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Y&R’s Sharon Case Talks On: The Emotional Scenes of Sharon’s Reaction to Rey’s Death, Jordi Vilasuso’s Exit, Shick, and What’s Next for Her Life in Genoa City

Photo: CBS

All the superlatives in the world rang true for Sharon Case’s performances on recent episodes of The Young and the Restless. In story, and in true heartbreaking fashion, Sharon learns from Nick (Joshua Morrow) that her husband, Rey (Jordi Vilasuso) has been killed in a three-car accident involving Victoria (Amelia Heinle) and Ashland (Robert Newman). The thing of it was, when Rey was MIA, Sharon knew in her gut that he wasn’t coming back, making the moment she learns of Rey’s fate (from none other than her ex) all the more of a five-star soap opera tearjerker.

What followed was sensational work from Daytime Emmy winner, Case, that resonated so much with the fans of the show that the performance trended on Twitter.  Now with that, came the departure of Case’s longtime scene partner, Jordi Vilasuso, and opened the door for what might befall the long-suffering Sharon Collins Newman Rosales next.

Michael Fairman TV chatted with Sharon to get her perspective on the taping of the gut-wrenching scenes, its fallout, the audience reaction, and if a new romance might be just around the corner for GC’s Sharon … or if she will go it alone for a while. Here’s what she had to say about it all and then some.

The scenes that aired last week where Sharon finds out Rey is dead were so amazing, Sharon.  I’ve watched them back like ten times, because it was that good.  I don’t know if you realized that at the time you taped them.

SHARON:  I didn’t realize it at the time. I was worried after I shot it that maybe it wasn’t good enough or real enough.  You tend to second guess it all the time when it comes to a situation like that because you’re talking about a reaction to a really crazy, shocking, specific moment in someone’s life, and I think people all react a little bit differently. I was just trying to make it organic. After we taped it, I was like, “Was that the right reaction?  I think it was.”  Then, after I watched it, it really felt true and real to me.

Photo: JPI

The way they did it was so quiet and still that you could hear a pin drop.  It was almost like when Nick walked in to tell Sharon, we were watching a moment in a play. 

SHARON:  You know, you’re right.  It was, and the way that it was written and played.  The entire production quality did seem like a play.

When you did the scenes and you left for the set for the day, how did you feel about them?

SHARON:  Well, I had a lot of angst about doing the scene.  It had been on my mind for days.  I was trying to contemplate the variety of ways it could go and what one would really feel.  So, when I finally did it, I thought, “Was that everything I wanted to do?”  We did tape the scene several times, so I had several shots at it.  I did it a little bit differently each time, and I think the one that aired was the final take. During taping, I think I got a little more dramatic each time we performed the scene.  I remember in the final take, my whole face was puffy from crying, and my eyes were red by then, and that one was the most dramatic take. Ultimately, I liked the one they chose for the episode.


You played it that Sharon knew deep-down that something had happened to Rey, right?

SHARON:  Yeah, she did, and she knew it early in the show.  Something struck her as soon as Rey didn’t return, and Chelsea came in and said, “Where’s Rey?  He hasn’t returned my calls.”  For Sharon, it was that, ‘Oh my, God’ moment, and the worst crossed her mind then and there.  That continued to progress throughout the episode, and she continued to become more disheveled emotionally and physically as the show went on, until finally Nick showed up, and that was it.  I think her heart dropped, and she went into shock right away when he walked it.

Right, because Sharon had the line, “Just give me a minute before you say it,” which brought everyone to tears.

SHARON:  I think Sharon just looked at him, and her heart sank, and she just went around the room babbling and cleaning things.  She didn’t even know what she was doing or saying.  She was already feeling the shock of it and preparing herself for what she was going to hear.

So, Jordi and you had lot of scenes together, obviously.  He was with you through the cancer storyline etc.  It’s always difficult to see somebody leave the show who you’ve worked with for a long time. Would you agree?

SHARON:  Yes.  Oh, it’s always difficult.  It was difficult to shoot the last scene I had with Jordi.  It’s always just very, very sad when somebody leaves the show, especially when it’s somebody who you’ve worked with for years, but that is also the way things go.  I worked with Steve Burton (Ex-Dylan) for years, and I remember shooting his last scene.  It was very heartbreaking.  When Cassie (as then played by a young Camryn Grimes) died, losing her was very heartbreaking.  So, you know, we are no strangers to this, but it’s always very, very sad.

