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CHRISTMAS DAY: Y&R Serves Up Special Holiday Episode!

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After you have opened all your Christmas presents, make sure to turn on the TV and get a gift from the number one soap, The Young and the Restless.

Airing on December 25th, Y&R has a very special holiday episode on tap.  In this standalone installment featuring many of your favorites from Genoa City. the show is divided into four vignettes each themed after a classic Christmas song. Featured in the four stories are: Sharon (Sharon Case) and Mariah (Camyrn Grimes), Hilary (Mishael Morgan), Billy (Jason Thompson) and Phyllis (Gina Tognoni), and Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott).

Photo Credit: JPI Studios

From encounters from Christmas past and being reminded of the true meaning of Christmas, get ready for love, drama, and some emotional heart.

So, will you be checking out the episode on Xmas day from executive producer, Mal Young as a gift to the fans? Comment below!

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The show is awful right now. Mal’s changes have not improved on the drab Sally year. 12/22 episode was embarrassingly juvenile from Bill’s undies to the Ashly/Jack feud and slap.

So, no! I won’t be tuning in. I watched since Mal’s writing started and it gets worse by the day. Sad!

I watched and this week is the last for Y&R for me and just like Tony said, it’s geting worse by the day since Mal took over head writing duties…

Probably will watch…no Christmas for us that day due to family illness so i will have plenty of time to watch tv!!!

I look forward to the episode, all except one stinky snag, ‘Philly,’ yuck. Does anyone get a complete wave of nausea like I do the way they try to sell this couple as legitimate and likable considering the origins of their union? So many people had to be hurt deeply to get this couple together, and it did the characters themselves no favors. As much as I adore Jason Thompson, this current Billy has gone from reckless self sabotaging person who has a heart to a heartless, selfish bastard who would sell out his own mother (or even his sibling’s mama) to make a buck! Somehow this piece of trash is considered a ladies man when he has the sensuality of a drunk frat football player. Nobody is hot enough to put up with that much eventual babysitting, enabling and heartache that follows trying to be in a relationship with him.

On the other hand we have Phyllis, who I was almost ok with until again, this unholy union, which seemed soapy on paper but cringey as all hell to watch. Not to mention Phyllis’ growth has all been shot so she can regress back to her lowest self, a desperate woman who will do anything to keep a man that can’t seem to put her first, and is visibly jealous of the mother of his children and gets mad every time they are near each other, which was daily because they worked together and co-parented very closely and had residual attraction that never fully seems to go away. So she leaves Jack to be with his brother and somehow now Jack is ok with this yet they are still so disrespectful they give full displays of PDA on his desk? There are a few fans that even love this union, but only think it’s justified because it’s apparently more visually appealing due to her being closer in age to Billy than Jack? They never would have dared done this with the original Phyllis, or the previous Billy, but now with different actors I’m supposed to stomach this junk. On top of that Hillary looks to be veering toward Cane and he’s all forgiving of the many, many ways she has continuously hurt Lily and his family directly and indirectly? To add more insult to injury, they shove tacky Abby with Scott, who is acting like she deserves Scott when all she did was insult him, but a cheap roll in the storage closet is somehow supposed to be this amazing ‘opposites attract’ story? They made it mind numbinly obvious these two would have some kind of love/hate from the beginning, but why use Sharon as a vehicle for their ‘love?’ If this couple has to get their street cred by throwing Sharon under the bus after she opened her heart to this indecisive weird loser, then what kind of weight does that really hold, because this is now Abby’s second affair. Combined with the acting choices of Ms. Ordway that I never cared for, not only is she annoying and selfish, and self entitled, but a treacherous tramp who will even take her own niece’s man, so again, three characters in a story that is wasting everyone’s time because Scott is too new for anyone to care or justify that he was torn between the two. Sharon deserves better and I hope this is leading to a long overdue ‘Shick’ reunion, which might just be the reason this triangle is happening at all. I hate Chelsea and Nick together, just not feeling them as a couple, getting with her because she was one of the few single women he hadn’t been with yet. I would like to see character driven story that respects the soap bible the great Bill Bell and friends made and the previous writers stuck to and made the history and legacy the greatest strength of the show. Mal needs to read and respect that this show is NOT Eastenders or DR. Who, even though I love both. Stop trying to make your mark improving the set and adding recaps no daily fan needs, not even the new ones, and put your energy into making sure that the character’s actions make sense based on who they are, not who you would like them to currently be, Specifically Victoria, Ashley, Paul and Christine need more work, because overnight with a rise of power two female characters turn icy and suddenly start taking very old friends for granted and lovers too? Show us why that happened, not going to roll with overnight personality changes from a number one show. Paul and Christine are deeper than Keystone cops going after all the wrong people and hating Victor in such a personal way, and using Nikki, Tessa and whoever else to get him in jail for points at work? This is why I am scared of this Xmas episode but I will watch it and pray the rough edges are smoothed over soon.

