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General Hospital


GH Casting Well-Known Actress For Recurring Role! Who Would You Suggest For The Part?



Following the performances of Dee Wallace (Daytime Emmy nominated this year) and Donna Mills (Daytime Emmy winner last year), General Hospital is again seeking a veteran and well-known actress to step into a new recurring role on the ABC daytime drama series.

According to Soap Opera Digest, the character is described as: “Caucasian, 60-65. Strong presence, dynamic.”   The part will begin tapig in mid-May.

Just who the recurring character is being brought in to play and to work opposite is under wraps … but it could be a new GH patient?  A recast?  A mother of character on the canvas … maybe the “presumed” dead, Rachel Berlin’s AKA Hayden Cassadine’s (Rebecca Budig) momma?

Of known Hollywood actresses who have worked in daytime and primetime, who would you suggest for the role? Let us know in the comment section below!

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Enough with the gimmick casting!! Enough with more recurring characters! GH can’t even finish half the stories they currently have because there isn’t any time to tell them all!! Brad & Lucas anyone?

If they’re going to do a story, why is casting a quality actress a gimmick?

Because they don’t do a story! They name cast, write some crap, the person is gone, end of story, game over.

And no one is going to care about another character either. That IS my point. Too many actors on this show as it is — some BIG named actress like Donna Mill sure won’t bring me in. Gimmick as I stated. Again, this is only my opinion as you have yours AJ. There is zero continuity with these other storylines unless you are in the forefront. Hard to care about a story when you see it every 2 months (my point with Lucas & Brad).


Rosalie who?…lol

I’d like to tell you a few things but they are not printable.

I got your back, Erica- classy lady-xox

Here again with gay bashing and time to pull the plug on AMC and Susan Lucci is bitter- the only bitterness comes from someone that can not accept gays and their scenes are gross and Kristina can not be gay- because that offends and characters that are not white seem to not be favorites either. No thanks to your vision of GH or the world.

Yep. second that.

What do you contribute to this site but an anti-gay agenda? Over and over you have a problem with gay or possibly gay characters and your ok characters are only white straight ones- what up with that? Nurses ball strippers some sick thing gay thing and on and on about a gay writer- gay is not ok, I get your message and it is not good.

Brad and Lucas — like pretty much everyone else not related to Sonny/mob storylines — don’t get the chance to contribute anything because they are seldom given any material. What do Maxie and Nathan contribute? How about Lulu? Or Dante? Or Jordan? Or Andre? Or Valerie? Or Molly? Or Obrecht? Or Tracy? Or Dillon? Or Nina? Or Franco? Or Scotty? Or Laura? Each character is only as good as what is written for them and if you’re not in the mob or related to Raymond Berlin you aren’t getting a whole lot to do these days.

Brad and Lucas have untapped potential through their jobs at GH (and Brad’s history of sketchy ethics opens up lots of story potential). As for their “occasional gross naked love scenes” why are those scenes any more disgusting than Maxie and Nathan’s bed scenes? That is pretty much the sum total of the Maxie/Nathan pairing: they are either in bed or at work propping up Nina and Dante who really don’t have much in the way of stories either.

As for what Brad and Lucas COULD contribute — diversity. It’s the 21st century and despite what some may think mixed race race couples and same sex couples are a part of our society. They aren’t going anywhere and to assume that Port Charles — or any other city real or fictional — is devoid of such couples is ridiculous.

What I would like to know is how a loving couple contribute nothing to the show yet continued mob violence is considered crucial (and perfectly acceptable) to a series based around a hospital…

You know what my friend? I read your post fully…and i would absolutely watch pointless gay sex scenes between Brad and Lucas…rather than watch ANY scene whatsoever with sonny Corinthos and ANY of his brood. So, yeah. When Brad and Lucas are more relevant and entertaining than Sonny and ANY of his family, I am on board bro! goes back to you comment about Valerie. If you are going to have these characters at least write a decent, make-sense story for them instead of filler material. Instead of building on a new, needed generation for the Spencer family, writers made her a pariah for breaking Lulu and Dante’s “perfect” marriage. It’s been hard for her to break out of that first impression.

They’ve hinted at other story extension for Brad…the Rosalie thing went nowhere. Did like his friendship with Brit. Peas of a pod that worked. And why not make Lucas more of a go- to doctor instead of bringing in new ones. Or maybe help Michael start the new clinic that used to be where Spencer family “home”…another story that has fallen by the wayside after all the fuss over the Fluke and “that house.”

It really us a shame rhey dropped Brad and Lucas. They center around people for a bit then fade to black… Lucas did however just announce the wedding will take place soon. Is that to wrap up their story or will they be intgrated back into the canvas

I agree. GH didnt tell this story but are jumping to the wedding? Why bother. Miss Felix on the show regularly; guess they’ll just dust him off for the Nurses Ball.

