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EXCLUSIVE All My Children's Michael Nader Interview: Fan Favorite As Dimitri Marick Comes Home To Pine Valley!

Photo Credit: Sue Coflin/Max Photos

Photo Credit: David Russell/TOLN

While All My Children has been given a second chance at its soap life, the olive branch continues with the series that is now delighting its long-time fans with some startling blasts from the pasts that have been woven into the fabric of their new and current storylines!  Many fans were delighted and shocked with the news that long time heartthrob and romantic lead, Michael Nader is returning to All My Children as Dimitri Marick after more than a decade since his last appearance on the ABC version of the show.

Fans loved the romantic Nader, and the character of Dimitri, and especially his pairing with the one and only Susan Lucci (Erica Kane).  But it wasn’t an easy road for Nader on the old AMC, and that is putting it mildly.  As had been publicly documented, as well as discussed in the book No Holds Barred, Nader was let go from All My Children due to budgetary considerations in 1999, but there was such fan outcry for him that the ABC Television Network brought him back to the role with a multi-year contract!  He returned in May of 2000.  Then in 2001, Nader then lost the role, once again, but this time it was due to trouble with the law, and from an official statement from ABC saying if he would address these issues, they would bring him back, which they never did.  Nader then sued ABC after learning they never had any intention of bringing him back, after he turned his life around.  Needless to say, that is the short abridged version of the tumultuous journey and road Nader has traveled.  But all of that … is now in the past!

On-Air On-Soaps had the pleasure of sitting down with Michael, when we visited the All My Children studios, where he was just beginning to tape new episodes as Dimitri.  We can tell you, Michael was forthright in our conversation, infusing it with self-effacing humor and wit, and a pleasure to talk! We know one thing, long time fans and new ones too, are going to love seeing him back where he belongs in Pine Valley this coming June.    So here’s our chat with Michael N.

So after all this time, how did you end up back on All My Children?

Photo Credit: Robert Milazzo

MICHAEL:   It’s a cute little story.  I found out after I talked to Ginger Smith (executive producer, AMC).  Ever since I left All My Children many years ago, she was a fan of my work.  Obviously, she supported me because she was having, as I understand it, them already writing for me.  She said, “Start writing for him.  I am going to find him.”  Then Chris Goutman, the director said, “Michael’s daughter is on facebook … don’t you remember Lindsay?”  So she emailed Lindsay on her facebook page and said, “This is Ginger Smith.  I would like to speak with your pop!”  Lindsay then called me and said, “Dad, someone from All My Children wants to talk to you and I gave her your number.”

It must have felt like a sort of vindication, and felt really good to be sought after that way?

MICHAEL:  I have been out of the game. I did a couple of guest spots on Cold Case,and little things. Then I started drifting around and going to those, “Let’s see what they look like today interviews.”  I went, and you know what?  The industry has changed so much.  You know it’s sit around and wait.  I have a friend, a very good actor.  For seven years he did not get work.  All of a sudden because of his voice, he has an English accent, he started to get some voice-over work, and it was enough to make a living in Hollywood. Three weeks ago, I got call that he had a cerebral hemorrhage in his sleep. They found him three days later with his dogs around him.  So he waited by the phone, he got a little bite of life, and then he was taken.  And I said, “You know, I am so lucky of what I did, and to live in this wonderful community in Lake Tahoe.  I am at peace.”  Then the phone rings and it was Ginger!

Fans loved you as Dimitri Marick!  You were one of the shows all-time leading men! 


MICHAEL:  Who can complain with a thousand candles, me dressed as a Prussian Emperor, and dancing with Susan Lucci in Budapest?  C’mon, that was some good stuff!

Did Ginger inform you of the story to lure you back to the soap?

MICHAEL:  Truthfully, they did not tell me anything about storyline.  Ginger said, “I will do anything to have you come back … anything!”  I said, “I don’t need to know anything, sweetie.  Just have your financial team get on the horn and let’s get this settled, and I think this will be a gift for both of us!  You believe in me, which is wonderful, and I know you haven’t seen me, but trust me, I am ready to roll.”

