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General Hospital


GENERAL HOSPITAL: Nikolas Finds Robin! Britt Comes Face to Face with Faison! Patrick Asks Sabrina To Marry Him! Dr. Obrecht is Humiliated!



That’ some headline, eh?  Well, it was another, BAM, BAM, BAM, Friday cliffhanger over at General Hospital leaving us breathless for what will happen next!

In a stunning sequence in the last few minutes of the episode, as each of these key scenes were inter-cut and juxtaposed against each other, Nikolas (Tyler Christopher) stumbled upon Robin (Kimberly McCullough) in the lab on Cassadine Island!  The shock on Robin’s face gave us true hope that she finally may get out of captivity! Does the Prince save her?  Meanwhile, just as Robin sees a friendly and familiar face, Patrick (Jason Thompson), after watching the DVD from Robin that she left him a long time ago, urging him to move on with his life, find a woman to love, and be a family again, says to Sabrina (Teresa Castillo), “Marry me!”

And while all that was playing out, Britt (Kelly Thiebaud) finally comes face to face with her psycho father, Faison (Anders Hove) who has baby Ben with him!  Britt had just knocked out her mother, Dr. Obrecht (Kathleen Gati), before finding Faison with her son!  What will happen when the father/daughter showdown begins?

However, the best performance of the entire episode has to go to Kathleen Gati!  For in scenes where she wants to seduce Faison (since she is fixated, obsessed, and longs for the man), he trashes her advances.  In fact, he asks her to wear the “Anna” mask if she truly will do anything for him!  In tears and devastated by his humiliating request, Liesl hauls off and slaps Faison  … damn hard might we add!   She then threatens him that she is now the one with the most power and storms out!   This cannot be good for what could be in store for the real Anna Devane (Finola Hughes)!

We have to give kudos to General Hospital executive producer Frank Valentini, and head writer Ron Carlivati, for having so many characters on Cassadine Island, or about to descend on Cassadine Island (as will be the case with Robert and Anna).  It reminds us of the good old days of classic GH, where everyone got mixed up in the big mystery … somehow!

So, what did you think of the ending of Friday’s General Hospital?  (You can watch the final minutes in the clip below) What was your favorite part?  What did you think of the twisted scene between Faison and Dr. O?  Comment below!

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Dr. Obrecht and Faison!
They are the best of the best!!
I can’t get enough of them, they are dynamite together!!

Dr. O has some of the best humor lines I’ve ever head on a soap yet she is a #1 villain!!
And Faison! WOW I do not have a word befitting of praise for him!!

I can only hope both will be a fixture of GH for a very very long time!!!!

(this Robin story fails in comparison to Faison and Dr. O …….

I agree…they need to keep Faison and my mean queen Dr.O!!!

no way they both need to go now. i hate faision and that witch dr.o.

yes!! give Faison and Dr. O a story befitting their talents, a long story, the two of them up front !!
wow and WOW that would rock my soap world!!

(( and throw in the great and very talented Jerry Jacks!!!!! more WOW!


We All have to rally around Kathleen Gati…


I Love You…. We Love You….

GH- Production

right the wrongs… and find a way to Keep Dr. O on the canvas… and trot out the Shakespearean “Othello” Faison –

who would have thought… all the drama that ensued with Britt’a and beloved “her” beloved Ben

I applaud Britt’a for – it had to be quaking in her boots – courageous
to stand up against her showstopping parents…

the world is opening up for Britt

and I love it….

love her and Nicholas

Although I am not a Faison fan, per se, I do have to admit the crotchety criminal creaming Dr. O with his torrent of tart Teutonic taunts yesterday was truly a treat. Those two terrifying treasures working together is going to make for one tension-tinged trip!!!! It seems as though the frisky frau has finally “faced” the future…there will be no “Cesar” dynasty of which she will be evil empress, and now she’ll be even more wicked and wretched in her retribution. Can’t wait!!!! Whatever it takes, the love-scorned Liesl must remain indefinitely on the GH radar so as to exact her revenge for being wronged.

now she’ll be even more wicked and wretched in her retribution. Can’t wait!!!! Whatever it takes, the love-scorned Liesl must remain indefinitely on the GH radar so as to exact her revenge for being wronged.

