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One Life to Live's Erika Slezak Fires Back At Ellen Holly for Allegations She Used Racial Slurs & Got Her Fired!



Anytime we hear from One Life to Live’s Erika Slezak whether it be in print, online, or in an television or video interview, we know that it is either going to offer a statement on something very important to her, and/or to connect with her million of fans, who miss seeing her every single day as the one and only Viki, the centerpiece of the series.

Now, according to her loyal fan club president Walter Miller, Erika has decided to address allegations and quotes that appeared in Jeff Giles book, Love in the Afternoon- The Oral History of One Life to Live from former cast mate, Ellen Holly (Ex-Carla).   In the book, Holly blames Slezak for her being fired from the series, and says that Erika used racial slurs against her!  As you will recall, On-Air On-Soaps was the first to conduct a full length and in-depth interview with Giles on the OLTL tell-all!

On, Walter Miller introduces Slezak’s statement concerning Holly’s quotes by saying:  “Several months ago Jeff Giles published a book entitled, Llanview in the Afternoon – An Oral History of One Life to Live. It is available digitally as well as hard copies that are printed-on-demand. There are things that Ellen Holly said in the book regarding Erika that are completely untrue and so we would like to clear this up so that you can know the truth. On November 7, Erika emailed the author of this book who quickly responded and agreed that he would edit the piece and allow Erika’s response and refutation of the lies. So, henceforth, in both the digital and hard copies, Erika will set the record straight, but if you already have either version of the book, please know that the quotes attributed to Erika from Ellen Holly, are absolutely not true.”

Erika asked we share her response to Ellen Holly’s allegations regarding OLTL’s 15th anniversary party at Tavern on the Green:  “Let me begin by saying that never happened. I have never, in my entire life, used such language, nor would I have ever said that; especially about two ladies who I greatly admired and respected. I have no idea why Ellen has chosen to blame me for her being let go from One Life to Live. Not only is that an absolute fabrication on her part; it was never in the power of ANY actor or actress to make such a decision and anyone who has worked on One Life to Live would know that. We were owned and run by ABC; this was their decision alone. Furthermore, I would like to add that Ellen Holly was a wonderful actress, a beautiful woman and an essential and vital character on One Life to Live and there was nothing to be gained by her leaving the show. In fact I felt that her absence was detrimental to the show. Agnes Nixon had put together an amazing, multi-racial cast, which was groundbreaking at the time, and by losing two very important black actors, ABC was robbing the show of its diversity. I am very sorry that she has deluded herself into believing that I was in any way instrumental in her being fired, but more than that, I am appalled that she would accuse me of using racial slurs.”

So, what do you think of Erika’s comments on the allegations made by Ellen Holly?  As fans know Holly has been quite embittered over the years for the way she left the show years ago, when Carla was a key part of the then multi-racial cast of One Life.   But, it’s absolutely hard to believe that Erika Slezak would ever use racial slurs against her, or anyone else,  or would have gotten her fired.  Weigh-in on this controversial subject!

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Personally knowing an actor that has played the race card to exit a soap, this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest about Ellen. When you can’t accept blame or accept the truth it’s easier to try to throw someone else under the bus, and Erika is much too classy of a woman and a human being to do such a thing.

sorry but you don’t know ellen holly and you don’t know erica slezak.
you have no idea of what either actress maybe capable.

Ellen Holly is a typical race card playing POS! If what she said was true it would have been out in public. The “N” word was just as unacceptable in the 80’s as it is today.

Not true. Please get a clue.

I feel sorry for Ellen Holly,

You are clueless and likely benefit from white supremacy. Ms. Holly was ALWAYS subjected to the race card by whites on the show and in the business.

I believe Ms.Holly… why would she lie!!! White Privilege AGAIN!!!

If Erica says she it never happened, then I believe her. I enjoyed Ms. Holly as Carla Hall. I’m sorry she left. However, blaming Erika for that departure is wrong!