((((Applauding wildly)))
Dante, thank you, thank you, and thank you for this post. You said it much better than I could have because I tend to get carried away with my opinion and fail to validate with factual evidence to back up said opinion. I also tend to always be in a hurry when I post in here.
Needless to say, I couldn’t agree with you more. Yes, Sharon deserves so much better. When slimy Scott slithered up to her in her coffee house, Sharon was working on obtaining her college degree and volunteering with a battered women’s hotline. She had become self actualized and happily independent without a man. I hate how Scott ingratiated himself into her life and it seems he did so just so he could move out of his mother’s house. What a creep. Then, on the very day he moves in with Sharon he lunges for that mouth breather Abby and plants a wet one on her. And of course since Abby always has her mouth open, any kiss on the lips turns quickly into a good old fashioned French kiss. Suffice to say, those two slime balls disgust me.
Same with Billy and Phyllis. Their sexual attraction seemed predicated upon carrying on their affair with the risk of being caught. Now that nobody seems to give a damn they are inventing new ways to be sexually risky because they know that if they just let the white noise supersede the excitement, they will look at each other and know they have nothing.
Both Phyllis and Billy are pushing forty and yet they are both stuck in arrested development. Moreover, and as you illustrated so well above, the way they start going at it in the lobby of Jabot in front of Jack, is not only the height of impropriety, it’s the height of insensitivity. Once upon a time, Jack thought Phyllis was the love of his life. And finally, speaking of Jack–with family members like his, who needs enemies? At this time one year ago, Jack was still reeling from the discovery of double betrayal (his brother having a torrid affair with the wife whom he adored) and yet his sisters kept admonishing him for not being more forgiving and welcoming Billy back into the Abbott home. One year later Ashely arranges for a secret meeting with the Jabot board members so they can oust Jack as CEO. Another betrayal from a family member. Yes, I get Jack was over taxed with the duties of CEO comingling with the full time duties of taking care of his mother who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. However, there had to have been a better way to deal with this other than betraying Jack in such a hurtful way. “This cut is the unkindest cut of all.” (Antony, upon seeing Brutus’s cut in the back of Julius Caesar’s robe).
So now we have people like Billy and Ashely acting all angry with Jack for acting in such an un brotherly way without weighing in the circumstances which proceeded such behavior.

PS. Dante, in addition to Abby sleeping with her young niece’s husband, she also slept with Victoria’s fiance and live in boyfriend, Stitch.
Abby is morally challenged but presented as if she were some kind of heroine.

Dante and Harry…AMEN to what you’re both saying!!!!! To me, that Scott dude is nothing but an ANNOYING JERK!!!!! And HELL TO THE YEAH Sharon deserves WAY BETTER!!!!! As for that AIRHEAD Abby, she is such an EMBARRASSMENT and a total DUM DUM as a businesswoman!!!!!


