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General Hospital

General Hospital 50th Anniversary Episode – A Heartfelt Moving Tribute!


Tuesday’s episode of General Hospital was the highly anticipated 50th anniversary episode of the series, and not only did it not disappoint, it was a heartfelt tribute to the legacy of the series and to its five decades of fans.  Brilliantly written by GH head writer Ron Carlivati, the episode blended surprise returns, humor, drama, suspense … all of which GH is known for … wrapped into a neat one-hour package with a bow on it.

The set-up was what would have been the late, great Dr Steve Hardy (John Beradino) Chief of Staff’s 50th Anniversary running the hospital, and his picture that was going to be hung in the hospital boardroom in his honor.  As the episode began, the picture of Dr. Hardy is seen as Nurse Epiphany Johnson (Sonya Eddy) answers the nurses’ station phone with the line: “Hey Doris. How’d you like Frank’s big surprise?”  (Clearly a nod to General Hospital creators, Frank and Doris Hursley!)


Meanwhile, Monica (Leslie Charleson) and Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) are going at it one more time, after Monica told Tracy she has “darkened her door for the last time,” and to move out of the Q Mansion.  But wait!  All of a sudden dearly-departed Alan Quartermaine (Stuart Damon) shows up (he first appeared at the end of Monday’s episode) in the Q living room, and this time not only does Tracy see him, so does Monica!  But Alan has brought some back up to stop the feuding ladies in one of the big surprises of the episode … the return of Natalia Livingston as the deceased Emily! Together, Alan and Emily try to get the gals to reconcile, but lo and behold, Rick Webber (Chris Robinson) shows up in the living room too, and attempts to get the gals to stop their in-fighting by making up with Alan!  As it turned out, it appeared that the return of Emily, Alan and Rick was part of “Pickle-Lila” induced hallucination, or was it?  The segment reached its payoff when Monica and Tracy tried to show the threesome from the great beyond that they could hug and make-up, and in one of the most priceless moments of the episode, Tracy and Monica do their “version” of a hug.  Special kudos to the magnificent Jane Elliot here!  She was marvelous in those scenes.


Now, how wonderful was it to see Rachel Ames (Audrey) share scenes with her on-screen granddaughter Elizabeth Webber, played by Rebecca Herbst again?  And, in a tender moment, Liz recants that all of the Webbers and the Hardys are scattered all over the map, and how much she missed having her family around.  Liz went on to explain where all the missing in action characters are, including her sister Sara, dad Jeff Webber, Tom Hardy, and his son Tommy.  In these scenes, we were very moved by the performance of Rebecca Herbst, who was given some gems to play with Ames.

One of the more touching moments throughout the entire special episode featured the sublime Jason Thompson as Dr. Patrick Drake, who introduced the new crop of interns to General Hospital and what it means to be a part of the hospital and its staff, while paying homage to the nurses, and Dr. Hardy.  Thompson hit all the right notes throughout, ending the anniversary episode with a moving voice-over that was introduced first by dialog between Patrick, Elizabeth, and Audrey.  This summed up the meaning of the show General Hospital to its longtime viewers:


Patrick: “It’s going to be a little intimating sitting through those board meetings with the original Chief of Staff upon us.  Hopefully, it will inspire us to reach a standard.  That’s the plan anyway.”   Elizabeth to Audrey: “You and Grandpa had quite a love story, didn’t you?”  Audrey: “Well, we all have.  What’s life but one person’s story crossing with another?”  Patrick: “I think about that, often, and I think about if my dad didn’t practice here, would Robin not have tracked me down for that first procedure?  Would we have gotten to know each other?  Fall in love?  Have our beautiful daughter?  This place changed my life.  I know I am not the only one.”  Elizabeth: “I think about how many lives have been touched, how many stories have passed through this place in 50 Years.” Patrick’s voice-over begins: “Stories of rivalries, stories of love, stories of heartbreak, stories that left us on the edge of their seats.  The thing about all those stories is … we never know how they will end.  50 years …. it’s quite an accomplishment.”


In another part of the anniversary story, Luke (Tony Geary) and Laura (Genie Francis) found none other than Ethan, the returning Nathan Parsons, who was being held captive on the Haunted Star by Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) and her cronies!  In another heart-tugging moment Laura, who has never met Luke’s son Ethan, accepts him into her family.  Meanwhile, the search for Lulu continued, but as we saw, at the end of the episode, Helena wants Laura to shoot someone!  Is it Luke and Ethan?  Or, does Helena want her to kill her own daughter, Lulu?  Another great nod to the history of GH by resurrecting the Cassadine/Spencer feud, with Genie Francis back in the fold!


