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Bryan Craig Confirms His Exit From General Hospital!



It’s been a whirldwind week for General Hospital fans! Now comes word from Daytime Emmy winner, Bryan Craig (Morgan Corinthos) that he is exiting the ABC daytime drama series, and it was his choice to leave.

In a heartfelt post on his Instagram account, Craig wrote: “It’s been an amazing journey, but I feel like the time is right for me to say goodbye to GENERAL HOSPITAL and Morgan Corinthos. This was not an easy decision and I am extremely grateful to ABC, (Executive Producer) Frank Valentini and the entire GH cast and crew for the opportunity and their unyielding support. To the wonderful fans who have embraced and loved Morgan as one of their own, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Bryan Craig also tweeted today, “To the wonderful fans who have embraced and loved Morgan as one of their own, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Just how Morgan will be written off the canvas remains to be seen. but there are already rumors circulating just what might happen. Craig began his run on GH back in 2013 and won the Daytime Emmy this past April in the Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series category for his performance as a bipolar Morgan.

So, what do you think of Bryan deciding to leave GH? How do you think Morgan might be written off the canvas?  Should the show recast? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

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Cast remains bloated…Morgan wants to go to college…send the character to England or Europe for his studies…recast when cast gets smaller or maybe he will return for an occasional visit…just never really cared for Morgan lately-sorry!!!

I’m with you! I’ve had enough of the Corinthos clan altogether starting with doting Mama Bear. Bye!
Frankly, I think his ego got a hold of him and now he thinks he can tackle Hollyweird! Good luck!


Nelle is probably Nina’s like i originally thought…also thought she might be Carly and Tony Jones somehow but it looks like she is Nina’s!!!…sad!!!

Is Nelle supposed to be 20? Like say @ the time Nina miscarried before her coma? Reallly hope the writers didn’t think of this. Hope this is your great imagination instead Jim! Lol!!

LOL, Jimmy. Morgan would never make it in a European University ( there’s no such word as College as we think of the institution there, as it refers to secondary studies ). Regardless, the curricula is much too rigorous in European countries. Brutal….!!!!!
I can’t say I’m sorry to see him go. Just being honest, guys!!!!

Me neither, CeeCee…..Morgan’s newbie charm wore off quite quickly when he was revealed to be a perpetual screw-up. It was all or nothing for this often aimless young man and we were frequently left with huge voids for him in term of his character development….he pretty much had no identity save for the fact he was Sonny and Carly’s baby boy. Of course, the countless torturous ways the writers either totally ignored or horribly exploited him did the Corinthos Kid no favors either….so many prior indignities, and finally a really poorly defined case of mental illness that just exacerbated my disgust and disregard for him. Good riddance to this pointless character, but best of luck to Mr. Craig.

he can go to clown college then,,,lol

Celia…OH, TOTALLY!!!!! I (also) am not sorry to see him go. More and more, the character of Morgan Corinthos did nothing but ANNOY me!!!!! SAYONARA!!!!!

Have a good one, friend.

Jimh…I haven’t cared for the Morgan story since he was brought back with a gambling habit with the help of Ava and bystander daughter Kiki. Nothing went right for him after. Don’t blame Bryan for wanting to try something different. On the other hand it’s a tough business,,,haven”t heard much about Brit since she left.

Morgan is that little kid who pretends to run away. He hides in the backyard only to come home hours later and discovers nobody noticed he was gone.
No, this did not happen to me.
Shut up.

Wow Harry. Smh…find it difficult to understand how viewers think Morgan is spoiled, selfish or anything other than struggling. He’s such an interesting, deserving of empathy character in my eyes…

Rebecca, once again we disagree respectfully. I know bipolar disease inside and out. Morgan is the not the face of manic depression, and it was handled badly with no bread crumbs leading up to this diagnosis.
The writing was not there and it was not overcome by brilliant method acting.
I have said this before and I will say it again, if you are going to tackle the serious and complex subject of bipolar disease on a soap opera you need to make it right.
GH failed on so many levels on the subject of bipolar disease.

Harry my love… 🙂 Maurice Bernard, as you and most of us know, is bipolar. He consulted and approved of the story. I’m not saying it was executed with precision accuracy but Bryan portrayed a guy who had insecurities about where he fit in with Sonny…even BEFORE and probably aside from, his bipolar condition.

