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Days Of Our Lives


DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Julie's Toast Brings Touching Moment In Dramatic Episode!



Tuesday’s episode of NBC’s Days of our Lives has set up many plot points, and was a must-see for longtime viewers.

During the Bicentennial celebration of Salem, it was the always stellar Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie) who made a touching, and beautiful speech and toast about: the lives of the characters of the town, friendship, those they have lost, and of course, Tom and Alice Horton, and her beloved Doug (Bill Hayes).

That was followed by another hearfelt speech by Deidre Hall’s Marlena, and then another hankie-moment when Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) toasted her grandparents – Tom and Alice – and all that this town has meant.  These moments in the episode truly signaled the homage to 50 years of Days of our Lives as the series turns the big 5-0 on Sunday, and on-air next Monday.

Meanwhile, in two more compelling performances, Kate Mansi (Abigail) and Rob Scott Wilson (Ben) delivered as Abigail realizes, and is scared out of her wits,that Ben is the necktie serial kiler.  Frightened, she tries to get away, but Ben slams the pregnant gal into the door.  Next, he brings her to the cabin and sends a text to Jennifer and JJ (Casey Moss) on her phone that she left to get away with Ben.  Abigail is in major peril! Who will find her?  JJ perhaps, since he wants to be a cop?

And in another touching performance, nobody believes Caroline (Peggy McCay)!  She actually spoke with Bo (Peter Reckell), who is on his way back to Salem to try to stop Hope’s (Kristian Alfonso) wedding to Aiden (Daniel Cosgrove).   Caroline tries to tell anyone who will listen to her that Bo called, and even goes to Hope to tell her she cannot marry Aiden.  When the wedding begins at the end of the episode, she even tries to stop it!   Peggy McCay also showed why she always brings it when given material worthy of her talents.   Elsewhere, Abe (James Reynolds) connects the dots to who Lani  (Sal Stowers) may be after looking at her eyes!  Is he about to figure out that she may indeed be his daughter?

What did you think of the hearfelt speeches during the Bicentennial celebration? Did you reach for the hankies?  What about Abby’s fate?  Did you enjoy all the performances?  Weigh-in below, and stay tuned as DAYS is set to deliver more dramatic episodes leading up to, and after they hit their golden anniversary!

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I think Kate Mansi (as Abby) always delivers the most believable performances. Some cast members make me feel that they are “acting” (some not so convincingly) but to me this gal always makes me feel that Abigail is real, she actually resides in this stupid town, and gets herself mixed up with the wrong guys.
As for the celebration – meh – I’m not a long-time viewer (just a little over two years) so this whole “60’s” dress up didn’t really grab me, and believe me I’m actually old enough to almost remember the 1960’s. I don’t find Caroline’s “visions” to be that compelling (if anything, a tad far-fetched) nor do I find the dramatic performances of some of these senior actors (with the exception of Mr. Aniston) to be that riveting. I also find myself not particularly caring if Bo and “Patch” make it back since their plane crashed in Soaptown, USA or wherever the heck it landed.
I will say though that the young actor portraying Ben (Rob Scott Wilson) has grown as an actor, he gets an “A” for effort into helping make Ben an interesting character. He has certainly improved since his days as Pete Cortland on the short lived on-line inception of AMC.

And now you may take a well deserved nap sir cuz I don’t know WHAT show you’re watching…LOL. .it’s so good I binge a week and a half at a time to catch up from August. .I’m now mid October and it’s great. ..

I was merely stating an opinion, the fact remains that they killed off Will, poor Paige got murdered, Sonny left the Country, Paul is left adrift with nothing to do except to occasionally tell John he is glad to be his son (see, I really DO watch the show) and now the storyline has acquiesced into close-ups of Caroline seeing these stupid visions, and everyone dressing up as 1960’s people for the town’s celebration.
For a while there, the show was being quite innovative, featuring gay people in prominent roles but of course, that didn’t last.
I also said that I think that Kate Mansi as Abigail is excellent, which if you watch her movements and listen to the way she reads her lines, you would agree, it hardly seems like she is acting. I also said that the young actor who plays the now twisted Ben has shown more dramatic range than perhaps originally anticipated.
These are my opinions dear and if YOU don’t like them why don’t YOU go and take a nap…..