And in another emotional story, Jax (Ingo Rademacher) and Brenda (Vanessa Marcil) returned!  Jax showed up at Carly’s doorstep to ask her to sign the divorce papers one more time, due to a filing mix up, because he is engaged to be married to none other than Brenda!  In the scenes with Jax, it was Laura Wright, as Carly, who shined.  Wright discussed Jason’s death, and her issues trying to find love with other men, and realized she would like to have another shot at love with Jax, only to have it shot down when she learns of Brenda!  And meanwhile, Brenda shows up at Sonny’s (Maurice Benard) door, and lo and behold, the letter she sent to Sonny via Robin was brought up!  Brenda revealed the details in the letter saying she wanted Sonny to join her, and her son, in Rome.  However, now she came to tell Sonny that since she was in town for The Nurses’ Ball in honor of Robin, that she is engaged to Sonny’s nemesis, Jax!  And … the stage was set for some fireworks and heartbreaks in the episodes to come!


The final moment of the episode was a chyron card thanking the most important people of all: the fans for sticking with GH for five decades!  A beautiful and masterful job well done by executive producer Frank Valentini, head writer Ron Carlivati, and the cast and crew.  We are popping open the champagne right now and raising our glass, and all we can say after that milestone and episode is, “Here’s to you, General Hospital!”

OK GH fans, now you read our review and our thoughts on the 50th anniversary episode now share yours! What was your favorite moment of the episode?  Do you give it a thumbs-up? Did it showcase the heart and soul of what General Hospital has meant to fan for fifty years?  Weigh-in!

And in case you missed today’s golden anniversary episode of General Hospital, watch it below!

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Love every moment in the hospital today, especially that nod to Frank and Doris, thought it was a great thing to do.

It was a Great Show 🙂

Beauifully written..made me laugh made me cry most of all happy to be loving lasting fan of such a wonderful milestone..GH ROCKS!

You said it perfectly! Glad I’ve been watching for 33 years.

Loved every part of today’s show. It definitely brought tears to my eyes!

Agreed! What a tribute to such an iconic show. Frank V and Ron C are brillant. They truly know how to honor the history and legacy of a show. When Viki gave her speech on One Life To Live during its final week, Ron and Frank showed how vested soap fans are to their shows. I am thrilled OLTL is coming back. Congratulations to 50 fabulous years of General Hospital.

Is it true OLTL is coming back?

Yes, otl and amc are back April 29 via, huluplus and itunes.

Yes TL…Monday April 29, 2013. Hulu, Hulu + and ITunes. 🙂

I loved all the surprise returns that I did not know were coming (Ethan and Emily), seeing Audrey and Liz interact and above all that wonderful portrait of Steve Hardy and the wonderful tribute to him. If Steve were alive, he no doubt would have valued Patrick and Robin greatly as part of the GH staff so great choice of having Patrick deliver the speech saluting GH and the hospital’s heart and soul!


I agree Jenny – Patrick’s part was my favorite – great show, kudos to all!!

I agree I really enjoyed the part where Patrick led the students past the picture of Steve Hardy (he did the Christmas story so well to the children in the hospital at Christmas)! Great show I’m really enjoying it!!

First of all Tuesday’s April 2 episode was great. Second, it appears that Helena wants Laura to shoot Ethan and not Lulu. Thanks for a great anniversary show those involved!

Loved the episode especially the scenes with Rachel Ames. What a treasure this lady is!

The episode was so awesome, i was crying throughtout, love seeing everyone but especially Audrey, I can’t believe how great Rachel Ames looks. She looked so strong and able. hope she will stick around for more appearances.. i also recorded the soap net marathon that aired and although i couldn’t record all 50 hours, i did record alot of episodes, and oh god, where has my memory gone? i can’t believe how much i have forgotten, but it was great going back to those episodes, and it was awesome seeing the ones i wasn’t around for. GH truly is a gem. and i found myself enjoying episodes written by Robert Guza, holy cow, i can’t believe he use to be pretty good, what ever happened to him? he became so close minded and started destryoying the show. there was so many classic episodes, it blew my mind. I can now seriously laugh at those OLTL fans who think their show holds up against GH in any way. Granted each soap has their uniqueness and everyone is entitle to love what they love, but GH truly is a Classic soap all the way. And it deserves the title of BEST SOAP OPERA of all times.