“wicked” ‘Nice”

long live fan retort

LOL…. high 5

I say… whatever it takes to further the ensuing flight of Serial…. this story has wings of it’s own…. and has catapulted to the TOP.

Britt, Dr. O, Faison, Ben, Nicholas, Patrick, Anna, Robin, Emma, Robert, Mac

I love Dr. O’s one liners and Faison’s insanity! Great talents!

I loved it!! When I saw Faison with the Anna Mask I just knew he would ask her to put it on!!! LOL!! I really liked how everything worked well together. From when Nicholas found Robin to where Patrick proposed to Sabrina. Great, great writing!! I also liked when Britt ran into her mother and pushed her aside as she crumpled to the floor! Now we get to see Scorpio and Anna come upon her. I just don’t know how Britt will be against papa Faison! Just really enjoying this storyline!

The most delightful detail was when the vanquished vixen “unmasked” her horrible humiliation at the hands of her haggard honey to Anna and Robert. Scorpio’s snarky show of schadenfreude was simply scrumptious….he is such a sexy scamp!!!!

Best episode so far…

best. show. ever. Long live General Hospital

So happy Nik found Robin. Patrick is an idiot, Sabrina is a bigger idiot if she accepts. Wish Sabrina would just leave already or better yet someone pushes her into pier 52. cant wait Robin for come home and sabrina world come crashing down. Great part no one will be propping her anymore. Because everyone will be on Robin side. She will only have Felix to go crying too. Looking forward for Sabrina heart to be shattered

I hope Sabrina and Patrick marry. They make a better pairing in my opinion then Robin and Patrick. Afterall Robin isn’t staying on the show…Sabrick all the way

Viva La Sabrina Santiago-Drake! LOL… It’s so soapy!

i really hope robin stays on gh an reunite with her family.her an patrick make good couple.i like for robin to stop the wedding an i hope she does.i like robin an family.

I don’t want Patrick to marry Sabrina..Patrick and Sabrina’s wedding will never happen. He will see Robin and he will forget about Sabrina…Emma belongs with her mom ….

Push Sabrina either Off Pier 52, into the catacombs, or into drop her in the Pine Barrens!

I agree; I am not a huge fan of Sabrina. I’m growing tired of her, fast.

Never have seen anything so terrifying and funny at the same time. Love this show more than ANY other.

Agree 100%

Best show ever….thank you GH……

Fantastic episode!! Keep it up GH!!

This was a fantastic episode! I was very pleasantly surprised that NICKOLAS is the one to find Robin! That was awesome! Nikolas and Robin were friends for a long time, and I am so glad he finds her first! I felt bad for Dr. O because she did everything she could to make Fiason want her in his life, but he is just totally fixated on Anna and I knew he wanted Dr. O to put on that Anna mask. Poor woman, shot down again for Anna Devane.

Great episode on Friday except for Patrick asking Sabrina to marry him. Ugh!!

I agree, that came out of nowhere! out of character for Patrick to propose when he just took his ring off the other day. Other than that, the rest of the episode was awesome. I love Faison!!! Nicholas finding Robin was great too!!

Most pathetic proposal ever! Patrick looked like he wanted to puke….I know I certainly did…..

SPOILER ALERT! Patrick and Sabrina get married and go on a year long trip around the world aboard a private boat that has no contact with the outside world…Emma stays with Liz…Cant wait for the honeymoon and their lovemaking scenes…Then Patrick and Sabrina get shipwrecked and are stranded on a deserted island for months…they make love on a starlit beach…in Dec. 2014 they are finally rescued and return to Port Chuck where they discover Robin is alive and now married to Carlos!!!…lol IM JOKING!!!

SO-NOT-FUNNY jimh!!!! This storyline is just absolute torture…..

Sorry Shay…i couldnt help it…lmao!!!

I’ll forgive you, jimh, as long as your only future “Sappy” wedding fantasies include her being dumped at the altar as Robin magically reappears to reclaim her family…if we are even forced to see this ludicrous love farce proceed up to that ridiculous point. I’m hoping the “fairytale” will all crash and burn before then….with the GBWB to be thereafter and forever known as “Sobby.”

