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David Tom Speaks Out On Reason He Was Told He Was Being Let-Go From Y&R!



The soap world had been abuzz since last week’s news that Daytime Emmy winner David Tom was let-go from The Young and the Restless as Billy Abbott after only a very short time back on the CBS soap opera.  Tom stepped back into the role he originally played after Billy Miller made the decision to exit the series.   After David was finally gaining some favor with the fans, while others simply could not see anyone one else in the role but Miller, Y&R terminated the actor and replaced him with actor Burgess Jenkins.

In an exclusive interview with CBS Soaps In Depth, Tom related what the higher-ups told him was one of the reasons for his dismissal:  “One of the reasons they said they let me go is that I obviously looked too young when they placed me with the new Kelly. Well, she was hired after I was.  I don’t understand why they didn’t think about that when they were casting her. We don’t really have a storyline anyway; She’s with Jack. I thought I looked fine with Missy [Claire Egan, Chelsea]. I really loved working with her.”

CBS Soaps In Depth has more with the interview with the actor in their upcoming June 16th issue, so be on the lookout for it!

What do you think about the reason David explained was a big reason for his dismissal given to him by Y&R? That he looked to young next to the new Kelly (Cady McClain)?  Weigh-in!

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He’s a fine actor and i liked him on OLTL…he is right about Kelly…they shouldve got Kelly Sullivan to play the part…she was closer to David Toms age unless they wanted someone older like Cady Mcclain because she was going to be paired with Peter B., but that wouldnt make sense since they have a much younger Hiliary with Neil…whatever the case Y&R shouldve stayed with DT but the next actor might not work out or eventually quit…maybe he’ll do better…who knows…hopefully David will show up on GH as Dillion…id even wouldnt mind him on Days as Mike and Robins son Jeremy Horton or as a Brady!!!

I love Kelly Sullivan! I thought that she would have been a great Sami recast if the writers decided to go that route.

I once said that too but i think tptb are open to have A.S. make guest appearances for now…

Kelly Sullivan? She looks too old for him too! (I don’t watch the show but I remember him from his OLTL days.) But Kelly? They’re probably around the same age but I can’t see them together.

I just like Kelly Sullivan and want her on one of the three soaps…lol

Though I agree, she’s a great actress…her character was too hard for me. There was nothing, for me…likeable about her. She was like a real gun mol. And though Ava is too…the fact that she can love Morgan the way she does or did made her more human and vulnerable. Kelly’s Connie was fun to watch, especially in her dual roles, but not a fav of mine.

I liked Megan Ward. (not for David Tom)…whatever happened to her???

That is no reason to fire an actor. There is a lot more to this story that we are being told.

I agree that Y&R should’ve stayed with David Tom. I felt he was doing well since his return, and definitely didn’t get all caught up into him looking young. Considering Billy and Victoria was a May/December romance, his “youthful appearance” shouldn’t have made a difference. I honestly believe this was just complaints from fans, who wanted Billy Miller(who’s younger than David Tom) back in the role. Most sites I’ve visited the biggest complaints were that he looked too young, and didn’t compare to David Tom.

I felt for David, because he was immediately thrown into the story that started out with Billy Miller. Most role reprises/recasts usually have a break in between restarting the role. Oh well, I wish David Tom all the luck, because he’s a talented actor, but he needs to be somewhere where his talent is respected.

Too young and whiny to play Dillion. David is a good actor but he would be best on a Disney show playing an adult character.

whoooo, harsh don’t you think

You mean Dylon? Not sure who Dillion is. DT was doing just fine. Don’t judge.

Sorry, I meant Dylan. I am not judging the actor, just leaving a comment Lisa. Thats why they have this option after the story.

David Tom was playing Billy not Dylan, are you even watching the show?

I do watch the show everyday. Sorry, I meant to say Billy, not Dylan.

I hope Chelsea is gone soon

It depens of the actress desire to continue on the show if storylines aren’t good and trust me actors like the producers do look at opinions on the web and if those aren’t good and the ratings with it well either the actor decides to leave or get fired.

I thought (Billy) was let go because he was in legal trouble

I think he looked too young to be with Victoria

I just got use to David Tom playing Billy which he does very well. I enjoyed him the first time he played. I do not enjoy this new guy. Too old. Change it back. Why don’t we ever get a say in the matter? We’re the ones watching it.

I tuned in to see the new guy and i say they shouldve kept David Tom!!!

I’ve been watching since the show started. While some re-casting is hard to get used to, I LOVED David Tom. I don’t think he looks too young at all. I happen to think he moved into the roll perfectly and did an amazing job!! I loved Billy Miller but I love David Tom too. The new Kelly… this one I am having a difficult time with. Her facial expressions just don’t seem genuine. Love Young and the Restless!!!

David Tom did a fine job…nukelly is like watching a department store maniquin…dull as a doorknob!!!

I loved David as billy the new guy is really throwing me off David had this cute huggable look and vibe I think the bosses blew it

So the PTB over there throw Cady McClain a newbie under the bus I thought they told us when they were recasting Kelly that she was a love interest for Jack. I will also bet you a steak dinner if Michelle Stafford had not went to GH Phyllis would have stayed in a coma forever they just were trying to get back at MS because she left and was not ever coming back and proved it. I feel like Goldie Hawn in the movie Deceived ” Isn’t anybody in charge here”. I absolutely loathe what has become of this show!

I watched the show the other day, on Memorial Day. Haven’t seen it in a long time. I used to watch it during the summer when at home on school vacation. I found it to be boring. But, it was only one episode. I can’t quite grasp why they are number 1; but, what do I know? I probably don’t watch it enough.

