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General Hospital


RATINGS: General Hospital and The Bold and the Beautiful Show Gains!



The ratings are in for the week of April 16-20th, and General Hospital is in the plus column gaining the most viewers for the week of all four soaps adding + 11,000, and also gaining eyeballs in the key 18-49 female demo.   Over at The Bold and the Beautiful, the number two soap remained firmly in its spot and gained +4,000.

Both The Young and the Restless and Days of our Lives suffered only small viewer setbacks, and all and all it was a decent week for soaps.  Y&R only lost -5,000, while DAYS was only -7,000 viewers.  Of course, we want to see all the ratings on the positive side, but its been a very rocky road lately in the ratings … period!

But let us know, do you think viewers are finally catching on to the revitalization of General Hospital, even though its horrendous lead-in The Revolution continues to air?  Do you think The Bold and the Beautiful’s pill-popping Hope has got some viewers tuned-in?  And, what parts of Y&R and DAYS are still turning you off?   Weigh in!  To view the entire ratings courtesy of Soap Opera Network click here!

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ON Y&R Daisey is the worst character and actress on TV. I literally FF through her scenes and there is no one able to write well enough to turn the character around as long as the current actress plays this role. HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!

This is good news ,we need to get those ratings up even higher and general hospital has to be the number one soap,I do believe a lot of one life to live fans are tuning in so the cross overs are helping to bring in more viewers.That’s a good thing ,I also feel that the mob stories are being put on the back burner ,heck I’m starting to like Sonny again and its been a while since I’ve said that,At the moment I am pissed off at jason ,the way he is treating Sam ,she lied to protect him and not have to face the fact that she was raped by a monster, jasons cold,I heard he will be changing maybe this is the beginning of the new jason ,wow ,If it is he is one cold bastard, Also I am liking the kate/connie story ,I like everything going on in port charles,Good news for general hospital and the fans.

I don’t watch Y&R but lately these last two weeks I have not been feeling General Hospital ,Im turned off by the Kate/Connie storyline,The Murder trial bored the heck out of me last week.

Im still loving Days more and more each day.I don’t watch B*B either.

I stopped watching yr cause they dragged out that who killed Diane too long most boring soap in my opinion GH the best it was AMC but :'(

The best soap is GH now that OLTL veterans are now on the canvas. I agree the Diane murder storyline is what caused me to give up on Y&R.

Y&R has too many characters that I just don’t care about. Cane & Lily are so boring, no one wants to see Devon, Roxanne, Tucker, Ashley, Neil, and Harmony slow dancing in Devon’s studio. Give me more Adam, Chelsea, Nikki, Jack, Phyllis, Nick, Jill, Katherine, and Sharon. And let Tricia Dennison out of jail or wherever she is, we need some good crazy to stir things up in Genoa City, not mopey Daisy.

“Revitalization” of GH? As in, non-stop Sonny/Carly/Jason/Kate for over a week and a half? Just as it has been for the past 20 years? As in, a possible rape victim being expected to apologize to her husband for how it affects HIM? As in, a man having sex with a mentally ill woman being used as a plot device for “entertainment”? As in, reducing talented actors such as Jane Elliot and Nancy Lee Grahn to 2-bit day players?
Sucking up to this new regime that doesn’t deserve it is ridiculous. The show is bad, and the ratings bear that out.

Me, that sounds like all the daytime plots that make a good soap opera,Im pissed at jason ,sam should come first and johnny knows kate is nuts and should have backed off her connie advances,That makes me want to tune in ,its going to be a very long weekend can’t wait till monday afternoon and I tune in to see the new and very much improved general hospital.

Me, I totally disagree. GH has turned around 100% since Frank and Ron came onboard. It’s actually watchable now!

I agree with you Cindy.

Still have to have less mobster/gangster stories…But overall a definite improvement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You’re right cindy, I completely agree….I was bored the last couple of years with all the sonny drama. I was always devoted to watching One life to live,, but now that they brought in a writer and some of our characters it is so much better…Winning ABC, your never going to get ratings on another replacement show…Admit it Anne sweeny, your taste is BAD TASTE!!!

