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General Hospital


GENERAL HOSPITAL: Finn Tells Violet That Gregory Passed, While Elizabeth Sees He Has Been Drinking


The raw emotions continued on the Wednesday, May 22nd episode of General Hospital as Finn (Michael Easton) and Chase (Josh Swickard) try to come to grips with the death of their father, Gregory (Gregory Harrison).

In story, Gregory passed away in his sleep and his battle with ALS came to its conclusion. In the pick-up, Finn now has to tell his daughter, Violet (Jophielle Love) that her grandfather had passed when she returned home from school.

Gingerly, Finn does his best to explain to Violet what happened. Finn tells her that her grandfather’s heart stopped beating, and he wasn’t in pain. Violet bursts into tears saying that she wants Grandpa to still be here and runs into his room calling out for him. Then, in very touching scenes, Finn follows Violet. She asks her dad where her Grandpa is. Finn explains the paramedics took him away. She cries that she didn’t get the chance to even say goodbye.


Next, Finn hugs Violet and tells his little girl that life is so beautiful, but sometimes it’s unfair. He carries Violet back to the living room, but passes by the bottle of booze. He sits her down on the couch and tells her there will be a funeral in a few days so they will get to say goodbye to Grandpa together. When Violet asks where her Grandpa is now, Finn says he is in heaven.

Later, Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) shows up and hugs Violet and Finn. She can see right away that Finn has been drinking, especially after eyeing the glass, and the bottle on the counter. Getting Violet out of the room for a moment, Liz tells Finn she can’t even imagine the pain he must be in right now. So, he should go to a meeting and Violet will come home with her for the night.


Finn puts his foot down that Violet will stay with him. He just watched two total stranger, the paramedics, take his dad away. He says he took one drink to ease his pain. Finn stands up to Liz and says he thinks given the circumstances he has a right to do whatever it takes to get through the day. Next, Liz says she can’t stop him, but she will not have him get drunk with his daughter in the apartment, and so, she is taking Violet with her.

Elsewhere, Chase (Josh Swickard) and Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) decide at the airport to head back to the Quartermaines, and not take off for their honeymoon, since Gregory died. When they show up at the Q’s, Chase says he wants to be with his brother, but he is giving him time to tell Violet. Next, the newlyweds are greeted by Ned (Wally Kurth) and Lois (Rena Sofer). They tell the two the truth, leaving everyone stunned or in tears. Chase heads out to find Tracy.

Meanwhile, Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) is holding on to her good luck charm from Gregory as her reinstatement hearing begins. Little does she know, he has passed away. Alexis finds out she is in a court battle with Fergus Byrne (Lane Davies), the brother of the late Neil Byrne.

So, what did you think of the performances of Jophielle Love and Michael Easton in the touching scenes between Violet and Finn? Will Finn end up on a complete bender? Will his brother Chase show up in time to help him? Comment below.

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I do not want to see Michael Easton play an alcoholic. I thought drugs was his vice.. or was that in a previous role he played?

His previous addiction was to pills. Opiates, if a Devil remembers correctly. But Finn has always avoided alcohol because he believes his addiction would take over and substitute one substance for another. That’s why he was so freaked out by “accidentally” drinking champagne at the wedding.

The Cerullos gave him a bottle of booze, apparently unaware of his addiction “issues”. Under normal circumstances, he probably would have never broke the seal on the bottle. But as this Devil predicted, losing his father was the one thing that might drive him to use one substance or another, and the alcohol was there, so it’s the easiest to use. Had that bottle not been there, who knows? He might have resorted to writing himself a bogus prescription, or pocketing “samples” from the GH pharmacy.

Guess the question now is whether Elizabeth’s words will get through to him and he decides to claw his way back to sobriety for Violet’s sake, or whether he allows the pain of losing his father to drag him down into a dark spiral. It’s an unfortunate coincidence that Alexis just happens to be out of town at the moment, getting her law license back, or he would have probably called her to help him “12-step” his way through this nightmare.

