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The Revolution Continues to Bomb with 1.33 Million Viewers! Is there any justifiable reason this should stay on the air?



Well, the ratings are in!  And that means doing our weekly check-in on One Life to Live’s replacement, The Revolution and how it’s residing in the time slot that was reserved for43 years for the residents of Llanview and their millions of fans.  And what do you know?

The Nielsen ratings period for the week of March 12, 2012, showed the lifestyle/makeover show, performing its lowest to date, bringing in a mere 1.33 million viewers, and that is off 45 percent from One Life to Live’s viewership a year ago at this time.   And for the key demo, the gals?  Well, for a show aimed at the female audience, it doesn’t seem to be taking hold.   The Revolution is down 50 percent from OLTL in women 25-54!

According to TV Media Insight,  the comparisons of The Revolution and One Life are startling.  Check this out!  One Life to Live – Week of 3/14/11  Viewers: 2.43 million, Women 25-54: 1.2/ 8, Women 18-49: 0.9/ 6, Women 18-34: 0.5/ 4 The Revolution – Week of 3/12/12  Viewers: 1.33 million, Women 25-54: 0.6/ 4, Women 18-49: 0.5/ 3, Women 18-34: 0.3/ 2   Percent Change – The Revolution vs. One Life to Live  Viewers: -45, Women 25-54: -50, Women 18-49: -44, Women 18-34: -40

So the question remains, with the ABC network expecting to make its decision in just a few weeks as to whether The Revolution or General Hospital will remain in the line-up, when Katie Couric’s new talker, Katie,  premieres in September, is there any justifiable reason this low rated show should stay in the line-up?  And, the other very apparent issue is that because no one is tuning into The Revolution that is not helping GH’s ratings either!  If they had a strong lead in, more would tune-in to that show, so it wouldn’t even be considered as vulnerable, especially given that Katie also noted she wanted GH as her lead-in.

If the network were to decide to dismantle GH, after Frank Valentini and Ron Carlivati are pulling out all the stops to save it, and use the same logic as they did for canning, All My Children and One Life to Live, then we would be rendered speechless! But hey, we all have been shocked before.   Weigh in!


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Pretty much, ABC is trying to prove a point by keeping The Repulsion. We all know that no matter how bad the show was tanking, it would at least survive a while season. Cause who likes being proven wrong. Its okay though, we didn’t need a mid season canceling, we let the numbers do the talking and watch its own demise with a smile on our face. At least thats my opinion…

Well the ratings continue to prove Frons wrong….the soap viewers will NOT be trained to watch what ever trash ABC/Disney Daytime shows they have on instead of our beloved soaps. ABC/Disney executive need to own up to the mistake of cancelling the beloved AMC/OLTL shows & get them back in their original timeslot & leave GH alone.

Abc stinks. They are so unprofessional wi th making major deceisions..Such as what to cancel on daytime & what should stay………It is ovious that OLTL should have stayed on abc but, instead was replaced bt this CRAP The Revolution, which is still bombing in the ratings and will continue to do so…OLTL ratings are still better than The Revolution . When you compare ……..Abc doesn’t make any sense to me… I don’t think they know what they are doing. Like they are playing Tic – Tack- toe with daytime programming.. The Revolution should be cancelled and replaced with GH this Sept. That’s what I think about this situation.. I am pretty much DISGUSTED with abc and their tic-tack -toe daytime programming..

ABC’s focus on low budget, low quality shows will result in their someday running only infomercials and “reality” (whose reality, I ask, not mine) TV shows 24 hours a day. I am still hoping that someone will pull deals together that bring back AMC and OLTL to either TV or get them on the internet. What other shows have been cancelled by ABC that still have such viewer loyalty? People had watched these soaps for decades. Will anyone be missing The Chew or The Revolution when they go? Where is their viewer loyalty for these two low budget shows? I, too, am disgusted with ABC. Look at their nighttime shows – violence, degrading women, their target audience is the mindless these days. Until ABC brings back our soaps, I have deleted their channel from the program guides on the remotes for all my TV’s.

