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General Hospital


Who Will Be Revealed As GH's Hospital Killer?



After several patients, and Dr. Mayes, have met their maker thanks to the mysterious Derisifol serial killer, General Hospital is set to reveal the identity of who is behind the killing spree this week on the ABC daytime drama series.

Fans of the soap have been having their own ideas of who it could be and a sampling of those has lead to these potential culprits  1)  Nurse Amy Driscoll (Risa Dorken) – Could this  busybody nurse have some deep hidden nursing vendetta?  2) Dr. Andre Maddox – While he seems cool and collected, perhaps this therapist feels he is saving dying patients from suffering by “mercy killings”, and Dr. Mays got in the way?  3) Dr. Liesl Obrecht –  Has Liesl gone off the deep end after losing the Chief of Staff position to Monica Quartermaine?  4) None of the above – perhaps everyone is off the beaten track and GH will serve up a shocking surprise!


In the latest issue of Soap Opera Digest on sale now, GH co-head writer Jean Passanante offered up this tease as to the identify of the kiler: “We went through a few different scenarios.  We came up with the one that gives us the most impact.”

Jean added: “We wanted it to be someone who matters to the canvas in a bigger way rather than somebody we brought on for that exact reason, someone who story has ramifications for other stories, as well, and we realized that we did have the character in place whose motivations make sense.”


Passanante was quick to point out that the motivation will remain unknown to the audience for the time being.  She also related that once GH viewers know the identify of the killer, they are going to worry about who could be the next victim when the “said” character is in proximity with another one.

So, who are you betting on to be revealed as the hospital killer, and then what do you think their motivation fo the killings are? Share your theories in the comment section below!

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This is the weak point of the show right now, let it be Andre and wrap it up already.

If only. This was the worst twist I have seen since Jelly replaced RC.
Just – L A M E. Makes no sense at all. I swear, someone somewhere has simply programmed a computer to develop the various plot lines. Cheaper than hiring writers.

It’s Paul Hornsby.

Judging from Passanante’s remarks, it sure sounds as though Obrecht is the killer. At least there is some action at the hospital… 🙂 🙂 🙂

Dr. O is way to obvious and it wouldn’t be a shocker reveal in the least.

Right on, Lou. Just finished watching today’s epidode….finally!!!
Now, we are to think it’s Paul? Why? Doesn’t make any sense. Amy is just there gor good measure.
But, Andre, who has no feelings for Jordan whatsoever ( he had a thing for Anna), looks more and more like the culprit. I think the only reason he’s ‘in’ with the Commish is to glean first hand knowledge of what’s what.
Will Hayden get blamed for Lizzie’s tumble down that dark abyss called stairs? Were they stairs?Did anyone see them arguing?

Lou, you were right! 🙂

These two madhatter’s better NOT make Monica Quartermaine the killer just for shock value and a story for Lesley Charleson. No doubt they’ll make up it’s onset early alzheimers. OMG!!!

That is probably a lot better than what they might do-hopefully its true-maybe???

amen to this!

Hey, James,
This is a hard one. Mike has a point….I do not like stiff-as-a-board Andre. By the same token, I love Liesl…..constant anger, disdain, lunacy and all. LOL.
Needless to say, TPTB are toying with our senses….brain teasers, they are. LOL….And, here we are, speculating.
Personally, I hope it’s Amy. If we think about it, what is her purpose? I don’t think it’s a coincidence she appeared when she did.
However, Amy may have been placed right where she is in order to distract us from the real killer. Later, James.

The killer is the lizard…and Elizabeth—why Liz…she was bitten by the Lizard who turned her into this nutty nurse ELIZARDbeth…the Lizard will be revealed using mind control on ELIZARDbeth to help it knock off its victims…Roxy is obsessively in love with Finn and is killing off patients and staff jealous of the attention Finn gives to them-lol

@Jimh( leave it to beaver).
Hey, Jimmy,
…taking a break from the chaos….kids, kids and more kids …
You are so funny…Tears streaming down my face….my husband says you should take this stuff on the road.
I knew it was you in my inbox….ELIZARDbeth….oh, my Lord!!!!!
Remember, you and I already surmised Roxie is really Finn’s wife. So, your theory makes more sense to me than what’s fed us, so far.
Please don’t stop entertaining us!!!!!