Lol Ces…at first I thought you were calling Felix Miss Felix! I like him too…hoping with their seeming attempt to focus more on the hospital he’ll be one of the ongoing staff.

Lynda Carter, Jacqueline Smith, linda Gray, so many great actresses

GREAT idea…. I vote Ms. Linda Gray !

I wonder what Constance McCashin ex-Laura Avery Sumner, Knots Landing, is doing these days

Oh, that is a fantastic idea. Great actress.

Susan Lucci

Hope not.

ditto much as i loved all my ABC soaps, Susan Lucci and her Erica was not on my favorites list.

Ah, Linda Carter. She still looks good. She can sing at the NB to!

Don’t know about Wonder Woman…

Erika Slezak

i agree, she would be perfect


Erika all the way…then make her a permanent cast member !!

Perfect for the great erika slezak to return to daytime.

Okay, I was bored with the query until someone said, “Erika Slezak.”
Now, I am excited.
Just please don’t let it be someone from some 80’s sitcom or series.
Please, just no Morgan Fairchild, Donna Mills, Meredith Baxter or Linda Cater–now, that would be stunt casting.

Exactly who I was thinking!

Bring on Susan Lucci!!!

She would be great as Rachel Berlin’s mother!


If it’s Hayden’s mom, I suggest Meredith Baxter Birney

You know it is.. That is exactly the role

Erica Slezak, or Robin Strasser would be great!

Yes yes I agree, both ladies can act.

Absolutely! Erika, Robin or the incomparable Judith Light

If this role is for Rachel Berlin’s mother, I would give anything if they cast Anna Stuart who played Greenlee’s mother on AMC!

I’d like that too, Bryan. She first starred on Another World. I remember her since I was a little girl. I loved her. Good one.

Nope…she first starred on The Doctors as Tony Fera in 1971 and played the role for about 6 years-then in 1977 was Gina Dante on GH…she also subbed for Maeve Kinkaid on Guilding Light…then she was Donna on AW.

@ CeeCee, yes Donna Love Hudson! I think there were a few more names, husbands….but I LOVED Michael & Donna!!!

Thanks, Jimmy.

Same here, Jeremy. I was so young (late 80’s-early 90’s), but some images just stay with you.
Yes, Michael Hudson, father of Donna’s twins’. Mary Sturt always delivers. ….loved her on AMC, as well.

Fading fast, galpal. Have tried to stand up to hate and it is a full-time job and not just one crazy I count 5 and love how others -“move on”

Anna Stuart. I apologize to Ms Stuart for calling her Mary. Mary Stuart was from SEARCH FOR TOMORROW…..all these names are circling in my head….some from my grandmother, some from what I remember.
Of course, there’s Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots(lol), and my Gran Fiona Stuart ( maiden name).

Donna Love was classic AW! She was so haughty and outta hand! LOL. She played that part to perfectin.

Anna Stuart, Ellen Parker, Sharon Gabet, Maeve Kinkead, Kim Zimmerman. All would be great.

Sorry about the Zimmerman (auto correct). Kim Zimmer

Joan Collins.

Wasn’t Joan on Y&R for awhile? I did not watch but know she was on a daytime soap- many of these big name divas make a beeline for the door when they get a whiff of the work involved in daytime- pages and pages of scripts to memorize and they did maybe one episode per week and now one per day- we shall see.

Guiding Light as Alexandra Spaulding.. The cast was so star struck and her portrayal Ora Alex was a bit of putting but I loved the show and character so I still watched.. It was just a bit jarring

She was, Alexis D J. Joan first appeared on Y&R as Gloria…Michael’s and Kevin’s mother. She looked like a completely different person. Her stint did not last long….never found out why she left, at least, I didn’t.
We can name all these great talents, but, it’s hard to pull one name out of thin air without knowing what role she is to play. More often than not, the actress needs to fit the character’s personality. Of course, a thespian who masters her craft can take on any role….so, it could be anyone. MARY STUART. I would love Susan Lucci, but, she already has a gig.

Um, JOAN VAN ARK was on Y and R for a time. Not Joan Collins. How can you mix those two up? Serious;hy. One is blonde, plays a nice heroine…the other is British, brunette, plays a bitch…

I WAS referring to Van Ark. Sorry, I should have been more precise. Firstly there is an ocean of years between the two. Secondly, have you seen Van Ark? She looks nothing like herself. I saw that domeone else mentioned Joan V A on this thread, so, I guess I had her on my mind, not Collins. I know the difference between the two.
Just as I know the difference between Mary Stuart and Anna Stuart. I did correct myself on that one. I did not check if the correction made it to print. But, trust me, Dylan, I could never confuse the others. I am not a Joan Collins fan. I am not into snobs. Ciao.

