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Days Of Our Lives


Y&R's Greg Rikaart Takes To Huffington Post In Efforts to Clarify Issues in Chick-fil-A Controversy and Dan Cathy & Melissa Reeves!

Photo credit: Kathy Hutchins

The Young and the Restless Greg Rikaart (Kevin Fisher) took to The Huffington Post to continue his efforts to clarify the issues involved in supporting Chick-fil-A and it’s recent Appreciation Day, and where a Twitter controversy erupted between he and fellow soap star, Melissa Reeves (Jennifer) of Days of our Lives.  

In his piece, Rikaart takes to task, Dan Cathy, the head honcho of Chick-fil-A, and Reeves.  And the Daytime Emmy winning actor addresses the public debate that Chick-fil-A’s  stance  is not a freedom of speech issue, but about bigotry and donating money to hurt the LGBT community.  Here are some excerpts:

Greg Rikaart:  “The media blitz surrounding Chick-fil-A isn’t about chicken sandwiches or Dan Cathy’s First Amendment right to speak his mind. Mr. Cathy’s company has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to organizations like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which publicly denounces the “impure lifestyle” of the LGBT community. Furthermore, this company donated money to the Family Research Council, which supports the criminalization of homosexuality and states on their website that they oppose efforts for homosexuals to have equal rights.

I posted a tweet airing my disappointment in Melissa Reeves (another member of the daytime community) for aligning herself with this company that financially supports the furthering of hatred and bigotry. I did so because I have aligned myself with organizations like GLSEN (the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) and the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) and I have read too many stories of alienated LGBT kids taking their lives after relentless persecution.

Whether grown up bullies like Dan Cathy and Melissa Reeves realize it or not, they are directly or indirectly telling these vulnerable kids that there is something wrong with them, or they are somehow less than. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m certain of it.

I’d happily talk to Mrs. Reeves about this myself, but alas, she has not responded to me and has blocked me from having access to her twitter account. I have happily engaged in debates with people who have reached out to me in defense of her and/or their own beliefs. The knowledge that I might have the ability to change someone’s mind or possibly get them to see the issue from a different perspective is worth the few naysayers who have sent me unkind comments. People often say “agree to disagree.’ I think that’s a cop-out. Frankly, the stakes in this case are too high to let the conversation end. Let’s disagree and talk about it. Maybe I can better understand you and vice versa.

I’m grateful and encouraged that the majority of the feedback I have gotten has been very supportive and positive, and I am happy to use my bit of notoriety to stand up for what is right. Some people have accused me of bullying for expressing my disappointment in Mrs. Reeves. A man named Wayne Self likened this rationale to walking up to a bully on the playground beating up some other kid and then scolding them both for not getting along.

I was having a conversation with some friends last night and someone said “What’s the end game on this Chick-fil-A issue?” My hope is that with all the media attention surrounding the issue, Dan Cathy would be open to taking a meeting with my friends Eliza Byard of GLSEN and Chad Griffin of the HRC. Maybe he can walk away from that with a better understanding of why his actions are so hurtful to the LGBT community, particularly the youngest and most vulnerable members of it, and maybe he will think twice about where his tax-deductible donations go.”

So what do you think of Rikaart’s statements in his blog at Huff Post?  Are the issues surrounding this debate clearer to you?  Do you still believe at this point that Chick-fil-A’s stance is just a freedom of speech issue? And,  what do you think of Rikaart’s statements directed at Melissa Reeves? Weigh-in!

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Bravo to Greg Rikaart for not letting this issue go. I would still love to hear from Missy Reeves with some form of explaination. I know she has lost tons of fans and I am surprised that Days has not made some comment since they have the Will gay storyline going on now.

I’d happily talk to Mrs. Reeves about this myself, but alas, she has not responded to me and has blocked me from having access to her twitter account.

This isn’t even a challenge… Seperation of church and state. Equal rights.

Closed mind. it’s burning up all that time for Peace. Channelling for the good of Man.

God loves you but not your sin and judging others is not helping you out any way shape form or fashion.


God Loves You.


Hillary Rodham Clinton?


I think he has acted disgracefully. What he wants isn’t just for himself or another to talk to Dan Cathy & Melissa Reeves what he wants is for them to change to his way of thinking. He is being the bully here. He said it wasn’t about free speech. Every person I follow on Twitter that went to Chik-fil-A said it was because of the free speech issue. As for the way he is verbally attacking Melissa it is uncalled for. I have never heard of one soap star publicly picking on another like this. He has complained that she isn’t willing to talk to him about this. She doesn’t have to. It is still a free country isn’t? Want to see a bully Greg? Look in the mirror!