She does look great, I agree! Great to see her, Stuart Damon & Chris Robinson all on the show!
Love all the attention GH has been getting for this 🙂

I agree wholeheartedly. I was only 2 when the show started. I started watching it when I was 13. Am now 53. have watched ALL of the ABC soaps. GH is by far the best! Loved traveling down memory lane with everyone, and being able to tell my daughter who everyone was back then. Laura has always been my favorite 🙂
I salute everyone on the show, and everyone who was behind the scenes. Here’s to 50+ more!!

Agreed! I wish Rachael was on more… she’s wonderful and Liz needs her! She looks fabulous!!!

It was one of the best anniversary episodes of a soap ever done by ANY soap.

Yes it was!

I have only been watching GH for a few months, but I have been soap watcher for over 40 years. I agree with you, even without knowing all the history I could tell this is how a milestone show should be– Y&R’s recent 40th pales in comparison to what they did on GH. It really made me wish I had started to watch sooner

I have only watched GH sporadically in recent years but was a fan back in 70’s and early 80’s and with the current producing/writing regime doing such good work i’m hooked again!

I cannot believe that Jax & Brenda are getting married!!! Why not try again with the other people that love them? I get it, but then again, I don`t get it!!!

Because Ingo & Vanessa are not staying on the show long term.

Mainly because Ingo and Vanessa aren’t staying long term yet we get this built in storyline in the future. So if either ingo or vanessa visit, theres this connection already built in they can go so many ways with this quadrangle now. plus its nice to have jax and brenda connected offscreen while sonny and carly are with whomever they are put onscreen. i think its brilliant.

Sonny looked surprised when she told him they were engage!

It’s only fair since they never had a chance to be married. I know neither did Sonny and Brenda but that kept coming around to Jax. It seemed fitting since the actors aren’t going to stay on for long.

This one of the best shows I’ve seen, not just from GH but from any soap! It was so perfect and beautiful. It was full of history and sentimental feelings, but also moving forward with action and storylines. I loved the Audrey/Liz scenes, especially when they walked out together passing the GH sign. I loved the Patrick and Ephiany scenes, they incorporated the right amount of humor. The Luke/Laura/Ethan stuff was INCREDIBLE. I thought it was very fitting to see Laura accept Ethan as part of the family- a contrast of Luke’s reaction to her own “bastard” son, Nikolas, which was very true to Laura’s forgiving nature. The appearances of Ethan and Emily completely floored me (in a good way!)! The Monica and Tracy scenes with Alan, Emily, and Rick were terrific. It was touching to see “bygones be bygones” between Alan and Rick and I LOVED at the beginning when Tracy says “You faked his death too?!” LOL. The Jax/Carly/Sonny/Brenda scenes were BRILLIANT. I’ve never been a huge Brenda fan, but that whole quadrangle is so full of history and I think it played out perfectly. Can’t wait to see more! On a side note, I also loved Sonny and Brenda talking about Robin, addressing Brenda not being at the funeral. Patrick’s one piece of monologue about taking on a legacy and wanting to make it your own, yet stay true to history- it was like Frank Valentini and Ron Carlivati personally addressing the audience! Those two have revived this show in so many ways and ANYONE who argues with that- watch this episode!

@Nikki. agree with every single word you said

You are spot on Nikki!

I so agree with you about all of it.I am still hoping that robin comes back soon. What ever happened to Sean Donally and Tiffany?

Great writing there Nikki. I loved it when Patrick took the new interns on a tour and said the nurses are the backbone of the hospital. When Epiphany heard him she replied “Why Drake Junior there just might be hope for you yet.” I was quite hoping that Alan was really alive after all. I am still wishing and hoping for Sean and Tiffany to come back when Robin does if only for a little while. They need to be mentioned for sure.

I agree as well. Could not have said it better! It was an amazing episode! I loved seeing Rick again, the whole scene was great! Thank you GH for this wonderful episode.

DMG I think I mentioned this before on another post but here goes the actress Sharon Wyatt/Tiffiany has been suffering from some kind of bone disfigurement disease since 2011. I do not know anything about the actor who played Sean D. Very sad for SW I liked her.

