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General Hospital


Tonja Walker Clarifies She Is Still At GH Taping New Episodes!

Photo: TonjaWalker/Getty Images

Photo: TonjaWalker/Getty Images

After her facebook post on Monday, many daytime fans were disheartened to hear that Tonja Walker had wrapped her return run as Olivia Jerome.  The actress pointed to that she will air until mid-March.

However, today Tonja clarified her original statement via Twitter relating: “I totally mistyped yesterday! I am in my last weeks. 3 more. AND The story has JUST started, Slowly, but it picks up fast.  It’s a huge story, just started! Goes on, gets crazy! Working w all plus SURPRISES. In last weeks. I’m shooting 7 again this week b4 break.”

In addition, Walker responded to a few comments from site visitors at On-Air On-Soaps as well to clarify noting: “There are stunts, fights , suspense, comedy so much to come and a HUGE surprise. I had to squeeze in 30 episodes in a short time. Still here. Still shocked at all the action. Just wait.  All hell breaks loose.”

So, glad to hear Tonja is still taping episodes? From the teases she has put out via social media, what do you think will happen in story to Olivia J.?  Comment below.

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I. Love. Tonja. Walker. The actress seems self conscious about the work she’s putting on screen, but it is FIRE. she has breathed new life into this show and I’m happy to hear there’s more to come. BRING IT!

She brings it. 100% agree.

Not really sure i care for this story or not…bringing her character back from the dead is predictable and lame-its grown tiresome-Julian is a villain and making him the victim and trying to patch up his relationship with Alexis that way is a real turn off…rather Alexis move forward…Nelle’s story picks up steam but then fizzles out…on the plus side is seeing vets used even if not front and center…trying to stay positive..i have had another death in the family just days after attending my father’s funeral!!!!

Sorry to hear you’ve suffered another loss.

Thanks James

You have my deepest condolences- sometimes we don’t know how strong we can be until we have to— keeping you in my prayers

Thanks Mary

Forgot to add i will see how this story continues…i might like how it ends!

Hey, Jimmy,
You sure are getting a giant dose of misfortune, lately. Your stamina and faith are admirable. More power to you.
Coming here; joining the conversation, only reinforces your strong will. Stay strong, my friend…..and my condolences, again….within such a short period of time.
Much love, Jimmy…

Jimh…my goodness you’ve really had a bout of sad news. Here’s hoping things pick up for you. 🙂

Thanks Rose

She is bringing a much needed energy to the canvas ! I’m going for the ride !!

Ditto, John, looking forward to the energy associated with what will unfold. I think Anna will get wind of Olivia being alive and will join up with those going after her. And maybe Olivia will turn out to be Dr. Griffin Munro’s mother!. Oliviia could have been “Margaret Munro” for all we know!

@MaxDaddee! (Cool Name!)…Finally, I have found a “direct link” to you! I wanted to thank you for your kind comments to me on the “GH Casting…” thread, but there was no such mechanism there. I have since seen your remarks in other discussions, but again, no link…..At any rate, it seems that we are not alone in our frustration about the mob-soaked nature of today’s GH….that and the overuse of newbies, temporary players and other soap’s former stars which all supplant our favored legacy characters on far too many occasions. I may sound like a broken record, but these practices really do dilute the true nature of the GH we have known and loved, so I do tend to get on my “soapbox” (pardon the pun….) on a rather regular basis to voice my objections, and it’s always nice to have company up there!!! Yes, “Nurse Amy” is a dud and Sonny, Carly and the drug-addled Finn do wear upon one’s patience, although I am willing to keep Nelle around just because I liked the actress so much in her first GH stint as “Young Patricia.” That showed her immense talent, so perhaps she just needs better material to display the chops she demonstrated as her former character….at least, that is my hope.

ahaa! Love her enthusiasm ..
No way, less of a miracle, can Jean and Shelly write;
”“There are stunts, fights , suspense, comedy so much to come and a HUGE surprise. I had to squeeze in 30 episodes in a short time. Still here. Still shocked at all the action. Just wait. All hell breaks loose.””

J&S have never delivered ”suspense” or a ”surprise” and never ”adventure”
And as for ”comedy” not possible, not one laugh since day one..
However J&S can deliver a lot of lame and stupid ..
hmmm ”all hell breaks loose” .. haa that would be a first..

Hold onto the enthusiasm, Tonya, we’re with you !! Bring it home! 🙂

At least THIS writing team has brought Olivia back – all the other writers acted like she never existed / Julian never “killed” her since the Jerome’s returned to town in 2013.

This is great news!

