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GENERAL HOSPITAL: Helena Spews The Cassadine Curse On Sam!



Rot-ro! Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco) is in big trouble now, thanks to her egging on the treachery of a “dying” Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) on Friday’s episode of ABC’s General Hospital. 

You got to love the performances of Constance Towers, who makes Helena the most delicious, vile, evil, woman on the soaps! As the story continued: Sam, Liz (Rebecca Herbst), Jason (Billy Miller) and Nikolas  (Tyler Christopher) are all on Cassadine Island at Helena’s bedside, and Helena is propped up with oxygen tubes coming out of her nose, and the stage is set for some vintage and creepy Helena!

As Jason tries to get answers from what happened from the night he was shot and left to die in the waters of the pier, to Helena’s henchmen sifting him out of and saving his life, we ultimately don’t learn that much from the Cassadine matriach.  But what did you expect, a full confession?

But while Helena has a mild distaste for her visitor Elizabeth, she has major one for Sam, particularily after Sam mouthed off to Queen B. Cassadine.  Sam was so fed up with Helena’s games, she went on a tirade and blurted out to her:  “She has no idea what it’s like to have a family.  Everyone who was ever around you was desperate to get away from you.   Isn’t that right?  You delight in causing misery, because you’re jealous.  Nobody ever loved you.  That’s why Mikos went off with my grandmother, because he couldn’t wait to get away from you.  You think there is this happy reunion in this afterlife.  You are wrong.  You are going to burn in hell. and I will gladly dance on your grave.”

Helena though was ready for a rebuttal, and she slapped the Cassadine curse on Sam. In fact,  it’s the same one  she threw on to Luke (Tony Geary) and Laura (Genie Francis) decades ago!  The exchange started with Helena responding to Sam’s word by saying:  “Brava! Brava! That is so dramatic.  Allow me to return the favor, but you won’t be happy.”   Sam says: “Oh yeah, well try and stop me.”  Helena then lays the smackdown on Sam with:  “I curse you Samantha Morgan. You, those who begot you, and those you begat, and all those who touch you.  You and yours will never know happiness in this life, nor any other!”

Looks Like Elizabeth may come up out of this visit with Helena pretty much unscathed, and Sam’s life will be forever changed! Is Sam’s entire life about to  implode?  Will Helena reveal if she can reverse any mind control she had or has on Jason to help him get back his memory?  Did you enjoy Sam getting the curse, or were you upset by it?  Will Laura and Sam team up and break their life long Cassadine Curses?  Is Constance Towers as Helena, the all-time best recurring character on daytime? Were you disappointed that the episode did not move story along?  Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

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It was ridiculous how much time was spent on Sam yesterday. Its tiresome that she’s front and center in all scenes.

It’s not tiresome at all. The silent majority love her character and can’t wait to see what happens.

She’s awesome, and she’s helped Elizabeth and the gorgeous Jason have more screen time. Win-win!

Yup love Helena. and Jason and Liz are everything. Miller/Herbst are beyond amazing. they sparkle. lol Team Liason

I agree. I love Sam. She’s a gorgeous, diminutive powerhouse…and genuine.

Too much Sam…thats our curse…lol

Thank you!

Lol. yup

jimh(“and Jerry Mathers as…the Beaver”): I kind of like Sam, but simultaneously find her kind of boring and monotonous in her never-ending angst. Even when she is happy, she is depressed and depressing. She and Jason will be our curse, and the whole show will be devoured by their “great, and humorless, love” (multiple-brain-injury, low IQ Jason, and his sad-eyed, perpetually depressed consort). Oddly enough, Kelly Monaco comes to life in her scenes with Becky Herbst. So…let’s “ship” Liz and Sam as a couple…of somethings! These two ladies sparkle together!!!!!

At least Sam brings some relevance and history to the canvas as a near-legacy character….much more preferable to all the time and energy that is unwisely devoted to the likes of such newbies as Nina, Jordan, Val-Chops, Sappy, Hayden, Ava, nuKiki, and God only knows how many more nonsensical creatures that have been—and are yet to be—introduced and imposed upon Port Charles!!!!

Yes, Shay, I do agree with you here. My only quibble about Sam is she is so obsessed with Jason that there were three people in Patrick’s bed,

I sometimes wonder at the people watching this show.

Sam was a dynamic character that brought life to GH. The writers killed her in 2012.

Elizabeth has always been a devious, hypocrite who has confessed to purposefully ruining relationships. Especially, JaSam and her own, multiple times.
***For those of you with amnesia, re-watch the tryst between her and Nicholas in 09. She confesses her true motives with Jason to alleviate Nicholas’s guilt after having slept with the so-called love of her life’s brother on the same night Lucky asks her to marry him for the umpteenth time and whilst her son, Jake, lies hospitalized (once again) due to her negligent parenting.

Any fan who bashes Sam’s morality and totes Liz needs their own head examined.

Liz’s intrigue on GH has been the annoying other woman who interferes in anyone and everyone else’s relationship. To that end, I liked her interactions with Jake, at first, but by god people it has been 4 years. 4 years, since this show has produced anything worth watching.

I mean Billy Miller is okay, but Steve Burton/ Jason Morgan, he is not. WAIT, strike that, come to think of it, he is just like Steve Burton/Jason Morgan. Boring as hell with LIZ. Stuck in these god awful storylines with no purpose. Dynamic and sexy with Sam. It is the story of Jason. Lets recall when Steve Burton/Jason undergoes brain surgery for the 1000th time. LOL. The last before exit, when the women in Jason’s life dream about him. Jason is happy and at his best with Sam, Liz made him a cripple, that’s why he chooses Sam. And it is that flare, that chemistry, existing between Jason and Sam, be it Billy Miller or Steve Burton that brings draw to JASON. That and his sexy HITMAN persona. Now, while I have seen glimpses of this JASON and know it is possible with Billy Miller, 3-5 enigmatic instances over the last 2 years; YES, that is, 3-5, 2-minute scenes (if that) over the last TWO years has left me going JASON who??? By GOD PEOPLE talk about drawn out.

Horrible writers have destroyed the show and beloved characters Bob Guza and those prior to him created with ridiculous storylines that are boring and literally, make no sense. To name a few…

1) Neurosurgeon and brilliant doctor wife diagnose child RUN OVER by car as brain dead (specifically-no brain function) somehow got it wrong and stand by with no plausible explanation as child is raised from dead like Jesus. Explanation: So Luke could have a clear conscious when exiting GH.
and they called it brilliant writing…..WHAT?????