Wait until Tea Delgado and Todd Manning show up tomorrow (05/09/12) YES.

What is wrong with DOOL? How much time do you have? LOL I started watching DOOL 40 years ago and have been as faithful as possible throughout the years. The glory days are definitely distant memories. I really think, bottom line, the problem is NBC and Ken Corday. He just doesn’t have that magic touch that his parents had and refuses to relinquish control to those more talented. Also, NBC interferes way to much with the storylines. The best thing going now is Will’s story, and word is, they are dropping it. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

The funniest thing for me on DOOL… Is: Ms. Femme Fetale Hot about Town Abby Deveraux…. even her name reeks all that… she’s Miss Temptress 2012…. LOL… her story line with Austin was a hoot….. Austin makes me laugh… his mannerisms.. were hilarious… and to laugh out loud… is a good thing…. Ms do right Jennifer is Ms Frigid… since she bumped back in to town. Abby’s new gig with Lexie’s brother is too much information HOT! cat’s meow!

hearing that carrie and austin are leaving…. again… and they’re from prominent families in salem… is a real bummer… they’re older, more mature…. relatable with the whole cast… why “fire” them so soon? it’s not their fault ratings aren’t what they “should” be… carrie is so good with Rafe, Sammi, especially these two’s Cat fights, and when marlena gets involved….

i hope they don’t drop will’s story line… it’s heartwarming… gut wrenching… to see his relationship with grandma marlena… marlena’s over the top sweetness, all knowing,,, can get syrupy… at best… but, not this time… they’re both emmy calibur performances… i want to see good story with will and his mom and dad… sammi and lucas…. “coming” out… with good actors… at the very Least… days…commit to realism… and show family drama… show…. gay… isn’t so different after all…

another story that has me… fastening my seat belt…. ala bette davis… is Nicole being pregnant… dag! I cry… make it thru the first trimester…. she supposedly wasn’t supposed to be able to have children…. her last story… losing her own child… remember? and trying to pass sammi’s off as her own? i so wish her mom… Fay… hadn’t died… bring her back to life… heck… sorry that lexie is leaving days… i loved when fay and abe got involved…. that was good… adult, mature, romance.


LASTLY… where’s Maggie? i give her a lot of credit… for doing her part… for carrying the show…. lets get the Kiriakis back up front and in line… maggie, victor, justin, adrienne, sonny… i say this cause…. maggie was featured a lot more… prior to john, marlena, carrie, austin, billie, lucas, jennifer, and jack… came back… i was hoping maggie would actually start drinking again… after mickie died.. and before she married victor… she was borderline… wavering… let’s have her doing shots wandering aimlessly thru the manse…. spouting self rightious epithets. i wish it was sarah brown who was her sperm donor child.. instead of daniel… as daniel was already an established days actor. this would have gave sarah brown, already dismissed… a rich core history to cement her claws in to salem.. a hot vixen…

finally, for now… my favorite… has to be for all time.. was Kristen , “Eileen Davidson”… stefano’s daughter… Susan… nuff said… now i have to mention… letting go of crystal chappelle “Carly”… now that’s a crime.

I agree 100% with your comment

Sometimes I think that who ever owns the soaps should hire the fans to write all the stories,we know what we want and how to present it ,who should fall in love and who should not ,who should stay who should go,who is good and who is the bad guy.I like Will’s story to ,Why they would drop it makes no sense ,where did you hear that?What a shame and all the characters they are getting rid of makes no sense and lexi dying is sad.

It is concerning that Days ratings are considerably down from last year. Actually, I do think it is better than last year, and recently it has improved from a few weeks ago with some of the storylines, scenes, and character interactions. I am sorry that they dropped some story lines, there are long gaps between story lines, etc. but this last week it seemed to be better. That concern is that with the low ratings and the decrease from last year the network will get tired of this, and pull the plug even if Days keeps trying to improve. Anyway, hope they can write some decent story lines, be consistent
( not dropped storylines or being all over the place with so many different story lines) and have good character development, dialogue, and interaction. I hope Days can make it to its 50th anniversary, but with the ratings low, this could be a challenge.