OI CHEEKY…LOL..Now see here Dawn Wells..oh wait that was maryann on Gilligans Island I meant Tim Welles…LOL..I’m merely stating the show is in a very good place right now and picking up more viewers..sure the visions are a tad hokey simply because they are wayyy to accurate for even suspended belief but I like that it’s Caroline. Peggy Mckay has a story line to get jiggy with it and i’m on board simply because it didn’t go to some newbie but a veteran..It puts poor Maggie in Victor and Carolines sordid history and makes you realize how a good old friend can become a source of aggro for a person without even trying..Once the new writers came on board the change was immediate..welcomed..and attention the world of soaps you can’t pin a show on one person..or one story line..innovative was Dark Shadows..Hank on As the World Turns who devastated sappy Iva Snyder with the revelation he was gay(but I love Lisa Brown..saw her on Broadway in 42nd street)..the first on a soap to be that public about his sexuality..Innovative was the same said soap with Luke Snyder and Noah Mayer our first premiere gay couple and the list went on from there including Guiding Lights Olivia and Natalie the popular lesbian couple not to mention Donna Pescow on All My Children back in the day…gay couples on soaps are no longer innovative as of the introduction of Maya and Rick who married as a transgender and a straight..the last innovative thing soaps can do with a gay character is have a child grow into the process of being gay and wanting a sex change and all that does to the parents and people involved..#innovative…Days did not perfect the story or the couple they just joined in the fray…two years my friend does not a long time viewer make..if you have not watched these stories and peoples over the years you need to hold back the negativity and enjoy the ride..don’t run to a daytime soap for a gay couple or an event of the because they are enjoyable entertainment in the middle of the day that when done well are more than reason enough to be on board. I see a lot of Days comments from people who are angry the gay angle of the show is over and it befuddles me why you go to a show just for that. It’s not because the writers didn’t want to write for them it was for maximum story at a time when this show really needs to show the network it deserves to stay on the air. From day one of the new writing regime..the parade of veterans inter acting and carrying the day..the focus on what is being said in the midst of high drama..the fleshing out of those needed and the ridding of too much cast..hit and miss sure..but much more hit than miss..I don’t agree with Eve leaving..I don’t agree with Paige not interacting with her new found siblings..I was devastated watching Lucas learn of Will…how heart breaking..but geez louise this show show is delivering daily and wringing every emotion out of Salems citizens and it’s fans…and as for the sixties..had not NBC debuted Days in the sixties then there would have been no need for the characters to dress up cheekily to show what the show looked like back then? Now YOU take a nap..shall i fluff your pillow?..LOL..

Kate M. Is not even close to looking hispanic. Perhaps Mediterranean, but not hispanic. Her facial features belie your statement; and that’s a fact. Hispanics are indigenous people with a dash of Spanish descent….not even true Spaniards, from Spain.
If you research THE RACES OF MAN, it will be loud and clear. Perhaps, dev, you may have taken ANTHROPOLOGY (see also physical and cultural Anthropologies) in College or graduate school?

And you could champion my expressiveness as well you championed Tims..LOL..fair is fair dear.

thank you daviestev1, for some common sense. Can’t believe the way some people are calling DAYS “homophobic and bigoted” these days. Really?! How soon they forget! DAYS has had more gay characters in front-burner stories than any other soap EVER has had at one time. But now that they’ve been relegated to the back-burner so some other characters can have a chance, now they are haters. Well, Y&R has NEVER had a gay character, certainly not one with a major storyline. GH’s gay characters are seen maybe 4 times a year. DAYS did a lot for gay people. Now it’s the 50th and long-time viewers want to see their faves in meaningful storylines. Why begrudge us that? It’s only temporary, I’m sure. I have a favorite character who hasn’t been on the show in years! But I still watch because I’m a fan of the WHOLE show and its history. That’s what the 50th is all about right now. Gay stories are a very small part of the overall history of the show.

You, Mr. Welles , have stated exactly what is on my mind. Abby/Kate has come a long way….to think that just recently I had a very low opinion of her as an actress. But, WOW, is she impressing me!! She is believable. The different expressions crossing her face are believable. The only other actress on Days that does that to me is Theresa; with her facial movements, that is.
John Aniston’s humor is something to cultivate….I love him.
Rob/Ben assumes the role of the psychopath with nary a difficulty. As Kate, Rob is credible. It’s a real shame he is leaving. This could have been a super-couple.
Nonetheless, Chad/Billy is my guy on Days. We have not seen his full potential yet. Chad is not as ‘pretty’ as Ben, per se, but he is one sexy dude. There’s something about this Irishman that attracts the female ‘populus’. He does not have the classic , Michelangelo’s David’s looks, but I find him so gorgeous….those eyes!!
He gives a good acting show, and he can only get better.

Yes, I agree, the young actor who plays Chad also delivers a good performance with a sustained consistency. No, he doesn’t have the
male catalogue flawless look (which is usually boring anyway) but he
proves that acting ability is what’s really important.
I do enjoy Victor’s quick wit as depicted by Mr. Aniston and his delivery of those lines is always piercing with dry humor.
On a negative note, I often find the scenes between Marlena and John to be a little lackluster at times but again, that
is only my humble opinion. I also do wish they would “get on” with this storyline about Aiden loving Hope but he has to kill her, how many times do we have to see him “imagining” to kill her, it’s a storyline that I could do without.

Billy Flynn understands his character is more than a smolder and a great body..I hope Days holds on to him for some time..miss EJ but at least we don’t have to deal with all that eyelash was exhausting..LOL..perfect actor to be cast to replace James Scott as the chip on his shoulder Dimera young only problem with Abigail that puts me off the character is she looks too ethnic/hispanic to be Jen and Jacks child..but she is Irish and Italian and I need Abby to look like who she was born to..a silly observation but i’m being honest at the same time..IJMO..

As for Ben and the actor it was one note and perfect for crazy with that set jaw and crazy eyes..he was a good menacing…i’ll give him that at least…but don’t they always bring it with the crazy? Even the worst actors come to life handed that role…LOL

@Tim Welles.
Lol, Tim…Hey, Doc and John are the brunt of many a joke I usually share with ces. The most boring couple on earth. We need to,express ourselves, right? Right…So, express away, Tim; I’m with you!!