2) Seemingly normal child exhibiting no bipolar tendencies versus adopted child who oddly did exhibit bipolar tendencies. Yet flip the script, GH has a new definition of Bipolar because years later these unrelated siblings exchange personalities. MANIA or MANIAC MORGAN.
….Way to label Bipolar people as Bat S**t crazy GH. If you don’t understand a disorder or can’t portray it correctly best not to broach the subject at all . Sonny over the years, demonstrated excellent bipolar tendencies. Even his portrayal now (crying all the time over everything) one could say exhibits complications with his meds, but MORGAN. Lets just call him a wanna-be Norman Bates and be done with it. PLEASE be done with it, because it is so wrong and not to mention, boring on every level. If your going to exploit an illness… FRANCO it, else you lose credibility and fans in poor taste.

3) BABIES BABIES BABIES use CONDEMS CONDEMS and yes more CONDEMS. And what did AVA do to get all that air time???? The most boring and ridiculous storyline in television history revolve around this GH BABY DRAMA.

4) There are those who love the GH SCRUBS/HOSPITAL and those who adore the GH MOB, myself included, but if we’re going to go there do it right. Sonny gets shot. (Spinal injury okay, I get that) No wait, the bullet is now moving, no wait its causing an aneurism, no a stroke, no he’s paralyzed, nope he’s up and married. Wait what??? The mob king pin, paralyzed, crying all the time, and obsessed with babies. We all know where this is going straight to the death of GH. I commend the writers for wanting to do something different and daring, but whilst Maurice Bernard could pull off a well-written storyline, ummmm, I’m sorry to say, writers, you can not.

5) (MY BIGGEST BEEF) I do not mean to be insulting but lets look at the facts. Even with all of the talented actors, the well-established backstory, and the leeway granted by fans so dedicated they’d waited 4 years. Most of whom, like myself, salivated at the mere prospect of Jason’s resurrection and yes, reunion with Danny and Sam. I mean, Danny’s backstory alone, the son Jason so desperately wanted and was denied. The prospect of finding out Danny was his. His wife with another man. Finally, his turn to chase and Pine after Sam. All the ups and downs, rescues, etc. on the journey to getting her back!!!

I imagined that revelation happening in so many fantastic ways…and what did we get….

Hey guess what boring ass Jake, your cool ass Jason, even though you don’t want to be and this dead kid along with the seemingly psychic one over there is yours. Here, spend 2 seconds with him. Great lets move on, since your biting at the bit to get back to Elizabeth who betrayed you in the worst way already right before you died, but before you go let’s squeeze in some convoluted romance for these JaSam fans. Funny how this epic love of yours sparks no passion until Sam asks “you don’t remember me at all?” and then suddenly, on cue, wait for it, wait for it, the big moment of passion…I remember being in your bed, again, I think, wait did I tell you I had that memory before or not. UMM, or was that hot mess just a wet dream about a chick I care nothing about. Wait, never mind just kiss me. Okay 1-2-3-4-5. Gotta go. Don’t wanna give those fans too much.


Fellow FANS, whilst miracles do happen, I will not be holding my breath for the reunion. If these writers understood PASSION as they claim, they would take care to factor in the human aging process. I for one never envisioned JASON and SAM, 80 year-olds boogying in the sheets. But then again, I never thought I would witness SAM- A WIFE PASSIONATELY OBSESSED-searching for any remenant of her long lost husband- fails to make the JAKE/JASON connection even when he says at the place of their marriage on the eve of their anniversary, ‘Hey, I just had one of those memory flash things (I sometimes remember ). You on the back of my bike coming to this place, exactly as you just described you and Jason did the day you were married.’ Followed by dumb blank stare on Sam’s face and the conversation continues.

A 4 year old could do better and at this point I am so sick. I am really considering dropping this hot mess all together.

What a fabulous rant, Tia. I hope you feel better for having written it. I know I feel better for having read it.
I especially liked your take on Morgan’s bipolar story line. As I have said before, if you cannot approach it correctly and realistically, do not approach it at all.
I also think you’re right about Lizzy although I find myself forgiving her time and time again.

Helena Cassadine was spectacular in those scenes. I think Elizabeth will get some nastiness from the Queen Cassadine. She deserves all of the wrath of Helena considering all she has done to keep Jason in the dark about who he is. Nikolas will also not be spared completely. GH is swinging hard these last 2 weeks. So much to enjoy. Nina and Franco. Maxi and her attacks on Valerie and the magazine she will end up saving. Sonny and Epiphany kicking his sorry ass. Love her battling and putting Sonny in his place. Patrick, even though he is annoying at times, is really killing it by loving a woman who will never love him the same way. The pain he feels is shared with the viewers. Kudos to Jason Thompson for his spectacular portrayal. Rebeca Herbst and Kelly Monaco are divine to watch. The airplane scenes were SO FUN. Hayden is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I hope they continue to make her fun. Even though she is scheming she is fun to watch doing exactly that. Billy Miller has really had some meat to dig into and I am loving watching him go. The reveals have been fun. Even Kiki is getting better. I have to say that GH is really bringing it. Not fake or overtly manipulative like DAYS and no unrealistic campy drama like on Y&R. I think right now GH is a favorite.

“…I think Elizabeth will get some nastiness from the Queen Cassadine. ”

do you want to mean; Liz will take a cue and solidify her intent and fight that much more … for Jason

Helena wouldn’t want Liz helping Jason… but helping Nicholas

ie: on a different note; I want Hayden brought down a peg;

turn on her Nicholas… now that you told her she’s known all along… what’s her power? kick her out of the manse… and so what if she tells all of Port charles Nicholas and Liz have known…

cajones ! my Nicholas and Liz…. magnify your stance… power your position… take no prisoners!

I want that Nicholas and Liz find a way for Hayden to align with; along with Laura; and LOL…. rofl; Queen Cassadine

let’s move

Yes Patrick yes.

Preach, Brother Patrick!

Mateo…you really summed it up for me, too. Worlds of difference since the Fluke fiasco. Would have been fun to see the off-camera between Kelly and Rebecca after their airplane scenes. They were probably cracking up. Loved Epiphany kicking Sonny to the curb. Hope they keep writing for her. Even liked her part in Liz’s shower and wedding. Am looking forward to Maxi help Nina turn Crimson around and throw a wrench into Julian’s plan in the process.

I never thought of the Laura/Sam teaming up. I am hoping this leads to a great story for Sam if Laura is thrown in there all the better. I loved the exchange between Helena/Sam, the only Sam was missing was the letter opener.

