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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Is Luke Spencer Under Mind-Control From Helena Cassadine … Or Is This Just Another Red Herring?



On Thursday’s episode of ABC’s General Hospital, Lulu (Emme Rylan) comes to visit Luke (Anthony Geary) in jail.  She believes that Helena (Constance Towers) has Luke under mind-control, as she had done to Lucky in the past, and is doing to “Jake” (Billy Miller) at present.

What other explanation could there be for her dad’s despicable and out-of-character behavior over the last year or so? As the scenes between the father and daughter play out, clues uttered by Luke would indicate that he is not under Helena’s mind-control spell.  This opens up the possibility of theories that “mind-control” may not be the culprit for Luke’s behavior.

Elsewhere, Nikolas (Tyler Christopher) helps get Helena immunity in exchange for information on how she is controlling both “Jake” and Luke.  After Nikolas blackmails Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner), Helena is released from prison.   The villainess matriarch of the Cassadine clan apparently wrote down what she knows of what has happened to “Jake” and Luke and hands the information over to Nikolas while Agent Sloane (Grayson McCouch) looks on.   At the end of the episode, Sloane comes down to “Jake” and Luke’s jail cells and tells the men, “You two are going on a little field trip.”

So at this point in the Fluke/Luke storyline, do you truly believe the answer to Luke’s behavior is mind-control via Helena?  Or, could it be that this is the real Luke Spencer, and the Luke Spencer we knew all these years who was the good guy was the imposter?  Whether you love or hate the storyline, what is your best guess as to how this will ultimately conclude as to the true identity of this legacy GH character?  Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

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To be honest, this “Fluke” storyline has pretty much put to rest my interest in GH. Moving on…

Yes, yes, yes! The story is BORING!

Yep, move on, please!

The writing is immature and boring.

Yes Denisefan, I agree. And usually those two variables do not go hand in hand.

I do not think it is mind control, it is most likely something the audience have not considered. Luke is a legacy character, the producers and the writers would never have Luke try to murder people, including his daughter,sister and nephew without there being a major twist that will payoff soon.

Robert, I do believe this audience has considered every possible venue concerning the Fluke storyline. We are not talking about an amateur audience here. This site has some of the most intelligent and astute posters I have ever seen. This audience is quite savvy and wise. I cannot say much because I’m a newbie, but our fellow-posters, including yourself, have exhausted every scenario.
I did propose, however, that the potent drugs distorted Luke’s perception of what’s right or wrong…..he’s just so bloodthirsty, nothing else matters.
If that is the case, then there is still something good buried within him. Perhaps he needs to leave for an extended period of time again to detox. I hope.

“…This site has some of the most intelligent and astute posters I have ever seen”

giddy time

when so many of us have watched for decades plus

this site… thank you MF : is “shared” meaning and heartfelt of the best genre of ANY medium


“…he needs to leave for an extended period of time again to detox ”

I’d live in Amsterdam for a spell

Fluke is not Luke ….
I followed the clues– Luke and Fluke are not the same person.

When Fluke said he was Luke that was said- sarcastically -by whomever is Fluke..
That was Fluke having a self-laugh over it all ..

I just don’t think the writers will be able to explain who Fluke is or why he acts the way he does in a believable way. The explanation will have to be extremely convoluted.

Luke getting drugs at his initial stay at Miscavige that fried his brain would be believable, except he approached Julian over a decade ago to take down Sonny.

Mind control doesn’t work because Luke shot Helena, two years ago and she was trying to kill him with poison.

Robert, if there is some explanation that no one has thought of, it will be completely out of left field and it will not fit tightly with all we have seen. The writers can try and say, you’ve been watching A, but B has been happening, but that isn’t good writing and it won’t be a satisfactory payoff. The fact that it has taken this long and that there have apparently been so many red herrings already guarantees that the payoff will be unsatisfactory.

The journey has not been interesting. Constant twist and turns are only interesting if they are presented in the context of a coherent and cohesive narrative. That has just not been the case here.

With all the mentions of Patricia and seeing the old Spencer house, I think it’s pretty clear that there was abuse and maybe a murder back then, like Luke killed his terrible father or something…. There’s been a lot of talk through the years of their bad childhood but I don’t think anything specific….

You are right, many a legion of fans have discussed every possible theory in regard to Luke’s murderous behavior and I agree with you the audience is a smart one and I figured the writers and producers know this, that is why I believe they are trying to be a step ahead of the fans and that is why I am confident they are planning a major twist that will respect the audience’s intelligence.

Thank you, Cee Cee. You can be my ghost writer anytime.

Love, Maverick

(From Top Gun)

Mind control makes no sense because if Helena had him under her control why did she allowed him to shoot her on the Haunted Star? Why did she poison his earring to kill him if she could control him? And Fluke first made his appearance in PC when she was “frozen” waiting to be revive by Robin, whose procedure hadn’t been proven yet.

No either Luke had a twin brother we never knew about or Luke has multiple personalities that come out at different times– like those times Luke would disappear, he could have been Fluke–then he would come back when he was Good Luke. This might be possible because he did say to Lulu getting her old father back would be one option, meaning there could be other personalities that could come out if pressed.

