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General Hospital


GH’s Billy Miller Helps Raise Awareness For Child Abuse Prevention

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Photo Credit: JPIStudios

General Hospital’s Billy Miller (Drew) is utilizing his celebrity to help bring awareness to one of the most important issues of our time, child abuse and its prevention, and over the weekend part of that mission was accomplished.

Miller, along with Kelly Monaco (Sam, GH) are participating in Child Abuse Prevention month, by starting a campaign to aid the Prevent Child Abuse America organization.

The Daytime-Emmy winning actor first tweeted: “Up for a challenge? In exchange for a new pic, please help gather 500 likes/retweets of this tweet over the next 24 hours. For every one we get, (up to 5,000), we will donate 20 cents to  Prevent Child Abuse America (  Let’s have some fun and do good together.”

Following the response to his “ask”, Miller wrote a letter sharing his gratitude after the enormous response: “Wow, thank you to all the good humans for spreading the word wisely by using social media for its intention to bring like-minded people together.  It was nice to have a bit of fun, especially while helping children in need in a small way.”  Miller goes on to thank his rep, Marnie Sparer for bringing the organization to his intention, and adds another special shout-out to Kelly Monaco.

To Monaco, Billy said, “Kelly, as always, you are the most generous partner anyone could wish for.  Thank you for backing me up.” He ended his note with, “Let’s keep it moving positively folks.”

What did you think about Billy’s efforts to help child abuse prevention, along with Kelly Monaco? Comment below!

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Billy and Kelly are amazing people. Billy always puts his heart out there for children in need. Kelly, too. They are why I watch GH.

” GH’s Billy Miller Helps Raise Awareness For Child Abuse Prevention ”
Thank You- Billy Miller ! You are loved !

(( to mention; Roger H, Franco —
BRAVO! his performance is phenomenal ..
His portrayal of a really messed up man from his deep-seeded abusive childhood is award-winning, indeed.
excellent job .. I felt his pain ..

Billy and Roger are strong talents, both are bringing it home ..
(( love both Roger and Billy ))

Support Child Abuse Prevention .. !! do it !

I really like Billy Miller. I think that Roger Howarth is doing a great job with this storyline. I would really like Drew and Franco to become friends, “brothers.” Both are in need of friends. I know that a lot of people are not fans of “Frodd;” but, I think that he has done an amazing job with the material, and I think that he brings a sense of civility and sensitivity to Franco.

Hi Dr. I love Franco and I love the vulnerability he’s brought to the role. I’d say Drew and Franco are already friends and in actuality Franco is Jason and Crew’s cousin which means he’s technically related to Sam and Liz’s kids, as well. Loving Drew and Franco!

Lol! I wrote dmr. Spellcheck changed it to Dr., I corrected it and apparently spellcheck won!

Oh, rebecca1, how I LOVE these 2 actors/characters together. They both have such a sweet, vulnerable side. I also think this will be the nail in the coffin for Sam and Drew. Since neither Sam nor Jason are capable of forgiving anyone except Sonny, they won’t coddle to a Drew/Franco friendship. But I sure do. I’ve known about Billy’s charity work for a while; it reflects in the kindness and sensitivity of his eyes and his acting. He’s one of the good ones.

Isn’t Franco 2nd or 3 rd cousins with JASON n drew? And isn’t he half sibling with Liz half brother Steve Lars?

Hi, Aria. Yes. Wonder if Jason realizes that. So, in essence, Franco is cousins with Jason and Drew, brother to Steve (via Heather) and related to Jason and Drew’s kids! I love that Franco is actually related to lil Jake since they have such a bond. But, the way this show does things I’m not even sure that fact will be addressed.

It was amazing, too bad Steve Burton Stans and more specifically Jasam fans had to attack Kelly and Billy for this, you can’t possibly sink any lower than that

I agree well we are done here my last post my e mail everything been hacked ! Good luck to all of you

A timely issue that hits close to home.
Thank you Billy and Kelly for your involvement.

I think Billy Miller did a wonderful thing and his efforts should be applauded. Child abuse is a horrific problem and the fact that Billy, along with support from Kelly and Marnie, tried to do some good for such a worthy cause is exemplary and something we should follow suit on.

