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General Hospital


GH Preview – Week of September 3, 2018


The baby Wiley custody hearing takes center stage, but Brad’s (Parry Shen) secret that baby Wiley is really Nelle and Michael’s (Chad Duell) biological son is still safe at the moment, but for how long?  And … what will happen when the original Wiley’s birth mother is MIA?

Meanwhile, Ryan (Jon Lindstrom) has escaped and put his twin brother, Kevin (Jon Lindstrom) in his place at Ferncliff.  Ryan’s first stop is General Hospital! Will anyone get wind that this is not really Dr. Collins?

Check out these teasers for upcoming episodes and the latest ABC promo for GH around Oscar’s mysterious illness, and then let us know what storyline you are most interested to see play out via the comment section below.

Monday, September 3
Julian looks to Drew for help

Tuesday, September 4
Kim shares a devastating secret.

Wednesday, September 5
Ava hopes for the best, but prepares for the worst.

Thursday, September 6
Valentin is put on notice.

Friday, September 7
Nina gets a crazy idea

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Words cannot express how much I hate these evil twin tales. They’re stale, frustrating, and are nothing but a fun change for the actors. I enjoy the Oscar/Drew/Kim relationship so there’s that. But Ava on the warpath again doesn’t thrill me either.

Unless they bring some kind of miracle to save Oscar, I honestly think they are “killing” off this character to make way for what could be, in their minds, a better and more interesting SL with Cam and Joss and possibly a transgender side story with he or his younger brother, if the show with them and Franco was any indication. I for one would not be able to watch if that was to happen. I could not watch a child go through something so traumatic, and the child actor having to act it out.

At first I thought there was no way they would kill off Oscar! It shocks me that they even went there (out of the blue). Second, Drew already lost his two sons (in a sense) as they turned out to be his nephews, three: Oscar’s adorable, sweet and a real asset to the show! Love his relationship with Drew, he could be a future member of the almost defunct Quartermaine family. Just a horrible decision if that’s what they’re doing.

I agree with the reasons you gave; budget. Making room for more story with Cam, perhaps featuring Liz’s younger son more with Terry as his support (if they’re doing a sexual identity story with Aidan).

Regardless of how this turns out Oscar’s story will probably be the catalyst that brings Drew and Kim together, perhaps Drew and Jason and if Julian is once again single…Julian and Alexis.

I’m searching spoilers because I’d really like to know that there’s going to be some cure out there for Oscar, whether it be some DNA from Drew, some miracle cure from Finn or Griffin (perhaps this brings him back to the hospital).

Ugh. Can’t even think of them killing Oscar off. Terrible decision if they do.

I agree. I really think though, that they are striving to sensationalize the connection between Terry and the support and advice she’ll be giving whatever boy that has the sexual identity problem. I am also hoping for a miracle cure from Finn or Griffen, and a relationship between Drew and Kim. I do like them together. I won’t call this a spoiler, but more of a rumor on numerous sites that Kim is not Oscar’s birth mother, so if true, that should come into play fairly soon, and whether it will help or hinder Oscar’s chances.

I’ve heard that and think it’s just a rumor. At least I hope so. I think she’s a great mom to him and they’re incredibly close!

Oscar cannot die! Can’t some crazy soap opera doctor save him?

Hey, they should send Oscar over to DOOL. They have someone that just injects something mysterious into someone that brings them back to life. In some cases, not such a good idea.

I disagree–love this psychological thriller! I just wish they’d pick up the pacing.

I agree with you, Harry. I’m really looking forward to the story for numerous reasons: love Jon. He hasn’t had his own story in decades and seems they originally brought him back to play grandpa to Laura’s grandma. Second, it’s a blast from the past which is sorely needed. With nary a vet left, this hopefully will bring in (we know it’ll bring Laura and Felicia) but I’m hoping Mac, Scott and Lucy, as well.

Sadly, does’t seem from what I’ve seen off this site that we’re in the majority. From a poll I saw it was 80/20/ Eighty percent against. But then again, I haven’t seen a character or story that most seem to like. There are more complaints than applause. When GH takes its last bow, perhaps many will realize “you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone….”