I loooooved the curse…and how scared Liz, Jason, and Nik all looked as she said it.

I absolutely loved these scenes. There is no-one more deserving of the curse than Sam, she has been a vile con artist & burden to this show for far too long. Constance Towers was phenomenal as always, I love her as Helena. Billy Miller & Rebecca Herbst have the most amazing facial expressions & chemistry in daytime. These scenes showcased the great talents these actors have & made for soapy goodness. I’m truly hoping the new writers keep up the incredible momentum they have going. It’s been years since I’ve been this invested in the entire show.

totally agree.

Sam thinks she’s above it all–she deserves it all–Patrick & Jason. Like she dared announce when Jason asked why they were there that Spinelli said you needed backup from the woman you love. As if Jason hadn’t told her to move on, he remembered nothing and he loves Elizabeth. I cursed Sam then and am glad Helena did one as well :).

Constance Towers is the best villian in daytime. Because despite what Sam says she does have a soft spot for some–Nik for one–and she absolutely adores Spencer.

I don’t think Laura would ever turn her back on Elizabeth.

And it’s not about shipping a couple. It’s about seeing real & palpable chemistry between 2 really good actors. The other pair (Jason/Sam) cannot make that claim.

I agree. I follow the chemisty. UnJason BM and he should still be with Becky on screen. it’s not about ships. it’s about two actors playing well off one another and just seeming so natural. that’s Becky and Billy for me.

It is amazing just how boring BM and KM are as “Jasam.” And even if they had chemistry, the whole concept of this “great love” — brain-damaged amoral dum-dum killer and sad sack amoral gal — is unappetizing to me. Kelly M. has more chemistry with Becky Herbst. Make of that what you will! Re: BM and BH? BH has a spark and seems awake. KM, not so much, thus BH makes Mr. Miller seem more exciting than he actually is at this point. Although the character of Jason is just awful. I stopped watching for 10 years specifically because of Steve Burton’s Jason and Mo’s Sonny.

Amen! Sam is the worst! She should have been gone along time ago.

Yes Tristan, you are absolutely right. There’s nothing interesting about Sam & Jason & there never has been. She blindly follows him, she thinks she’s independent and she’s not. She called Liz a damsel in distress, but how often hid Jason have to save her?

No..Sam is,the best

Get ride of the nurse

I’m reeling from the demise of Bo and Hope… on Days

to read ; finally! what looks like a support system ; for ; Jason and Liz

this is good

have to marquee: “…Billy Miller & Rebecca Herbst have the most amazing facial expressions & chemistry in daytime. These scenes showcased the great talents these actors have ”


this is all we need

well… it’s a long list… but right the most glaring omission… Liz’ Love

Remember that wacked youtube video years ago with that guy telling us to “leave Brittany alone”? Anyone here up for doing a youtube “leave Elizabeth alone” vid, complete with crying and madness?? Would be sooo funny!!!!!

Good Lord, B.J. and others…everyone’s got a rap sheet on GH that makes them “deserving,” not just Sam. Including once sweet ? Liz…heroic killer? Jason… and as much as I “love to hate” Helena and can’t imagine GH without her, the dark queen herself has outdone them all.

I don’t diagree Rose. but Liz is the one that gets all the hate. when others, including hypocrites Sam and Carly have done far worse. I think that BJ’S point. Liz seems to be the one that “has to pay”. for what? for lying? ive me a break Sonny, Ava, Jerome all commited murder and are prancing around PC like they own the town.

And I’ll beleive Sam has learned from her mistakes when the while town knows that she did in the past instead Liz, Lucky and Jason kept it a secret.

How Liz is considered more nasty than any other character on GH is beyond me, but to each their own. II loved it, Hellz Bellz at her very best & the reactions from TC, BH & BM were spot on & hilarious. I personally think this will give Sam a much better storyline than she’s had in years cause we know what happens when one “aquires” the Cassidine curse. Even Liz had to endure it by just being with Lucky. Then again, Liz & Laura are the ONLY ones to ever foil the Evil Ones plans!

That being said, I’m loving the throw back to GHs glory days! Just happy she didn’t curse Jason too cause MillerHerbst has the most phenomenal, intense chemistry I’ve seen in my 40 yrs of watching. They read each other & are total equals. Things will get bumpy, but this is Liz & Jason. They always love & forgive each other. He’s never once even thought about threatening to kill her.

Yess im not happy because everyone was so busy challenging helena,jason never got any information from helena…i believe the curse….

0oohh geez!

As for the reveal of the Jason story = LACKLUSTER!
There is no high drama, no suspense, no surprises, no intrigue, no twist & turns, no on the edge, no wow moment; the big reveal it bottomed out. C’mon!
No plot to speak of, no conspiring mystery, nada ..
not even a flare-up of impassioned excitement.
J&S never have and never will accomplish writing on the edge suspense..

((the past years 2014-15 Y&R= comatose. I wanted better for GH 🙁

Well, I thought it was pretty good!
And Su00, did you hear Helena tell Sam that if she doubts the power of one of her curses, she ought to ask Luke and Laura about it.
See? This means Laura is indeed a legacy character.

hi Harry..

”’pretty good” <– lol yah nothing notable for this huge awaited reveal..

Laura having a curse as a legacy ehh..
A good many never seen the 1st curse play out so nothing there and it sounds like Sam never see the 1st curse play out, either lol (before her time too?
but– CT/Helena delivered the curse flawlessly awwwesome!

for the huge Jason reveal I felt no excitement and never an on the edge moment just everyday soap stuff..
Nobody is going ''ooooowww ahhhhhhhh!!'' over it……………lol

Harry thought it was good…su did not….now thats a twist that caught me off guard…lol

ohhh Harry..
what was the 1st curse??
Did their eyes bleed and their hair fall out and boils oozed on their face, or did frogs nest in their throats ??

It was nasty for Helena to mention the Luke & Laura curse when many haven’t a clue what it was, not even Sam .. lol … what was it/happened ?

Come on su0000! Your buddy Ron would drop all these bombs with no freakin explanation! The new writers are writing a beginning, middle and end now OR at least explaining things better. No surprises? You knew that Hayden would visit Shawn in prison? You knew Helena would be shown the other day and hold court? Come on su0000!

hey Timmm..
If a bomb is dropped along with my jaw in surprise, that is a good thing, indeed!
I know Helena would show soon and deliver a good slap..

I need an intriguing plot, not all this blah stuff.. 🙂

Im actuallly enjoying su NOT enjoying GH for a change…thats a fun suprising twist,…lol

@Timmm…Harry… I agree I also think their doing a good job.