Right, and, of course, you see the outcries.  In the middle of all this you were trending on Twitter.  I think you knew that.

SHARON:  Yes, I was so floored by that.  It was incredible.

See, even years later and being a vet on the show, there’s still a surprise that can await you!  I felt like you got your well-deserved due with it.  People were taking notice of it.

SHARON:  That means so much to me.

Photo: JPI

There were fans who were also like, “Sharon didn’t get a goodbye scene with Rey,” and I get that too, because people would have loved to have seen a major last scene between you and Jordi.  But then again, I don’t know if it would have played the same with the way we are talking about it feeling like a stage play in that moment.

SHARON:  You know, I agree with what you said.  People wanting a goodbye scene makes sense, but this was written differently.  There is no reason to write scenes the same way … every time somebody dies, just go through the same template.  This was different, and with how they told and with what scenes they showed and did not show.  I found that it was really effective.

Then it is Nick who brings the heartbreaking news of Rey’s death to Sharon.  Joshua Morrow was great in the scene, too.

SHARON:  I agree.  He really was.

Photo: JPI

You can never underestimate the on-screen power of Shick.  You and Joshua just have that on-screen magic as scene partners.  You could tell that Nick felt so bad for Sharon.  He’s been her ex-husband, he’s been her best friend, but you could tell Nick wanted to be the one to tell her. Nick also knew how Sharon was going to handle the news.

SHARON:  Yes, because they have such a long history together, and it plays on- screen very nicely. I think because Joshua and I have worked together for that many years, and we’ve been through all of these rough times: hard storylines, people leaving the show, and really tough scenes that we’ve gotten each other through. We’ve gone through whatever is happening in our personal lives all of these years, too.  There’s just a lot of connection between us because of all of the history and beats that Nick and Sharon have shared together in life and on stage, and when we look at each other, that is always in our minds.  It can’t not be.

Photo: CBS

So, as viewers we also prepare ourselves too, “Oh, poor Sharon, and Nick’s got to tell her!”  I think it’s this very visceral thing with soaps where it’s not like any other genre.  There is such a connection between audience, actors, story.  It’s just very different.

SHARON:  Yeah, you’re right.  There is more of a connection like that probably because we are on every day for years and decades. But one thing I do have to say is I like all of the relationships that Sharon has. They’re all interesting, and I love them all, but what is different, or what I feel is different about Nick and Sharon is that they are this real couple.  Of course, both of them sometimes do bad things for the sake of drama and story of the years, but at the end of the day, they are both real people.  It’s not just like this long-term love story that is on and off.   Neither of them is pulling tricks on the other one.  They’re not villains.  They’re just trying to get through their lives.  Of course, bad things have happened.  Nick’s done bad things; Sharon has, as people do in real life too. Watching them get through that over the years has enriched their relationship.

Photo: JPI

Another plot point that they did wrap up in Rey’s story, was for Sharon, in her way, to confront Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan); over Chelsea’s burgeoning feelings for Rey, and they had that scene.  What did you think that?  It was more adult in its delivery without a cat fight between two women.

SHARON:  I liked that about it too, that it was two adults talking and being frank with each other and not the cat fight. Now, the cat fights do have a place on the show for sure, but not every scene has to be like that.

Did Sharon instinctively know in her gut that there was an attraction between Rey and Chelsea? Did she think Chelsea was going to try to steal her man?

SHARON:  Yes! She felt in her gut for a long time that there was an attraction. We’ve seen Sharon in beats where she notices Rey and Chelsea talking or hanging out a lot, or whatever, a connection.  She just finally decided to just say it, and just be frank with Chelsea, and just ask her what’s going on? I would imagine confronting someone and asking them point blank like that what’s really happening is hard. Nobody wants to have that conversation. I liked the way that it was written.  It was very real.  It could have been catty.

Photo: JPI

Then, later, when Sharon was alone with her family and children and mourning Rey’s death, they’re all so concerned for. Basically, she is trying to hold it together, and she keeps saying she has to hold it together for the kids.  Is she just so afraid to let herself completely break down?