Surprised? Duke is alive! Finally, Anna and Griffin will have their man back!

Bite your tongue, Timmmy!

Hi Cee, my tongue is bit! Since Liv longs for Duke it wouldnt make sense that she was keeping him somewhere. It would be cool for Anna to get her love back and Grif to have his daddy! A lot of funny scenes written by JELLY. One in particular is GH cutting the staff and Liz fretting. Why? She has been there forever and who the hell else works at this hospital anyway? By the way. I want Olivia and Ned to marry and reboot that Q mansion! Yes, keep Tracy and Monica and add Brooklyn, Leo and Dylan is already there with the much improved Kiki. AND, Kristen Storms, and I say this with peace and love, looks horrendous again. Her scenes at Crimson with Nina, they thankfully did no close ups of her. She is frail and her face is sunken in and tons of makeup. ABC should insist on her taking off a year and getting her health in order. Love you Melania II!

I like every single one of your ideas ( input), my Timmmy…..but, NO to Duke.
I would love to see Olivia be the younger mistress of the Q mansion. She and Ned are great together….love this couple.
And, contrary to popular belief, I think Kiki has grown up….evolved into the proverbial swan.
Poor Kristen Storms….I see what you see. I hope her health is not an issue. It seems that since her divorce, she has gone steadily downhill. She is skin and bones. I love this actress so much….wish her the best….she has a little girl….sigh!!
But, I don’t want to jump the gun here; I mean, if she were ill, she would not be at work, right?

Cee, there is an actress on “The Mick” and her name is Kaitlin Olson. She is Maxie on steroids! This lady is what Maxie should be. She is pretty, comical and can act her ass off! Check her out on Youtube, she is awesome!

LOL…love it, Timmmy! Kailin Olson is one unique; hilarious actress…her stunts effortless, and natural.
She actually does resemble Kristen….a cross between her and a young Heather Locklear.

It was nice of Tonja herself to come on here and reply to some of the posters. So many are quick to complain and start with the negativity, without waiting to see how a story is going to play out. Give the negativity a rest. Have some patience. Not everything is an instant gratification. Tonja said there is a lot of exciting stuff coming up, and I for one am very excited to see what they have in store for us.

Very well said Dan…Thank you.

What I am wondering is when Olivia told Julian she had people she loved all those years ago that she left behind she didn’t mention Colton (Scott Thompson Baker), who was at her bedside when she “died” in ’90?! Have a feeling the writers didn’t want to GO THERE, Scott may not be available for a return / they don’t want “Liv” to be vulnerable again. I for one was THRILLED by Olivia’s return, CAN’T WAIT till her and Anna to face each other. No offense to Lisa LoCicero, but would rather her Olivia Falconeri go over the exciting Olivia Jerome.

I think Olivia Jerome is Griffin’s baby mama!

Have thought the same – another reason to KEEP her around instead of the same old, same old……..

I was actually hoping it she’d be Brad’s mom and gave him up for adoption. But then she told Julian that Brad and Lucas make a nice couple. If she was Brad’s mom, wouldn’t she want to let him know he’s married to his cousin? She couldn’t be that sick could she? So that kinda blew that theory away for me.

Funny you should say that, Rodd. When I started watching GH, not too long ago, I came to understand that Brad was the scion of an Asian crime family?
So, I, automatically, thought the “hands” belonged to Brad’s mother, due to the “Oriental” decor and the music playing. I had said as much to Shay.
However, I assumed that whoever was the owner of those hands, would be Asian. I had no clue who Olivia Jerome was……but, being Brad’s mother makes some sense.
And, as disgusting as a relationship between cousins is, TPTB could change that story at will. Oh, I don’t know……they could very well invent a new story; that is, Lucas really isn’t Julian’s?

Oh, WOW, Joe!! I just realized the implication. What a thunderstorm of an idea! Love it!

Why bring her back to send her packing? She’s a terrific actress playing a great character. She brings a liveliness to these moribund, stuck in neutral. (How long has HeadTrauma Jason and Mumbles Sam been ‘solving’ this case?)

Too little is actually happening. There’s little to no forward momentum to most of the storylines. Along comes Hurricane Liv and I’m interested once more. I don’t FF through her scenes because I may actually miss something. (Sadly, that can’t be said for most of the other characters. )

The actors deserve better material and the audience deserves something more than another go nowhere Carly/Sonny scene for the twentieth time in six days of episodes.