Shoot it!! Take it out of it’s misery!!

Yes! Take it out behind the shed and put it out of OUR misery!

Seems the residents of Llanview got boosted out by a stinkbomb!

Love those numbers “0.3” Go baby, go! You can do it! I’d love to see 0.1 or 0.03 Neilson would probably just remove them from the ratings! 😀

Does that Dr. ever change her shoes? Black boots with white doctor coat?

I thought she ditched the white coat,well if she didnt she should .who watches this crap?Christy,your right our landview residents did get booted out by a stinkbomb,and why abc is keeping it on is a mystery to me.

I love the comment about the clothes–she does look ridiculous for a supposed OB/GYN surgeon, but she’s probably more of a television personality than a physician.

Cancel The Revolution….Bring back OLTL, which was the #1 ABC soap, keep GH at 3:00….Katie at 4:00. The way things are going…If OLTL & AMC are not brought back…no soap fan will be watching Couric. She will done b/4 she even starts. OH well, ABCD doesn’t care….it’s quite obvious.

There should be no question on the fall lineup. The Revolution must be cancelled and GH should take it’s time slot. A strong lead-in for GH would be OLTL at 1:00 but we know ABC won’t make another smart decision and canel the Chew as well.

Lisa you are 100% correct. Cancel the revolution now bring back OLTL this May or June at 2pm then cancel The chew and move GH to 1pm Katie can go to 3PM That would be the SMART thing to do

There may be one justifiable reason….ABC/D guaranteed the Revulsion 200 shows. They haven’t scratched 50 yet. SMDH every time I think what an idiot Frons was to cancel our soaps! This is going to be something to witness as it plays out. In the meantime, we MUST SUPPORT GENERAL HOSPITAL!!!! And, Tell others to do it too!

Amen Yoyo! People need to start tuning into GH that is the only way the ABC execs will take notice.

i totally agree – the fans need to stop complaining about the oltl characters coming to gh & what ever else they are complaining about and just watch the show if the want gh to stay on the air……

I agree! Support the only remaining soap on ABC! I’ve been both a GH and OLTL fan for the last 40 yrs. and I am so excited to see the positive changes in GH. This includes not only the writing but also the actors seem to be giving an all out performance as well. It’s not the same ho-hum stuff that was happening before Mssrs. Valentini and Carlivati arrived. I am back to the “I can’t wait for GH today” just like old times years ago.

This commitment to air 200 shows of The Revolution may be just a rumor. Never has it been confirmed by ABC or reported on any reputable third-party sources.

Well, it’s posted all over the net and I can name a couple of reputable sources. But, I’m open to anything that would mean GH can stay on the air. From your mouth….

I agree with you 100%. Frons was such an idiot!

Yes I agree also that Mr. Frons is a idiot TOO………..

There loosing money ,they cant have 200 shows and they have only had 50 on air ,they are paying the audience if they can get them 30 dollars for each show , I see the end of the revolution, before gh goes on and they show the audience and there are only a few and they show the same people over again,I think abc/disney should get rid of it now because it is costing them more money and ON top of that no one is really watching there stupid show.I cant believe I lost one life to live because of idiots.Oh yeah almost forgot,I think they are using a clapping machine,I could be wrong,but I dont think deceiving is abc/disney?

I am pissed off also that OUR BELOVED OLTL was cancelled for this moron show (the revolution)……….For such a Untalented CRAPPY show .. OLTL was a treasure……………I MISS IT SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Revolution is pathetic, ratings killer. Get rid of it already

I’m with you……………

Monday thru friday at 2 oclock I get that something is suppose to happen feeling then I think One live to live then I get sad ,and when I think of what abc/disney replaced my favorite soap with I get really pissed off ,So when I think about one life to live thats when I sent my daily e mail to the rat channel and let them know how I feel And how no matter what they try to temp me with program wise ,this one life to live fan is gone from anything they have to sell,I will continue to watch general hospital and I hope for a very long time ,But I am faithful to shut that network off when the lights in port charles goes out for the day.