Billy seems like a truly genuinely good person. As does Kelly. The amount of hate I saw for him on Twitter made me sad.

What was it…the “jasam” fans? Whacked. I give these actors credit for ignoring the loons and giving their all to their roles in spite of them.

That’s awful. I’m not involved in social media, but I’ve read for years that Jason/Sam fans are relentless in attacking the ‘competition.’

Twitter is rarely a love-in.
Even the Pope gets jerked.

I will mention;
When one ummm requests – don’t be mean to us, a whole lot of mean will be dropped on him/her.. it is the way it is ..

Thank goodness my only social media site is with Michael Fairman. Especially in comparison to what other MF commenters have said about other soap blog sites where Billy Miller hasn’t been the only actor to get “whacked.”

Hi rose! I didn’t mean Billy Miller gets “whacked” but that Billy and his alter ego Drew gets slammed a lot from the, shall we say, more “enthusiastic” fans of Steve Burton. I meant that the REACTIONS are so over-the-top/whacked. 😉

As I mentioned in another comment, I think the tide is turning (LOL, as long as those “fans” are satisfied that he stays away from Sam and returns her to what they consider her rightful place beside Jason.) Drew fans counteract all the ways he’s better than Jason and then you have the fans who like both and are as torn as Sam. (but then again Jason fans would say she’s not torn; she only loves Jason.)

Basically, the Drew/Jason divisions makes the current political arena and its opposing sides look like a peace rally in comparison.

I think it’s great that Kelly & Billy are doing this..And Sissy your wrong about the Jasam fans..WE haven’t bashed Billy at all..SOme people are posing as Jasam’s and making it look like they are.. So unless you have proof, don’t point fingers..We may not be SaD fans, but we still Like Billy Miller..No matter who Kelly’s with I’m always her fan..We know the difference in Real to Reel..We know the difference in actor and character..

It brought real awareness to all of us through this story plus a follow up to actually support an organization that helps the children who have been through this. Billy & Kelly both have a genuine love for children.

Good for you, Billy and Kelly. The atrocities that exist, world-wide, boggles the mind. It gladdens me to no end for you to use your combined voices for such a disturbing, yet worthy cause.
Sending much love your way….

Rumor Nelle could be Nina’s….

Really, Jimmy?????? Ahhhhh….hope of all hopes, my great friend…
Now, all we need is another miracle—Kiki and Nelle are sisters ( fraternal twins).
I wonder how Nelle will be redeemed, albeit the worst of the worse have passed the ‘Halo’ test……namely, Carly, herself….
Oh, Jimmy…. where did you hear that? Spoilers?

It showed up when i went on youtube….i like Nelle but i still dont care for Nina who seems to be everywhere like a bad penny or an annoying relative who has overstayed their welcome…and im not too pleased with Valentin who i thought was going to be a real baddie…i know you like Nina and wish i could feel the same way!!!

It’s all good, Jimmy….I guess it’s not so much about the role ( yet, I do love Nina), with me, but the actress, Michelle. I have been a ‘follower’ since my tween years ( Y&R). I think everything about her is amazing….her talent, her looks….and, she can really WEAR clothes….she’d look good in a burlap sac.
Aside: scuttlebutt says JT will die…..won’t spoil it for anyone, but it’s a “mouth-agape” surprise, if true.


Billy Miller has done another generous act. He has shown his kindness before and by using his popularity and social media (which he isn’t even on) he has made people aware of Child Abuse. Truly a generous and admiral man. I also love the way Billy and Kelly are so supportive of each other..

Great job Mr. Miller and Ms. Kelly we need more people like you.

Timing is pretty interesting. Now that Miller is the latest actor saddled with trying to make Howarth work on GH, he’s looking for good publicity and fans to rally around him. I’m sure he cares about kids, who doesn’t? But Miller knows Howarth is a flop on GH.
At the Killy event he admitted that Roger was miserable.

Miller has now been thrown into the muck and the day Drew rushes to help Franco and save him, we have this getting him some good PR. I’m also not too impressed with 20 cents leading to a possible $1,000.