@Michael ( not Fairman).
Exactly. The same could be said about the Fluke storyline….it was such a debacle; such a convoluted plot that I said, at the time, the story evolved as they went along. Not a good thing, as far as I’m concerned. The end result looked like a patchy quilt.
No rhyme or reason. I hope the quilt keeps Luke warm, at least.

Then how can anyone explain why they were going to inject Bobby , and instead injected Lucas ?

Lucas injected himself. He’s tired of being thrown back into the closet and being the token gay character on canvas. He’ll be the first gay serial killer. And his motivation for the murders is attention and recognition.

Yeah, doesn’t fit. Sounds like they keep changing the ending, which messes up continuity.

Either Monica Quartermaine or Griffin Monroe.

Monica would make a nice shocking twist…maybe her forgotten boyfriend that judge will get her off on a technically…he asks why she do it-‘because these dumb writers cant think of a good story for an iconic character like mine so they dump this pointless(just day characters were killed off) piece of nonsense on me!’ responds a frustrated Monica!

Who cares? None of the 80 characters on this show have been killed off so what’s the point? Kill Jordan and then I’ll start getting happy! Make it Andre or Griffin as the murderer and I’ll see promise, otherwise this story is a waste of time.

i hope the killer is the lizard who can make puncture wounds with its teeth that looks like needles-he can knock off Amy, Sabrina, Jordan, Andre and so many other worthless characters and i will declare GH the best soap ever!!!!

Right?! Useless character and no investment in who it is, because no one we care about or even know for that matter was a victim. Bobbie and Lucas are rarely on so that doesn’t make any impact either.

lol Jim!

CLH – agreed. Not one major character has been killed … they may as well have killed Lucas since we haven’t seen him since forever!

The writers came up with a killer who gave them “the most impact”? Um, they would actually have to tell a story for there to be an impact: this has been nothing more than contract players talking about never before seen people dying off camera and Valerie walking her beat around the hospital. Yet another fail for this writing team.

I’m guessing their idea of an “impact” will be making the barely developed character of Andre the killer because he had a crush on Anna (who’s currently off-camera, this show’s favorite place to tell story these days) and is in a (mostly off-camera) relationship with Jordan.

I agree with you, Alan. This story has had no suspense for me. Such tales do when key characters are taken from us, with those deaths exposing new secrets and motives. (And no resurrections months later, please!) This could have been a good opportunity to clean house (as morbid as that sounds) as there are too many characters and stories for strong engagement.

I remember the Mombassa (?) Fever story line of the late 1970s/early 1980s. It was scary. And the revelation a young boy everyone loved was the carrier was stunning.

Lassa Fever–which is a real disease.

Oh for the days of Douglas Marland! (Oh, hell—Oh for the days of any headwriter of even marginal competence.)

“We went through a few different scenarios. We came up with the one that gives us the most impact.” For those of you who don’t speak the language, this is Passanante-speak for “We created the story without the slightest idea who might be the killer, and we’re still making it up as we go along. If we’re lucky, it will have an impact anyway.”

Only if the impact they were seeking was complete revulsion of the audience at the stupidity and complete lack of logic in the twist. Just B A D. Ugh!

Michael (not Fairman) lol! Too funny (and probably correct)!

more than obvious it is Amy…YAWN

Red Herring

What IS Paul doing wearing those cufflinks–and with that syringe in his hand? Huh? Huh? :(:

Amy…but it should be Val. She kind of has a built in/semi-believable motive if she doesn’t want other people to suffer like her mother did…


Valerie is who i thought as well…just to get rid of the character!!-lol

But that theory is not supported by how very hard Valerie worked to keep her mother alive right up to the moment Patricia died. The reason she was so upset that her mother had left her convalescent home was that she was worried that doing so would weaken her mother and shorten her life. Valerie was trying to prolong her mother’s life – wanting to cherish every moment she had with her – not end it. And her grief-sticken anger against Luke was because she felt Luke’s actions had ended her mother’s life prematurely.

Wish Valerie and Jordan would go.