Linda Gray Linda Dano Anna Stuart Julia Barr

Oh Julia Barr love her.

They should cast the Berlin’s!

I think Vicki or Dorian from OLTL would be a good fit or even Erica Kane from AMC 🙂 all great actresses that deserve to be back on the air


Or Victoria Wyndam!!!!

or Karen Gorney

Jimh…you are great with your “soap history 101” for a lot of us. What a memory!

I think susan Lucci would be perfect for that role. She did good with Erica cane on AMC. 🙂

Susan Lucci

I was going to suggest her but I do not think she will work for ABC for axing AMC

Besides, Susan Lucci is still thirty-nine and has been for almost thirty years now.

Instead of being bitter about her show being cancelled after 41 years…Susan Lucci should be grateful and feeling blessed that she was able to keep ONE job from the time she was a youth until the time she was a Senior citizen. A job that garnered her fame, recognition, accolades, widespread opportunities, countless Emmy nominations, and an Emmy. A job that allowed her luxury, and fame, and the ability to raise her family. A job that has led to many other jobs. For a television show to last 41 years is pretty much unheard of outside of the soap genre. By the time it ended, AMC and Erica Kane had pretty much become self parodies, and it was time for the plug to be pulled.

Susan Lucci and ABC have no issues-not too long ago she was named one of Disney/ABC/s Legends. She never came across as bitter for AMC being cancelled-she was upset at being blindsided- and for all the actors that sold their homes in a down market and uprooted to the West Coast for jobs that were already in the works of being taken away. Susan has always expressed sincere gratitude for those 41 years and to her many fans.

@Harry and Dylan.
Awwwww, you guys. Susan Lucci is a wonderful, sweet and altruistic person. She has a very sick grandchild with a debilitating disease. Very, very charitable, believe me. Many of us have do much in common with her as we champion any scientific discoveries to helping these unfortunate kids and families.
She has her reasons ( good, reasonable and healthy ones) for feeling the way she does; if at all…..only speculation. You know what the media and dome people do with one WORD. Frame it and put it on display in the museum of natural liars.
So, do not believe everything you hear. And, Harry. Susan knows exactly how old she is….proud of it and wears it well. IT IS CALLED CLASS. TaTa. LOL.

Hi gang. The point of my post was not to slam Susan Lucci. The point is that everyone knew that moving the show to California was a LAST DITCH effort to save the show money and stave off cancellation. Two soaps had recently been cancelled. The cancellation may have seemed sudden to fans, but I doubt it was a huge shock to some of the higher tier actors like Susan. Yes, she was a tireless ambassador for the show and for soaps. She always came across as gracious and appreciative, as well she should have…as well she should have…that was my point. I love watching her on Devious Maids, and I am sure she is enjoying a less stress filled life at her age without the daily grind of a soap opera, which is some of the most intensive work around!

ABC employed her for 41 years, and made her a Superstar! WHY would she hesitate to work for that corporation again? IN a frickin’ heartbeat?!!

Susan Lucci is just fine on Devious Maids and I’m sure done with daytime

Thank you, dav.

I know the criteria was someone between 60-65 but I think Robin Strasser (Dorian from One Life to Live) would be incredible!!

Erika Slezak. She’d be great in any part!

Yes she is awesome!

Pretty sure Meryl Streep is out of the running, but Michelle Pfeiffer or Renee Russo would be fabulous, but totally out of GH’s price range. Perhaps carol Burnett is free?

Love Meryl, Carol and Michelle

Hi, Norma.Carol Burnett is in her 80’s. But, I do love both Erica and Robin would kill any role. Love anyone from OLTL.
they would have to come in as different characters and different names, independent of characters in OLTL. Prospect Park does not won them, just their character’s name. I hope!! Lol.
I was also thinking of Susan Lucci… neighbor, by far and wide, LOL.
OK, she’s 70, but looks 68. Lol. No, seriously, she’ beautiful; very classy and youthful-looking.
I would love for Susan to play the part of Anna’s sister; either Alex or Lindsey. But, there is that Prospect Park thing.
How about if the new casting is Hayden’s mother? You know, Raymond Betlin’s wife?

This is my second ‘submit’. Something is wrong with this thing…or cable or whatever. Ugly day outside….sometimes affects air waves…. Wearing winter coats. I wish it were as warm here as it is in upstate PC… balmy up there. So, I apologize if this turns out to be a double-sent.

Carol Burnett should host the Nurse Ball.