I couldn’t disagree more, I encourage accountability. When she tweeteed her statement she opened herself up to all of this negativity. She has the right to feel and believe anything she chooses however she is a celebrity and her comments are scutinized more than say yours or mine. If her comment was only to support free speech, why then did she not respond to the perception of her discontent for the gay and lesbian community? If something someone says is percieved in a particular way, that is what was said. If she doesn’t support GLBT just own it, it’s her belief or opinion. Greg Rikaart is not a bully, he responded to the tweet that MR made public. If she didn’t want this debate perhaps tweeting is something she should not do. This is just my opinion on the matter. Too much hate in the world and it isn’t necessary.

totally agree with toscanti. If melissa Reeves now can’t stand the heat, then she should of stayed out of the chick of fil A kitchen.

Missy spoke her mind and judging her on comments and past makes yall look bad. Judge yourselves and know it hard to do, if disagree withh her fine, but praying for her these people salvation would be a start.

How is Greg the bully in this situation? He has not “attacked” Melissa Reeves, he has simply expressed disappointment that someone from his own field of work would very PUBLICLY support a company that is in favor of bigotry and hatred. Toscanti and Aria, I completely agree with you both that Reeves opened herself up to criticism and should deal with it. Like Greg said, he has wanted to have a talk or debate with her over the issue, but she is not willing to open her mind whatsoever. If you tweet her on twitter, anything supporting the LGBT community or anti-Chick-Fil-A, she blocks you instantly instead of actually reading the comment.

Also, how is Greg te bully when, as opposed to Reeves, he is standing up for people? Free speech or freedom of religion are NOT masks that people can use to hide their hatred behind. Would we have allowed those excuses if this were African American slaves a few decades ago? What about women when they were discriminated against? I bet Reeves would have LOVED that. It is disgusting that she supports people who want to set our country back decades and continue hatred in the world.

He isn’t being a bully and it is not about freedom of speech. They donate thousands to hate organizations each year which are campaigning and lobbying to criminalize homosexuality. Your friends who participated in appreciation day think this is simply about the interview in which Cathy stated his disapproval about gay marriage. That is not what it is about. At all.

I completely support Greg Rikaart’s right to his own freedom of speech and to his beliefs, but I also support Dan Cathy’ s rights to his freedoms of speech and religion too. This is not about bigotry! Dan Cathy’s religious beliefs are from his core beliefs and he has every right to them. And he also has every right to donate to whatever causes he wants. I’m sure Greg Rikaart contributes to his own causes that others don’t agree with, so why is it ok for him to act on his beliefs and others who disagree are not allowed to do the same without being excoriated and trashed for their opposing viewpoints?

This has nothing to do with civil rights becaue this is an individual’s beliefs and this individual isn’t doing anthing to affect policy or state’s rights, as all state rights/laws are voted on by the people and majority vote rules in our country. And please don’t accuse people of being bigots, anti-gay or haters just because they have strong beliefs that they live by! This is NOT true and this kind of vitriole is only causing people to hate more, and it will only result in your efforts to promote your cause a lot worse.

Just my 2 cents! We are still America and we live by the Bill of Rights!

the thing i have about religious beliefs…

Religion – that a higher power – being (Christ) is. He created that all men are equal?

there are those who are good.
there are those who are evil.

judge not lest ye be judged.

there are so many religions to choose from…

practical…. common sense…. knowing right from wrong. live accordingly. treat others as you would like to be treated.

why would our loving God… choose… and/or give us abilities… to know any differently? to enhance, harmonize, freely express together? Joyful noise.

Indifferent? Desensitize your fellow man? I don’t think so.

I praise God, for change. That we the people.. can remain constant, strong, and Persevere.

per·se·ver·ance/ˌpərsəˈvi(ə)rəns/Noun: 1.Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
2.Continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory.

Synonyms: persistence – tenacity – pertinacity – assiduity

More info » – – Merriam-Webster – The Free Dictionary

It’s not about free speech. Honestly, it would be like telling your sister you hate her guts and then getting p!ssed when she doesn’t send you a Christmas present. Give me a break with that nonsense!

The difference between Greg and Mr Cathy is that the latter supports anti gay rights groups that are hateful towards gays. I am certain that Greg doesn’t support anti Christian groups and that would be the only way to compair the two. So I agree that everyone has the right to support which ever group they want to unless it is a hate group. If this was an Antisemitic group or Ku Klux Klan group do you think you would still agree with Mr Cathy’s right to support any group he chooses?

I wholeheartedly agree that this has NOTHING to do with his first amendment rights. Not one person has said he did not have the right to voice his opinion. For me, this has always been about where he donates his companies profits. I stopped eating there in 2000.
Only having this article to go by, I have no problem with what Mr. Rikaart stated about or to Ms. Reeves. There was no personal attack, just expressing his disappointment in her choice.