Oh, dav, I do champion your expressive ‘ecriture’. I do admire your style. No doubt about ‘reading’ your heart. However, sometimes that insidious imp that is arrogance rises its ugly head, here and there throughout your beautifully written comment. I consider ‘CHEEKY’ and calling Tim Welles, Dawn Welles quite irreverent and cocky; if not offensive.
I have been on these boards for over a year now, and, I do believe we have been here before. Most of the time the banter is tame; but others such times as now, you make cutting remarks with sharp, little razors. Get my drift? We can all say so much, and make a point with a little more tact, as not disrespect our fellow posters. Perhaps, that, dav, is not your intention; nonetheless, that’s how I see it. And, I am almost sure, I am not the only one. You may mean it as light, jovial sarcasm, but it is not always received that way. Just sayin’. Have a good night.

I agree on Caroline’s visions-way over the top and honestly, I’ve never been a Bo Brady fan. I really liked Aiden Jennings-before his character turned. I like Aiden, Hope, and the kids-not the aged teenagers who look as though they have camera fright. I did enjoy the gala and the 60’s feel to it. Maggie always looks classy and fantastic, as does Marlena. I thought that Eve looked elegant-finally. I also like Jennifer’s dress and hair-which is a first. I liked Kayla’s black dress too. I think that Kate Mansi is doing an excellent job with the material, as is the actor who plays Ben Weston.

I wasn’t crazy about the 8 Dollar wig that Adrienne (sp?) had on but I know it was a costume party.
I also don’t know where they found those Red drapes that passed for a dress on Caroline but you know, it was a dress up event.
I also can’t quite figure out where they now intend to go with the character of Eve – is she really going to get into it with Jordan – it doesn’t seem that Eve has any direction with Paige gone, she’s no longer fighting with Jennifer and there’s no sense in her hating JJ so what does she do in the town of Salem, how many times can she walk through Fake Leaf Park or stop at the Square for coffee?

Hi, dmr.
Where have you been? I swear I was thinking about you, and here you are. I missed you. That was a loooong vacation, LOL.
I enjoyed the celebrating myself….albeit, I am too young to have been around for Days’ inception. Everyone looked impeccably a’ la 60’s mode.
I have watched here and there as a little girl in the 90’s with my grandmother. But, I’ve been seriously watching only for the last seven years or so.
My grandmother is staying with me for a few days, so we are watching together. She was actually brought to tears when she saw those familiar faces all in one room. I guess it brought back memories of youth, love, joy, sadness. She was twenty-five when the show first aired.
And, in the midst of those tears, she laughed with me, with all due respect to Peggy’s Caroline’s field of flowers gown; while she likened it to a brocade tablecloth. Whoever is in charge of wardrobe should know better! Lol. No offense meant….just a small observation.
Kassie could wear a burlap sac……with that body, she’d look good in anything.

Oh gawd – worst wig ever goes to Adrienne!

Loved absolutely everything about it!! The toast was very touching, the entire show was worth watching. Love that John came home to Marlena and has realized that she is more important than finding his past at the moment❤️

I can certainly appreciate what you are saying and feeling, Karen. For longtime fans, as my grandmother, the episode evoked dormant memories, seemingly list, but brought to the surface and at her feet. She was brought to tears.
But, as Tom Welles stated, the episode certainly did not have the same effect. Sometimes I envy those who have experience all the ups and downs of a soap from its inception.
I love Susan and Bill Hayes. There is something to be said about being so much in love even after a lifetime together.

So did I! Loved so very much seeing Jennifer’s album: Tom and Alice, Mickey and Maggie, Roman and Marlena and PATCH AND KAYLA–epic!
But where was Bill and Laura?????????????????????

I’m loving the heart and soul of DAYS mixed with edge-of-your-seat excitement!!!!!

Well put. Me too.

Days-best soap right now…Peggy Mckay at 88 and Bill Hayes at 90 can still deliver…the younger actors could learn from those two…the still beautiful Susan Seaforth Hayes always adds a touch of class to the show…i only wish Denise Alexander who played Julies nemesis Susan Hunter Martin couldve made a cameo for some of us old geezers who remember Days glorious golden years under Bill Bell…all the actors are doing brilliant work but its still odd seeing Ciara and Chase looking nearly as old as JJ while Ariana remains a toddler…JJ and Gabi have great chemistry…i wonder if Ben will attempt to kill Jen but by mistake kills Eve instead? or is Eve still around after the serial killer story wraps up?

I can’t believe Bill Hayes is 90. Oh, my gosh!!!!! I mean, look at him. My grandfathers are 77 and 76 respectively. When I asked my very New Englander grandfather what he thought, he said, ” As long as I can keep your grandmother ‘happy’, I’ll bite”…..he’s a dirty old man…LOL. He likes to joke, Jimmy.

My 88-year-old father is a dirty old man too…i cant recall the last time he showered…oh, you meant that differently…lol

Yeah, Jimmy; I can see you like play-on-words, yourself. Most of his humor is directed towards my grandmother. He has made it a life-long mission to tease her. And, she loves it.

Susan Seaforth Hayes–yes, just lovely! And Bill Hayes–just like the “Doug” of old–still has that twinkle in his eye. A lovely couple–so great to see them back.