Could it be possible,that Lucks father was having sex with is older sister,and luck killed both of them

Well, mind control would make you seem like to everyone including Lulu you are not who you looked up to all these years. She knows it and it hurts her. And speaking of Lulu, this actress finally got to shine and have a decent scene with TG. She is talented and capable and I really like their scene in the jail together. Anyway, I still think the real Luke is locked away on Cassadine Island and this is an impostor.

Totally agree Emme scenes have been awesome

Every episode makes this storyline worse. Suspense is not heightened. So in about 20 seconds Nicholas persuades Scott to grant full immunity to Helena? Is she going to go through the motions of de-programming Luke and Jake? Reveal the full story of Luke now!

Exactly, Anne.

nawww .. there is not going to be any deprogramming of Fluke, he is what he is supposed to be..
and Jake, well he might need a tweak lol ..

Scott to grant full immunity to Helena, well he can do that in a heartbeat if wants to and he did to save his his own ass.. it was just that simple..

the big problem is;
People are way way over thinking it..
When you overthink you change things, create things that you believe as the way it is, over thinking can and does distort..
Over thinking this story will only confuse you and keep you from following along ..

over overthinking -fiction- will confuse ya every time.. lol
just go with the flow the way it is written is the way it is to be 😉
RC, FV and team have it all ready to drop on us, the answers to the mystery is only days away.. This is fun! I am EXCITED!!!!

In other words, according to Sue, it’s the viewers’ fault.

I like the storyline but i also hate parts of it…Ron C. is no Henry Sleazer when it comes to mystery writing(Henry S. was Edge Of Nights headwriter for nearly 3 decades…his mysteries where well paced character driven stories that had a beginning, middle and an end…it too had fun twist and turns but didnt go over the top campy with no sense dialogue and messy plotting like GHs)…however GH still has entertaining moments here and there and…i like some of the twist and turns and suspense but this storyline feels endless…it goes on and on like no ending in sight…even the Energizer Rabbit knew when its time to quit…lol…i believe he is Luke and its just his time of the month…lol…if this is TGs exit storyline lets do it this way…have Luke on the fog shrouded piers…we have Tracy in the distance looking for him and calling his name…Luke looks into the camera and winks at the audience, then turns and disappears into the fog forever…Tracy is shown on the piers but Luke is already gone…she suddenly hears an unfamiliar female voice of a woman calling out Luke’s name…the woman runs into Tracy who also is calling out for Luke…the woman introduces herself as Nola Robinson(Kim Zimmer) who is looking for her missing estranged husband Luke Robinson…Nola and Luke used to live in Amersterdam where her husband worked undercover for the U.S. goverment but they had to flee because there is a hit out on him for reasons unknown to her and they fled to America and she fears the hired hitman is also here and has found her husband…Meanwhile, Tracys Luke has disapeared for good(TG has left the building) and everyone in PC and us GH fans never learn the truth about who Fluke really is…lol

Truly an impressive post, Jim.

I don’t believe Helena is controlling Fluke. Perhaps it is Luke, a new Luke turned monster. It’s very possible that his brain has been so battered with mind altering drugs to obliterate any human feeling he might have had……voila’ Fluke! In a way, this is the end product for which Helena was aiming. Other than that, I draw a blank.

I think you are mistaking Luke for GHs writer Ron C.,…lol

You’re probably right, Jimh. HAHA. Later.

wouldn’t it be FUN if Helena… did get !!!!

this would further , the dashing, daring, delight, Nikolas now IS !

that way thee : “mind altering” imagination guise… LOL would dare more

with Jake and Nikolas… c’mon Helena : don’t stop now…

fluke/luke can respite in Holland, Amsterdam

sorry Tracy

A did storyline. Bring Viki from llanview to town.

No no no, Viki was yesterdays news.

A split personality would do a lot to explain things and would also explain why Luke frequently skips town without explanation. I don’t think Helena is controlling Luke in any way. If she could do that, why would she wait until now? Also, what is the end game here? We still don’t really know what Luke and Helena are up to.

interesting question. what I would like vs what do I expect to happen? My best guess is there are reasons for what Luke did, and the change in him somehow goes back to helena’s poisoning of him and the “cure” for the Poisoning. I don’t buy a Luke was exchanged back in the 90’s with Bill Eckert. In my heart as a viewer of 39yrs, if this will be the exit for luke I want it to end with Laura, she comes to help him and for her to take care of him they way he took care of her. thats what I want.

what I expect is for all of the to play out with Luke having a inoperable brain tumor caused by poisoning which changed his personality and a death scene if Tony is truly retiring.

I agree, Rob. I said above that strong drugs , which you call “cure” , were administered and, subsequently, bedeviled his brain…LOL

Painting Luke/Fluke into a corner, must be getting close to one of TG’s vacations.

Yeah…I hope his vacation is permanent this time.

CeeCee, you get a timeout! Tony is awesome!

i agree with you : mainly because.. Tracy was on top… dynamic… womanly with Joe Scully, jr. romantic, in love, a virtuoso… HAPPY

if only the show would bring him back !!!!

exit AG

At this point does anyone care who Fluke is? So done with this story. It is absolutely absurd how they portray the legal system. I realize this is supposed to be entertainment but it is just too stupid to be entertaining. How many times does Helena have to die before she is really dead? Just ridiculous. Just been FF through the whole show in 5 minutes. I just wish we could get General Hospital back

I hate this storyline more with each passing day. Please just end it. I no longer care who, what, where, when, or why.