Oh, dante….I guess you have not read any of my comments lamenting about Billy and Phyllis since day one!!!!!!
… glad to see my thoughts soooo vividly in print—-thank you. This couple is a turn-off!!
…keep comparing the two to original Phyllis and Ronan. WOW…their sexuality and sensuality left me breathless!!
I was never a fan of Jack….still turns me off. He is not a nice guy….never was. As far as insensitivity, you are right, of course….but, according to my grandmother, Jack is the worst of the worse when it comes to propriety. He slept with Jill while she was married to his father, John….what goes around comes around.
Let’s not forget the Ashley/Ravi fiasco. Really? She’s pushing sixty. Why do the PTB do this? Ridiculousness, pure and simple. There was no spark….have never witnessed such a bland, “unsexy” relationship on a soap—no stud, he!! … And she, as gorgeous as she is, is old enough to be his mother. It does not make me ageist, merely stating a fact.
Furthermore, what Jack did to Patty was shameful and callous. Nope; do not like Jack at all….and, the writers need to start writing him according to his age….about time. He is not a young man!!
These recent scenes are very disappointing, in that, the Abbotts always “worked” things out within the family circle……the facade/landscape has changed–drastically!!
One more thing……the Nick/Chelsea coupling is another vomit-inducing stomach-convulsing-experience. The tool-belt thing? C’mon…..can’t wait for Adam to return with bells on—
I do not like to step on my favorite soap; but, for the first time, I do not look forward to watching…..

Oh, Celia…about that Ravi dude, girl…you are SO RIGHT ON AS USUAL!!!!! To me, that Ravi dude is WAY TOO DORKY to be soap stud material…LOL!!!!! Furthermore, I think that Ravi is JUST AS ANNOYING as that ICKY CLOWN Scott!!!!! BEYOND BLECH!!!!!

Celia…you and your family have a WONDERFUL 2018!!!!!


I noticed’
Christmas eve/day stuff is either , mourning, fighting , or overkill of sappy..
Watching them eat is no hoo hoo thrill or is the sniveling crying (enter Sam) ..

Some good old fashioned joyful cheer would be nice for a change, simply having fun together.
Crazy gifts, Dancing, Singing, Laughter, Happiness and a Prayer..

// soap christmases are a real downer.s …


0ohh I hope Santa will bring you all you wished for 🙂

I’m a Krampus fan !!
((went to the Krampus parade and party, great fun !!

What I was attempting to say but digressed away is that I have no problem with a regime change, especially when that change was someone who already has experience writing and usually does it well and supports character driven stories. History is key though, and a few characters deserve the rich writing from their full history, and not cheap sensational changes in their personality for no apparent reason immediately after a writer change and musical chairs with couples who have no business being together. Why not finally scratch that itch and put Hillary and Jack together? This immediately puts Hillary and Phyllis at odds again, which is sad because neither one has even a handful worth of friends, for obvious reasons. Lily and Nick is another possibility toyed with that would be fun to watch, instead of being with his apparently dead brother’s wife less than a month after said character’s death. That is too much even if Adam requested it, and they don’t have that chemistry that a couple needs in my opinion. This was made to keep Chelsea on the canvas and relevant when she could’ve left until they found a new Adam or gave her another guy that wasn’t her brother in law. Do musical chairs, but show us the play by play, don’t force it because it will show, and make sure the couples make sense and most of all CHEMISTRY! Sharon needs to cut off all these men with problems trying to get with her at the coffeeshop. She met Scott there, and she met Dylan there, and both are very f–ed up characters with weird relationship killing ‘quirks.’ Everything doesn’t need to be a triangle and there needs to be more couples I can root for who are equally good and healthy for each other, maybe a step down from a supercouple because I accept it ain’t the 70’s-90’s strongest period of power soap couples. If you wonder if the coupling you just made will end up in Soap opera digest’s ‘worst relationship’ section for the year than you are already off on the wrong foot and need to start from scratch. Let’s make some new viable couples like, say, Traci/J.T, which makes TOTAL sense to me or is at least worth a try and could help cement legacy characters permanently back on the screen if they would stay. I love Mariah and Tessa’s story but why does Noah have hurt to get there, unless you wanted not only Sharon to suffer but her kids as well? What next, Faith in a triangle? I like Reed and Mattie together and they can grow on me since they are young, half dumb (Reed is dumb enough for the both of them with his antics lol), but they need to move on from Vicki and Cane fighting. Oh…Victoria and Cane. I feel like that would be hot or worth a try and it would weird everybody out. In a year Mal says the soap will fully reflect his stories since he inherited most, so I’m giving him a chance since I trust his work mostly, but please make couples like Wyatt/Katie on B&B, two characters who really deserved someone who put them first and didn’t treat them like a dirty, secret side piece or second best. Give us couples that make each other better or want to be better, that meet and grow together and don’t have to be redeemed from the foul stench of an affair. Too much of that and it goes past soapy to smarmy. If I boo a couple when they come on and don’t cheer or go, ‘awww,’ then a mistake is being made. Go for supercouple and you can’t fail, my opinion.

