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OLTL's Erika Slezak and Kassie DePaiva Chat On: Roger Howarth, Kristen Alderson and Viki & Blair!



Two of the all-time leading ladies of Llanview, six-time Daytime Emmy winner, Erika Slezak (Viki) and fan favorite, Kassie DePaiva (Blair) took part in a One Life to Live 45th anniversary celebration kick-off with the press yesterday! Monday, One Life celebrates its big 4-5, and so we had the opportunity to pose some questions to these two women who have been a huge and integral part of the series longevity.

During our chat, we asked Erika and Kassie, what was it like having Roger Howarth return as Todd Manning, and if they had caught him in his new incarnation on General Hospital as Franco? Plus why Viki/Todd and Blair/Todd work so well together and are so beloved by the One Life audience.  And, we get their reaction to Kristen Alderson winning her first Daytime Emmy for her performance as Starr Manning on GH, and the years Erika and Kassie spent with her at One Life. Finally, we delve into why Viki and Blair have meant so much for so many years to the core audience of the series!  Here below are Erika and Kassie’s responses to our questions!

Both of you have told me in the past just how much you’ve loved working with Roger Howarth. I know it was great to have him back as Todd Manning for the time he was with you in the reboot of One Life to Live .  Can you speak to me about getting to work with him again?  Was it sad to see him leave?  There is still that palpable chemistry between Todd and Blair in their scenes, and Viki and Todd as sister and brother in their scenes.  What are your thoughts on all things Roger?

Photo Credit: Getty Images

ERIKA:  I have always been a huge admirer of Roger Howarth. I think he’s a fascinating actor and a very, very nice human being.  I have always liked working with him because he’s so interesting.  And in the very beginning when we started working together after the whole rape trial and everything, when we found out he was Todd, we had more fun because we kind of got each other.   And he would do things that were a little impromptu and I would respond immediately.  He’d come in and put his feet on the coffee table and it wasn’t in the dialogue, but I’d just go, “Get your feet off the table. This is a house. It’s, you know, it’s not a barn.”   Roger appreciated that I think. We had a lot of fun working together. When he came back this time it was double, triple, a thousand times.   Roger is a lovely actor and a lovely man and I am really glad that he came back.  And when he left …. it was a kind of a hard day.  I was not happy to see him go.

KASSIE:  Well, what can I say that I haven’t said a thousand times. You know, I  am a fan of Todd and Blair.  I am a fan of Roger. He’s a brilliant, delightful actor to work with.

ERIKA:  I feel that whatever Kassie and Roger bring to it, it just comes alive, and it’s just kind  of a magical thing that has worked over the years. Sometimes I shake my head and go, “Wow!”  Doing it’s one thing, and then watching it back even on YouTube I kind of go, “Wow! Now I kind of get why people really love these characters because they’re so complicated and they’ve been written so beautifully.”

KASSIE: But sometimes you can just put Todd and Blair in a room and the less they say the more they convey.  And I’ve loved the pairing.   It will make me very, very sad if this is the last time that you will see Blair with Todd.  I mean I hope there will be more, but who knows what’s going to happen.   I hope that this will continue.

Have either of you had the opportunity to see Roger on General Hospital as Franco?  Have you checked it out or seen it and if so, what was your impression?

KASSIE:  I have checked it out just very, very briefly. I know that he’s blonde for sure! (Laughs)

ERIKA:  I just saw him one day very briefly.  I was flipping through channels, and I  went. “Wait a minute! Who is that? ”

KASSIE:  Yes. That’s exactly what I did!

ERIKA: I said, “My God, Roger’s blonde! How about that? And playing Franco!”  But I don’t really watch a lot of other television and I haven’t watched General Hospital in a lot of years.   I used to be a devoted fan when I had the time, but I don’t seem to have the time anymore.

We’ve talked over the years about how amazing Viki and Blair are, and why you as actresses have resonated so much with the audience.  Why do you think you have touched so many people in these roles?