I agree Sandra. I remember her also. It seems she has spent all these years (A LONG period!) bitter over this. Wasting her talent. People leave soaps. It happens! Erika Slezak didn’t say those horrible things. The lady has way too much tact and class. Maybe Ms. Holly needs to take a long look in the mirror and see what the problem really is. Why after all these years? Sad woman, trying to justify a wasted career?

I don’t believe that Erika S. said any racist remarks at all. Some people here make a point of commenting, “Well, you never met Erika S.” True, but I have followed her career for decades and never a whiff of racism, prejudice of impropriety.

I also think we would have heard this (false) accusation from other actors or co-workers etc. Sour grapes on Ellen Holly OR she was misinformed and believed someone who lied to her about Erika S.

I guess she didn’t know Erika at all, & needed someone to blame. How sad…

I can’t see Erika Slezak EVER saying or doing such a thing. She seems like a woman of immense integrity.

Hi Anne, I’ve been a OLTL fan since high school (1970). I love Erika but really we weren’t there and were not witnesses. On the other hand though why didn’t Holly come out with all this sooner if it were true?

Thank you Peter for an open mineed comment. I hate to believe that Erca is guilty of this but we dont know either acteess. All we have is their word. Personally its not hard tobelieve the network was racist in Ellen’s day or now for that matter.

@Peter, excellent comment! Back in the 90’s it was taboo for an ethnic woman to accuse a white woman. Her career would have been ruined; not that it really went anywhere after she was fired. Why was she fired? Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about these things as I was born in the 80’s. Hummm … I missed out .. hahahahahahaha! Anyway, maybe Ms. Slezak did say these things then and recanting now…dunno, wasn’t there and to that end, not any of us was there; I with you and @dg on this point. We will never know. Sad!

I find it hard to believe Ellen Holly’s accusations. I don’t know why she would make such claims, but they go against everything I have ever heard or read about Erika Slezak.

As we all have said it before.she is a classy lady i do not believe she would. ever do any thing like that sorry i dony by it .

Erika Slezak is a class act and would never have said that! I think Ellen Holly is deluded in her thinking. I have the book and did not believe it when I read it. Hoping to see One Life To Live back for a second season.

Were you there scott? erika won’t admit it. she is guilty. erika is a troublemaker.

I believe Erika

Erika Slezak has spent her entire life in the spotlight. If there is anyone who would know how to keep her mouth shut, it’s her. I don’t for a second think ES is racist or homophobic or anti-Semitic, and I certainly don’t believe for a second that she said those things, or was instrumental in the actress losing her job. What a shame Ellen Holly put that out there. Bravo Erika!

I have heard that story about Ellen Holly in the past. I never believed it. The remarks attributed Erika Slezak were inconsistent with any of the comments I’d read and/or heard her make during interviews. Perhaps there is a third party involved, someone who lied to Ellen Holly about what Ms. Slezak said.

I was thinking the very same thing. As popular as soaps were when they were both on, I can’t see Erika Slezak having that kind of power or that type of personality. It had to be a third party, who knew the drama Holly was going thru at the time and used Erika to fuel Holly’s fears and anger.

Erika is one classy lady and I don’t believe she would ever say that. She is a class act more women should be like her! I want my OLTL back once again!

I’ve never believed Ellen Holly’s account of her firing but I’m confused as to why Erika Slezak would be surprised by the comments. What she said is essentially a reiteration of the story Holly told in her own autobiography and I’ve love to know what prompted ES to comment now when she didn’t previously.

Good question, I can only surmise that ES was unaware of Holly’s biography as was the rest of the world.

I’m fairly certain that the soap press picked up the story (though not to the degree you’d expect) so to think she never heard the story is a bit of a stretch. It’s possible she thought it wouldn’t gain any traction.