GH is in dire straights… with the addition of “Chris” whom many were lauding as leading GH in the right direction

as for timing… ??? perhaps his undeserved emmy nomination will garner

if this is that magnanimous a gesture… he should have humbled himself… along with Kelly and just left well enough alone. behind closed door

this doesn’t make that much sense.. in that BM chooses not to .. per posts… partake in media wars. yet have spoken outright about the fan warfare .. ie: is it Jason and Sam.. or Drew and Sam. either way GH writers choose to spin , and more like spiral that much deeper… this trio is so lackluster

I’ll take a taco

GH – you clearly have to get on the stick… FIRE

how is it ? that Roger Howarth… is the one spinning out of control ? oh wait.. of the three muskateers.. he still has his mind intact

or did that tumor also leave him mindless. both “bobbie” and “Betsy” ARE SO AFRAID of Jim Harvey !!!!! ???? OH MY GOD… this is weird stuff. does not add up. Drew to the rescue. THE ACTING by Franco while in – HIS – hypnotic state was laugh out loud. what did Jim Harvey do that was so debilitating ??? WE HAVE TO watch Roger Howarth >>>>> WHY

WHY does this matter? Drew seems to be stuck in the one coming around… whilst Jason and Carly do their TIRED DANCE day in and day out. OH wait he’s getting emotional with Sonny.

GOD – what is this new story coming up ? couldn’t even tell what it was , with Sonny mumbling to Jason. he’s that adamant that “Mike” could not have known.. to what lengths Sonny went to solidify his position.

GOD – what is so effin wrong with the writers . watching Nelle play cat and mouse with Carly ? friggin CARLY. this is all a joke and a disaster. all about Morgan again. Carly could break Nelle in 1/2. and wouldn’t even care. this build up to watching Nelle.. couldn’t possibly go any where. oh wait.. she’s pregnant.. let’s drag this out. HOW LAME.

oh god… again… Peter August … just come out . the cards are loaded in your favor… you “saved” Jason.. your only sin is you kept him locked up for 5 years.. you are nurturing and falling in love with your dead brothers wife. you are a lame actor.. with the worst scripts. to this day… you have added nothing in the coffers that makes us realize you and Anna are going to be all that… a long lost son . to Finola Hughes… as she’s cast again to feature Frank Valentini pet , agenda, and questionable hiring

THANK YOU GOD ; FOR Kim , Julian, Oscar… AND Liz


You went from one conspiracy to the next ending with 1,000$-meh. I can only imagine what you’re like in person, gracious me.

I can’t imagine that Billy Miller said Roger was “miserable” at a fan event or would say that anywhere in public. If he DID say it he was probably being sarcastic/joking.

There are many viewers who are loving Franco’s story and even those who aren’t fans of Drew because they’re so loyal to Jason (as if these were real people) but, even Jason fans have been thrilled with the Drew/Franco connection and these rediscovered childhood buddies. I think Drew’s story is just heating up and I’m loving his realization of how Franco saved him from Harvey as a child and the brotherly love they shared. Seems these two cousins might just bring a whole bunch of new alliances to the mix. Jason hates him, Drew will love him. Loyalties divided. Kudos GH!

No Miller said it. He said Roger’s miserable, he knows a lot of people can’t stand Franco. And I certainly believe it, but Howarth wants to work and since no one else is beating his door down, he’s Franco on GH; better than waiting tables.

So Miller knows the game, that Frank tries to get more fans on Roger’s side, or to at least tolerate him, by getting other characters to prop Franco and therefore co-opt that actor’s fans for Roger.

Many people are loving Franco’s story? Well, many aren’t and from what I see the one’s loving it are Howarth fans who like Franco anyway and then there are the Miller fans who really have no choice. This is now his role on GH so it is what it is. As for Jason fans being thrilled with the Drew/Franco connection? Yeah, OK.

MB; I can’t imagine an actor telling fans that another actor who is currently on a show is miserable. I believe you heard it, I just don’t believe that it was in that literal context. That would be like a co-worker going to the big boss of a corporation and telling him/her that so-and-so is “miserable” and doesn’t like his job. Can’t imagine that would sit well for the “miserable worker’s” job stability, or in this case, with fans of the actor or character. If Billy did say that in the literal sense, doesn’t make common…sense.