It’s my contention that when I watch any show I approach characters as I would in reality…of course the more realistic stories…not the ‘soapy only-in-soaps stories. So just as a separate entity, if I was just watching a show about this family, I would feel for Morgan. He was sent away at an early age to be kept from Sonny, thus being deprived of many close, bonding times. Yes, he had and loved Jax, which was great. But still, he had this realization that Sonny adored Michael, that Michael and Sonny shared all the years that Morgan never had, that Michael was the favored son, that he could do no wrong. To a child’s eyes…that is devastating. He was further angered by the fact that HE, Morgan, was Sonny’s biological son, not Michael, and felt a rivalry, resentment…not because he was a ‘brat” or “spoiled” … just hurt, feeling always on the outside.
The fact that he was a happy, loving little boy who turned troubled is perfectly plausible to me. We missed many of Morgan!s years, sometimes psychiatric symptoms flare up or present themselves due to some catalyst. We saw him spiral. His”manic” state was very believable to me. He felt invincible when he tried to take on the mob. Well, people in a manic state often feel that way. He was manic with kiKi…realistic too. His down moods were very hopeless. No matter what light, even a visit from baby Avery whom he loved, couldn’t lift his spirits.
I think Morgan’s story was very respectfully and pretty accurately portrayed and I think some are to quick to judge a character…maybe in real life too…without understanding why they are the way they are.
As always, just my view. I respect you having yours…even though you’re WRONG! Just kidding. Okay I’m not. Ummmmmm…hug it out? LOL…friends Harry. We are so all’s cool…. 😉

Bryan Craig is a young powerful actor ..
RC did NOT make Morgan bipolar, he left it open..
we were coming up with what he had like just messed up from bad parenting etc..
J&S gave Morgan bipolarism a hard core case of it. J&S could have taken the Morgan character in a different direction.
After he was tagged with bipolarism that defined the character as a hardcore bipolar character that’s only role was to be an active bipolar; onece bipolar forever bipolar.. that defined the character.

J&S destroyed the Morgan character that could have gone in a totally different direction / Shame on J&S !!

I can understand why Bryan would want out before his acting career was stereotyped as he is being portrayed, it sticks.
I wish him the best. He will go far.

( I dont blame him for not wanting to play, forever, the character given to him )

For his sake, su, I hope you’re right. One never knows what Bryan can do. I suppose his wings were clipped, somewhat, in the Morgan role. I just never got into him or his head.

thanks for the blunt

it’s so very true tho… he was forever labeled.. unnecessarily … which truly did pigeonholed his character

all he got from then out… was bludgeoned to death from familial “concern” from Sonny and Carly… wouldn’t it be great to see him nut up… and Carly be drained of all life

I so wanted this to not happen

I thought it was a unique situation.. that GH could have catapulted

you had Tracy son
you had Ava Daughter
you had Carly son

three dynamo… presence.. with their dynamo offspring… they could have taken these three.. with parental must… to catapult in and out of each others lives

what a waste of an actor

what a waste of script… i’m actually glad that Morgan is no longer a mix.. because it just features that much more… what a wasteland GH has become…

haters back at ya

Su…Totally agree with you about Bryan being saddled with the bipolar story. One time, maybe, but we had already been through it with Sonny. But when they started again with Ava messing his meds that was just toooo much. Combined with todays show…Sabrina (who I did like), Monica, the trial, now Bryan…what a demoralizing day. I’m sure that will help the ratings.

I couldn’t disagree more. Bryan Craig got the chance of his life with the role he landed as Morgan…at such a young age and fairly new to acting. He got to display such depth of emotion and he did it so well that I wouldn’t be surprised if he got called immediately, if not for another soap (which he may not want to do) but for prime time or a film. Most actors WANt the rich role he got…

Morgan never got on my nerves. He was different than the cookie cutter young guy just hangin’ out, dating, love triangles, etc. He was the son who felt neglected, who got shipped off to school, who felt he had to compete for Sonny’s love, for Kiki’s love…he was the guy who fell for an older woman, was forced to break up with her, was devastated…he went through highs and lows which were so intense…and I FELT for him because he was a good guy struggling, lost,…but when he was happy, when he was proud of an accomplishment, I beamed with him/for him.