You said it!!!

My thanks to everyone involved in this episode. I can’t even remember the last time I gasped out loud, in surprise, by any show (daytime or primetime). Today I gasped several times. I love the surprises (Ethan, Emily, Rick, Brenda/Jax engagement, the compilation of openings at the begining the episode). For me, it was a mixture of tears and laughter, both whle sitting on the edge of my seat. I wonder if Stuart Damon and/or Chris Robinson are ill. Please GH, keep it coming. If this is any indication of the upcoming Nurses Ball, I will be on cloud nine.

Incredible… just incredible. I’ve already watched it 5 times, back-to-back-to-back!

Loved seeing Rick Webber and Alan again! And Audrey!!!

I’ve also really loved seeing the intro to the show featuring the different versions from the many years. I would LOVE see them continue to use that expanded opening, even after the anniversary period is over!

These writers did a masterful job today!!!

The scene with the three corpses was creepy and badly written.

I guess you could say that, but, it’s not easy to work in three characters that have been killed off, and do so for just a single appearance. So, I think it was actually a clever way to allow us to see those three characters one more time.

I thought Alan and Audrey are looking especially great!

Bottom line… the 50th Anniversary Show was incredible!!! Soooo well done!!!

And, I hope they continue to occasionally bring back these characters for appearances in the future.

i was just so overwhelmed with the episode – as a viewer from day 1 it was very emotional for me…….

I had tears in my eyes just from seeing Steve’s portrait alone! Having Epiphany give a brief but solid nod to GH creators Frank & Doris Hursley was a treat too. Rachel Ames was fantabulous and made me even more fits of tears. The surprise returns of Emily, Ethan, and Rick blew me out of the water. I loved when Rick said that what happened in the bedroom wasn’t true….TAKE THAT BOB GUZA! Seeing them all made me briefly have my anger pains at Jill Phelps, Guza, and Frons for allowing such beloved characters die. Jason Thompson and Sonja Eddy work so well together. Loved the staff clapping for Audrey….even more tears! How anyone can say that Frank and Ron don’t take GH’s best interests seriously lost all any credibility after this episode. I still remember the 30th Anniversary episode from 1993 that was under the Wendy Riche regime which I thought was excellent too. Does anyone remember GHs 40th anniversary produced under the horrible regime of Phelps??? I didn’t think so. Actually, to her credit, the ONLY story I loved during Phelps’ disaster was the Patrick/Robin love story….and for giving us Jason Thompson. Loved seeing Laura accept Ethan and Ethan be warm to Laura too. Thank you to Frank and Ron for successfully resusitating the patient that was GH. Your love and respect showed brilliantly and made the cast glow in the material they were given. I read that during the Nurses Ball, a tribute to Jessie Brewer and Amy Vining will be addressed….where are my tissues!

I agree I was thrilled in one hand and furious in the other of all these characters who got whacked under dragon lady JFP & Guza. Loved the episode Liz with Grandma Audrey was great. Remember when Liz came on what a pill she was maybe this means we are slowly going to get our gal back front and center.

I completely agree! I as well needed tissues and after reading what you wrote, need them again 🙂

I certainly hope that Jessie and Amy are acknowledged for all they contributed to the show.

I have to say that Allen looks better dead than alive and Natalia Livingston was gorgeous as always.

Allen looked better than Rick Webber!

Totally agree with EVERYONE. EVERYONE . I too, have watched it several times already. My emotions were all over the place. That being said, the one thing that brought tears to my eyes was the acknowledgement of all of us at the end. WOW, the first time we have had the TPTB recognize the true reason GH or any show continues. Thank you FV and RC for that along with the returning our show to it’s rightful place of excellence. First time in years I have actually watched the entire show without fast forwarding through something that I have no interest in. I find that us fans are becoming truly passionate about our show again. Once again, hats off to the outstanding executive producer, the unbelievable head writer, and the fantastic actors. Here’s to another fifty years.

Simply put Frank and Ron get it!

…the clip of Audrey and Steve dancing, fomr way back when… touching!

It was incredible!!! I absolutely loved every minute!!! Extremely well done by everyone… cast, writers and crew!!! Truly a wonderful tribute… touching so many of the key storylines over decades!!! A+ or 10 stars… totally nailed it!!! Very touching and emotional with great surprises and touches of humor rounding out a well balanced array of every element of a stellar episode and show!!!