SHARON:  I think Sharon feels that she is holding it together for her family.  You know, she’s got kids, and there is about to be a wedding for Mariah and Tessa, and when there is a death in the family, it can rock everybody’s world. She was trying to hold it together, not just for her sake, but for everyone’s sake. Everybody in the family loved Rey, and I think it was just her instinct to be the strong one, but maybe she’s afraid that if she hadn’t made that choice to be the strong one, she would fall apart.  Who knows what would happen to her?  If she just really let it all out, she might spiral completely out of control. It is the fear of the unknown for someone of what could happen to you if you just emotionally and completely lose it.

Photo: JPI

She was saying (and I think why Rey was a good partner for Sharon) is that he was just a good man.  Is that how Sharon saw it?

SHARON:  I think that was it. After dealing with her bipolar disorder and going through that, she had wanted to try to stabilize herself in her life.  Sharon became a therapist not to practice therapy, but to help herself.  You know, sometimes if you read about the illness that you have, it helps you conquer and get through your own illness. She wanted to get better to be a stabilizing influence for her children, and she has become that, and over the last few years, having a stable man in her life like Rey, was part of that agenda of being the best mom she could be.

Photo: JPI

Whereas, if she had ended up with Adam (Mark Grossman), that would have been a different outcome for her, as she decided to made her relationship work with Rey.

SHARON:  Right, and with her children, and for her children’s’ sake that was leading her to that decision, and plus, her past and having been an unstable person. Now her kids are grown, and they’re marrying off.  Going forward, it’s a different time in Sharon’s life.  I don’t think she has to prove anything to herself or anyone else anymore.  She is going to decide what direction to take her life in from here and go for it.

Photo: JPI

Sharon made the call to Rey’s mother, Celeste (Eva LaRue), to let her know her son had died, and obviously now, the funeral is going to be in Miami.  How does Sharon truly feel about this? 

SHARON:  She does come to terms with it.  I think, at first, it just wasn’t something that had ever occurred to her.  In the back of your mind, you think when your loved one dies, they’re not going to be buried somewhere else, but we don’t really think about where burials will happen, thank God.  I think it was just something that she had to consider.  It was a little bit of a shock.  I think Sharon comes to terms with it, and it makes sense that Rey should have his final resting place with his family and at his home, but that doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be a memorial for him, just because the burial isn’t there in Genoa City, and that’s what ends up making sense to her.

Photo: JPI

How does this performance, and the kudos you received for it, stack up against some of the other major moments you have had on Y&R throughout your career? Does this scene now stand as one of your all-time favorites?

SHARON:  Yeah!  It is.  It’s one of my favorites. Not just for the performance that I was happy with or the way that the story was written, but I also put it up there because of the fans’ reactions. There were so many amazing reactions that I read and comments on Instagram and Twitter. They were overwhelmingly lovely, and I’ll never forget that.  The outpouring from the fans was very moving to me. The feedback on Sharon’s reaction to Rey’s death, it was really was just beautiful to me.  I was just so humbled and grateful

Jordi Vilasuso actually retweeted Y&R’s tweet which included the ‘Nick telling Sharon that Rey is dead’ scene, and he gave you and Joshua applause for it.  I thought that was pretty sweet.

SHARON:  Oh, he did?  I didn’t see that tweet.  I’ll have to go to his Twitter account.  Aww. That’s so cool, and you’re right, it was so sweet for him to do that.

Photo: JPI

So, in a broad stroke, where do you think Sharon goes from here?  Is she just going to be in a grieving process, or is this going to be a turning point in her life?

SHARON:  I think it’s going to be a turning point in her life.  I hope that turning point could be a lot of different things, but I would love to see her make a change in her life.  I was speculating that she could be in the grieving process for a while, and maybe she tries to pull herself out of it, but in trying to be too strong, maybe she ends up going off of her meds or becoming a drug addict, or whatever.  When people go through this kind of loss and grief, you don’t know how long it will take or what is going to be next for them, or whether they’ll pull right out of it and make a big, strong change in their life, or if they’ll spiral downward for a little while longer.


That’s more realistic to life than you’re just fine when somebody dies and it’s over.