Anyway, I never attributed any of his “bad behavior” as spoiled or whatever some felt. I think his reactions were entirely understandable at every turn, whether because of his psychological chemical imbalance or his confused childhood. Love the character, love how Bryan played him…and I don’t think his decision to leave was because he didn’t like his character. I just think he wants to branch out to other acting opportunities. Big loss for the show and for me as a fan.

I knew this was bound to happen…. I just didn’t realize how soon

Bryan Craig…. my man…. YOU have been carrying this show… that’s a heartfelt genuine response… Morgan is the only character, of any interest, in all the Corinthos’ pie… the dullest family on GH. ( just as blah as the Newmans on Y&R)

yes… I will continue to use that word… in protest.

as an actor… it had to be so dull around the show… what boring tired scripts.

Bryan Craig has one of the largest following… via twitter… and deserved that emmy

dang it tho… he’s one of the handsomest… I truly wish him the best… tell Britta… I LOVE HER

Well said!

I am sorry to see Mr. Craig go. I thought his character had potential. I did nto care for the bipolar development as I think writers use mental illness as an excuse for plots more than for genuine interest in presenting a story about the condition (Can you say Sharon Newman?)

Still, this soap needs to dispense with some actors/characters. We never get enough of those we care about as the stories are drawn out so, characters disappear for weeks at at a time, and focus is lost. I am glad to see so many favorites from daytime, but not at the expense of the tight storytelling we once had in Port Charles.

Code blue, code blue! GH is bleeding out it’s actors! Everyone speak now, STAT!

GH could have killed Morgan instead of Sabrina…..

Yes, do the actors know something that the viewers do not–is “the end” imminent?

I hope not, nancy. We should keep the soaps we have!

It took me a long time to get used to get warmed up to Bryan Craig; I personally think his acting ability has noticeably improved from when he first came onto the G.H. canvas. I don’t know any of the circumstances for why he is choosing to leave and don’t care to speculate. I think he has a bright future and hope he achieves his whatever his professional goals may be. Cheers and good luck Bryan.
I think I am going to be leaving G.H. after all these years as well.


Recast with Drew Garrett. He’s 27. Chad Duell is 29.
He can still be his big brother.

I liked Drew and they would REALLY look like brothers!

Oh, my gosh. I had no idea what you guys were talking about. So, I just googled Drew. This is news to me, Timmmy. Chad is not the original adult Michael?
Wow, Drew is really cute…a little on the thin/frail side.
Depending on the angle, he reminds me of a younger Jason Priestley.

the above post was sent in error before i could edit out some words in a few sentences.

First sentence should have been : It took me a long time to get warmed up to …

I think he has a bright future and hope he achieves whatever his professional goals…

If he feels now is the time, then he must make that leap.

I hope they don’t lose the character.

I absolutely HATE this news. I’ve loved Bryan Craig from the first time he stepped foot on the canvas. His acting has been heartfelt, powerful, believable…he’s played ecstatic, passionate, wounded, confused, loves truck, fierce, broken, bursting at the seams, despondent, sexy, hot, innocent, guilty…LOL…can’t praise him enough. His scenes with Sonny…their heartfelt exchanges…sigh….

He’s off to explore new acting genres I’m sure. Perhaps it’s the wisest decision to make career-wise and I wish him well. As a viewer I feel sad…too many GH faces are exiting. I’m not one of the viewers who pushed for that. The old days of actors staying put on a soap are long gone so that in itself changes the game. It’s like watching the same Broadway show with understudies…

Rumor is Jane Elliot wants to retire and is leaving…

I will be so sad if Jane leaves, but I understand if she is ready to retire. I bet all of the Luke talk is build-up for him to return for November sweeps to ride off into the sunset with Tracy.

One could hardly blame her, if this is true, but that will be a real blow, whenever it happens.

It’d be nice to think that if JE left, they’d put Leslie Charleson back on contract (assuming she wants to be), to keep a real Quartermaine presence on the show. But I doubt it.

jane elliot has been wanting to leave for a good while now……………….

Yes, I did read that interview with Jane E.

I read in an interview with her that yes, she does want to retire…feels she’s been in the biz long enough and doesn’t have the drive or the need to act anymore. And, looking forward to “having a life” and doing other things. Of course, it’s her life…an understatement, LOL, but I can’t help but feel sad. We all realize the person playing the character is working act their craft/ doing their job and eventually will leave for one reason or another. But the attachment to the fictional person is so strong it really is a loss when you’ve watched and invested for so long. Hope she’s not leaving too soon… I hate to lose Tracy….