KASSIE:  I can comment as a fan of Viki’s!  I think Viki and Blair are great powerful women in their own right, but very different. Blair is by far more dysfunctional.  But Viki is too, if you just take in to account her alters.   But both of these women speak from the heart.  They have a voice that maybe some of the women at home don’t get to express.

ERIKA: They’re very different, but I love both of their powerful presence and voice. They both love their children. They both believe in what they stand for, and they both do things with reason, and determination, and passion.  I think they’re interesting to watch. I think they both have a lot of  great humanity about them. They are kind, and loving, and giving women, and other people really like them and that helps!

When Kristen Alderson (Ex-Starr, OLTL and GH) won the  Daytime Emmy last month for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series, did you ladies fall on the floor? Were you not excited?  What was your reaction?

ERIKA: I was backstage because I was presenting the final award and I didn’t hear it, and somebody came into the little green room in the back and said Kristen just won.  And I said, “Whoa!”  Afterwards when it was over, I ran to give her a hug. She is such a doll and I have known her since she was a  child.   Kristen  has grown into a marvelous actress.

KASSIE:  I was biting my nails. I mean it! I  was like, “Oh my gosh. I don’t know. this is just killing me.”  Then when they called her name it was like, I mean, I couldn’t have been a more proud mama, you know, if I’d been there myself.  I was very proud of her and she looked stunning!

ERIKA:  She looked wonderful.

KASSIE:  She looked beautiful.   I loved her speech.  She thanked the One Life to Live family which I was like, “Awww …  she remembered her roots,” and I love that.

ERIKA:  That’s where she learned it all.  And she was a very talented child.

KASSIE:  Oh my God, so delightful.

ERIKA: Yes and because of her mother  … this was a girl who never became obnoxious or nasty or awful or a little brat. She was always a wonderful child as is her brother Eddie.  hER mother was very careful with them and that made a huge difference in their growing up and in who they became.


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Aww, very sweet. I’m glad they didn’t suffer too much of “Franco” on GH, they would see Roger is tanking, love what was said about TnB, so very true. I can’t wait for Roger to return! Given how things are going on GH, I would expect it sooner tha later! 😉

It is great to see Roger and Todd where he belongs, on OLTL!

I love Roger Howarth and I am beginning to like Michael Easton. I’m not too keen on Roger returning as Franco; but, he is definitely putting his comedic self out there and trying to redeem the character. I am also liking Michael Easton as Silas. I think Silas will end up having a few more dimensions, other than appearing cold. I like Michael’s chemistry with Maura West as Ava.

Two class acts!

OLTL must find a way to get Roger back!

Roger hasn’t left. he is doing both shows

Then why did Erika say she was sad to see him go?

It’s confirmed that he is doing both shows. However, he will only do OLTL when his schedule allows him to do so only when he’s not taping for GH. He still has residence in NY, which allows him to do both shows. Do wish Kristen Alderson and Michael Easton could return, but they’ve relocated to CA. I believe he only taped for the first four weeks of production. I hope to see more of him because the show needs him and let’ s bring back Victor too. Love the chemistry with these two actresses, Todd & Blair have always been good together.

there have been conflicting reports on weather or not he is back. nobody knows for sure

He is finished at OLTL.
Working and staying on General Hospital because he is under contract to the show and to ABC, also more so because that’s where he wishes to be, he is paid far more money than the rebooted OLTL can pay him. Has far more Viewers being on the National Network.

I’ve so enjoyed getting a double dose of Roger … Todd on nuOLTL and Franco on GH … Earnestly hoping he’ll continue on nuOLTL but don’t want him to leave GH. Am I greedy or what? Love both Erika and Kassie on OLTL, so pleased with the TOLN reboot and want it to be a great fan success. Of the three ABC soaps, I most liked OLTL the best (and have watched since the Judith Light/Gerald Anthony days). Robin Strasser, Erika, and Kassie have played a large part in making the reboot successful … to say nothing of Roger who simply has chemistry with all his co-stars, even Robin! LOL

I miss the Real One Life To Live. Reboot is just not the same.