SHARON:  Yeah, you’re right, and that never happens that somebody dies and it’s over.  You definitely usually struggle for a long time, and you know what I think would be great is if we did both.  Let’s say Sharon decides to propel her life forward in some really strong business pursuit in life and re-identifies herself as this stronger person in whatever it is she’s doing – maybe with her career or something like that – then at the same time working so hard on that focus while she’s grieving. It then causes her to maybe start using drugs to cope with maintaining that strength.  Not all people who struggle with grief end up on substances, sometimes the substances are not overwhelming, they’re a crutch.  Sometimes these people can be functioning users.  I think that would be an interesting way to go rather than every time someone has something go wrong, their whole life is overcome by this.  Walking a line, and struggling to function, and seeing how they’re managing to function and what they’re doing, that would be a story that I would love to see for her.

Photo: JPI

Do you see Sharon rebounding to another man right away or another relationship? Can she be on her own?

SHARON:  I don’t see her rebounding right away.  I mean, I wouldn’t think that in that kind of grief, anyone is thinking about romance.  I do think she can be on her own.

(Laughs) But we’re in the land of soap operas, and they move things along sometimes and all of a sudden, a character finds themselves in a new/old love story. 

SHARON:  That’s true!  That could be true too, or maybe you find solace in this romance, I don’t know!  I think those would be interesting options, as well.

So, what did you think of Sharon’s performance when Sharon learned of Rey’s death? What do you hope happens next for Sharon? Do you want her to emotionally struggle? Find a new career? Enter another romance? And if so, with whom? Nick? Adam? Someone new? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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The scene where Nick tells Sharon about Rey’s death was heartbreaking and done to perfection. I really liked how it was written and filmed. But this all seems far too neat and tidy in terms of a wrap up to Rey’s presence in Genoa City.

The very next episode skipped over all the hospital scenes for Victoria and Ashland, and we never got to see Rey’s body. I’m really hoping there’s a twist coming involving Ashland somehow orchestrating the car accident, because as of now, the only explanation is that it was foggy and Rey swerved in the middle of the road causing the crash. That doesn’t sit right with me at all.

As for Sharon’s future, I like the suggestion of Sharon grieving and finding solace in an addiction, or potentially getting wrapped up in her clients’ business as a way to mask what she’s going through. Similar to what I’m hoping comes of Billy’s podcast – he tries to help someone but projects his own demons on them and inadvertently causes some type of tragedy.

Also, this might be an unpopular opinion, but I’d really like to see a Sharon/Billy pairing. I’m tired of his relationship with Lily, and I don’t want to see a rehash of Shick just yet. Plus, both have gone through incredible loss and Billy is a recovering addict, so maybe he can help Sharon recover if that’s the path she goes down. I think there’s tons of potential for these two characters.

Sharon Case is my favorite actress in daytime and tv period. She deserves a Emmy for that gutwrenching performance,with
Sharon and Nick as my favorite couple. Their scenes are so effortlessly tender and real. Can’t wait for a slowburn Shuck reunion ! Joshua also deserves big kudos in this past scene.
Storyline wise I d love to see Sharon honor Rey by paying homage to the beginning s of their relationship and going back to work at the gcpd as community outreach , grief councillor etc. Sharon needs to get out of that coffeeshop stat!
That way when we have the rate Michael Baldwin, Christine and Kevin scene they can take place at the station instead of the coffeehouse!
One a different sidenote, too bad when her and Nick went to the morgue to see the body it was unidentifiable due to burns etc. .Incase one day the ptb want to bring Rey back. The Rosales were really trashed by Josh the hack Griffith.

Heck I just settle for her getting a new couch!!

Sharon nailed it, it was so awesome, it was so real to life when we lose someone we love. Sharon Case should be nominated, her acting is always fantastic. She’s just like Gina L. When they act out these tough scenes they both show what acting is all about. ♥

I just don’t get why Sharon Case doesn’t get Emmy nominations. She’s on my dream ballot for 2021 and will be on it again for 2022. I prefer Kirsten Storms and Cynthia Watros to win the Emmy but Sharon deserves a nomination, especially for all the work she did during Faith’s bullying/illness and Rey’s poisoning storylines last year. She is phenomenal! These scenes with Rey’s death would definitely belong on her Emmy reel for this year.

Sharon was fantastic. Kudos. Joshua has been great too.

I started sobbing with the hitch in Joshua Morrow’s voice when he said “There’s something I have to tell you.”. It broke my heart.