Biiiiiiiig Smile!!!!! Thanks for the great news! “ABC’s troubles worsened in daytime talk with The Revolution sinking to another series low and The Chew off by noticeable percentages from year-ago occupant All My Children.” AHEM!!!! Disney stockholders…Are you listening to the viewers? We’re not happy! What are you gonna do about it?????? Oh….. Right! And sponsors????? Where are you???? Are you listening to the audience? Oh. I’m sorry. There is no audience. Hmmmm. What are you gonna do?????

I’m confident GH will survive and The Revolution will be over; however people need to start tuning into GH. Bringing on OLTL characters or bringing back veteran GH characters doesn’t mean squat if people aren’t tuning in! Watch GH and the ratings will speak for themselves.

I can’t believe after the hit or should I say slap that ABC got over the cancellation of OLTL how can they even consider cancelling GH. I have watched OLTL and GH since 1968. Soap fans are still there but we have to work or do you really want us on Welfare and staying home to watch? I don’t think so. So I, like many millions of other soap fans, tape or DVR our show and watch at night. I work hard and pay taxes so that means I am penalized and have to give up my favorite shows. If GH goes I will not watch another show day or night on ABC. I will switch channels! ABC wants to go to all news and reality TV and doesn’t care at all about the viewers. When they are at the bottom of the Nielson ratings again and again and lose sponsors left and right, then we’ll see who has the last laugh.

They think everything will be ok if they wait long enough & keep GH & Katie we will quit the boycott–WRONG. We want our stories back not story . OLTL had the better of all with ratings. We will stand behind our soap operas. We want entertainment. We are not all kids. They forget its not kids that pays for the programing. Mine still doesn’t & she is 35. I will cut ABC & Disney off if thats what the fans want. I’m also boycotting the advertisers that do ads on the 2 dumb shows. Money won’t get you into heaven. I asked my husband how much money do they need? His answer–Just a little bit more. At the cost to us the viewers.

Neilson Schmeilson. I have never had any faith in that rating system. it’s antiquated and it needs to go. there is no way in hell over 1,000,000 people are watching that crappy show

me either,they are paying people 30 dollars to sit through that boring stuff .This is abc/disneys worse decision ever ,they can one life to live for this crap.hopefully it will be canceled soon because this show is a filler so the rat channel can save money,well no one is watching, So they have to be loosing money big time.Hey abc/disney heres something ,Sometimes you have to spent money,LIKE ON THE SOAPS,to make money,common sense.Disney just canned a 200 million dollar movie,HELLO ,How many years of all my children and one life to live could have stayed on your network?And I dont want to hear they are 2 different businesses.

You are right. NO WAY. I have NEVER believed or trusted the stupid Neilson ratings. I know what I watch every day but I guarantee you nobody at Neilson knows. What a racket.

Just Sad! I have to admit that I only briefly watched OLTL during the days of Marco Dane/Karen Wolek. My sister watched and I got to know it quite by chance. She switched to ATWT or changed the channel during commercials. I don’t remember really, when or how… but I know that I got hooked at some point on the Douglas Cummings/Kim Hughes goings on at ATWT, so I started watching and watched until the day Dr. Bob Hughes turned off the lights in his office. I Just know that the only soap I watch in about 20 minutes these days is Y & R. I am excited about General Hospital and seeing my favorites return…but everytime I check TIVO to see what is coming up…it just sounds boring, so I have yet to watch GH. I am sad to see what is happening with the writing and plans for soaps now. I miss Douglas Marland’s creative mind and ability to blend new families in…i.e…Hughes/Snyder. I think he may have had a hand in the Quartermaine’s (sp) on GH as well, point being…really great writing is missing from ALL soaps these days. Who can’t write in a mob story like GH and Y/R after watching some good movies?

Maybe I am just an old fart who likes real stories like they used to tell on ATWT and Edge Of Night. Yes kiddies, there were really good soaps once where writers told really good stories.