As a gay man I’m getting tired of the gay community’s victim act when it comes to marriage equality. They care coming off as spoiled children who are stamping their feet and acting like the bully when they are told “no”. Gay men are dying all over the world, being killed by people who says their religion is a “religion of peace”, where’s the outrage? Oh, wait! We can’t be mad at them, because it’s politically incorrect! Christians are easy targets and are parodied and demeaned in the media at every opportunity, so why not go after them, right? Where was the gay community’s outrage over what happened when Jerry Sandusky bullied those poor boys? Crickets. Mr. Rikart needs to look in the mirror and take a good hard look at his own personal bigotry before he looks at anyone else. And as a gay Christian, I am sick to death of the gay community thinking that their voice is the only voice that matters.


I am a gay man. I respectfully, must state. I will never believe that the gay community would “play” the victim act. every one person has their right to be passionate about their ideals… and collectively… we stand for tolerance?

I am not sick of the continued “for and against” issues we face… in the media.. the limelight… as it were. I’ve already state this…. “DEFEAT’ists are all part of the drawing board.

Thank you Mr. Greg Rikkart… for emphatically championing… that “BULLYING” – Hate Crimes… Stigmatizing… those who aren’t right?

Spirituality… is your inner being resonating…goodwill.

I am at peace with what is not a choice. Gay – Homosexual. Straight – Heterosexual.

Wow, an actual voice of reason. That is what Greg is insisting on, that people change their view. Talk to his chosen person and get your thinking readjusted the way they want it.

A voice of reason… is listening to opposition. discerning the facts… and reaffirming.

Now you know we don’t think we are the only voice that matters. We simply Wang equal rights under law. We aren’t asking for slot. And it is time for this country to be run by laws not the Bible.

As a gay man, I have seen the bigotry and the victim act first hand in the gay community. We act like bigots in much more subtle ways, like treating guys who walk down the street who don’t look like an underwear model as though they don’t exist. We are just as nasty and as hateful as those we think are so bad because of their religious beliefs, and because we are indoctrinated that Republicans and Christians are the enemy and that we engage in gross generalizations in saying that ALL Republicans and ALL Christians hate gay people, which is the biggest lie of them all. And let’s not forget that the gay community came out in force for Bill Clinton who had the affair with Monica Lewinsky and said that was a private matter, but boy we love the pride parades where we make that private matter very public. It smacks of utter hypocrisy, until we take a good hard look at ourselves in the mirror and clean up our side of the street, we have zero room to talk or complain.

I fully support and applaud Greg Rikaart’s statements. It is NOT a free speech issue at all. It is people hiding behind what they THINK the bible says for further hatred, bigotry and homophobia. It’s disgusting and totally not in line with the way Jesus Christ lived. Dan Cathy and all the born again so-called Christians that support his words and actions should be ashamed of themselves. A bigot is a bigot no matter what great book they hide behind. Cowards.

And calling people names isn’t going to win them over. You’re just going to polarize it even more.

I think he’s handled this with respect, I truthfully have. And I think it’s disgusting that Ms. Reeves has taken the easy way out by blocking Greg for voicing his opinion. She took the easy way out. I am on Greg’s side of this debate whole heartedly. Greg has opened up to saying he wants to understand Melissa’s stance and why she’ll supporting this disgusting company, but she’s closed herself off, which hinges the opinions and the outlook of her as a person.

She couldn’t face her own marriage with fidelity why would we expect anything more for people she doesn’t even know.

I don’t know the details of her personal life other than her support of this hack company. I think it’s sad how immature she is being during this time.

It is ridiculous to bring up a past issue from years ago that obviously has long been worked out between she and her husband. Funny how people that don’t like haters don’t mind when it is directed at a Christian. She and her family were getting threats. Hope Greg feels like a big man for causing that. Yes he is a bully, to anyone who doesn’t agree with him.

Greg, did not, cause…. personal conflict, with regard to MR’s Tweet(s).

it’s not difficult to discern that wreaking havoc… irreparable harm… personally… is a cause that, any one should believe in.

Good for you Greg!! Nice to see someone take a stand against hatred and bigotry!! Ashamed of Melissa Reeves; I thought she as a better person than that. I wonder if her hubby Scott agrees with her position.

In my mind, anyone with kids should be totally against hatred and bigotry against the LGBT community. What would happen if one of your kids turned out to be gay Melissa??

Why is this hate? Why can’t this just be labeled as disagreement? Why the extreme? Because we live in a culture of victimization. You don’t win anyone to your cause by making gross mischaracterizations. You can disagree with someone and still care for them. You don’t have to hate them out of existence, like Mr. Rikart is doing.

Greg was well spoken. Hopefully it will make it ckearer for others. I imagine that Melissa is regreting her tweet and that is why she has not spoken. I am sure she hopes this whole thing will just go away.

Something like this would gnaw at me…. Unrest. Manifest.

man·i·fest/ˈmanəˌfest/Adjective: Clear or obvious to the eye or mind: “the system’s manifest failings”.