It is not the show it use to be but it is not all this regimes fault LML took over in 2005 and we went to a downward spiral no real vision for the show or the characters but the last 4 are all suffering from producers and writers playing musical chairs. Bottom line when they can replace them with a program that is cheaper to produce etc they will all be gone it is all about the dollars!

He is a very good actor however he had to fill the shoes of Billy Miller. Billy Miller made the role his own. I know the truth hurts but he should have been told the truth. He is no Billy Miller. No one is for that matter. The executive producer Jill Phelps needs to be the one fired. If she is fired then the actors that have left will maybe come back. This lunatic is running the story lines in the ground. Good luck to David Tom because as I stated he is a good actor just not good for the story line of Billy Abbott.

From what I have seen of Billy Miller’s scenes, he is pretty amazing.

Billy Miller left. Let’s try to get over that and give someone a chance and then decide if he can make the role his own.

I agree, Jake. I honestly believe some people forget this. David wanted to have his cake and eat it too by wanting extra time off. Nothing wrong with him venturing out to other projects, but if he was in a big frontburner, that was going to hurt the Billy character. So he CHOSE to leave, and some fans need to accept it.

I personally believe Billy Miller is really trying to break away from Daytime.

That’s easier said than done. David Tom is a great actor but he is no Billy Miller just like they are going to replace Adam Newman!!!Good luck you already know and feel sorry for the actor who tries to fill his shoes. There is no Adam Newman except Michael Muhney and there is no Billy Abbott except Billy Miller so why not just kill them off.

Actually, Billy Miller had to fill the shoes of David Tom. The role was originally David’s to hold, and comparing two actors isn’t helping, either.

I know that David Tom was Billy Abbott before Billy Miller but David Tom never made it a story line worth following like Billy Miller. Billy Miller made it his own and actually enjoyable to watch.

Agreed, JFP is a tyrant and now it’s clear now why she is loathed by all soap fans. Her tenure at GH was bad and her reign on Y&R is even worse. I feel bad for David Tom because he isn’t a bad actor, he just wasn’t right for the role now because Billy has changed so much since DT last played him. BM did make the role his own and hopefully Burgess Jenkins does the same, in a way that we’ll like. But a lot of it rests on the writing, so hopefully the show knows what they’re doing with him!

I have much respect for the talented Tom family, including David, but I was honestly not feeling him in the role of Billy this time around. I do believe that he was still working his way back into the part, so maybe a little more time might have worked, I guess we will never know. I did find his look to be a bit too young looking for most of the character’s interactions, so Kelly was just one of them – IMO. Billy Miller’s were big shoes to fill, but now that he has been gone for a bit, and someone else has since played that part (sadly David Tom is that casualty), I think Burgess Jenkins will have an easier time settling into the role. I wish David much good luck in his future endeavors.

The character of Billy did change to a drunk and a gambler who smiled all the time and left a child unattended in a vehicle slept with everything that had legs no responsibility he was not the creation that Bill Bell had. Billy Miller left this role because he wanted to do other things fans and Ah need to get over it and grow a pair she is an actress that needs to be lifted by someone HT never needed another actor to prop her up she owned the part of Victoria Newman she was hired by Bill Bell also he had a eye for talent she had chemistry with every actor she was paired with and she did most of the heavy lifting their was no being a cry baby whining because she did not get her way she took that character from a bratty teenager to a force to be reckoned with in the corporate world. Heather Tom was Victoria Deal With It!!!

And yes I am well aware it is the writers but please quit blaming David Tom he walked into a role which was not the role he left he is a class act all the way please stop the hatred on him I can’t stand it. Any day he can out act Steve Burton or Joshua Morrow!

K/Kay–I agree with your every word.

I loved Billy Miller! However, he wanted to leave so I wish him well. I think David Tom was doing an ok job and would have been great in the role if they would have given it more time. It takes time for viewers to accept a new actor replacing someone as well liked as Billy Miller. I remember how much I hated it when David Tom left the role years ago. I loved him as the teenage Billy Abbott. This makes me sad. I also think Joshua Morrow is a great actor who is under appreciated. The one who can’t act is Eric Braden — never could, never will!

The reason they gave David Tom for firing him is a load of BS because the actor that will replace David looks the same age as he does.


Haha, no he doesn’t. Burgess looks much older than David looks.

To me it is not that he looks too young – he looks plenty old to play Billy as he has the forehead lines,but to me, it is because he is not as muscular as Billy Miller. I think if they had him hit the gym, he would have more of that romantic lead look. His acting was just fine as was his chemistry with Amelia. It was just that he looked so scrawny. 🙁

Burgess looks older and he will match up in age better with Jack, Kelly, Phyllis, and Stich.

I know, Stitch. Also with Chelsea. Lets just hope this guy can act! I saw some of his work on Youtube and he looked pretty good.

The show probably had to give David Tom a reason for letting him go and that might have been the best one they could come up with.Plus there might have been other reasons the show let him go but IMO the one David Tom mentioned was a weak one.

They might not’ve needed a reason; contracts work in 13-week cycles and his 13-week cycle might’ve just run out, and the show decided with the character’s new direction to recast the role with someone older-looking.

David Tom was rehired late last.So if he signed his contract in November then then when got fired he would be near the end of his 2nd 13 week cycle of his contract.As for the show giving David Tom a reason for letting him go maybe they knew the press would ask about it and this way he has an answer and it wouldn’t be just him saying the show didn’t give him a reason.

Looking young next to another actor, really is a flimsy excuse for letting someone go. Billy and Kelly’s storyline weren’t hardly crossing paths anymore. If he looks too young, add some makeup and make him look a little older, simple as that….done! Another reason……..definitely!

I thought he was improving. Although he does look young. That’s not a bad thing. Hope he gets a new gig.

” I thought I looked fine with Missy [Claire Egan, Chelsea].”