A more fun suprising twist is hearing you complain about GH…lol

hey Jimh..
I love GH but not the writers..
GH being so unique/outta the traditional soap box should never ever have to feminist female writers, never. (just mush it up)
Y&R more then proved they are lackluster writers and they near brought Y&R to its knees with their dull stories .. The lowest Y&R had been under the Queens of Snooze..

The Jason reveal which should have a whopper of suspense and on the edge has been nothing, it is just another story offering no excitement/intrigue no punch no fire, just blah .. lol

lmao.. they write a ”curse” but don’t clarify what the curse is..
ALL curses are called as to the curse..
I curse you and your first born will die at age 19, I curse your crops pestilence will devour….etc etc..
Can’t just say I curse you and yours for stupid have say what their curse will be / never to be love?, what?

And, there are no plots, just a ton of sugar on most everything, for lame! 🙁

yeah, LOL… i’d like to throw a few curses at the DAYS self-righteous

“…And, there are no plots, just a ton of sugar ”

awwhhh… the Corinthos’ faint of heart

Loved your “twist” comment. Really had me laughing.

Su…you don’t necessarily specify a curse. That’s the spooky thing, even if you don’t believe in such things…they just hang over you…forever.

You seem to have a vendetta of your own about the GH writers from the beginning, just like some do or don’t like Sam, or Liz, or Sabrina, etc. I really don’t understand why you even watch soaps. In most cases they just don’t seem to be as gory or violent as you would like.

Suggestion…just finished watching the first season of ‘TwinPeaks.’ Think you would really like it.

Thanks for cursing Sam, Helena. Now the viewers will be tortured with endless scenes of Sam delivering that patented “I’m just trying to process things” line that she serves up for everything from cold coffee to a dead husband.

As for all-time best recurring character in daytime, Helena is really good but I’d have to give the title to ONE LIFE TO LIVE’s sexy cult leader Mitch Laurence.

I couldn’t agree more, Alan. Sam is absolutely insufferable with her constant “processing” of everything. I hope she and Jason ride off into the sunset and out of Port Charles for good (and take Jean and Shelley with them).

Omg I’m in tears I’m laughing so much “from to her dead husband”. that’s he best comment ever

Mitch Lawrence! Wow…he was one of THE best “evil doers” in soap opera history!

Helena would have spilled all the truth tea, if Sam had shut her big mouth. I could not believe how Sam made that all about her. Jason is the one who lost 3 years of his life, Elizabeth is the one whose child was kidnapped for 4 years. Sam needed to take a seat and shut her mouth.

the “Jason had me. I went into the water. I would have saved him” made me laugh out loud. does Sam think Jason can hold his breath for hours. lmao.

I loved the curse. and what’s more I loved how nobody seemed to give a crap that Helena just cursed Sam. Jason was like “ya so back to me. u know the whole reason I’m here”.

Elizabeth was smart to keep her mouth shut, considering if Helena knows anything she could blow up her life. altho I don’t see Helena outing Liz cause it would mean outing her precious Prince Nikolas.

I’d like to see Elizabeth and Jason ask about Jake on Monday.

Exactly. Sam just kept blabbing like this was about her.

Here’s what we know though. Jason’s memory was intact when he left the clinic with Robin. He recoginized her and knew he was headed home. So it’s likely Helena cannot help him recover his memory at all–unless she subsequently wiped it out after the auto accident.

And for those who think once he remembers he goes back to being a murderous thug–I seriously doubt it. For one, he’s likely to remember being Jason Q as well. And he won’t forget being Jake–who is disgusted by the actions of Jason Morgan.

A lot of Liz/Jason fans on Twitter have been posting clips (which I either didn’t watch or don’t remember) of how long and how much Jason loved Elizabeth BEFORE all this. Though Jason isn’t going to be happy about her lying to him. As long as he stays away from Sam, I’m good.

“Ash” you nailed it ; i order this post be followed


yeah, right? KM’ Sam… doesn’t shut up and… comes across as a dolt moreover


even an amnesiac; “Jason” must see the lame mystique she renders… not one iota took to her being cursed ; roflmao

the writers are steering her all wrong… LOL

and she still judges Nicholas for not being the dutiful comitted cousin?


LOL… oy! give her the keys back to that motorcycle and cut her loose

no one needs these tired lame scenes

ie: @Lucy; “…how much Jason loved Elizabeth BEFORE all this. ” and she bore his firstborn

even in his amnesiac state he is drawn to Liz


You are too much Patrick!!! Sam is sooooooooooooooo dull. Yes, cut her loose!!!

I couldn’t agree more Ash! Sam really tried to make it about her as per usual. She has become insufferable with her constant whining & me, me, me attitude. Jason & Elizabeth deserve answers about their son, and he should get answers pertaining to what happened to him.
It was very telling that Jason jumped to Liz’s defence when Helena merely spoke to her, yet said nothing when Sam was cursed. He has no feelings for Sam & is finally where his heart has always wanted to be with Elizabeth.

Thanks Patrick and BJ.

I hope TPTB see the gold they have in the Miller/Herbst combo. whether he’s Jason or not those two Spark.

Goodness…why all the Sam hate lol? I’m enjoying the story and both Kelly and Becky’s performances.

It’s not really hate for Sam with me. it’s hate for Sam when she’s around Jason. she seemed to have grown a little more mature in the Paddy relationship..but the second Jason returned she turned into a jealous child

Sam’s a jealous child? Seriously? He’s her husband! The man she lo@ved more than herself, the man she mourned, the husband she prayed would come back to her. And now she discovers he’s right there…oh wow…amazing how differently people see things! To my mind she’s exercised incredible restraint…her love for Patrick and Emma..the conflict and guilt…against her undeniable love for, I repeat, her husband.

Liz is the jealous insecure terror who kept Jason from his love, his wife, Sam. She’s been so afraid Jason would remember the love between him and Sam that she’s lied and deceived to keep him…and now is following Sam to prevent it still!

Who’s the jealous child???

Rebecca1…I’m with you on your comment.

I agree, Rebecca.
I kind of like Sam.
I have always loved Lizzy but think her actions are beyond the pale. She didn’t just lie by omission, she went out of her way to keep Jake’s true identity a secret.
She actually emotionally blackmailed sweet Laura who has always had Lizzy’s back. Moreover, she knows how it feels to lose a child so she should have run to Monica with the news that her only living child is in fact, alive.
Yes, sorry MIss Lizzy but I really want you to get your comeuppance.