I agree! Patrick will never marry Sabrina. He will see Robin and won’t rememeber
Sabrina..He doesn’t love Sabrina the way he has always loved Robin(he’s one true love )! Soul Mates (Robin & Patrick)!!!!

Anders Hove and the baby have been fantastic. I’ve had to rewind because I’m laughing at them and missing the scene. That baby loves him!

I know! I also rewound and rewatched the scenes with Faison and the baby. They were just so cute!

Agree! I never dreamed Faison would be so cute with a baby! I was dying laughing too! The baby was playing with his hair & then when they were making faces at each other-adorable & so unexpected!

Friday’s episode was epic!!! ESPECIALLY the scenes with Dr. Obrecht… she is a brilliant actress. And don’t even get me started on Finola Hughes… amazing… Classic GH… I can’t wait until Monday!


I agree 100% with what Michael said..

–quote Michael’

” it was another, BAM, BAM, BAM, Friday cliffhanger over at General Hospital leaving us breathless for what will happen next!” /end quote..

I love all the GH’s BAM BAM BAM’s !!!!
I want more BAM BAM BAMS !!!!!! …….
RC and his writing staff are BAMing me and I love it !!!! … lol

I too was dissappointed by Patricks proposal. Clearly his heart belongs to Robin. Sorry just not a fan of him and Sabrina at all. This changed Sabrina to where she became kinda stuck up and annoying!

Robin/Kimberly McCullough is on GH to give closure to her story then she is gone..
Don’t count on a happy ever after for her and Patrick..

Never forget her character was killed off because she had no plans of returning, but RC appeased fans and kept her alive, now is the wrap up/closure, then bye bye Kimberly McCullough..

McCullough is not doing a cameo for a couple of weeks on GH. She signed an actual contract, which is never done unless the term is for at least 6 months. You never know what goes on behind-the-scenes. Jason Thompson may well have other ambitions like a primetime acting gig, & they could write off the entire family into the sunset.

One of the rare times I disagree with you Su, Kansas has it correct. Even though we don’t know the length…she has signed a contract, no short term wrap up and bye bye. (Maybe a long term wrap up and then goodbye?!)

ohhh crips she is such a terrible actor, that is bad news ..
I could only hope the contract is for free coffee, only ..

well, she will pale in the presence of the great ones, for sure..

(she walked out now she comes begging back ahhaa)

I don’t understand why everyone is down on sabrina. She hung in there through all Patrick’s crap. At least let her go out gracefully if robin and Patrick go back. Not a fan of robins anymore and I’ve been watching g for 40 years. I liked Patrick snd sabrina. I think they’re doing a lousy job with her with this storyline.

Still a fan of Robins…but I also really like Sabrina. She has done nothing to earn anyone’s ire or hate and when Robin is known to be alive, she will step aside graciously. Of course she will still be hurt and devastated, but it’s great story for her to play.

I love Sabrina as well, but I’m afraid of what this storyline will be-and it won’t end well for her; all because the Prodigal Princess decided to deem us worthy of her presence. Ugh

I am very happy that Kimberly has returned as Robin. Don’t consider her the prodigal princess. Say what you want character wise all day long, but no need to bash any actor.

Loved it all!!! But the reactions on Nik and Robin’s faces were fabulous!!! I loved seeing Faison with Britt and I loved Tracy’s one way discussion with Luke!!! Actually seeing Patrick ask Sabrina to marry him after what we had been seeing was maddening and I hope it was a dream on his part and that he never actually uttered those words to her.