I am a GH fan, but I am happy to see all of the soaps ratings getting better, or hanging in there. As I have said on this site many times before, whatever your favorite soaps are, please tune in and support them. As for the news on GH’s ratings, I am happy that they have gone up. I am enjoying the storylines, and I also think that people are willing to invest in GH once again, now that it has been renewed for at least a year.

I adore GH. It has really been kicking it lately. Frank and Ron have really turned it around. Michael Easton (John McBain) has been a huge success, too. Even Luke has been great lately. And I am definitely Team Connie. I hope Connie is the real deal and that Kate is the alter. Connie is a hoot!

Connie is fun, isnt she?It is so nice that general hospital is watchable again.

Love watching John Mcbain on GH…Still into wearing his black clothes…But the other day he had on a blue shirt….Hmmmmm!!!

I’m just waiting for the shiz to hit the fan when the old Phyllis story line rears its head in the next few weeks!! Good times abound for our favorite Genoa City denizens as we approach May Sweeps! Hang tight, people! Can’t wait for the fall out!!! 🙂

What is not working on Days? News that still hurts is the firing of Matt Ashford, Christie Clark, Patrick Muldoon, and Sarah Brown, while bringing on a never-known sibling for a character that’s dying! Also, the un-balanced airing of certain characters, we see EJ every day, but haven’t seen Marlena and John more then one or twice a week, and where’s Jack and Jen? And a longterm character like Kayla is lately relegated to not much more than being a waitress. Do we care enough about Gabi that we are invested in her obsession with Chad? “YAWN”.

I know, I hope Lucas isn’t next. They brought all these characters back to boost ratings. Now they have new writers…. I am hoping that they do justice. I only recently started watching regularly (watched on SoapNet once in a while and read SOD enough to keep up). I want Sami and Lucas back together. EJ and Nicole work well and Rafe can either leave with Carrie and take his horrible sister with him or maybe bring on a veteran new character for him. There isn’t anyone else to pair him with.

I don’t watch B&B or DOOL.
Some things on Y&R irk me to no end – SORAS ,I hate NuKyle .
Tired of the whole Niki/Victor rehash,the Daisy storyline..I don’t like Ricky he’s such a jerk, not crazy about putting Harmony with Neil (even tho there’s no chemistry with Sofia).
I would like to see Adam and Chelsea together…I really like them as a couple.
Pair Sharon with someone other than a Newman.
I would love to have Ronan come back too.

GH – Bring on Todd (Holy crap where is he ? give us an air date).
Wrap this Kate/Connie storyline (I hope Ewan isn’t dead)
Get rid of Anthony, so tired of hearing him call Tracey Venus LOL!
I’m interested to see where they’re going with John and Sam.
Wrap up the who killed Lisa Nile.
I like the idea of exploring Patrick dealing with being a widower and single dad (don’t rush to pair him with anyone).
Give Anna a romance (she’s going to be around for a while).
I could go on ….but

I agree with you totally. I just don’t want Anna with John because he is with Natalie… They need to bring her to PC. Tea is set to come to PC I believe this coming week. Todd isn’t far behind. But, how can he come back unless we reveal that Victor is alive….

Whats working/ Whats Not (Only My Opinion!!):

DAYS: Working- Will’s storyline and his protrayer; Chandler Massey (Do not drop this!!). Lexie’s brain tumor (this is powerful stuff that affects so many characters. so sorry to lose Renee Jones). EJ and Sami together. Carrie being tormented (she’s been perfect way too long), having the hots for Rafe. Adrienne Zuker’s needy, sad, lonely, perpetually kicked- to- the- face Nicole. She does it so well. (Kudos to Days for portraying morning sickness realistically; we all throw up the first few months, not just faint).