If Roger did say it and he is miserable, well, maybe (and again, I’m just going along with the premise) maybe it was because he was so loved as Todd and has been playing a character that was controversial from the start. He loves the paycheck? Who wouldn’t. I’m thinking if he DID say it he’ll probably change his tune with the shift in perception of his character.

As for popularity, I’m not going to debate with you. I’ve gone on other sites, groups, besides this and I’ve seen a great outpouring of “loving the story” especially since Franco and Drew have been partnered up. Even fans who seem to have an innate dislike for “Drew”/Billy Miller because he’s “interfered” with their Jason/Sam romance, are suddenly saying that they like Drew now that he’s away from Sam , they’d like him to get with Kim and they love how he and Franco are bonding. Lots of oohs and ahhs and oooooohs when Drew came to Franco’s rescue (knowing that Franco rescued him as a child.)

I don’t gauge the popularity of characters from a few outspoken posters on this site. I look at the bigger picture with bigger numbers, posters, etc and yes, there is a lot of Franco love right now. No doubt the “Frodd” comments will pour in and the usual brigade of people who can’t stand anything or anyone on the show, but, to each his/her own. Lots of other his/her owns are, I’ll say it again, LOVING Franco and Drew.

As for “propping a character…” ugg, I’ve heard that so many times on these sites about numerous characters. It’s a story, many, many stories. Different characters area woven into other characters lives. I don’t think it’s to “prop” anyone. It’s just to tell a story with certain characters; some stories fly, some flop. This one’s flying.

No, he didn’t say that. You can watch both shows on YouTube. The only thing he said about RH was that they get beers together but that RH doesn’t have as much fun as BM (I’m assuming meaning doesn’t drink as much). I’m sorry you don’t like RH, Franco or this story, but lying to drum up hate from others isn’t cool.

I’m not a huge fan of the Franco character, though I do like RH. I was unsure if I was going to like this story arc after months of just talk about kids falling down stairs and rabbit’s foots, but I have loved every minute of this story since it kicked into high gear after the earthquake. For me it’s a socially relevant topic, with solid writing, edge of your seat moments, and Emmy worthy acting (even from the guest star that plays Harvey). But not everyone enjoys the same thing and that’s okay too!

Glad to read your post, BB. That clarifies what Billy Miller said and sounds like what I thought; some off the cuff “cute” comment that wasn’t “literal” regarding Roger’s feelings toward his role.

Glad you’re loving the story; many are! As some have pointed out elsewhere, Liz was a victim of rape, too. If anyone can understand Franco and have empathy for him, it would be her. Love this couple. I think it’s been a very “tender” story. (I think that’s the first time I ever used that word but it seems to fit how I feel about this couple.)

BB, don’t accuse anyone of lying. The subject of Howarth came up and Miller said yeah, he’s miserable, he knows a lot of people don’t like Franco. Then he said something like, but Roger is awesome and does a great job.

And as far as the story being socially relevant, it falls flat. The story isn’t primary, the actor is. This is just the latest attempt to redeem Franco to make Roger accepted on GH. Using the the topic of child abuse to try and prop up an actor, yes prop up, is pretty gross. First it’s DVD’s, then a tumor, then save Michael, then save Carly, then help Jake, then get Liz to fall for him. Nothing worked.

So now let’s use the very real issue of child abuse to try and explain Franco, five years after his return and failure after failure, to try and get people on his side; surely a an abused child will garner sympathy. Again, it’s gross. If it were a genuine story about child abuse, raising awareness, maybe. But it isn’t. It is about trying to explain the actions of an adult who killed and sexually assaulted and about garnering sympathy for that character so that fans will like him, or as Altman said a year ago, needing to give the actor a life on the show.

So yes, five years later, lets manufacture the story of a molested child, not to write a story to bring awareness to an issue, but to try and get fans to finally like a character and the actor who plays him. Gross.

And rebecca1, you don’t just see things on this site, neither do I and most other people. There is plenty of dislike for Franco on other sites and in large numbers. And I don’t think Roger has to worry if his boss knows he’s miserable. His Franco has been a dud from the day he showed up bleached blonde, smirking and prancing around like a fool. Any actor would be miserable in that situation, and that’s why Frank keeps trying to redeem Franco and why we have now gone through the child abuse angle; because the character has been a dud and any actor playing a dud would be unhappy.