Dont’ know… don’t know… end this stupid storyline already. it’s been a damn year.

I really don’t care who or what or why Fluke/Luke (Yuck) is doing what he is doing. I’ve watched GH during the highs and the very lows and the weird but this is tedious and beyond anything except my DVR fast forward. Move on already – let Fluke/Luke marry Helena go off into the lower part of the world and stay there.

I don’t have anything to say on the subject. I am so burned out that they need to come up with a new word for being this burned out.
I never thought I would be singing BB King’s “The Thrill is Gone” when it comes to anything to do with Luke Spencer.
And here’s another song I am singing. “Jimmy Crack Corn and I Don’t Care”!

awww dear Harry..
this has been one helluva a journey!
I had fun.. the next couple of days will tell all, the who is ..

Harry, have you been over thinking the ‘who’ is?
It has been easy to follow if ya do not over think just go with what is written, what is before you, and then there is no problem following along..

overthinking fiction is not cool..
it will only make the story what it is not meant to be because it has become jumbled up by overthinking it .. lol 🙂
the clues were dropped, no problem here. I’m too lazy to overthink, I simply watch the story.. lol ..

And I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE, that Ron doesn’t care if the fans care or not.
I have never wished death on any character. But, Luke/Fluke needs to be buried. Then again, he’ll be baa-ack!

Not watching any longer until it is over sorry TG is making a mockery of the fans of this show and all my friends who watched quit six weeks ago. 🙁

Well, GH seems burned beyond recognition to the point it doesnt look like the show i fell in love with so many years ago…im still entertained here and there but i dont rush home to see it like i used to!!!

And Cee Cee…”I’m about to lose my mind, hurry, hurry.” Also, Tony Geary has basically said he doe snot care what the audience wants.
Suoo, there’s a problem when your entire defense of GH lies with you blaming the viewers for not being good viewers.
I have been an ardent admirer and fan of Tony Geary’s since I was a child (In other words, for about one hundred years). For me to criticize him is a big deal–it means something is inherently wrong.
I cannot even stand the sight of him anymore, and I never ever thought I would feel such a thing.

Let’s just hope this isn’t the beginning of ABC starting to push GH over the cliff like they did AMC and OLTL. This time using a story, and even a favorite for years like Tony/Luke, that many loyal, regular viewers don’t like so they ” don’t rush home to see it” anymore. I guess I’ll never really trust ABC.

If they are doing that (and it certainly seems plausible) they are doing it with TG’s blessings. Really says something when you have a head writer and a lead actor with massive egos who couldn’t care less what fans think. I wish both of them would be gone yesterday.

No idea if it’s DID or Luke gone bad (brain-fry from drugs/Helena) – or if it’s the proverbial long-lost evil twin, but this story needs to have a big payoff! I loved the “Lizard Lounge” banter between Scotty & Ric in court on Thursday’s show! Funny..

I stopped caring about who fluke is many episodes ago. It’s boring, please finish it. I love Geary but even he has to admit this ship has run it’s course.

the story actually started 4 months back.. the usual time for lead soap story is 4 months and ending times for sweeps..
The story time is right on spot..
(before Tony needed to leave the story was just starting and there was a 6 month pause..

Seems some people are wore out from thinking, not knowing is killing them because soap stories are usually very transparent and we know who after the first week..
Not so with this story.. it did make people ‘think’ and to wonder and kept most in a dither/boggled because they do not know the — who, what and why’ not this time..
nope, not this time.. we had to work/think to figure this one out all the way to very last page, we did not know ..
that has never ever happened with a soap story, never … I LOVE IT !!!

When I want to think I will re read James Joyce’s Ulysses or Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov. And I do enjoy a good mystery as long as the clues leading up to solving that mystery form a trail of bread crumbs.
All these inconsistent clues are providing is a maze of confusion which will ultimately lead to disappointment.

It’s Luke’s evil twin that no one ever knew about…..

If only they could

I so hope its not true and this is the real Luke!!! I loved the old days with him and Laura and their kids!!! I will be so disappointed as a long time fan for over 40 years!!

I love the story. It gets everyone talking and guessing. Greatest show and possible Emmy winning role for Tony Geary.

We need to move beyond the Luke/Fluke storyline, it has dragged on
longer than necessary and I’m no longer interested, in who he is or isn’t.
His hateful words and indifference towards the people who still believe
and love him unconditionally is unforgivable.
Drop the wretch down a flight of stairs ( without hurting Tony’s back )and
see if that jogs his memory.