Yeah I may have to fast forward through his segments. You know this will drag on at least a year and it seems like yesterday we endured Alexis going through it. It’s been done! Boring. Redundant. Unoriginal story for poor Michael Easton. He deserves a better story. I know he’ll do a superb acting job but I doubt I’ll invest any time watching it.

I thought the same thing but than I remembered hearing it called Substance Abuse which covers everything addictive..

He has been sober for 7 years as a doctor he has seen a lot and he didn’t drink so y now

Easton has been stellar this week and a special shoutout to Jophielle for a powerful performance from a special young actress. The flashback scene of Gregory & Violet in Kelly’s was a sweet reminder of how much she’s grown in the past few years.

Mark Teschner’s streak of finding outstanding juvenile performers is unmatched.

Their scenes were well written, well acted, and poignant. Jophielle and Michael were outstanding! We already knew that Michael was good, but Jophielle has shown what she is made of, and that young lady has a very bright future in the industry! Bravo to them both!

She can also be seen on the nighttime show Will Trent, a great detective show.

Michael Easton is an amazing actor…..He’s showing all the raw emotion people go thru after death of a loved one…And he’s pushing loved ones away……I cried watching …I’m hoping Finn and Chase help each other get thru this Sad Storyline……

She gave an emmy performance ! she had me in tears …it felt real ! she some times get on my nerves but this time …she got it write ! it has to do with the writing a lot i guess!

I know Olivia helps run the hotel with Carly but she is Ned’s wife, not Lois who acts like she’s the lady of the house and Ned’s wife.Gosh, is she ever leaving PC, am so sick of her butting in and running the show.Alittle of her goes a long way, I hope Gio won’t be another trouble maker.

I like Lois but I agree with you she’s a little too comfortable at the Q’s. I know Monica lets her do what she wants but Brook Lynn doesn’t live there anymore and Lois should therefore get her own place and take Gio with her. I know Monica greenlit Gio living at the Q’s, but it’s weird.

Breaking News

Bryan Craig Returning to General Hospital as Morgan Corinthos

It looks like the teases Bryan Craig was dropping on social media were true, sort of.  According to TV Line, Craig is returning to the ABC daytime drama series to reprise his two-time Daytime Emmy-winning role as Morgan Corinthos.

However, it looks for now as if Craig is returning just for one episode. Circle August 1st for when he reappears on the long-running soap opera.

Now, it remains unclear if Morgan will come back as a ghost or vision from beyond, or if it will turn out that he is alive and well after everyone believed he was killed when a bomb meant for Julian Jerome blew up the car he was in. That incident took Craig off the show was back in 2016.

Photo: ABC

Speculation was high that Bryan could be the actor, GH EP Frank Valentini was referring to when he dropped the bombshell in an interview at the 51st annual Daytime Emmys that “a former cast member is coming back…and I think the audience will go crazy for HIM.”

Photo: BCraigIG

Craig continued to fuel the fire that he was on his way back to GH with a Father’s Day with himself and GH on-screen dad, Maurice Benard (Sonny), and then an image on his Instagram which looked like the GH set.

Photo: JPI

The actor began his TV career in 2013 when he took on the role of Sonny and Carly’s (Laura Wright son. After departing General Hospital three years later, Craig was cast on ABC’s Grand Hotel, and most recently appeared on Freeform’s Good Trouble, plus several independent motion pictures.

Now the question becomes is Bryan Craig’s one-day appearance who Valentini was referring to, or is there another male actor from the past still on their way back to Port Charles? Comment below.

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General Hospital

‘General Hospital’s’ Sonny Tells Ava She’s Moving Out, Now Will Her Plan Backfire?

This week on General Hospital, Sonny (Maurice Benard) informs Ava (Maura West) that she’s moving out of his penthouse. In the newly released promo from the ABC soap opera, you can tell that the mobster catches his unsuspecting roomie off guard.