Dante, another great post.
I just wish they could give Jack a love interest who doesn’t treat him like chop live favoring either Victor or his brother Billy over him.
Or another bat shit crazy woman who is obsessed with him like Patty Cakes or that character Cady McClain played.
I don’t see him with Hillary, she’s just too young, even younger than Phyllis and invariably she will run back to Devon.
Why not find some lost niece of Mamie’s who specializes in at home nursing care to take care of Dena? Then Jack and this woman could develop a real romance predicated upon love and empathy. Moreover, this person would strike an affinity with the Abbott history.

Doubt i will watch. While these standalone stories are sweet and usually change a character’s direction slughtly, the characters being shown arent the ones i want ro see. Billy once again with Phyllis? What is their drama and please stop showing us they love one another! We get it everyday! And its a cross between sweet and a cavity!

Nikki? Really, is she going to whisper her lines to the Katherine plaque? Whats her outcome unless she leaves Victor and goes to see Paul to work with him?!! Nikki to me is a waste of time right now.

Sharon n Mariah… isnt this standalone story years late? Whats their drama? Scott? Hes not even there and in over Sharon being sorry for missing xmas’ she didnt know she was missing since she didnt know she had a kid.

And Hilary… seriously, i love hilary but as of now she should be less in front of the camera for her shows and be more hehind the camera and become a powerful producer. Ive never thought the local drama of the GC patheticsnwas enough to be nationwide. Hilary whining abt being alone can only work if her mommas dead mom comes back to tell her SHE CAN ONLY CHANGE HER LIFE. And she will say once again i will run a better nicer show but once drama happens she covers it and friends n family hate her again.

Hi there I watch the Y&r ever day I wouldn’t miss it for the world me and my mom I would love to see Billy and Victoria get back together again that would be nice they belong togeter I would like to see Victor and Neckey get back together again b

You’re darn right I’ll be watching. Thank you, Mal, for giving the fans a new Christmas episode instead of running a repeat of former Christmas’s. Can’t wait. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Looking forward to another year of Y&R. Make it good, Mal!

Yes, I will! Thank you Mal, actors and crew 🙂 Merry Christmas!

Looking forward to the episode. I am not a Scrooge; however, last Friday’s original Christmas episode was the worst ever in the history of Y and R Christmas shows. Aside from Charlie giving his dad that first place cross country medal, the show truly lacked warmth and heart– the staples of Bill Bell’s annual gifts to us. I hope the writers start thinking next September or earlier about redeeming themselves from what we experienced. To all the post’ers for Y and R: Merry Christmas!

Have to say we finally watched Dec 25 episode this afternoon (Tues) and enjoyed a much more welcoming, spirited, Christmas show! A little pretentious but so much better than Friday’s scream fest at the Abbotts.

Happy Holidays ~~ from Bend Oregon!


I recorded it on my DVR early Christmas Morning…and I watched it late last night. Pretty powerful episode. I especially liked the scenes featuring Sharon and Mariah…and Sharon and Mariah talking about Cassie.


I loved the episode as well. I got a little misty when Sharon gave Mariah the snow globe. And I also felt sorry for Hilary. Maybe finding that letter will actually turn her into a human being again. All in all I think it was a touching episode.