I am in LOVE with Liz… she’s breathtaking… whomever she’s with… it’s a tug at the heartstrings… whomever she scenes with

my heart wants that it’s “Jake Doe” because he’s better with Liz than either Sam or Carly…. GH do not dull the senses… it’s Liz all the way

therein… the malady.. because so much is happening for Liz right now

Rick Hearst : Ric Lansing is dynamo!!!! DANG
the smolder is still turning with Nikolas
the chemistry with “jake doe ” is off the charts

I’m in love with Liz…

I have to submit:

I’m so in love with Franco and Nina! the human element between the onslaught of AG’ fluke or luke ignites

the pairing of Michelle Stafford and Roger Howarth is complete

I cried with MB’ Sonny : when he first held his daugher Avery… WOW that baby and MB enveloped bond

I’m so going to miss Johnny Z… with either Lulu or Maxie for Serial connect on all fronts recipe for romance,love, danger, sex, tingling sensations

Wally Kurth’ Ned… is sublime… romantic lead.. sexual in love catch

Carlos belongs in the cast

WOW just doing some things right

ps: add to the above…. Ava ava AVA… w/Morgan

theres a lot of magic stirring

the HEAT between Anna and Sloane …. alot

Lucas and Brad are bringing so MUCH

Felicia and Mac for auld lang syne

capture my heart

Patrick, agree about Lizzy. She is an eternal beauty with that perfect porcelain skin which never seems to show the trespasses of time.
On another note, I am so damn sick of Helena. She makes my skin crawl and not in a good way. (yes, there is a good way, and this ain’t it!)

Harry, I completly agree with U where Helena is concerned.
Nick should do to her what she did to Katherine bell…….

I FF all these scenes, just like I do the Sonny and Ava ones. To me, it’s like Twin Peaks or Lost. The storylines don’t seem to be mapped out far ahead or in much details. They just go for crazy. That’s why you have so many contradictions and inconsistencies.

the original rapist luke was replaced by a good twin (maybe caught him getting ready to do something evil and forced him into a coma)–helena finds the real luke along the way and resurrects him–original evil luke wants back at everyone who was part of nu luke’s life

or this is all happening in a snow globe and luke is married to Helena and they are both in a retirment home in Florida and General hospital has been his fantasies while they are playing endless games of bridge

That snowglobe part sounds somewhat like another hospital…ST. Elsewhere when that show ended with an autistic child with a mini St. Elswhere inside the globe and all the hosiptal drama was part of the childs fantasies…lol

I’m pretty tired of the story line too, but also understand that it would probably be wrapped up by now if Tony G didn’t have to take a leave of absence to heal. My take is that this is NOT mind control and this guy is NOT Luke. It’s his sister Patricia who probably looked a lot like Luke and had a sex-change and is now taking “revenge” on everyone for some reason.

Think maybe Luke has a twin? How old is sister Patricia? Could they be fraternal twins…then she had sex-reassignment surgery (along w/plastic surg!!) & came into PC to wreak havoc upon everyone’s lives related to Luke?

I agree with many of the comments, this story line was never very intriguing to me. Mix that in with the excessive duration and it makes for a dreary combination. I hope Fluke somehow is Bill E. because at least that would allow those of us who are Luke fans to still adore him instead of finding a way to ignore his reign of evil. GH doesn’t need these far fetched story lines to be compelling. Let Maxie get a job. I miss her work antics. Jack also needs employment. Michael needs to quit whining. (his complaints are legit, but his constant whining is wearing thin.) Franco needs some power, perhaps a JOB might help. (What’s up with all this GH unemployment anyway?) Bring back Johnny!! And Anna. And Patrick hasn’t had a compelling storyline since Robin left. I miss that confident, if self centered, character who was frustrating in the best of ways. Having said all that, I’ll probably never quit GH because even with these complaints, I still look forward to watching it every night. I’m invested in the characters, not the implausible drawn out story lines we sometimes have to tolerate.

This story is the common/usual 4 month run for a lead story..
It had just started when Tony left he returned in Nov..
and there have been many other stories going on at the same time..
Franco and Nina..
Maxie and Nate
Jordan and Shawn
Anna fired
Jake and his identity journey
Sonny and Julian
Carlos and Johnny Z were back
Michael freaking out every other day
Patrick and Sam
Tracy and Ned on screen also Oliva
not to mention other stories happening during the Fluke story..

If some watched the just the Fluke/Luke story that was up to them lol 😉

and during the Luke story ;
Ava had her baby .. Nina and Ava were brilliant! Franco and Nina took off with the baby and Silas helped Ava..
So much happened during the Fluke/Luke story..


Here it is Valentines Day Eve and GH Super fans, I just thought of a theory, perhaps a story for Ron to appease Tony Geary and GH’s fans. Perhaps Luke did have a twin and this guy Fluke is the evil one where Tony gets to go out with a bang and say FU! Maybe he dies or leaves town with Helena with a ton of money, whatever. Fade to black, ah, almost and then we see a twinkle in the dark skyline and it is the skyline half way around the world with Luke and Laura locked in a passionate kiss, fade to black, THE END! Tony goes out a bad guy, Tony goes out with his one true love! Everyones happy! Happy Valentines Day!

i have no idea where RC is trying to go with this storyline, love Anthony Geary, but when he utter the line and i’m paraphrasing here, “don’t you wanna know” to lulu when she asked him whats going on, i realize that i’ve had enough of the teasing on this storyline, its overkill now, dragged on and beyond dragged, theres only so much even Tony Geary can do. and since this is an RC storyline, i’m praying he hasn’t turned Luke into his oltv version of Vicki and Jessica and their 100 split personalities, i say that because if he does, that means this storyline will never end, and we will have to see endless variation of evil Fluke, he’s probably got 4 more versions, like baby fluke, cousin bill,twin brother he killed and of course the personality that controls the others, god help us if he’s going anywhere in that direction.

this whole fluke thing is tedious.