Billy Miller did in fact say that Roger was aware of the fact that his character with was not popular with the fans and it was making him miserable. Rebecca’s probably right–it’s all in the delivery and I am sure Miller was kidding.
Then again, as Freud said, “There is no such thing as a joke.” I do think Drew, Lizzy and Kevin have propped up Franco at their own characters’ expense.
Okay, so after the tumor reveal and the child molestation reveal, we can say Franco’s journey on that long and winding road of redemption is over. I accept that and can move on. So now, can Lizzy get her identity back? Can we see Lizzy talk about herself a little? Her hopes, her dreams, her past? Maybe she can go back to being an artist? Can Drew, who has lost fifteen years of his life, find those lost years and thusforth, find himself? And well, yay, I guess, on the new found bond between Franco and Drew, but what about Drew and his twin brother Jason bonding? If they can co exist peacefully in their mother’s womb, then certainly they can co exist in the town of Port Charles. Can Kevin, a fascinating character played by an extremely talented actor, get his OWN story? He’s been talking about his psychotic brother Ryan and some hints were dropped that Kevin may be morphing into Ryan.
And finally, can Jason please have a relationship with his own son, Jake? Jake is all about Franco and wants nothing to do with Jason. That irks me.

@MB….Whilst this latest charitable effort ties in nicely with his character’s storyline, this is certainly not the first time Billy Miller (and Kelly Monaco) have been involved in good works. I recall awhile back he helped an individual or group do some sort of fundraiser or awareness campaign in Texas, and Kelly’s been affiliated with a few different causes in the last decade, too. Thus, let’s give credit where credit is due….especially since it is now incumbent upon Miller’s Drew to be the umpteenth GH character to try and make the undesireable man-child Franco palatable…..I guess charity truly does begin at home, or in Port Charles, as it happens!

Miller,Howarth, and the writers have brought their A game. GH has become must watch.

This is exactly why I quit the show leave Kelly and Billy alone they are actors that play pretend no one gives a crap about their personal life

Billy and Kelly are amazing human beings. Thank you for your efforts in raising awareness to this cause. Sadly is an everyday situation and any effort is greatly appreciated.

I can’t fault Billy and Kelly for bringing more awareness to chid abuse awareness, especially since this is the story line Billy/Drew is living now on GH. And Roger is doing a phenomenal job as Franco, as is Greg Evigan playing the all around bad guy, Jim Harvey. So for naysayers, what does it hurt?

But I must admit the $.20 thing seemed a little cheap. You would think ABC at least could help contribute more per the tweet ante. And didn’t like that Drew has to finish it off with a gun. Leave that to Scandal in the nighttime.

Also, why is GH jamming up with all of these downer, yet important stories, all at once? Spread them out. One at a time. And enough Carly, Sonny and Morgan. This just goes on and on for ever. Or at least have some “happy” stories once in a while. You know, the reason why many of us like to watch soaps in the afternoon. Oh wait they did…Laura and Kevin…enough said by a great many of us on that subject. And now Kim/Scotty. Ruined this character as well. Increasingly why GH is losing it’s charm or must see tv for me.

And an observation….you would think General Hospital would have provided more security in it’s underground parking lot by now with all that has happened there. I sure wouldn’t want to park there, or take a walk on the Pier.

Great job, Billy and Kelly, bringing attention to this horrific human tragedy. Terrific performances all the way around on the show. As for jasam fans slamming an actor, I say get a life. What is wrong with some people!? Jeez…

Where was Dr Bencsh when all this was going down

Once a child is harmed, its too late! If you choose to have children, be a parent, not a supplier to the next census bureau statistic. Ask questions, do not let your child spend the night at a friends house who you have never met or you do not know their parents. Communication is something that solves many if not all your problems within the four walls of your home. Thank you Billy.

True, true, and true. T….. once a parent, one needs to have eyes and ears all over one’s head.
Never leave anything to chance. I, for one, do not believe in sending my kids to spend the night anywhere, other than their grandparents and/or my and my husband’s siblings.
Thank you Billy, indeed.