You and I are pretty much in sync, Jay. I guess TPTB try something outrageous just to see where it goes….Ashley and Ravi, a prime example.
I’m glad they realized it was not an inspiring match ….carried nothing on its coattails….boring, boring, and more boring.
How many times have they done this? Coupling much, much older men with younger women? Never works.
Victor and Sharon, Jack and Phyllis, John Abbott and Jill etc.
…we’ll bear it, though, right, Jay?…..better this than no soaps, at all. Happy New Year.

I watched it last night and I really enjoyed it, it had meaning and wasn’t just some hokey Christmas show. Also it had most of my favorites, however I did miss the Abbotts.

Well, I enjoyed the attempt to humanize Hilary (again) but I have to say that a lot of it felt like filler to me. Billy and Phyllis don’t represent any warm, fuzzy holiday feelings I recognize. It made me appreciate some of the older specials when one character gets a showcase for a chance to turn their lives around. I still remember the 2009 episode when Billy got a chance to start redeeming his life. In the hands of wonderful Billy Miller it was very memorable for me. Others were strong also, like Michael’s and Victor’s. To each his own. Just glad we had a Christmas Day show at all!

I think it wasn’t intended to be anything other than fill – small stand alone stories with great Christmas spirit. I really enjoyed it and if I hadn’t watched it, I wouldn’t have felt like I missed something. I agree with you – I’m glad we had a Christmas episode! Happy New Year to you, Soaphound!

Oh, man, Soaphound… the way you have delineated Phyllis and Billy….”….don’t represent any warm, fuzzy holiday feeling”…..
Gee, their sexual, immature antics ( thanks to dis-associated writing) does not elicit thoughts of a cozy ambiance…..a couple, snuggling under a blanket, while enjoying the warmth radiating from the crackling, dancing flames of a fireplace……the beating “hearth” of the home…..LOL.
Happy New Year, y’all !!

When you have a talented cast and rich history like Y&R does, I don’t understand the need to try to hard with “special” episodes like this.

I completely agree
Somethngs not clicking with the show…Victor has become an outright villian. He no longer has any redeeming qualities. How come he hasnt checked in with Ashley about Dinah or her paternity. The two used to atleast care for eachother. The J.T / Abbey confrontation was embarresing. Christine, Paul, Lauren and Michael desrve more than to be just dummies for the Newmans and Abbots. The music and scene changes are awkward and cheap sounding. Theres no villian or suspense. Nick and Chelsea are gross and Scott cant hold a leading man role in a triangle.

I didn’t enjoy the episode.

What a BORING episode. I appreciate Mal wanting to do something different, something special. A “Christmas-y” Christmas episode. But man was that episode reeking of sweet, saccharine holiday cliches. All of it. Every part of it.

Christmas list Shick back never should they have broke them up SC &JM pure gold!!!!

Y&R is about to do a PSA on underage drinking involving Reed and sadly im not looming forward to it. Reed is the whiniest WEAKEST and DULLEST “cool kid” ever to comenonto the scbe in GC… that is even with comparing him with teenBILLY who was sooo nice it was sore to watch.

If Y&R wanted to do a good PSA Then have Christine throw the book at him due to backlash from the public thst shes doing the rich a favor while other young poorer kids get worse. Have it matter. Also, involve his former aunt Sharon and uncle Nick. Have them come down hard on the foolish teen over Cassie dying do to underage drinking. AND nikki confessing to Reed how her alcoholism cost a baby’s life and her family. Have Victoria finally treat the idiot like most parents would by yelling at him, telling others to mind their busoness when they call her out on it that hes a kid… have her say HE CAN DRIVE A CAR HE IS NOT A KID!! Have Victoria scream that hes a fool who thinks he can do whatever he wants. This is twice he risked lives – first breaking into the underground and then deiving under the influence.

Have Victor console the kid but tell him about all Nikki and Katherine lost and how much a hole is still left from Cassie’s death.

And then finally have JT stand up to the punk son for being spoiled and entitled!!! Have him tell Reed being a baby isnt flying thos time and he has to grow up.