I hate to say it, because GH is my favourite show, but I don’t care about this storyline anymore, I just don ‘t care, bored to tears of it.

Luke is my boy; through out the drama, the Spencers are kidnapped and brain washed. So, may be, Luke is victimized by Helena, but this particular plot is really involved, and do not forget the whole Jason (Luke) subplot.

We have seen them both at the same time…maybe we are mind conrolled. Yes so bored!

Luke is Luke and story line should end. Now it’s time to work on Sam and Jake. I am sure everyone agrees.✳

OK. Has anyone considered that Bill Ekhart and Luke are actually identical twins that were separated and told they were cousins? Those are SOMEBODY’S bones!! I feel this IS Luke. He defies Helena, yells at her etc. so I don’t think he’s under mind control. In fact I don’t know wtf is going on and I’m almost over it. I have been watching since 1978. Story lines like the Ice Princess and “the disc” and Grant the Russian spy were all cleared up in a year. This is not right. Anthony Geary deserves better. He’s a SOAP HERO. Ready for Sam to discover Jake is Jason.

When did Bill Eckert become a completely different person and why?

would you please end this story line with luke or fluke has been over a year for crying outloud end this solve this now and concentrate on bringing jake as jason back to his memory to reunite with sam enough is enough dragging this story line we need answers before the end of the year stop slowing this story line my goodness. getting tire of this story line with luke.

again witters end this fluke story bring back jason.

i really getting sick of this story line I tape the show and fast forward through this waste of time boring and dumb story line get over with it already PLEASE

It’s TG that has some say over this storyline, so shouldn’t the blame go to him…??

Yes, it should.

I love GH, especially the writing. However, there is one major flaw in the “Fluke” storyline, and I cannot believe that Frank and Ron are not addressing it. The storyline loses traction and credibility with the almost complete absence of Laura’s name in this story. Even if she is not on the show, there is one character that would be able to tell the difference between Luke/Fluke. At the very least, Lulu would be on the phone discussing all of this with her mother. The fact that this is not even alluded to makes the storyline frustrating. Other than than, I think it hails back to traditional soaps, which keeps the viewer guessing. I just hope it isn;t ‘mind control’, which is the most boring possible solution. (Please take Jake/Jason out of the mind control story- the concept is so far fetched that it is just plain boring.)

I agree with your comments, Michael. The writers seem to underestimate the intelligence and memory of their long-time audience. I have been watching this show since it first came on the air, so I am well aware when a main character is left out of the equation of such a serious storyline. Laura, Luke’s former love and wife, Lulu and Lucky’s and Nichol’s mother has not been contacted during the entire four months. And weren’t there TWO people in that basement when Fluke was holding Luke prisoner? Two people having a conversation? I join the majority of the faithful watchers… The storyline has become tiresome. Where is the romance, family loyalty, and real life business matters that make sense but are still entertaining?

They have set out to destroy the legacy of Lluke & Laura that is why I quit watching to not even mention her name is an insult to the actress who brought a lot to the show for many years! As for the dual personality/dark half I called this months ago!

GET BACK TO JASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This has got to be close to the end of GH.
Luke with DID. It worked on OLTL over 40 years. It even worked with Connie for a few months. When FV and RC had to end OLTL they did a proper job of writing on overdrive. They’ve pretty much have done that with GH since taking over, and as a result they are killing the show. I don’t blame them…It’s like what do you do,?…when all that you know doesn’t work any more. Hey! dude…let’s reveal that Luke has had DID for the last 40 years. ABC doesn’t deserve to have soaps any more. They should continue their mission to scope the world for mishaps and broadcast “the news” 24×7.
Sorry I’m seeing GH go finally, I will be happy when ABC eventually goes-it’s inevitable but will take some time.
Wishing FV and RC a happy retirement. Luke with DID really?
Lol…could there have ever been… in the entire history of soaps a bigger screwup? Good bye guys… Good bye ABC!…Good bye GH.

Luke has DID?? Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Hospital

(INTERVIEW) Adam Huss Talks on His Latest GH Return, Maura West, Nicholas Chavez, and Being a Swiftie

This week, General Hospital fans were in for a surprise appearance when Adam Huss reappeared as Nikolas Cassadine while serving jail time in Pentonville. He also had a very intriguing visitor, his ex, Ava Jerome (Maura West)!

In the key scenes, Ava seemingly tells Nikolas, who can do nothing about the situation, how she is getting closer to Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and within his inner-sanctum, much to Nikolas’ chagrin. For Huss, those scenes were difficult to shoot, because in real-life he has just lost his beloved grandmother, but he soldiered through and delivered an effective performance.

Adam has had quite the adventure as GH’s dark prince of the Cassadine clan. Having first subbed for former Nikolas, Marcus Coloma, a few times and over a few years time, then taking over the role and being instrumental in moving story forward, but yet not always physically on the canvas. Since taking over the role, Huss has put his own spin on Nikolas, while delivering some top-notch performances. Look no further than in scenes with the exited Nicholas Chavez (Spencer), the aforementioned West, GH icon Genie Francis (Laura), or the twins that the play Baby Ace (Joey Clay, who shares the role with twin brother Jay) to name but a few.