Sad to say, the writers and producers have no imagination these days…so that will save me an hour or so to enjoy sitting on my outdoor patio in the evening after work and enjoying some really good fresh air. Too bad it is so hot already. Oh well, I have already gotten to know some of my neighbors better. I might have more fun getting to know their stories. Maybe I can write my own soap in a couple of years!

Different divisions of Disney, but there’s Revolution and John Carter making big losses for the company.

There is NO justifiable reason this should stay on the air. Stupidity, arrogance, stubbornness are neither reasonable nor profitable (but ABCD may not understand this). It’s a television atrocity that The Revolution continues to be broadcast and that our beloved OLTL is gone, but The Revolution will continue because ABC has nothing to replace it now. The Revolution will die when Katie starts, but its termination will be a hollow victory for Llanview lovers. Nothing will ever compensate for the loss of OLTL except its resurrection.

Justin: What the hell are you talking about? How can you even comment without watching the shows mentioned. ATWT has been gone for a couple of years now. EON? Please! I used to watch Edge as well when it was part of abc’s daytime lineup. The stories told then were good ( no doubt. BUT……GH has the best team in daytime today. Frank Valentini and Ron Carlivati are like the dynamic duo of daytime. The way they have turned GH around in 2 months is nothing short of amazing. GH has some of the most talented daytime actors out there and day after day they are putting their heart and soul into saving their show. Instead of bitching about what was, try and help save a genre that is an american institution.

I think a Revolution cancellation is on the horizon!

I can’t imagine how the suits at ABC must be dealing with the Revolution mess. How do you justify and explain the loss of HALF of your viewership, literally overnight. Sorry Frons, television psychology is not your calling. SOAP VIEWERS CANNOT BE TRAINED!!! I’ve said all along, if ABC had so much faith that Katie will be the next Oprah then put her show on at 4:00!!! Bring back OLTL, save GH!.
ABC flunkies who are reading these posts, I mean what I’ve said on several different boards; I have never watched an episode of the Chew or Revolution and NEVER intend to. IF you cancel GH I refuse to watch Katie’s show as well.
Justin you are right on many points, however this is the time for soap fans to watch as many shows as possible, give the new writing teams a chance.

I can’t understand how this many people watch this stupid show. I hope ABC goes black for what they did to AMC and OLTL. ABC really needs a change at the top.

what kind of people find this kind of programming interesting? thats what I would like to know,I just dont understand how they can honestly sit down and watch it ,All I would have to watch is maybe 2 seconds and it would be gone.I will take a good afternoon drama over this junk any does need a change, for there daytime and prime time shows there going downhill fast.And they lost alot of fans because they canceled the soaps.

Exactly! 1.33 MILLION idiots watch this crap? But then again, our poor nation is being dumbed down at every turn so we shouldn’t really be surprised. Heads need to roll at ABC. Big time.

Good comment.

I just think the rating are rigged. Maybe owned by ABC/D.

Wouldnt surprise me if the ratings are rigged and the groups of the ages of people I dont understand either ,how do they know how old you are unless they are stalking you,If your television Is on and your dog is watching it should be counted,If grandma is watching she should be counted to,they have enough commericals on for the old folks ,I do believe that the networks will lie about the millions who watch or dont watch.So cathy trinque,I agree with you they are rigged.

NO! The Revulsion should be cancelled today. I can’t help buy wonder what the cast & crew of OLTL are thinking about this.

I know, what a waste of a wonderful soap.they were canceled to put this useless garbage on and this useless garbage will soon be tossed out with the rest of the trash,Bring back one life to live ,thats right they cant everything is gone ,the cast, the crew, the story tellers, they even got rid of the sets.Who ever had the idea to cancel the soaps should be thrown out of the abc building right out on there ass frons is gone but he is not the only one .

They must be sick when they think of more than 40 years of artful storytelling and drama trashed for this repulsive garbage.