Did you feel pressure with all that you had been through to come back now to your sort of old stomping grounds and begin the rigors of acting on a soap?

MICHAEL:  No, strangely enough.  I thought I would be nervous my first little day on set, but I was only nervous for the first beat, because it was one of those reveal things where you have to time it just right, and so for that moment my actor head goes, “Not real.  Not real.”  But then I let it go and it was just fine.  So for the first few weeks, I think I will be drifting in and out, and then I got some scripts where I get busy with JR.

Originally, there was so much speculation that when AMC cast European Russian bad boys Vlad and Yuri (who now we come to find out are running a sex trafficking ring) that somehow Dimitri might have a connection to them because of his European background, as well!

MICHAEL:  Those were the boys that I sent to check out the place?  No! (Laughs)  I honestly have no idea what the storyline is going to be, the plot, or anything.  I am just amazed after meeting with Jeff and Rich from Prospect Park, and seeing the product they are putting out. I went, “You know what?  This is good!”

You know I was sitting in front of you at the AMC and OLTL premiere!  What did you think when you saw the two shows on the big screen?  And, what was it like for you being there amongst all of your peers once again, many whom you have not seen in years?

Photo Credit: Sue Coflin/Max Photos

MICHAEL:  I was excited seeing it on the big screen.  All My Children was fun, and One Life to Live had this dark intensity.  I said, “Boy, One Life to Live is very gritty.”  And they said, “Just wait.  The storylines on this one are going to get very, very gritty.”  So honestly, it’s all just a fabulous reunion.  I got here, and on the first day I came up here to the studios in Connecticut, it was for a wardrobe fitting and make-up.  I literally have not seen anyone since the day I had to leave.  It has to be thirteen years ago.  The night when I went to the premiere, I walked on the red carpet near Cady McClain (Dixie, AMC) and Jill Larson (Opal, AMC).  Jill had not seen me yet, and I came up behind her, and she said, “Yes?”  And I said, “Hi Jill.”  And she said, “Can I help you?”  Then, I said “It’s Mike.”  Then the curtain came up and she howled and hugged me very tight.  Then later, she says “Just like me Mike, no one recognizes you.”  But then towards the end, I started to get some second looks from the fans, and then inside the premiere the three photographers who have been covering soaps forever yelled in unison, “Mike Nader!”  I went, “Yes, it’s me!”

Do you suspect Dimitri will be a good guy or bad guy, this time?

MICHAEL: I don’t want him to be a bad guy.  I want Dimitri to be a caring man, but very, very tough when s**t comes his way.   If “Jr”, or David, or anybody gets in his way, they need to watch out.  So to any of the bad guys, I am hoping I might be the fulcrum to pull them down. That would be great.

Will you work with Thorsten Kaye (Zach, AMC)?

MICHAEL:  The reason I am sitting here with my head shaved is that when I saw Thorsten, I said, “I am not competing with that head of hair!”  Now, I still have hair in my head, but then I also saw Vincent Irizarry, who plays David!  So I went in and said, “Ralphie, let’s buzz this mother off!” (Laughs)

Did you ever stay in touch with your former AMC on-screen brother, Edmund, played by John Callahan?

Photo Credit: Sue Coflin/Max Photos

MICHAEL:  No.  I don’t know how long John stayed on All My Children after I did.  I think a little bit longer.  I ran into Walt Willey (Jackson, AMC) and Michael E. Knight (Tad, AMC) when we did Oprah’s show with the tribute to Susan, and at the end were all of her on-screen husbands.  I did that because I thought that would be fun and would mean a lot to Susan.  Being back here now in 2013, is a karmic thing for Ginger to have held me dear in her heart, all this time.  And then to have this happen for her, and then for her to go, “You know what?  I am in the position now to bring that dude back!”  She cared that much to make it happen!

Does it feel like this is a second chance at life in Pine Valley for you, and with the revival of AMC?