I am a fan of GH and OL. I feel Roger Howarth will not be returning to OL ..
I would love to see him on both soaps, double my pleasure, but RH has a contract with ABC and I do not see how he would be allowed to be on OL, also..

His 4 OL weeks was a prior agreement between PP and ABC, that agreement has now ended.

How do you think he got to OLTL in the first place? Howarth has it written into his contract that he can do both shows. I don’t know if Howarth has a deal with OLTL past his month of work, but that’s entirely up to him. Howarth has obligations to GH, so he can’t leave whenever he wants to. If Howarth returns to OLTL, it’ll have to be written into his GH-storyline.. don’t think ABC cares about Howarth’s role on OLTL.. so only the writes could say when Howarth MIGHT have some free time.. dont think Howarth wants to spend his vacation working.

IMO, GH will be cancelled by ABC, it hasnt been re-up for 2014 yet, despite it being an epic mistake..and they probably know its not right, but they’ve gone out of their way to say soaps are dead.. dont see them turning back now after all they’ve done. The good thing is TOLN inherits GH if it gets cancelled.

Roger only did OLTL reboot because he was Forced to do so by Prospect Park, he did not appreciate having to give up his Popular Character of Todd Manning on General Hospital because Prospect Park played hard ball with him and the character. GH is just fine in ratings, the reboot of OLTL will be long gone before GH!


You’d be incorrect. Roger wasn’t forced to do PP, he did so because he could.. it was written into his contract. If PP could force people to do the show, then would have seen John McBain or Starr make appear?

How do you know Roger Howarth didn’t “appreciate” giving up his character on GH? If Howarth misses Todd so much, he can play that character on OLTL.

GH isn’t fine in the ratings, and they have been picked up for 2014. Enjoy the show while you can on network TV.

Erika Slezak always has such nice things to say about Roger. I feel Roger is right where he belongs on a network soap. It is great that Roger went back to help out with the launch on OLTL 2.0 but he might actually be where he wants to be at GH now. Roger isn’t being kept at GH against his will he keeps choosing to go back there. I love Roger as Franco. I think he is doing a great job. I was very disappointed with his return to OLTL. It seems like they just wanted him there and didn’t think very much about the storyline to keep him there. Really, what as the character of Todd done since he has been back, not much of anything so far. I really hope in the end see more from Todd than just sniffing after Blair.

You are right Maria. Roger wants to be on GH, not on OLTL. The reboot OLTL forced him to return briefly as Todd Manning, and Refused to allow GH to keep that character for Roger to play, so GH created a New Character for him. Happy that Roger signed contract with ABC and GH, they can pay him way better than an online reboot ever could.

I admire both Erika and Kassie. They bring their all to their roles, which is why their characters are so well loved.

However, one thing bothered me that Erika Slezak said: “……I haven’t watched General Hospital in a lot of years. I used to be a devoted fan when I had the time, but I don’t seem to have the time anymore.”

If she, as a part of daytime, cannot find the time to tune in then it feeds into the conception that the soap audience IS dying…especially for network shows. She has always been a huge supporter of the genre and reading this was….awkward.

i hate roger howarth. horrible actor and annoying as hell. kassie depaiva needs acting lessons and please kassie dont ever sing again. you are a terrible singer. erika slezak can act. erika slezak needs a face lift. she is warn out, for her age.

Well, you’re just nasty, aren’t you? Apparently you wouldn’t know talent if it bit you. And just so you know, it’s refreshing to see an older woman who hasn’t destroyed her face with plastic surgery (like Jackie Zeman or the woman who plays Monica Q). Erika is a beautiful woman for her age.

Roger , Kassie and Erika are all wonderful Great stars. Great actors. Kassie has a very beautiful voice, wish she could have stayed on GH with Roger and Kristen .

You must be the only person on the planet who has something bad to say about Erika Slezak! She’s a class act; something you, clearly, are not!

What a nasty, useless post. You hate someone you don‘t even know. Then you say an Emmy nominated actress can‘t act. Then you insult a senior citizen for looking old. You‘re just miserable and rude.