I spotted a CNN article the other day regarding how ABC is destroying daytime tv w/their cheap and unwatchable talk shows. Now I’ve come upon a Forbes article.

Enjoy the read. I sures hell did!!!!

Personally, I love the comparison to how “new Coke” and the new “Tropicana” containers failed. Notable failures in pop culture history. Least those were rectified.

Bring back the SOAPS ABC!!!!!

Thanks Emily. That’s the second article I’ve read in Forbes in the last couple of weeks about the ABC daytime programming debacle. Hope the Disney shareholders read Forbes & CNN! Love it!

Yeah, all of this is awful. I’m really saddened over the way ABC is treating their soaps. Taking harder than I thought I would.

Also, now Soap opera Weekly is going under. I’m 42 yrs old now, but I bought the very 1st issue while i was on my way to College. The newstand was opp the bus stop and i’d read it on the bus ride over. Then wherever I moved I hunted down a nearby newspaper store and bought it every Thurs. Now April 10th will be the last issue. Another depressing factor. Think I’m so bummed b/c a good chunk of my life involved my great soap hobby. Thought it wouldn’t go anywhere. I grew a thick skin w/sitcoms coming and going, just didn’t think of it for soaps. Now, I hardly watch any tv.

Thanks MBmomof3, chin up:)


Thanks Emily,
now that article is impressive…the company i work for was named one of the “100 most trusted companies” in Forbes & they wasted no time in putting it all over the stationery!!! so Forbes validating the soap fans is monumental!! You know ABC might be reading that!!..if like another poster said Mickey went to the corner & bought a clue…I love it..I knew the soap fan energy has to make an impact but we are still dealing with egos at ABC who might just want to be right all the way to the poor house..who knows…

My favorite of all soaps was OLTL. I know most people want General Hospital to move to the 3 p.m. time; however, I fell it will be a slap in the face to some of the OLTL viewers. For OLTL to get cut to be replaced by another soap makes me very unhappy.

OLTL isn’t being replaced by GH!! That crappy talkshow did it. When that crappy talkshow gets canceled (SOON), I’d rather see GH moved to that special time slot as a way of honoring OLTL than see some other piece of garbage ABCD could dream up.

The only show I watch on ABCDaytime is GH. I honestly no interest in watching talk, reality, reality makeover, cooking or game shows. Does anybody want to be told publicly that there’s somerthing wrong with them that needs to be fixed? I certainly don’t

Ty Pennington should’ve stayed with Exteme Makeover: Home Edition.

ABC, please let us have our soaps back. I wonder if the people that ABCDaytime polled even watched Daytime soaps?

Didnt they cancel extreme makeover home edition?Im like you I dont like any of those dopy shows there boring.

Yes Barbara,

ABC did cancel Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I think the original primary host for the Revolution didn’t connect with the focus group, so ABCD hired Ty Pennington to help bring in the ratings. That move apparently bombed big time. It’s not Ty’s fault. ABCD didn’t listen to what the majority of the viewers wanted. Now The Revolution is tanking and now ABCDaytime is scrambling trying to keep the remaining viewership intact.

We have the final episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (already filmed) airing around Christmas.

I miss my soaps and will not watch these other shows that took my shows off the air. Miss them. BRING THEM BACK ABC DISNEY. Will never watch these shows period.

Is this a surprise to anyone? Even the commercials scream no one cares. Now they are making a daytime division in NYC about basically the same premise as the freaking Revulsion. The boycotting will continue forever unless ABC does something positive that the viewers want. We are not idiots who want to be dictated to as to how to live.

The other good news is The Chew is down too: “The Chew also lost steam, with 2.14 million viewers down 10 percent from All My Children. Female demo losses for The Chew were as high as 25 percent among women 18-49.”

If i am correct and i want someone to correct me if i am wrong advertisers are going to pay ABC less money for a commercial to have a commercial on the Revolution because of the low ratings of the show compared to a commercial that would be on One Life to Live if it were still on the air.I also think if the Revolution were cancelled i seriously dont think the audience of that show would really care as it has low ratings and it hasnt have been on long enough to have a loyal following compared to the people that watch One Life To Live in a lot of cases for decades since it started on ABC.