Rebecca–you know I am usually the one engaging in a bitch session party of one. So if I am happy about a GH storyline, you better believe it’s good(is this another comment which will make me hate myself? It doesn’t take much these days). However, how can folks not love this storyline? Even if one did not watch Ryan and Kevin in the 90s, they saw the recently played flashbacks which featured Kevin and Ryan in a battle of wits in a house of mirrors. I love the idea of Russian doubles–how the darker double is a reflection of the darker terrain of the so called normal and lighter twin. Ryan is a dark, psychotic killer for sure but Kevin, with his surviver’s guilt merging with his obsession with his brother’s psychosis, has a dark side too. (Shay–are you out there? You asked me about this and I never answered–having some Internet issues as well as personal issues and I am trying to catch up). This is some fascinating material here and it was written right in the 90s. Not sure if the current writers are up for the task. The pacing is certainly way off. But Jon Lindstrom? Yeah, the guy is brilliant. He can make this work. This could be fun.

You should venture out of these walls and you’ll find plenty of company “partying” with you. I have never seen such a bunch of complainers in my life! It’s a wonder that the show lasted this long.

As for this story, the comments range from “yawn” to “boring” to “not interested” to “can’t the writers come up with anything new?”

Yep. That’s our fellow “travelers.”

Sorry you’re dealing with stuff. I can relate.

I’m here, Harry!!! But please don’t beat yourself up over your repeated use of the word “brilliant!” It can so seldom be applied to anything regarding GH these days, that when there is an appropriate moment, character or actor derserving of such praise, I say go for it!!! Ryan’s return is one of those rare occasions! Even though the buildup to his ultimate reveal was excruciatingly slow from the moment we simultaneously suspected Kevin’s darker half had resurfaced earlier this past spring—-either in spirit or the flesh—-it has been well worth the wait! I have to admit I laughed uproariously when Ryan triumphantly walked into GH for the first time in decades….such a promising and tantalizing possibility for some first-rate mirth and merriment Chamberlain-style!!! I cannot wait!!!! Plus, the prospect of the lovely Laura walking into this hornets’ nest of utter insanity should finally provide Genie Francis with a dramatic storyline commensurate with her undeniably abundant wellspring of talent, and that is indeed something which is to be celebrated! P.S. Hope both your cyber and personal issues have been addressed and put to rest….it’s simply not the same here without your “brilliant” commentary! (There, I said it…)

Agreed about the pacing. Lindstrom is recurring (as is James Patrick Stuart who is often seen twice a week).

As Ryan has presumably been out of society for 25 years, it would be interesting to see him react to tech advancements like the smartphone, starting a car with a button and flat-screen TVs. Also, the hospital has been entirely rebuilt since he was last in there. These are the beats we’ll probably miss out on.

Steve–exactly! It ‘s enough to make me wish the old head writer from the 90s would come back.

dang ! TWO Jon Lindstrom … OKAY sensation (s) he’s handsome – AND – acts

i’m certain the writing will – not – do this and any storyboard on the canvas justice. my one hope… is that this features , Mac and Felicia… TOP OF THE LINE front burner PLEASE

I’m just waiting with baited breath… another “trio” that can act their arses off: Kevin/Laura/Spencer … with Drew / Kim / Oscar … With Brad / Lucas / and son…

Jon Lindstrom is so good. How good was he telling the orderly as Ryan about Ryan’s sociopathy? Then Ryan shows up as Kevin in the lobby of GH. You see Ryan looking around the lobby with a self satisfied smile on his face. He winks coyly at the nurse. Kevin would never have winked at a nurse! The bad pacing is daunting the intrigue of this story, however. We see Ryan enter the hospital lobby on Monday and then don’t see him all week! Previews and spoilers don’t show him making an appearance next week either. I mean, really, do we need to see Mike screaming and yelling over and over? I loved Mike at first but frankly, he’s now getting on my nerves. They have ruined his Alzheimer’s story line with the body being buried in the basement of Charlie’s bar. But back to the brilliance that is Jon Lindstrom, Michael E Knight once spoke of how good his co star, David Canary was playing Adam pretending to be Stuart. MEK said he always appreciated the subtle brilliance of David Canary playing Adam impersonating Stuart. I feel the same can be said of Jon Lindstrom playing Ryan impersonating Kevin.