Erika Slezak, Kassie DePaiva and Robin Strasser are class acts and are no phonies, they are what they are and don’t put on pretences with facelifts, etc!!!! Wish more of the actors/actresses would. The previous reply from OLTL fan was right, Jackie Zeman and Leslie Charleson look terrible!

It was all very sweet, what they had to say. I hope they have fun on the anniversary tour. Congratulations OLTL!

Are you out of your mind?! Erika looks lovely and beautiful and it’s refreshing to see an actress who hasnt destroyed her face just to fix some wrinkles!


Lets get our shows back on T.V. Were they belong!!!

Nice interview hope their is a lot of press for OLTL on Their 45th anniversary like AMC & GH got but I won’t hold by breathe on that Thanks again Michael for always remembering OLTL and OLTL fans.

I’m love Roger as Todd but I’d follow this man to the ends of the earth. Great actor. I love his style and he’s pretty easy on the eyes. He has my heart and always will. So the fact I get to see him twice in a day “its as if I’ve died an gone to heaven”.

Loved what was said about KA and I was so impressed when she thanked her oltl family. I admi both these actresses and am so grateful for the time that we get RH I hope he comes back once in a while.

Yes it did.Perhaps she doesn’t want to watch the show that is in her former time slot,or she just doesn’t like it anymore.

Thanks, I have read several 45th anniversary interviews and they have given me perspective. I never left the show during the good, bad, & meh days. When my favorites departed, I hung in there. When they recast my favorites, I hung in there. When I thought a story was plain bad & cringeworthy, I trooped it out. When actors were screwed over to bring back favorites, I unwillingly accepted it. For over thirty years, I have cried, laughed, got angry, & excited watching OLTL & after this press bonanza, I am ok with my decision to step away with my loyal viewership and support.

The characters of Viki & Blair were/are an integral part of the show but they are not my beloved characters and their voices are not powerful and their presence showed me weak women who I would never let speak for me. I feel Dorian, Karen, Tina, Nora, Tea, Delilah, Megan, Gabrielle, Natalie, Jenny, Marty, Sarah, Cassie, Samantha, Alex, Kate, & ect had powerful voices and presence as characters. These women were flawed, bad, made stupid decisions, & had hard life lessons but they dealt with their issues and took the fall downward but they got back up and faced the next obstacle.

Vicki has hid behind her alters for years now and after seeing the Jessica fiasco repeat itself by having Niki & Tess interact then I finally realized that Viki is a weak woman and is just like Jess; she let her alters out to terrorize those who wronged her. Entertaining, yes, but powerful voice, no. I remember as a child asking my mom why Viki was not locked up after keeping Dorian in that secret room & the response was, she needs help. Fast forward to history repeating, my kids asked me same question about Jess after she admitted it to Natalie & I gave same response but my kids says no wonder criminally insane defense is so popular, her mom has been beating the system for years, why not keep it in the family.

Viki loves her kids but she irritate me to no ends with seeing good in everyone. As a mom the likes of Kelly & John could not say two words to me. Kelly slept with both her sons, had a baby by grandson, and slept with her daughter’s ex and she is zen about it, no respect or loyalty; this is just one scenario. Yes, she let kids know they are wrong but where is the outrage at least? Oh, she reserve that for Natalie or saves it for the alters to act, not powerful it very weak.

I loop Blair & Kelly together. They along with the B&B Brooke Logan are the vilest most pathetic women on soaps. They started out as good love to hate characters twenty or so years ago but have been in the same hit and pass rut for twenty or so years ago. It is not a powerful voice or presence, it is just disgusting and not entertaining that these women have no character growth at all. They exist to service men. They may love their kids but not more than they love to spread eagle for the next available tool and their thirst got old a long time ago.