Jane Elliott… “is” HOT

do you think the writers… whilst in the midst of a heated in your face court trial for Eduardo… (Teddy)

find themselves drawn to the heated exchanges and turn on the endorphin

calling Dr. Joe…

LOL Patrick…Dr. Joe and Tracy? They could share custody and who knows from there…

Love him and his acting. He did a wonderful job, very convincing in a very difficult role! Maybe if he had Kristen back he would have stayed. I wish him the best of luck and hope that this will be temporary!

I don’t think his decision has anything to do with Kristen or any other actor. Just wants to branch out…

Im okay with this too! Okay with Sabrina being gone too! Can we get rid of a few more?

What you want to do dump the whole show????????????

just half of it!! I can’t remember the last time Scott had a story.
Jane Elliot is leaving because she’s on the backburner.
Monica comes & goes.
Felix shows up when his friend dies.
Brad & Lucas are nowhere to seen.
Lucy is ?
Catch my drift? Half the cast pops in from time to time and the consistency (or lack therof) is mind boggling
I don’t even remember when Bobbie & Scott broke up?

Yeah, half the cast (START with NINA) can goooooo !!

You’re cracking me up with your effusive exuberance for cleaning the GH house, Ces…..why don’t we just bring in an earth mover and get the heavy lifting done all at once…it would be far more efficient than having Paul kill off our wish list one by one….

hopefully more regulars check into GH so Paul can Off them 😉

Agreed! Let’s send Kiki packing with Morgan, and have Paul kill off Andre, Amy and Valerie!

Maybe some virus will hit PC and those characters will need to check in and never check out 😉

I am not a Morgan fan and so won’t miss him…wish him the best in his career.

He was ok for helping to bring in Ava Jerome to the show. After that I sort of lost interest.

So did Ava….except during her “dry spells.”

So true!!!

Has he practiced the next big line he’ll be using in his career – “Do you want fries with that?” – because talented he is not. Maybe he can have Cam Matheson teach him how to have a career in entertainment without possessing any talent. Sky is the limit!

And funny you are not.

Oh my, Cameron Mathison. Now THERE’s somebody who truly does not even cross my mind anymore. Is he even around? Doing anything? Can’t say that I’ve missed him.

This incarnation of Morgan has never done much for me (doesn’t help that he’s a Corinthos, or that the writing has been so spotty), and my inclination through the majority of his storylines has been that what he most needed was a good spanking (but then, that could be said of most of the teen and twenty-something characters on GH in the last few years, couldn’t it?). I wish Mr. Craig the best of luck in his career; perhaps in a different role he might win me over. Or if success eludes him, then as you said, maybe he can call up Mr. Mathison for career advice.

Never liked Cameron M, Michael. He works at ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT….He is one of the hosts/reporters. He is very good at it….better than his acting.

A pointless character with one of the most boring storylines on GH for the last year. Let’s hope more Corinthos leave the show, especially Sonny the murderer.

AND shut down PERKS! That is the lamest business ever on a soap!

True, true, and true, Timmmy.

Buh-bye! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


Teresa, Tyler, now Brain And word is Richard Burgi and Michelle Stafford are on their way out Lordi

It would be hardly a surprise if Burgi is leaving; what are they going to do with his character. It’s a big loss of someone with real talent/potential, but they’ve chosen to write the character into a corner.

I guess it would not entirely surprise me to see Stafford go. I like Nina, and Stafford is fun to watch, but I think it’s fair to say, based on comments on here and elsewhere, that viewers are pretty sharply divided on whether Nina contributes value to a show that already has too many characters.

And I think any of us could name a dozen other characters/actors who could make their exits and the show would be none the poorer for it. This show is not going to pick up much steam with the current head”writers,” but one thing that might help is cutting the cast back and concentrating on some of the ones that viewers respond to.

With that said–I cannot believe they let Tyler slip through their fingers. Don’t know what he was asking for, but they probably should have given it to him. What were they thinking?

Michael. Best post here.
I love your concise reasoning. Burgi will be a big loss. No way will he be able to remain. Where does he go from here? He is definitely not right in the head! Explore another mental case? That’s so overdone, it is pathetic, at this point.
As I always maintained, Michelle S is my favorite soap star…..would love for her to stay forever. But, not with all this baggage she is imposed on carrying.
Tyler’s exit bothers me not. However, that’s because he was hot and cold for me. I liked him at first, then something snapped (he became very dark) and, I lost all interest.
But, you, Michael….You have just put ‘events’, or lack-thereof, in perspective. Love it.!!