I am pretty sure its Amy the Nosy Nurse. She has no part but yet they are giving her some significance here. She has to be secretly related to someone and getting revenge for something. Something is definitely weird about her

I didn’t suspect Amy because she performed in the Nurse’s Ball while Lucas was attacked.

I think it’s Paul! He already got away with killing Sloane , has access to crime scenes. He wax not at the ball where most were.

Sure seemed like it today, didn’t it?

You are right…I’m sure

Hey, Vicki.
Maybe it is Paul, maybe not. I don’t think TPTB would flash previews of the killer, though. It could be anybody. The cufflinks may be a completely different case….not related to the killings.
I guess, I just want it to be Andre. He’s bipolar to me. Imagine, “the bipolar Psychiatrist”. Sweet irony!!
Andre is hot and cold. I think today was the only time I saw him as human; with humanly mundane characteristics; such as smiling. He’s usually such a serious sourpuss.
Maybe it will be someone we least expected…..someone mentioned Monica?

I think it will be Heather Webber. Next victim is Elizabeth, but Franco will save her in time.

Well, we know who it is now. So that is how AVA will get away from her crimes. I was right about Elizabeth though. He had a weird look on his face at the police dept. when they brought in the cuff link.

I don’t think it’s Amy or Obrecht. Amy is disliked by pretty much the entire fan base, and it would be nice if she were the next victim. As for Leisl, I think it’d be way too obvious for her to be the killer, and after trying to morph her into a more palatable and “likable” (I use that term very loosely) character, to undo it all now would be pointless.

I still think the killer is Andre. He’s relatively new to town, we don’t know much about his past, he’s inserted himself into the investigation and has plenty of opportunity. I’m not a fan of this character, and would much rather see both Jordan and Anna with someone else. This would be a good way to take him off the show.

However, I’m slowly starting to think it’s Griffin. Based on what Jean said about the reveal of the killer having a ripple effect in other stories, Griffin seems the most logical because he is connected to another story right now too, whereas Amy, Obrecht and Andre are not.

Plus, we know he’s abandoned his priesthood before, so now he may have turned to the dark side permanently. His goal, to take patients out of their misery, might stem from his own desire to have died when he was shot because he betrayed his faith and let himself down by his choices. An internal struggle with external consequences.

I hope it’s Nina. I do not like the character and I really don’t like Michelle Stafford. She can not act and when she tries to, she interrupts the other actors lines…she’s a screen hog. I hope it’s her just to get rid of her.

i’ll go out on a limb as well… Michael did it! I want him gone

I want it to be that awful nurse Amy

One of the sticking points in this story is working around the night Lucas was attacked. Amy, Andre and others (including Valerie – mentioned above by someone) were all at the Nurses Ball when Lucas was being attacked. Dr. O was NOT! In fact she was seen at the hospital in that time frame – very upset about the way she had been treated at the Ball.

Depending on their choice as killer, I’m curious to see how the writers work around the guests at the Ball.

As well, I doubt it’s Amy. She simply isn’t important enough to have the effect on the canvas the writers are indicating.

Contrary to some opinions, I’m looking forward to this story this week. And I think that knowing who the killer is can add needed interest and tension to the story as we consider motives and as we watch the killer near other characters.

I think Andre or even possibly Kevin, did anyone die while he was in the Greek adventure and isn’t he a coin collector?

No, NOT Kevin!

I like your theory, but you watch, it won’t be Kevin – it will be his supposedly dead evil twin brother Ryan Chamberlain back to terrorize Port Charles.

Wasn’t Kevin at the Nurse’s Ball with Laura during Lucas’ attack?

The killer is…the writers-lol

Of course, Jimmy. The writers!!!! Why didn’t I think of that?! I bet Roxie is their dear friend……working together.

I hope it’s several characcters, ala Murder on Orient Express. So they can get rid of Val, Obrect, Amy, Griff, NuCarlo! All terrible. Worst is Obrect’s character. One of Carlivati’s worst plot moves. Get rid of her! Stat.

I don’t know…if it’s a character I like then it won’t be that thrilling since we’ll obviously lose the character. It would be insane to ruin a legacy character’s reputation, like some feel was done to Luke. So, hopefully it’s not Monica.