Michael Fairman TV chatted with Adam to get his thoughts on: Nikolas’ emotional state now, where he thinks the storyline may head in the future, his co-stars, reflecting on what the late Tyler Christopher (ex-Nikolas) brought to the role, and yes, some banter with us about Taylor Swift!  Check out what Adam had to say below.


Nikolas is kind of the gift that keeps on giving, as you keep popping back up on GH. Just when you think the show literally has written him off, he makes a return. Look no further than on Monday’s April 29th episode when he gets a visit from Ava while in prison.

ADAM: Listen, I’ve really fallen in love with playing the character. I’ve stated that I’m super passionate about it. I really like that the more I delve into his backstory, I learn about the layers of who he is. Watching Tyler Christopher’s (ex-Nikolas) work, because he really originated that character, I become even more enthusiastic about it. I have so much respect for this medium as it is. I’m a fan of TV and film. I am coming in to the story sometimes not knowing where Nikolas may be mentally. So, it’s been nice to be guided once you’re on set. You can’t come in with just your ideas and you have to be open to the collaboration. It’s been a challenge, but a lot of fun.

In the scenes that just aired opposite Maura West, it seemed you could tell that Nikolas still cared for Ava.

ADAM: I thought that was a happy surprise. I am so fond of Maura as a person. I could say that we’ve mutually grown closer each time I come in and play the part. I don’t think Ava knew what she was going to really get when she came to see Nikolas. When he saw her, I think he was just taken with her. It was interesting. There was one moment when she’s talking about Sonny. I felt as if Nikolas didn’t want to hear this, but I was advised by our director, Allison Reames Smith and Frank Valentini (EP, GH), “Remember, Nikolas hasn’t seen her in months and this is really exciting for him to be sitting across from her. ” So that really fed the motivation.


Nikolas gets an earful from Ava, and he is left with her secret, which is the dose of medication in Sonny’s (Maurice Benard) pills are causing him to act erratic. Ava kind of admitted to Nikolas what was going on and what she was planning.

ADAM: She did, and you’re right. I think she told him because it was safe, and in her mind he’s not going anywhere.

However, Nikolas isn’t always on the up and up, either.

ADAM:  No, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants. This is all speculation, but maybe to get her away from Sonny he uses the information she shared. I think Nikolas is thinking that he doesn’t want to see her get hurt, and, “I cannot lose another person right now. I lost my newborn son,” in that, he is not going to raise him. And even bigger, he lost his son Spencer who he believes is gone. So, imagine then losing the love of his life. Their last interactions around New Year’s Eve showed that he still had feelings for her.

Photo: ABC

So, when you first met Maura, what was your reaction to this daytime dynamo?

ADAM: From day one, she was so lovely to me. I tested with her. I got to know her in that moment. She was just so welcoming and wanted me to succeed. Then, when I did fill in for Marcus Coloma, the first time, she and Ken Shriner (Scott) were super lovely. It was like, “You’re my scene partner today. You are Nikolas today. Let’s have fun.” Each time I came in to work, I got the same thing, if not more – more trust, more openness and kindness. Then, as you’re aware, my grandma passed right before these most recent scenes. Maura was so lovely about it. We were running lines, but she just wanted to stop and talk about it for a second. I almost didn’t want to come to work. I just wanted to get home. Maura really got me focused. It was something you wanted to get off your chest with somebody. Then we filmed, and she called me after, and just made sure I was doing alright. I said to Maura, “You are a class act, you know that. Thank you so much.”  I am so glad I didn’t have to miss the funeral and I still got to film at General Hospital, which my grandma loved to watch me on.


Now. did you have any context when you started that your on-screen mother was Genie Francis (Laura)?

ADAM: I did. In the nineties, when I was on Long Island in college and working as a DJ in the summers, I just remember seeing soap opera magazine covers. I’d see that triangle between Nikolas, Lucky and Elizabeth. So, I very much knew of the world that those people were part of. I knew how big the Luke (Tony Geary) and Laura wedding was and all of that. I definitely knew the legacy I was coming into. When I read these sides for the role, I was like, “I think this is Nikolas Cassadine!” Later, when I was on the show, and doing scenes with Genie, where Laura was warning Nikolas about making up with Spencer, she said, “You’re doing wonderful work.” To hear that from her was a big sigh of relief for me. I love connecting with actors in the eyes. I know when things are cooking when you almost feel like magnets in your eyes with another actor, because you’re drawing that emotion through them. The eyes are the windows of the soul, right? I felt that with Genie, Maura and Nicholas Chavez, too. You feel that magnet pull and it’s so beautiful.

Photo: ABC

I’m going over your gut-wrenching scenes in my head. There was obviously when Spencer hands baby Ace  to Nikolas, and then the baby is so taken with you, and the scenes where Spencer tells Nikolas how much he loved him as a young boy and vice-versa.

ADAM: The three scenes you just mentioned are highlights for me in shooting the show thus far. Those moments felt so authentic to me. As soon as Spencer got Ace in my arms, I just would melt, and it made me emotional just to hold him. And then, he really took to me. His mom was like,”I think you kind of remind him of his father,” because there is a similar energy. He’s just a great little actor and a great little empath. The moment with him laying his head on my chest was so emotional. In the one scene with Nicholas Chavez, he’s supposed to not hand me Ace till the end, but as soon as we started the scene, the baby reached out to me with this smile. Nick is like, “OK, here you go.” We sort of had to improv around it a little bit, but it was amazing.