I guess I was spec ting more since there was so much hype. I felt the speech was lack lustre and mediocre at best. I am fed up with the buildup to Aiden attempting to kill Hope. Way to much dialogue and visual thoughts gave me silently yelling…try to kill her already!!!! Could Bo and Steve run into anymore silly difficulties before reaching their destination? The one storyline that has kept me paying semi attention is Beab. Kate and Robert are rocking it.

I agree with Sheila enough of this nonsense about Killing Hope and Aiden constantly being threatened by that annoying cornball actor who plays Andre or wherever the heck he is supposed to be.
I do NOT agree that all the senior actors are great, sorry, no offense to our senior community but I do not think, with the exception of Jon Aniston and a couple of others, that they are so believable. I think the actor who portrays Stefano overacts and does the most cornball Italian accent I’ve ever heard. I also don’t know who at DOOL writing team decided that Caroline will now have prophetic sightings of her son landing in that stupid plane. I’m sorry but that storyline of Patch looking for Bo and finding him thanks to Caroline’s dream was more than just a tad inane.

Lol, Tim.
The fact is Joseph Mascolo’s fake Italian accent is not that bad. The problem is, Italian consists of innumerable regional dialects, and none is even close to what Stefano tries to affect, but it is passable. We are regular visitors of that spectacularly beautiful country, as my husband’s family is Italian.
Italian proper is now spoken throughout the peninsula. It is the older generation who holds on to folklore, including all the immigrants in America and throughout the world.
Mascolo is from West Hartford, Connecticut, where I attended Boarding School. He is very well known and respected in the area and bordering towns.
I do agree about poor Caroline. This entire storyline makes her look like a looney-tune. I find this treatment of her very distasteful. Now, I have heard of motherly instinct, but, this is ridiculous. Poor lady.

I’ve only watched Days for a year and a half. I have to agree with much of what you said Sheila. After so much hype of the return of the veteran characters, what I’ve seen so far is pretty lack luster. Bo and Steve were able to get out of chains and break out of the house where they were held while the unseen villains went to beat up the pilot? Come now. All the obstacles, the storm, the plane crash in the woods of Kansas and the broken motorcycle are very contrived. I only hope things will get better when they finally reach the town. While I love Daniel Cosgrove, I agree with you. Aiden needs to stop having visions and go ahead and try to strangle Hope. I’m enjoying Kristen Alfonso. Hope is getting awfully tired of Caroline’s visions; but, I also sense some vague uneasiness from Hope. That’s a subtle thing to portray and Kristen is doing a great job with it. The thing that is working best for me is Ben and Abigail. Kate Mansi and Robert Scott Wilson are doing great work. Ben has slowly been deteriorating before our eyes and Abigail’s terror is palpable. Hats off to both actors.

Wasn’t that a great fight scene they staged today? And please tell me TPTB ARE NOT going to kill Bo off!

And I loved seeing everyone dressed up –and all together–just like they used to do! Fantastic!

The reality is Bo is not staying. I for one am happy about that. He was never a favourite of mine when he was on the show. I would rather have had Aiden be Hope’s HEA but TPTB had to axe current actors to pay the old ones to return for the 50th. Let’s face it when you can’t stay out of the basement you lose money. I am not impressed with the show and even though I started watching 50 years ago the flashbacks, the goofy Bo behaviour, the terrible writing and WARDROBE for Caroline have left me very disappointed. I want to see what happens with Abby and Ben and the rest …….meh.

Lol, Sheila. Hope’s predicament reminds me of THE PERILS OF PENELOPE PITSTOP, and/or Maid Marian where Bo (Robin Hood) has to jump through hoops, climb every mountain and conquer the seven seas to get to her.
Yes, enough of the morbid visuals.
Furthermore, off topic. Why do these women, past their youthful years, insist on wearing virginal wedding dresses and veil? Same with Elizabeth over at GH. Just wear a nice outfit suitable for a second or third or fourth marriage, for a mature woman with adult kids.


I would love to be celebrating Days 50th, and not long ago I was really looking forward to it and very very excited about it, naively imagining that the wonderful (and just recently better-adjusted) Will would be a real and very alive part of it, but they killed him, my favorite character, who was one of their best characters ever, to kick off their icky celebrations in a deeply offensive story-line that makes NO sense, and frankly now, the thought of watching Days makes me sick. I feel sad for the hard working cast and crew, but, yuck, I have no desire to visit their world again!


There must have been loads of people within Days team who thought that killing Will was a really really bad idea. But they did it anyway!

To think of the wonderful, and real, celebrations they could have had if they hadn’t been so braindead dumb!!!

This present “celebration” is sad, desperate, and tasteless, but hey, it’s just TV (which I am not and shall not be watching!)

But stephen it’s done. .one character loss shouldn’t make you quit a really good soap

Well obviously you must be watching since you think it’s sad, desperate, and tasteless….

Heh, I stopped watching when they buried Will, but don’t worry, I can still know that it’s “sad, desperate, and tasteless” through my PSYCHIC VISIONS!!

Where did Hope get her beautiful spaghetti strap wedding dress? I love it!!!!!

I don’t like it, especially not for a fall wedding.

You’re so right, Mo. Beautiful dress. Not for fall……should have worn no veil. On its own the dress was enough. A veil on a 50-year old, and not her first marriage is tacky. Just my opinion.
I loved all their clothes. Caroline? Who dressed her? She looked like a meadow in bloom.