Verb: 1.Display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate: “manifest signs of depression”.
2.Record in such a manifest: “every passenger is manifested at the point of departure”.

Noun: A document giving the details of a ship and its cargo, passengers, and crew for the use of customs officers.

This is one of those times… when its all for one and one for all.

Clearly looks us in the eye. stares us in the face. Just saying.

Well, if anyone knows about the sanctity of marriage, it’s Missy Reeves. Just ask Jason Brooks.

Judging people are we and two wrong don’t make a right.

So many classy people bringing up things from years ago to make Melissa look bad. I’ glad the haters aren’t hating on anybody. Oh, wait. they are.

I’ glad the haters aren’t hating on anybody. Oh, wait. they are.


No one’s that different or better than you and I. That Hate is happening.

And how old is the bible? People bring that up to justify their bigotry and hatred.

Chick-fil-A profits support Focus on the Family and its off-shoot group, the Family Research Council, which has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. FOF aggressively defames LGBT people as a threat to children, and FRC spent $25,000 to stop the U.S. Congress from condemning Uganda’s anti-homosexuality bill, which calls for the execution of gay people in some cases. While Chick-fil-A’s leadership has every right to its views, beliefs, and voice, good people, Christian or not, don’t use their corporate profits to fund hate groups or causes that work to defame, criminalize, and execute people.

me..this is why Greg Riikart is speaking out against Ms.Reeves support of Chick a Fila not stating she doesn’t have the right to speak her opinion..but exactly what it is she is supporting which is hate..I am not gay & I don’t think what she said was right she is in support of hate you have the right to speak your opinion if you accept the responsibility of your words..she has not..Greg has..including people questioning his sexuality which should have nothing to do with this..I have never eaten there & never will…wouldn’t support a KKK business’s the same.I believe in a God who is just & good & doesn’t hate because of who people choose to love…

God tells us to love ourselves, enemies, and everbody whhho is living soul, but not their sin..

Gloria – I know that is what Greg is speaking out against. I was supporting his position by pointing out exactly where CFA donates their dollars…a group that hates.

cr – you are assuming that homosexuality is a sin. now, of course you and others will say that the bible says it is. The bible was also fine with slavery, so I guess the bible is not infallible after all.

Who do not god word, do you. Slavery was not the fine in bible, god told moses to free his people.

You need jesus my friend and a mature lost person does not understand the bible fully.


cr replied August 16th, 2012 at 8:23 am

God tells us to love ourselves, enemies, and everbody whhho is living soul, but not their sin..

“BUT NOT THEIR SIN”. Do we have a chance? A light at the end of the tunnel… a Glimmer of Hope…. Yes… because, i am not alone. asking that our constitution be all inclusive… for every living soul… regardless of their individual freedoms… is loving ourselves…. we are not the enemy.

keep drinking the Kool-aid @cr

Hysterical you idiots!!! Over & Over its not about free speech it’s about donating and supporting hatred!!
Way to go Greg!! Reading some of these just makes me vomit!!! Bet your voting for the Romney idiot too. It’s people like you, that believe in Dan Cathy that is wrong with this world today!! Your not even understanding what it’s about!!! You with kids what if your child turns out gay (well we’ve seen what you do to those poor kids with horrid parents) and what if you err not able to see your spouse in the hospital. We pay taxes just like you, we should have rights!! Lisa & Vicki you both scare me!!!

God and religion is be about love respect, and dignity for others, not hate.
Some love to preach the bible but don’t seem to get message about LOVE!!
Supporting groups that hate and degrades others isn’t Godly in my book.
Bigotry wrapped in prayer is still bigotry!!! There is no love in hate and bigotry!!

God loves everbody yes, but he also god of wrath and when we do not listen to him and his word word, we are punish. He loves the sinner not the sin.

that’s like saying…. we’re spending all our time fighting our fellow man… and not saying God DID create us in his image.

Using Mr. Rikaarts logic, if you don’t agree with the views of the LGBT community you are a bigot. You cannot support any group that does not agree with the LGBT lifestyle.

Personally, I don’t care what you do in the privacy of your home. But I have the right to disagree with your choices just as you do mine.

Mr Cathy has a right to spend the money his private company made the way he wants. He can support organizations that share his views as Mr. Rikaart can.

If you don’t agree with Mr. Cathy’s choices that’s fine. Don’t support his business.

That is what used to be great about this country. Everybody could discuss things and still agree to disagree. Today if you don’t agree with the Left and the LGBT, you are a racist and a bigot. There is no willing to here both sides of the issues.

No wonder this country is in the condition it is today. No one is willing to listen and to try and work out a mutual agreement. Until we are, god help us.

It started out because the LGBT community was going to boycott CFA and others said hey he is intitled to believe what he wants lets pick a day and go eat there. How evil.