Y&R and B&B have done PSA’s in the last that fall flat. There isnt follow up or the solution is simple and easy. jill had acid reflux and then a true heart attack and gave everything up and left the show. Why not show life can change but not be different?! B&B had Brooke make ip a story of a friend who died when she was a teen when her son n his gf were texting and driving and crashing a car instead of reminding him of how a character JUST the year before ran ocer a homeless person cause he was texting n driving. (Granted that PSA WAS ABT how to get awAy with murder if rich, instead of writing the character off to prison n showing there are real consequences to stupidity.

Plus, the teens on Y&R are from 1970s after school specials and sooo lame in actions, dress, speech etc. tome to recast Reed or cut his mess on his head, add a couple pf more teens and make their dtories real like when JT n Billy n Mac were on the show- well real in that the way rhey were written seemed real.

I don’t need PSAs on the soaps. Every now and then is okay, but not all the time. We’ve had the heart attack, which I thought was good, but they dropped the ball by sending Jill away. You don’t go on a cruise after a heart attack. Now we have Alzheimer’s, which is at least entertaining with Dina’s quips.

I think maybe Reed getting arrested was to give JT an excuse to stay, rather than leave. Maybe he’ll move in with Victoria (platonic) and they can double down on the parenting. And yes, JT does need to stand up to Reed. Tough love!!!! Instead of grounding him, make him get a haircut. I think that will really punish him! 😉

Quick thoughts..

Sharon & Mariah story was cute. Finally some real parent/child interaction between them.

The Hillary arc was just blech. You know she won’t become an open hearted person in the end. Which is fine because the show needs a villainess. So, I wasn’t buying her turn to goodness.

Though I am not a fan of Jason Thompson’s Bllly and not really invested in the Billy/Phyliss romance I also thought that arc at least had some humor and heart to it.

Ahhh, Nikki…. first I need to say that as in past episodes Genoa City has the best dressed homeless people I have ever seen. And, I can’t be the only one who thought …Why the hell is Nikki draping an obviously expensive diamond necklace over the plaque and leaving it there?? Maybe showing her selling it and donating the money to a homeless shelter would have made sense.

I will admit that the Christmas Day episode is the first I have live watched in months. I mostly keep up with the synopsis’ in Soap Opera Digest. When I do watch the episodes are weeks old.

I don’t buy Nick & Chelsea together and know it is only that the explosive secret of Christian’s paternity will blow them up is the reason for their pairing.

Unless they DO manage a 180 with Hillary it would be interesting to see she and Cane together. He and Lily are an absolute snoozefest. And, just for the hell of it…. I can’t stand that they aged Charlie & Matty.

Enjoyed the reviews. The depth of my thoughts, after watching the program, can’t begin to move into what was just quite quickly read. However, as a long-time viewer, one who has never bothered to see who was writing until the roof collapsed on the Underground, it never occurred to me to look at the important stuff like who was writing, producing, etc.

When Sally (knowing this only from you all) took over after the roof fell down on the Underground, the show felt into transition. What I noticed more than anything was the improvement in sets which moved more into the feeling of the past. Someone corrected me when I wrote one time saying the music was better. I believe he was accurate in that correction. However, the anger felt with the previous writer must have dissipated.

Have a sense of who Mac is. Had no idea another shift had been made. I did notice that this site had been bereft of comments for a long time so quit looking.

Picking up on a few of the comments: Ashley and Ravi — zero chemistry. If one were to develop a true May/December romance it requires much more nuance. Perhaps this will be a type of seldomly identified sexual abuse situation

Nick and Chelsea were understandably drawn together, but for the sake of the program it should never been allowed to progress so rapidly into a living together situation.

As one who has dealt with Alzheimer’s there is much appreciation in identifying the very subtle nature of the disease; normal for perhaps weeks, then a subtle lapse. One does not suddenly become incoherent, and each case is individual. The idea of a nurse entering the Abbot home to help and Jack becoming intrigued is interesting. Perhaps a good idea for a lot of reasons. Don’t forget the financial reason.

Jack is aging. I so hated the program when torture and so forth happened. For me, that destroyed Y & R for a bit. I recall Jack when Terry Lester was Jack. He isn’t recalled as a ladies man regardless of the situation with Jill in the cabin. Wish I could recall his business acumen.