Loving GH and can’t wait for everyone to converge on Cassadine Island!!! I would love to see Laura and Stephan be there too!!!

it was priceless indeed

as Tracy is speaking to the flight attendant:

“I”ll have the “whole” enchilada”, what do you think Luke”


Unrequited love– any woman who has been there felt Dr. O’s pain in those scenes. I still would love to see a back story on that couple with the actress who plays Britt as the young Dr. O and the guy who plays Silias as a young Faison— at least he has the hair for it. LOL.

believe you me…. male or female: “…Unrequited love– any woman who has been there felt Dr. O’s pain in those scenes.”

it was heartbreaking…. gut-wrenching… oh man: love is

Kathleen Gati is a show unto herself. She captures my attention…. I watch her every move… her delivery… I liken her to shakespearean…. highly anticipated performance and baited


she’s going out in a blaze of glory…. if this is the last we’ll see of her…

I sincerely hope not… her presence alone.. and with Britt’a and Ben… sans Faison and “cesar”… dang! isn’t that dreamed up drama… she immersed herself in…. to the gills

Dr. O… you have FANS

anyway… realism… I know quite well what that was like. i’ll simply say…. it is:

mine: “The one that got away”

Ms. Gati – geez every gamut of delivery…. A to Z is smolder… anger, sadness, hurt, pangs of Love bursting…. she has an heir of elegance

she’s sodiered on for “the cause”

to see her break that mold…. and see her heart open… along with her Daughter… for the love of themselves and Ben


she’s “soldiered” on….

please President Obama do NOT address the country at 2:00 .I have been waiting all weekend for GH


here, here.

who can’t not agree….

it wreaks havoc…. with my spoiled

GH and DAYS: ARE BOTH sssoooo ‘good’

Loved it! When GH gets it right (which is really more often than not) they get it RIGHT! No wonder the show is heading upwards in all those demographics they worry about. The fans know when a show is on fire and GH is definitely hot, hot, hot!

What a great couple of days on Cassadine Island and in Port Charles, tying up so many loose ends with so many great characters-Anna, Britt, Faison, Dr. O, Robin, Patrick, etc.! Oh, and I absolutely love Derek Wells/Julian Jerome! The actor has chemistry with everyone on the show. These are the type of characters and great storylines we love to see, not the ridiculous “love” triangle between Michael, Kiki, and nuMorgan. Please send Kristen Alderson back to Llanview, nuMorgan back to elementary school, and give the talented Chad Duell a good storyline to show his acting chops! Please do not waste air-time on this bunch. Oh, and what has happened to AJ Quartermaine? Still in jail? I haven’t seen him.

The thing I like best about Faison is that his evilness does not seem to have been diluted by the writers as so many other villians have over time. While I love Sonny, he has become completely impotent as a mob lord. Helena comes across as an old guard dog -all bark, no bite. And I roll my eyes whenever Heather is on screen. I usually just skip those scenes altogether. I hope the writers keep Faison as sick and twisted as always and never turn him into milktoast like they did with Stavros and Stefan.

For those who are saying that Robin is only on to “wrap up the storyline,” remember she’s been placed “on contract.” She’ll be around for awhile.

Dr. O was FABULOUS!!!! The whole show was wonderful! Great, great story telling. Fantastic acting from all, really!

Great episodes these days, so exciting!! so suspenseful. Love it. Please give spixie back their baby..shrewlu is such a bitch.

Loving GH now, especially Sabrina, Patrick, Dr. O, Britt, Felix, Maxie, Spinelli, Luke, and Tracy. So bored with Sonny, Carly, Franco, and Kiki.

Love Sabrina and Patrick!!!!!! Hope she gives Patrick the son he wanted.

Intensely agree!!!

2014 daytime Emmy Awards

“The Winner is:”

Ms. Kathleen Gati: Best Supporting Actress.

She sure deserves it—an amazing actress and GH character.

Here, here!!!! The Great Gati’s prodigious performance as Dr. Obrecht is a charismatic combination of tremendous talent and persnickety perfection all rolled into one prolific personality…..let the kudos commence!

i like gh i’m a big fan of theirs.can you keep me tune in with whats going to happen next i wish they had a website that i can sign up to win some i can give my little girl christmas. thank you!

Dr O and Faison how great are they together! Loving GH right now.

Robin And Patrick reunited can’t wait !