Using Mr. Rikaarts logic, if you don’t agree with the views of the LGBT community you are a bigot. You cannot support any group that does not agree with the LGBT lifestyle


why are their answers before questions….. because your beliefs are morally, justified?

why is their lines drawn…. and definitions to not understanding…. those who agree with gay marriage…and those who do not?

1. if you don’t agree with the views of the LGBT community, you are a bigot.
2. you cannot support any group that does not agree with the LGBT community.

There is no Hypocrisy… in acknowledging… that Tolerance, was acceptable? I believe we’ve maintained our position on equal rights for all.

I have no regard for people who hide behind “The Good Book”. One thing for sure, religion and unconditional love will never be equal. There is so much hate going on–I’m glad I am not religious–the act of cutting myself off from religion was so freeing. I got tired of being told on a regular basis how bad a person I was. Give your 10% and you’re Heaven bound. Sheesh!! People need to lighten up This is 2012, folks, not 1950. I would have hoped that things would have gotten better, but they haven’t. Let’s stop the hate already!!

The world is not perfect and god does not force us in our decsions we make, but if they do not line up with his word than we are wrong. Love this people and pray for them, but i will not agree with their sin.

“if they do not line up with his word than we are wrong” The problem is, his word is interpreted in many different and, many times, self-serving ways.

This guy is an uncivilized and intolerant person.To call Ms. Reeves a “bully”because she believes that the owner of a private business who has views that differ from Reikart’s has the freedom in the United States
to express those views is preposterous and ignorant of the idea of freedom that makes this country unique in human history.Suddenly,having a differing view makes one a “hater”no matter what the motivation.

You like many others have failed to listen to what is truly the reason for the the uproar. It is NOT about free speech!!! One more time it is NOT about free speech. Use the internet. Do some research. While you are at it look up run on sentences.

1)It is not about freedom of speech because you and others decree that it is not?I have not failed to listen-I have failed to agree with you.

2)Just because a sentence is long does not make it a run-on sentence.

It is you who needs to learn the definition of a run-on sentence.

This guy is an uncivilized and intolerant person.

Wow. because GR wants that all people have the same opportunities… he’s not free?

@Robert- Hello. Are you telling me that the reason all these people (including myself) are upset only because of what he said? Most people are more upset with where he donates his money. People understand that he can say whatever he wants. Are they upset with what he said too? Yes. Do they have the right to boycott and make comments about Dan Cathy? Yes. So you can continue to believe that people are just upset with what he said. You will be wrong. I am sure you are very familiar with that.

Thank you Greg for taking a stand.

We call our country the greatest in the world but the good old USA is a VERY racist and homophobic country.

Ann let me tell you that if you think the USA is a homophobic country then go to some of the countries in the middle east or in some parts of Africa where they kill you or put you in prison for being gay.I dont care what 2 people do in their bedroom if they are consenting adults but i do not like the law in California thats pushing a pro gay lifestyle in our schools and pro gay history.

The California LAW… is not promoting or “pro” said “lifestyle”. It’s, at the forefront, in advocating that it is a behaviour that is acceptable.. and is long overdue in acknowledging that we all exist, yes, with our “differences”.. and it’s not so much… or so vast… or compromising… that we’ll never see eye to eye. this is all within reach. US’A.

Move it country does not suit you and the world is not perfect.

The CFA issue has been an eye-opening experience for me. I have been out for 20 years and two weeks ago, the day of the CFA Appreciation Day showed me a lot about my friends. It was shocking to see friends’ comments on Facebook not only supporting the day, but making comments like “f*ggots are taking over the world.” I am not sure they realized I could see their comments on mutual friends’ walls, but these same people have told me they did not have a problem with my lifestyle. Needless to say, it was an eye opening experience a day that I am not sure I will soon forget.

Melissa Reeves has as much right as anyone to support her beliefs. I am not sure Greg has handled this correctly because I do not believe in calling someone a bully if you are indeed doing the same thing to someone because of her beliefs. We have all made mistakes and for everyone who wants to keep bringing up the Jason Brooks issue, all I can say is that we do not know the whole story. This was also many years ago and since then, I think we all have made mistakes in our lives, so maybe we shouldn’t be so judgmental.

I am sure Melissa’s decision is not going to be popular with the gay members of the “Days” cast and crew. As far as MR blocking Greg on Twitter, I would have probably done the same thing because I know how tired I am of seeing people making nasty comments about politics and religion.

I am not trying to sit on both sides of the fence with this issue, but I believe in being respectful. Is Melissa’s opinion going to syop me from watching “DOOL?” No. I have never watch “Y&R” and thank Greg for his passion. My question is: Why so much passion from someone who is not out of the closet? I believe his comments would be more respected in the gay community if he wasn’t being hypocritical by not confirming his lifetyle.