Hadn’t heard about Michelle Stafford leaving–ok by me!

Yeah, Nancy…ME TOO!!!!! SAYONARA!!!!!

After years of killing Quartermaines, it’s time to give the Corinthoses the same treatment.

A lot of rude comments from some people here, but I’m not surprised. It’s par for the course with this site anymore.

I think it’s fair to say Bryan was a little rough around with the edges when he first started on the show, but he grew and matured into a good actor, in my opinion. People can say what they want, but he earned that Emmy earlier this year. They don’t just hand out Emmys to every actor that walks through the door.

Sorry to see him go, but wish him well in whatever his future holds. With Tyler gone, now this, and if some of the other rumored casting changes come true, this show is turning more and more into a show I don’t recognize anymore. That’s very sad to me.

I think fans were harder on him because the ACTOR took to Twitter and got into a pissing match with fans and turned some of them against him and his character.

Aside from the fact I loved Bryan/ Morgan from the start, acting and character, I agree with everything you said. As for the rude comments…just the same few repeating themselves.

OK GH, you’ve managed to lose two Emmy winners within 24 hours. What do you plan to do for an encore?

Methinks the Emmys made some actors overconfident

me thinks you are SO correct!!!

Yup, methinks, I agree…LOL.

I wish him luck—he’s very talented and will find other opportunities elsewhere to grow as an actors—it was his choice not the shows choice to fire the actor like they did to TeCa who deserved it—-BC has a lot of talent and used working on GH as a training ground for better opportunities—many actors who leave soaps withing 3-4 years often go on to primetime and stage—

He’s so talented he should stay though !

i agree thru should have killed him and let sabrina live big mistake. he is a wonderful actor wish him all the best , tell britt miss her so much!!

Recast. I like the character and I like the pairing of Motgan and Kiki. I hope they don’t put Kiki and Dillon together. It’s like watching paint dry.

First Sabrina now Morgan, is that Santa Claus I see? Its only September!

I believe the Easter Bunny is right around the corner! Hopefully the next few to be cut loose are Andre, Amy, Darby and Valerie!

I would switch out Darby with Curtis. Not feeling that “Shaft” vibe! Darby is a bitch and can reek lots of havoc and THEN end up in the harbor!

why are u guys leaving my son has adhd and bipolar, thare are not to many tv shows he watches, but he has been watching this with morgan and i hoped that he would get on medicine, but he will not but this show has stuck in his head and i am glad for this, thanks morgan u did a great job hate to see u leave

Awwwww, so sorry to hear that, donna. This is such a serious disorder. I feel badly for your son. He became attached to Morgan and his storyline…..I really feel badly. Are there no programs for your son in your area. I wish I could help.
You really should look at social welfare programs and advocacy groups. These programs are most likely available to you. It is a standard; especially for children.
I wish you and your son the best.

well if he thinks that emmy win is going to lead him to greener pastures he had better think again…………….jmo

His acting will…I think he’s soooo talented! Jmo too but I kinda don’t get how some don’t see it. (I say in peace…;) )

If you like him it doesn’t matter what anyone else says.