Sounds like Billy & Chelsea were to be the end game, so I wonder if Burgess will still be with Chelsea…until Adam comes back that is.

The Kelly shit makes no sense since she was to be with Jack anyway.

I htought when Kelly first came on, before the recast, she was going to be paired within the Billy and Victoria storyline, somehow. Things probably changed; but, casting and writing are still using that excuse about Kelly. Probably leaving it open if Kelly does end up in Billy’s orbit.

The 180 degree change in Kelly makes no sense. The casting director should be fired.

Something stinks!

Bullshit! Just Bullshit! He has always looked younger than he is. He’s 35 and Cady is 44. He was doing just fine! Some fans jus don’t know when to let go. JFP should be fired!

Carole, David Tom turned 36 on March 23.

Exactly, and on top of that, Cady McClain looks a lot younger than Cynthia Watros does, so if the show hadn’t recast Kelly, David Tom’s version of Billy would STILL have looked too young to be paired with Kelly. On top of that, Kelly is with Jack, not Billy, so that reason is complete BS, the show just needs something else to say than “the fans didn’t like you because they loved Billy Miller.”

He’s 36, not 35

Whatever reason they gave him, bottom line is, he wasn’t cutting it. When BM left I think they felt they needed some kind of publicity stunt to appease fans so they got the guy who originated the role, plus he’s got the famous last name. Unfortunately, more often than not, he came across as throwing tantrums.

That’s a matter of opinion, Kaleesi–and it is my opinion you’re wrong on all accounts.

To be quite Frank i think the decision was based on his perceived lack of physical beauty and sex appeal. My sister who is a bigger fan of this show and. Billy miller found his physical beauty distracting. I personally think Miller set a standard for Billy Abbot as a handsome rogue with quirky sensibilities.

David Tom is very handsome and gorgeous. Beautiful smile

Cynthia Watrous looked way too old for Billy Miller! This is insanity. I liked David Tom just fine; at least he resembles Billy Miller.

Sorry David I thought you did a great job and I really miss you.

I doubt it had anything to do with “looking too young”. Bottom line – he was terrible in the role. Not believable for a second. They did the right thing by cutting their losses when they realized that he wasn’t working out at all. Looking forward to the recast of Billy Abbott. The next guy couldn’t be any worse!

DT is a wonderful actor and originated the role. Let’s not forget the emmy he won.

The new actor is really bad as billy first of all he is to old, he looks more like he’s around jack’s age and you know he’s is the younger brother to jack much younger and second there is no chemistry between he and Victoria. And last but not least he doesn’t favor billy at all , David did.

It is a tough business. He does look and act too young. He seems to snarl in all of his scenes. He looks like he is Jack’s son, and a kid brother to Victoria, Chelsea, or Kelly. He must be really angry and surprised as he revealed what he was told to him about the actress who plays “Kelly”.

If David Tom is angry i don’t blame him.I’m sure it’s not the first time he was ever fired but he may have just wanted a better reason for been let go after only a few months back.Plus maybe he’s feeling he was not given a fair chance and that the show always had this planned somehow.For example maybe the show knew the fans would have a problem with Billy Miller’s immediate recast no matter who it was.So they rehired David Tom and even used him as publicity by saying they brought back the original Billy.So they threw David to the wolves so to speak.Now this new actor may not face the same problems with the fans that David Tom did because he’s not replacing Billy Miller exactly.

I fully agree! David Tom was the sacrificial lamb. He is a great actor and I loved to watch him. Sad he will be gone.

What is so hysterical about all of this hoopla over DT not having chemistry with AH/Victoria the character of Billy Abbott was born in 1993. Do you want to know what the character of Victoria was doing in 1993 losing her and Cole Howards baby. When Billy was aged DT came in 1999 he had one of the most popular pairings with the character of Mckenzie Browning the actress was Ashley Bashioum who portrayed her try going on you tube and looking at their scenes together so DT was a very popular Billy but all the Billy Miller rabid fans could not let go and let this guy have a chance to recreate his magic. And when DT is fired he still remains a class act and calls Y&R his family.

I agree w/ everthing you said. DT created the role and was/is a phenomenal actor. He did win an Emmy and I loved his scenes with Ashley Bashioum, and the prom episodes were legendary. I didn’t like Billy Maier. I thought he couldn’t act, which is the same thing a lot of people said about DT. His firing is unfair and I wish the higher ups had not listened to the haters, which I think they did. So what if there’s no chemistry w A. Heinle. Just pair him w someone else.

I never thought he looked age appropriate with Victoria when they brought him on. While I love Billy Miller in the role, I never accepted that Miller was the only one that could pull the role off. But Tom was never physically strong looking to take over the adult Billy after Miller. I always felt Stitch & Victor could break him with one punch. Now I think Tom could be interesting on Days as a spoiled nephew of (Victor) through Justin or a Nathan Horton recast.

This is the same women (jfp) who fired GH Rebecca Herbts and had no real good reason, then back peddle when the audience threw a monumental fit wish forced her to reverse her stupid decietion . And believe me, she’s notorious for those. But you know what? The hires up let her do it so whose really to blame here? Sony/cbs hired her so they must feel she brings something to the table. Either that or there’s a short supply of people who can run these shows. Thank goodness GH no longer has to deal with her.

Strange to find myself in the position of taking up for JFP under any circumstances, but the thing with Rebecca Herbst was not her fault (or at least, it did not happen at her instigation). That was engineered by Brian Frons.

Whether JFP played a significant part in how badly the whole thing was handled, I don’t know; it might be possible to pin some blame on her for that. But the decision itself was not hers.