Agreed, Tomas. I wish Tonja could stay permanently…unfortunately, it seems that she was brought in as the vehicle to escalate Julian to holy heaven. The hypocrisy abounds. She is his saving grace. Add him to Club Sonny–the motto: never pay for your crimes.
Everyone deserves a break. Once. Not over and over….especially gor murder. Yeah! It’s a soap.
We all know where this story is headed. Julian will be the hero; the savior ….
Alexis running towards him in slo-mo….his newly-sewn cape and mystical shield in hand. Oh, brother!!

And right back to those non-stop sexcapades!!!!!! Give me a break…..

Yet another poorly conceived and badly executed “back to life” character.

Totally disagree – they just need to focus more on her hatred of Anna and the history she has in Port Charles.

Yeah, Paul….I inferred as much when I commented that it would be interesting to see how all this unfolds with Anna as a main chess piece in Olivia’s game?

You’re right about playing up her hatred of Anna. The writers are choosing to ignore history by having Olivia call Duke “the only man she ever loved”. She definitely seemed to be in love with Lucy’s cousin Colton Shore at the time of her “death”.

Oh boy, another hateful character. Just what the show needs. But I guess I prefer her to the repulsive Valentin and that spoiled, obnoxious Charlotte. You’d have to go back a long way to find a child character (or performer) so repellent. “THE BAD SEED” comes to mind. But at least Patty McCormack could act.

Hi, Soaphound.,
I can’t answer that, Soaphound. I have only been watching for less than three years. I know nothing about Olivia Jerome. I did not even know there was another Jerome sister. I rely on utube, Shay and others who are deep-rooted in the soap.
I knew Tonja from OLTL, as Alex Olanov……my High School and University days…..
I actually asked the same thing….she comes and goes as she pleases and no one puts one and one together? So dense.

Dense is an understatement, CeeCeeGirl…I guess that can be attributed to the fact that like so many other GH-ers who came back from the land of the non-living before her, Olivia has been presumed dead (at Julian’s hands, no less….) since the early 1990’s, hence nobody ever expected to see her walking around Port Charles alive and well some twenty-plus years later. Yeah, it’s a totally lame excuse for such clueless stupidity, but it’s worked time and time again, so why not keep using this tried-and-true method?

With this plot, they could bring Duke, Carlos and Sabrina back. I’m sure she was behind Paul’s sad murder spree but not because of GH hurt his daughter but because Olivia threatened her life. Also, no one validated Carlos had a twin. Enough with the evil twin plot but Julian and Carlos could have staged the entire thing. And they could have saved Sabrina at the last moment and wish her away leaving Carlos as his brother to get the baby. Come on GH, killing Carlos and Sabrina was a horrible idea.

Cain and Abel, Darnell. I’m afraid we will never be rid of the good twin, evil twin theme. Since the beginning od time…. LOL.
And, yes….I was sad when Sabrina was killed off.
I, also, wanted Paul to stay put. Perhaps, Paul was hypnotized by Olivia Jerome……you have a point; Olivia may have been behind Paul’s schizophrenia ( one of the most ridiculously, stupid, infantile storylines ever!!!!).

Hi Celia, hoping you can answer this as you’ve been watching longer than I. Wasn’t the Olivia Jerome character on the show previously? If so, why can’t anyone figure out Julian has another sister? Are they all suffering from Dante-itis? That’s my synonym for being clueless. Thanks! Hope u are well.

Hello, Shay,
Sometimes, I feel badly for these writers. They all fall into that same pit of either copying each or repeating the same storyline until it’s gnawed to the bone.
I feel as if I mustn’t be so critical, in fear the remaining soaps will stop airing. I should’ve been more forgiving towards other characters, mayhap? I mean, I am capable of forgiving Ava; why not the others? Does that make me as unreasonable as some of these stories? LOL.
So, I’d rather bear through many of the illogical plots/themes, if it means keeping the soaps alive.
I find myself just FF a few scenes whose characters drive me to distraction. Thank goodness for my coveted DVR.

@CeeCee….I appreciate your magnanimous attitude toward the greatly diminished state of today’s soaps…I think I find it a taller order for me to follow your generous example due to the fact that I so vividly remember these shows when they were at the absolute top of their game, plus I now watch such a variety of really beautifully-produced and cogently written programs (with actual beginnings, middles and conclusions….) from the international market that my patience for this nonsensical stuff has worn totally thin…and is rapidly approaching nil. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t admire your tenacious support for this barely surviving genre….you are a truly good egg, mia amica!

I hate this F…ing stunt casting! Either bring back people and keep them for a while or do not bother!

You said it, Timmm!