MICHAEL:  I think this version of All My Children is definitely the second coming of the show.  And the kids that they have now, they are allowing them to be real kids, not soap opera kids. They are dressing them fresher. The whole show is fresher.


Show business is one of the toughest businesses to be a part of.  It can break your spirit, your heart, and can make you very wary of people, and who to trust.   Was your decision to reside currently in Lake Tahoe based partly on getting away from the rat-race of the “biz”?

MICHAEL:  I came down to visit Lindsay in Los Angeles, about a month before I got the call from AMC.  I said, “Lindsay, I’ve got to get out of here.”  We went out to dinner, and there were so many wannabes, and my daughter is so solid.   But who wants to live in Los Angeles, if you don’t have to?  I tell everybody: ‘there are a lot of pretty places if you let go of that old stuff.’  People hold on to their dreams for too long.  Get real!  Look, it happened for me, and then it didn’t happen for me anymore.  I found a community that I love.  But I accepted this, here at AMC, the gift that they told me that they wanted me to come home.

So soap fans, are you excited to see Michael Nader again as Dimitri Marick?  What do you think will happen when Dimitri hits Pine Valley?  How do you feel about Michael getting a wonderful opportunity to act again on the new AMC?  Let us know!

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Great interview, thank Michael and Michael! 🙂 I loved Dimitri and Alex and would welcome a storyline between them on AMC! It is my recollection that both the characters were written off leaving town together. Any chance of AMC mentioning what they have been doing? As little as tptb are using Finola on GH, this fan of both the actors hopes she does a crossover.

Sure am!! Great interview our cast of children coming home!

That interview was very informative , I am so happy to see Dimitri back once again.

will we be seeing Susan Lucci and Michael E. Knight back on All My Children? It would be great so see Edmund (John) and Walt Willey too.

i have loved him since he was on dynasty…………………..glad he is back!

Just speculation,but I’m thinking that Dimitri will turn out to be Celia’s mysterious guardian.

Welcome back–can’t wait to see you on AMC!!!!

I’m excited if somewhere down the line there would be a Dimitri and Erica reunion ( he’ll need 2 grow that hair back) though. Anyway, it would be great but I don’t want him interfering in Brooke and Adam’s relationship at all…. Brooke and Dimitri should NEVER happen! ABC attempted to pair those 2 back in the day and their was ZERO chemistry! and was dropped before they could kiss after the first date. IN short all for it just don’t pair him up with Brooke!

UGH. Never could stand this character. I have no interest in watching him so I won’t be. Wish I had me Jack/Erica and Tad instead.

So, SO happy about Michael’s return, yay! He has always been one of my favorites!

Finally! Welcome back Mr. Nader. You have been missed.

Loved the character of Dimitri and Michael is an excellent actor!! So glad to see him back where he belongs!!!

What wonderful news!

ABC sure did treat you poorly, so glad that Prospect Park has righted that wrong, Mr Nader.

I must say that I had given up on the new AMC ( a show I have watched since day one in January 1970), but now hearing this terrific news… I will watching again, just to see Dimitri , a character who I really loved back in the day.

Welcome home!!!

I think it’s terrific to have Dimitri and Michael back in Pine Valley! Can’t wait to see what he’ll be up to!

I am so happy that Michael Nader is returning to All My Children. I have missed Dimitri so much. Welcome back, Michael Nader. I love you!

Good stuff! So excited to see Dimitri back! AMC will definitely be gaining this viewer now! And I suspect many many more of Michael’s fans!!! Can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, as a long LONG time viewer of the show, I wish to be as objective as possible and say that he was fine in the role of Dimitri but not I am not exactly sure how that character fits in today. I am still so dismayed that the show’s airings have been trimmed down to twice a week that I guess that is dominating my thoughts and focus.
Of course, if Susan Lucci returns, I can see him clashing with her so that could be interesting. I just don’t know if that will happen in the future, so I guess I will have to, as they say, “stay tuned”.