The looking too young thing is a crock. Billy graduated on screen in 2002. By that time Victoria had been married and divorced at least three times. It has always been established that Victoria is nearly ten years older than Billy. That was never a problem. And about Kelly….why are they hiring an actress like Cynthia Watros who has always played older….her love interests on Guiding Light were people like Robert Newman and Ron Raines…who are now well over 60. If they would think more about story when they are casting instead of grabbing up a soap big name and then having no clue what to do with them…this would not happen. This reminds me of another incident, also from JFP…when she was at Another World. They had new rising star Justin Chambers playing Nick…and he was awesome and fit the role very well…and then one day he was inexplicably replaced by Kevin McClatchy. Not only was Kevin WAY too old to be playing a teenage upstart, he was all wrong for the role and never looked anything less than constipated trying to play it. Mercifully he was replaced by another actor who fit the role much better. I hope this doesn’t continue to happen with Billy. Reckless recasting can damage a character past the point of viability….even a core character like Billy!!

I agree unless this next actor nails it, it could damage Billy. I think Billy Miller was just so damn good as Billy as Michael was with Adam, both very strong, witty take care of themselves kind of men and David T being a good actor was not enough for THIS role. I was REALLY hoping Billy and Michael would return but that looks like that will def not happen now. Hate it for what talent is left on the show. The show is

David Tom was mainly let let go because he was a horrible Billy..
He said his looking too young was –one– of the reasons..
there were other reasons. He was bad for the part from the git-go..
He could not portray Billy Abbott, he was too whiny, no charisma, humor, charm , he did not look strong, he was not strong enough to be Billy, etc, he was a horrible Billy..

I’m sorry he was let go, and lot of it was from CBS’s bad decisions and judgments in first place..

But SU00, you claim you never watch Y&R.

Hmmm why were you sorry he was let go if he was so bad? You say he was a bad Billy and then turn around and say CBS made a bad decision in letting him go. Sounds like you are contradicting yourself!

Sorry, I don’t agree with you at all. David Tom had plenty of charism and charm, not to mention, he is gorgeous. He would have made the role his own if given the time. He is a great actor. I loved his scenes with Jess Walton.

Y&R definitely screwed David Tom. Their explanation for firing him seems like a load of bull to me. This just shows how JFP treats people. She should be the one fired.

I agree with you I wish that some would rein her in
What about Phyllis are they bringing her back even though
It is not going to be the same one please bring her back ASAP

The whole show is suffering under the demise of new boss Phelps. DT is more collateral damage. Trying to fill the shoes of the very popular BMiller was more than a challenge. And the next guy may fail, because ppl love Billy Miller.
DT will find other work I’m sure.

I am bored with victoria and billy but I am loving Hillary and Neil!! So cute together!!


It is still a “long” sorry” excuse that the higher ups of the Y&R are hoping that whatever “FAN” base they have LEFT will accept. They really don’t have US “The Fans” in mind. As far as the individual who played “Kelly” prior and the
“individual” who is playing “Kelly” now, I really did and still do not like either one of them. I am a very LONG TIME viewer of the “Y&R” and actually it is the only “soap
opera” that I watched. You notice I said “watched” but not anymore. I am going to follow Michael, Billy and Ashley with whatever “soap” they are associated with. PHELPS and some of the others have made an enormous amount of errors letting these three go.

Everyone knows that’s just BS because Watros looked much older than Miller.

So him looking older than Cady shouldn’t have mattered.


At least they didn’t make up a molesting story about him!


What are you talking about?

Try to stay focused within the thread.

Michael Muhney may or may not have done what he was accused of but he hasn’t exactly come out and said he’s innocent either.As for Y&R making up the story that Michael Muhney molested someone just so they could fire him i’m sure there were easier ways they could have found to get rid of him than that.Back to David Tom he said there were other reasons for why the show let him go.So maybe he should tell us all the reasons and not just one.That way we would have the full story.

Idiots are what they must think viewers are if they expect us to buy that garbage. They knew exactly what he look like when they hired him, it wasn’t like he got younger looking over the last few weeks.

If I was a betting person I would say they cast DT because they were in a jam– Miller was leaving and they couldn’t have two characters disappear while they did a major search for a replacement. My guess is someone had the bright idea to hire the actor who played Billy first, let him take the hit for replacing Miller, while they quietly looked for the Billy they really want and once they found him make some lame excuse to dismiss Tom.

It was win win for them, because Tom filled in, got all the flack for replacing Miller and this new guy avoids all that stigma because he replaced Tom not Miller. Actually if it went down like that, it was a shrewd move on their part– underhanded and not nice, but shrewd.

Well written, Mary SF.

Their behavior is what makes me think that MM may have been a fall guy!

They would not work with Billy Miller.
They masterminded a cruel story about MM.
They ran MS off to GH.
They used and abused David Tom.

They are Y&R and they are mean!

Excellent reasoning Mary SF.
I have another comment on here someplace about looking too young as an actor. Since when does it matter when something comes out of Hollywood?

David Tom said Y&R told him that they let him go because he looks to young to play Billy. At least we’re not hearing a slanderous story about him molesting anybody as an explanation for his firing. Y&R can’t pull that stunt with every departure.

Why would they? I think you’re confused.

Except that as far as I know, there was never any evidence that that story originated with anybody associated with Y&R. (Admittedly, the show and the people associated with it did not exactly do anything to put the story to rest, either.) My memory on it all is already getting dim, but didn’t the story originate in some kind of Twitter war, and from somebody who was not in any way associated with the show? I thought (again, my memory on the whole thing is hazy) that that was one of the few things that resembled a “fact” in the whole ugly episode.

I think Y&R could have created the false story against MM for publicity and for viewers not to feel bad about him leaving. I’m not confused, Y&R is!

Sweetie, you are on the wrong thread.

THIS one is about David Tom.

MM is so last December.