I would think it was Amy because she’s non essential and it wouldn’t be a loss. They tried to duplicate the vibe of Any Vining…didn’t come close. I’d root for it to be her…but the writers just said someone Who matters to the canvas.

I vp don’t know…interesting impossible-but-it’s-a-soap twist? A Cassadine? Kevin Collins believe dead twin? Caleb…who arose from the dead in the hospital who we never saw again? (To be confused with Dr. Finn?)

These teasing comments discourage me. I think this storyline’s conclusion will be as poorly executed as the story itself.

And, I’ll just say it now, if they make Monica the killer, they might as well just kill the show.

I hope its Franco! We dont need his grimy hands all over Liz! She needs to be with Nicholas! Even if Nick and Ava have chemistry, what Ava did to Morgan in regards to switching his medicine is diabolical! Nick hasnt been to clean this past year and a half but he is a school boy compared to Ava!

Or Griffin. Give her a good guy.

Its going to be GrAnna!

What if the killer is little Jake Webber? We still don’t have any idea what was done to him on Cassidine island. What if he was brainwashed to do this? I think Jake could easily pass by in the hospital without raising any red flags.

I never thought of that as a possibility, but what an interesting one it was! That would be quite the story twist, and it would bring to light what happened to him on the island – a plot point that has seemingly been dropped in recent weeks. Excellent theory!

Creepy but he was at the nurses ball , singing with Franco

Yeah, I like your premise, Rachel. But, he’s a kid. How would he get the drug, first of all; and then administer it or inject it into the IV? That’s a monumental task for a kid.
Unless he really Stavros. LOL.

Well, I agree with many of you, but how about an Agatha Christie, Orient Express twist, as in “they ALL did it!” It could have been a joint venture between Jordan, Andre, Aaron, T. J., Kristina, Parker, Parker’s wife (if she exists), Nurse Amy, and Claudette. And maybe we should toss in Nathan if he continues to be shown as such a violent bully. Then we can be rid of the whole bunch at once!

Quite honestly, if it meant getting rid of half the cast, I wouldn’t complain at all. Each character you mentioned is non-essential to the show and I would not mind if every one of them was booted. Throw in Griffin, Hayden, Valerie, Sabrina and Joe too.

Maybe Paul isn’t acting alone. Maybe Andre IS somewhat in on the job along with Paul. It might explain why they kept showing Dr. Finn witnessing their conversations today. Andre possibly mad at WSB for something. Maybe Paul is rogue WSB or Interpol or something. Maybe Paul and Andre are one of Robert’s other storylines. Maybe he is looking into them based on feedback he had received from Anna. They were kind of showing Paul’s temper recently whenever his other children were mentioned. I have no idea how all of this ties in.

A Soap Murder Mystery..
It is the worst written soap murder mystery in soap history..

It is 100% empty of mystery, suspense, intruge, no imagination, no train of thought, it rolls in LaLa Land, it stinks..

I have never witnesses a Murder Mystery being as empty as the’ Hospital Killer ‘ written by Jean and Shelly..

yes– a Soap Opera Murder Mystery that is completely empty of intense intruge ..

I think it’s Kevin don’t ask me why but I just have a feeling.Just like he wrote a book about Laura without her knowing till now.He’s been on front burner for awhile now and I think he has other secrets.

I thought of that too but I believe he was at the Nurse’s Ball (with Laura) during Lucas’ attack.

If we’re looking f or someone that would make a big impact and would affect the others what about Sonny?

It’s Paul Hornsby

Not been watching the show for weeks now and only catching up via blogs, here and DC site on what’s been happening.

My guess is Franco. Where can they possibly go with this character as he has no connections to anyone and his evil is better when used. Sure, he’s Jason’s brother (did they disconnect them in my absence?) but ever since he calmed down and was mad sort of sane the character is duller than one of the corpses on the show. He would have repercussions everywhere if it’s revealed to be him. Jason, Liz, Carly, Nina, lisel, and even Jake. Franco being the killer would a) bring back the fire to the character that fans don’t really care for b) give the actor the meat he has so proven he can chew as Todd on OLTL c) potentially give the program the sinister aspect it lost when the Casadines turned cartoony and James Franco last played the character.