Constance Towers’ Master Class! Side note, I really prefer the chemistry between this Jason and Elizabeth.

Yes Michele. this Jason is better with Liz. it’s about chemisty not who’s playing what character. if he wasn’t Jason he’d still belong on screen with Beck


Funny how people see things differently. Aside from the fact Jason should be with SM, his wife, who he loves deeply even if at this time he’s lost himself…I found the chemistry between Jason-Jake and Sam spot on from the start. They just fit.

“…Helena is propped…, and the stage is set for some vintage…”



no wonder Nicholas is so much “fun”


I’d like to grandstand… kneel in acknowledge; Sam is waning

Sam tug of heart for; and pulsating that Jason must feel something


exquisite Liz ; just keep on a hold pattern…

he’ll be back

fire up ; your stronghold with Nicholas… ally your connect… loving your eye to eye… and support of

OhI hope not. Really loving the chemistry between Jason and. Sam. Not to mention the little fact that Jason’s her HUSBAND…who loved her dearly. Liz garners no sympathy. Had she not known and kept the truth a heinous secret, maybe then. Fair fight. This scenario? Sam for the win.

I’ve always seen the chemistry between Jason and Sam. It’s just different than Liz. I like that the Sam character is more adventurous and confident. Liz is just to unsure and needy for my tastes. think it boils down to something you said earlier…”funny how people see things differently.” Some viewers love the Liz character, probably because of Rebecca. Others just don’t like Sam or Kelly’s acting style..I do, as well as Sabrina. Even Kiki and Valerie are starting to interest me…a little…because they are getting better writing.

I agree Rebecca1 and Rose. Really loving the chemistry between Jason and. Sam. Not to mention the little fact that Jason’s her HUSBAND…who loved her dearly. Love seeing BM and KM on my screen anytime!

I agree with you too Rose though I actually liked both Sabrina and Valerie from the start. Sabrina has always been sincere and a welcome departure from the many hardened, manipulative women on the show…and Valerie’s story was a nice way to shake up Lulu and Dante for a bit. I never saw Valerie as duplicitous or scheming…she was raised by and took care of the sweetest of moms…or so it was implied. I hope we’ll find out who her father is…that has been conspicuously left out. Sean perhaps???

Rose, lol, this is the second time I’ve done this this week. I read Sabrina in your post instead of Kiki! Lack of sleep! Ahem…on the subject of Kiki…I think this actress is doing an incredible job and really fits the role as it’s currently written. She’s also got a very stunning cool vibe which I like as well._

Ahhhhhh! Rose…you DID mention Sabrina…AND Kiki! Nap time! Lol…

I even cringed a little when Helena cursed Sam. The left side of my brain might dismiss it, but the right side remembers being a little girl from a first generation Italian family that heeded such things. Shiiiiiver!!!

What would a curse on Sam mean exactly? That the local branch of Forever 21 would run out of size 2 jeggings? Or that Dr. Scholl discontinued inserts for 5 inch stilettos? Or that Kelly’s wouldn’t let her sit in a booster seat?

Now, now Harry. Someone might think you were catty. 🙂

Or being cheeky?
I thought some humor was needed.
I actually like Sam.

Agree with you on the curse Rose. Never a good thing….

I felt cursed when, as you pointed out, the episode did not move story along. Why don’t they understand that at this point every episode which does not deliver an actual payoff is a time wasting disappointment, despite some excellent performances. Long live GH!

Well, if Sam had shut up and not made it about her, the story might have been moved along some. But Fridays are cliffhanger days, right, so they “had” to leave us hanging.

We did learn how Jason got out of the water–and survived until Robin supposedly revived him. We also know that Thanksgiving happens next week–so they leave Greece. I don’t thin Helena wiped out Jason’s memory (as I said–he recognized Robin when she woke him). So she can’t bring that back.

I hope we do find out WHY she look little Jake.

And I am really looking forward to seeing how they show Sam that Jason is going home with Elizabeth.

There is no way in hell Jason will stay with Lizzy when he finds out what she did.
Unfortunately, I think that great reveal is far away. He’s with Lizzy for the short term.

I hope you’re right Harry. As it should be…unless lil “Jake” puts the mojo on his daddy and forces him to stay with Liz. The kid was raised by Helena…maybe she taught him some brainwashing techniques. Chucky…

Hi Ash…followup to our other comments. Don’t mix chemistry with what’s right. It’s not just Liz lying…it’s a HUGE, terrible lie when you withhold someone’s identity and past…not just to Jason, but his wife, mother, son and other’s who were close to him and have felt deep loss. And then go on as if things were normal and plan a wedding. This behaviour seems to have followed her since she’s been a teen, unfortunately…she’s told lies in the past, committed infidelities, and had her share of “comfort’, one-nighters.

As for Sam, she’s no angel, but this isn’t new to her larger GH family. Plus I think she’s come a long way to redeeming herself, even before Patrick. And I like she’s that her character is far more confident than the insecure, needy Liz.

She lied. who cares. it’s a soap. he have murders getting custody of kids and baby stealers living large.

So Liz lied. is it awful? absolutely. but she doesn’t deserve any more punishment than the rest of the PC liars, murderers aND baby stealers.

Honestly is this was SBu as Jason then I’d be fore Jasam. but BM and KeMo do not work for me. they have zero chemistry..

from the moment Jake Doe grabbed Liz’s are in that hospital room, I’ve been team #MillerHerbst
He could be playing Franco and I’d be shipping Lanco.
I don’t give a crap if he was married to Sam before he “died”. I don’t care about the history. including Jason and Lizs.

Billy Miller and Rebecca Herbst have the best chemistry in daytime IMO.

to say Liz shouldn’t be forgiven for this lie is beyond ridiculous to me. it’d a soap. the the grand scheme of things this is nothing.

also can we please remember that Monica helped fake AJS death and let a ten year old child think he was a murderer. I have a hard time with sympathy for Monica after that.

Hahaha—now THIS is what I call great television!!! That Helena is so bad she’s the best. How can anyone not love Helena? She makes sure she always has an ace tucked up her sleeve!!!

True James. I’m hoping she’s got another trick up her grand sleeve now…maybe Nicolas put her into some weird catatonic state mimicking death. Hate this to be the last we see of this great villainess.

I do not get all the Sam hate…I do think BM has chemistry with BH and do prefer Sam with Patrick now, but Elizabeth and Jason do not belong together.