However, then there is the scene where Spencer cries about how Nikolas meant everything to him, too.

ADAM: I think Nikolas went to Spencer with the intention of like, “I’m taking this baby no matter what. And if I have to get through my son, I’m going, too.” There was so much power in the words that those writers chose especially when Spencer goes, “You were my whole world” as a child. Nikolas was saying how I loved him fiercely as a kid. I was watching a lot of those scenes between Nicolas Bechtel (ex-Spencer) and Tyler Christopher. That kid was such a dynamo, too, and he was so cute. Their bond stuck with me.


You are one busy actor. I check in on your Instagram and you are either in one town or the other shooting a horror film or other projects.

ADAM: Not just horror films, there’s a mix of Hallmark, too. I’m super excited about an indie film I did called Pieces of Lilo. It’s about an estranged father and son. In it, my father gets sick and I get stuck basically taking care of him. And then he passes and when I’m burying him, all these memories start flooding back. It’s this sort of flashback of basically trauma and how this trauma affected, my character, Jerry, in the present day. I fought for this part and I got it. We just wrapped in March. I’m excited about that. Next week, I am off to Long Island to do a rom-com called The Wedding Bell.

Don’t you also have a role in an upcoming Melrose Place-type streaming soap?

ADAM: Oh yes. I wish it was the Melrose Place reboot! I did work with Daphne Zuniga on a Lifetime movie, though. She was awesome, and we’re friends, so who knows? It’s called The BLVD and I’ve taped it already. There’s supposedly five more episodes they’re going to shoot soon. So, we finished the pilot and I play one of the one of the clients of the PR firm. It’s all about  cutthroat PR in Hollywood.

Photo: JPI

I know the fans really enjoy you in the part of Nikolas. However, the worst thing in soaps, I think, for any actor is having to replace a very well-known actor in a part; whether they’re good, bad, or indifferent. People just don’t like change. As a recast, you have to kind of go through that difficult part of waiting to be accepted by the audience. They often say how they don’t like the actor and then somewhere along the way, they are like “Oh! I love him in the part.” How has it been for you to ride that wave of, you’re not Tyler Christopher, you’re not Marcus Coloma, but now it’s you playing Nikolas?

ADAM: I get it. You want your original person to be the person, and sometimes they just can’t, and in soap operas, it’s more common. I also know it’s always polarizing. There were days in the beginning where I was like, “Oh, my God! Look at all these wonderful comments.”  Then it’s, “Oh, my God.” and as you’re scrolling, you see “I’m a hideous monster” to these people. I think you just have to have a very healthy perspective. Thankfully, I do have tools in my life to secure my foundation of who I am. And sure, on those vulnerable days or those ambiguous days where you don’t know your future at work, it could weigh on you. You could think of every, “Oh, my God! Everybody hates me.” I am so glad and grateful that people have come around. You’re not going to please everybody. It’s just the nature of what we live in now. I will say, the warm embrace and the acceptance, and people who have really come around, has moved me and then they’re feeling the same way about my performances. When I say I’m humbled by it, I’m blown away, it’s true.  I used to get annoyed at Taylor Swift when she would always say that. I’m like, “All right, honey, you’re selling millions of copies. Accept it.” But it is humbling, because you know how critical people can be, and for it to really start to change overtime, helps me every time I hear it.

Photo: DisneyPlus

Speaking of Taylor Swift, are you a Swiftie?

ADAM: I am a Swiftie, sure. I didn’t go to Taylor’s concert. I wanted to. But then, when my friend showed me The Eras Tour on Disney Plus, I was like, “That was amazing. That was like the best time.” I’d have a smile on my face for three and a half hours if I was at her concert. So, yes.

Did you listen to Taylor’s new album, Tortured Poets Department yet?

ADAM: Yes. I’ve been bouncing around in there. There are a lot of songs.

It’s a lot of songs. It took me a little bit to warm up to it. And now, just like in true Taylor Swift fashion, I’m like, “You know what? This track or that track is really good.”

ADAM: Yeah, at first they all sound the same for a minute.

So I wonder, how does Taylor Swift manage to suck us in all the time? 

ADAM: I know. I think it works whenever someone’s just raw and honest. Taylor gets a lot of flak for talking about her exes and stuff in her songs, but that’s her life experience. We feel that and we resonate with that, especially younger girls, or anyone really, can relate to these like breakups and this heartache. I think that’s where she gets you.


Hopefully soon, it’d be nice to see Nikolas not in prison orange. So, he gets out of jail and where does he go then?

ADAM: I don’t want him on the run because that’s the whole reason he came to prison, you know, to reform himself. So, for me, that was a nice sign of like, “Hey, maybe the reformation comes and you finally get to be free.” Maybe Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) gets her law degree back and then she’ll help him get out. Wyndemere’s gone. It’s out of his hands. I think it’s a good time for him to start a different life and for us to see Nikolas in different stories. Let’s see a different person trying to put his family back together and falling in love again. If it’s Ava, wonderful, would love that. I’d love to see a really great, big epic love story like he had in the past. I try to infuse that when Nikolas is sitting across from Ava. The last thing I want to say is, I wish I was there at GH more, too. However, I really trust in the process and the writers, and the way things unfold. So, I’m hoping that it all leads to a beautiful place.