Thank you Michael for giving us this episode on your site to watch over and over again… I know I wll! Thank you for having your site with the best content we could ever ask for!!! You are the BEST and we love you for it!!!

Congratulations GH!!! May you have 50 more years!!!

I’ve watched four times now and it’s just so well done!!! I love it!!! Congratulations again GH!!! I am hoping you do as much justice to the Nurses’ Ball as you did to this show!!! It truly is perfect in every way!!! Thank you!!!

Not a single dull moment. I watched every single second of it. Thanks to the writting team for such an amazing and heartfelt episode.

My favorite has to be the meeting at the Q’s house. It was amazing to see Alan Emily& Rick again.Loved that Luke& Laura found Ethan.

I have been watching general since 1969 , yesterdays episode was the best GH I have seen, It made you laugh,cry , and remember why this soap has endured 50 glorious years !!! love to everyone involved on this show keep up the great work

Excellent – the “glory days” of GH are here again!!

All I can say is “Bravo” 🙂

It was perfect! I couldn’t have imagined anything so perfect! All wrapped in a big gold bow.
I can’t stop thinking about it! Soo good!

Loved the episode! Hit on all five decades with different characters or stories important to each. Only soaps can have such a deeply moving anniversary, since the actual 50 years HAVE gone by and some of these people (Audrey, Monica, Tracy, Luke and Laura, etc) have been here for huge parts of it. Legacy, it really means something. Such big kudos to Carlivati and Valentini and the cast and crew. Thank you for the last 50 years! Here’s to many, many more!

I loved everything else. the only stupid and most useless part was having Jax and Brenda engaged yet they seemed so upset when they were breaking the news to Carly and Sonny.
The whole I heard you moved on so they moved on together was borderline bogus and unnecessary.
Why not after what Carly has been through have the fact that she and Jax still being married be the faith and hope she always prayed for? Why not have Jax say that he is done running away from hi marital problems and that they’ll work through them together?
I see no point in his being engaged to Brenda which only by the way proves that he is Brenda’s number one door mat, not Carly’s. Yesterday’s dialogue had it wrong. no offense to Ron Carlivati or his current set of writers, but am sure we the GH fans who watched Sonny/Carly/Brenda/Jax for so many years would know that better than they do.
In fact I took the pleasure of tweeting Ron Carlivati about that very mismatched dialogue.
Another mistake they made was just not mentions who Carly had moved on with. Yes, no more mentioning Todd but Johnny should have been mentioned. He was not a OLTL character.

Brenda should have returned to let Sonny know that she is done running away all the time and she respects that he is in a relationship but it’s him for the win in her heart. Or whatever childish llines come into play whenever Brenda is plotting.
Now as for the letter? Um……we are NOT in high school anymore! Who still writes letters? If you want to address an issue, say it to the person’s face!

Am so proud of GH for not making yesterday’s episode about Precious Sabrina of the wild hair days! Phew! thank you soap gods.

Other than that……Very well done episode!

This is the best review I’ve read yet. Spot on.

Many people still do write letters, especially when such huge emotions are involved. And my mom got teary and emotional when telling my dad that she was remarrying – people can still care about each other after a break up.

While i am not a fan of the current writing team, I Loved the episode.
The Q’s were funny, the Spencer’s are off doing what they do best. But Maurice & Vanessa captivated me the most. Sonny’s reaction to Brenda’s arrival, his guarded communication with her. Her facial unhappiness when he talks about having moved on. The cherry was Maurice’s instant reaction at the name Jax! And Mr Thompson (Patrick ) was outstanding explaining the history of GH!
I can only hope they will work off of that particular episode from here on in.
In closing while they talked about him twice, a total shame that Steve Burton aka Jason Morgan could not be on this particular episode 🙁
Shout outs…
Bob Guza Jr… Reason I started & loved GH (we miss u)
JFP… Daytime legend what she touches turns into gold

ROTFL. You MUST be joking about Bob Guza and JFP, right?

Valentini and Carlivati didn’t miss a beat, from the tribute opening montage to the postscript thanking the fans and every scene in between. It was just about perfect.