All the Sabrina haters…Come on, guys! I’m sure most of you would like her if Robin had indeed passed away, and thus not view Sabrina as an interloper. She doesn’t deserve all the scorn from the GH fans. I realize that KMc is a fan favorite, as she has been on the show since she was a child. But just as Patrick’s character evolved once he became involved with Robin, I believe his character has evolved again once becoming involved with Sabrina. He used to be a shallow man interested in one-night stands. The fact that he fell for a character like Sabrina, who was initially a plain Jane, proves that he was drawn to her inner beauty, her warm spirit, and her caring attitude towards him and Emma. I love watching the tender scenes between Sabrina and Emma. As a nurse, Sabrina is a natural caregiver, which is clearly evident when she interacts with Emma. Plus, she is physically beautiful. Why wouldn’t Patrick want to be with her? She was willing to walk away and date Milo when Patrick brushed her off after she told him the way she felt. It was Patrick who came back to her, expressed that he was interested in her, and wanted a second chance. She was completely supportive and nonjudgmental when she believed Patrick was the father of Britt’s baby, and she has tolerated his frequent musings about Robin, even though she is now the woman in his life. She even informed Patrick that he could take back his marriage proposal when she felt that he may have proposed hastily. By the way, in an era of over-the-top proposals (see Kanye and Kim marriage proposal), Patrick’s proposal to Sabrina was heartfelt, sincere, and beautiful. Sabrina clearly has a backbone, and fights for what she believes in, as demonstrated when she berated Britt after she learned that Britt had falsely named Patrick as her baby daddy. I’ve loved watching the relationship between Patrick and Sabrina evolve. She would make a lovely addition to the Drake family! I fear her fate once Robin returns…

Totally agree!

I have a feeling Sabrina and Patrick may still get married even after Robin returns.Time will tell.I believe Sabrinas ex boyfriend is going to cause alot of problem in the future.I agree with Eden’s comment.
I actually felt sorry for LuLu and Maxi in court for custody.Giving Spinelli custody was a surprise.I believe he will be a good father.I think he is going to ask Elli to marry him and that is going to cause alot of problems with the baby raising with Maxi.I doubt he will marry Maxi.I think Ellie will be the mother figure coming up in this story line with the baby.We will see.

The bottom line put him with Liz the most gorgeous woman on the show that woman has had how many babies # 3 in real life and still has the body and face of a teenager! God Bless her!!!!! Their chemistry is off the charts KM is only short term as I understand plzz put Patrick with Liz! Yeah I admit itt I am a Liz fan!! Attack me please I am ready for you!

Liz is beautiful and deserves a good guy.Forget AJ please.Pick out a good guy for once.

General Hospital

General Hospital Alum Chloe Lanier to Guest Star on ‘Law & Order’

On Thursday’s, May 9th episode of Law & Order (8pm ET), look for General Hospital alum, Chloe Lanier (ex-Nelle Benson) to guest star on the long-running crime drama on NBC and streaming on Peacock.

In the episode entitled “No Good Deed”, Chloe takes on the role of Chelsea Shell. In story, Shaw and Riley embark on an investigation into the death of a therapist with a troubling list of clients, while Baxter takes over Price’s role upon uncovering a disturbing connection to the defendant during the trial.

Ripped-from-the-headline crime stories are the longtime appeal of the series. Law & Order is currently its 23rd season which included an 11-year hiatus before returning for its 21st season in 2022.


The show currently stars a cast featuring: Tony Goldwyn, Cameron Manheim, Hugh Dancy, Odelya Halevi, and Micah Brooks.

Lanier won a Daytime Emmy for her role as the scheming Nelle who tortured the life of then, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) with her existence in Port Charles.

Photo: JPI

Chloe took home gold for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Daytime Drama Series in 2018; a category that is now defunct.

So, looking forward to seeing Chloe on Law & Order? Comment below.

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General Hospital

Maurice Benard Confirms Steve Burton is Upcoming Guest on ‘State of Mind’

Over this past weekend, General Hospital’s Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) revealed that he is finally going to have longtime co-star, Steve Burton (Jason Morgan) on his State of Mind You Tube series for a sit-down interview.

While speaking with Soap Opera Digest at Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, GH) ALS fundraiser, Maurice confirmed the taping is happening this week and should be posted in about three weeks time.