I think this is total bullshit. I get tired of accusations toward so many famous people on this issue, that issue, etc. etc. etc. IF Erika Slezak actually had the power to have an actress fired, I would be surprised. Actors and Actresses rarely have that kind of power. Hiring and firing is not done by on-air talent but by the Executive Producer.

I know an actress from a soap who was on a show for at least 26 years and even SHE didn’t have power to get any actors fired or protected. It’s more likely that a POWERFUL actor could go directly to an EP to deal with storylines and want a headwriter fired for example.

I have been a long time fan of Erika’s since 1972 when I first began watching OLTL. Erika is the reason I have been watching all these years but I also enjoyed so many of the actors from those early years. That includes Ellen Holly. She played an important character on the show and was brilliant at it. That said, I am so disappointed in how she has characterized Erika in Jeff Giles’ book. Never once did I believe her misrepresentations of Erika and Agnes Nixon. I have had the opportunity to meet Erika throughout the years at Super Soap and fan club luncheons. I know that Erika would never have said anything so outrageous towards Ellen or anyone else. She is the epitome of class.

Yep! I wonder why Ellen Holly has chosen Erika as the face of her disappointment?

Well, she knows how to get people talking about her book. I’m guessing someone, maybe an agent or someone who didn’t want to hurt Ellen’s feelings regarding her work, told this to her and she repeated it in her book. Easier on one’s ego to think you we’re let go because people were conspiring rather than just that they didn’t want you anymore.

Possibly in the golden age of soaps the press was more apt to bury stories about actors behavior & some of their secrets. However, in today’s climate of “shock” journalism I don’t think many of these behind the scenes stories would be hidden. And, with an actress of Erika Slezak’s stature and regard in the industry I am sure that had she ever made these types of remarks or generally behaved in a derogatory manner it would have made its way out by now.

From several things I have read it seems that Ellen Holly has bitterness and to a degree, hatred, for some of the people she has worked with in the past. Could some of it have merit? I am sure it does. Not everyone in any business is unbiased and accepting of minorities, be it because of gender, race, sexuality, etc. But, surely in 40+ years in the spotlight if Ms. Slezak had ever made remarks or acted in a biased manner somehow, someone would have let it “leak”.

I thought the role and her acting on OLTL was excellent and I was sorry that Ellen Holly had left the show. It was a poor decision by whoever made it….though, I cannot imagine Erika Slezak had a hand in it.

It’s very apparent to me that much in this book was fabricated in order for it to seem more tantalizing. Ellen Holly was/is not only a desperate, B rated actress, she is also a person who has obviously allowed anger and envy to dominate her life. Sad Sad excuse for a woman!

no, I don’t think the book was fabricated and I don’t think Jeff G had anything to do with what EH said he just printed what was said and he took time to do the interviews and I also don’t think Erika said those things and was right to defend herself and jeff put her statement in the book

Ellen Holly belongs in St. Ann’s. Disregard anything she says.

LOL louisa!

All too common nowadays….don’t like something…don’t get what you want…something doesn’t go your way? RACISM….very disappointing to hear that Ellen is no better than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

I doubt ANYONE would believe Ellen or Giles. They have zero credibility and Erika has 100% credibility. From how Erika has always conducted herself in the spotlight, from what her castmates have said of her over many DECADES and from the tiny, tiny dealing my family actually had with her in the past she is really, really a person on honor, dignity, thoughtfulness, and true kindness. I would say Ellen picked the wrong person to blame things on. Hey, maybe she should have blame it on Mitch, lol (just kidding) and that actor wasn’t on the scene back then. In short, she truly picked the wrong person to pin it on in every way. GOOD for Erika for setting things straight. You can always count on her to tell it like it is.

For the record, my book is an oral history. Erika’s response is directed at something Ellen said, not an accusation I made personally. I understand Erika’s consternation and I offered to add this edit to the book. Insult my credibility if you like, but what I published was the result of hundreds of hours of interviews with the people who made the show, and contains only direct quotes with zero inference or analysis on my part.