Greg blocking her because on twitter is childsh and bringing up her past mistakes is being judemental, what goes around comes around. Nobody is not perfect but throwing a hissy fit over social issies is not mature, missy sould pray. For these people and suppose to love everbody but not their wicked ways.

So much for being Daytime sweetheart, Melissa Reeves is coming across very prejudice.

No she speaking her because mind and views differ from yours and she does not agree with the world or you.

As a gay man myself, I am somewhat on the fence with all of this controversy (and perhaps in the minority) but I feel that patronizing Chick-fil-A (which I have yet to do) is no worse than buying gasoline.

It could be argued that a large percentage of our nations petrol comes from Arab countries, most of which denounce homosexuality as a sin punishable by DEATH. So, when we fill up at the tank, are we funding radicals that would rather see our kind dead in the street? No offense to either side on this issue, but suddenly eating a chicken sandwich seems like the lesser of two evils. Just my opinion.


What did that do to you?

What did that make you feel?

Where we any less than?

Did you need your fellow man?


compromised past participle, past tense of com·pro·mise (Verb)Verb: 1.Settle a dispute by mutual concession.
2.Weaken (a reputation or principle) by accepting standards that are lower than is desirable.

More info » – Merriam-Webster – The Free Dictionary

Drama ensues. be that as it may…. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The Key word, being: “Indivisible”… no one sect… and/or group… prevails… we are one.

in·di·vis·i·ble/ˌindəˈvizəbəl/Adjective: 1.Not divisible; unable to be divided or separated.
2.(of a number) Unable to be divided by another number exactly without leaving a remainder.

Synonyms: impartible – inseparable

bravo greg you are my hero. i am a gay man that came out last year. melissa reeves is a big bully. i lost respect for melissa reeves after her negative comment. look at yourself melissa the guilt that you have that you cheated on your husband a few years ago with your former co star jason brooks. and you call yourself christian. don’t judge other melissa reeves look after your own marriage. scott reeves was an idiot to take you back. i am just making my point everyone. greg you are a great human being. god bless you greg. i always watch you on the young and the restless.

You can find faults in everbody life and mistakes and her marriage is own business and juding her because i know you don’t like her views..

Any comments from Greg Rikaart about the shooting at the Family Research Council?

Greg can take his share of credit for the shooting since he helped cause all the drama. In any other shootings the gun lobby or talk radio gets blamed.

He can take NONE of the blame-NONE-only the deranged individual who did the shooting and,apparently,intended to kill many people gets the blame.My point is stop using words like “hate”
to describe views that differ from one’s own.Defining marriage in the traditional way does not indicate hatred of same sex couples or of those who advocate a new definition of marriage.
And to describe Melissa Reeves as a “bully” because of her innocent tweet is preposterous and could ,in and of itself ,be described as a form of bullying.

The Family Research Council, a conservative lobbying group, deals in issues of faith, family and freedom, its Web site says. The organization opposes abortion and euthanasia, among other practices, and says it considers homosexuality to be a sin.

Social-issues groups on the left and right of the political spectrum and both presidential candidates weighed in on the shooting in e-mails and public statements.

Gary Bauer, a former president of the Family Research Council and now head of American Values, cited “a disturbing level of intolerance and hate aimed at those who share traditional values.”

“Men and women of faith must not be intimidated into silence,” Bauer said.

Speaking for several lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organizations, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination said: “We utterly reject and condemn such violence” and “wish for a swift and complete recovery for the victim of this terrible incident.”

Two law enforcement officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, said the gunman entered the lobby carrying a satchel, with a bag from a Chick-fil-A restaurant inside. The Atlanta-based fast-food chain has been embroiled in controversy in recent weeks after its president spoke out against same-sex marriage. The Family Research Council also opposes such unions.


this is part of the article that is taken from the washington post.

Google: Family Research Council guard shot by gunman in D.C.

To read the whole article. below is a repost from the same article… from an american.

notintn wrote:

First the attack on VIRGINIA TECH., then Rep. Giffords, then the Aurora Attack, NOW a peaceful advocate for Conservative Values feels the STING of the SELF-RIGHTEOUS RELIGION of the POLITICALLY CORRECT SECULAR HUMANISTS.

ALL these vicious impositions upon the Rights of the guardians and beneficiaries of the Constitution have been perpetrated by members of the LEGION of LOONY DELUDED LEFTISTS, but BLAMED on the RIGHT ITSELF until the TRUTH of the connection to the Doh!-bama Regime or severe deficiencies in LEFTIST SUPPORTED organizations and/or processes is REVEALED again and again.

I am christian and my view you hate the sin that person or people do, not the person, believe it or not being. Gay is a sin and it not normal nor it is compatiable in society that includes animals as well, yes they are living soul and they do count but lust has led them to unatural affections and dont hhow many of you disagree with me, because i know that god is on my side aand missy has right to voice your view, just like greg rikkart. Yall are juding her for her views, because she does not agree with all of yall.