As Eunice…lol



Robin Strasser, Erika Slezak, Holland Taylor- whom I believe has a daytime drama background? Leslie Charleson- she used to be on GH or the gal that played Bobbie Spencer. Judith Light. Meredith Baxter. Tina Louise. Eve Plumb. Go non-white with Debbi Morgan. Liza Colby, Marion Colby. I truly would love to see Monica play another character and yes disguise her well- and I know it won’t happen and I did love Donna Mills- oh how about the original Mary Ryan? Reva Shayne? The actress who played Mike’s mom on Mike and Molly-or Swoozie Kurtz. Susan Lucci. Nora Buchanan.Wendy Mallick, Valerie Bertinelli.

Tyne Daly or Sharon Gless

Leslie Charleson plays Monica on GH. Jaclyn Zeman plays Bobbie Spencer. They are both on sometimes. Valerie Bertinelli is not old enough. I don’t think Debbi Morgan is either.

Since we bring back actors, Donna Mills with her service Ostrich!

If this is for Rachel’s mother? Definitely Linda Dano! She has that quintessential NYC fashion flair, although I also love Susan Lucci, of course! And Linda Gray, too! If we’re looking outside the soapbox, then Anne Archer? (But please, no boiled bunnies…I love bunnies!) And one can never go wrong with the still-gorgeous and ever-classy Miss Jaclyn Smith…always my favorite Angel! As for Anna Stuart??? She was already on GH once befoe….as Dr. Gina Dante!

That last line made me laugh…she was on the show before-but that was nearly 40 years ago…ME has played four characters in just a few short years. Did you know Miss Smith was once offered a soap role way back in 1968-she was offered to replace Alexandra Moltke as Victoria Winters on Dark Shadows-she was dating Roger Davis who was playing Jeff Clark on that show.

She was, my Shay? Well, if Michael Easton can come back as several different characters, so can Mary Stuart. And, as someone already said, she did play Greenlee’s ( Hayden) mother on AMC.

@jimh….Miss Smith later married Roger Davis ..he was “Hubby#1.” As for Alexandra Moltke, also later known as “Isles?” She had her own famously romantic entanglements as Claus Von Bulow’s former girlfriend…..seems to me her last public appearances were at his trial? And Miss Stuart, who I best recall as Donna Love back in her AW days, was often referred to in the soap press as ex-Dr. Gina Dante on GH….that’s why I remember her as such!

I first watched her as Toni on The Doctors back in the 1970s…go on youtube and look up Home Memorial March 1971 and see her as a 23 year old with long hair…after this show she played Gina on GH-on AW there were few characters i liked in the 1980s-Donna, Jake, Viki/Marley, Cass, Frankie, Sharlene, Wallingford Mac, and Rachel., Ada and Liz..AW was one of my favorites back in the 70s when it was about the Mathews, Perinis, Frames, Cory and Carringtons but like GH they killed off vets and wrote out the others…in the 1980s it became a different show with too many cast changes ect.that i would gradually uloose interest-AW ratings fell due to too many changes…some good moments and characters in the 80s but not like the shows early years-AW was most popular and at its best from the late 60s to 1979 until they killed off John Randolph-i was so mad-same feeling like when Alan was killed off GH-AW slowly went downhill after that!!!

Hope-not home-lol

@jimh….I rarely watched AW, just occasionally peeked in to see what Felicia Gallant was wearing! However, I do remember Cecile’s ’20’s themed wedding, and many of the characters you mentioned. Quite honestly, what got me to take a longer look at the show was when Charles Flohe/Grant took on the post-Preacher role of Evan Frame, so we’re speaking of the late ’80’s into the ’90’s. Still, even that didn’t turn me into an avid watcher….

Helen Mirren She seems to be totally on board with trying something new…and this might be a fun time for her!

Erika Slezak!

I think that either Erika Slezak even though she is older could play the role very well or Ilene Kristen who is the right age for the part. They are both excellent actresses. My personal favorite is definitely Erika Slezak because she always showed a very strong presence on One Life To Live as Vikki and yes I would say she is very dynamic. To look at her you would think that she is in her early to mid 60’s and she could easily handle the part.


I say Meh Ryan. Not sure of she is quiet 60 yrs old or not, but I would love to see her. Or Susan Lucci

Meg looks to be about 75!

Erika Slezak

I’d still love to see Erika Slezak on GH even if it’s temporary.

I’ve been missing Colleen Zenk. It would be nice to get to see her in “General Hospital”.

OH, if it were for Rebecca Bugid’s mom, Colleen would be a great choice! They resemble each other a bit and Colleen can act like crazy good!

OMG… she’d be perfect…. she’s 63

how could we not have Babs on AIR

is this recurring role ; a mother; for… Rachel or Griffin….

Colleen Zenk for the WIN !

LOLOL. Oh Patrick!! Your posts amuse me!!!!

Erika SlezaK comes to mind.

Erika Slezak would be a great choice,unfortunately GH seems to be avoiding hiring any actors who were part of the Prospect Park versions of AMC and OLTL at least until the lawsuit is settled.

