusted me with a vehicle that ended up being the Ferrari for that year. I’m eternally grateful to him.

Photo: JPI

Do you ever check out General Hospital nowadays to see how your old castmates are doing and what is happening in Port Charles?

WIL:  I like to check in. I like to see what Kin Shriner (Scott) is up to, and I like to see who’s showing up and who’s going. I like to see Maura West (Ava) who is such a terrific actress and who played my on-screen sister. We had such a good working relationship and I hope she is on the show forever.  I was happy with my eight years on the show. I knew for 18 months it was time for me to leave. I knew in my heart the character was done. Frank Valentini (executive producer, GH) was thrilled with how I left the show. Those six and a half years on General Hospital were a lot of fun. I really loved going to work.

So, will you be watching William deVry in ‘A Whitewater Romance’ this weekend on Hallmark? What do you think about his upcoming projects and roles? Miss him on daytime? Comment below.


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General Hospital

GH’s Kin Shriner Remembers Jackie Zeman on the One-Year Anniversary of Her Passing

Today on May 9th, marked the one-year anniversary of the death of Jackie Zeman, who for 45 years played the iconic nurse Bobbie Spencer on General Hospital.

Jackie passed away at 70-years-old from cancer and leaves behind her two daughters, Cassidy and Lacey, and all of her enduring fans, and of course. her GH co-stars and dear friends.

Perhaps, her dearest friend was Jackie’s longtime co-star Kin Shriner (Scott) where for years they shared stories on-screen as Bobbie and Scott, and off-screen developed and cultivated an unbreakable bond.

Photo: ABC

Michael Fairman TV spoke exclusively to Kin Shriner to get his thoughts and his memories of Jackie on what is for him and many, a sad and heartbreaking day.

Kin expressed: “It does not seem like a year. I think of Jackie every day and every day. I am approached often as an ambassador to the old days. Every day somebody talks about the heyday of General Hospital bringing up Bobby, Scotty, Luke, and Laura. And it always saddens me because I know that Jackie would still want to know that the fans still love that period of time and we miss her, and I miss that. I don’t get to come in and have a scene with her again, ever. So, it’s all sad and I can’t believe that it’s a year.

When asked what does he think Jackie’s legacy is, now reflecting on her passing a year later, Kin shared, “Her legacy is that It she changed daytime television in the seventies. She was the catalyst that came into General Hospital and created Bobbie Spencer from the wrong side of the tracks, the fiery firecracker woman that she was.”

Photo: ABC

Shriner added on their deep connection, “Jackie brought it all to the screen and she brought it to real life. She raised two great kids, and was a spitfire of a woman and someone that I enjoyed being around from the day we met to the day she died, I was in her life, and she was in my life. We went through a lot together, you know, ups and downs, and it’s just sad that she’s not here anymore.”

Share your thoughts to Kin’s words on the loss of Jackie Zeman via the comment section below, and also your thoughts that is has already been a year since we lost this daytime icon.

Coming up, make sure to watch Kin and many other stars from the soaps on the Michael Fairman Channel’s very special livestream event Daytime Stands Up  in conjunction with The Locher Room and Stand Up To Cancer on Thursday May 16th from 8 pm ET/5 pm PT.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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