Elizabeth could never handle Jason’s life. She always wanted to change him. She always wanted to keep them a secret, remember the hotel meetings and lying under oath about who Jake’s father is, she is afraid of him (or his mob life) she does not get who he is… and now she is lying to him and making decisions for him, something Jason NEVER liked when people did to him.

Once he finds out, Elizabeth is done, not to mention before Jason died in 2012, Elizabeth lied about Danny when Jason did the DNA test to prove Todd switched the babies… Jason was kind of done with Elizabeth at that point IMO.

Because of his son Jake, I do not think he will cut Elizabeth out of his life completely, but if the writers are true to who “Jason” truly is, Elizabeth and Jason will be over.

He does belong with Sam, she was the only woman who ever truly understood him and never tried to change him… Yes she is a bit whiny at the moment, but IMO that is the writers fault.

umm, everyone’s actions are the writer’s fault.

And no one knows what or who “true” Jason is. Jason Q morphed into Jason M. But Jason M is no longer who he was. He now has Jake’s (or Jason Q’s) sensibilities. So we have to wait to see what the writers create. Which Jason emerges. But at the moment Sam doesn’t understand a thing about Jason.

What I meant to say was “the NEW writers”… I get that this is a show.

Not getting the Sam hate either, Victoria.
Lucy D, your answer to Victoria strikes an incongruity with her response.
“Umm, everyone’s actions are the writer’s fault”?
Say, what?

hey Harry .
the writers are the characters,,
The writer for Sam is Sam..
Makes one wonder how writers shake off the characters, they are them..

she said she blamed the writers (she left out the “new”) for Jason’s behavior and I said all the actions of all the characters are from the writers.

And in answer to your remark above–I think Jason will forgive Liz anything. It might take a while–but I don’t think he could stay mad at her. I’ve seen some pretty remarkable footage Liaison fans are posting on Twitter (I didn’t watch then–and forgot some of the stuff I’d seen) but it’s pretty clear that Jason and Liz will always be tied together is some significant way.

Now, now, Harry. Someone might think you were catty. 🙂

Get better writers..

Liz is a fraud

Jasamfan since 2005


I personally can’t stand Sam. I don’t want he back with Jason, she’s mouthy and repulsive. I hope they play out the Cassadine curse on her, because frankly GH is becoming quite boring. I want Liz and Jason together, always have. They actually need to write Sam out of the show. She’s been with every man on the show and the only reason why she hasn’t slept with Nikolas is because he is her cousin! I want to see the curse play out on Sam.

General Hospital

(INTERVIEW) Adam Huss Talks on His Latest GH Return, Maura West, Nicholas Chavez, and Being a Swiftie

This week, General Hospital fans were in for a surprise appearance when Adam Huss reappeared as Nikolas Cassadine while serving jail time in Pentonville. He also had a very intriguing visitor, his ex, Ava Jerome (Maura West)!

In the key scenes, Ava seemingly tells Nikolas, who can do nothing about the situation, how she is getting closer to Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and within his inner-sanctum, much to Nikolas’ chagrin. For Huss, those scenes were difficult to shoot, because in real-life he has just lost his beloved grandmother, but he soldiered through and delivered an effective performance.

Adam has had quite the adventure as GH’s dark prince of the Cassadine clan. Having first subbed for former Nikolas, Marcus Coloma, a few times and over a few years time, then taking over the role and being instrumental in moving story forward, but yet not always physically on the canvas. Since taking over the role, Huss has put his own spin on Nikolas, while delivering some top-notch performances. Look no further than in scenes with the exited Nicholas Chavez (Spencer), the aforementioned West, GH icon Genie Francis (Laura), or the twins that the play Baby Ace (Joey Clay, who shares the role with twin brother Jay) to name but a few.

Michael Fairman TV chatted with Adam to get his thoughts on: Nikolas’ emotional state now, where he thinks the storyline may head in the future, his co-stars, reflecting on what the late Tyler Christopher (ex-Nikolas) brought to the role, and yes, some banter with us about Taylor Swift!  Check out what Adam had to say below.


Nikolas is kind of the gift that keeps on giving, as you keep popping back up on GH. Just when you think the show literally has written him off, he makes a return. Look no further than on Monday’s April 29th episode when he gets a visit from Ava while in prison.

ADAM: Listen, I’ve really fallen in love with playing the character. I’ve stated that I’m super passionate about it. I really like that the more I delve into his backstory, I learn about the layers of who he is. Watching Tyler Christopher’s (ex-Nikolas) work, because he really originated that character, I become even more enthusiastic about it. I have so much respect for this medium as it is. I’m a fan of TV and film. I am coming in to the story sometimes not knowing where Nikolas may be mentally. So, it’s been nice to be guided once you’re on set. You can’t come in with just your ideas and you have to be open to the collaboration. It’s been a challenge, but a lot of fun.

In the scenes that just aired opposite Maura West, it seemed you could tell that Nikolas still cared for Ava.

ADAM: I thought that was a happy surprise. I am so fond of Maura as a person. I could say that we’ve mutually grown closer each time I come in and play the part. I don’t think Ava knew what she was going to really get when she came to see Nikolas. When he saw her, I think he was just taken with her. It was interesting. There was one moment when she’s talking about Sonny. I felt as if Nikolas didn’t want to hear this, but I was advised by our director, Allison Reames Smith and Frank Valentini (EP, GH), “Remember, Nikolas hasn’t seen her in months and this is really exciting for him to be sitting across from her. ” So that really fed the motivation.


Nikolas gets an earful from Ava, and he is left with her secret, which is the dose of medication in Sonny’s (Maurice Benard) pills are causing him to act erratic. Ava kind of admitted to Nikolas what was going on and what she was planning.

ADAM: She did, and you’re right. I think she told him because it was safe, and in her mind he’s not going anywhere.

However, Nikolas isn’t always on the up and up, either.

ADAM:  No, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants. This is all speculation, but maybe to get her away from Sonny he uses the information she shared. I think Nikolas is thinking that he doesn’t want to see her get hurt, and, “I cannot lose another person right now. I lost my newborn son,” in that, he is not going to raise him. And even bigger, he lost his son Spencer who he believes is gone. So, imagine then losing the love of his life. Their last interactions around New Year’s Eve showed that he still had feelings for her.

Photo: ABC

So, when you first met Maura, what was your reaction to this daytime dynamo?