It was a very good scene and like Sharon said you could tell she knew all that time and I could see how puffy her face was. Once Nick walked in I was holding my breath and then seeing him fighting off tears just got me. Once she knew it, I just started crying. She’s that good!

I think everyone did a fantastic job. I think Sharon needs to grieve more and maybe spiral out of control. Then have Nick come to the rescue. These two belong together. They have been through so much. It’s time to put them together and keep them together.

Sharon and Rey were only married for a year… she will grieve but not as long as most think.. It was a short marriage and she did love him no doubt but it may not take as long as if she had been married a lot longer.. hopefully they don’t bring drugs into the picture.

Love and heartbreak are not measured in time. She can hurt just as much, no matter if its a year or ten years.

This was very hard on me it was the day 6 years ago that my son-in law was killed in a head on crash I cried so very hard watching this


Y&R’s Michelle Stafford Talks on Her Lead Actress Daytime Emmy Nomination, Allison Lanier, and ‘Pacific Palisades’ with Finola Hughes

It has been 20-years since daytime dynamo, Michelle Stafford (Phyllis) of The Young and the Restless, has captured the Daytime Emmy for her continued outstanding performances. She previously won Outstanding Supporting Actress in 1997 and Outstanding Lead Actress in 2004, and along the way has amassed 12 nominations for her work.

Now, Stafford finds herself in a crowded field of women going for gold at the upcoming 51st annual Daytime Emmys to be handed out on Friday, June 7th on CBS. Nominated along with Michelle in this year’s Lead Actress race are: Finola Hughes (Anna, GH), Annika Noelle (Hope, B&B), Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke, B&B), Cynthia Watros (Nina, GH) and Tamara Braun (Ava, DAYS).

Michael Fairman TV chatted with Michelle about her nominated scenes, her on-screen daughter, Allison Lanier being recognized for the first time in her career for her work as Summer, and her enduring friendship with Finola Hughes; which dates all the way back to when they were co-stars on the 1997 primetime soap opera, Pacific Palisades. 

Photo: JPI

Michelle participated in the Michael Fairman Channel’s 10th annual Daytime Emmy Nomination Special last Friday, where she chatted with us and the fans live to celebrate her nomination along with several other actors. Here’s what Michelle shared on these key topics below.

Photo: JPI

What scenes did you submit, and what about those scenes did you think showcased you as an actress for the Lead Actress competition?

I went from the beginning of Phyllis’ spin out, to her pleading to be exonerated. The thing that I liked is it showed what I do love about the character of Phyllis, and that is that she is dark. She can be very dark and really fierce, but then very broken. I liked that it showed all of that. I had some scenes with Tracey E. Bregman (Lauren) and Christian LeBlanc (Michael) that I started with that weren’t really meant to be as intense as they were, but they ended up being very intense. Basically, Phyllis is talking to her friends and no one believes her about this woman, Diane (Susan Walters). No one believes her and she has no friends and no one wants to know her. She’s become the villain, and it showed her just complete frustration. Then, there is this scene. It was so funny because Phyllis is like in Diane’s face going, “You’re afraid of me.” And then, I got up in her face and Phyllis goes, “and you should be afraid of me.” I’m watching it going, “Bitch, I’m afraid of you!” And then, at the end of my reel, she is just so broken talking to the judge.

Photo: JPI

Your on-screen daughter, Allison Lanier, scored her first Daytime Emmy nomination and in the highly-competitive Supporting Actress in a Daytime Drama series category. What are your thoughts on Allison?

MICHELLE: Allison worked so hard last year. She works hard all the time. She’s so great. I’m so happy for her because she’s just a very focused, hardworking actress. I think, she really has a great look and she’s just fantastic. I feel just so rich in that Hunter King played my daughter for so many years, and now I have Allison.  You know, Allison came into the story when my character was really jacked up and very adversarial and fighting with Summer all the time. I think it was a little daunting for Allison, but she got it. This is daytime, and you have to get on the express train. It’s moving. You either jump on or you don’t get on. Not every actor can do it. It’s a special technique and I think that’s what we all love about it, because that’s the challenge to actually put out something somewhat decent. I never want to say good, because I don’t know if it’s good but somewhat decent, in the limited time we have. I saw what Allison submitted which was fantastic. It’s really impressive. I always say anyone who could be good in daytime is phenomenal out there.