Hi, Rebecca.
I understand your ennui….your passion. Believe me, I do.
It’s hard, isn’t it?….,When we see beauty in someone or something that no one else does!!! It’s like an abstract painting… canvas. The mind’s eye sees what it wants to see.
I, for one, never saw what you see in Morgan. Perhaps in time, I would have. He’s leaving; soooo….
We, as individuals, do not think the same thoughts, do not appreciate the same things, and, associate with those we like or with whom we feel comfortable.
You and I both love Nina, for instance. We are an endangered species…LOL. She has been put through the ringer by posters….still is!!!!! I wish everyone loved her as I do; or saw what I see in her….but, bottom line; I cannot impose my will upon them.
I get very frustrated and annoyed when I read negative stuff about characters whom I adore; but, they, too, have a right to express their feelings.
It is such a waste of time to pick on everyone’s brain. I have learned much these past couple of years or so. I have been trying to express what I think with a little more decorum, albeit I do slip now and again. It took me a long while to embrace Alexis. I am really fond of this character….and, I resent the evil that is in Paul. I know he put something in the water he offered her. I said she would act weird; and I also suspect Julian will go free, with the possibility of her taking him back. Will she swim in deep waters again, only to drown? Hope not!!
I love Shay and Timmm, the best, yes. But, I love everyone else too. I accept them and what they have to say. If I am not clear on something, I will question it. That’s just my personality. I have never, even as a child, accepted something on face-value. I always delved for something more, until I was satisfied with the answer.
Shay never liked Sabrina, per se. She does not like Hayden or Nina either. That’s ok. It’s her prerogative. I see what she is saying, as everyone else. It makes no difference to me. I still enjoy and look forward to reading her and Timmm’s stuff. I find their writing entertaining….as I do yours, and many others.
Bottom line, I still like both Hayden and Nina. So, no matter what….we remain online friends, whether we agree or disagree. We respect each others’s opinions, and leave it at that. I would not want it any other way.
However, I do agree that many of us do get carried away when we nit-pick a character….since, those, at times, uncomplimentary words do reflect the actors, themselves. I did take heed, Rebecca. And, I have been trying VERY hard !!!!! So, I do limit myself tomdiscussing the character’s behavior, as written by TPTB, and not so much negative, physical appearance.
All good?? Later.
Going into the city again, Rebecca. You live in Manhattan, right?….loooove the city!!!!

Hi Boss…I honestly am not sure if you were being sarcastic . Your post to me could be taken as…as long as you like him then you can appreciate his acting regardless if someone else doesn’t…or it could be taken that you’re implying I don’ t think anyone else’s opinion matters. Hmmmmm…since I’ m not sure I won’t respond to it.

Hey CeeCee! I have to give you credit! This was probably my favorite post of yours in all the time I’ve known you…to me or anyone else. Loved what you wrote, how you expressed it and the message behind it. I get it…and you. With that said, LOL, I have to disagree about your two friends. You know how I feel. Whatever you expressed about them I feel the complete opposite and more. It is so frustrating because to delve further would only exacerbate that situation. If we were face to face, if we had private email to talk…but we don’t and so expounding is limited. What I will say is you’re an intelligent person but perhaps due to loyalty you’ve missed several key points in the above-mentioned posts/interactions between us. I’ve already said, the issues with those two are not about characters they do or don’ t like. It goes way beyond that.
As for voicing opinions on characters/actors most of us who post, do. As an example elm 1951 implied she didn’t like Craig’s acting. I said I do…kinda don’t get how people don’t..then gave a little peace thang with a smile…
As you know, we have posters telling others to shut up which occurred on the other page…others saying “buh bye” (your friend has uttered that to posters he disagreed with who said they’d stop watching). Your other friend told Rose she doesn’t know where all these new posters were who came out of the woodwork to defend Sabrina…and didn’t seem happy they were “here.” Yet she welcomed a whole slew of new posters…who we never heard from again…when we had that “memorable three day attack”. Those people she welcomed with open arms and gleefully filled them in on “the troublemaker” as she proceeded to egg them on. The only time I heard said person like a character or actress was either for her fashion/style sense or beauty. Never for their “character” double entendre but true. Even called Emma a brat…and the little actress who plays her no comparison to Kimberly as a child actress. I mean…c’mon! The little one can read…not only don’t”t I get THOSE sentiments but what if Brooklyn read them! Sigh…yes, you’re entitled to your rose-colored glasses…but they’re not my prescription cause I don’t see them at ALL thru your eyes. But! We still have plenty like qualities…
Yes, born in the city! Enjoy and catch you later! And…thanks….

How can you get rid of Morgan since he’s the son of Carly and Sonny. You might has well kill him off. Otherwise do a recast. That’s what you did for KiKi.

And look at how well the Kiki recast has worked. An annoying, useless character and a weak actress is not what the show needed. They should write Kiki out with Morgan when the character exits.

Wow! When it rains, it pours. Sorry to see him go. He is definitely someone who lights up the small screen. I wish him the best of luck with his future endeavors.

As Morgan leaves PC, I hope he’ll take Kiki with him. That would be welcomed news to me and help down-size the bloated cast.

Morgan should be killed due to mob violence that is a direct result of something Sonny does. Sonny bas the blood stains of at least 30 people on his hands that he didnt care about at all. Lets see how he reacts when his business costs him one of his own!!

