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THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Cole is Fraught After Seeing Jordan Alive; Ashley Collapses After Her Plans for Tucker Go South

Photo: JPI

On Wednesday’s May 22nd episode of The Young and the Restless, Cole (J. Eddie Peck) is reeling from finding a secret passage way to the basement where Victor (Eric Braeden) is holding a very much alive, Jordan (Colleen Zenk).

Behind the bars that hold her captive, she pleads with him to get her out of there. Jordan’s convinced Cole will help her because her sister, Eve, was his mother.

A stunned Cole asks, “How did you get in here? We heard that you drowned in that river!” Jordan reveals Victor took her and has been torturing her. Jordan pleads with Cole that she’s reformed. She then says, if he gets her freed she will leave town and never return.

Photo: JPI

Cole pushed back,“Do you think that I would actually believe you after everything you’ve done?!” Jordan tells him to please call the police on Victor because being in a real jail would be better for her than this. She says, “I can’t take this anymore.” Jordan panics when Cole leaves her there.

Later, a stunned Cole is trying to decide what to do. He has lunch with Victoria (Amelia Heinle) and Claire (Hayley Erin). Next, C9le excuses himself and makes a phone call to Michael and says, “How soon can you meet me?”

Photo: JPI

Meanwhile, Ms. Abbott has Tucker (Trevor St. John) alone at the jazz club and is doing everything she can to seduce him, all the while with her intent to kill him. He is on to her, and knows he is not talking to the real Ashley (Eileen Davidson).

Meanwhile at the Abbotts, Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) talks with Jack (Peter Bergman) and Traci (Beth Maitland), revealing he believes Ashley’s different behaviors seems unlikely to have been caused by a break-up in Paris with Tucker, He feels something else more traumatic happened in Paris after Tucker left.


At the end of the episode, Ms. Abbott loses her cool with Tucker as he tells her her to stop running away, “You are not safe,” he says. Next, holding her head as her different alters fight for control, Ashley falls to the floor and passes out.

For more on Ashley’s alters and this storyline, make sure to check out the latest interview with Eileen Davidson on the subject matter via her visit to the Michael Fairman Channel below.

Now let us know, what do you think Cole will do about Jordan? Has everyone finally gotten knocked over the head enough that Ashley has multiple personalities? What happened to her in Paris after she left Tucker that caused the split? Share your theories in the comment section.

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That WHACK-JOB Jordan says “I can’t take this anymore.” Well that lunatic should have thought about that before she began her endless reign of terror. To me, Cole has always been a very, very levelheaded kind of guy…so, hopefully, he won’t stoop or lower himself down to Victor’s egotistical level.

We shall see…

Hopefully Cole and Michael will successfully get Jordan out of Victor’s dungeon before she can do any more damage to anyone and she will be put away permanently.

General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Elizabeth and Jason Have a Heart-to-Heart; Is a Liason Reunion Possible?

Have Finn (Michael Easton) and Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) 2.0 finally gone kaput? It would seem so. On Monday’s June 10th episode of General Hospital, it looks like the two now have what could be an insurmountable rift. Finn is drinking and can’t stop. Liz finds him with another woman drunk in his apartment, and can’t put herself in another relationship with someone who has an addiction (Remember, Lucky?).

Who should save Liz from an uncomfortable situation with Finn, but none other than Jason (Steve Burton). He comes upon on the scene where Finn is grabbing Liz’s hand to not leave him, but she insists it’s over between them.

Finn has hit his lowest point.  He has continued to spiral downward since the death of his father, Gregory.  Jason brings Liz to the Metro Court pool, which is closed at this time.


She admits to Jason, she wasn’t ready to go home and answer questions from her kids. A somber Jason says that she deserves better than what Finn is giving to her right now, and Liz feels so do her kids. They dip their feet in the pool. Liz jokes she can’t believe she got thee Jason Morgan to take off his shoes. He coyly asks her not to tell anyone.

Liz says she wants to support Finn through his grief, but Jason says Finn is pushing her away. She asks Jason how he knew to find her at Finn’s. That’s when he reveals, their son, Jake was worried about her, so it was Jake who reached out to him.


Next, Liz thanks Jason for being here for him, listening to her and extolling some advice.  Jason says he knows he is no place to be giving advice because he left her and Sam to raise his sons all on their own.

However, Liz points out it’s not because he didn’t want to be there. On that note, she’s pretty sure he wasn’t on vacation all the years he was away from his children. Jason says he’s here now and he will do whatever he can to make things up to Jake. Liz says just showing up to help her will go a long way with Jake, as it also goes along way with her.

You can watch the heartfelt scenes between Rebecca Herbst and Steve Burton below. Liason has been trending this evening on X.  Should GH consider putting Elizabeth and Jason back together? Weigh-in via the comment section.