What’s Not: The whole Bo/Hope/Marlena/John & Stefano mess. It’s confusing. I get it that Stef is obsessed with Marlena. There are other ways of telling the story. I don’t like the in and out characters such as Kayla, Adrienne, and Roman. Where was the Brady family when Bo was coming out of his coma? Also, Roman was very obviously very uncomfortable with Will and Sonny’s PDA. Isn’t it interesting that Roman may NOT support his grandson’s coming out? The Melanie/Gabi/Chad triangle isn’t working for me.

You hit it all bang on, I agree with both what is and isnt working. I do however think its very normal that the potray someone uncomfortable with Will coming out and hope they show him have a change of heart later on. Its sadly very realistic to life as its not smooth sailing when they do.

I agree Brandy. I guess I wasn’t real clear about the Roman thing. I pointed that out because I thought it would be an interesting part of an already terrific story that needs to be explored. It’s right there in front of them and they should take advantage of it. I should also mention although I’m loving Lexie’s storyline, I hate the idea out-of-nowhere new brother. What? And I’ll say it again. It was just totally unreal that at least Caroline wasn’t by her son’s side when he was waking from the coma. It’s dumb stuff like that is what’s wrong with soaps and why they’re losing viewers.

I have started watching Days regularly now that I don’t have All My Children and One Life to Live. I still watch Y&R some but its been rather dull lately that I found myself switching to Lifetime to watch a movie instead. General Hospital is the best its been in years. Yes the Llanview have helped but the regular cast Carly, Sonny, Kate and Johnny are must see. Keep up the good work GH

so true Kathy I started watvhing Day and I still and always will watch GH loving it right now, a def must see!!! I totally agree about Y&R its boring I no longer watch it I listen to it while doing other things and will soon be ff or turning it right off when they pair Victor with Sharon. I think someone has it out for Sharon Case as this turn of events will destroy her character and there is no coming back from that. He has been potrayed as a father figure and her as a daughter so they are sick in their heads to pair them its so disgusting and makes me wanna vomit! I am not judging age those opinions I will leave to myself as we all have a right to love you we want but not father/daughter even if he isnt her bilogical father he still has been a father figure. I think the wroters are on some kind of crazy sick in the head drug!

What’s not working on “Y & R”? Three words – Maria Arena Bell!!

How do you solve a problem like Maria??? GET RID OF HER AND HER CO-HACKS HOGAN SHEFFER & SCOTT “My Name is NOT Earl” HAMNER!

The show is over-bloated with new characters that nobody gives a damn about – they were created to push the plot-driven offal MAB has been shoveling at us for over 3 years! Get rid of Genevieve, Tucker, Sofia, Daisy, Avery, Ricky, Chelsea and all the other go-nowhere characters this current regime has created. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT WORKING!!

Stop telling stupid plot-driven tales – I am so tired of seeing established characters acting stupid and doing moronic things (ie – Jill Abbott in a Geisha costume sans make-up; Jack Abbott falling for and wanting to marry any woman who looks at him). MAB has blundered terribly in terms of writing material for 30+ year characters – she is DEFINITELY not a Bell!!

I only watched one episode of “Y & R” this week and it was Friday’s show – WHAT A TRAIN WRECK!! The SORAS’ing of Kyle is a HUGE MISTAKE, as will the SORAS’ing of Summer Newman and Fenmore Baldwin – MAB must think the loyal viewers are idiots!! Personally, I think she is out to destroy her father-in-law’s legacy and we are all helpless in stopping her!!

Agreed. I enjoyed the Abbott baby drama this week and I actually watched a little more than usual. It was also great to see a vet (Lauren) get some much needed screen time even if it meant suffering through Daisy & Ricky. They have to get back to the core families. Funny how Kyle left at Christmas as an 8 year old, and he’s back 5 months later as an 18 year old (In another 6 months, he’ll be CEO of something and ordering martinis at the Genoa City Athletic Club). Yes, they’ve ruined the character of Jill and now we won’t be seeing her for a while (public word is her portrayer took time off for family reasons). It is completely out of character for Jill not to want to look for her bilogical mother. They need to bring back Kay Alden. Now…
Watching Y & R makes me miss ATWT & GL so much.