I watched this episode many times too ! First of all I love the blended opening of the show. It was great to see Audrey and her flashback with Steve. It was so fun to see Alan Q, Emily, and Rick Webber. Rick looked so different but his voice is so distinct from years past! I know when I last saw these characters they were much younger than the 70 plus years they are now. The writers did a wonderful job (but of course the headwriter is Ron C and he was the writer on OLTL and did wonderful writing over there). Really enjoyed seeing Patrick take the new interns through the hospital and Ephiphany…she’s so cool! Can’t wait to see the Nurses Ball! I cried a bit at the end when they thanked the viewers of GH over the past 50 years. It made me think how long I had been watching, which has been 40 years! Thank you writers, actors, and actresses of GH ! Well done!

So right Marcia… about Chris Robinson’s voice. It really struck me how much his voice took me back to the days when he was on. It’s a very nice and strong voice… that just flooded memories in my mind.

I screamed when I first heard his voice yesterday! lol Then I yelled, “Rick!” and scared my mother, who was watching with me! I was just so happy to see him and Alan! That they made up was precious! =)

Brilliant. Perfect.

I have watched this show just about 50 years off and on.. Has always been my favorite as it was my MOM’S…. I loved the show, and all the old actress and actors.. So so many memories.. LOVE IT can’t wait for the nurses ball….. <3

Every single minute was great. The surprises just kept coming. It was wonderful to see Alan, Rick, Emily, Audrey, Ethan, Brenda & Jax. I’m not sure it could have been much better unless they could have really brought back the spirits of Edward and Lila.
Thank you General Hospital for 50 wonderful years.

Sorry All. too contrived too sappy and over acted. I have watched GH,oltl and amc since the very first day of each one. I felt like I lost family when when they took the ladder 2 off the air. But watching Monica and Tracy with all the ghosts made me gag. There had to be a more intelligent way to bring these great old timers back. Even if it was a show dedicated to all these missed actors favorite memories

I liked seeing the actors ‘now’. I”m glad they didn’t do a bunch of flashbacks. Wouldn’t have been the same, in my opinion. =)

Loved the b/w flashback of Audrey and Steve dancing.

The whole hour was very entertaining and the best anniversary soap episode ever! I just wish they did a scene where Audrey sees Epiphany blasting some student nurse and then Audrey lovingly comments to Elizabeth how Epiphany reminded her of her late sister Lucille(in at least a brief flashback) Lucille was the head nurse (back in the 60s to early 70s) who was very much like Epiphany for those who didnt watch back then.

That would have been a great opportunity… I forgot about Lucille and remember her and agree!

I just wish the show paid more tribute to pre 1980s characters who were just as much part of gh history, especially since its 50 year anniversary. Its like your parents 50th wedding anniversary and your parents arent even there. Those b4 you helped paved the way!

My late grandmother,also named Lucille, was so much like her(the yelling part…’JIM!,) and an original gh fan…it was not hard for me to forget her, or my grandmother!!!

So glad I’m not the only one who remembers Lucille March, played by Lucille Wall. I loved her. She was an important part of the old days too. I loved when she would yell at the nursing student “Clampett!!!!!!!” She was wonderful.

My late granmother, a gh fan, was a lot like her…and also named Lucille!

The opening credit montages have been heartfelt for me! It’s like I flash through decades of my life as I watch- very cool. The episode itself combined humor, history and honor and as most people have posted, I laughed and cried all the way through it. It has been a very long time since I enjoyed a tv show on so many levels. All I can say is well done, everyone, well done! Oh, and thanks to all at GH…and Frank and Doris too! You gave us a gift to last a lifetime.

That’s how you celebrate an anniversary one of the best episode I have ever seen made me nostalgic I wanted to cry great great episode

I Loved the episode!! So many nice surprises and old character returns! It was the perfect blend of emotions from being touching, to dramatic, to humorous. I enjoyed explaining who some of the old characters were to my 23 year old daughter who has been watching since she was a kid. About the same age I started watching it with my mother, who at age 86 Still watches!!
3 Generations watching and 50 years of GH! Here’s to at least another 50!!!

Your post made me cry! lol I watch because my dad watched it first! His job included lots of sitting at a desk with nothing to do but watch tv, and he got hooked! lol

Amazing – That is how you honor 50 years of being on television !

The episode made my heart sing!!

This only proves that Frank and Ron are the Best team in Soap History. Not just they crafted the Best Finale in Soap History, but now the best anniversary in soap history. They didn’t rely heavily on clips, but worth story and reminded us of the magic and Heart. Been watching Days in the last few years and they never forget thier history and have reminders of Tom and Alice all over the place. GH needed to remember Steve and Audrey. (Don’t get me started on ignoring Jessie’s memory, but I know they will Honor Jessie and Amy at the Nurse’s Ball).