Well, Mo. Poor Hope and her gorgeous wedding dress. Here we go again…..
What will happen, now? Has Bo arrived in the nick of time? Will Hope be in a coma, and in hospital? Isn’t that where they all end up? Bo will attack Aiden, for sure. But, will Aiden say it was the strangler come to call and he, Aiden fended him off and was stabbed in the process? Well, until Hope wakes up, anyway. OR; Bo will just kill Aiden. What did Aiden do with Hope’s gun?
I have not been this excited, waiting for Monday, for the longest time. Yeahyyyyy!!

Caroline’s outfit was hideous. And then at the end she just pulled it on over her hospital gown. LOL

The wigs need to be retired. They were not flattering at all. At least Hope didn’t wear that wig when she married.

Yes, beautiful! And I loved Mary Beth Evans’ black number and her hair looked so lovely.

At first I was like, “Wow hair and wardrobe sure hate Judi Evans (Adrienne). She looks ancient.” Then I realized it was due to the throwback costumes. But seriously, they did her no favors. They aged her at least 20 years in that hair and wardrobe. Kate and many others proved that the throwback thing could be fun and flattering.

I also want to comment on Kate Mansi and Robert Scott Wilson. They have really improved and are bringing their A Game to this storyline. I’ve been a little hard on them and their acting skills in the past so its only fair I comment on the positive. I hope it elevates them and inspires them to spread their wings career wise.

I’m laughing about who dressed Caroline – I was thinking the
same thing – Maybe she made the dress herself from the drapes or
from an old bedspread – or to steal Carol Burnett’s line “ah saw it in the
window and I couldn’t resist”.

IKR? Poor Caroline. Loved that classic Carol Burnett though. Lol.

This episode was the best I’ve seen in a long time. Everything about it was great. Ben&Abby, her fear and his exquisite craziness! So much fun watching these days. Caroline, when she realizes nobody believes her about Bo, pretends she just had a “spell” and goes out the door muttering “Suckers!” Bo and Steve, how AWESOME were they? Wisecracking together just like old times. When they got on that motorcycle and rode off, I cheered! I cannot WAIT to see what’s next on DAYS every day. A few months ago, I could barely bring myself to watch it at all. These new writers have transformed this soap and, even though it’ll never be the way it used to be, they are trying, dammit, they are giving it all they’ve got! Pulling out all the stops! Those speeches were wonderful and heartfelt, and REAL. I could feel the real emotion behind Julie’s and Jennifer’s words. So thankful for everyone who is “still here” on the show. Their presence is a real gift to the fans, it feels like Christmas!


Agree–they are honoring their longtime fans!

Just had a “deja vu” moment……since Days tapes 6 months ahead….is that the same atrocious looking dress that Peggy McKay (Caroline Brady) wore @the emmy’s this year?

While Days has my attention right now, I was very disappointed that there were no flashback scenes during the toast- or any part of the episode. If we are celebrating the past 50 years, let’s SEE them. Just my thoughts. Also glad Kayla is getting more action. She is much more worthy than the material she has had.

Go Mary Beth–can’t wait for the reunion of “Sweetness” and Patch. Romance again!


I really loved Julie’s toast.

DAYS has been worth watching recently I will say that much. Still all these old timers yanking people’s chains with fake speeches of love for Salem when the characters speaking have basically put viewers to sleep. Julie has the most annoying behavior. She is Miss Judgmental and a complete gossip but everyone thinks she is so great. Marlena sleeps through her performances. I believe that the character of Marlena has seen so much attention lavished on her that the actress who portrays her doesn’t even try any more. She just goes on autopilot. And the actress who plays Caroline is proof positive that there is a right time to retire. She adds nothing to the scenery. Her “visions” are pathetic and stupid. Just get Bo back so she can go back to making pastrami sandwiches and scooping macaroni salad while remembering the good ole days. The character of “Patch” is so tiresome because he looks like a former porn actor who is trying to make it in the real hollywood world. Hope and Bo and Patch and Kayla are old tired couples. I love Kayla Brady’s character but seeing her moan and groan about Patch and Caroline makes me want to inject myself. Give her a story that is something other than whining about her husband going to work and her Mother acting like she is insane. The best parts of DAYS recently has been the Chad/Abbi/Ben story. All three of those actors are what watching soaps should be about. They are perfection to watch and they convey sincerity in their roles as they tell a STORY. I find that JJ and Gabi have intense chemistry. I am anxious to see what the writers do with that. Aiden’s portrayal is stunning as well. Too bad Daniel Cosgrove is being written out. He was so under utilized. Watching the remaining Kassie DePaiva scenes hurts because she is stunning. I love her and her character of Eve Larson is fun to watch. I just wish the DiMearas were portrayed without as much camp. Andre/Tony Dimeara could be a great villiain if they didn’t make him act like Dracula so much. And Stefano needs to get the hell out of that wheel chair. He is not intimidating sitting down. There is so much potential with DAYS and yet we are being force fed the old timer story lines about Bo and Hope and Patch and Kayla when quite frankly, “I don’t give a damn Scarlett”. The new teens in town are already a snooze. Sean D. is a good actor but I can’t find a way to care about why he is back. More Nicole/Kate/Theresa and please stop making Theresa drool over Brady. He is hot for sure but he is such a stick in the mud. She can do better. The “bi-centennial” celebration was a complete letdown. If I see Hope being strangled by Aiden one more time I will vomit. I get it, he is torn up about it all but enough is enough, we know he is going to try and kill her. Let’s just credit the viewer with having enough memory in our brains to remember that. Who do the writers think we are, Caroline Brady?

