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General Hospital’s Michael Easton Delivers the ‘Power Performance of the Week’

Photo: ABC

Last week over several episodes, General Hospital, handed the ball to one of their longstanding MVP’s Michael Easton (Finn), and he took it all the way in for a touchdown. The backdrop was the lead up to, and then the heartbreaking death of Finn’s father, Gregory Chase (played by Gregory Harrison), and its aftermath.

Through it all, Easton gave every scene its weight, made every scene compelling, and brought us, and we are certain many viewers, to tears throughout it. There is no question come Emmy-time 2025, this is one of the performances that must be remembered, and Michael has the scenes for his reel to back that up.

The set-up was coming off of Finn’s brother, Chase’s (Josh Swickard) wedding to Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton). Gregory asked the nuptials be a bit fast-tracked to ensure he could be present for it, for he was suffering from the illness for which there is no cure, ALS.  At the wedding reception, Finn slipped and took a sip of a glass of champagne, which began to break his seven years of sobriety.


Once back from the reception, Finn and his dad, have the ultimate father/son talk, knowing they are on borrowed time. Finn and Gregory have also had a very strained relationship at one point; due to both’s involvement with Jackie Templeton. But with all that behind them, and in the present, Gregory was able to tell Finn how proud he was of him, and Finn said the same to his dad. There were tears, we all bawled, and then it was time to get Gregory ready for bed. Due to his symptoms from ALS, Gregory needs help getting undressed. Finn helps out his dad, before telling him goodnight. Gregory flashes back to his life and seemingly falls asleep, but he never wakes up.


The next morning, Finn finds him cold and dead in his bed and sits on the floor at his dad’s bedside and weeps. Overwhelmed and alone, Finn pours himself a drink from the bottle left as a gift by the Cerullos. He has now lost his sobriety, completely. Things get even tougher for Finn when his daughter, Violet (Jophielle Love) comes home from school and he has to tell her that her grandfather died. He also had to call his brother, who was about to leave on his honeymoon, and tell him the bad news.


After having a bit more to drink, Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) stops by and they have an argument over his drinking and his unwillingness to let her take Violet with her for the night, which puts a strain in their relationship. Later, when Chase and Brook Lynn show up they can both see that Finn hit the bottle. When Chase finally gets some one-on-one time with his brother, he is able to get through to him.

While mourning the loss of his father, Finn realizes he needs to get cleaned up and get to a meeting. For Finn, as he recounted, having to witness the paramedics taking Gregory’s lifeless body with them was something no son wants to see and was more they could bear.

It was all heart-wrenching, beat by beat. Easton gave us all the layers and complexities and took us inside what Finn was feeling and how he was trying to cope with this terrible loss and tragedy. For all of these reasons, and those cited above, Michael Fairman TV names Michael Easton’s work, the Power Performance of the Week.

Now let us know, do you agree with our pick of Michael Easton for his work on GH for ‘Power Performance’ honors? And what moment from the episodes discussed above really brought you to tears the most? Comment below.

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Easton was very good this week, but the honor should go to Jophielle who acts on sophisticated level beyond her years. The best scene of the week was the heartfelt conversation between Ned and Lois – capturing 30 years of history in an open and meaningful discussion.

I agree about the “Ned” and “Lois” scene. I loved it. It’s such an incredible waste that Wally Kurth has barely been on the show at all. With both Rena Sofer back and Jane Elliott back, he should be have way more screentime and scenes with them as much as possible. There are barely any Qs left, and instead of taking advantage of having these three on again at the same time, the history and the relationship of these characters has been ignored, their characters never interacting. The writers have obliterated the Qs and filled the house up with all new actors and characters. Instead, they could have Jason over the house as well, & with Ned, Tracy, Lois, and Brook Lynn, we’d at least have a bit of the actual Q’s back…

Jophielle was good; she always is. She, like Brooklyn Rae Silzer (Emma) and Nicholas Bechtel (Spencer) before her, is an excellent child actor. As for Michael Easton, I’m glad he’s finally getting a story and able to use his acting versatility. He’s been able to dig so much deeper in this story, as opposed to the quirky Finn with Roxie we first met. The character has thankfully evolved and ME has played each aspect to “Finn” as the role demanded.