Susan Lucci

I would give anything to see Robin Strasser back in a soap. She is the right age fits the profile they are looking for.

How about Elizabeth’s mother?

I vote for Susan Pratt coming back to GH as Anne Logan – & finally establishing that character as Liz’s mother. They even resemble one another. Give “Gran” a rest once & for all, & let her do some travelling. The boys’ real grandmother should babysit once in a while.

@Kansas Guest….I agree with you about the uncanny resemblance between the young Susan Pratt and RH’s Liz. When I first tuned in to see the character of Liz and heard she was Jeff’s daughter, my initial thought she also had to be Anne’s. It took a long while to ascertain she supposedly was not, since few specifics were ever mentioned as to the woman who actually birthed Liz. This has long been a real oversight in the backstory of Nurse Webber, and yes, I have also mentioned that at least Jeff should return to Port Charles. He not only has Liz and her boys as family, but two ex-wives in Monica and Heather, and what excellent comedic possibilities that fact would create! (As far as Anne, last we heard she was dallying with Noah Drake in Portland. Now, he is in Berkley with Patrick and Robin, so what has happened to Anne?)

Oh, Shay, and Kansas Guest!!!!! Your posts made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If she’s a good person: Julia Barr, Erika Slezak, maybe Penelope Wilton from Downton Abbey. (Don’t know if she wants to come to the US). If she’s mean , though I’ve never seen her do mean, Linda Dano might be great. Linda Gray would be great. she could play toe to toe with Donna Mills. ggg

Erika Slezak

Jula Barr, Anna Stuart or Colleen Zenk.

Anna Stuart cracks me up!! LOL.

For sure, Erika Slezak, sorry if I spelled it wrong, how great to be able to see “Vickie” back on a screen again. Or Robin Strasser, she’s fabulous. Both of them would be wonderful, I miss those two ladies the most.

Michelle Lee, I think they are thinking of a primetime person not Daytime. Perhaps Halley Mills, would love to see both of these ladies again.

This is when I really wish the writers didn’t close the doors on characters, because I would pick Dee Wallace/Patricia Spencer. She could have helped bolster the Spencer family, and maybe a doctor at GH could have given her hope on her health condition. There’s still a lot of unanswered questions. Who is Valerie’s father? They could a least do a prequel story at least, without Luke.

Pat is gone but it drives me crazy that Valerie walks around as a Spencer and not ONE person has asked her about her mixed race? Who is her father and what happened to him? Just like Rosalie, they brought her in and buried her. I dont mind new characters, Griff is dreamy, BUT write a story about these people so we know who the hell they are! They want us to like Valerie BUT we only know that her and DOGnte did the nasty wasty! Thats why I cringe when they cast recurring roles. Are they just taking up screen time or do they have a purpose?

And where were what was left of the other Spencer’s beside Lulu to help her adjust to her new life in Port Charles? They were MIA.

The character of Valerie is possibly, and arguably, the most pointless character in soap history, second to Jan Speers from DAYS. She was a product of a storyline that was completely rewritten and botched, thereby invalidating a legacy character’s history. She is played by an actress with less than, um, acting capabilities. She was written as a murderous psychopath two days after her onscreen arrival. She has NO chemistry with any co-stars. Her storyline is absurd….a rookie cop having an affair with a senior officer being assigned to cases with him?? Yeah, okay!! CUT THE LOSS!!!

Hey, Rose.
I think there’s still hope for Valerie.
You did suggest she could be Ward’s daughter? (I think that’s his name?)…..making Valerie a Quartermaine scion. I love that idea. If Valerie is to roam the halls of GH, why not?
As it often happens, I do not think TPTB know what to do with her yet.

I think Erika Slezak,Susan Lucci or Robin Strasser,Geeena Davis ,Christine Lahtior Sally Field.

Um…how about Leslie Charleson, Jaclyn Zeman, Kristina Malandro, Lynn Herring, Finola Hughes….who are all in that age range, and who all mean something to GH viewers???

Robin Strasser from One Life To Live she was always great as Dorian n I think she’d be great n bring a lot to the character they are looking for thank linda scarchilli

I would love to watch again: Dee Wallace- she was on way to brief. In her role before maybe this time they could give her a longer contract. Even if its temporarily. Of the others actors I would love to watch in a role for GH. Would be the high priced actress. Like Kim Zimmerman/Erka Slezack/Robin Strasser/Judith light… And they are all soap actors.. Who have the longest history..

Susan Lucci would never do it so don’t bother mentioning her. I would LOVE it to be Erika Slezak or Robin Strasser but they’re both in their seventies so too old to play 60-65.

Hillary B Smith comes to mind but she’s 2 years shy of 60. Julia Barr would be perfect!!!! I hope they cast a soap vet.

Kim Zimmer!