Wow. Comments are vicious. He’s an actor looking for a bigger break. Good luck to him for trying. The kid from OLTL made it to Quantico. I saw the episode on Labor Day of him strapped in crying for help…good stuff.

He often had me crying for help so it’s only fair.

Wow! Sorry to see you leave. Go bipolar on your parents (pack your bags)
Go see Kiki (talk her into going back to college)
Both of you leave together and kiss Port Charles good bye
Guess what! Ava will be pissed. LOL

You have grown to be a wonderful actor.

I love Bryan Craig! These writers are killing everything good on Gh! Bryan and Maurice scenes were fabulous! I am a 43 yr Gh fan who is totally disgusted! I hope that someone scoops Bryan up along with Tyler and Teresa because they are great actors. Gh writing isn’t worthy of them!

I was just starting to like him since he was on the right meds. Got tired of him going crazy.
Good for him..he,wants to try other things. He’s young…go for it!

I think Bryan Craig is a very talented young actor who has really grown in his time on the show. However, I’m not too upset by Morgan being taken off the canvas. I’m not a fan of his character and I think now is a good time to usher him out for a little while, especially seeing the current trajectory of his story.

Hopefully he takes Kiki with him. I can’t stand the character and the actress definitely doesn’t help matters. Kristen Alderson was much better in the role. I’m also not a fan of a potential Dillon/Kiki pairing, which is probably where the show is going.

And seeing how it was Craig’s choice to leave the role, I’m not upset at GH for this move. I am, however, unhappy with losing Tyler Christopher. GH should have done everything they could to get him to resign, but instead they lost him. Dumb move!

Amen! Send Kiki packing too!

Although Bryan Craig is a fine young actor, I’m another viewer who just didn’t take to Morgan Corinthos as played by Bryan, mostly due to Morgan’s behaviour. I won’t miss either the actor or character, and think it will open up the possibility of Kiki and Dillon reconnecting. They’re much better suited to each other, but the writers don’t have to make them boring because of the characters’ similar personalities. I like both actors, though it took me a long time to get to like Hayley Erin’s interpretation as I was such a fan of Kristen A’s. Well, at least Bryan is leaving voluntarily, unlike Teresa Castillo and Tyler Christopher. How many more exits will we see in the forthcoming year, and how many new characters that we won’t care about will be created? Too damned many, I’ll bet.

The role should definitely be recast, I love Morgan. He is a great actor and he and KiKi make a beautiful couple.

I have to say good luck to Bryan. I also have to say that having Tracey’s ex Paul be the killer seems stupid to me. Somebody tell me why would he be killing people at general hospital? First: He comes in to kill Sonny , Second: We find out he’s undercover , Third: He’s now running around killing people in the general hospital with a needle.

Craig is a good actor ; I wish him the best.

Is Elizabeth going? She seems to be getting worse. In real life she looks like she has anorixia. She is nothing but skin & bones

sorry to see Bryan go as he was excellent in the role of Morgan. Also sorry to see Teresa and Tyler go but talented actors can always find other work.

not fare bud I miss that young actor it’s a lot of leaving on gh what’s is going on

Definitely recast

Gonna miss you.. But if everyone knew he was leaving you should’ve killed him off instead of Sabrina..Gonna miss wish you lots of luck with your career..

General Hospital

General Hospital Alum Chloe Lanier to Guest Star on ‘Law & Order’

On Thursday’s, May 9th episode of Law & Order (8pm ET), look for General Hospital alum, Chloe Lanier (ex-Nelle Benson) to guest star on the long-running crime drama on NBC and streaming on Peacock.

In the episode entitled “No Good Deed”, Chloe takes on the role of Chelsea Shell. In story, Shaw and Riley embark on an investigation into the death of a therapist with a troubling list of clients, while Baxter takes over Price’s role upon uncovering a disturbing connection to the defendant during the trial.

Ripped-from-the-headline crime stories are the longtime appeal of the series. Law & Order is currently its 23rd season which included an 11-year hiatus before returning for its 21st season in 2022.


The show currently stars a cast featuring: Tony Goldwyn, Cameron Manheim, Hugh Dancy, Odelya Halevi, and Micah Brooks.

Lanier won a Daytime Emmy for her role as the scheming Nelle who tortured the life of then, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) with her existence in Port Charles.

Photo: JPI

Chloe took home gold for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Daytime Drama Series in 2018; a category that is now defunct.