ADAM: From day one, she was so lovely to me. I tested with her. I got to know her in that moment. She was just so welcoming and wanted me to succeed. Then, when I did fill in for Marcus Coloma, the first time, she and Ken Shriner (Scott) were super lovely. It was like, “You’re my scene partner today. You are Nikolas today. Let’s have fun.” Each time I came in to work, I got the same thing, if not more – more trust, more openness and kindness. Then, as you’re aware, my grandma passed right before these most recent scenes. Maura was so lovely about it. We were running lines, but she just wanted to stop and talk about it for a second. I almost didn’t want to come to work. I just wanted to get home. Maura really got me focused. It was something you wanted to get off your chest with somebody. Then we filmed, and she called me after, and just made sure I was doing alright. I said to Maura, “You are a class act, you know that. Thank you so much.”  I am so glad I didn’t have to miss the funeral and I still got to film at General Hospital, which my grandma loved to watch me on.


Now. did you have any context when you started that your on-screen mother was Genie Francis (Laura)?

ADAM: I did. In the nineties, when I was on Long Island in college and working as a DJ in the summers, I just remember seeing soap opera magazine covers. I’d see that triangle between Nikolas, Lucky and Elizabeth. So, I very much knew of the world that those people were part of. I knew how big the Luke (Tony Geary) and Laura wedding was and all of that. I definitely knew the legacy I was coming into. When I read these sides for the role, I was like, “I think this is Nikolas Cassadine!” Later, when I was on the show, and doing scenes with Genie, where Laura was warning Nikolas about making up with Spencer, she said, “You’re doing wonderful work.” To hear that from her was a big sigh of relief for me. I love connecting with actors in the eyes. I know when things are cooking when you almost feel like magnets in your eyes with another actor, because you’re drawing that emotion through them. The eyes are the windows of the soul, right? I felt that with Genie, Maura and Nicholas Chavez, too. You feel that magnet pull and it’s so beautiful.

Photo: ABC

I’m going over your gut-wrenching scenes in my head. There was obviously when Spencer hands baby Ace  to Nikolas, and then the baby is so taken with you, and the scenes where Spencer tells Nikolas how much he loved him as a young boy and vice-versa.

ADAM: The three scenes you just mentioned are highlights for me in shooting the show thus far. Those moments felt so authentic to me. As soon as Spencer got Ace in my arms, I just would melt, and it made me emotional just to hold him. And then, he really took to me. His mom was like,”I think you kind of remind him of his father,” because there is a similar energy. He’s just a great little actor and a great little empath. The moment with him laying his head on my chest was so emotional. In the one scene with Nicholas Chavez, he’s supposed to not hand me Ace till the end, but as soon as we started the scene, the baby reached out to me with this smile. Nick is like, “OK, here you go.” We sort of had to improv around it a little bit, but it was amazing.


However, then there is the scene where Spencer cries about how Nikolas meant everything to him, too.

ADAM: I think Nikolas went to Spencer with the intention of like, “I’m taking this baby no matter what. And if I have to get through my son, I’m going, too.” There was so much power in the words that those writers chose especially when Spencer goes, “You were my whole world” as a child. Nikolas was saying how I loved him fiercely as a kid. I was watching a lot of those scenes between Nicolas Bechtel (ex-Spencer) and Tyler Christopher. That kid was such a dynamo, too, and he was so cute. Their bond stuck with me.


You are one busy actor. I check in on your Instagram and you are either in one town or the other shooting a horror film or other projects.

ADAM: Not just horror films, there’s a mix of Hallmark, too. I’m super excited about an indie film I did called Pieces of Lilo. It’s about an estranged father and son. In it, my father gets sick and I get stuck basically taking care of him. And then he passes and when I’m burying him, all these memories start flooding back. It’s this sort of flashback of basically trauma and how this trauma affected, my character, Jerry, in the present day. I fought for this part and I got it. We just wrapped in March. I’m excited about that. Next week, I am off to Long Island to do a rom-com called The Wedding Bell.

Don’t you also have a role in an upcoming Melrose Place-type streaming soap?

ADAM: Oh yes. I wish it was the Melrose Place reboot! I did work with Daphne Zuniga on a Lifetime movie, though. She was awesome, and we’re friends, so who knows? It’s called The BLVD and I’ve taped it already. There’s supposedly five more episodes they’re going to shoot soon. So, we finished the pilot and I play one of the one of the clients of the PR firm. It’s all about  cutthroat PR in Hollywood.

Photo: JPI

I know the fans really enjoy you in the part of Nikolas. However, the worst thing in soaps, I think, for any actor is having to replace a very well-known actor in a part; whether they’re good, bad, or indifferent. People just don’t like change. As a recast, you have to kind of go through that difficult part of waiting to be accepted by the audience. They often say how they don’t like the actor and then somewhere along the way, they are like “Oh! I love him in the part.” How has it been for you to ride that wave of, you’re not Tyler Christopher, you’re not Marcus Coloma, but now it’s you playing Nikolas?

ADAM: I get it. You want your original person to be the person, and sometimes they just can’t, and in soap operas, it’s more common. I also know it’s always polarizing. There were days in the beginning where I was like, “Oh, my God! Look at all these wonderful comments.”  Then it’s, “Oh, my God.” and as you’re scrolling, you see “I’m a hideous monster” to these people. I think you just have to have a very healthy perspective. Thankfully, I do have tools in my life to secure my foundation of who I am. And sure, on those vulnerable days or those ambiguous days where you don’t know your future at work, it could weigh on you. You could think of every, “Oh, my God! Everybody hates me.” I am so glad and grateful that people have come around. You’re not going to please everybody. It’s just the nature of what we live in now. I will say, the warm embrace and the acceptance, and people who have really come around, has moved me and then they’re feeling the same way about my performances. When I say I’m humbled by it, I’m blown away, it’s true.  it I used to get annoyed at Taylor Swift when she would always say that. I’m like, “All right, honey, you’re selling millions of copies. Accept it.” But it is humbling, because you know how critical people can be, and for it to really start to change overtime, helps me every time I hear it.

Photo: DisneyPlus

Speaking of Taylor Swift, are you a Swiftie?

ADAM: I am a Swiftie, sure. I didn’t go to Taylor’s concert. I wanted to. But then, when my friend showed me the Eras tour on Disney Plus, I was like, “That was amazing. That was like the best time.” I’d have a smile on my face for three and a half hours if I was at her concert. So, yes.

Did you listen to Taylor’s new album, Tortured Poets Department yet?

ADAM: Yes, I’ve been bouncing around in there. There are a lot of songs.

It’s a lot of songs. It took me a little bit to warm up to it. And now, just like in true Taylor Swift fashion, I’m like, “You know what? This track or that track is really good.”