It is truly difficult for the watcher when, overnight, a personality changes.

Mariah has been one of the most delightful actors to emerge and survive. The potential twist to her identity remains complicated. Whatever the writer does, take care of her. I can’t quite see Tessa’s role in the program, and I am not referring to the relationship.

I don’t want Sharon to be hurt anymore either. She should get her degree, perhaps sell the coffee house or open a couple of more. I know it seems she and Nick should always be together, but the chemistry almost seems lost. Nick seems used by the writers. He too is aging and needs a mature woman. What about Sharon?

If Nikki and Victor want to get together again — OK, who cares.

Hillary is one of the most flexible actors on the program. It surprises me she hasn’t been pick up elsewhere.

Oh yes, haven’t watched the Christmas program yet. A most Happy New year to you all. It was fun reading and writing this evening. Best!

Not sure if this was mentioned in a previous post. Why would the writers have Nikki leave a diamond necklace “hanging” in a public park to honor Katharine? A Christmas gift for a thief? smh.

General Hospital

Juliet Donenfeld is the Temporary Recast as General Hospital’s Georgie

Those who saw the GH preview for today’s May 2nd episode were a bit confused when they saw a young actress sitting with Lois (Rena Sofer) and Violet (Jophielle Love). As it turns out, that young girl is a recast Georgie.

Juliet Donenfeld is stepping into the role temporarily replacing Lily Fisher. As viewers know, Georgie is the young daughter of Maxie (Kirsten Storms) and Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) named after Maxie’s sister, Georgie who passed away.

According to Soap Opera News, Fisher will be back soon in the part.

As for Donenfeld’s credits, she has appeared as JJ in the Netflix’s WWE series The Big Show Show,  Better Call Saul, Good Girls, Station 19, and Sydney to the Max to name but a few.

In addition, Juliet became the youngest nominee for an Annie Award, gaining recognition for voicing the character of Sally Squirrel in the Animated TV/Broadcast Production of Pete the Cat.

Watch today’s GH teaser below, and let us know your thoughts about Juliet as a recast Georgie via the comment section below.

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Breaking News

‘Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit For Stand Up To Cancer’ Live Virtual Event Announced; Featuring Soap Opera Notables and Moving Tributes

Stand Up to Cancer in collaboration with Alan Locher and Michael Fairman, will come together for a a three-hour livestream benefit, Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story.

Several stars from from daytime drama television past and present are scheduled to participate for an evening of stories of emotional on- and off-screen experiences with cancer, and moving tributes to beloved daytime favorites who lost their battle plus musical performances.

Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story, streams live on Thursday, May 16, from 8 to 11 p.m. ET/5 to 8 pm PT simultaneously on and YouTube channels The Locher Room and Michael Fairman Channel.

Photos: CBS and JPI

Tune-in for cancer survivorship stories with General Hospital’s Cameron Mathison and The Young and the Restless’ Colleen Zenk, who will reflect on the impact of publicly sharing their diagnoses; 2024 Daytime Emmy nominee Eric Braeden, who shares his cancer journey as well his memories of beloved The Young and the Restless co-star Meg Bennett, who passed from cancer April 11; and more.

Moving tributes to soap stars who’ve lost their cancer battles, including: Daytime icon Jackie Zeman, who played nurse Bobbie Spencer on General Hospital for 45 years, shared by daughters Cassidy MacLeod and Lacey Gorden, a tribute to Elizabeth Hubbard who played the iconic Lucinda Walsh on As the World Turns and Dr. Althea Davis on The Doctors, as shared by her on-screen daughter Martha Byrne and real-life son Jeremy Bennett, two-time Emmy Award-winner Jerry verDorn (Guiding Light  One Life to Live), shared by widow Beth verDorn and his on-screen wife on Guiding Light, friend and co-star Liz Keife, the iconic Andrea Evans, who played Tina Lord Roberts on One Life to Live, shared by her husband Stephen G. Rodriguez and daughter Kylie Rodriguez and Kamar de los Reyes shared by his One Life to Live co-stars Michael Easton (General Hospital) Trevor St. John (The Young and the Restless).