I have no faith in ABC/D. Won’t believe GH is safe until I see it. Iger just received a raise from the stockholders for being an idiot. If that doesn’t tell you something is rotten in the mouse house nothing will.


It was an awful decision for ABC to cancel One Life to Live, replacing it with the ridiculous Revolution show adds insult to injury. The insultingly condescending undertone of advertising the show as “It’s all about you” seems to indicate that ABC has little respect for the intelligence or character of their daytime viewers and decided it’s duty was to cease entertainment in favor of programming dedicated to fixing what they perceive to be the problems of their audience (diet, weight loss and for the true genius, instructions on “shopping” in your own closet). Of course, it’s really all about money and making the cheapest show possible, likewise for that bunch they have chewing away on the Chew. If I am hungry, I make myself something to eat, I don’t turn on the TV to watch other people eat and yap and carry on about nonsense.
To end on a positive note, GH has been excellent lately, hopefully ABC will have the good sense to keep the one good show it has left!

Our one life to live was wasted for this trash,And why abc/disney hasnt canceled it already is a mystery ,I dont think they want to hear us say we told you so ,No show can ever replace One life to live and thats a fact.They have alot of Idiots running abc/disney,they have been making alot of dumb decisions lately and keeping this crap on is one of them,What they should be doing is putting back the soaps they canceled and admit they made several mistakes and the first mistake they made was not listening to the soap fans .

I won’t and don’t even turn on ABC until General Hospital comes on and I turn it off right after it goes off. I Miss my soaps and have absolutely no respect for a broadcast company that obviously has no respect for it’s viewers opinions. They were warned and are now suffering the consequences. PUT THE SOAPS BACK WHERE THEY BELONG!


Jordi Vilasuso Joins the Cast of ‘The Bay’

The Bay has added Jordi Vilasuso to the cast of its Daytime Emmy-winning streaming series. Vilasuso himself dropped the news in a video teaser from Soap Hub during his appearance over the weekend from the Samantha and Friends event.

Jordi is best-known for his Daytime Emmy-winning role as Tony on Guiding Light, Rey on The Young and The Restless, Griffin on All My Children, and Dario on Days of Our Lives. He will now become as series regular in the role of Justin Ramos.

The role was previously played by David Lago (ex-Raul, Y&R) and Justin hasn’t been in the story since season 5.  In story, Justin is the brother to Janice Ramos, previously played by Lilly Melgar, and is the son of Nardo played by A Martinez.

Photo: JPI

Vilasuso’s new role reunites him with his former Days of our Lives father, Daytime Emmy-winner, Martinez, where in Salem they played Dario and Eduardo Hernandez.

The Bay is nominated for five Daytime Emmys this year including Outstanding Drama Series at the upcoming 51st annual Daytime Emmy Awards on June 7th.

Check out the video announcement of Jordi coming to The Bay with his new co-stars, Eric Nelsen, Kristos Andrews, Mike Manning and creator and EP, Gregori J. Martin below.

Now let us know, looking forward to seeing Jordi in his new role on The Bay? Share your thoughts in the comment section.


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General Hospital

The Stars Come Out In Support of Nancy Lee Grahn’s ALS Benefit (Photos)

Boasting an incredible line-up of daytime soap opera star power, Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, General Hospital) ALS Benefit “Daytime Unites” held its fundraising event over the weekend on Saturday May 4th.

According to a post on X from Grahn following the event, she revealed that the fundraiser raised over $71,000 for ALS research. Stars from GH who participated included: Genie Francis (along with husband, Jonathan Frakes), Dominic Zamprogna, Kristen Vaganos, Kate Mansi, Maurive Benard, Laura Wright, Evan Hofer, Parry Shen, Lane Davies, Carolyn Hennesy, Michael Easton, Lydia Look, Tabyana Ali, Maura West, Adam J. Harrington, Cynthia Watros, and Lisa LoCicero.