Absolutely mendacious nonsense. I don’t have the words.
They knew what he looked like, they knew what Cady looked like. They hired him first. Then they decide he looks too young for her. But wait, he’s not going to be coupled with her, Jack is.
This reminds me of the people who built a house next to a fifty year old pig ranch and then filed a complaint to the city officials because the neighborhood smelled like pig manure.
Speaking of scent and cities, something really smells rotten in the city of Genoa City.
David Tom, you did an amazing job. Please don’t let these dirty rotten scoundrels be a bleep on the radar screen of your self esteem.


He was as good an actor in this role as anyone they get, Miller’s exit is still too new so people were endlessly comparing the two.

When are CBS and Sony going to wake the F up and realize that this ship is sinking fast?

Y&R is just putting red lipstick on a pig!

I hope JFP never goes to DAYS!


David was definitely given the short-end of the stick. His work as Billy was phenomenal, and it’s sad knowing he will no longer be part of the show. He worked perfectly with each of his co-stars, both male and female, and I only wish we could be given more years of his excellence. Throwing Cady McClain (Kelly) under the bus on any side is wrong, as she’s just an actress hired for a role. And a role she’s been rocking at.

I’d love to see Billy on another soap opera. He is far too talented to be laying by the wayside and just lounging about. I only wish him the best in his future endeavors. Sad my Billy is leaving… again!

I had forgotten how great DT could be until I watched old scenes two days ago with AB/Mac.

I love Cady. However, not as Kelly. Kelly is useless now.

Plus, I never have been able to figure out her relationship with Stitch. Did she have an affair with him and that is what broke up his marriage? And now his ex is coming to the show.

I loved Cady as Dixie and Rosanna. I just don’t think that Kelly is anything more than an unhappy, lonely person latching on to Jack. Not much of a happy future there.

I think he is supposed to be her brother. That “Benji” nickname she calls him (well Cynthia Watros’ “Kelly” did) makes it seem familial to me.

I’ve been trying to figure out Kelly’s ties to Stitch as well. When Cynthia Watros was in the role, they almost interacted like they could possibly be siblings. But something tells me TPTB hasn’t quite thought their relationship. Considering this has been May Sweeps, you’d think by now their connection would be revealed.

Overall, the Kelly character really is no longer needed. I just believe they’ve kept her around for Jack until Phyllis returns.

I do think whatever connection is between Kelly and Stitch has something to do with Kelly’s dead son and how he died.Plus i’m wondering if something happened to the father of Kelly’s son and Stitch was responsible.So that could be why Kelly thinks of Stitch as a murderer.However i think with Stitch’s ex coming we might get some answers to some questions.

I love Cady also i am glad she is Kelly….i think its great but i wanted her and Gina whom i love as well to come on as Phyllis to get into it over Jack….Peter B need to have a great love triangle and those two women are perfect….i want David Tom rehired …..YnR made a bad decision listening to those young lunatic MM and BM fans who forget this is a soap and those characters are fictional smh

Well, it looks like you’re going to get your love triangle. But since Kelly is new in Jack’s life, she doesn’t stand a chance against Phyllis. And Cady, if you have read this, I love your acting. I’m just not a fan of the Kelly character.

Billy Miller did NOT own this role. David Tom is the original “grown up” version of Billy and was indeed the right actor to “un” recast this role. I’m sick and I’m tired of the vocal yet minority of BM and MM fans who will not let it go. From what I know and have read, Bill Bell did not become swayed by focus and demo groups. That’s WHY his Y&R was SO successful. He had ideas and plans and he stuck to them, because they paid out in the end for the viewers. Re-hiring David Tom was one of the few wise decisions this new regime has made. I’m done now, though. I can’t sit and watch all these new faces take over a show that has such a rich legacy. The disrespect from the newer fair weather fans and the show runners has pushed me to the point I don’t even know this show. I am and always will be a fan of Y&R up to the mid/late 2000’s, but this isn’t a show I know.

David Tom was the minor child Billy also the there were others who played the minor Billy Abbott..
Later- David Tom was the ”teenage” Billy Abbott..

DT was never the grown up, married, with child, gambler, up against Victor since day one, Billy Abbott..
That Billy Abbot was created and owned by Billy Miller..

I’ve watched Y&R since the 70’s so I think I know a little bit about the show. I don’t think the reply post mentioned anything here that I did not know already. However, no actor “owns” a role in soaps. Certainly Billy Miller was a suitable replacement for Billy Abbott, but he did not “own” that role. If so, David Tom had as much “claim” to that role as Mr. Miller. Billy Miller and Michelle Stafford both CHOSE to leave. Michael Muhney was fired for what seemingly was for cause. There are plenty of mis-casts on this show, like the girl who plays Abby, for example, but David Tom was not one of them. I’ve had enough. I want show runners with vision and consciences who can move this show into the heights that Bill Bell did. I don’t want weak, hapless, clueless show runners who listen to vocal online posters who don’t speak for the majority.

He was 28 then he can’t help he looks young and handsome. rather see that than someone NEW!! So disappointed!!

Yeah seeing David Thom go up against Eric Braeden looked silly. Victor would have just bitched slapped the punk. Billy Miller looked like a man who could fight back! Verbally or physically.

Jared, love your post. No, Billy Miller did not own this role.
Every actor has their own style and it would not work for David Tom to try and emulate Miller. David Tom came back to a role he once played and aged him with a few years using the tragic storyline to give him a sense of world weariness. That’s no easy feat when you think about it.
The folks who say he acted immature, whiny and that he threw tantrums are making that up based on their obsession with Billy Miller. Even Miller would say to get over it–he left on his own accord and punishing David Tom for not being Miller is not only ridiculous, it’s damn cruel. They’re the ones who need to grow up, not David Tom as Billy Abbott.

Amen Jared i agree with you 1000% we want Tom back….he deserves a fair chance!!!