Erika Slezak or Julia Barr

I’ve come to the conclusion that the current writers of this show are not fans of the show, therefore they know nothing about the history or what the fans want. Ron Carlivati knew what he was doing. He’s been a fan for years. I have no idea why the “new” writers who bounce around between soaps keep introducing new characters when we have plenty of great ones who aren’t used. Stop already with the new characters and storylines that have no history. No wonder some of the best actors jumped ship and left for the Y&R.

Joe…please tell me ONE single way that Ron C appreciated the history of this show?! He decimated legacy characters…CHECK! He destroyed Long Term Couples…CHECK!! He Re-Wrote History…CHECK!!!! He shoe horned his faves and pets absurdly into long term story…CHECK!!!! He brought in at least 15 pointless, absurd, newbies…CHECK!

Not that I owe YOU any explanation, he wrote the great Luke storyline prior to Tony Geary’s exit, which was all based on GH history. That’s one storyline for you. CHECK! He’s watched the show for years before becoming a writer.

I was simply making a statement, not asking for some debate fueled by your anger. Jeez!

Please cast Susan Lucci. She would be perfect as Rachel’s mother. Thank you.

Shouldn’t us fans at LEAST know who Rachel is…before her stunt casted mother makes an appearance???

What do you mean, Dylan? Rachel is THE Rachel Berlin, daughter of Raymond Berlin, and apparently, Naomi Dreyfus Berlin. What more do you want or need to know???? (LOL….) And oh, you’re welcome for the Anne Logan post!!!

LMAO!!!! So….they hire a popular daytime vet……drag out her identity for a year, and then make her a nobody. Kind of seems to be the standard with this regime. I had a hard time believing in the past that soap writers got royalties for new characters they create, as soaps dont go into reruns and syndication like primetime soaps, so they dont earn royalties as such. But there must be some form of financial compensation for them when they do create pointless newbies, or else why would they do it?? These four remaining soaps are on life support, so why are the writers so hellbent on ignoring the wishes of fans, and flooding these shows with people who have no connection to the core of the show? Any one of these new characters could have had the last name Hardy, Webber, Ward, Quartermaine, Scorpio, Baldwin, etc. Same with DAYS. They keep casting big name female actresses in these absurd throwaway roles that go nowhere. Madison, Serena, Summer, etc. Etc. I will use Sarah Brown as a prime example. In 1996, she burst on the scene as Carly. Thanks to layered, intelligent, sophisticated writing that utilized beloved veterans to facilitate her character, she soared!!! She won Emmys, critical acclaim, and accolades! When she left GH, soaps were chomping at the bit to grab her, but had no plan in place. ATWT cast her as some nobody named Julia, and she was gone within a year. Bold and Beautiful snagged her to play a nobody named Aggie….terrible name too…and she faded away in a year. GH brought her back as a mob moll…well, we all know how that ends on GH…a violent end. Then DAYS brought her on as another nobody named Madison. Again, within a year, she met her maker. Soaps have proven time and.time and.time and.time again that a big name from another show does not make one bit of difference if the writing is not there. The old saying If it aint on the page, it aint.on the stage is SO true!! Fans have been clamoring for the character of Sarah Horton for SO long.on DAYS, it doesnt even matter that at this point the character should be about 50. Fans would accept any actress over 30 playing this.part. She is almost the modern day equivalent of Bobby Martin from AMC, who went upstairs to wax his skis and was never seen or heard from again. Kassie DePaiva should have been cast as Sandy Horton, and she could have had some.longevity on the show as a member of the core family. She could have been bestie cousins with Hope and Jen, she could have had any number of children, and any kind of history. I knew Kassie would bring her A game to Eve, but I said from the get go it was woeful miscasting, and that she wouldnt last. First of all, she is two years older than the actress who played Eve’s mother back in the 80’s. Second, any,scene involving her and Charles Shaughnessy as her father Shane, with her calling him Daddy would have looked downright absurd. Third, Eve was an ill conceived character right from her.inception, and was best left forgotten. With all that said, I truly (pardon the truly pun…Tru played her daughter) hope she wins for Lead Actress. She was cheated and.robbed many times for her work as Blair on OLTL, and.only.managed to snag one nomination in 19 years of being Blair. Her work as a mother’s grief was raw and.painful. Then, just as quickly as she delivered Emmy caliber work, she was out the door. I love Gina Tognoni, and like her as Phyllis, but I hope someone will agree with me here…Kassie would have made a great Phyllis…she was more age appropriate, and has that tall lean slinky quality that Michelle Stafford had. And if DAYS was determined to bring Eve back, Gina had that youthful look that Charlotte Ross had as Eve. I could ramble all night about missteps and mistakes the soaps make, and I dont mean to play armchair quarterback, because it is very easy for us fans to sit back and think we know it.all, when.we actually know nothing about the complexities of.casting, budgets, contracts, vacations, recasting, etc. But there is a reason soaps are.continually dying. Execs and.writers dont listen to fans! In this day and age, there is no excuse for that. Message boards dont lie. If they would read them, and validate them, and.stop letting their pride, and.ego, and vanity get in the way, soaps would be better!! I am.a server for.a living. When.someone orders Pepsi, I dont bring them diet pepsi because I think its better for.them. If they order gravy on their fries, I give it to them regardless of whether I feel they thats my job…to give my customers what THEY want. I cant go off half.cocked and insiat on giving them something they dont want because I think I know better. These shows are made for the fans, supported by fans, and these people.earn very nice livings because of us fans. Its time they started realizing and.respecting that!