Michael’s work this week was amazing and made me choke up!

He was so suddle yet u could see the pain Finn was in , it was heartbreaking and Michael Easton was so good, everyone all around was great.

Michael Easton was amazing. The tears flowed and my heart ached watching Finn’s pain. Most definite an award worthy performance.

Michael was amazing. my heart was breaking for him. Tears flowed. Excellent Acting!

He was absolutely great

Always a terrific actor. Glad he had a storyline to exhibit his great talent. All performers on GH are truly fantastic at their craft. Little Violent wb the next Disney star like Zendaya was.

Michael swung for the fences, and the ball went to the parking lot!! He was superb, and Miss Jophielle was right there with him!! They were BOTH spectacular! Bravo!!

Being 7yr recovering alcoholic. I can totally relate to his Jaw Dropping after taking a sip of the Champagne. My jaw dropped at the same time. I lost our youngest son tragically 03/13/2020. Not to covid but to suspicious overdose, of Fentanyl, Xylazine and Cocaine, that is still under investigation. Anyway, at no point did I even consider challenging my sobriety. But I do understand Finns. Especially with there history and the night before talk, and both making Amends. As alcoholics we ate taught the “STOP” before taking that drink. He savored the thought before, by smelling the cork, and alcohol inside, along with that pour. Grief is very real, and very powerful at that moment. I think it’s important for the writers to have written the scene as they did, to show how easy it is to slip. Then to have family there, to walk him through his actions and to support him to get to a meeting. We’ll Done GH writers

Michael Easton gets my vote! He has been a fabulous strong doctor for so long, I was surprised that GH took him in this direction, although I’m well aware of his addiction and his supportive relationship with Nancy Grahn’s character.

Yes i agree! He did an awesome job! I was in tears. So sad! I wish they didnt have him die on the night of the wedding.
Great job Michael!

Great performance

Michael and Anna on GH should win.

General Hospital

Jonathan Jackson Addresses Fans on His Return as GH’s Lucky: “Your Persistence and Love Has Certainly Played a Part in All of This”

Earlier on Tuesday, it was revealed that General Hospital’s five-time Daytime Emmy-winner, Jonathan Jackson is making a return to the ABC soap opera for the first time since 2015.

Jackson is now set to reprise his role as Luke (Tony Geary) and Laura’s (Genie Francis) son, Lucky Spencer.  Shortly after the soap world was abuzz at the news of his imminent arrival back in Port Charles, Jonathan took to his Instagram with his own personal message to his fans.

Jonathan started, “Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I will be returning to General Hospital this summer as Lucky Spencer. Super excited and can’t wait to dig in and see what’s going on in Port Charles. Excited to see Genie Francis, obviously, and so many others.”

Photo: JPI

“Just wanted to say thank you to all of the fans over the years,” he continued. “Your persistence and love has certainly played a part in all of this. So I just wanted to say thank you. Also, to Frank Valentini (executive producer, General Hospital) and everybody at ABC for welcoming me back. Super excited. So, just sending much love, and I guess, I’ll be seeing you all fairly soon. God bless.”

Photo: JPI

The actor and musician’s video post was accompanied by the words, “excited for the journey” to continue, and so are we! Lucky was last seen in 2015 when Jackson returned to the soap to be a part of Tony Geary’s final storyline as Luke.  At the time of Lucky’s exit from the canvas he left things on good terms with Elizabeth and the children.

So, now the question is, h0w does Lucky arrive back in Port Charles this summer? Share your theories via the comment section below.

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Breaking News

Jonathan Jackson Returning to General Hospital as Lucky Spencer

The big return that General Hospital’s executive producer Frank Valentini teased after the show won Outstanding Drama Series at the 51st annual Daytime Emmy Awards has turned about to be, as promised, a true fan favorite and beloved actor for longtime fans of the ABC daytime drama series.