HShe is also breaking up lauren and Michael and I thinkg she has something against Sharon Case because she is going to totally destroy her character when she pairs her with Victor a father figure its absolutely disgusting and an assassination of this long time character. I will not watch it just the thought makes me sick. I wont talk about age but the fahter/daughter relationship they have always had are you friggin kidding me who the heck would want to sleep with someone that they look up to as a father or someone that they think of as a daughter???? She is screwed up and she is going to destroy this once amazing soap because i know longer actually sit and watch it I play it in the backgroud as I do other stuff but i do dit down for GH its on fire right now!!!

I know more veiwers are going to turn the station or hit the FF button when the idiots at Y&R pair Victor with Sharon romantically. It is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!! I am not going to jusdge age facter but I will judge the fact htat he has been a father figure to her and she is like a daughter. I honeslty have to agree with other posts I read that someone on te team has it out for Sharon Case. The character will never live this down and it total assassination of a character that has been on for years. I will not watch anything to do with that storyline at all and I hear it will go on for sometime “literally just puked in my mouth” I may even tune out all together if this is the direction they want to go with the Soap.

I’m glad to see the slight improvement of General Hospital, especially since its ratings were no better than the other soaps of ‘All my Children, Days of Our Lives and One life to Live.’ Why A.B.C. kept that soap….(remember when GH was the only soap on A.B.C. T.V., well it’s reverted back to that time again.)…. and cancelled the other two is beyond my understanding, when it should have been the other way around. Keep AMC and OLTL, cancel GH, but that’s only my opinion. Since GH is saved for now and have brought on board some of the characters from OLTL, its has made me miss that soap even more. I like seeing Starr Manning and John McBain but I long to see the rest of the cast from Llanview P.A. I only hope that ABC will find some way to bring back OLTL and AMC maybe on Prime Time or even as a half hour show. That would be something, which is much better than nothing, which is what loyal fans of the two iconic soaps have now.

I hate to say this. If I see Victor and Sharon rolling in the sack, I’m changing the channel. What is WRONG with those writers? He is (or should be) a father figure for her. He is her children’s grandfather for God’s sake!

I”ll be tuning back into GH when Todd arrives. However, if Blair doesn’t show up soon after then I’ll be tuning out again. In March, Todd vowed to never stop trying to ‘put them back together’. That’s what I want to see – Todd reclaiming his One True Babe. If that doesn’t happen, I’m sure I won’t be the only TnB fan who feels cheated, and I won’t be the only one NOT watching GH.

How do you guys do that?How do you get mad at something on the show your watching then pick up and leave ?I cant do that ,I turned on general hospital 49 years ago and through those years including the mob stories that I didnt like tuned in the next day,I just cant give up watching because I dont like a story, or a soap star left. or isnt going to be on.If I did that I would not be able to watch anything.The only thing I have done as far as viewing shows is I gave up on watching anything on abc/disney and that because they killed the best 2 soaps ever and that is one life to live and all my children and I will continue to support general hospital for I hope another 49 years.Sometimes the stories cant go the way you want them to ,but there is always another story around the corner,I like blair and todd to ,you never know anything can happen in the future and I hope general hospital has a long one.Right now I am pissed off at the way Jason is treating Sam ,But I cant wait till its 3 oclock and I get to relax and watch my soap.

I stopped watching GH a long time ago. The mob centric story was just too much for me, and IMHO the show was a shadow of its former greatness. As an avid watcher of OLTL and a fan of TnB I decided to watch GH again when they arrived in March. I hope TPTB come to their senses and realize that Todd doesn’t make sense with anyone except Blair. I’ve watched Todd when he wasn’t with Blair, and it’s not pretty.

I agree with Alley. For me personally, I don’t see how breaking up OLTL’s popular and beloved couples is going to attract OLTL fans, who are new to GH or those who haven’t watched GH in many years. I’m a TnB fan and a Blair fan in general. I’m waiting to see if Blair comes back before getting invested in GH.

I’m with you, Jennifer. I won’t get too invested either.