Jeff you did a GREAT job!!!!
It was a very interesting read,and awesome to hear so much about the behind scenes environment.I’m sure there must be plenty of history left for a sequel.

that’s what I said above. It was a great book . I am sure ES would agree and she just wanted to clear her name on what EH said not u . You and ES should co write another book together nobody knows OLTL like ES

Mr Giles,
Thank you for publishing your book as you saw fit.
As a long time viewer I enjoyed the interviews you conducted.
I always admired the acting talents of both Ms Slezak and Ms Holly.
When I read what Ellen Holly said, I took it for what it was, her feelings.
I have known for a long time she was bitter about being let go from the show. Wish it could of been different for her as it would of been wonderful to see her continue as Carla for many years after she left.
She truly mesmerized me when she was on screen.

I tried to download the book today on my kindle and it would not let me do it. Any suggestions as to why? This cat fight brought out my curiosity to what all the fuss is about. I am secretly wondering if that is why ES decided to make such a fuss over something an 82 year old woman is now supposedly remembering. Lol!

Sorry I just can’t see what all the fuss is about unless you watch soaps no one even knows who these people are.

Sounds to me like Ellen Holly has been conversing with the bitter yet talented Victoria Rowell from Y&R. Erika is a class act and these other women are sad in being so petty!

Erika is a racist. i knew there was something bad, about that woman.

Miss Slezak has responded in an intelligent, thoughtful and I believe to be honest manner. It is clear Miss Holly has become increasingly unhinged by bitterness over the years, this is not the first time she has made such inflammatory and inaccurate remarks. There is a way to be forthright and contribute to making changes in the still horrible inequities of the world, and a way to lose your grace or maybe even your mind, trying to right the wrongs of the past…with fabrication. I feel Miss Holly is actually sullying the memory of not only Carla Grey, the character, but her own cherished reputation; I admire her achievements but pity her increasing descent into the living hell she is fostering. I sincerely pray she will turn it around.

Check this out…about 5 years ago, I read Ellen Holly’s autobiography. NOT ONCE did it say ANYTHING about Erika Slezak getting Ellen fired from OLTL. None. At all. In her book, EH stated (more than once) that then-Executive Producer Paul Rauch was the one who fired her. Miss Holly needs to get past all of this pointless and unnecessary bitterness and move on. And, I APPLAUD Miss Slezak for coming forward, speaking out about this and setting the record straight. BRAVO, Miss Slezak!!!!!

Until next time…PEACE.

Just another problem caused by TPTB at ABC!

I have read Ellen Holly’s book, maybe 15 or 20 years ago. It was a pretty decent book until she referred to Slezak as a ”no-talent actress who rode on the coattails of a famous father.” Thereafter, I had less respect for Holly after I had finished that autobiography. Paul Rauch fired her in 1985 and then the actress who played her mother, months later. No soap actress, not even Susan Lucci or Charita, has ever had any power to fire a performer on their soap. Ellen Holly needs a good shrink and Slezak might be well served to get an attorney, such as her sister, though as classy as she is, I’ll bet she’ll refuse to sue and gracefully hold her head high. Ellen Holly is just jealous that her career ended 25 or 20 years ago, while Slezak’s endured and won a record six Emmy Awards.

perhaps AN and the EP ect fans of Walter Slezak ‘s who’s not but Erika got that role by herself not because of who her dad is (was) I don’t think AN would hire someone base on who their dad/ mom are especially in the main role such as viki lord . EH needs help

Erika is a beautiful woman inside and out , and I for one would never believe that she would be mean to anyone. Its so sad that people have to make up things in order to make a dollar.

I just don’t believe that of Erika Slezak – she’s a total class act.
I’m sorry Ms.Holly is so embittered.