Maura West being wasted has been for months she would chew this character actress up can’t believe no scenes with Walker ! Why? Who is running the show over there no scenes with FH waste of time

I say it all the time gh is just copying all of the old story Anna and Valentine is her old story with Fason just turn around

As The World Turns

Jon Lindstrom and Cady McClain Announce They Have Ended Their Marriage

After much speculation, General Hospital’s Jon Lindstrom (Kevin) and Cady McClain (ex-Jennifer, DAYS, ex-Rosanna, ATWT, ex-Dixie, AMC et al) have officially confirmed and announced they have gone their separate ways and have ended their marriage.

For months on social media, it was clear that the two were seemingly apart, not appearing pictured in any of each others posts.

Now, on a mutually shared Instagram post, Jon and Cady made an official statement on the status of their relationship, beginning with “Cady and Jon here. We are taking this opportunity to make a short statement about our relationship status. It may be obvious to some based on our posts that we’ve taken some time apart. After serious consideration we have decided that our goals have been taking us in different directions and to end our marriage.”

Photo: JPI

As to the future, Jon and Cady explained, “We remain friends and wish each other every happiness. As people who work in the public eye, it can be difficult to have a private life. Regardless, we ask for your kind consideration in this matter.”

Jon and Cady met when they both appeared on As the World Turns, he as Craig Montgomery, and she as Rosanna Cabot. After four years together, the couple decided to get married in 2014.

Share your well-wishes for Jon and Cady’s separate futures as they ask for privacy on this matter in the months ahead via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

Adam Huss Makes Another Return to General Hospital as Nikolas Cassadine

Nikolas Cassadine will be back on your screens next week but now via Pentonville. That means, that actor Adam Huss is back for a visit for all-new episodes of General Hospital.

In story, Ava (Maura West) comes to visit her ex in the slammer. So, just what does Ava want now? She clearly has been working an agenda on Sonny (Maurice Benard). Is she working with Valentin (James Patrick Stuart)? What will she tell Nikiolas? stay tuned.

Meanwhile, once news of Huss’ return broke earlier on Friday via Soap Opera Digest, he also announced his return on his Instagram expressing, “For all those who’ve been asking, cat’s out of the bag;) Thank you to all my #Nikolas #GH fans for your unwavering support. I don’t take it for granted for a second! (Even when I can’t answer 😊) #generalhospital”

Photo: ABC

Huss took over the role of Nikolas back in January of 2023, after Marcus Coloma left the soap opera. Previous to that, Huss filed in for Coloma in September of 2021 and November of 2022. Fast-forward to January of 2024, Nikolas gave Ace to Laura and Kevin to raise, while he eventually turned himself into the police for kidnapping Esme and keeping her hostage while she was pregnant and Wyndemere.

Photo: ABC

The return of Huss comes on the heels of multiple reports that his on-screen son, Nicholas Chavez is not returning to the show as Spencer Cassadine, while in story Spencer is believed to have drowned int the Seine River after falling off a boat in France, when drugged by Esme.

So, looking forward to seeing Adam Huss back as Nikolas? Do you think GH will eventually have him more full-time? Comment below.

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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Sonny and Jason Trade Threats on Each Other

The love affair that once was mobster Sonny (Maurice Benard) and hit man Jason (Steve Burton), and having each others back, is now apparently over! On the Thursday April 25th episode of General Hospital, an increasingly paranoid Sonny is confronted by Jason.

Jason wants to talk to Sonny about a “family matter”, but Sonny says they aren’t family now because he’s working with the Feds. Sonny goes on to say how he cannot trust Carly (Laura Wright) or Jason and he knows about Jason buying back the Metro Court for Carly from Nina (Cynthia Watros).

When the conversation turns to Josslyn (Eden McCoy) and Dex (Evan Hofer), Jason informs Sonny that Kristina (Kate Mansi) knows Sonny ordered a hit. Jason is worried about Dex’s safety. He tells Sonny that if he does something to Dex, Kristina will figure out that he is responsible.


Sonny goes on to say how much he loves his kids and how he will protect them. He then tears into Jason for abandoning his sons, Danny and Jake, for two years and how he has no right to stand there to tell him what to do.

Jason warns Sonny again to leave Dex alone or he’ll personally stop him. Sonny snaps at Jason, countering, “You’ll die trying!” And at that point, Jason walks out and Sonny slams the door behind him.

What do you think about this split in the longstanding relationship of Jason and Sonny? Do you like Jason and Sonny at odds? Will Kristina be the person to ultimately figure out what is happening to Sonny, or it might it be Nina, who knows Ava (Maura West) is up to no good? Share your thoughts in the comment section, but first watch this clip from part of the Sonny/Jason scenes below.

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