Motivation? It’s simple. Jason. Just like the last time all of Franco’s motivations come down to him. Franco has been without true attention for too long. Been rejected left right and center and not been shown the “attention” he believes he deserves. Plus it would give Jason more to do as well trying to protect all the towns womwhen.


He’s not Jason’s brother he’s Scotty and Heather’s son and is just starting a sweet relationship with Liz. I don’t think it’s him; hope not.

I like everything about this storyline except for two things: 1.) The Concept and
2.) The Execution. It’s been a bore. Who cares?

As much as I love Michael Easton and want him to stay on the show, could be Finn.

It’s Paul…..He is nuts….

My guess is Paul.. the DA

Poor “Paul Hornsby” I thought they were going to turn him around. Guess “Dillon” will not get to be close to his Dad after all!

I had a fleeting thought it could be Zpsul too…particularly the day he looked at the cuff link that Jordan showed him. He seemed concerned…I can see it, zi just hope it’s not. I’ve grown to like him a lot.


Okay. It’s Fluke

Ugh. Just saw the episode. So it is Paul. Sigh…as said I was really starting to like him…

I just watched all of last week’s episodes. I am hoping that the hospital killer goes after Amy next. Having Amy be the killer is not all that thrilling, since many of us are not invested in the character. Actually, most of us are not investing in this storyline since we were never really introduced to any of the murder victims. Andre is becoming too obvious. I very much doubt it is Paul. I hope it is not Dr. O-LOVE HER!
Bottom line, I can’t think of any storyline that I am invested in, right now. Joss’ donor storyline is boring. Sam and Jason are a total snooze fest. Morgan and Kiki are two village idiots. Could care less for Hayden. Has anyone thought that perhaps Nik is not dead-considering he faked his own death a few months ago and everyone in Port Charles returns from the dead? Lulu, please put a sock in it. The recast is just not working. Kristina, like her idiot brother Morgan, needs reform school-so disrespectful. I do like Alexis and Julian, however.

As far as I’m concerned, the ‘Hospital Killer’ is ABC/Disney…LOL!!!!!

Just saying……….

Shame on all who wanted to pin it on sweet Amy. LOL!!!

I don’t think it’s Paul. They wouldn’t make Tracy’s ex-husband and Dillon’s father a serial killer (altho he did kill Sloane). I want it to be Jordan so they’d arrest her, then Anna would come back and return to the Commish job!! (Plus, she drives me nuts, so I’d like her gone)! LOL

Well from what I read it’s Paul

It’s Paul, possibly has something to do with his Daughter, He gets crazy when someone mentions her name and he claims Sloan raped her, maybe the GH staff did not help her and he wants revenge or he is working on behalf of someone in the mob.

General Hospital

General Hospital Alum Chloe Lanier to Guest Star on ‘Law & Order’

On Thursday’s, May 9th episode of Law & Order (8pm ET), look for General Hospital alum, Chloe Lanier (ex-Nelle Benson) to guest star on the long-running crime drama on NBC and streaming on Peacock.

In the episode entitled “No Good Deed”, Chloe takes on the role of Chelsea Shell. In story, Shaw and Riley embark on an investigation into the death of a therapist with a troubling list of clients, while Baxter takes over Price’s role upon uncovering a disturbing connection to the defendant during the trial.

Ripped-from-the-headline crime stories are the longtime appeal of the series. Law & Order is currently its 23rd season which included an 11-year hiatus before returning for its 21st season in 2022.


The show currently stars a cast featuring: Tony Goldwyn, Cameron Manheim, Hugh Dancy, Odelya Halevi, and Micah Brooks.

Lanier won a Daytime Emmy for her role as the scheming Nelle who tortured the life of then, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) with her existence in Port Charles.

Photo: JPI

Chloe took home gold for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Daytime Drama Series in 2018; a category that is now defunct.

So, looking forward to seeing Chloe on Law & Order? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Maurice Benard Confirms Steve Burton is Upcoming Guest on ‘State of Mind’

Over this past weekend, General Hospital’s Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) revealed that he is finally going to have longtime co-star, Steve Burton (Jason Morgan) on his State of Mind You Tube series for a sit-down interview.