In addition, The Bold and the Beautiful’s Don Diamont and Annika Noelle, The Young and the Restless’ Jason Thompson, Trevor St. John, Kate Linder, Melissa Claire Egan, and Christian LeBlanc, and Days of our Lives Stephen Nichols and Patrika Darbo, and more were also on-hand.

In her message on X, Grahn, the two-time Daytime Emmy-winner expressed, “Thanks to my beautiful friends who showed up, along with some extraordinarily kind Daytime fans, we raised over 71k for ALS. Truly grateful for the privilege to help move the needle a little closer to finding a cure.”

Now below check out some of the snaps featuring several of your favorites from the soaps below.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) and Maurice Benard (Sonny) strike a pose with former castmate Jason Thompson (ex-Patrick, GH, now Billy, Y&R).

Photo: JPI

B&B’s Annika Noelle (Hope) with the host with the most, Nancy Lee Grahn.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Adam J. Harrington (John “Jagger” Cates) attended Nancy’s event, his first with his new GH co-stars.

Photo: JPI

Y&R’s Peter Bergman (Jack) flanked by GH’s Car0lyn Hennesy (Diane) and Grahn.

Photo: JPI

Good buds and former OLTL co-stars, Y&R’s Trevor St. John (Tucker) and Michael Easton (Finn).

Photo: JPI

GH’s Cynthia Watros (Nina) showed her support for ALS and her co-star Nancy Lee Grahn’s fundraising efforts.

Photo: JPI

Star Trek favorite, Jonathan Frakes, with his wife, GH’s iconic, Genie Francis (Laura).

Photo: JPI

Two of the soaps and GH’s finest, Maura West (Ava) with Maurice Benard.

Photo: JPI

Tucker meets Tucker! The former Tucker McCall of The Young and the Restless, Stephen Nichols (Steve, Days) meets the current Tucker McCall, Trevor St. John!

Photo: JPI

The Davis girls showed up in support of their on-screen mother played by Nancy Lee Grahn- Kristen Vaganos (Molly) and Kate Mansi (Kristina).

So, what do you think about the star power of Nancy’s event? Glad to know they raised over 71K to help find a cure for ALS? Comment below.

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General Hospital

GH’s Tabyana Ali Responds to Nicholas Chavez Exit: “I Hope That We Will Get the Chance to Work Together Again Someday”

The “Sprina” that everyone knew and loved is not coming back in the form fans have been accustomed to, at least, anytime soon after Nicholas Chavez last week confirmed his exit from General Hospital.

After months of speculation if Chavez would return to his soap role, after exiting to film a leading role in Ryan Murphy’s Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menéndez Story, he revealed he has stepped away from the role via a post on his social media accounts.

Now, the other half of Sprina, Tabyana Ali, has offered up her thoughts on Nick’s exit from the series. Speaking to Soap Opera Digest, she shared, “I want the best for him and all of his endeavors and I hope that we will get the chance to work together again someday. I also want to show my gratitude to Sprina Nation as well.”

Photo: ABC

As to what the future holds for Trina, and where the character goes from here, Tabyana would like to see a character turn, adding, “I would like her to have a vendetta story or a revenge story. Or the love of her life is gone and now she just turned evil a little bit.”

However, Ali is very aware that Trina is not wired like that emotionally, at least, as she is written now, “I don’t know how much that would be possible. She’s such a kind-hearted person at her core.”

Photo: ABC

How would you feel if the show recast the role of Spencer with another actor, and brought Spencer back from the “dead”, given that his body was not found? Would you like to see another actor paired with Tabyana? Or, should Trina find happiness with a new love, and THEN, a recast Spencer shows back up?

And you never know, as Nicholas Chavez put it in his exit statement, “While there are no current plans for me to return, we are still talking very openly about future possibilities for Spencer in Port Charles.”

Vote in our poll below, and let us know what your hopes are for Trina’s future, via the comment section below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Eileen Davidson as Ashley

The Young and the Restless

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