Benard shared, “I wanted Steve Burton and I’m shooting him Tuesday, my good friend, but he’s been through a lot and I’ve been asking for three years, but he’s finally going to do it.”

Photo: ABC

In addition, to the episode, it appears Maurice also confirmed he will be doing a You Tube live on Tuesday, May 7th as well at 3 pm PT possibly with Burton.

As GH viewers know, for year Jason was Sonny’s henchman, and his right hand. Now upon Jason’s return, the two are at complete odds, due in part to Sonny’s medication being completely manipulated by Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and his growing paranoia.

As for what Burton will discuss, as Benard teased Steve has gone through a lot of personal ups and downs as well as professional, over the last three or more years, but has always landed on his feet. It will be interesting to hear this thoughts on those matters and how he soldiered through.

So, excited to see Maurice and Steve have a serious chat on State of Mind? Comment below.

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General Hospital

The Stars Come Out In Support of Nancy Lee Grahn’s ALS Benefit (Photos)

Boasting an incredible line-up of daytime soap opera star power, Nancy Lee Grahn’s (Alexis, General Hospital) ALS Benefit “Daytime Unites” held its fundraising event over the weekend on Saturday May 4th.

According to a post on X from Grahn following the event, she revealed that the fundraiser raised over $71,000 for ALS research. Stars from GH who participated included: Genie Francis (along with husband, Jonathan Frakes), Dominic Zamprogna, Kristen Vaganos, Kate Mansi, Maurive Benard, Laura Wright, Evan Hofer, Parry Shen, Lane Davies, Carolyn Hennesy, Michael Easton, Lydia Look, Tabyana Ali, Maura West, Adam J. Harrington, Cynthia Watros, and Lisa LoCicero.

In addition, The Bold and the Beautiful’s Don Diamont and Annika Noelle, The Young and the Restless’ Jason Thompson, Trevor St. John, Kate Linder, Melissa Claire Egan, and Christian LeBlanc, and Days of our Lives Stephen Nichols and Patrika Darbo, and more were also on-hand.

In her message on X, Grahn, the two-time Daytime Emmy-winner expressed, “Thanks to my beautiful friends who showed up, along with some extraordinarily kind Daytime fans, we raised over 71k for ALS. Truly grateful for the privilege to help move the needle a little closer to finding a cure.”

Now below check out some of the snaps featuring several of your favorites from the soaps below.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) and Maurice Benard (Sonny) strike a pose with former castmate Jason Thompson (ex-Patrick, GH, now Billy, Y&R).

Photo: JPI

B&B’s Annika Noelle (Hope) with the host with the most, Nancy Lee Grahn.

Photo: JPI

GH’s Adam J. Harrington (John “Jagger” Cates) attended Nancy’s event, his first with his new GH co-stars.

Photo: JPI

Y&R’s Peter Bergman (Jack) flanked by GH’s Car0lyn Hennesy (Diane) and Grahn.

Photo: JPI

Good buds and former OLTL co-stars, Y&R’s Trevor St. John (Tucker) and Michael Easton (Finn).

Photo: JPI

GH’s Cynthia Watros (Nina) showed her support for ALS and her co-star Nancy Lee Grahn’s fundraising efforts.

Photo: JPI

Star Trek favorite, Jonathan Frakes, with his wife, GH’s iconic, Genie Francis (Laura).

Photo: JPI

Two of the soaps and GH’s finest, Maura West (Ava) with Maurice Benard.

Photo: JPI

Tucker meets Tucker! The former Tucker McCall of The Young and the Restless, Stephen Nichols (Steve, Days) meets the current Tucker McCall, Trevor St. John!

Photo: JPI

The Davis girls showed up in support of their on-screen mother played by Nancy Lee Grahn- Kristen Vaganos (Molly) and Kate Mansi (Kristina).

So, what do you think about the star power of Nancy’s event? Glad to know they raised over 71K to help find a cure for ALS? Comment below.

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Peter Reckell returns for a second visit with Michael Fairman following the wrap-up of his recent run as Bo Brady on Days of our Lives.Leave A Comment

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