Five-time Daytime Emmy winner, Jonathan Jackson is on his way back to the ABC soap in his signature role as Lucky Spencer, the son of the iconic supercouple, Luke (Tony Geary) and Laura (Genie Francis).

According to Deadline, Jackson’s on-screen return will happen later this summer and is expected to be for a “long run.” This announcement comes on the heels of yesterday’s GH casting news when they revealed that two-time Daytime Emmy winner Bryan Craig was coming back for a one-day appearance in the role of Morgan Corinthos.

Photo: JPI

As for Jackson, he began his GH career at 11-years-old back in 1993, winning viewers hearts and captivating the audience with his brilliant performances. In fact, his on-screen dad, eight-time Daytime Emmy winner, Tony Geary, has many times said that Jonathan is his all-time favorite scene partner.

Jonathan stayed with GH until 1999. The role was then recast with Jacob Young and later with Greg Vaughan. Eventually, Jackson returned to the role of Lucky for another run in 2009 to 2011.

After his GH departure, Jackson went on to star in ABC’s country music soap opera, Nashville in the role of Avery Barclay for six seasons playing opposite another soap alum, Hayden Panettiere (ex-Lizzie, GL). Jonathan returned once again to GH for a limited run back in 2015. Jackson has won five Daytime Emmys for his work as Lucky in 1995, 1998, 1999, 2011 and again in 2012.

Photo: JPI

When Valentini told ABC7 ‘s On the Red Carpet at the Daytime Emmys, “A former cast member is coming back, and I think that the audience will go crazy for him,” speculation was rampant of just which male actor was coming back to the show. Many fans hoped and many predicted Jackson, and now they will get their wish. Could Lucky finally reunite with Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) when he returns to Port Charles? Stay tuned.

Recently, Jonathan has appeared in the film Unsung Hero about the family back-story of the hit Contemporary Christian/Pop duo For King and Country, plus has appeared in numerous other TV, film and music projects.

Photo: JPI

Jackson continues to perform as a musician around the world with his band Jonathan Jackson + Enation, plus several tours with cast members from Nashville, and is also an accomplished writer penning the theological prose, The Mystery of Art.

So, are you excited for Jonathan Jackson’s long-awaited return as Lucky Spencer? Comment below.

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Breaking News

Bryan Craig Returning to General Hospital as Morgan Corinthos

It looks like the teases Bryan Craig was dropping on social media were true, sort of.  According to TV Line, Craig is returning to the ABC daytime drama series to reprise his two-time Daytime Emmy-winning role as Morgan Corinthos.

However, it looks for now as if Craig is returning just for one episode. Circle August 1st for when he reappears on the long-running soap opera.

Now, it remains unclear if Morgan will come back as a ghost or vision from beyond, or if it will turn out that he is alive and well after everyone believed he was killed when a bomb meant for Julian Jerome blew up the car he was in. That incident took Craig off the show was back in 2016.

Photo: ABC

Speculation was high that Bryan could be the actor, GH EP Frank Valentini was referring to when he dropped the bombshell in an interview at the 51st annual Daytime Emmys that “a former cast member is coming back…and I think the audience will go crazy for HIM.”

Photo: BCraigIG

Craig continued to fuel the fire that he was on his way back to GH with a Father’s Day with himself and GH on-screen dad, Maurice Benard (Sonny), and then an image on his Instagram which looked like the GH set.

Photo: JPI

The actor began his TV career in 2013 when he took on the role of Sonny and Carly’s (Laura Wright son. After departing General Hospital three years later, Craig was cast on ABC’s Grand Hotel, and most recently appeared on Freeform’s Good Trouble, plus several independent motion pictures.

Now the question becomes is Bryan Craig’s one-day appearance who Valentini was referring to, or is there another male actor from the past still on their way back to Port Charles? Comment below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Power Performance

Michael Easton as Finn

General Hospital

Airdates: 5-20/24-2024