I think your comment is brilliance personified! 😉

OH heck. Sigh. Rebecca! Ha ha! I know you’re responding to my earlier, unedited, comment. I love Michael Fairman’s new format but it also makes me kind of hate myself. When my unedited comment came back to me I was mortified about how bad it was. It was self conscious, idiotic and full of purple prose. At one point I apologized for mixing my metaphors but I had not even utilized one metaphor so there were no metaphors to mix. I probably wrote “brilliant” about 12 times, hence your sardonic response. All I can say is I attended a friend’s wedding and over indulged in the spirits which I do not normally do. Again, I hate myself. Sincerely, Idiocy personified.

I’m lovin’ the edit button, too. We can curse each other out and attack with abandon and then go back and erase it all. Ahhhhhhh!!! If only that had been an option on the old site. I would’ve been slinging mud at my detractors in various different forms and editing accordingly! And I could have caught that blooper I made when I posted with a different name that one time and forgot to change my name back!!! It was soooo funny! And the shite I took…the “gotcha!” that was flung…oh, the “good old days.” But I digress.

See! Can’t win for tryin’. You, Harry, don’t need to back peddle, apologize, go into any lengthy explanation about your original post (pre-edit). You’re way too self-conscious! And too hard on yourself! We’re here to beat the crap out of each other if someone disagrees with our individual “brilliance”; no one cares about mixing metaphors (unless they’re used to sling crap during a “feisty exchange”; then one could point out the errors and request that the attack be at least grammatically correct). Ahem.

I do have to correct you though…not on metaphors! You said I gave you a “sardonic response.” That would imply it was negative when it was a playful response. A compliment purposely using the same word you thought you overused.

I’m currently walking on water. Not in that “regal” sense of self but had a flood under my sink which has collapsed the floor of the cabinet which has caused water to seep under the floor into parts of the living room. If you see a cute chick with curly hair and a black cat floating past your house, that’d be me and my baby girl.

The flood is just a minor part of what’s happening in my life right now; oh, if we could just hang in a cafe and chat for a bit the stories we could tell…

I like Mike.Anyone that has had to deal with with this disease knows it can be horrific. Mental disease is horrific in general so don’t get rid of Mike he is a very good actor playing a difficult role.

General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Kristina is Rocked By Sonny’s Behavior, Finn Teeters on the Edge as Gregory’s Condition Worsens

Monday’s May 20th episode of General Hospital brought with it emotional moments featuring excellent performances by Kate Mansi (Kristina), Maurice Benard (Sonny) and Michael Easton (Finn).

In the pick of Friday’s cliffhanger, Sonny goes postal on Dex (Evan Hofer) and Jason (Steve Burton), until he sees that Kristina heard and saw the whole thing. She runs into the bathroom, while Sonny goes after her.

Sonny is begging Kristina to let him explain. He goes on to say how Dex and Jason both turned on him, and to please not be afraid of him. But, all Kristina can do is cry as she begs Sonny not to touch her, and with that, he walks out.


Alone and frightened, and trying to calm herself down, Kristina phones Blaze (Jacqueline Grace Lopez) and tells her to come to the bathroom. Kristina is worried about her unborn baby, and cannot believe her father’s behavior.  It’s at that point, Kristina voices she feels like a fool because everyone was warning her about her father. She thought he had a code of ethics, but the man she saw threaten to kill Dex and Jason is nothing like that, leaving her bewildered and stunned.

Jason calls Carly (Laura Wright) and she comes running to the Metro Court to find Sonny, while Jason follows her, but remains sight unseen. Carly finds Sonny at the pool area. Sonny says he thinks no one loves him anymore. Carly says Kristina just needs some time. Carly tells Sonny to not act like that again, but Sonny says he can’t promise that.