Photo Fox

You and Finola Hughes are nominated together, and are good friends dating all the way back to when you were both on Pacific Palisades together. You had played the character of Joanna, and Finola was the character of Kate. What do you recall about your time on the show?

MICHELLE: The characters we played were best friends on Pacific Palisaides, and I created a great friendship with Finola. Looking back at my time on that show, I don’t think I appreciated it as much as I should have. Of course, I was younger and I thought, “This is my first show. I’ll get many more.” You don’t appreciate things like you do when you’re older. Not that I didn’t appreciate it. I mean, I knew I was really fortunate. I knew I was lucky. I grew up in this business. I knew how lucky I was, but it was just a very different kind of character for me to play. I think it was a little challenging because I had gone from playing Phyllis, to playing like this wholesome Midwestern girl off the farm. So, that was a bit challenging for me, but I had a good time.

So, what do you think of the scenes submitted by Michelle for this year’s Emmy competition? Will you be rooting for her to win her first Emmy in over 20 years? What do you remember about Finola and Michelle in ‘Pacific Palisades’? And, what do you think about the on-screen dynamic between on-screen mother and daughter as played by Michelle and Allison Lanier? Weigh-in via the comment section. And in case you missed it, you can catch the ’10th annual Daytime Emmy Nominations Special’ below featuring live conversations with 10 of this year’s acting nominees.

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General Hospital

GH’s Finola Hughes Chats on Her Lead Actress Daytime Emmy Nomination, New Directions for Characters in Port Charles, and Anna’s Love Life

In four out of the last five years, General Hospital favorite, Finola Hughes (Anna Devane), has almost become a perennial nominee having once again scored a Daytime Emmy Nomination for Outstanding Performance by a Lead Actress for the upcoming 51st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards.

Hard to believe, but Hughes won her one and only Daytime Emmy back in 1991, and has amassed a total of 11 Emmy nominations during her enduring daytime drama career. As those who have watched GH know, throughout any calendar year, you can find numerous stellar performances by Finola that could be tops on any Emmy reel.

Michael Fairman TV chatted with Finola during the 10th annual Daytime Emmy Nominations Special to get her reaction to landing in the field of six fantastic women vying for gold, what scenes went on her now Emmy-nominated reel, what she thinks of how GH is shaking things up under new head writers, Patrick Mulcahey and Elizabeth Korte, and the future of Anna’s love life. Here’s what she shared below.

Photo: ABC

What scenes did you wind up submitting that landed you in the running for the Daytime Emmy in this year’s Lead Actress category?

FINOLA: The whole Charlotte (Scarlett Fernandez) shooting and the accident and that whole thing. Then, talking about that with Sonny (Maurice Benard), and then a bit of the breakup with Valentin (James Patrick Stuart), and then finding out that Valentin had lied.

Who helped you put the reel together?

FINOLA: One of our producers at GH, Michelle Henry. We have these amazing producers. They’re sort of the unsung heroes. They’re in the booth all day when we’re shooting. They do this wonderful thing where they earmark something, if they think that it’s been a good performance. So, they just have this sort of little list (that helps come Emmy time). So, that’s how that worked with Michelle.

Photo: ABC

Now you’ve had a string of recent Daytime Emmy nominations. Do you think GH is  writing more for your strengths in the last several years?

FINOLA:  Yes, and I think it’s become stronger recently. I think writers really take the lead sometimes from an actress or an actor who’s going through something or moving through something in their life. Maybe, that’s they were just seeing, you know, different layers and colors and so they started to write to that.  I’m not sure. It certainly felt like I’ve had some things (material) that resonated with me.

What I have loved about Anna is that she is very complex. She often wrestles with herself over her past as a double agent, or certain guilt that she carries around. It’s interesting when the lines are blurred for her and things get messy.

FINOLA:  I do well with complex and I like messy.

So, what do you think about the nominees in the Lead Actress category with you?

FINOLA:  They are great. I don’t know Annika Noelle (Hope, B&B) very well, but I hear she did wonderful work and she sent me a lovely message. Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke, B&B) I obviously reached out to, Tamara Braun (Ava, DAYS) reached out to me, and Michelle Stafford (Phyllis, Y&R) and I just got on the phone last night and congratulated each other on our nominations, and of course, Cynthia (Watros) is here with me at GH.