So well put, my eloquent Dylan! I’ve little to add, except since you mentioned Kassie de Paiva, I’ve long thought that she would have made a much more palatable Nina on GH….less OTT, more subtle and generally easier to take overall…..just a thought. Oh, and you sound like a wonderful server….hope you get the big tips!

I VOTE : Anna Kathryn Holbrook : ex-Sharlene Frame Hudson ; Another World (58)

I VOTE: Elizabeth Kiefer: ex-Blake Marler; Guiding Light (54)

is this for Rachel ? Griffin ?

Big Name– Sally Fields
Primetime Soap– Judith Light from Dallas reboot
Cancelled Soap- Anna Stuart
On Another Soap but worth stealing– Judith Chapman

Judith Light from OLTL- emmy-award winning ex-prostitute Karen. She was electrifying and I don’t mean like Ivy on B&B- she also gave Michael Fairman his first job as an actor- not gave but assisted. I would love a daytime actress to receive the role- who played Mary Ryan- the original- or the woman who left CSI Marg Helgenberger was on Ryan’s Hope as well. I guess big name actress means prime-time or movies? And hopes of drawing in more viewers but damn I want our daytime gals to have work. I did enjoy Donna Mills- what about one of the other cast from Knotts Landing?

I first saw Judith on the Dallas reboot. OMG…what a performance. She would even bring Carly and Sonny to their knees. Agree…give the role to the great day-time ladies who have been bringing it to their roles for years.

All great, Mary….every single one!!!

Erika Slezak or Robin Strasser would be THE BEST!!!

Yes to either of these talented women!

Megan Mullahy..As Sams aunt or Lizzy mother

Aha! Megan is hilarious, Kaffen. Love her. She would bring some spice to the equation.

Hmm, I’d say Susan Lucci , Erika Slezak or Robin Strasser. I’d REALLY like to see the interaction between Robin and Kathleen Gati (Dr. O) . If they were casting for a woman of color, I’d say Nechell Nichols, Leslie Uggums, Diahann Carroll, or Angela Bassett

Diahann Carroll is what now, 93??? Can we get off the 1986 Dynasty Train, and focus on TODAY????

Some of us still ride the old trains and don’t need a conductor.

General Hospital

Lane Davies Joins the Cast of General Hospital Setting up a ‘Santa Barbara’ Reunion with Nancy Lee Grahn

Some very intriguing casting news out of General Hospital. The ABC daytime drama has cast former Santa Barbara favorite, Lane Davies (ex-Mason Capwell), in the role of Fergus Byrne, an attorney who crosses paths with Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn).

According to TV Insider, Davies will make debut the week of May 22nd.  As soap fans know, together with the aforementioned Grahn, they created the Santa Barbara supercouple of Mason and Julia Wainwright. Davies portrayed Mason Capwell family from 1984 through 1989.

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time in Port Charles for Lane. From 2002-2004 he played Dr. Cameron Lewis and also shared on-screen story with Grahn.  At that time Davies, played Xander Smith’s father.

Photo: NBC

GH fans are wondering about the last name of Davies new character, “Bryne”. If you recall, Alexis got herself involved with therapist Dr. Neil Bryne, who died when Harmony broke into Alexis‘ house and killed Neil by injecting him with opioids.


Taking to her Instagram, Grahn shared her excitement at the upcoming on-screen reunion with Davies, “It never gets old. We do 😂…. but it doesn’t 😍. Lookin’ forward to another romp.”

So, what do you think about Lane Davies returning to GH to play an attorney in Alexis’ orbit? Share your thoughts via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Nikolas Gets an Earful from Ava About Sonny and His Meds; Nina and Drew Can’t Seem to Resist Each Other

Ava (Maura West) seems to feel she has a confidante in a jailed Nikolas (Adam Huss) on the Monday, April 29th episode of General Hospital. In story, Ava heads to Pentonville to visit her ex-husband before he is set to get transferred out of state.