Well, what can I say? For FIFTEEN YEARS I had to put up with Bob Guza’s crap, hoping that the day would come when a new regime would come to save the day and bring the show back to glory, Well, thanks to the Valentini/Carlivati team, it has in the past two years! There is no way that Guza could have pulled off an episode as meaningfil as this or the great memorial to John Ingle from a few months ago. THIS is what an anniversary show should be like: saluting the past while moving present stories forward. Unlike Bob Guza, Ron Carlivati reveres the show’s history (loved the opening reference to the Hursleys!) and uses that history well into new storylines (the Heather/Todd baby switch mass and also making her privy to the secret about Franco’s birth, the resurrection of A.J., and even Pickle-Lila!).

The character of Epiphany has gotten new depth and is a worthy successor to the hospital role of head nurse in the tradition of Lucille March Weeks (Audrey’s late sister whon held the position from 1964-76)- both women seem rough on the outside and bark orders, but each has a heart of gold on the inside and is very protective of their nurses. The only nitpicking I had was that Patrick should have mentioned to the interns that his dad had worked at GH in the 1980s! I wonder if these interns are merely walk-ons or possible new characters. Great to see ‘the ghosts’, but I still feel that Alan is not dead- he is being held prisoner in the same place that Robin is!!

It was a wonderful walk down memory lane. Loved it!!!

I couldn’t wait to get home and watch it, I even stayed off any websites that might have people posting on it after they watched it, until I got home to watch, so I could be surprised and I was surprised! it was a really great 50th anniversary show oh and your article got me choked up inside! wonderfully written! love love love love General Hospital!!

Al I can say is “perfection” so maybe powerful moments, and the love letter to the fans at the end for so much appreciated by this fan!

Thanks for pointing out the bit with Epithany on the phone, I did not really catch that other then the wonderful Epipt was showing a bit of gossip. I was more focused on the photo of Steve!

Bravo!! To General Hospital, let’s have 50 more! Ok 25 more!

I loved this episode. Brillantly done!!! I’ve been watching GH for 40 years now and it was nice to see Audrey and other actors who have been gone . Keep up the good work GH! Happy 50th , and heres to 50 more…

I had tears in my eyes at the end. Would actually like a few more flashbacks to the early days. I liked Audrey and Steve dancing. But what about Jessie, and Lucille? And a picture of the old nurses station where poeple at least went in the little back room to discuss all the details of their lives. But I liked it. Jax with Brenda, always a problem for Sonny. But both too fickle. Carly and Sonny are better off without them. Love having Laura back, but time for someone to finally shoot Helena and get it over with. Cracks me up she “instantly” shoots any henchmen she decides to get rid of, but of course has to point the gun and talk about it when it is one of our heros. So they have time to escape and turn the tables. And Dante had better be alive !!!

Wow, you can say that again (bout Carly n Sonny being better off without the). Never did like Brenda (she was and is so annoying); and Jax (never liked the actor or the character) is just irritatingly self-righteous.

I was completely blown away at all the surprises in this episode. Bravo to the writers, cast and crew of gh! i laughed and i cried. well done!

General Hospital

General Hospital Alum Chloe Lanier to Guest Star on ‘Law & Order’

On Thursday’s, May 9th episode of Law & Order (8pm ET), look for General Hospital alum, Chloe Lanier (ex-Nelle Benson) to guest star on the long-running crime drama on NBC and streaming on Peacock.

In the episode entitled “No Good Deed”, Chloe takes on the role of Chelsea Shell. In story, Shaw and Riley embark on an investigation into the death of a therapist with a troubling list of clients, while Baxter takes over Price’s role upon uncovering a disturbing connection to the defendant during the trial.

Ripped-from-the-headline crime stories are the longtime appeal of the series. Law & Order is currently its 23rd season which included an 11-year hiatus before returning for its 21st season in 2022.


The show currently stars a cast featuring: Tony Goldwyn, Cameron Manheim, Hugh Dancy, Odelya Halevi, and Micah Brooks.

Lanier won a Daytime Emmy for her role as the scheming Nelle who tortured the life of then, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) with her existence in Port Charles.

Photo: JPI

Chloe took home gold for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Daytime Drama Series in 2018; a category that is now defunct.