Photo: JPI

You do like do like the fashion of it all for Emmy night, correct?

FINOLA: God, I I live for it. I’m as shallow as that. I might play some complex on television, but I’m that shallow in real life.

So, do you go by the trends of what to pick out to wear for a red carpet, or you just kind of go off what you think looks good on you?

FINOLA: I do like the trends. I really like the fact that the sleeve is having a big moment right now since the film Poor Things. It sent it into the stratosphere.

It’s been 33 years since you won your last Emmy. Do you think you’re a better actress now than when you were even 10 years ago?

FINOLA: I have no idea. It feels like a game of golf always for me, because get on set, like today, I was doing some work this morning and I just doubt myself.  I’m like, “Did I really bring it?” I do think I’m harder on myself now than I was when I was younger, because I really didn’t know what I was doing at all.  It’s a very hard question to answer. I feel like it’s different, but I’m constantly in battle with myself as to whether something works or not.

Photo: ABC

What are your thoughts then on being Emmy-nominated, at times, for more than three decades?

FINOLA: At this point in my life, I just find the whole thing encouraging and extraordinarily sort of affirming, and sweet and lovely. It’s extraordinary to even be acknowledged. That’s the truth.

Currently, on-air, Anna is taking a harder line with Sonny. There’s been a shift.

FINOLA:  Yes. That’s been really interesting. I was talking about this with Steve Burton (Jason), and we actually were working together today. We found like this level between the two of us when it comes to Sonny. It was just really like another whole level as to what I’m doing. I think what’s happened is people’s roles in Port Charles are becoming delineated, you know, where there’s less gray. It’s like we’re sort of moving into areas, right? All of us. That’s kind of great because then you’ve got the hospital, you’ve got the police station, you’ve got the mob, you’ve got the Quartermaines you’ve got Curtis’ nightclub, and so there’s these different areas. Then, your character becomes very specific.  I had those scenes with Genie Francis (Laura) that aired the other day, and it makes sense that we are sort of waking up because unfortunately Sonny’s going through something which we don’t know about, but he’s not behaving well. So, therefore we are like, “If he would do that, then we need to wake up to that Sonny has always been like that.” But, it’s not true. Sonny hasn’t always been like that. We still deal in the gray, because we are searching for the gray in ourselves, which is interesting. And then we have to make a decision, such as, “Where do you stand? Who are you actually?” I think posing those questions to the actual characters is kind of interesting.

Photo: ABC

Now, who’s going to be the man in Anna’s life?

FINOLA:  Well, I want to do some more stuff with James. Obviously, James and I text all the time about how we’re not working together. We all know what Valentin’s up to. However,  Anna doesn’t quite know.

I was originally thinking they might put John “Jagger” Cates (Adam Harrington) in a romance with Anna?

FINOLA: Oh, I know. I love Adam. He’s so wonderful, and so is Charles Mesure (Brennan). Obviously, Laura Wright (Carly) has been working with the two of them as well. They’re both looking like they are in love with Carly, so what can I do? I’ll just take the leftovers. However, I’m hoping that I get to play Valentin. The thing that’s interesting is that he’s a Cassadine. His father has now passed on, so he’s now at the front of the wagon of the Cassadines. It’s in his blood. So, I don’t know what they’ll do.

Photo: ABC

What was our family’s reaction when you told you are an Emmy nominee? 

FINOLA: We had just taped three days of a very big event on the show. I was really tired yesterday and I was sort of laying down pretending to take a nap, as I never can nap in the middle of a day. Then, Frank Valentini (EP, General Hospital) called me to say that, Cynthia Watros and myself, had been nominated for Lead Actress. So, I actually got up and I walked outside and my three kids were sort of wandering around doing kid teenage stuff. I sort of told each of them individually. I was like, “I got nominated.”  They actually said, “Congratulations!” So, I think it actually resonated through the haze of online extravaganzas that teens are looking at it.

Make sure to check out the 2024 Daytime Emmy Nominations Special from this past Friday night below, where several of this year’s Daytime Emmy nominees stopped by the Michael Fairman Channel to share their reactions and more on going for gold come June 7th.