I agree alley,Todd should be with blair,I heard from a few posts here that kassie doesnt want to move to california so that could be the reason,I hope that isnt true .If you didnt watch general hospital I can understand not watching it, I watched all the abc soaps one life to live was my favorite and that soap will remain my favorite .General hospital is getting good again after years of mob abuse.Ron is doing his best to make the oltl fans happy,So we are off to a good start.we have todd, tea, starr, john, General hospital has history to and those stories have to continue so it might take time to bring a few of our landview friends to port charles and believe me I want that to happen but I dont want the characters of port charles to get lost ,its the only soap left on abc/disney and we are fighting so hard to keep it,we have to get the ratings up if we dont unless we get a miracle,Landview, pine valley, and port charles will only be a memory ,I will hate to see that happen.

Actually, Kassie said she’d be open to a return to GH. There was a big dust-up over a story in SID where they said she didn’t to work at GH. They’ve since retracted the story and had an interview with Kassie setting the record straight. IMO, Kassie is a class act and a great actress. They’re stupid not to bring her to GH. TnB are a supercouple – not having them together is a disservice to their characters and the fans who love them.

I remember I read it,I hope she is one of the crossovers and they give her a contract soon so we don’t loose her to some other project,Kassie is a class act she was one of my favorites in landview ,maybe they are bringing her over just not right now, they have to give todd, starr, tea, and john time to fit in which I think they are doing a good job getting it done .Im looking at it like this, todd and blair were always on again off again then back together again,she is mad at todd and she is with tomas now ,todd has to get set up in port charles ,then hopefully blair cant stand being away from starr and packs her bags and moves in with her daughter ,I miss her to as I have said before One life to live is and will always be my favorite soap,but we have to save general hospital,and this fan is so happy that my best friends from landview are coming to port charles cant be done in a day,general hospital has wonderful characters you just have to take the time to get to know them really their great and since Ron and frank have taken over I believe general hospital will become the #1 soap and stay that way for hopefully another 50 years.

Way to go GH and B&B! The Young and the Restless and Bold and Beautiful may not be my cup of tea; but, I watch to support the CBS soap fans. Besides, they are daytime soaps, and any soap is better then…”NO SOAP!”


ITA with you, except B&B is awful though..what a bunch of horrible weak female characters.(Steffy & Hope & their moms are just as bad you would think they would be old enuff to know better).all fighting over men & the men participating in that. Bill is disgusting (as is Liam make up your damn mind fool!!)…..I started watching B&B, DOOL & Y&R when AMC & OLTL were cancelled..out of the three I like Y&R & I really like Adam & Chelsea…Nikki, Lilly, Daisy, Sofia are boring..The writing for Jack does leave something to be desired..DOOL I think Carrie, Hope, Jennifer & Marlena are boring too..Like Kate & Madison,,too bad for Sarah Brown..she is a good actress..Love Sami, EJ, Nicole, Lucas is cool…Will is great!!! what a good actor Chandler is..nothing replaces AMC or OLTL & I got a little hope when some of the characters from OLTL went to GH..but Starr is really the only one that’s there…Hate the way Jason is treating Sam..why is it about him when his wife was raped????? what a dork!!!..I have watched GH throughout the years but hate the mob stuff..& they’re getting away with literally with murder…I think the OLTL writers are doing a great job with what they have to work with..Love Patrick, Luke, Johnny, Dante..Lulu, Traci, love love Anna..Nukate is doing a much better job.. than oldKate..where is Todd & Blair so sick of Sonny, Carly & Jason..JMO..the OLTL characters…can only help..if we could see them that is…I do support the soaps..if I actually hated the characters I would just turn the channel of delete the recording…

Oh & I meant John McBain from OLTL is there too & he is soo good…his scenes with Tony Geary Traci & Finola are great!!! I love the saracastic yet funny remarks he makes with all the characters(Sonny Max etc)…great writing from OLTL guys..It would be great to see Natalie there duke it out with some of the female characters in GH….I just miss OLTL & AMC..Sooooooooo much..