Whatever Ava has been plotting has now hit a major bump in the road, if she can’t keep tabs on Sonny so closely. She has constantly been a fly on the wall to all his interactions, while knowing he is not getting the proper full dosage of his meds to keep check his bipolar disorder.

Seems like Sonny may want the penthouse all to himself to also spend some time with Natalia (Eva LaRue) as the two have been enjoying each others company. And on the Friday, June 28th episode, teasers share that “Sonny and Natalia get closer.”


In other moments in the promo, Carly (Laura Wright) is upset after learning that Jason (Steve Burton) put two and a half years of his life on hold, and stayed away from his family, just to protect her after incriminating evidence surfaced on her.

Last week, Sam (Kelly Monaco) revealed to Carly that there is tape of her time leading the Corinthos organization and a meeting with the five families. So, what’s a girl to do? Visit Brennan (Charles Mesure) in jail.

Meanwhile, Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) and Anna (Finola Hughes) are playing a game of cat and mouse over his involvement with Pikeman, and Finn (Michael Easton) confronts Tracy (Jane Elliot) as to where his daughter, Violet (Jophielle Love) is after his drinking binge.

Watch the full promo below. Then let us know, what do you think Ava’s actual plot against Sonny is? Do you think Valentin is truly the head of Pikeman? What is Carly trying to do now that she knows that Jason did all of this for her? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL Preview: After Tracy Takes Incriminating Photos of Finn; It All Points to Him Losing Custody of Violet

It’s clear that General Hospital is headed towards really taking Finn (Michael Easton) all the way down to the depths of despair, when his family and friends, while trying to do the right thing and protect his daughter, Violet (Jophielle Love), from any harm, are also setting the guy up for a real punch to the gut.

Thus far, Finn started drinking heavily after his father Gregory passed away in the middle of the night. Now, it looks like his daughter will be taken away from him.

In story on the Friday’s June 19th episode, after Finn cuts his hand accidentally on broken glass, he ends up passing out on the floor from excessive drinking. Violet comes upon her dad, and ends up calling Tracy (Jane Elli0t). When Tracy shows up, she calls the paramedics, who inform her that the issue with Finn is he drank too much.


Once Violet goes over to Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) and Chase’s (Josh Swickard), Tracy goes back to Finn’s and takes photos on her phone of Finn passed out, a bottle of booze, the glass and the entire scenario.

So, between Brook Lynn, Chase and Tracy, it looks like Finn will not stand a chance at keeping custody of Violet, unless one of them sticks up for the good doc? In true soap-fashion, it would seem most likely, a court will grant temporary custody to Brook Lynn and Chase, setting up some kind of emotional full custody battle down the line? Stay tuned.


Teasers for the week of June 24-28 on GH indicate the following:


Tracy issues an ultimatum. Chase and Brook Lynn seek legal advice. Carly plots a bold move. Molly and TJ have a heart-to-heart. Ava gets an earful.

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024

Jason and Elizabeth discuss their son. Carly opens up to Brennan. Anna makes a discovery. Valentin makes a proposal. Finn suffers a setback.



Trina delivers bad news. Ava is on the warpath. Mac visits Cody. Alexis makes a revelation. Gio is alarmed. 

THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 

Chase supports Finn. Jason and Danny bond. Dante voices his concerns to Sam. Dex surprises Josslyn.

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024

Carly and Jason clash. Sonny and Natalia get closer. Ava seeks out Laura. Brook Lynn and Chase make a big decision. Blaze has some tough questions for Kristina.

So, what did you think of Tracy taking photos of Finn passed out drunk? Are you on Tracy, Brook Lynn and Chase’s side, or do you think Finn will sober up when he realizes Violet will be taken from him? Share your theories via the comment section below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Power Performance

Michael Easton as Finn

General Hospital

Airdates: 5-20/24-2024