Here here!

He is a really good actor or I wouldn’t think Billy was such a jerk.

In a few choice words Y&R is so full of it….I was a Billy Miller fan but David was finally hitting his stride as Billy.Somebody behind the scenes really doesn’t know what they’re doing.they recast & recast & think that’ll fix whatever is wrong…I doubt if it had anything to do with “Kelly’…that part of the story was done….BTW….didn’t they just cast Gina T. as Phyllis? She is 40 & pairing her with Jack who is much older & she has a son almost her age….Somebody has to take a long look behind the scenes…all these actors deserve better.

Thank you, MMC. If the truth be known, even Billy Miller was not hitting it out of the ballpark given the depressing stories he was given. David Tom was fleshing out Billy Abbot –he was starting to own this role.
I admit when I first heard he was re hired to play this role again, I wasn’t that happy. But he proved me wrong and every day and in every way, he was Billy Abbott. He just needed to be afforded a little time to give these dang rabid Billy Miller fans a little time to adjust.

I agree with you 100%…i suggested David Tom…Cady McClain and Gina Tognoni to YnR via the call in line and email….i was so happy….David Tom wasn’t given a fair chance….i want him back on the show….that new guy isnt any different in age….I’m so pissed at YnR for doing this to David Tom….

Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don’t. That’s life and that’s the soaps. I like David Tom and I miss Billy Miller. Maybe the next guy will fit right in and amaze everyone. I’m willing to give him a chance and see how he does. It’s not like going to stop watching anyway, no matter how many times I say I’m going to, lol.

Some of these fans act as if they can easily turn violent. Has an executive producer of any soap ever been physically assaulted by a fan?

David Tom sounds like a sore loser!! Am sorry to say, but…Cady McClain LOOKS AND IS YOUNGER that Cynthia Watros (Giant Bags under her EYES, get some surgery!!) David just didn’t have the “connection” with anyone including Amelia!

Cynthia is only 1 year older than Cady.

That’s a bunch of crap! There are obviously people working there making very stupid decisions. Time to change them out and stop upheaving the characters.

They should have gotten rid of Kelly if she looked to old. He was just starting to fit in the role. It was hard after Billy Miller to get the fans to like him. If you read your own page for Y&R, you would see people were liking him finally. I’m finding it hard to get use to this Kelly. I ff when she’s on. Thank God for the dvr.

This is such bunk! I love David Tom and enjoyed his return to the programme. As some one all ready mentioned, the first Kelly looked even older than the current Kelly so it makes no sense. I wonder how Heather is taking the blow about her brother being sacked? To be honest, I have watched from day one and hate to admit it but these days it is more out of loyalty than anything else.
Best of British to you David! Never ever forget how wonderful and talented you are! Cheers! X

I AM SO PISSED…..OH MY GOD!!! This is pure bs!! David Tom isa fantastic actor!!!! He was doing a great job!!! He can’t help itthat he has great genes!! Fans complained against him only because BILLY MILLER CHOSE TO QUIT!! This is not fair to David. Long term fans..,,not all these new young immature peoole whom just start watching the past 5 to 10 yrs was so grateful for his return….People on social media jump on bandwagons and criticize people who don’t deserve it Like Tom just because others do…He looked great with Melissa and Amelia….we didnt want him with Kelly anyway….And he was hired before Cady McClain…i suggested in calls and Emails for them to hire…Tom….Cady…and Gina….i was so happy as a 40yr fan….this is a huge mistake! We as the fans want this overturned and bring Tom back….he deserves a fair chance….get a new Chloe to fit with him…he would be fine with Chelsea. .VICKY….Courtney…..if the writers do thier job….im so disappointed!

No one is disputing David Tom;s acting abilities..
He is a good actor.. <—–
Nonetheless; he was a horrible Billy, who is now a man a very layered man who has spent years facing off to Victor, and his whole life as an adult, a husband, farther, and many problems etc etc ..
David Tom was not a good Billy Abbott..

When David Tom was last portraying Billy Abbott he was a minor/kid and a teenager..
The now Billy is far from being that teenage billy..

David Tom will never be back as Billy, because he was a terrible Billy (nothing to do with acting talents, he simply stank at being Billy 🙂 ..

David was 28 not a teenager….y’all need to get your facts straight before y’all start talking what you don’t even know….He was and is doing great as Billy Abbott….y’all are just obssessed with Miller and taking it out on Tom……He deserves a fair chance like everyone else…Why bring in a 3 rd grown Billy…makes no sence!

A poor excuse is better than none….

I don’t know Alan. Which one is better?
Poor excuses just make the person that is giving that excuse look ignorant.
No excuse makes them look weak.
Which is better………. Ignorant or weak? Both are inexcusable in the business world.
Maybe they should try telling the truth, then at least the one receiving the explanation, might have a chance of fixing the problem.

I think the Y & R made a big mistake letting David Tom go. He was on the show years ago and it’s not right that they didn’t even give him a fair chance. I think he’s an amazing actor and I know he will find another acting job very soon. You better believe I’ll be watching his next show. Hang in there David Tom! You’re awesome!

David said “One of the reasons they said they let me go is that I obviously looked too young when they placed me with the new Kelly.”

Ok, fair enough. But what about the OTHER reasons, not just one reason. Please list as many reasons as you can. Let’s really hear what you have to say.

Thank you.

Oh please David! Give us a break…..they’re letting you go because you’re a horrible actor and fans were outraged that you were hired in the first place. Yes, you were the Billy a long time ago, and better at it back then. You just don’t cut it at Billy Abbott any more. Keep telling yourself that the reason they let you go is you look too young next to Kelly, if it makes you feel better. We all know better. Good riddance!