I have to agree with you about the Julie character. She’s a loud, rude, obnoxious busy body who’s always sticking her nose into everyone’s business. What’s her purpose in the show anyway?

I am so very sorry to see Daniel Cosgrove and Kassie DePaiva go. Both are superb actors and their characters have such potential for stories. They will definitely be missed.

Totally agree. Julie grates on my nerves-always has. And why doesn’t she call “Caroline” Caroline? She calls her Carolyn which is annoying. Victor kind of says Carolyn too but that is different somehow. Julie is just annoying. I am not so sorry to see Aiden go because I cannot figure him out-is he bad or good? Kassie-GOD-she knocked the role of Eve out of the park. I am a longtime (since day 1 when I was like 8 yrs. old) of OLTL-so I know Kassie-not to mention I watched her on GL-anyway. Love her-she did GREAT. I just wish Paige had not died & they had reconciled & Eve could have found love with Justin & still had Paige, damn it.

Oh, my gosh, Llanviewer, don’t let my grandmother hear you say that about Julie. LOL. She is a Horton…..goes way back. Not only is she Hope’s step-mother, but also her sister, as they have/had the same mother. Doug/Bill is her real-life husband. She just coddles every member of her family….a close-knit bunch.

Wow! How distasteful to say all those things. Saying “Patch” “looks like a former porn actor–bite your tongue. Stephen Nichols doesn’t deserve that nor do the other actors you criticize. For shame!
I do agree that the Chad/Abby/Ben story is masterfully done.

Agree-I love Steve/Patch & find him to be hilarious in his scenes with Bo. He & Kayla are gorgeous together as are Bo & Hope.

I have to admit, I completely agree with you about Caroline. I can’t stand it. If I were Hope, I think I would have driven the woman to the “home” already. One thing I am happily surprised about is that Julie did not harass Gabi at the gala-over her beloved Nick. Also, whatever happened to the ridiculous storyline of Eve drugging Jennifer and making her look “crazy” like her mother? Was that dropped or did I miss something?

Eve felt too guilty about going through with it and decided to bug Jennifer’s house instead which went unnoticed until JJ found the bug when he was in danger while Clyde was catching on to JJ’s undercover work.

Is anyone else disappointed that they aged Ciara? I knew when I saw the new Chase that Ciara would be next. Mistake!! I loved that kid who played her for so long-what a personality (the next Sami in the making!) She was really young when she started & she was the cutest little thing. She deserved to stay on the show at least long enough to see Bo come back! She missed him so much & now she won’t get to see him come home! I don’t see a need for young teen storylines on this show right now.

I knew they would kind of have to if they were aging Theo & Joey. But young Ciara was so strong that they intro to new Ciara was too weak. One day she is 7, 8, getting the news that her mom is engaged to Aiden. Three episodes or so later, she’s 16. lol.

I didn’t think much about Joey being aged because we never saw much of him as a little boy, although I realized-wow, they aged him because I knew he should be younger. And I have to admit I did not realize that was Theo that came into the wedding house with Abe. I had a fit when I realized it. This was after we saw Chase & Ciara aged. I said oh no, here we go. They are all 16. Don’t like it at all. I enjoyed the elementary school aged kids-it was fun-don’t look forward to the teens-what are they gonna do with them? Anyway, I was really looking forward to the real Ciara’s reunion with her dad! You can imagine-can’t you-disbelief,elation, then WTF? Where have you been, ha. Again-she was the next Sami in the making! Rem. her, Sami & the earrings?

Ciara was 11 or 12.

I agree, they should have kept the young actress that played Ciara, she is a better actor than a lot of the adults! They could always bring her back as another character.

I’m not exactly disappointed that they chose to age Ciara but it doesn’t help the credibility of the show (hard to believe as it is) in general.
They could have at LEAST though sent her off to Boarding School for a year and when she returned – gosh she got so much taller. But to have her portrayed by a child actor two weeks ago and today she is ready for marriage, (kidding) that’s a bit hard to swallow.

I like new Ciara. She reminds me a lot of Hope (so did preteen Ciara!). Great casting. Loved her scenes with Julie today.

There was no reason to age Ciara and Chase. Both kids were very cute and fine actors. The new actors are dreadful and appear to be camera shy and their lines are very, very rehearsed.

@dmr, completely agree with you abut Ciara and Chase. Dumb unnecessary move.

After the wedding there was a scene with Rafe & the “new” Ciaria & I thought OMG-they’ll be dating next week. She looks old enough to be with him! And now with Joey getting drugged & Theo freaking out & Ciara nearly stealing . . . We just got through JJ’s bad teen years-don’t need this right now! And what will become of poor Chase after his father is found out?

I agree!! I have been watching DAYS for all 50 years, started watching after school with my Mom back in 1965!! There may be a few oh this could be better and why did they let that one leave, etc. But, I LOVE the new writers and it sure is keeping me glued to my TV screen every day! I think it is the best it has been in quite some time. I am one who definitely could NOT wait for Bo and Steve to return! Monday’s show is bound to be another one not to miss!