I will keep saying it, Blair will forever be the most vile and pathetic of them all. Todd took her child, told her he died, & gave him away before the afterbirth was cleaned up & these interviews are slaying me of how Todd and Blair are soul mates and get each other. No, I do not want to voice that, especially as a mother. That story has always left a sour taste in my mouth and was finally a chance for Blair to branch out without Todd but guess what, did not happen and no matter how much TPTB, actors, press or “cult fans”, as KDP stated try to spin this, I will never see it as nothing but making Blair the poster child for Soaps Stupidest and Most Heinous Woman and Mom. When someone go after your child, you draw the line because Todd says he loved her, that means he should love her kids, who are a part of her, even if they are not his. That one act sums Todd and Blair up for me as toxic waste instead of this insane dysfunctional true love crap I am reading and watching.

I said all of that to say this. Congrats on turning 45 OLTL. This is the promotion the show is going with and bravo. This promotion is what I needed to just watch what I like as well as cancel my subscription to Itunes and Hulu Plus. I will watch if recaps give me reason and will probably buy individual ITunes episodes instead of the multi pass that I had if I see fit and I am ok with my over thirty years of loyal viewership going only to my favorites and not the whole product. These promos are showing me the show and actors and press are promoting their favorites based on nostalgia and politics and for me, enough is enough. I will not have blind loyalty anymore. I am hoping the show is successful for many years to come because I have invested a lot of time, energy, and money in it and no one wants to lose out on an investment. Sorry so long and this is my humble opinion.

I fine it a little insulting the Ms. Slezak can not fine 25 minute out of her day to support daytime by watching GH. She wants us to support her show(which I have for 43 year). Someone please teach her how to use a DVR.

Do you think that maybe ES and KDP were trying to be tactful in the way that they said that they don’t watch GH? Three front burner actors were taken from OLTL and put on GH. ABC has gone to great lengths to keep these 3 actors. It almost seems like a bit of sabotage to OLTL. Why should these 2 ladies watch GH? I wouldn’t if I were them. Why should they support ABC when their show was dumped by ABC? Anyway, great interview, Michael, and I think OLTL is getting better every week.

Omg,, so excited that OWN network picking up AMC AND OLTL..Fans of OLTL begged Oprah to pick up these 2 soaps…Lets all thank her as her netwirk is getting great ratungs..Watch out GH!! Fans of OLTL..will be watching OWN..I hope Tood, Star and of course McBain will be themselves..The had to change characters on GH because of contracts….with PP…Welcome back my fav family OLTL!!!!!!!

Great article, Michael.I have never read so many different opinions on the soaps and their stars. If you have been a long time fan and watcher of OLTL, you should be grateful that the show is still doing what they do best, even if they have lost a few actors. I say Full steam ahead!

This interview was rather tame and G-rated. Couldn’t they have discussed the entire drama that happened with Prospect Park and the “One Life to Live” characters crossing over? I feel I wasted 5 minutes reading this because I learned absolutely nothing.


Steve Kent Exits Sony; Will Serve as Y&R’s Executive in Charge of Production

While as previously reported, Steve Kent is out in his role as  Senior EVP of Programming at Sony Pictures Television, where he oversaw both Days of our Lives and The Young and the Restless, now comes word that he is going to continue at the top-rated soap opera.

According to Deadline, Kent’s Senior EVP Programming role is being eliminated and Kent’s responsibilities will be taken up by other members of the SPT production team going forward. Kent will now be the executive in charge of production on The Young and the Restless, as his sole show.

Steve had been overseeing both DAYS and Y&R since 2007. along with being in charge of development and production of original local language productions including Outlander, Nikola and more.

Photo: JPI

Before coming to Sony in 1996 as Vice-President of Production for then-Columbia TriStar Television, he was the supervising producer on Santa Barbara from 1984 to 1993. Throughout his tenure, he picked up three Daytime Emmys.

Photo: JPI

No word on who will handle Days of our Lives from the Sony side or if its as noted being divied up between the SPT production team which absorbs Kent’s duties.

So, what do you think about Steve joining The Young and the Restless as its executive in charge of production? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Richard Simmons Recalls His Time On General Hospital and Meeting Tony Geary, Genie Francis, Rick Springfield and More

Fitness Guru, Richard Simmons has been recently sharing many stories about his time in Hollywood and his career on his X account as he reflects on his life and prepares his biopic.