“judging” is immoral. A wasted energy, that is better left unanswered.

Our Soul.
Our Being.
Our mind.

what prevails… is the Spirit of our SOUL… thereby BEING…. with our Soul… lessens the MIND’ negativity. it’s detrimental to our health.

I judge her because she is a hypocritical supporter of a bigotry and hate filled company. I like her you can barely spell, yet you can sit there and judge what is a “sin” and what is “natural”. Loving somone of the same sex is JUST as natural as loving someone of the opposite sex. EVERYONE deserves love and not to be judged for who they love. Your disgusting opinion of those belonging to the LGBT community is sickening and quite frankly makes me sad to be in the same SPECIES as you, let alone the same country.

Greg needs Kudos for standing up and stating his opinion in a much more mature manner than Ms Reeves did with her idiotic joyful tweet about eating a chicken sandwich.
You see, if more people had stood up to say the Nazis when they said and did similar things to the Jews and other groups they considered “wrong” perhaps much pain could be avoided.
Believing something that’s bigoted doesn’t make it right. Go ahead and say it but expect a backlash. Many of us (gay and straight) won’t stand for it any more. You think homosexuality is wrong? Go preach it in private in your bigoted churches.
This is a time to make voices heard.
And bravo to Missy for turning off her twitter account. Now we don’t have to hear all about her god every other minute.

Why would you hear anything unless you followed her? If you didn’t like her or her tweets why were you following?

A healthy perspective… for and against. enables your thought process stimuli. A closed mind, is in angst. aligning your mind, body, and spirit… is free’ing. What’s not hard to understand about having the same genetic make-up

Also many, many people were tweeting about CFA and the long lines etc. But Greg chose to verbally attack a fellow soap star personally. What a punk.

yep CR I’m judging her for being a bigot and big ol’ mean person. Sue me.

Melissa and her family were getting threats from the non-hating non-bullying folks who want to live in Peace and Love. Right.

Breaking News

‘Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit For Stand Up To Cancer’ Live Virtual Event Announced; Featuring Soap Opera Notables and Moving Tributes

Stand Up to Cancer in collaboration with Alan Locher and Michael Fairman, will come together for a a three-hour livestream benefit, Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story.

Several stars from from daytime drama television past and present are scheduled to participate for an evening of stories of emotional on- and off-screen experiences with cancer, and moving tributes to beloved daytime favorites who lost their battle plus musical performances.

Daytime Stands Up: A Benefit for Stand Up To Cancer … We All Have a Story, streams live on Thursday, May 16, from 8 to 11 p.m. ET/5 to 8 pm PT simultaneously on and YouTube channels The Locher Room and Michael Fairman Channel.

Photos: CBS and JPI

Tune-in for cancer survivorship stories with General Hospital’s Cameron Mathison and The Young and the Restless’ Colleen Zenk, who will reflect on the impact of publicly sharing their diagnoses; 2024 Daytime Emmy nominee Eric Braeden, who shares his cancer journey as well his memories of beloved The Young and the Restless co-star Meg Bennett, who passed from cancer April 11; and more.

Moving tributes to soap stars who’ve lost their cancer battles, including: Daytime icon Jackie Zeman, who played nurse Bobbie Spencer on General Hospital for 45 years, shared by daughters Cassidy MacLeod and Lacey Gorden, a tribute to Elizabeth Hubbard who played the iconic Lucinda Walsh on As the World Turns and Dr. Althea Davis on The Doctors, as shared by her on-screen daughter Martha Byrne and real-life son Jeremy Bennett, two-time Emmy Award-winner Jerry verDorn (Guiding Light  One Life to Live), shared by widow Beth verDorn and his on-screen wife on Guiding Light, friend and co-star Liz Keife, the iconic Andrea Evans, who played Tina Lord Roberts on One Life to Live, shared by her husband Stephen G. Rodriguez and daughter Kylie Rodriguez and Kamar de los Reyes shared by his One Life to Live co-stars Michael Easton (General Hospital) Trevor St. John (The Young and the Restless).

Photo: MEastonFacebook

Poignant reflections from actors who have portrayed breast cancer survivors, including Sharon Case and Eileen Davidson from The Young and the Restless; Erika Slezak from One Life to Live; Tina Sloan and Kim Zimmer from Guiding Light and more.

Additional talent slated to participate in the virtual benefit include (*subject to change): Eddie and Kristen Alderson (One Life to Live); Elia Cantu (Days of Our Lives); The Day Players, Featuring Days of Our Lives castmates Carson Boatman, Brandon Barash, Wally Kurth (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee), Eric Martsolf (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee); Kassie DePaiva (One Life to Live); Don Diamont (The Bold and the Beautiful); Linsey Godfrey (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, Days of Our Lives); Leo Howard (Days of Our Lives); Lesli Kay (The Bold and  the Beautiful); Eden McCoy (General Hospital); Kin Shriner (General Hospital); Michelle Stafford (2024 Daytime Emmy nominee, The Young and the Restless).