Because of all the other statements from, and stories about, ES, I was taken aback when I read EH’s statements in the book, and never believed them. The soap world, and all acting gigs, are very cut throat. You’re a big star one day, and kicked off a show the next, with no warning; in fact, blatantly lied to that rumors of your demise are false. EH seems very bitter and although I don’t blame her for feeling that way, she needs to stop blaming those who aren’t even connected.

I don’t know who Ellen Holly is,but I know Erika would never say such a thing.. She is a classy lady..

Great publicity to get a book sold, im just saying!!!

I would read it if was free.

I meant to say that I wouldn’t read it if was free

Ellen Holly may have been treated shabbily by TPTB of those days. In fact, there’s little reason to doubt that part of her story.

But her accusations against Erika Slezak don’t pass the smell test and never have. People who use the language or have the attitudes she attributes to ES don’t have those attitudes only once, or indulge in such language only once. Yet NEVER has anyone else ever said such a thing about Ms. Slezak, or even intimated that she was ever less than accomodating in every way in her professional life.

Ellen Holly lashed out at her former cast mate, someone she saw as getting more airtime and better storylines, and she did in an ugly and completely unsubstanciated way. Ugly, ugly behavior on her part.

She owes ES an apology, and the writer who didn’t self-censor such garbage deserves a defamation lawsuit for printing it.

I’m glad Erika Slezak finally spoke out. She is a class act all the way.

yes, I think EH owes ES apology , but Jeff was only tell what EH said to him interview he did it is NOT his opinion of ES . I thought the book was great it was not a trashy tell all he did interviews and wrote what the actors told him . not everyone like Paul R some did but that’s what the book is about .

Well.. if you ask me… Ellen Holly is being a bit too adamant about this to be telling a 100% lie all of these years later. So what… Erika Slezak might have said something salty back then… people were different back then.. i can imagine it…she should just admit it. I don’t know why no one is hearing Ellen Holly out, instead of just attacking her. I don’t believe that she is making up all of this…just to be spiteful. Too much effort… so there must be a middle ground to the story… I don’t believe Slezak is innocent completely..just because she plays beloved Viki on a TV show. What is in it for Holly to just out and out make up a lie.

There isn’t always a middle ground for a story. Sometimes it’s just garbage.

And I don’t think people’s negative reactions to the validity of Ellen’s charges are because of the character Ms. Slezak plays. She’s been around a LONG time, worked with literally hundreds of people and if she had said such things we’d have heard of them long since. Ms. Slezak doesn’t wield the kind of power to keep people silent.

Sometimes b.s. is just that – b.s. And it’s a big mistake to assume that there is always “another side” to a story. A fantasy is just a fantasy.

As to why Ellen is saying those things, who really knows? But nursing bitterness over a long period of time, and blaming others for your misfortune isn’t exactly unknown behavior. I’m sure there isn’t one of us who haven’t been accused of something, at some time or another that was nothing more than a lie.

And as for “what’s in if for Holly” – and for the author – they very well may think accusations like this will get more attention for a story that otherwise might not attract much attention one way or another.
And it seems to have worked, hasn’t it?
People can be despicable and I’m not talking about Erika Slezak.

What stupid talk is this????
She (Erika) should just admit something that she says NEVER happened ????
Why would she or anyone do that?

nobody in all these years has ever said ES ever said these kind of things before and nobody is saying that ES is a saint everyone have their faults , but I think EH is just angry just like other actors are but she is lashing out at everyone on OLTL maybe she is lashing out at ES because she was the Main person on the show she had many storylines maybe paid more ect. but yes we all say things , but I think if ES said those things she would say she did

I don’t believe for one minute that Erika would speak that way. It’s totally out of character for her as a human being according to everything she’s ever said or written or been quoted as saying.

Erika Slezak is too classy for this!