ADAM: Yeah, at first they all sound the same for a minute.

So, I wonder, how does Taylor Swift manage to suck us in all the time? 

ADAM: I know. I think it works whenever someone’s just raw and like honest. Taylor gets a lot of flak at talking about her exes and stuff, but that’s her life experience. We feel that, and we resonate with that, especially younger girls or anyone really can relate to these like breakups and this heartache. I think that’s where she gets you.


Hopefully soon, it’d be nice to see Nikolas not in prison orange. So, he gets out of jail and where does he go then?

ADAM: I don’t want him on the run because that’s the whole reason he came to prison, you know, to reform himself. So, for me, that was a nice sign of like, “Hey, maybe the reformation comes and you finally get to be free.” Maybe Alexis gets her law degree back and then she’ll help him get out.  Wyndemere’s gone. It’s out of his hands. I think it’s a good time for him to start a different life and to see a different Nikolas and to see different stories. Let’s see a different person trying to put his family back together and falling in love again. If it’s Ava, wonderful, would love that.  I’d love to see a really great, big epic love story like he had in the past. I try to infuse that when Nikolas is sitting across from Ava. The last thing I want to say is, I wish I was there at GH more, too. However, I really trust in the process and the writers, and the way things unfold. So, I’m hoping that it all leads to a beautiful place.

What did you think about the scenes this week on GH between Ava and Nikolas? Do you hope Adam Huss is back on-screen sooner than later? What are some of your favorite scenes with him thus far? Comment below, but ICYMI, below are the touching scenes between Spencer, Ace and Nikolas that some GH fans are still buzzing about.

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General Hospital

Nicholas Chavez Confirms Exit From General Hospital

On Friday May 3rd, it was confirmed by Nicholas Chavez that he has indeed left his role as Spencer Cassadine on General Hospital.

Taking to his account on X, Chavez shared some heartfelt goodbyes to the cast, the creatives and the fans of the ABC daytime drama series. This comes after months of speculation and reports that Chavez is not returning to his Daytime Emmy-winning role.

Chavez left the soap to go film his leading role in Ryan Murphy’s Netflix limited series, Monsters: The The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, and in story on GH, Spencer went overboard on a boat, when he was drugged by Esme (Avery Pohl) on the Seine River in France. His body and Esme’s thus far have never been found.

Photo: ABC

In his heartfelt message on X, Nicholas expressed, “I’m so appreciative of the opportunity that GH gave me, and I wouldn’t be as busy as I am professionally if it weren’t for the talented producers, writers, directors and fellow actors. Frank Valentini is a mentor and a friend, and we’ve had some pretty extensive conversations about my future on the show.”

Photo: ABC

Sharing his thoughts on if the would ever come back to GH, Chavez added, “While there are no current plans for me to return, we are still talking very openly about future possibilities for Spencer in Port Charles.”

Finally, Nicholas shared,”Beyond the people I’ve already mentioned, I want to take some time to thank and honor the GH fan base… especially the Sprina fans… who must be THE most loyal and kind fan base in the universe of entertainment. Words fail to show the depth of my gratitude, thank you, I love you all very, very much.”

Photo: ABC

Nicholas took over the role of Spencer previously played by Nicolas Bechtel, in July of 2021, and his last episode aired on January 31st, 2024.  In April, reports surfaced that the actor was not returning to GH after all.

What do you think about Nicholas Chavez farewell message? Are you sad that he has confirmed his exit from GH, or were you expecting it? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Richard Simmons Recalls His Time On General Hospital and Meeting Tony Geary, Genie Francis, Rick Springfield and More

Fitness Guru, Richard Simmons has been recently sharing many stories about his time in Hollywood and his career on his X account as he reflects on his life and prepares his biopic.

In a string of posts, containing moments from his time on General Hospital, and meeting many of who would be his co-stars in Port Charles, Simmons opened up about how he landed on the soap in its hey day.

Simmons began by explaining that after an appearing on an ABC local morning show with Regis Philbin, he got a call two days later about GH, and things took off from there.

Photo: JPI

Richard expressed, “I met with the most powerful woman in daytime television. Gloria Monty. I also met with the head writer Pat Falken Smith. These ladies were very smart. They told me their idea. I would teach exercise classes in a disco for all the ladies on the show.” He added, “A week before taping the show the studio asked me if I could drive over and do some promotional photos. In my car I brought with me six jogging suits….My make up…some towels and five pound weights. I still could not believe I was going to be on a soap. lol.”

When he got to GH’s studio, Simmons shared, “The first person that I met was Genie Francis (Laura). Her father was Ivor Francis an actor who had been on Broadway and many TV shows. Genie was so young and innocent looking. I clicked immediately with her.

Photo: ABC

“The second person I was introduced to was Anthony Geary (Luke),” recalled Richard. “Some people called him Tony. ..but I did not. He was an actor’s actor. Mr G had curly hair like me. When he was not acting he was sitting in his dressing room learning all of his lines.  His door was always closed. One day when it was open. I asked if I could come in and sit and talk. This man won 8 daytime Emmys for playing Luke.”

“Now what can I say about Jane Elliot (Tracy)? She had an aristocratic face,” says Simmons. “One moment her character was very nice then she was the queen of mean. She allowed me to come into her room and chat while she was putting on makeup.”

Photo: JPI

Then, Richard recalled the late, great Stuart Damon (ex-Alan) and Jackie Zeman (ex-Bobbie). “I then met Prince Charming. Stuart Damon. He had been in a lot of TV shows and played Prince Charming on a special about Cinderella. Jackie Zeman was so cute. She had a pixie face.”

Simmons recalled when Rick Springfield joined the cast as Noah Drake, sharing, “While he was on the show his father passed away in Australia. I went to the news stand and bought him a bunch of magazines to read on the plane. How many times have you sung Jessie’s Girl and Don’t Talk to Strangers? When he came back from Australia he resumed his role.”


Noting his humble beginnings on GH running the aerobic classes at the Campus Disco, Richard recalled, “My first scene was in Luke’s Disco. All the nurses and other actresses were there dancing with me. I had never memorized lines before. So much was going on in my head. At the end of my scene, I heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor and everyone froze. It was Ms Monty and she was talking to me. ‘Richard the television is this big . You are talking like you are on a screen in a movie theater…bring your voice down.’ So I did.”

What do you think about the sentiments shared by Richard Simmons on his reflections on his time on General Hospital? Check out this OG GH scene with Richard leading the exercise class at the Campus Disco with some beloved Port Charles notables. Then, comment below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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