LOVING Anna, Heather Webber, Luke, Tracey, Carly, Johnny and Kate/Connie. Seeing Kate reading the book “Yes She D.I.D.” with Viki/Niki & jess/Tess on the cover was genius! LOVE

I went back to Days after many years to see how they would handle the Will story. The writing in that area is excellent, but there are too many boring characters and stupid plots. Characters such as Kate are ruined (did she really think she could hide anything from Steffeno?). Cut the stupid stories and boring characters. Use Kate, Marlena, Hope, John and Bo in real stories that have a bit of depth and make the characters look intelligent.

Just reading the synopsis of Y&R in SOD makes me yawn. Again, too many newer characters who are a snooze and the ruin of other characters such as Victor, Nikki and Lauren for plot purposes.

I am surprised B&B inched up. The show is becoming a one note plot. Again, why are beautiful women such as Steffy and Hope killing themselves over Liam? What has he done to acquire a second look (OK, he’s eye candy), much less this much devotion from two women whom any straight man in their right mind would want. I know this is a half hour soap, but remember, this is LA. There are plenty of single guys without having to pick up your step-siblings used men!

GH rising only shows what OLTL could have been if Frons and the network did not cancel it. Hopefully, this will stop the bitching of the GH fans that there are ‘too many’ OLTL characters. Had ATWT fans not squaked and allowed AW characters such as Cass to take root, we may have had a different show. Remember, GL did this with some of the actors from Texas (nothing against Kim Zimmer, but Reva was basically Renna, especially if Carla Borelli had not turned the role down) and the rating went up about a point and a half.

Sure fire way to kill GH. Bring on the characters from a dead soap that some fans never watched because they never liked that soap or characters in the first place. Fast-forwarded through the beginning scenes with the OLTL characters, watched happily when they seemed to disappear, and now ff again as the OLTL characters are back with a vengeance. I’d like to watch GH to keep it alive but it is appearing that the writers are set on killing off the GH storyline already. Really, I only watch bits and pieces right now with the emphasis being given to the OLTL storyline. Sorry. It’s inevitable. GH is dying.

General Hospital

Maurice Benard Confirms Steve Burton is Upcoming Guest on ‘State of Mind’

Over this past weekend, General Hospital’s Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) revealed that he is finally going to have longtime co-star, Steve Burton (Jason Morgan) on his State of Mind You Tube series for a sit-down interview.

While speaking with Soap Opera Digest at Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, GH) ALS fundraiser, Maurice confirmed the taping is happening this week and should be posted in about three weeks time.

Benard shared, “I wanted Steve Burton and I’m shooting him Tuesday, my good friend, but he’s been through a lot and I’ve been asking for three years, but he’s finally going to do it.”

Photo: ABC

In addition, to the episode, it appears Maurice also confirmed he will be doing a You Tube live on Tuesday, May 7th as well at 3 pm PT possibly with Burton.

As GH viewers know, for year Jason was Sonny’s henchman, and his right hand. Now upon Jason’s return, the two are at complete odds, due in part to Sonny’s medication being completely manipulated by Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and his growing paranoia.

As for what Burton will discuss, as Benard teased Steve has gone through a lot of personal ups and downs as well as professional, over the last three or more years, but has always landed on his feet. It will be interesting to hear this thoughts on those matters and how he soldiered through.

So, excited to see Maurice and Steve have a serious chat on State of Mind? Comment below.

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General Hospital

The Stars Come Out In Support of Nancy Lee Grahn’s ALS Benefit (Photos)

Boasting an incredible line-up of daytime soap opera star power, Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, General Hospital) ALS Benefit “Daytime Unites” held its fundraising event over the weekend on Saturday May 4th.

According to a post on X from Grahn following the event, she revealed that the fundraiser raised over $71,000 for ALS research. Stars from GH who participated included: Genie Francis (along with husband, Jonathan Frakes), Dominic Zamprogna, Kristen Vaganos, Kate Mansi, Maurive Benard, Laura Wright, Evan Hofer, Parry Shen, Lane Davies, Carolyn Hennesy, Michael Easton, Lydia Look, Tabyana Ali, Maura West, Adam J. Harrington, Cynthia Watros, and Lisa LoCicero.