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General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Gregory’s Loved Ones Gather to Say Goodbye

On the Wednesday, June 7th episode of General Hospital, it was time for Gregory Chase’s (Gregory Harrison) memorial, which as Gregory wanted would be having his ashes spread with his loved ones in attendance.

The memorial service was held at the park bench in which he used to sit and read to Violet (Jophielle Love), which now has a plaque with his name imprinted on it.

Chase (Josh Swickard) was put in charge of the gathering, by his late father. In very well-written scenes, each of the man’s loved ones and friends extolled words of wisdom they learned from him that will forever remain with them and in their hearts.


Finn (Michael Easton) shares how much his dad, who was suffering from ALS, loved this spot and that when the climb up the hill became too much, he insisted he could make it on his own. Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) speaks to what a good man that Gregory was. Violet reads a poem.

Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) opens up about how ALS is a devastating disease that takes resolve to handle, and Gregory had a lot of resolve. He made her aware of the limitations she put on her own life. She admits Gregory got her to jump out of a plane with him and that the two passionately kissed, which surprised everyone in attendance.

Photo: ABC

Tracy (Jane Elliot) talks with sadness about Gregory being a missed opportunity, and if she had known him sooner, longer and better, who knows what might have been. In the moral to her time with Gregory, Tracy expressed, “If an opportunity doesn’t present itself, make one. Contrary to conventional wisdom, you can miss what you didn’t have.”

Photo: ABC

Chase spoke last and says his dad taught him to find something remarkable in every person you meet. Next, Chase begins to scatter Gregory’s ashes around the tree, and then hands the container to Finn, so he can spread the last part of the ashes.


Afterwards, Tracy hosts a reception at the Metro Court. She and Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) share a shot for Gregory. Alexis tells Finn, she is heading to an AA meeting, but first they discuss the kiss with his dad. Elizabeth and her boys make their exit, and then Chase goes looking for Finn and finds him at the bar. What he sees upsets him, as Finn is knocking back shots one after the other.

What did you think about Gregory’s memorial service? Did you reach for the hankies? What do you think will happen next to Finn now that he is continuing to drink? Comment below.

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Days Of Our Lives

DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Nicole Has Long-Awaited Showdown With Sloan as Carlivati Writing Regime Episodes Begin Again

On the Friday, May 31st episode of Days of our Lives, head writer Ron Carlivati promised a nod to the audience that the script they are watching came from his writing team, their first, since the writers strike.

At the beginning of today’s show, one of Carlivati’s favorite muses, Leo Stark (Greg Rikaart), is sitting with his laptop saying how bad The Spectator’s writing has gotten, expressing, “No offense Everett, but the quality of the writing has really gone down hill the last couple of months. But that is about to change starting today.”

With that, the viewers finally get the long-awaited confrontation between Nicole (Arianne Zucker) and Sloan (Jessica Serfaty), which seemed, at first, a bit odd that Sloan snuck into the DiMera mansion to confront Nicole in the first place, when she should be on the run.


Sloan tells Nicole there’s something she has to hear. Nicole starts to call Rafe (Galen Gering) to lock her up, but Sloan stops her. She swears to Nicole she didn’t plan to kidnap Jude. Dimitri showed up with him just as she was running out of options after her adoption fell through with Eric.  “It felt like fate,” Sloan says. “I’ll show you fate,” Nicole shouts and punches Sloan’s lights out.

Nicole is mortified of what Sloan put her through and the lengths of her lies and deceit. That’s when Sloan reminds Nicole she did the exact same thing to Sami (Alison Sweeney) years ago. So, she goes on to say, because of how she stole a baby from its birth mother, maybe she can show her some grace. Nicole shouts, “Never!”

Photo: JPI

Sloan starts to make her exit as Nicole is calling the cops, and just as Sloan makes it to the doorway, Eric (Greg Vaughan) shows up. Will she tell Eric he is the biological father of baby Jude before EJ (Dan Feuerriegel)​​ returns home?

Photo: JPI

Meanwhile, outside the Brady Pub, EJ runs into Leo and Leo is on to him. He realizes something is up with Sloan and baby Jude and EJ’s part in any cover-up just as Rafe arrests Melinda  (Tina Huang) for seemingly her part of hatching the baby switch plot.


Elsewhere, Bobby (Blake Berris) has control of Everett right in front of Jada (Elia Cantu), Stephanie (Abigail Klein) and Marlena (Deidre Hall), who shows up to help him. It’s now defined to everyone that Bobby is an alter that is protecting Everett from finding out something terrible that happened to him, which caused his split personality.

So, what did you think of the Nicole/Sloan baby switch showdown? Underwhelming? Great? What did you think of the first show back from the regular DAYS writing regime? Do you like how things moved? Do you not like the direction? Share your thoughts via the comment section below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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General Hospital

Airdates: 5-20/24-2024