Actors come and go from jobs all the time. Most handle a job loss with class and dignity. Occasionally someone will lash out and try to finger a third party for blame. God help the third party when a racial accusation is made. Poor Erica Slezak.


ellen is full of bs. i believe erika, she is a classy sassy lady. why blame erika slezak?. she did nothing wrong. ellen please shut up and your 15 minutes of shame is over. how dare you in lying this bs story. i hope erika sues your ass lady. erika we all love you very much.

I do not believe Ellen Holly’s story at all. She is jealous of the most successful actress on OLTL, and therefore blames her for her own lack of a career. This must have happened over 30 years ago. What a bitter, pathetic woman Ellen sounds like. In the book, she also places blame on the actor who portrayed Ed Hall for her firing. ES probably was hoping that this false story would go away. Now that it is published in this new book, she is obligated to respond. Erika Slezak’s honest, articulate response says it all. This never happened…I hope OLTL returns in some form in the near future. ES is my favorite actress, and I love the character of Viki.

I was really sad to see Carla and her mother leave OLTL but I’ve always had the feeling that EH was a bit of a handful. Not to say she wasn’t mistreated by ABC–that’s pratically a given!

I took Ellen’s comments about the Tavern on the Green incident to be what SHE (Ellen) thought Erika would have said to Agnes, given the honor bestowed upon EH and Lillian Hayman. I wish Ellen had been more clear that it was her opinion only that that’s what occured. That being said, Ellen Holly’s Carla was a marginalized character for years before she was fired. Carla’s 1st wedding to Ed Hall had the black characters being ignored at their wedding while the camera panned to the white guests, and voice overs about their personal problems, like Alice Hirson’s Eileen Siegel freaking out that anyone would figure she was on pep pills or Lee Patterson’s Joe wanting to reunite with Vicki while she was still married to Steve, or Larry the young widower remembering his wedding to Meredith. It was kind of insulting that the first black wedding on a soap was really just a stunt. And no, I don’t believe Slezak ever said what Holly thinks she said in her head.

Betsy I’d like to hear more about this wedding episode and carlas tenure on one life to live.
when I started watching one life Carla was a very marginalized character. Despite agness Nixon’s vision of diversity I do believe that the network discriminated against Ellen Holly.
it seems that you were there to watch her entire run on the show

dg Carla and Ed were married, with little for her to do. They adopted ‘Hubcap’, a street youth played by Larry Fishbourne – Lawrence to you and me(!) – and even that kid was sanitized. Carla was used in group scenes and was never featured in her own story during this period. Ed Hall had a lot more to do, working with the DA, investigating whatever crimes cropped up, but even an actor of Al Freeman Jr’s stature did not get much from OLTL. The big story at the time was the intro of Dorian – the brilliant Nancy Pinkerton, and her nutty sister Melinda(Patricia Pearcy). They were brilliantly interwoven into Llanview, and this is long before the Dorian/Victor pairing. Melinda had a crush on widower Larry Wolek and Dorian made a beeline for hunky Mark Toland(Tommy Lee Jones), whose wife Julie was frigid. There was a character named Dr. Marcus Polk who served as the sounding board for all of these characters and Dorian was always trying to dig into his secret files. The show as SO good then.

As for the Carla/Ed wedding, it took place at Jim and Anna’s house, on the terrace and they shipped in a black choir to sing, and some black day players to play the attendants. Sadie was there, with little to do, but beam with pride. And the whole Carla/Jim thing was forgotten. Nat Polen was a lot older than Robert Milli and once he took over the role of Jim, you can’t even imagine Carla would have had the hots for him.

So sick of racial politics and race baiting.

Wow there’s no way saint erika would say something like that, LOL. I believe Holly because I’ve been around a lot of saints who are nothing but hypocrits.

now u are sounding like EH . we might have the same name but do not share the same opinion about ES

I love this story because it brings up the fact as viewers we don’t personally know these actresses. All we know is their public personas. I don’t want to believe that Erica used racially slurs. But again I don’t know her. I do believe that Ellen Holly suffered discrimination. I’d love they know the truth about the allegations. This is juicy lol.