Photo: MEastonFacebook

Poignant reflections from actors who have portrayed breast cancer survivors, including Sharon Case and Eileen Davidson from The Young and the Restless; Erika Slezak from One Life to Live; Tina Sloan and Kim Zimmer from Guiding Light and more.

Additional talent slated to participate in the virtual benefit include (*subject to change): Eddie and Kristen Alderson (One Life to Live); Elia Cantu (Days of Our Lives); The Day Players, Featuring Days of Our Lives castmates Carson Boatman, Brandon Barash, Wally Kurth (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee), Eric Martsolf (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee); Kassie DePaiva (One Life to Live); Don Diamont (The Bold and the Beautiful); Linsey Godfrey (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, Days of Our Lives); Leo Howard (Days of Our Lives); Lesli Kay (The Bold and  the Beautiful); Eden McCoy (General Hospital); Kin Shriner (General Hospital); Michelle Stafford (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, The Young and the Restless).


“Daytime television invites viewers into the private lives of characters, often bringing important issues like cancer screenings into living rooms and around water coolers. Soaps debuted the first cancer storyline in 1962 – years before the topic was discussed in the mainstream, and it left an indelible impact: a whole generation of women who scheduled a potentially life-saving Pap smear for the first time,” said Daytime Stands Up host Alan Locher. “For so many viewers, this brought the issue front and center,” added co-host Michael Fairman. “Today, it’s become almost impossible to avoid; but there is hope with cancer research, thanks to organizations like Stand Up To Cancer.”

SU2C Co-Founder Sue Schwartz, SU2C President and CEO Julian Adams, Ph.D., and SU2C Health Equity Committee Member Elizabeth Jaffee, M.D., will also participate to speak to the importance of early detection, exciting scientific breakthroughs, and the ongoing work yet to be done to make screenings and treatment equitable for all.

“This year, an estimated 2 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer, presenting an opportunity for the public to stand with us and rise to the occasion,” said Adams. “We’re thankful to Alan Locher, Michael Fairman and our friends from the daytime television community, who will raise critical funding to honor those we’ve lost – and to propel new scientific breakthroughs for current and future patients. Everyone has a story, and we’re grateful to all of you for sharing yours.”

For over 15 years, SU2C has leveraged its relationship with the entertainment community – which includes more than 1,100 celebrity ambassadors – to generate public donations, increase awareness and fund cutting-edge cancer research. SU2C research has contributed to the development of more than 10 scientific breakthroughs that have significantly impacted the field and provided new treatment options for breast, colorectal, lung, melanoma, pancreatic, pediatric and prostate cancers.

Photo: SUTC

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Days Of Our Lives

Deidre Hall to Guest Star on Season 3 of Comedy Series ‘Hacks’

Days of our Lives star Deidre Hall (Marlena) is set to play a version of herself on third season of Hacks. Look for Hall this month in an episode titled “The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular,” to air on May 23 on Max.

Not only will Hall appear in the episode, but so too, will Back to the Future and Taxi star, Christopher Lloyd.

According to, Deidre will play “a fictional version of herself, who just so happens to be the mom of Paul W. Downs’ Jimmy.”

Photo: JPI

Hacks co-creator and Downs’ wife, Lucia Aniello shared on Hall’s casting, “It made sense to us that Jimmy’s late father, a big-time manager, would have been married to an actress. When the idea for Deidre Hall came up, it just felt right.”

As for Lloyd, he will portray, reclusive writer Larry Arbuckle, who is to have had a rather famous grandfather. In the episode, Hall and Lloyd’s character intersect, which leads to onscreen sparks.

Photo: AP

“We had written some things that were flirty, but the chemistry was palpable,” says co-creator and series star, Downs shared. Hacks stars Jean Smart as comedy legend Deborah Vance.

Photo: Max

Season 3 of Hacks debuts on Thursday night May 2nd on Max 9 pm ET/6 pm PT.

So, will you be watching Deidre Hall guest starring on Hacks? Comment below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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