So, looking forward to seeing Chloe on Law & Order? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Maurice Benard Confirms Steve Burton is Upcoming Guest on ‘State of Mind’

Over this past weekend, General Hospital’s Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) revealed that he is finally going to have longtime co-star, Steve Burton (Jason Morgan) on his State of Mind You Tube series for a sit-down interview.

While speaking with Soap Opera Digest at Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, GH) ALS fundraiser, Maurice confirmed the taping is happening this week and should be posted in about three weeks time.

Benard shared, “I wanted Steve Burton and I’m shooting him Tuesday, my good friend, but he’s been through a lot and I’ve been asking for three years, but he’s finally going to do it.”

Photo: ABC

In addition, to the episode, it appears Maurice also confirmed he will be doing a You Tube live on Tuesday, May 7th as well at 3 pm PT possibly with Burton.

As GH viewers know, for year Jason was Sonny’s henchman, and his right hand. Now upon Jason’s return, the two are at complete odds, due in part to Sonny’s medication being completely manipulated by Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and his growing paranoia.

As for what Burton will discuss, as Benard teased Steve has gone through a lot of personal ups and downs as well as professional, over the last three or more years, but has always landed on his feet. It will be interesting to hear this thoughts on those matters and how he soldiered through.

So, excited to see Maurice and Steve have a serious chat on State of Mind? Comment below.

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General Hospital

The Stars Come Out In Support of Nancy Lee Grahn’s ALS Benefit (Photos)

Boasting an incredible line-up of daytime soap opera star power, Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, General Hospital) ALS Benefit “Daytime Unites” held its fundraising event over the weekend on Saturday May 4th.

According to a post on X from Grahn following the event, she revealed that the fundraiser raised over $71,000 for ALS research. Stars from GH who participated included: Genie Francis (along with husband, Jonathan Frakes), Dominic Zamprogna, Kristen Vaganos, Kate Mansi, Maurive Benard, Laura Wright, Evan Hofer, Parry Shen, Lane Davies, Carolyn Hennesy, Michael Easton, Lydia Look, Tabyana Ali, Maura West, Adam J. Harrington, Cynthia Watros, and Lisa LoCicero.

In addition, The Bold and the Beautiful’s Don Diamont and Annika Noelle, The Young and the Restless’ Jason Thompson, Trevor St. John, Kate Linder, Melissa Claire Egan, and Christian LeBlanc, and Days of our Lives Stephen Nichols and Patrika Darbo, and more were also on-hand.

In her message on X, Grahn, the two-time Daytime Emmy-winner expressed, “Thanks to my beautiful friends who showed up, along with some extraordinarily kind Daytime fans, we raised over 71k for ALS. Truly grateful for the privilege to help move the needle a little closer to finding a cure.”

Now below check out some of the snaps featuring several of your favorites from the soaps below.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) and Maurice Benard (Sonny) strike a pose with former castmate Jason Thompson (ex-Patrick, GH, now Billy, Y&R).

Photo: JPI

B&B’s Annika Noelle (Hope) with the host with the most, Nancy Lee Grahn.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Adam J. Harrington (John “Jagger” Cates) attended Nancy’s event, his first with his new GH co-stars.

Photo: JPI

Y&R’s Peter Bergman (Jack) flanked by GH’s Car0lyn Hennesy (Diane) and Grahn.

Photo: JPI

Good buds and former OLTL co-stars, Y&R’s Trevor St. John (Tucker) and Michael Easton (Finn).

Photo: JPI

GH’s Cynthia Watros (Nina) showed her support for ALS and her co-star Nancy Lee Grahn’s fundraising efforts.

Photo: JPI

Star Trek favorite, Jonathan Frakes, with his wife, GH’s iconic, Genie Francis (Laura).

Photo: JPI

Two of the soaps and GH’s finest, Maura West (Ava) with Maurice Benard.

Photo: JPI

Tucker meets Tucker! The former Tucker McCall of The Young and the Restless, Stephen Nichols (Steve, Days) meets the current Tucker McCall, Trevor St. John!

Photo: JPI

The Davis girls showed up in support of their on-screen mother played by Nancy Lee Grahn- Kristen Vaganos (Molly) and Kate Mansi (Kristina).

So, what do you think about the star power of Nancy’s event? Glad to know they raised over 71K to help find a cure for ALS? Comment below.

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