Maggie, this is the reason he was given for his being fired–he is not telling himself anything.
And many of us disagree with your assertion that he was a horrible actor. He was put in the middle of a very dark and complex storyline and he had to hit the ground running. He was able to take the baton from Miller with seamless grace. I can only ascertain that extremely irrational criticisms such as yours come from disgruntled Miller fans who blame Tom for not being him. It’s time to grow up and move on.

Oh Harry,
I’m sure many of you do disagree with my assertion that he is a terrible actor. That’s your right, just as it is MY RIGHT, to say I feel he is a terrible actor. There are quite a number of people that do share in my opinion of that. It doesn’t matter if he was put in the middle of a dark and complex storyline………that has nothing to do with his ability to act. I’ve seen him for years and have always felt the same. You Harry can not convince me of anything different. Because I feel this way about Tom, does not mean that I am a disgruntled fan of Billy Miller and blame Tom for not being him. Did I mention Billy Miller? No, not a word, so Harry, don’t pretend that you know where I’m coming from. You might think that I am extremely irrational in my criticism, that’s your choice and right to feel however you please. As far as growing up and moving on, not only do you not know where I am coming from, you don’t know me and are not in a position to tell me to grow up. I am entitled to MY OWN OPINION, just like everyone else here and that’s what these comments are about. In addition, unless you were there with David Tom in his meeting when he got fired, you don’t know what was said. Now, if you were there or are definitely privy to that information , my apologies for saying that flimsy excuse for letting someone go is false.

Speak for yourself, Maggie. Just because the ones who didn’t like David Tom were the most vocal and obnoxious doesn’t mean that all fans felt that way.

You are right Freddy, NOT ALL fans feel that way about David Tom. I should have clarified my statement a little more.
I should have said the fans I know and the majority of the ones I have read statements from. You did say that we were the MOST vocal………………oh and obnoxious.
I stand corrected and THANK YOU SINCERELY for pointing out my mistakes.

Poor David Tom, he never stood a chance. JFP loves to hire & fire & recast roles, she has no loyalty to the cast or the audience & certainly doesn’t listen or understand what they want. The sooner they fire JFP the better & if they don’t then I really fear for the future of the show.

I agree and I’ve been watching this soap for years.

Actors really are like cattle sometimes. Move them in. Move them out. I feel for Mr. Tom as he is very good. Billy Abbott changed to suit Billy J. Miller’s strengths. I do not see a strong need for this recast but the producers do, and you hope they are making decisions best for the program. Y&R went through a major change in focus in the early 1980s when the Abbotts were introduced and the original core characters were phased out. To be honest, Y&R was due for some wholesale changes. Have they done it well? Not really. The last 10 years have been disappointing to me as characters seemed to defy logic to suit individual stories in the short term rather than overall long-term plotting. I cite Sharon’s character assassination, the Victor-Sharon marriage, the latest Jack-Nikki marriage, that whole Adam-Ashley conflict baby switch with Sharon thing, the return of Diane Jenkins, the lack of a solid storyline for the Winters family…

Glad he is being replaced. Some others that can go are victories, Abby, Tyler, Chelsea, nick. So boring and hard to watch them.

I regret not giving this guy a chance now… Billy Miller decided to leave and won’t return anytime soon and I now accept that, even though he made the role HIS. I’ll always love BM – but recasting billy abbott is a ttough act to follow and no one will ever do it justice so david tom would and should have been left where he was. DT had quirks, but I got use to him recently and tto be fair, he DID try to pick up Millers facial expressions and manerism even if it came out wrong I saw the effort. No one will ever be miller. This new guy casting was such a mistake, let’s hope he can kill the screen with his presence…. And for that matter they SHOULD have kept cynthia watros!!! Cady lacks something. Besides she and billy had no more scenes after the truth came out, even if he did look young- I’m sure there was another reasson for his exit.

I’m going to miss David Tom and wish him the best in finding a role where his talents will be appreciated. I thought he was just great in the role of Billy Abbot. I am a big fan of Billy Miller, but he moved on and I’m hopeful he will find success too.

I’m so sick of the constant re-casting at Y&R. I guess the BTS B.S. is never going to change. I can think of a few actors/characters that should’ve been fired before David Tom. JFP the Soap Killer strikes again!

I think its a very bad excuse for letting him go. Either Billy does a fine job and doesnt look too young for the role. We need to leave it alone and quit changing people.

What struck me was his candor.
I liked that he expressed unhappiness
and a bit of annoyance at being let go.
No tip-toeing or sugar-coating his recent
experience on Y & R.

Let’s get real here. David Tom has been sacrificed as a scapegoat for Jill Farren Phelps. Y&R is sinking like a rock. The latest ratings show further erosion of audience and is now down over 150,000 viewers from this time last year. The show has been trending down since the last week of January, when we all know who left the show. Y&R has become unwatchable and a total bore. Phelps is trying to save her tush and David Tom got screwed in that process. We all know who should have gotten fired this week: Jill Farren Phelps.

I think it is a matter of months before cbs/sony decide to kick her out , it can’t go on like this and they can’t always put the blame on actors performance writers and EP etc have also take the blame.

JFP should be fired not David Tom, and there are plenty of reasons to fire her ass, there’d be no need for these bullshit excuses! She is the worst thing ever to happen to Y&R, she is a thousand times worse than Maria Arena-Bell ever was. I love David Tom in this role and don’t want to have to get used to another recast.

General Hospital

Nicholas Chavez Confirms Exit From General Hospital

On Friday May 3rd, it was confirmed by Nicholas Chavez that he has indeed left his role as Spencer Cassadine on General Hospital.

Taking to his account on X, Chavez shared some heartfelt goodbyes to the cast, the creatives and the fans of the ABC daytime drama series. This comes after months of speculation and reports that Chavez is not returning to his Daytime Emmy-winning role.