Now let us know, are you happy Finola was nominated for Outstanding Performance by a Lead Actress in a Daytime Drama Series? Who do you hope Anna winds up with romantically down the line on GH under new head writers, Patrick Mulcahey and Elizabeth Korte? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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Days Of Our Lives

Stephen Schnetzer Talks On His Return to Days of our Lives and Working with Susan Seaforth Hayes In Emotional Episodes

Who says you can’t go home again? In the case of Another World favorite, Stephen Schnetzer (ex-Cass Winthrop), he has proven that it is true, and you can go back to your soap roots and where it all started for you.

Last week on April 11th, Schnetzer, along with several other key returns were on set at Days of our Lives taping all-new episodes of the Peacock streaming soap opera, centering on the funeral of Doug Williams (the late Bill Hayes), and as part of the iconic soap opera’s 15,000th episode.

Stephen is reprising his first daytime role as Steve Olson, the brother of Julie Williams (Susan Seaforth Hayes). The last time Schnetzer appeared on a DAYS set was during his one and only run on the show from 1978 to 1980. Clearly, viewers will be in for some very emotional scenes when Steve returns to Salem to be there for his sister, Julie in her time of need. In real-life, Susan has been going through her own grief, having just lost Bill back on January 12th at the age of 98.

Photo: NBC

Michael Fairman TV caught up with Stephen during the 15K episode celebration ceremony, and during a break from taping the gut-wrenching funeral scenes, to get his thoughts on being part of these highly-anticipated moments that will air later this year in December. Here’s what he shared with us below.

What has this been like for you to work with Susan Seaforth Hayes after all of these years?

STEPHEN: She’s a dream and she’s so bright. We ran lines yesterday and we ended up just visiting for about 45 minutes and just catching up and telling tales about each other’s career. She even dropped off the autobiography that she and Bill did. And being back here at DAYS, every time I turn a corner, there’s another familiar face. When I was on the show 40 more years ago, a bunch of the guys, played softball on a team together. This is really a trip down memory lane as I knew it would be.

Photo: JPI

Taping Doug’s funeral must be a hard day for Susan. Are you checking in with her to help hold her up through this?

STEPHEN: I am and I’m checking in with Amy Shaughnessy (Susan’s assistant), and she’s holding her up more than anybody. We’re there for each other.

There will obviously be some major hankie-inducing moments when Steve comes back to Salem to console his sister.

STEPHEN: Oh, wait till you see it in December. It’s going to be great.

Were you surprised you got this call to come back to the show decades later?

STEPHEN: It was out of the blue! I was completely surprised. They should have called me decades ago! That’s what surprised me. When Another World went down, I thought I’d land somewhere else and it never happened. That was more of a surprise.

Photo: JPI

Cass is such an identifiable character for you. As well, you and Linda Dano (ex-Felicia Gallant) are so synonymous together as best friends Cass and Felicia from Another World. When fans heard you were reprising your role as Steve Olson on DAYS, they are now hoping there will be more of you on the show to come.

STEPHEN: Steven Olson is a real “Cassian “character. I cut my teeth on Steve Olson and that’s how Cass was introduced. He was kind of a roguish charmer. And then when the character stuck for Another World, they rehabilitated me, and turned me into one of the shows heroes. And that’s what would’ve happened if I stayed as Steve Olson probably. So, Steve is the ‘pre-Cass’, Cass.

Photo: JPI

As the story goes, you originally decided to leave Days of our Lives?

STEPHEN: I was never on contract. I was doing a day and a half a week and I got a Broadway play directed by Franco Zeffirelli starring Joan Plowright and Frank Finlay. I was able to it as I didn’t have to break a contract or anything. I cut loose and went back to New York for that.

How well did you get to know Bill Hayes during your first time around on DAYS?

STEPHEN: My first episode was with Bill and Susan, as her long lost brother coming into Salem. They were so good to me. They were so kind. I had been doing eight years of classical repertory theater, never been in front of a camera. I tell everybody, it took me longer than any other actor I’ve ever seen to get comfortable in front of a camera. And they were very supportive at that time in my career. Coming back to honor Bill now in 2024, and to be see Susan, I am just so happy to be here.

Looking forward to seeing the scenes between Stephen and Susan Seaforth Hayes come December and Doug’s funeral and surrounding episodes? Do you hope that DAYS might bring the character of Steve Olson back for a longer stay? Comment below.

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Video Du Jour

Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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