C, it seems like Michael Fairman is giving up on this site? He used to post so much content that would stir conversation. Episodes, ratings and interviews. What do you think?

Billy and Kelly are great people,and Drew and Franco are both playing characters that faced childhood abuse-Franco,more than Drew!!!!!!

All Points Bulletin: @Laura Wright & Maurice Benard.

FIRE : Frank Valentini

for the love of GOD : along with… Chad Duell

I – must – marvel : Chloe Lanier – who is so wasted with the Corinthos’ Clan – look at her from the camera… she reminds me of Nicole Kidman. LOVE LOVE LOVE her “friendship” with Brad . it was endearing and FUN. stretch this ladies wings…. get out and fast from Sonny and Carly.

Patrick…Agree with you about Chloe. What a waste. She was the one good thing to come out of Fluke, and now she has to be saddled in a storyline with Carly, Sonny and Morgan as the bad girl. Sorta ironic in my eyes. It’s one time she should listen to Ava’s advise.

you are right. from one bad girl to another… call this out… and MOVE ON.

ie: the – scenes – we have seen Nelle STEP OUT of the box. w/ Brad

FUN . Nelle isn’t Britta or vice versa… but Chloe Lanier SHINED. IF the GH writers had it in them… Nelle and Ava could still bad girl.. just work together. thereby these two ladies have allies. could they be bff. YES ! girlfriends are still out their? right?

AM I , part of the audience.. supposed to be FEELING for Carly ? she’s so big, strong, and LOUD .. add her stomp. WHO”S afraid of her ? NO ONE. looking at her “acting scared” . roaring Laughing my arse off.

another thing… the writing gets loopy. Sonny is asking Carly to see a neurosurgeon. WE GET TO SEE HER SCREECH EVEN MORE. Sonny LAME response , after being mowed over, he’s just covering all bases.

??? I truly hope Nelle doesn’t get caught… but she will.. as Sonny and Jason are both BUSY with the caricature of Faison. god don’t get me started on Peter August… why doesn’t he just catch himself on fire… ( lighter ) and THEN this story would mean something. torch his victimized self. as he professes his deathbed “confession” to Anna and Maxie… SO WE CAN ALL MOVE ON.

any way : so this story w/ Nelle and john deere Carly has to progress to Nelle having her baby or not. SOMEHOW the writers can write this that she GETS OVER Michael . HE IS THE DULLEST PERSON IN ALL OF DAYTIME.

I have this odd feeling that the writers are going to get Michelle Stafford Nina … once again going off the track.. being rebuffed by Maxie ( being smothered by Nina and a constant reminder of Nathan ???? ) and what is Peter August doing . recall her asking Kim.. can she double check on her carrying a child. add that to Nelle preggers. w/Brad and Lucas… I think this is going to be MF Nina swan song.. she’s on her way out.. she will save Maxie baby.. but ultimately die off or end up at the wildwind ?

OK ^^^^ see how intriguing this sounds . without Sonny and Carly.

I have to address: the Franco molestation… God his character already reviled and ignored by all port Charles as it is. isn’t Liz so tired of seeking approval for Franco. sigh? will this make them stronger. end of story. I truly understand what Franco did NOW. he helped Drew escape the horror atrocity that he couldn’t. you can’t even put in to words.. the helplessness that’s a lot of tears. Franco is given EVERY stretch and fly that he can ? where does this get us ? A BREAK. go backburner.

if GH tries to smother us with building a relationship with both Drew and Jason. WHY HAVENT Drew and Jason NUTTED UP over something… they can’t because they don’t have their mind? they sure as hell aren’t fighting over Sam. DAG! isn’t it just nice not to see Sam at all . is she still outa town with Scout and Danny? what a breath of fresh air … RELIEF. stay gone

scripts have gone loopy awry disjointed out of nowhere… going no where

Dr. Bensch and Kiki. so sorry to see this happening to James DePaiva. another quick kill. even I said I thought their was something creepy about his character. he was shown trying to “dance” with Alexis. asked Jordan OUT. alas, that’s it… Kiki it is. sexual harassment. I waited and waited for Dr. Bensch to be given more material.