Yes, gloria. Everyone in my family and ALL my friends find this to be a stupid move. However, I think we were so used to seeing Ciara with that cute little face working that fertile brain of hers. It’s too soon for me to form an opinion about the new Ciara. But, unless my eyes were playing tricks on me, the grown-up Ciara I saw the first day, was different from the nuCiara I saw on Friday’s episode. The other one was not as pretty and was more mousy-looking.
I definitely do not think much of the ‘older’ Chace Jennings. He just has a constant smile on his face. Not what I expected. Wait and see, I guess. If I’m going to miss anyone, it will definitely be Lauren Boles, as little Ciara…that precious smile!!

Kate M as Abbey is pretty fantastic- truly talented. However, you have got to be kidding me with the ‘aged’ versions of Ciara and Chase. Are they kidding? Truly, I thought that Guy Wilson was the worst actor I’ve ever seen on daytime. However, he’s Olivier incarnate compared to the talentless actors portraying Ciara and Chase. Somewhere, someplace there are real actors that could play these roles. What is wrong a Days casting director? Seriously, you could tell that neither one can act after the first line.

I completely agree with you. I had been waiting for Guy to ship out of Salem from day one. Dreadful.



the new actor who portrays: Ciara Alice…

what a loss

what a waste

where is my Lauren Boles

she completed Kristian Alfonso

So true! She was such a good little actress and could easily pass for HOPE’s daughter! The NEW AGED teens are a real waste!

Decided to start watching Days a couple of months ago since many of the shows I have watched all of my life aren’t around to celebrate their 50th. I have to say – I am hooked. I think the overall writing, acting, pacing and characters are outstanding and I will continue to watch after the anniversary. I really appreciate the use of the veteran cast members. GH should take note!

Just about every aspect of Days right now is amazing. From Peggy McCay proving time and time again that she’s earned a Lifetime Achievement Emmy, to Robert Scott Wilson’s portrayal of Ben as a completely delusional, psychopathic murderer and all points in between. The supercouples are back, the storylines are amazing, the lighting, directing and music are all heightening the storylines and the ratings are showing that Days has what it takes to remain on-air. Way to go, Days!!!

ITA, I am loving DAYS right now!

SO true!! I for one, am waiting for I NEED A HERO to start playing once BO does arrive and those in town find out that he IS back!!

I am absolutely loving Days! Best soap on right now. Sure there are some things I would do differently, but this show has risen to the occasion deserving of the 50 years of television history. Really great. It sits on my DVR now not because I don’t want to watch, but because I want to watch an episode more than once! I don’t think I’ve done that since OLTL went off the air and I couldn’t bring myself to erase the last episode. Happy tears this time. Viva Days!

“… because I want to watch an episode more than once! ”

isn’t that the truth

it was wrenching to erase hours needed on my dvr, with will’ death

but… I have not let go of the scenes with James Read’ Clyde last day… with Ben

what an acting lesson that will forever be

emmys all around

I’m not sure why but it thrills me to no end to see Jason Cook as Sean D. Nice to see him all grown up. I always preferred his portrayal. No Brandon Beemer hate, just prefer Jason Cook. I liked him as Matt on GH too.

Breaking News

‘Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit For Stand Up To Cancer’ Live Virtual Event Announced; Featuring Soap Opera Notables and Moving Tributes

Stand Up to Cancer in collaboration with Alan Locher and Michael Fairman, will come together for a a three-hour livestream benefit, Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story.

Several stars from from daytime drama television past and present are scheduled to participate for an evening of stories of emotional on- and off-screen experiences with cancer, and moving tributes to beloved daytime favorites who lost their battle plus musical performances.

Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story, streams live on Thursday, May 16, from 8 to 11 p.m. ET/5 to 8 pm PT simultaneously on and YouTube channels The Locher Room and Michael Fairman Channel.

Photos: CBS and JPI

Tune-in for cancer survivorship stories with General Hospital’s Cameron Mathison and The Young and the Restless’ Colleen Zenk, who will reflect on the impact of publicly sharing their diagnoses; 2024 Daytime Emmy nominee Eric Braeden, who shares his cancer journey as well his memories of beloved The Young and the Restless co-star Meg Bennett, who passed from cancer April 11; and more.

Moving tributes to soap stars who’ve lost their cancer battles, including: Daytime icon Jackie Zeman, who played nurse Bobbie Spencer on General Hospital for 45 years, shared by daughters Cassidy MacLeod and Lacey Gorden, a tribute to Elizabeth Hubbard who played the iconic Lucinda Walsh on As the World Turns and Dr. Althea Davis on The Doctors, as shared by her on-screen daughter Martha Byrne and real-life son Jeremy Bennett, two-time Emmy Award-winner Jerry verDorn (Guiding Light  One Life to Live), shared by widow Beth verDorn and his on-screen wife on Guiding Light, friend and co-star Liz Keife, the iconic Andrea Evans, who played Tina Lord Roberts on One Life to Live, shared by her husband Stephen G. Rodriguez and daughter Kylie Rodriguez and Kamar de los Reyes shared by his One Life to Live co-stars Michael Easton (General Hospital) Trevor St. John (The Young and the Restless).

Photo: MEastonFacebook

Poignant reflections from actors who have portrayed breast cancer survivors, including Sharon Case and Eileen Davidson from The Young and the Restless; Erika Slezak from One Life to Live; Tina Sloan and Kim Zimmer from Guiding Light and more.