Chavez left the soap to go film his leading role in Ryan Murphy’s Netflix limited series, Monsters: The The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, and in story on GH, Spencer went overboard on a boat, when he was drugged by Esme (Avery Pohl) on the Seine River in France. His body and Esme’s thus far have never been found.

Photo: ABC

In his heartfelt message on X, Nicholas expressed, “I’m so appreciative of the opportunity that GH gave me, and I wouldn’t be as busy as I am professionally if it weren’t for the talented producers, writers, directors and fellow actors. Frank Valentini is a mentor and a friend, and we’ve had some pretty extensive conversations about my future on the show.”

Photo: ABC

Sharing his thoughts on if the would ever come back to GH, Chavez added, “While there are no current plans for me to return, we are still talking very openly about future possibilities for Spencer in Port Charles.”

Finally, Nicholas shared,”Beyond the people I’ve already mentioned, I want to take some time to thank and honor the GH fan base… especially the Sprina fans… who must be THE most loyal and kind fan base in the universe of entertainment. Words fail to show the depth of my gratitude, thank you, I love you all very, very much.”

Photo: ABC

Nicholas took over the role of Spencer previously played by Nicolas Bechtel, in July of 2021, and his last episode aired on January 31st, 2024.  In April, reports surfaced that the actor was not returning to GH after all.

What do you think about Nicholas Chavez farewell message? Are you sad that he has confirmed his exit from GH, or were you expecting it? Comment below.

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Steve Kent Exits Sony; Will Serve as Y&R’s Executive in Charge of Production

While as previously reported, Steve Kent is out in his role as  Senior EVP of Programming at Sony Pictures Television, where he oversaw both Days of our Lives and The Young and the Restless, now comes word that he is going to continue at the top-rated soap opera.

According to Deadline, Kent’s Senior EVP Programming role is being eliminated and Kent’s responsibilities will be taken up by other members of the SPT production team going forward. Kent will now be the executive in charge of production on The Young and the Restless, as his sole show.

Steve had been overseeing both DAYS and Y&R since 2007. along with being in charge of development and production of original local language productions including OutlanderNikola and more.

Photo: JPI

Before coming to Sony in 1996 as Vice-President of Production for then-Columbia TriStar Television, he was the supervising producer on Santa Barbara from 1984 to 1993. Throughout his tenure, he picked up three Daytime Emmys.

Photo: JPI

No word on who will handle Days of our Lives from the Sony side or if its as noted being divied up between the SPT production team which absorbs Kent’s duties.

So, what do you think about Steve joining The Young and the Restless as its executive in charge of production? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Richard Simmons Recalls His Time On General Hospital and Meeting Tony Geary, Genie Francis, Rick Springfield and More

Fitness Guru, Richard Simmons has been recently sharing many stories about his time in Hollywood and his career on his X account as he reflects on his life and prepares his biopic.

In a string of posts, containing moments from his time on General Hospital, and meeting many of who would be his co-stars in Port Charles, Simmons opened up about how he landed on the soap in its hey day.

Simmons began by explaining that after an appearing on an ABC local morning show with Regis Philbin, he got a call two days later about GH, and things took off from there.

Photo: JPI

Richard expressed, “I met with the most powerful woman in daytime television. Gloria Monty. I also met with the head writer Pat Falken Smith. These ladies were very smart. They told me their idea. I would teach exercise classes in a disco for all the ladies on the show.” He added, “A week before taping the show the studio asked me if I could drive over and do some promotional photos. In my car I brought with me six jogging suits….My make up…some towels and five pound weights. I still could not believe I was going to be on a soap. lol.”

When he got to GH’s studio, Simmons shared, “The first person that I met was Genie Francis (Laura). Her father was Ivor Francis an actor who had been on Broadway and many TV shows. Genie was so young and innocent looking. I clicked immediately with her.

Photo: ABC

“The second person I was introduced to was Anthony Geary (Luke),” recalled Richard. “Some people called him Tony. ..but I did not. He was an actor’s actor. Mr G had curly hair like me. When he was not acting he was sitting in his dressing room learning all of his lines.  His door was always closed. One day when it was open. I asked if I could come in and sit and talk. This man won 8 daytime Emmys for playing Luke.”

“Now what can I say about Jane Elliot (Tracy)? She had an aristocratic face,” says Simmons. “One moment her character was very nice then she was the queen of mean. She allowed me to come into her room and chat while she was putting on makeup.”

Photo: JPI

Then, Richard recalled the late, great Stuart Damon (ex-Alan) and Jackie Zeman (ex-Bobbie). “I then met Prince Charming. Stuart Damon. He had been in a lot of TV shows and played Prince Charming on a special about Cinderella. Jackie Zeman was so cute. She had a pixie face.”

Simmons recalled when Rick Springfield joined the cast as Noah Drake, sharing, “While he was on the show his father passed away in Australia. I went to the news stand and bought him a bunch of magazines to read on the plane. How many times have you sung Jessie’s Girl and Don’t Talk to Strangers? When he came back from Australia he resumed his role.”


Noting his humble beginnings on GH running the aerobic classes at the Campus Disco, Richard recalled, “My first scene was in Luke’s Disco. All the nurses and other actresses were there dancing with me. I had never memorized lines before. So much was going on in my head. At the end of my scene, I heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor and everyone froze. It was Ms Monty and she was talking to me. ‘Richard the television is this big . You are talking like you are on a screen in a movie theater…bring your voice down.’ So I did.”

What do you think about the sentiments shared by Richard Simmons on his reflections on his time on General Hospital? Check out this OG GH scene with Richard leading the exercise class at the Campus Disco with some beloved Port Charles notables. Then, comment below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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Power Performance

Eileen Davidson as Ashley

The Young and the Restless

Airdate: 4-12-2024