In addition, The Bold and the Beautiful’s Don Diamont and Annika Noelle, The Young and the Restless’ Jason Thompson, Trevor St. John, Kate Linder, Melissa Claire Egan, and Christian LeBlanc, and Days of our Lives Stephen Nichols and Patrika Darbo, and more were also on-hand.

In her message on X, Grahn, the two-time Daytime Emmy-winner expressed, “Thanks to my beautiful friends who showed up, along with some extraordinarily kind Daytime fans, we raised over 71k for ALS. Truly grateful for the privilege to help move the needle a little closer to finding a cure.”

Now below check out some of the snaps featuring several of your favorites from the soaps below.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) and Maurice Benard (Sonny) strike a pose with former castmate Jason Thompson (ex-Patrick, GH, now Billy, Y&R).

Photo: JPI

B&B’s Annika Noelle (Hope) with the host with the most, Nancy Lee Grahn.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Adam J. Harrington (John “Jagger” Cates) attended Nancy’s event, his first with his new GH co-stars.

Photo: JPI

Y&R’s Peter Bergman (Jack) flanked by GH’s Car0lyn Hennesy (Diane) and Grahn.

Photo: JPI

Good buds and former OLTL co-stars, Y&R’s Trevor St. John (Tucker) and Michael Easton (Finn).

Photo: JPI

GH’s Cynthia Watros (Nina) showed her support for ALS and her co-star Nancy Lee Grahn’s fundraising efforts.

Photo: JPI

Star Trek favorite, Jonathan Frakes, with his wife, GH’s iconic, Genie Francis (Laura).

Photo: JPI

Two of the soaps and GH’s finest, Maura West (Ava) with Maurice Benard.

Photo: JPI

Tucker meets Tucker! The former Tucker McCall of The Young and the Restless, Stephen Nichols (Steve, Days) meets the current Tucker McCall, Trevor St. John!

Photo: JPI

The Davis girls showed up in support of their on-screen mother played by Nancy Lee Grahn- Kristen Vaganos (Molly) and Kate Mansi (Kristina).

So, what do you think about the star power of Nancy’s event? Glad to know they raised over 71K to help find a cure for ALS? Comment below.

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General Hospital

GH’s Tabyana Ali Responds to Nicholas Chavez Exit: “I Hope That We Will Get the Chance to Work Together Again Someday”

The “Sprina” that everyone knew and loved is not coming back in the form fans have been accustomed to, at least, anytime soon after Nicholas Chavez last week confirmed his exit from General Hospital.

After months of speculation if Chavez would return to his soap role, after exiting to film a leading role in Ryan Murphy’s Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menéndez Story, he revealed he has stepped away from the role via a post on his social media accounts.

Now, the other half of Sprina, Tabyana Ali, has offered up her thoughts on Nick’s exit from the series. Speaking to Soap Opera Digest, she shared, “I want the best for him and all of his endeavors and I hope that we will get the chance to work together again someday. I also want to show my gratitude to Sprina Nation as well.”

Photo: ABC

As to what the future holds for Trina, and where the character goes from here, Tabyana would like to see a character turn, adding, “I would like her to have a vendetta story or a revenge story. Or the love of her life is gone and now she just turned evil a little bit.”

However, Ali is very aware that Trina is not wired like that emotionally, at least, as she is written now, “I don’t know how much that would be possible. She’s such a kind-hearted person at her core.”

Photo: ABC

How would you feel if the show recast the role of Spencer with another actor, and brought Spencer back from the “dead”, given that his body was not found? Would you like to see another actor paired with Tabyana? Or, should Trina find happiness with a new love, and THEN, a recast Spencer shows back up?

And you never know, as Nicholas Chavez put it in his exit statement, “While there are no current plans for me to return, we are still talking very openly about future possibilities for Spencer in Port Charles.”

Vote in our poll below, and let us know what your hopes are for Trina’s future, via the comment section below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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