In a string of posts, containing moments from his time on General Hospital, and meeting many of who would be his co-stars in Port Charles, Simmons opened up about how he landed on the soap in its hey day.

Simmons began by explaining that after an appearing on an ABC local morning show with Regis Philbin, he got a call two days later about GH, and things took off from there.

Photo: JPI

Richard expressed, “I met with the most powerful woman in daytime television. Gloria Monty. I also met with the head writer Pat Falken Smith. These ladies were very smart. They told me their idea. I would teach exercise classes in a disco for all the ladies on the show.” He added, “A week before taping the show the studio asked me if I could drive over and do some promotional photos. In my car I brought with me six jogging suits….My make up…some towels and five pound weights. I still could not believe I was going to be on a soap. lol.”

When he got to GH’s studio, Simmons shared, “The first person that I met was Genie Francis (Laura). Her father was Ivor Francis an actor who had been on Broadway and many TV shows. Genie was so young and innocent looking. I clicked immediately with her.

Photo: ABC

“The second person I was introduced to was Anthony Geary (Luke),” recalled Richard. “Some people called him Tony. ..but I did not. He was an actor’s actor. Mr G had curly hair like me. When he was not acting he was sitting in his dressing room learning all of his lines.  His door was always closed. One day when it was open. I asked if I could come in and sit and talk. This man won 8 daytime Emmys for playing Luke.”

“Now what can I say about Jane Elliot (Tracy)? She had an aristocratic face,” says Simmons. “One moment her character was very nice then she was the queen of mean. She allowed me to come into her room and chat while she was putting on makeup.”

Photo: JPI

Then, Richard recalled the late, great Stuart Damon (ex-Alan) and Jackie Zeman (ex-Bobbie). “I then met Prince Charming. Stuart Damon. He had been in a lot of TV shows and played Prince Charming on a special about Cinderella. Jackie Zeman was so cute. She had a pixie face.”

Simmons recalled when Rick Springfield joined the cast as Noah Drake, sharing, “While he was on the show his father passed away in Australia. I went to the news stand and bought him a bunch of magazines to read on the plane. How many times have you sung Jessie’s Girl and Don’t Talk to Strangers? When he came back from Australia he resumed his role.”


Noting his humble beginnings on GH running the aerobic classes at the Campus Disco, Richard recalled, “My first scene was in Luke’s Disco. All the nurses and other actresses were there dancing with me. I had never memorized lines before. So much was going on in my head. At the end of my scene, I heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor and everyone froze. It was Ms Monty and she was talking to me. ‘Richard the television is this big . You are talking like you are on a screen in a movie theater…bring your voice down.’ So I did.”

What do you think about the sentiments shared by Richard Simmons on his reflections on his time on General Hospital? Check out this OG GH scene with Richard leading the exercise class at the Campus Disco with some beloved Port Charles notables. Then, comment below.

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General Hospital

Tristan Riggs is General Hospital’s New Aiden

Looks like there is another new actor in the younger set on General Hospital. Tristan Riggs is taking over the role of Elizabeth Webber’s (Rebecca Herbst) son, Aiden.

Previously, Enzo De Angelis played the part of Liz and Lucky’s (formerly Jonathan Jackson) son since 2021. Soap Opera Digest confirmed that Riggs is now firmly in the part.

The switch happened on today’s Thursday May 2nd episode in scenes. Recently, Aiden came out as gay to him mom after admitting his interest in one of his classmates.

Photo: ABC

As Riggs begins in the part, it looks like Aiden is being bullied at school. Elizabeth is trying to get to the bottom of things and made an appointment with school counselors to find out what’s going on, after seeing his book bag had pink paint on it.

Riggs has been acting since he was 7-year-0ld and has appeared on the TV series Walker, True Lies and Best Foot Forward to name a few.

So, what do you think of Tristan Riggs as the new Aiden? Do you hope Aiden’s story becomes more front and center? Comment below.

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Video Du Jour

Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Power Performance

Eileen Davidson as Ashley

The Young and the Restless

Airdate: 4-12-2024