“Daytime television invites viewers into the private lives of characters, often bringing important issues like cancer screenings into living rooms and around water coolers. Soaps debuted the first cancer storyline in 1962 – years before the topic was discussed in the mainstream, and it left an indelible impact: a whole generation of women who scheduled a potentially life-saving Pap smear for the first time,” said Daytime Stands Up host Alan Locher. “For so many viewers, this brought the issue front and center,” added co-host Michael Fairman. “Today, it’s become almost impossible to avoid; but there is hope with cancer research, thanks to organizations like Stand Up To Cancer.”

SU2C Co-Founder Sue Schwartz, SU2C President and CEO Julian Adams, Ph.D., and SU2C Health Equity Committee Member Elizabeth Jaffee, M.D., will also participate to speak to the importance of early detection, exciting scientific breakthroughs, and the ongoing work yet to be done to make screenings and treatment equitable for all.

“This year, an estimated 2 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer, presenting an opportunity for the public to stand with us and rise to the occasion,” said Adams. “We’re thankful to Alan Locher, Michael Fairman and our friends from the daytime television community, who will raise critical funding to honor those we’ve lost – and to propel new scientific breakthroughs for current and future patients. Everyone has a story, and we’re grateful to all of you for sharing yours.”

For over 15 years, SU2C has leveraged its relationship with the entertainment community – which includes more than 1,100 celebrity ambassadors – to generate public donations, increase awareness and fund cutting-edge cancer research. SU2C research has contributed to the development of more than 10 scientific breakthroughs that have significantly impacted the field and provided new treatment options for breast, colorectal, lung, melanoma, pancreatic, pediatric and prostate cancers.

Photo: SUTC

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Days Of Our Lives

Deidre Hall to Guest Star on Season 3 of Comedy Series ‘Hacks’

Days of our Lives star Deidre Hall (Marlena) is set to play a version of herself on third season of Hacks. Look for Hall this month in an episode titled “The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular,” to air on May 23 on Max.

Not only will Hall appear in the episode, but so too, will Back to the Future and Taxi star, Christopher Lloyd.

According to, Deidre will play “a fictional version of herself, who just so happens to be the mom of Paul W. Downs’ Jimmy.”

Photo: JPI

Hacks co-creator and Downs’ wife, Lucia Aniello shared on Hall’s casting, “It made sense to us that Jimmy’s late father, a big-time manager, would have been married to an actress. When the idea for Deidre Hall came up, it just felt right.”

As for Lloyd, he will portray, reclusive writer Larry Arbuckle, who is to have had a rather famous grandfather. In the episode, Hall and Lloyd’s character intersect, which leads to onscreen sparks.

Photo: AP

“We had written some things that were flirty, but the chemistry was palpable,” says co-creator and series star, Downs shared. Hacks stars Jean Smart as comedy legend Deborah Vance.

Photo: Max

Season 3 of Hacks debuts on Thursday night May 2nd on Max 9 pm ET/6 pm PT.

So, will you be watching Deidre Hall guest starring on Hacks? Comment below.

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Days Of Our Lives

Peacock Raising Subscription Prices $2 Dollars a Month This Summer; Includes Days of our Lives

As the Paris Summer Olympics are a few months away, the Peacock streaming service has revealed its plan for a two dollar summer price hike on its subscription plans, beginning in July for its content which will include Days of our Lives.

According to Deadline, in July, look for the monthly price for Peacock Premium to increase to $7.99. Premium Plus, which offers limited advertising, download capability and live local programming, will now be $13.99, while  Annual plans will go up to $79.99 for Premium and $139.99 for Premium Plus.

This price hike will effect new customers starting on July 18th, while existing subscribers will notice the price change on their next billing date on or before August 17th.

Photo: JPI

This marks the second price change in two years for the streaming service, the previous one being in 2023, which was the first since the service launched back in 2020.  The Summer Olympics in Paris which will be on NBC and Peacock run from July 26 to August 11.

The bright spot for Days of our Lives fans, is that unlike if the show was still on network television and NBC, the show would be preempted for two weeks, but with it being on Peacock it will continue with all-new episodes without interruption.

Photo: Peacock

At the recent Days of our Lives 15K episode celebration, Michael Sluchan the EVP, Current Scripted Programming & Limited Series for NBC/Peacock shared that the soap opera is doing extremely well for the streaming service, and they were very happy with its performance.

If you want to join Peacock now, there is still some time to get in on the current rates to watch DAYS and all of the programming and series it offers.

So, what do you think about the Peacock streaming service next price hike? Comment below.

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Video Du Jour

Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Eileen Davidson as Ashley

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Airdate: 4-12-2024