I haven’t been enjoying this show. save for Kim / Julian / Oscar AND Liz.

is it all the dire subject matter ( OK relevant) or the disjointed scripts… the addition of CHRIS … with Frank / Jean ( loving adding her still; she killed ) WITH Shelley…

GOD – another thing… it’s on me.. but I think GH has ALREADY ruined any interest.. and theirs lots of it.. with Nathan replacement . CHANCE. very stimulating.. HERE GOES FRANK VALENTINI AGENDA. OK … lets give Michael Easton ANOTHER PROP. Finn and Chance brothers… boring

the scene @Metro as Anna asks Finn questions about “Faison” with Alexis sitting their. Alexis did ask Anna if their was anything going on and did she mind that Alexis wants to persue “things” with Finn. HOORAY. yet their was Anna fawning over him at the bar waiting for Jason. ??? Finn is overkill

Nelle certainly is an unusual pregnant woman. While other women have what is known as the ‘nesting instinct (the proclivity to suddenly clean house), Nelle has the psycho-torture instinct.

Jordan has been coughing the last few weeks. I guess she is about to be diagnosed with something terrible.

Lets hope it leads to death and Robert brings respect back to the PCPD!

Yikes. Ouch Timmm. But I DO love me some Robert Scorpio! 🙂

You are a man after my own heart, Sir Timmmbo! I thought the exact same thing when I read this spoiler….if only we should be so lucky to have Scorpio back in charge of the PCPD…or at least Anna! Let Jordan bite the dust!

If they really wanted to tell a child abuse story, it would have been far better to let Billy Miller portray it, as something that happened to Drew in his past in the orphanage, group home, foster home, or where ever he was – once his own memories are restored from the disco ball, of course.

Instead they made it the 666th Frodd “redemption” story… and it’s still not working.

My dog Cerberus does appreciate Jim Harvey as his new chew toy though, so thanks for that!

Nor will the 667th or 668th or…well, you get the picture, Satan!

General Hospital

Lane Davies Joins the Cast of General Hospital Setting up a ‘Santa Barbara’ Reunion with Nancy Lee Grahn

Some very intriguing casting news out of General Hospital. The ABC daytime drama has cast former Santa Barbara favorite, Lane Davies (ex-Mason Capwell), in the role of Fergus Byrne, an attorney who crosses paths with Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn).

According to TV Insider, Davies will make debut the week of May 22nd.  As soap fans know, together with the aforementioned Grahn, they created the Santa Barbara supercouple of Mason and Julia Wainwright. Davies portrayed Mason Capwell family from 1984 through 1989.

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time in Port Charles for Lane. From 2002-2004 he played Dr. Cameron Lewis and also shared on-screen story with Grahn.  At that time Davies, played Xander Smith’s father.

Photo: NBC

GH fans are wondering about the last name of Davies new character, “Bryne”. If you recall, Alexis got herself involved with therapist Dr. Neil Bryne, who died when Harmony broke into Alexis‘ house and killed Neil by injecting him with opioids.


Taking to her Instagram, Grahn shared her excitement at the upcoming on-screen reunion with Davies, “It never gets old. We do 😂…. but it doesn’t 😍. Lookin’ forward to another romp.”

So, what do you think about Lane Davies returning to GH to play an attorney in Alexis’ orbit? Share your thoughts via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Nikolas Gets an Earful from Ava About Sonny and His Meds; Nina and Drew Can’t Seem to Resist Each Other

Ava (Maura West) seems to feel she has a confidante in a jailed Nikolas (Adam Huss) on the Monday, April 29th episode of General Hospital. In story, Ava heads to Pentonville to visit her ex-husband before he is set to get transferred out of state.

When discussing her living relationship with Sonny (Maurice Benard), which Nikolas already knew about, Ava says she is happy about how her relationship with Sonny has been evolving, Nikolas ask if she’s in love with Sonny. Ava denies it, but goes on to say how great it is for her daughter, Avery to be living with both her parents, who are on the same side and not at odds.

Nikolas believes that Ava loves being in Sonny’s inner sanctum and the power that comes with it. Ava fires back that she spent years looking in from the outside and that everyone despised her. When Nikolas brings up Nina (Cynthia Watros), she says Nina never really could understand the true type of man that Sonny is.