When discussing her living relationship with Sonny (Maurice Benard), which Nikolas already knew about, Ava says she is happy about how her relationship with Sonny has been evolving, Nikolas ask if she’s in love with Sonny. Ava denies it, but goes on to say how great it is for her daughter, Avery to be living with both her parents, who are on the same side and not at odds.

Nikolas believes that Ava loves being in Sonny’s inner sanctum and the power that comes with it. Ava fires back that she spent years looking in from the outside and that everyone despised her. When Nikolas brings up Nina (Cynthia Watros), she says Nina never really could understand the true type of man that Sonny is.


Then, Ava launches in on Carly (Laura Wright), and how she would love to stick it to her, for all the times she blocked Ava from seeing her child and Carly’s attitude towards her. Then, Ava admits to Nikolas that she knows that Sonny has a watered-down version of his bipolar medication, which is making him more vulnerable and she’s capitalizing on it for her own gain. She says she needs to figure out who is responsible, but Nikolas voices concern for Ava’s plan and that if Sonny ever found out she knew about it and did nothing, he would be on the warpath against her. Ava promises she knows what she’s doing. When she says goodbye to Nikolas, he looks upset and sad, as he still seemingly cares for Ava.


Meanwhile in Drew’s (Cameron Mathison) office, Nina walks in complaining about Carly giving her a hard time about maintenance in her office. Nina wants payback for Jason (Steve Burton) buying Carly the hotel, but Drew is not up for playing games with her.  She says they both want revenge on Jason and Carly, which Drew denies. Next thing you know, Nina grabs Drew and kisses him. Although, it seems he might walk out the door and away from her, he locks it, and the two proceed to have round 2 of their hate-sex.


Elsewhere, Anna tells Jason about her shooting Charlotte and her concern about Valentin’s (James Patrick Stuart) involvement with Pikeman. Meanwhile, Valentin visits Jack Brennan (Charles Mesure) in Pentonville, where threats are laid out to make Sonny look like the guilty party in eliminating Jason, while Anna is the line of fire, if she doesn’t keep her nose out of Pikeman business, which worries Valentin, who doesn’t want Anna getting hurt in any of this.

So, what do you think about Ava’s plans? Did you like seeing Nikolas back on the canvas? Are you all for a Drew/Nina continued affair? Will Anna get caught in the crossfire only to be saved by Valentin? Share your thoughts and theories via the comment section below.

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Breaking News

Haley Pullos Receives 90-Day Jail Sentence Following DUI Charge And Wrong-Way Car Crash

Former General Hospital actress, Haley Pullos (ex-Molly Lansing-Davis) is going to be doing time in jail, exactly one-year after her arrest from a hit and run wrong-way car collision.

The crash resulted in bodily harm and damages to the other driver, and now Pullos who pleaded “no contest” to the charges and will serve 90 days in jail. She was taken in custody on Monday, April 29th, after the ruling.

According to Haley’s attorney, Mark Daniel Melnick, the 25-year-old actress struck a plea deal and after her three months in jail will be sentenced on July 29th. As part of that sentencing, she must serve five years probation, 200 hours of community service and pay $8,260 in restitution to Courteney Wilder, the other driver in the crash and her driver’s license is revoked for a year.


According to TMZ, the plea deal for Pullos has the “no contest” to one DUI, while the judge dropped the felony DUI causing bodily injury and misdemeanor hit and run charges.

Melnick said in a statement to PEOPLE, “Haley is very grateful to the court for a minimum sentence and for recognizing her remorse and the strides she has made in her sobriety.”

Pullos had played the daughter of Alexis Davis (played by Nancy Lee Grahn) on the ABC soap opera since 2009, but after her car crash and DUI she was replaced by three different actresses until the show finally settled on the current Molly, Kristen Vaganos.

Photo: Pasadena PD

Back in April 29 of 2023, and at the scene of the crash, the police found edibles and mini-bottles of tequila in Pullos’ vehicle and that she was intoxicated. As it turned out, this was to be the second hit and run in the evening for Pullos who had an earlier collision with another car.

The courts decision follows a year-long legal battle with Haley’s pleas changing throughout it, ranging from “not guilty” to “no contest”. She sought treatment for her drinking at a rehab following the crash.

Nancy Lee Grahn, who portrayed Pullos’ on-screen mom took to X on Monday night, April 29th and shared on the sentence and the specific jail, Haley will be serving time: “As Haley’s TV mom I can tell some truths about her as I’ve loved her since she was little girl. She made a HUGE mistake, knows it, owns it & has spent the last yr doing EVERYTHING imaginable to take responsibility 4 it. It’s not that I oppose jail. It’s that I oppose this jail.” The jail in question by Grahn is the L.A. county jail.

So, what do you think about Haley Pullos serving a 90-days jail sentence, and the other rulings that will be part of her sentencing? Comment below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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