What did you think about the scenes this week on GH between Ava and Nikolas? Do you hope Adam Huss is back on-screen sooner than later? What are some of your favorite scenes with him thus far? Comment below, but ICYMI, below are the touching scenes between Spencer, Ace and Nikolas that GH fans are still buzzing about.

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General Hospital

Nicholas Chavez Confirms Exit From General Hospital

On Friday May 3rd, it was confirmed by Nicholas Chavez that he has indeed left his role as Spencer Cassadine on General Hospital.

Taking to his account on X, Chavez shared some heartfelt goodbyes to the cast, the creatives and the fans of the ABC daytime drama series. This comes after months of speculation and reports that Chavez is not returning to his Daytime Emmy-winning role.

Chavez left the soap to go film his leading role in Ryan Murphy’s Netflix limited series, Monsters: The The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, and in story on GH, Spencer went overboard on a boat, when he was drugged by Esme (Avery Pohl) on the Seine River in France. His body and Esme’s thus far have never been found.

Photo: ABC

In his heartfelt message on X, Nicholas expressed, “I’m so appreciative of the opportunity that GH gave me, and I wouldn’t be as busy as I am professionally if it weren’t for the talented producers, writers, directors and fellow actors. Frank Valentini is a mentor and a friend, and we’ve had some pretty extensive conversations about my future on the show.”

Photo: ABC

Sharing his thoughts on if the would ever come back to GH, Chavez added, “While there are no current plans for me to return, we are still talking very openly about future possibilities for Spencer in Port Charles.”

Finally, Nicholas shared,”Beyond the people I’ve already mentioned, I want to take some time to thank and honor the GH fan base… especially the Sprina fans… who must be THE most loyal and kind fan base in the universe of entertainment. Words fail to show the depth of my gratitude, thank you, I love you all very, very much.”

Photo: ABC

Nicholas took over the role of Spencer previously played by Nicolas Bechtel, in July of 2021, and his last episode aired on January 31st, 2024.  In April, reports surfaced that the actor was not returning to GH after all.

What do you think about Nicholas Chavez farewell message? Are you sad that he has confirmed his exit from GH, or were you expecting it? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Richard Simmons Recalls His Time On General Hospital and Meeting Tony Geary, Genie Francis, Rick Springfield and More

Fitness Guru, Richard Simmons has been recently sharing many stories about his time in Hollywood and his career on his X account as he reflects on his life and prepares his biopic.

In a string of posts, containing moments from his time on General Hospital, and meeting many of who would be his co-stars in Port Charles, Simmons opened up about how he landed on the soap in its hey day.

Simmons began by explaining that after an appearing on an ABC local morning show with Regis Philbin, he got a call two days later about GH, and things took off from there.

Photo: JPI

Richard expressed, “I met with the most powerful woman in daytime television. Gloria Monty. I also met with the head writer Pat Falken Smith. These ladies were very smart. They told me their idea. I would teach exercise classes in a disco for all the ladies on the show.” He added, “A week before taping the show the studio asked me if I could drive over and do some promotional photos. In my car I brought with me six jogging suits….My make up…some towels and five pound weights. I still could not believe I was going to be on a soap. lol.”

When he got to GH’s studio, Simmons shared, “The first person that I met was Genie Francis (Laura). Her father was Ivor Francis an actor who had been on Broadway and many TV shows. Genie was so young and innocent looking. I clicked immediately with her.

Photo: ABC

“The second person I was introduced to was Anthony Geary (Luke),” recalled Richard. “Some people called him Tony. ..but I did not. He was an actor’s actor. Mr G had curly hair like me. When he was not acting he was sitting in his dressing room learning all of his lines.  His door was always closed. One day when it was open. I asked if I could come in and sit and talk. This man won 8 daytime Emmys for playing Luke.”

“Now what can I say about Jane Elliot (Tracy)? She had an aristocratic face,” says Simmons. “One moment her character was very nice then she was the queen of mean. She allowed me to come into her room and chat while she was putting on makeup.”

Photo: JPI

Then, Richard recalled the late, great Stuart Damon (ex-Alan) and Jackie Zeman (ex-Bobbie). “I then met Prince Charming. Stuart Damon. He had been in a lot of TV shows and played Prince Charming on a special about Cinderella. Jackie Zeman was so cute. She had a pixie face.”

Simmons recalled when Rick Springfield joined the cast as Noah Drake, sharing, “While he was on the show his father passed away in Australia. I went to the news stand and bought him a bunch of magazines to read on the plane. How many times have you sung Jessie’s Girl and Don’t Talk to Strangers? When he came back from Australia he resumed his role.”


Noting his humble beginnings on GH running the aerobic classes at the Campus Disco, Richard recalled, “My first scene was in Luke’s Disco. All the nurses and other actresses were there dancing with me. I had never memorized lines before. So much was going on in my head. At the end of my scene, I heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor and everyone froze. It was Ms Monty and she was talking to me. ‘Richard the television is this big . You are talking like you are on a screen in a movie theater…bring your voice down.’ So I did.”

What do you think about the sentiments shared by Richard Simmons on his reflections on his time on General Hospital? Check out this OG GH scene with Richard leading the exercise class at the Campus Disco with some beloved Port Charles notables. Then, comment below.

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