Then, Ava launches in on Carly (Laura Wright), and how she would love to stick it to her, for all the times she blocked Ava from seeing her child and Carly’s attitude towards her. Then, Ava admits to Nikolas that she knows that Sonny has a watered-down version of his bipolar medication, which is making him more vulnerable and she’s capitalizing on it for her own gain. She says she needs to figure out who is responsible, but Nikolas voices concern for Ava’s plan and that if Sonny ever found out she knew about it and did nothing, he would be on the warpath against her. Ava promises she knows what she’s doing. When she says goodbye to Nikolas, he looks upset and sad, as he still seemingly cares for Ava.


Meanwhile in Drew’s (Cameron Mathison) office, Nina walks in complaining about Carly giving her a hard time about maintenance in her office. Nina wants payback for Jason (Steve Burton) buying Carly the hotel, but Drew is not up for playing games with her.  She says they both want revenge on Jason and Carly, which Drew denies. Next thing you know, Nina grabs Drew and kisses him. Although, it seems he might walk out the door and away from her, he locks it, and the two proceed to have round 2 of their hate-sex.


Elsewhere, Anna tells Jason about her shooting Charlotte and her concern about Valentin’s (James Patrick Stuart) involvement with Pikeman. Meanwhile, Valentin visits Jack Brennan (Charles Mesure) in Pentonville, where threats are laid out to make Sonny look like the guilty party in eliminating Jason, while Anna is the line of fire, if she doesn’t keep her nose out of Pikeman business, which worries Valentin, who doesn’t want Anna getting hurt in any of this.

So, what do you think about Ava’s plans? Did you like seeing Nikolas back on the canvas? Are you all for a Drew/Nina continued affair? Will Anna get caught in the crossfire only to be saved by Valentin? Share your thoughts and theories via the comment section below.

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Breaking News

Haley Pullos Receives 90-Day Jail Sentence Following DUI Charge And Wrong-Way Car Crash

Former General Hospital actress, Haley Pullos (ex-Molly Lansing-Davis) is going to be doing time in jail, exactly one-year after her arrest from a hit and run wrong-way car collision.

The crash resulted in bodily harm and damages to the other driver, and now Pullos who pleaded “no contest” to the charges and will serve 90 days in jail. She was taken in custody on Monday, April 29th, after the ruling.

According to Haley’s attorney, Mark Daniel Melnick, the 25-year-old actress struck a plea deal and after her three months in jail will be sentenced on July 29th. As part of that sentencing, she must serve five years probation, 200 hours of community service and pay $8,260 in restitution to Courteney Wilder, the other driver in the crash and her driver’s license is revoked for a year.


According to TMZ, the plea deal for Pullos has the “no contest” to one DUI, while the judge dropped the felony DUI causing bodily injury and misdemeanor hit and run charges.

Melnick said in a statement to PEOPLE, “Haley is very grateful to the court for a minimum sentence and for recognizing her remorse and the strides she has made in her sobriety.”

Pullos had played the daughter of Alexis Davis (played by Nancy Lee Grahn) on the ABC soap opera since 2009, but after her car crash and DUI she was replaced by three different actresses until the show finally settled on the current Molly, Kristen Vaganos.

Photo: Pasadena PD

Back in April 29 of 2023, and at the scene of the crash, the police found edibles and mini-bottles of tequila in Pullos’ vehicle and that she was intoxicated. As it turned out, this was to be the second hit and run in the evening for Pullos who had an earlier collision with another car.

The courts decision follows a year-long legal battle with Haley’s pleas changing throughout it, ranging from “not guilty” to “no contest”. She sought treatment for her drinking at a rehab following the crash.

Nancy Lee Grahn, who portrayed Pullos’ on-screen mom took to X on Monday night, April 29th and shared on the sentence and the specific jail, Haley will be serving time: “As Haley’s TV mom I can tell some truths about her as I’ve loved her since she was little girl. She made a HUGE mistake, knows it, owns it & has spent the last yr doing EVERYTHING imaginable to take responsibility 4 it. It’s not that I oppose jail. It’s that I oppose this jail.” The jail in question by Grahn is the L.A. county jail.

So, what do you think about Haley Pullos serving a 90-days jail sentence, and the other rulings that will be part of her sentencing? Comment below.

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