I think ABC Did the discrimination NOT ES Their were many black actors on OLTL and nobody ever said that ES ever said racial stuff before or after

i’m way to young to remember this part of oltl history, but i don’t believe that ms. slezak would say somethng like that. of course i don’t know her yet its an awful thn to say especially if its not true because once its out there most people beleve it.

I say why waste time debating it? None of us will ever know the truth. Only those two
Know what happened. And what does it matter to us anyway? We don’t know these people.

EH had more senority than ES at the time and it was totally a network desision Thay have white wahed soaps for years.

I loved Ellen Holly on the show. I didn’t know she was let go. I wonder why they did that? She was really good and a big part of the show. However, I doubt it was because of Erika. I also think it is a bit “low” to say that in a book. She is not showing her better side. She should never have said bad things about anyone. Makes her look bad. I am glad that Erika is allowed to state her own side.

Sounds like jealousy and resentment to me. The now 82 year old Ellen is bitter and looking to blame someone else for her failures.

Havent read the book yet… but would have been startled to hear that Erika said anything detrimental about anyone. She has been around the industry for 40+ years
and you would have heard about other incidents if this was her nature.

Love you Erika (Viki).. Thanks for all of the years of enjoying the show.
I will miss OLTL and you the most.

As always Erika is nothing but a Class act and a very special lady. I don’t believe for one minute she would ever slander anyone. I remember the soap back then and Ellen Holly’s storyline just came to an end, plain and simple.


One Life to Live Alum Jonathan Groff Receives 2024 Tony Award Nomination for Leading Actor in a Musical

Nominations were announced on Tuesday for the 77th annual Tony Awards by previous winners, Renée Elise Goldsberry (ex-Evangeline Williamson, One Life to Live) and Jesse Tyler Ferguson.

When the dust settled it was Stereophonic (which is loosely based on the story of Fleetwood Mac) and Hell’s Kitchen (Alicia Keys musical) that both scored 13 Tony nominations to lead the pack.

However, Stephen Sondheim’s Merrily We Roll Along made quite the comeback and is nominated for several awards including Best Revival of a Musical and for one of its stars, Jonathan Groff (ex-Henry Mackler, One Life to Live).


Groff is nominated for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical and will go up against Brody Grant — The Outsiders, Dorian Harewood —The Notebook, Brian d’Arcy James — Days of Wine and Roses and Eddie Redmayne — Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club.

In addition to his previous Tony nod for his role in Hamilton, Jonathan was nominated for a Lead Actor in a Musical for his role as Melchior Gabor in the original production of  Spring Awakening.

Jonathan co-stars in the revival of Merrily We Roll Along “Harry Potter” star Daniel Radcliffe and previous Tony winner Lindsay Mendez.

Back in 2019, Groff visited Live with Kelly and Ryan and discussed his debut on One Life while working at night on Broadway in Spring Awakening.

He shared on his experience on the soap, “I do remember my first day because I was doing Spring Awakening on Broadway at the time, and One Life to Live was my first time ever being on TV.  So I got this offer, and I was like, ‘Yes, I would love to be in a soap opera,’ and we finished Spring Awakening at 11:00 p.m. and I woke up the next morning at 4:0 a.m. to walk uptown to go to do One Life to Live, and I called my agent and left a message, and I said ‘You have to get me out of this, I can’t wake up at 4 o’clock in the morning!'” You can watch the clip below.

The 77th annual Tony Awards will air live on CBS and stream on Paramount+ on Sunday, June 16, with Tony and Oscar winner Ariana DeBose returning to host for the third time.

So, rooting for Jonathan to take home his long-awaited Tony Award after several decades in the theater? Do you remember him as part of teen scene on OLTL? Comment below.