Thank you! I’ve been thinking the same thing. We haven’t seen Dimitri in more than 10 years. Where does he fit in in Pine Valley? Was it just that Michael Nader was available when so many other, more recent actors on AMC were not? I so want Erica to show up and interact with him. Jackson should be mixing it up with him, too. How about Kendall? She stabbed Dimitri and was briefly married to his son. She should be there. I get the feeling that alot of what’s airing on AMC is slapped together based on the small number of actors ready, willing and able to show up in Pine Valley, and not based on a master plan, which may explain why I find AMC to be disjointed and the characters not as connected to each other as I would like them to be. I am hoping for better and I’m especially hoping for a return of the Kane women and Jackson, and more of the Martins, too, while we’re at it.

I know what you mean, Beth – it’s like, okay, what is the point – it’s not like he was a real “key” character in Pine Valley ~ they need to bring in Kendall, even if they have to re-cast which at this point, well who knows – it would be better if they brought back original actors but not just peripheral characters from years ago – “slapped together” as you phrase it does seem somehow to be appropriate. The “old days” of Pine Valley and Landview, I don’t know, the characters all seemed joined together somehow – one family mingled with another, and truly that element is missing nowadays.

I agree with you totally, Beth, and have made the same observations about the current AMC. I feel like there is no master story bible and they are merely throwing stuff at the wall to see what fits. Billy Clyde makes no sense in a story about contemporary sexual trafficking. I LOVE BILLY CLYDE, but he belongs in a very different kind of story. Every time he comes on screen, the menace that these new sleazy pimps generate is washed away the moment he opens his mouth.

I don’t know what on earth they have planned for a (bald) Michael Nader, but the days of the dark, mysterious European aristocrat as a soap staple are over, and to me it seems like a ridiculous addition to the cast. As he himself said, it seems to me more than Ginger Smith felt he was owed some kind of dignified closure because of the tacky, trashy way he went out, and is doing what she can to make it happen. I never cared for the character at all, and while I am happy to see old faces from a nostalgic point of view, I don’t think he makes sense and I don’t have any interest in him. That being said, I wish him well and I hope it all works out and I am forced to eat these words.

The only way I can see Dimitri fitting in on the current AMC atoryline is if he is Celia’s guardian

Dimitri is going to be revealed as Celia’s sponsor!

That’s my guess.

Wow, that is a good guess, now that i think about it you might be right.

I am overjoyed that Michael Nader is back. A complete cast to me would be for Michael E. Knight (my ears perked up when Dixie got a call from Tad while she was visiting JR in the hospital) and Walt Willey to return also. The possible story lines for all of them are limitless. I just keep thanking PP for bringing back the best soaps on television.

I agree with you whole heartedly!!! Rock on Prospect Park hope they work everything out with this law issue…. It would kill me to lose them again!!

Really missed M. Nader…can’t wait to see him! Loved him on AMC and Dynasty and anywhere else he popped up. Can’t wait to catch up on his character.

Very happy to see Michael come back. I’ve been missing him for years!!
Welcome back Dimitri… Long time no see… 🙂

I am so happy to have Michael Nader and AMC back!! Prospect Park is doing a fantastic job!!! Thank you!

Mike (mr. Dexter) I guess you got lucky. When I saw this I had to write this (for old times) . I’m happy for you. Barbara

I am so happy they brought him back. He was one of my favorites on the show. He is a very good actor and I am happy for him!

Hi, I am from Podgorica, capital city of Montenegro, East Europe.
In my country (former Yougoslavia) most popular show was “Dynasty”. One of my favorite actor was Michael Nader as Dex Dexter.
I am so happy to see “mr. Dexter” come back! My best regards for him!
Sorry if my english is not well.
Once again : WELCOME BACK DEX !!

Those are very nice sentiments. Sadly, Mr. Nader has passed away, today, August 25, 2021. I hope that you are well.

I am so excited! I love Michael Nader.. Can’t wait to see Demitri back. He is an amazing actor. Looking forward to seeing him again!

I always thought Michael Nader was one of the most disciplined actors on AMC. He was a pivotal character and I for one am thrilled to see him back. Welcome back, Michael and all the best.