Following Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) and Chase’s (Josh Swickard) wedding, Gregory, Finn and Violet (Jophielle Love) come home.  When Violet  goes to bed, it leaves father and son to have some very heavy moments given Gregory’s battle with ALS. Finn tells his dad that he appreciates the time they have together now after years of being apart. Gregory tells Finn he is proud of him, which brings the good doctor to tears.

After Finn helps Gregory get ready for bed, he leaves and calls Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn). Finn admits he threw away 7 years of sobriety by somehow taking a sip of champagne at the wedding reception. Alexis wonders if subconsciously he wanted the drink but says that doesn’t mean he failed.


At the end of episode, Gregory is in bed, and has flashes of his own life from a child till now, and of his children, Finn and Chase. He finally closes his eyes. Will Gregory not wake up sending Finn on a complete downward spiral? Stay tuned!

So, what did you think of the performances of Kate Mansi, Maurice Benard and Michael Easton? What do you think will happen next? Share your theories via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

General Hospital’s Rena Sofer Remarries Sanford Bookstaver

Congratulations are in order for Rena Sofer (Lois Cerullo, General Hospital) and her longtime love, TV director and producer, Sanford Bookstaver. The couple re-tied the knot over this past weekend in a wedding ceremony.

In a post on her Instagram, Sofer shared the details, expressing, “This weekend on what would have been our 21st wedding anniversary I got to Re-Marry my best friend Sanford Booksaver once again!”

The GH star and Daytime Emmy-winner added,”The journey we are about to begin is the most exciting adventure, in a new state and town, but most thrilling is that we get to do it together as husband and wife!”

Photo: SBookStaverIG

Alluding to their time apart, Rena noted, “The three years we spent apart were humbling and heartbreaking but vital to us finding each other again. The love I have for you now is the foundation of my life. I can’t imagine another moment NOT walking through life with you hand in hand and our hearts entwined. You are the love of my life, and it’s not ‘oops we did it again, but I’m so grateful we did it again!❤️❤️❤️”

Previously, Sofer was married to GH and Days star, Wally Kurth (Ned and Justin, respectively) from 1995-1997, and the two share a daughter together, Rosabel Rosalind Kurth. Rena and Sanford were previously married from 2005 to 2017 and share a daughter together, Avalon Leone.

Share your well-wishes to Rena and Sanford as they embark on the next chapter of their lives together as a married couple via the comment section below.


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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL Preview: Alexis , Finn, and Kristina Face Life-Altering Moments

This week on ABC’s General Hospital could bring a shift in the lives of several lives in Port Charles. In the latest promo for the daytime drama series, Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) is seen in court facing her accuser, the brother of her former lover, the late Neil Byrne, in the form of Lane Davies as Fergus Byrne.

Will Alexis finally be reinstated as a lawyer? Will Fergus and Alexis actually hit it off since Lane and Nancy Lee Grahn played the beloved Mason and Julia Capwell on Santa Barbara, and Davies was previously on GH as Dr. Cameron Lewis?

Meanwhile, a pregnant Kristina (Kate Mansi) is reeling after seeing her father, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) lose his grip and threatening to kill Jason (Steve Burton) and Dex (Evan Hofer). Will her unborn baby be in danger?

Photo: ABC

Finally, Finn’s (Michael Easton) sobriety is really tested and it all seems to be inadvertently caused by the Cerullos. First, at the wedding reception of Brook Lynn and Chase, Carmine hands Finn a glass of champagne after his daughter Violet’s performance. Not paying attention, he takes a sip of champagne during a toast.

Photo: ABC

Now, Carmine and Gloria send a bottle of bourbon to Finn with their “warmest regards.” However, Finn can’t stop himself from pouring himself a drink.  Will Finn finally give in, and we are off to the races with another addiction storyline for the good doctor? Stay tuned.

Check out the latest GH preview below.

Now, let us know. What do you think will happen with Finn, Alexis and Kristina on this week’s GH? Share your theories in the comment section.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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