Additional talent slated to participate in the virtual benefit include (*subject to change): Eddie and Kristen Alderson (One Life to Live); Elia Cantu (Days of Our Lives); The Day Players, Featuring Days of Our Lives castmates Carson Boatman, Brandon Barash, Wally Kurth (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee), Eric Martsolf (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee); Kassie DePaiva (One Life to Live); Don Diamont (The Bold and the Beautiful); Linsey Godfrey (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, Days of Our Lives); Leo Howard (Days of Our Lives); Lesli Kay (The Bold and  the Beautiful); Eden McCoy (General Hospital); Kin Shriner (General Hospital); Michelle Stafford (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, The Young and the Restless).


“Daytime television invites viewers into the private lives of characters, often bringing important issues like cancer screenings into living rooms and around water coolers. Soaps debuted the first cancer storyline in 1962 – years before the topic was discussed in the mainstream, and it left an indelible impact: a whole generation of women who scheduled a potentially life-saving Pap smear for the first time,” said Daytime Stands Up host Alan Locher. “For so many viewers, this brought the issue front and center,” added co-host Michael Fairman. “Today, it’s become almost impossible to avoid; but there is hope with cancer research, thanks to organizations like Stand Up To Cancer.”

SU2C Co-Founder Sue Schwartz, SU2C President and CEO Julian Adams, Ph.D., and SU2C Health Equity Committee Member Elizabeth Jaffee, M.D., will also participate to speak to the importance of early detection, exciting scientific breakthroughs, and the ongoing work yet to be done to make screenings and treatment equitable for all.

“This year, an estimated 2 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer, presenting an opportunity for the public to stand with us and rise to the occasion,” said Adams. “We’re thankful to Alan Locher, Michael Fairman and our friends from the daytime television community, who will raise critical funding to honor those we’ve lost – and to propel new scientific breakthroughs for current and future patients. Everyone has a story, and we’re grateful to all of you for sharing yours.”

For over 15 years, SU2C has leveraged its relationship with the entertainment community – which includes more than 1,100 celebrity ambassadors – to generate public donations, increase awareness and fund cutting-edge cancer research. SU2C research has contributed to the development of more than 10 scientific breakthroughs that have significantly impacted the field and provided new treatment options for breast, colorectal, lung, melanoma, pancreatic, pediatric and prostate cancers.

Photo: SUTC

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Days Of Our Lives

Deidre Hall to Guest Star on Season 3 of Comedy Series ‘Hacks’

Days of our Lives star Deidre Hall (Marlena) is set to play a version of herself on third season of Hacks. Look for Hall this month in an episode titled “The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular,” to air on May 23 on Max.

Not only will Hall appear in the episode, but so too, will Back to the Future and Taxi star, Christopher Lloyd.

According to, Deidre will play “a fictional version of herself, who just so happens to be the mom of Paul W. Downs’ Jimmy.”

Photo: JPI

Hacks co-creator and Downs’ wife, Lucia Aniello shared on Hall’s casting, “It made sense to us that Jimmy’s late father, a big-time manager, would have been married to an actress. When the idea for Deidre Hall came up, it just felt right.”

As for Lloyd, he will portray, reclusive writer Larry Arbuckle, who is to have had a rather famous grandfather. In the episode, Hall and Lloyd’s character intersect, which leads to onscreen sparks.

Photo: AP

“We had written some things that were flirty, but the chemistry was palpable,” says co-creator and series star, Downs shared. Hacks stars Jean Smart as comedy legend Deborah Vance.

Photo: Max

Season 3 of Hacks debuts on Thursday night May 2nd on Max 9 pm ET/6 pm PT.

So, will you be watching Deidre Hall guest starring on Hacks? Comment below.

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Days Of Our Lives

Peacock Raising Subscription Prices $2 Dollars a Month This Summer; Includes Days of our Lives

As the Paris Summer Olympics are a few months away, the Peacock streaming service has revealed its plan for a two dollar summer price hike on its subscription plans, beginning in July for its content which will include Days of our Lives.

According to Deadline, in July, look for the monthly price for Peacock Premium to increase to $7.99. Premium Plus, which offers limited advertising, download capability and live local programming, will now be $13.99, while  Annual plans will go up to $79.99 for Premium and $139.99 for Premium Plus.

This price hike will effect new customers starting on July 18th, while existing subscribers will notice the price change on their next billing date on or before August 17th.

Photo: JPI

This marks the second price change in two years for the streaming service, the previous one being in 2023, which was the first since the service launched back in 2020.  The Summer Olympics in Paris which will be on NBC and Peacock run from July 26 to August 11.

The bright spot for Days of our Lives fans, is that unlike if the show was still on network television and NBC, the show would be preempted for two weeks, but with it being on Peacock it will continue with all-new episodes without interruption.

Photo: Peacock

At the recent Days of our Lives 15K episode celebration, Michael Sluchan the EVP, Current Scripted Programming & Limited Series for NBC/Peacock shared that the soap opera is doing extremely well for the streaming service, and they were very happy with its performance.

If you want to join Peacock now, there is still some time to get in on the current rates to watch DAYS and all of the programming and series it offers.

So, what do you think about the Peacock streaming service next price hike? Comment below.

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Video Du Jour

Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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