Very happy to see Michael Nader reprise his role as Dimitri! Love that it’s on Oprahs network.
He looks great and hooray for him, overcoming his demons.

I am so happy to have amc back and i am so excited to see dimitri back! Love it!! Thanks for bringing it alive again!!!

He is one of the best actors who appeared in a supporting role. With his charm, vigor and elegance deserved leading role. This is best demonstrated in “Dynasty,” where his charisma raised the ratings of the series.
It is therefore inconceivable that did not get a place in the following “The Reunion”!
Joan Collis could not get a better partner and its antipode behavior.
She should not prevent us from acting appearance of such a size because of their prejudices.
Goran from Podgorica, Montenegro

Dear Michael,
Thank you for being the kind thoughtful & generous person you are.
I met you the first day I was assigned to appear as a background
Player on AMC. You immediately made me feel welcome.
I will never forget you. I wish you a great new life in tthe
Forthcoming AMC. You have been greatly missed!

By any chance dimintri marick pop up on gh

All My Children

Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos Give Their ‘Talk Show Host’ Daytime Emmy Acceptance Speeches on ‘Live’

During last Friday’s 51st annual Daytime Emmy Awards, All My Children alums, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, were named as the Outstanding Daytime Series Talk Show hosts for Live with Kelly and Mark.

Those who watched the Emmy broadcast on CBS or streaming on Paramount+ knew that the couple was a no-show when their names were called. On Monday’s episode of ‘Live’, Kelly and Mark addressed their absence and each delivered acceptance speeches.

Consuelos also pointed out that this is his wife’s sixth Daytime Emmy talk show host victory, making her just one shy of tying Oprah Winfrey in the category who has 7.  Throughout her Emmy wins, Ripa has shared the honor with her different co-hosts, but this makes the first Emmy win for Consuelos as co-host.


Kelly and Mark revealed on Emmy night they were actually in London visiting their daughter, Lola and had made the travel plans long ago before this year’s Emmys came around.

When it was time for her to make her speech to the audience and the cameras at home, Kelly shared: “I just want to say, first and foremost, thank you, Mark, for being an incredible, incredible partner. You make it look easy and it is not easy and the ease at which you do this job inspires me and all of us every single day. ” Ripa also went on to thank the producers, EP Michael Gelman, everyone at the show behind the scenes, and the loyal audience at home for watching every single day.

Mark expressed: I would have said, my dad always told me to marry somebody who’s better than you and try to work with people who are way better than you as well. So, I’ve done both those things. So ,thank you. Thank you for holding me up. I appreciate it.”

Watch Kelly and Mark celebrate their Daytime Emmy victory on ‘Live’ below.

Now let us know, happy that Kelly and Mark took home the gold, for their first Emmy season together as co-hosts? Comment below.

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All My Children

Chrishell Stause, Sam Asghari and Gabby Windey Among Reality Star Cast for ‘Traitors’ Season 3

The upcoming third season cast of Peacock’s Traitors, hosted by Alan Cummings, has been revealed and it includes a plethora of reality stars, including former All My Children, Days of our Lives, and The Young and the Restless star, Chrishell Stause.

Most recently, Stause has been a mainstay of the hit reality-real estate series, Selling Sunset. In addition, Chrishell is also heading down under come July to tape a guest star run on long-running soap Neighbours.

The synopsis for Traitors reads: Alan Cummings “plays host to 21 larger-than-life personalities who come together to compete in a series of missions with the objective of earning a cash prize of up to $250,000. The catch? Hidden amongst the Faithful contestants are the Traitors, whose goal is to eliminate the Faithful and claim the prize for themselves. Under the cover of darkness, the Traitors ‘murder’ contestants one by one, but if the Faithful can banish all the Traitors before the end of the game, they’ll split the incredible prize.”