So, looking forward to seeing Chloe on Law & Order? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Maurice Benard Confirms Steve Burton is Upcoming Guest on ‘State of Mind’

Over this past weekend, General Hospital’s Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) revealed that he is finally going to have longtime co-star, Steve Burton (Jason Morgan) on his State of Mind You Tube series for a sit-down interview.

While speaking with Soap Opera Digest at Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, GH) ALS fundraiser, Maurice confirmed the taping is happening this week and should be posted in about three weeks time.

Benard shared, “I wanted Steve Burton and I’m shooting him Tuesday, my good friend, but he’s been through a lot and I’ve been asking for three years, but he’s finally going to do it.”

Photo: ABC

In addition, to the episode, it appears Maurice also confirmed he will be doing a You Tube live on Tuesday, May 7th as well at 3 pm PT possibly with Burton.

As GH viewers know, for year Jason was Sonny’s henchman, and his right hand. Now upon Jason’s return, the two are at complete odds, due in part to Sonny’s medication being completely manipulated by Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and his growing paranoia.

As for what Burton will discuss, as Benard teased Steve has gone through a lot of personal ups and downs as well as professional, over the last three or more years, but has always landed on his feet. It will be interesting to hear this thoughts on those matters and how he soldiered through.

So, excited to see Maurice and Steve have a serious chat on State of Mind? Comment below.

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General Hospital

The Stars Come Out In Support of Nancy Lee Grahn’s ALS Benefit (Photos)

Boasting an incredible line-up of daytime soap opera star power, Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, General Hospital) ALS Benefit “Daytime Unites” held its fundraising event over the weekend on Saturday May 4th.

According to a post on X from Grahn following the event, she revealed that the fundraiser raised over $71,000 for ALS research. Stars from GH who participated included: Genie Francis (along with husband, Jonathan Frakes), Dominic Zamprogna, Kristen Vaganos, Kate Mansi, Maurive Benard, Laura Wright, Evan Hofer, Parry Shen, Lane Davies, Carolyn Hennesy, Michael Easton, Lydia Look, Tabyana Ali, Maura West, Adam J. Harrington, Cynthia Watros, and Lisa LoCicero.

In addition, The Bold and the Beautiful’s Don Diamont and Annika Noelle, The Young and the Restless’ Jason Thompson, Trevor St. John, Kate Linder, Melissa Claire Egan, and Christian LeBlanc, and Days of our Lives Stephen Nichols and Patrika Darbo, and more were also on-hand.

In her message on X, Grahn, the two-time Daytime Emmy-winner expressed, “Thanks to my beautiful friends who showed up, along with some extraordinarily kind Daytime fans, we raised over 71k for ALS. Truly grateful for the privilege to help move the needle a little closer to finding a cure.”

Now below check out some of the snaps featuring several of your favorites from the soaps below.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) and Maurice Benard (Sonny) strike a pose with former castmate Jason Thompson (ex-Patrick, GH, now Billy, Y&R).

Photo: JPI

B&B’s Annika Noelle (Hope) with the host with the most, Nancy Lee Grahn.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Adam J. Harrington (John “Jagger” Cates) attended Nancy’s event, his first with his new GH co-stars.

Photo: JPI

Y&R’s Peter Bergman (Jack) flanked by GH’s Car0lyn Hennesy (Diane) and Grahn.

Photo: JPI

Good buds and former OLTL co-stars, Y&R’s Trevor St. John (Tucker) and Michael Easton (Finn).

Photo: JPI

GH’s Cynthia Watros (Nina) showed her support for ALS and her co-star Nancy Lee Grahn’s fundraising efforts.

Photo: JPI

Star Trek favorite, Jonathan Frakes, with his wife, GH’s iconic, Genie Francis (Laura).

Photo: JPI

Two of the soaps and GH’s finest, Maura West (Ava) with Maurice Benard.

Photo: JPI

Tucker meets Tucker! The former Tucker McCall of The Young and the Restless, Stephen Nichols (Steve, Days) meets the current Tucker McCall, Trevor St. John!

Photo: JPI

The Davis girls showed up in support of their on-screen mother played by Nancy Lee Grahn- Kristen Vaganos (Molly) and Kate Mansi (Kristina).

So, what do you think about the star power of Nancy’s event? Glad to know they raised over 71K to help find a cure for ALS? Comment below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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