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Peacock Raising Subscription Prices $2 Dollars a Month This Summer; Includes Days of our Lives

As the Paris Summer Olympics are a few months away, the Peacock streaming service has revealed its plan for a two dollar summer price hike on its subscription plans, beginning in July for its content which will include Days of our Lives.

According to Deadline, in July, look for the monthly price for Peacock Premium to increase to $7.99. Premium Plus, which offers limited advertising, download capability and live local programming, will now be $13.99, while  Annual plans will go up to $79.99 for Premium and $139.99 for Premium Plus.

This price hike will effect new customers starting on July 18th, while existing subscribers will notice the price change on their next billing date on or before August 17th.

Photo: JPI

This marks the second price change in two years for the streaming service, the previous one being in 2023, which was the first since the service launched back in 2020.  The Summer Olympics in Paris which will be on NBC and Peacock run from July 26 to August 11.

The bright spot for Days of our Lives fans, is that unlike if the show was still on network television and NBC, the show would be preempted for two weeks, but with it being on Peacock it will continue with all-new episodes without interruption.

Photo: Peacock

At the recent Days of our Lives 15K episode celebration, Michael Sluchan the EVP, Current Scripted Programming & Limited Series for NBC/Peacock shared that the soap opera is doing extremely well for the streaming service, and they were very happy with its performance.

If you want to join Peacock now, there is still some time to get in on the current rates to watch DAYS and all of the programming and series it offers.

So, what do you think about the Peacock streaming service next price hike? Comment below.

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Breaking News

Haley Pullos Receives 90-Day Jail Sentence Following DUI Charge And Wrong-Way Car Crash

Former General Hospital actress, Haley Pullos (ex-Molly Lansing-Davis) is going to be doing time in jail, exactly one-year after her arrest from a hit and run wrong-way car collision.

The crash resulted in bodily harm and damages to the other driver, and now Pullos who pleaded “no contest” to the charges and will serve 90 days in jail. She was taken in custody on Monday, April 29th, after the ruling.

According to Haley’s attorney, Mark Daniel Melnick, the 25-year-old actress struck a plea deal and after her three months in jail will be sentenced on July 29th. As part of that sentencing, she must serve five years probation, 200 hours of community service and pay $8,260 in restitution to Courteney Wilder, the other driver in the crash and her driver’s license is revoked for a year.


According to TMZ, the plea deal for Pullos has the “no contest” to one DUI, while the judge dropped the felony DUI causing bodily injury and misdemeanor hit and run charges.

Melnick said in a statement to PEOPLE, “Haley is very grateful to the court for a minimum sentence and for recognizing her remorse and the strides she has made in her sobriety.”

Pullos had played the daughter of Alexis Davis (played by Nancy Lee Grahn) on the ABC soap opera since 2009, but after her car crash and DUI she was replaced by three different actresses until the show finally settled on the current Molly, Kristen Vaganos.

Photo: Pasadena PD

Back in April 29 of 2023, and at the scene of the crash, the police found edibles and mini-bottles of tequila in Pullos’ vehicle and that she was intoxicated. As it turned out, this was to be the second hit and run in the evening for Pullos who had an earlier collision with another car.

The courts decision follows a year-long legal battle with Haley’s pleas changing throughout it, ranging from “not guilty” to “no contest”. She sought treatment for her drinking at a rehab following the crash.

Nancy Lee Grahn, who portrayed Pullos’ on-screen mom took to X on Monday night, April 29th and shared on the sentence and the specific jail, Haley will be serving time: “As Haley’s TV mom I can tell some truths about her as I’ve loved her since she was little girl. She made a HUGE mistake, knows it, owns it & has spent the last yr doing EVERYTHING imaginable to take responsibility 4 it. It’s not that I oppose jail. It’s that I oppose this jail.” The jail in question by Grahn is the L.A. county jail.

So, what do you think about Haley Pullos serving a 90-days jail sentence, and the other rulings that will be part of her sentencing? Comment below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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