Photo: Netflix

The new season will be set in a remote castle in the Scottish Highlands. The cast includes: Britney Spears’ ex-husband Sam Asghari (who also appeared in The Bay), Vanderpump Rules star Tom Sandoval, Bob the Drag Queen from RuPaul’s Drag Race; Dorinda Medley, Robyn Dixon, Dolores Catania and Chanel Ayan from the “Real Housewives” franchise, Ciara Miller from Summer House; Zac Efron’s brother Dylan; former ‘Bachelorette’ Gabby Windey, as well as Wells Adams from “Bachelor Nation.” In addition look for Britney Haynes and Danielle Reyes from Big Brother; plus Survivor stars: Carolyn Wiger, Jeremy Collins, Rob Mariano and Tony Vlachos.

Photo: JPI

Traitors is produced by Studio Lambert with Stephen Lambert, Mike Cotton, Sam Rees-Jones, Rosie Franks, Jack Burgess and Tim Harcourt serving as executive producers. No word yet on the release date for season 3.

Check out the cast reveal for season 3 below. Then let us know what you think about the names in the show and if you will be checking out Chrishell and company when it finally streams on Peacock via the comment section.


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All My Children

Chrishell Stause to Guest Star on Amazon Freevee’s ‘Neighbours’ in New Soap Role

Look. who’s returning to the soaps but this time down under? Chrishell Stause, who before the reality-series Selling Sunset found notoriety on daytime dramas, is set to play a new guest role on the iconic Australian soap, Neighbours.

Stause will play a new character, Yasmine Shields, who is said to be,”a glamorous and successful businesswoman in pursuit of an exciting new opportunity.” Chrishell will make her way to Australia and start filming in July.

Neighbours releases new episodes Monday-Thursday, at 7 a.m. BST, on Amazon Freevee in the UK and the U.S.  Stause is joining the show at the right time as it just received its first Daytime Emmy nomination for Outstanding Drama Series at the upcoming 51st annual Daytime Emmy Awards.

Photo: NBC

In a statement, the former All My Children, Days of our Lives and The Young and the Restless star, expressed, “I am honored and excited to join such a beloved and iconic show.  Coming from the world of soaps in the U.S., it’s back to my first love in the entertainment industry. They pitched me an idea for a character, and I was immediately excited to figure out a way to make it happen. Ramsay Street here I come!”

Neighbours Executive Producer Jason Herbison said on the casting news, “We are thrilled to welcome Chrishell to the cast of Neighbours. We created a character especially for her and we can’t wait for her to bring the storyline alive. Expect intrigue and surprises – and many implications for the residents of Ramsay Street.”

Photo: CStauseIG

As fans know, Stause married her partner, Australian musician G Flip back in 2022, so now she has additional roots on the continent.

Previously on the soaps, Chrishell played the role of Amanda Dillon on All My Children (2005-2011), Bethany Bryant on The Young and Restless (2016) and Jordan Ridgeway on Days of our Lives (2013-2015; and make returns in: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023).

Since leaving the American daytime soaps, Chrishell has received an MTV TV & Movie Award ‘Best Reality Star’ and a People’s Choice nomination for ‘Favorite Reality Star’ for her appearance in Selling Sunset. In 2023 she was recognized by Variety as one of the ‘40 Most Powerful Women in Reality TV’ and by Us Weekly as one of the ‘Top 10 Reality Stars of the Year.’

In February 2022, she released her debut memoir, Under Construction: Because Living My Best Life Took a Little Work. Chrishell is committed to philanthropic endeavors and is a vocal advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights.

Photo: AmazonFreevee

The continuation of the long-running series, Neighbours, is about the lives, loves, and challenges of the residents on Ramsay Street in Erinsborough, Australia, a fictional suburb of Melbourne—picked up two years after the finale in 2022, which was watched by millions of adoring fans.

As well as on Amazon Freevee in the U.S and UK as mentioned above, Neighbours streams on Prime Video in Canada, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Australia’s Network 10 will retain first-run rights in Australia for the new chapter of the series. Previous seasons of Neighbours, as well as over 100 iconic episodes, are currently available to stream on Amazon Freevee.

So, what do you think about Chrishell Stause returning to the soaps with a role on Neighbours? Comment below.

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