While speaking with Soap Opera Digest at Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, GH) ALS fundraiser, Maurice confirmed the taping is happening this week and should be posted in about three weeks time.

Benard shared, “I wanted Steve Burton and I’m shooting him Tuesday, my good friend, but he’s been through a lot and I’ve been asking for three years, but he’s finally going to do it.”

Photo: ABC

In addition, to the episode, it appears Maurice also confirmed he will be doing a You Tube live on Tuesday, May 7th as well at 3 pm PT possibly with Burton.

As GH viewers know, for year Jason was Sonny’s henchman, and his right hand. Now upon Jason’s return, the two are at complete odds, due in part to Sonny’s medication being completely manipulated by Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and his growing paranoia.

As for what Burton will discuss, as Benard teased Steve has gone through a lot of personal ups and downs as well as professional, over the last three or more years, but has always landed on his feet. It will be interesting to hear this thoughts on those matters and how he soldiered through.

So, excited to see Maurice and Steve have a serious chat on State of Mind? Comment below.

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General Hospital

The Stars Come Out In Support of Nancy Lee Grahn’s ALS Benefit (Photos)

Boasting an incredible line-up of daytime soap opera star power, Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, General Hospital) ALS Benefit “Daytime Unites” held its fundraising event over the weekend on Saturday May 4th.

According to a post on X from Grahn following the event, she revealed that the fundraiser raised over $71,000 for ALS research. Stars from GH who participated included: Genie Francis (along with husband, Jonathan Frakes), Dominic Zamprogna, Kristen Vaganos, Kate Mansi, Maurive Benard, Laura Wright, Evan Hofer, Parry Shen, Lane Davies, Carolyn Hennesy, Michael Easton, Lydia Look, Tabyana Ali, Maura West, Adam J. Harrington, Cynthia Watros, and Lisa LoCicero.

In addition, The Bold and the Beautiful’s Don Diamont and Annika Noelle, The Young and the Restless’ Jason Thompson, Trevor St. John, Kate Linder, Melissa Claire Egan, and Christian LeBlanc, and Days of our Lives Stephen Nichols and Patrika Darbo, and more were also on-hand.

In her message on X, Grahn, the two-time Daytime Emmy-winner expressed, “Thanks to my beautiful friends who showed up, along with some extraordinarily kind Daytime fans, we raised over 71k for ALS. Truly grateful for the privilege to help move the needle a little closer to finding a cure.”

Now below check out some of the snaps featuring several of your favorites from the soaps below.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) and Maurice Benard (Sonny) strike a pose with former castmate Jason Thompson (ex-Patrick, GH, now Billy, Y&R).

Photo: JPI

B&B’s Annika Noelle (Hope) with the host with the most, Nancy Lee Grahn.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Adam J. Harrington (John “Jagger” Cates) attended Nancy’s event, his first with his new GH co-stars.

Photo: JPI

Y&R’s Peter Bergman (Jack) flanked by GH’s Car0lyn Hennesy (Diane) and Grahn.

Photo: JPI

Good buds and former OLTL co-stars, Y&R’s Trevor St. John (Tucker) and Michael Easton (Finn).

Photo: JPI

GH’s Cynthia Watros (Nina) showed her support for ALS and her co-star Nancy Lee Grahn’s fundraising efforts.

Photo: JPI

Star Trek favorite, Jonathan Frakes, with his wife, GH’s iconic, Genie Francis (Laura).

Photo: JPI

Two of the soaps and GH’s finest, Maura West (Ava) with Maurice Benard.

Photo: JPI

Tucker meets Tucker! The former Tucker McCall of The Young and the Restless, Stephen Nichols (Steve, Days) meets the current Tucker McCall, Trevor St. John!

Photo: JPI

The Davis girls showed up in support of their on-screen mother played by Nancy Lee Grahn- Kristen Vaganos (Molly) and Kate Mansi (Kristina).

So, what do you think about the star power of Nancy’s event? Glad to know they raised over 71K to help find a cure for ALS? Comment below.

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